Erotix: A touch of love

Author: Samy Merchi
Time to Read:29min
Added Date:10/19/2024
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Tags: GambitRogue


  1. This material is not used for monetary profit in any manner. It is done solely for enjoyment purposes, and as homage to the great stories and characters of Marvel Comics Group

  2. All the characters, events, and locations portrayed within are recognized as property of Marvel Comics Group should they so wish.

  3. This story has been written by Samy Merchi Any commentary in the form of compliments or critique is welcomed, and eagerly hoped for. So go ahead and drop me a line telling me what you thought, okay? It'll make my day. ;)


This story is part of my ErotiX-series and contains explicit sex. If you are offended by such material, please do not read this story. Thank you.

                EROTIX: A TOUCH OF LOVE

I wake up as the first rays of sun hit me thru the attic window. Dawn. Like a thousand dawns before, I slowly open my eyes and find myself in my room, sunlight starting to stream in. I am Ororo Monroe. As Storm, I am the leader of the Uncanny X-Men.

Dawn is my favorite time of the day. Other X-Men, such as Gambit, may prefer the alluring romance of the night attractive. I prefer dawn. It is the time just before the world wakes up, with a certain stillness in the air that enables one to think back as a new day is beginning, drawing upon the good times past, and preparing for the upcoming challenges. Of course, the beauty of the rays of sun refracting off the morning dew does not hurt either.

Slowly I draw myself off the bed, standing up and raising my hands above me, stretching my limbs. I feel my bones popping and crackling as my nude body begins casting off the weariness of the night. A few quick aerobics moves and my muscles moan in pleasure, ready for the day ahead.

With but a thought, I summon a micro-sized storm to wash up my body with torrential rain. I feel my nipples hardening at the water flowing over them and I bring my hands up to caress my breasts slowly and gently.

It does not take me long to get wet from something other than the storm, so I take my other hand down to rub me, playing with my clitoris for a while. I squeeze my nipple while my fingers tease my little button and I climax quickly, closing my eyes and moaning in pleasure.

A few minutes more of the water flowing over my body, then I dismiss the tempest and dry myself with a tropical heatwave, walking over to my wardrobe with soft steps and pulling the closet doors open.

I take out the beautiful yellow kimono Logan gave me a few years back and slip into it, tightening the ribbon around the waist and tying it to a perfect little knot. Walking over to the trap door leading here to the attic, I lift it open and walk downstairs, leaving the door open as I usually do.

As usual, everything is quiet around the house. The door to Logan's room is ajar and I decide he must be on his morning jog. I swear that man gets up at ungodly hours! When does he sleep? Or does his healing factor counter the need for sleep? I shake my head and move past his door, smiling.

The only sound I hear as I walk downstairs and towards the kitchen is the sound of my bare feet against the floor, nearly inaudible by instinct, burned to my subconscious the hard way at a very young age. I silently open the door to the kitchen and walk inside.

Gambit is sitting there. At the table, staring down at a cup of coffee with a sad expression on his face. He does not seem to have noticed my entrance, so I move closer, as silently as I can. It is never bad to remind us to stay on guard.

My fingers touch his shoulders and begin a slow massage as he flinches and turns his head around, looking at me.

"Good morning, Remy", I smile warmly at my friend. "Why in the name of the Goddess are you up this early?" I raise an eyebrow maternally while my hands caress his tense shoulders. "Or this late?"

Remy just sighs and looks at me for a while, then turns his head back ahead, to stare at the coffee which I notice is not steaming. He must have sat there for quite a while.

"Is it something you would like to talk about?" I ask softly, leaning a bit closer to whisper that to his ear.

He does not turn his gaze away from the coffee, but at least manages to speak. "Take a wild guess, Stormy", he says sadly, with an edge to his tone belonging to a defeated and humiliated man.

I choose not to reprimand him on his use of that nickname he insists on using for me. The problems he has been having lately have not passed by me unnoticed. Remy is my teammate, and more than that, he is a very close and dear friend of mine. I have watched the situation closely. "Rogue and Joseph?" I intone into his ear.

The silent nod of his head tells me all I need to know. I feel his shoulders beginning to relax under my fingers as I ponder on what to say to him.

"Is there anything I can do, Remy?"

He takes a deep breath and sighs, his shoulders sagging as he shakes his head. "I don't t'ink so." He turns his head and manages a little smile, trying to cheer me up but I see behind that facade. "Guess dis cajun is lucky in cards, unlucky in love, neh?" he says.

I pull up a chair and sit down next to him, taking his hand in mine, holding it warmly. "You have not lost yet, my friend", I smile. "Think of this as a challenge. A way to prove to her that you love her."

Remy shakes his head. "Gambit don't never go where he's not invited, Stormy. An' it looks like she's made up her mind. Joseph." He spits out the name like a curse, but in a hurt and humiliated tone, more than a vicious one.

My eyes flash at him as I narrow them, still keeping the smile on my face. "Do not despair, Remy. She is merely confused, I think. She has not spent much time with you recently and must think you do not love her enough. I am certain she wants you to go after her. Prove your love to her. Us women desire to feel wanted." I wink at him.

He smiles at the wink for a bit, but then the smile fades off again. "She wants me to come after her? An' just how do you know dis?"

I squeeze his hand tightly and lean a bit closer to kiss him on the forehead, getting up from the chair. "It is a gambit, my friend. Do not tell me you are suddenly afraid to take a risk... Especially with a prize such as this?" I tease.

He smiles - a warm, genuine smile. "You know, y' sound like me more ev'ry day, chere." He rises from his chair and plants a quick kiss onto my lips as he passes me, heading for the door. Turning at the door, he smiles at me, "Guess it be time for me t' get some sleep. Gonna be a rough day t'morrow", and then disappears thru the door, quietly as a ghost.

A smirk crawls to my lips and I shake my head. What have I put him up to? I grin and then sigh as I look at the table and notice he left his mug after him. Will he ever learn to act responsibly? A silent chuckle leaves my lips as I pick up the mug and take it to the sink, starting to wash it up. Maybe Remy needs a little help...


Ah groan as there's a knock on mah door wakin' me from mah sleep. "Come in", ah shout while pullin' the covers up a bit and running mah fingers thru mah hair.

Ororo walks in, looking all bright and cheerful like it weren't... Ah glance at mah clock. "SIX FORTY???" ah moan and turn around, sinkin' mah head to the pillow.

"Good morning, Rogue!" she chirps and ah wanna throw her right outta that open window so ah can get back ta gettin' mah beauty sleep...

"Go 'way, Ororo!" ah shout thru the pillow, buryin' mahself under the covers like ah'm never comin' back out again.

Ah curl up deeper into a fetal position, tryin' to hide from her under the covers but it doesn't seem to work. Her footsteps come closer and then stop just beside me. Ah knew ah shoulda moved that chair beside the bed somewhere else!

"I had a most interesting conversation with Remy downstairs, Rogue", she says happily.

Remy? What's she talkin' 'bout? Ah take the pillow outta mah face and peek out a bit. Ahhhh... the wonderful smell o' fresh coffee... Ah notice she brought me a tray o' breakfast and look at it hungrily, and feel a li'l grumble in mah stomach...

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asks as if there was anythin' else right now and she knows it. The witch! Temptin' me outta here...

Ah snarl and throw the covers offa me and grab for a croissant from the tray, tryin' not to look at her 'Ah told ya so'-smile. Ah munch it down fast and reach for the coffee.

"I trust you slept well?" she asks, keepin' up the friendly appearance. Ah don't bother to reply...

Ah gulp down the coffee and just wanna smash her face in for interruptin' mah sleep but then ah remember she mentioned somethin'... "What'd ya say 'bout Remy?" ah ask.

"Ah yes", she smiles. "We had a most interesting discussion downstairs."

Ah look at her questioningly, pausing mah drinkin' coffee for a while. Ah wonder what he said to her... "Oh yeah?" ah say, tryin' not to look too interested.

"I believe he may have a surprise in store for you today. That is the picture I got from him, at least."

Ah feel mah heart jump a bit at that. Is he plannin' somethin' for me...? But ah promised to show Joseph 'round Salem Center tonight... Just like Remy, to go plannin' somethin' without askin' a girl first...

Ororo looks at me with a raised eyebrow and ah look back, slowly calmin' down a bit from bein' woken up. At least it seems like she had good reason to do that...

"D' you know what it is, Ororo? Or when?" ah ask quietly and a bit meekly.

"I believe he is planning to take you out to New York for a night out", she keeps smiling like there ain't a care in the world.

Mah forehead furrows and ah look at Ororo a bit frightenedly. There's been so much time since he spent time with me... Ah dunno how to feel about him. Does he still love me? Ah take a deep breath and try to calm mahself down. "But...but ah already have plans for t'night, Ororo... Ah promised t' show Joseph 'round Salem Center..."

She suddenly narrows her eyes to tight slits, and the smile disappears off her face. "Rogue. If you love Remy, you will cancel the meeting with Joseph." She pauses and her eyes open up again and the smile comes back. "I will be happy to entertain Joseph while you go out with Remy."

Ah put the coffee mug back down to the tray and let mahself fall onto mah back to the bed, starin' up to the ceilin'. Ah wanna go with Remy. But does he -really- wanna go with me? Or is he just doin' it for his ego, to get a point against Joseph in their stupid competition? Ah sigh and nibble mah nail a bit.

"I am sure Joseph will understand, Rogue."

"Ororo... Ah dunno if ah should do this... Ah've been down this road before and it ends up with me bein' hurt for trustin' Remy..." Ah pause a bit, but ah manage to work out the strength to tell her what's really buggin' me. "Is he just doin' this so ah wouldn't be 'round Joseph, or does he -really- wanna be with me?" Ah look at her hopefully, hopin' that she says what ah wanna hear...

She smiles and puts a hand on mah covered knee, holdin' it and ah feel stronger by her touch. "Remy loves you, Rogue. He is just hurt and jealous at Joseph. Give him a chance. He is very certain that it is Joseph you love. All he has seen lately points to that. He believes he has lost already. Give him a bit of encouragement and he will come through for you. He can not do it alone."

Ah stare down and pull mah knees closer, a hurt gnawin' at mah heart. Maybe ah -should- love Joseph. But ah don't. Ah take a loooong breath. "Okay, Ororo. Ah'll do it."

Ororo smiles and nods approvingly. "I am glad." A slight pause, then she continues. "I will have a gift for you later in the day, for use tonight."

Ah raise an eyebrow. What's she mean? She obviously ain't tellin', so I let it slide and just slump to the bed, mah heart beating fast. Remy's takin' me out.

Quietly, she leaves and closes the door behind her. Ah don't notice, ah'm too wrapped up in thinkin' 'bout tonight...


Ah climb up the stairs to Ororo's attic and look around. There she is. She's just wrappin' up a gift package and mah eyes go wide as ah realize it's for me. Ah knock lightly onto the floor and then climb up the rest of the stairs.

"Ah, Rogue!" she smiles, turning to look at me. "Perfect timing. I just arrived from Salem Center", she says as she takes the package and holds it in front of her, walkin' towards me. "This is your gift."

Ah smile at her warmly. "Ya really shouldn't have, Ororo..." ah say, even though ah'm dyin' to know what's in it. Ah step closer and take the package, eagerly shaking it. Just soft shuffling sounds.

Ororo walks up to the trap door and closes it, the door to the attic. Ah'm a bit surprised, she almost always keeps it open. She then walks back to me and leads me towards her bed. "You can open it now", she says.

Ah begin eagerly openin' it and tear open the ribbons, throwing them aside and takin' the top off the box.


Beautiful, gorgeous, satin clothes. Ah love 'em! "Ah love 'em!" Ah throw mah arms around Ororo and hug her tightly, bein' careful not to touch her skin against mine.

She smiles warmly and hugs back, then urges me to take a look at the clothes. "Take them out."

Ah take out the topmost piece. It's a satin shirt. Dark green, and lovely in the way it shines in the light, like all satin. How'd she know ah love that material? Ah can't help but look at her again and smile, almost a tear comin' out of mah eyes. "It's beautiful, Ororo. Ah love it."

"Just make sure not to wear a brassiere underneath", she winks and moves the box closer to me, indicating me to go on.

Ah blush a bit at the cheeks at Ororo's knowing wink and put the shirt aside, continuing to rummage thru the box and finding a black leather miniskirt, long back lace gloves, a pair o' high heels, a sinfully black panty hose and even dark green satin panties, matchin' the shirt's color, at which point ah -really- blush.

She just smirks at me as if she enjoyed this just for the sake o' teasin' me. Then she suddenly takes her hands to her neck and starts unclaspin' her necklace and puttin' it around mah neck, careful not to touch me. "I want you to have this. I hope it will bring you luck tonight."

Ah don't flinch back so that ah won't touch her by accident, but ah look at her sternly. "Ororo! Don't do this! You're humiliatin' me with all these gifts!" Ah'm really ashamed at all the gifts she's givin' me.

Her smile is just as infuriatingly happy as always. "Gifts among friends are given out of love and should not be refused out of pride, Rogue."

Ah sigh softly and hug her again carefully after she has finished putting the necklace onto me. "You're a great friend, Ororo. Thank you", ah say in a quiverin' voice and suddenly ah feel a tear streamin' down mah cheek. Ah brush it off quickly. "Ah love you."

She holds me quietly and tightly. "Then prove it by making yourself happy. Give Remy a chance tonight", she whispers to my ear.

Ah can't hold back the tears and ah cry openly, squeezin' her against me. "Ah will, Ororo! Ah've wanted it so long!"

Ororo suddenly lets go and backs off a bit, smiling. "Almost forgot. One more thing..." She starts to dig somethin' from her jacket.

"No, Ororo! No more gifts, please!" Ah'm at the verge of breakdown with all these gifts, and then she pulls it out and my eyes go wide.

"Condoms???" ah say so loud ah'm surprised if there's anyone in the house who didn't hear me. Ah feel mah face flush up and turn bright red, redder than a fire engine and I try to hide it in my hands...

She stuffs the packet into mah pocket and ah'm too embarrassed to even try stoppin' her. She then puts a hand on mah shoulder and smiles at me.

Ah jus' shake mah head in disbelief. Ah didn't think a person could be this embarrassed. Ah must be red 'nuff to be the Human Torch. Ah sure 'nuff feel like one. It takes me a few minutes to calm down and look at Ororo. "An' just what am ah supposed t' do with 'em?" ah ask.

She smiles and winks. "Use your imagination, little one. I am certain you can think of something."

Ah go even redder if possible and mah heart beats faster, like it's gonna explode. Ah stuff the clothes back into the box and put the lid on, grabbin' the box and flyin' to the trap door, pulling it open and flyin' down the stairs fast as ah can, not seein' Ororo smilin' as ah leave.


Ah hold Remy's hand as we walk into the lobby of the hotel. He is wearing a light brown suit, which makes him look very handsome. Mah heart's racin' but ah don't let him see it. Every second mah hand's in his ah can hear the blood gushin' in mah ears and mah heart thumpin' so loud ah actually look around to see if people hear it.

We walk over to the reception and Remy asks for a room that should be reserved for us. Ah bet Ororo did that for him. This hotel just ain't Remy's style. More like her type. Ethnic. Victorian. But romantic. And ah don't honestly give a damn if she did book us the room or made any other arrangements, ah don't care if we were in a sleazy motel just as long as ah'm with Remy, so it don't matter who made the reservation.

Remy gets the keys and leads us off towards the elevator, mah hand wrapped around his. We actually look like a respectable couple, ah think when we pass a mirror and drift off to thinkin' about the future we might have together when the elevator arrives with a sharp 'ping'.

We step into the elevator, the only persons in it and Remy pushes the button for the floor the room should be in.

Ah take a deep breath as the elevator begins movin' up and look at Remy. "Remy, ah wanna take this opportunity t' thank you for the lovely evenin'. The movie was lovely. So was the carriage ride, even though it wasn't the most original thing you've done." Ah smile at him teasingly, reminding him of an earlier date when everything was good 'tween us.

He looks back at me, his red eyes bitin' inta me and ah feel mah legs turn to goo. Ah have to actually hover in the air to stay up instead o' slumpin' to the floor. "Th' pleasure was mine, chere", he says. "I've wanted to spend time wit' you like dis for a long time." He doesn't mention Joseph or remind that ah've been busy with him or anythin' of the like, which earns him a maturity point and a warm smile from me.

The elevator doors open and we walk out to the hallway, and ah hang onto his arm as we walk towards the room. We reach the door and Remy takes the key out of his pocket, opening the door and leading me in...

"Remy, it's beautiful!" ah gasp as we step in. In the middle of the room there's a small table set for two, with a lit candelabra in the middle being the only lightin' in the room, washin' everything with soft candlelight. Ah can smell the wonderful aroma of cajun food driftin' over from the table.

Ah glance at Remy and mah eyebrows furrow to a sad smile, with a heartache tearin' at me as ah just wanna grab him and kiss him and be with him the way a woman wants to be with a man right here and now. But ah can't. Ah sigh and let him lead me over to the table and pull the chair out for me. After sittin' down ah follow him with mah eyes makin' his way to the other side o' the table and sittin' down.

Mah eyes are like glued to him. Ah can't look away from his beauty and ah don't want to. Mah breath feels shallow and ah feel like ah can't get enough air. Straightenin' up a bit, ah take a deep breath and tear mah eyes away from him, lookin' down at the readily-catered food.

"I love you, Rogue."

Did he say it? Did he really say it? Oh mah god. Mah breath goes shallow, feelin' like no air goes to mah lungs. Ah can't breathe. Mah vision goes blurry, fadin' to black around the edges. Ah can't see. Help me, Remy!

"I love you."

Ah close my eyes and tears stream down mah cheeks. "Say it again, Remy" ah beg.

He gets off his chair and walks over to me, kneelin' down in front of me and lookin' up. Mah heart's gonna explode. "I love you, Rogue", he says again. "I want dis cajun t' spend de rest of his life wit' you."

Ah can't help cryin' openly, seein' him down there and finally sayin' he loves me. This has to be a joke. A telepath messin' with mah head. But ah know this is true. As true as it gets.

He takes something out of his pocket. A small box. He opens it. A ring. OH MAH GOD! Ah squeeze mah eyes shut and look upwards, thankin' Ororo for makin' me do this. "I been like a fool, Rogue. I acted like a li'l lovesick kid who fought over you just for fightin's sake. But under dat, I always loved you." He takes a deep breath and ah notice him tremble. Ah put mah gloved left hand to his cheek and hold him softly.

"I want t' prove t' you dat I love you, chere. I do. An' I always will. I want dis here ring t' show it." He looks into mah eyes and ah smile at him, finally hearin' the words ah've so long wanted to hear. Ah don't even want to stop the tears, ah cut loose with 'em and concentrate every drop of mah being into what Remy's sayin'. "I want you t' be wit' me 'til th' day I die. I love you an' want you an' I want you to know dat. Rogue... Will you be my wife?"

Ah stare at him with wide open eyes thru a veil of tears. Mah hand moves from his cheek to in front of him, waiting for him to put the ring on. "Ah will, Remy! Ah love you so much an' ah wanna be with you always."

He softly slips the ring onto mah finger and ah am so burstin' with joy ah cain't help it but stand up from the chair and pull Remy up against me. He stands up and looks into mah teary eyes and suddenly ah notice somethin' that convinces me like a million other things couldn't... A tear comes outta his eye too, and falls down his cheek, droppin' to the floor.

Ah ain't gonna stand for this, god damn it! Ah'm doin' what mah heart tells me to, no matter how much ah can't do it. Mah lips slowly begin movin' 'gainst his and he leans towards me too...

At the exact same moment we both throw our arms 'round each other and press our bodies together, our lips embracin' in a passionate kiss that ah feel Remy give his all into.

It's that one moment, there couldn't be anythin' better, everythin' is perfect 'tween us, the way it should be. Then it's over, the eyeblink 'till mah powers kick in and ah feel Remy's life drainin' away, fillin' me up.

Ah quickly break the kiss and take Remy's limp form into mah arms, while his thoughts fill mah head.

Ah see how he woke up today and found a note from 'roro, tellin' him she'd arranged all o' this, and ah smile a bit, gettin' confirmation to mah suspicions.

Ah see his past unfold in front o' mah eyes and see the dark secret he has with Sinister. Last time, he fought mah absorbin' him subconsciously, not lettin' me see the full story. That's why ah couldn't bear seein' him. All those doubts, wonderin's in mah head 'bout what he had done, tryin' to figure out the full story... Now, he's lettin' me see it all, not fightin' me one bit, and now ah know the full story and ah'm sorry, Remy, f'r havin' all those doubts 'bout you and Sinister... And ah'm so sorry for what he put you thru. Ah stroke his hair softly. Fool of a man. Fool of a man, thinkin' we'd be mad if ya let anyone know... thinkin' we'd kick y' out of the X-Men... thinkin' you'd lose me... Ah'm never lettin' you go now, Remy. Never.

And then, ah see how he went to look for the ring. Ah feel everythin' he feels, how afraid he is that ah don't love him, that ah'd turn him down... Ah feel how terrified he was o' askin' the question, dreadin' the answer... And ah feel his happiness at my acceptin', how happy ah made him, how truly he loves me and wants to make me happy...

Right now, ah almost feel like mah power's a blessin' and not a curse, how ah can know that the man ah love, loves me too... But it don't take me long to remember what it also don't let me do... kiss him, be with him... Ah close mah eyes tightly and hold his still form closer to me.

Fuck the rules!

Ah ain't playin' by the rules anymore. Mah feet start takin' us towards the bedroom and ah decide we're spendin' the night t'gether, no matter what it takes, or how we're gonna do it, but we're doin' it!

As ah walk towards the bedroom, there's the sound o' wind at the windows and ah glance towards them. Ororo's there, hoverin' in the air outside one window. She gives me a quick wink, and then her winds carry her upwards in silence, and I start to wonder if ah was just imagining things or was she really there...

A quick shake o' my head clears things up. It doesn't matter none. Ah owe her more than ah can ever repay her, but that time will come later. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits o' her labor.

The bedroom's dark as ah walk in and ah decide to leave it that way, with only the moon and stars shinin' in, leavin' us just 'nuff light to see each other. Slowly ah lay Remy down onto the bed, and follow him, layin' down beside him, mah hand strokin' his chest as ah wait for him to wake up...

Seems like it's forever, but ah'm willin' to wait forever now. Finally he stirs and opens his eyes, lookin' at me. Ah have words ready for him, words ah need to say, things ah need to get off mah chest before we can move on.

"Remy... About Joseph... Ah never loved him. Ah thought ah did, at first, for who he reminded me of. Ah was in love with Magnus, before we met, but Joseph ain't him. And ah don't think ah ever really loved Magnus like ah love you. Ah've learned so much about love after him, from you. You're the only one ah love, Remy LeBeau, an' you always will be."

He puts a finger over mah lips, an inch away from touch contact, tellin' me to shut up. "I don' care none 'bout what you had in de past. All I need is dat you love me now. Like I do you. Tonight ain't for talkin'."

Ah smile and cry of happiness at the relief ah feel in those words, the absolution from Magnus or Joseph or whatever he decides to call himself. Ah ain't never gonna love him like ah do Remy. Mah lips go to his chest, kissin' him all over thru his shirt passionately.

Remy moans under mah kisses and ah know there ain't no goin' back from here on. All that holdin' back ah've had to do doesn't matter anymore. Ah'm gonna love him like a woman's supposed to and ah'm gonna make him the happiest man on earth, because he made me the happiest woman on earth.

He lays down on his back and ah feel his fingers movin' along mah back, caressin' me thru the satin. Ah let out a deep sigh and glance down his body, noticin' the bulge in his pants. Ah'm scared. Ah'm -really- scared. What if ah can't do it right? Ah've never done anythin' like this, just read about it in the books. Ah close mah eyes and lean closer to Remy, whisperin', "Teach me?"

He smiles and rolls us over, comin' on top of me. He puts a finger on his lips, then putting it over mine, leavin' it just less than an inch from me - our form of a kiss. Then he leans down and puts a hand to mah breast and ah feel like a million little lightnin' bolts just struck me.

His touch on mah breast is so soft and gentle that ah know everythin's gonna work out fine. Mah eyes close as ah start to enjoy his touch. Suddenly something wet touches mah nipple. Ah flinch, scared, and open mah eyes. Mah god, he's licking me thru the satin... It feels so good and suddenly ah understand! Lace gloves, panty hose, satin shirt and panties... Ororo chose 'em all so that they'd be light as possible, lettin' Remy's touch thru, but so that ah'd still be clothed... Ah love you, Ororo. Ah can never pay you back for this...

The lickin' on mah nipple is the most wonderful thing ah've ever experienced and it just becomes better when Remy begins to slowly suck it. Ah moan out loud and mah legs spread out wide instinctively, raisin' mah skirt up to mah hips. He notices and his hand moves down towards mah panties... Ah tremble in anticipation and close mah eyes again, too scared to watch even though ah know there's nothin' to be afraid of. Everything will be fine now.

Remy's fingers move over the skirt on mah hips and reach the panties, touchin' me thru the light fabric. Ah feel like screamin' with excitement as he rubs mah fur thru the cloth. Lower, Remy, ah beg in mah mind, waitin' for him to reach the spot ah've only played with alone until now.

It's almost like he knows what ah'm thinkin'. His fingers find mah little button, and ah moan, bitin' mah teeth into his shoulder hard. He doesn't even seem to notice as he keeps playin' with mah secret button, and ah just can't stand this much pleasure. Oh Remy mah sweet, ah'm gonna die of happiness!

Ah feel shudders go thru mah body as ah come, waves of pleasure washin' over me. Ah tremble under Remy for what seems to me like hours, until ah finally come down from heaven. Ah don't know how ah resist the urge to kiss him. It's so overpowerin', ah wanna do it so much, but ah know ah can't. It hurts.

Mah panties are soakin' wet and Remy rubs me softly thru them, puttin' his whole palm there and movin' it around. It feels so good but now it's mah turn to do him good. Ah grab his hand and pull him up, rollin' over so that he's under me now.

Ah get on top of him, straddlin' his hips and lettin' our places rub 'gainst each other. Ah close mah eyes as his bulge rubs against me and ah have to get off, movin' a bit lower down so that ah can run mah fingers over his pants and kiss 'em.

Remy's hips buckle once as mah lips run over the bulge and ah look up to his eyes. "Ah don't know what t' do, Remy", ah say softly, ashamed. Ah must be the worst woman he's ever been with.

He just smiles at me warmly and ah know from his eyes that he doesn't hate me. "Lean back a bit, chere", he says and ah do as he says, movin' mah head a bit back to watch. He puts his hand to his zipper and opens it. Quickly he puts his hand in the zipper and pulls out a stiff thing that ah've only seen in pictures. But it exceeds all mah expectations.

"Remy, it's so beautiful!" ah say silently while staring at it. "Can ah touch it?"

He pulls his hand back and smiles to me. "I'm yours, chere."

Ah smile at him and a tear comes down mah eye as ah'm about to touch a man's...thing for the first time. "You'll tell me if ah do anythin' wrong?" ah ask him.

"Nothin' dat you do is wrong", he says and ah just cry. Ah reach a gloved hand over to touch the tip with mah finger. The thing twitches a bit as ah touch it but Remy's smile encourages me to go on. Ah take a deep breath and grab it in mah hand.

It keeps twitchin' but from Remy's face ah can tell that's a good thing, so ah squeeze it a bit harder and move mah hand up and down it. Its head begins becoming bigger and darker as ah keep rubbin' and suddenly it begins twitchin' wildly. Ah flinch back, surprised as jets o' liquid shoot from the tip of Remy's thing, landing all over the bed.

Remy sighs in pleasure as his hips shiver and a couple more drops come out of the tip of his thing, running down his shaft. Ah stare at it quietly, in awe. Ah made him come. Ah made him feel good like he did me. Oh, ah love you so much, Remy...

Ah put mah fingers back around the thing, squeezin' it gently as it goes limp. "Did ah do it right?" ah look up to him, hopin' more than anythin' that ah did.

Remy smiles and nods quietly, reachin' his hand down to pull me up beside him. Ah take his hand and slowly hover up, settin' mahself down by his side, his arm 'round mah shoulders and mah hand strokin' his chest. "You did perfectly, chere", he whispers into mah ear. Ah hope that could be true, but how could it... ah've never done stuff like this...

It's like he sees the doubt in mah eyes. " me. I be already waitin' for de honeymoon", Remy winks mischievously. Then he puts on a little more serious expression. "I realize dis is as far 's we c'n go, p'tite..." he says quietly, squeezing his arm around me a bit tighter, "' I want y' to know that it's okay wit' me. Gambit don't want no more. 's long as I can be wit' you... not'n else matter."

He wants me so much, ah can hear it in his voice, and ah want him just as much. Then, it suddenly hits me.

"Remy, ah'll be back in just a sec", ah say in a hurried tone and rise up to the air, flyin' out the door, back to the table where ah left mah purse.

Ah close mah eyes for a bit. If ah do this, there ain' gonna be no goin' back. Mah fingers answer for me, diggin' up the packet o' condoms Ororo gave me, and ah feel mah cheeks blush again at the sight of 'em.

Mah feet carry me back to the door to the bedroom, and ah look at Remy, his red eyes flashin' in the dark. Slowly, ah crawl back to bed, keepin' the condoms behind mah back, not lettin' him see 'em.

Remy raises an eyebrow as he smiles to me. "What was it, chere?" he asks curiously, runnin' his fingers in small circles 'long mah stomach.

Ah smile at his fingers for a while, then look into his eyes. "Ah know ya didn't book this hotel, or choose the movie, or th' carriage ride, Remy. Ah know 'roro planned all this."

Remy looks away for a bit, but I put a hand onto his shoulder, pullin' him closer. "It ain't nothin' t' be ashamed of, Remy. She helped me out too..."

Remy's eyes snap back to me and he has an astonished expression. "How d' ya mean, chere?"

Mah cheeks start flushin' again when ah think back to Ororo's attic and what happened there... "Well... she bought me all these clothes..."

Ah see Remy's teeth flash in the darkness as his lips draw to a wide grin. "All of 'em?" he smirks.

There's a moment of silence when ah just nod, then ah gather mah strength a bit. "-All- of 'em", ah confirm. "An' there's more..." Ah feel mah cheeks doin' the Human Torch thing again, and ah'm scared as hell to show 'em, but ah do... Ah take the condoms from behind mah back and show 'em to Remy. "She bought me these..."

First, there's even more silence as he stares at the condoms with a priceless face, then, he begins chucklin'. "Dat woman!" he laughs softly. "I gonna get 'er for dis!" There's a pause, like he's thinkin', and then he says, "I gonna get a picture o' her naked, make a few dozen copies, an' send 'em t' all de guys in de X-teams... I bet dose kids at d' Academy gonna love dat..."

Ah grin at Remy, knowin' he ain't serious, and put the condoms onto his stomach. "Ah s'pose if ah...tore a small rip in mah panties... An' you stayed like that, with your pants on... An' put on..." Ah blush, not managin' to say the word. " of those things", ah say, pointin' at the condoms. "... Ah s'pose we could do this...?" Mah voice is weak, ah dunno what to do, if we should try this, if it'll work...

Remy takes his fingers off mah stomach and takes the condoms in his hand. He looks at 'em for a while, then looks to mah eyes. "We can do dat, chere. I y' want to." He takes a deep breath before continuin'. "Like I said, it be okay wit' me if we don' do it." His hand puts down the condoms and moves to caress mah side softly, with his magic touch that sends shivers down mah spine... "I want de first time for you, Rogue, t' be perfect. No havin' t' watch out for touchin', bein' able t' kiss, have skin t' skin... Chere, I don' want y'r first time t' be like dis..." His eyes dig a bit deeper into mine as he talks. "But if y' want to, I'll do it..."

Ah swallow, hearin' his words. He's right... Ah just wanna give him what ah know he needs so bad... And what ah need too... But ah don't want mah first time to be like this either... Ah close mah eyes and let out a heavy sigh, then open 'em and look to Remy. "Ah'm glad ya said that, Remy..." The sadness in mah heart's crushin' me anyway, even though ah know we made the right choice, but ah just look inta his eyes, and the glint in them melts away the sadness. Mah lips take on a li'l smile. "Ah -never- though ah'd see you turn down a woman, Remy..." ah tease a bit.

Remy grins back and moves his hand down to mah hips, and ah feel the want for him gettin' so powerful again ah cain't resist it... "Just don' go tellin' nobody, okay?" he smiles back to me. "Ruin Gambit's image, y' know?"

A soft chuckle escapes mah mouth and ah look around a bit, and mah eyes lock onto his thing again. It's gotten hard again, and glistens with all that come, drawin' mah attention to it... Ah feel drawn to it, like magic, and get an idea.

"Remy, will ya show me how t' put on a condom?" ah coo at 'im, rubbin' mah hand over his stomach.

There's a small twitch on his thing at mah words and ah break a li'l smile, movin' mah gloved hand towards it slowly...

Remy looks at me and continues his list o' priceless expressions, starin' at me for a while, before he mouths out the words, "Sure, chere..."

Ah watch as he takes one condom out of the packet and rips open the wrapper. A scent o' strawberry comes out and ah can't help chucklin' to Ororo's choice. Remy glances at me, prolly wond'ring what ah'm chucklin' 'bout, but ah just take mah hand to his thing, grabbin' hold of it an' smilin' as ah begin ta rub it like before.

The sound o' his breathin' quickenin' makes mah breath quicken too, and ah let go of 'im, so that ah can get on with mah plan. "Show me, Remy", ah urge him on.

"I'm showin', I'm showin'", he grins and puts the condom onto his tip, startin' ta roll it down, coverin' his thing in light red and the scent o' strawberry. Ah lean closer to take a look, and wrap mah hand around him again, feeling how slippery the surface is.

"Close y'r eyes, Remy", ah say softly, smilin' up to him. He raises an eyebrow but does like ah tell 'im. "An' no peekin'!" ah chuckle when ah begin slowly movin' mah hand up and down his length.

Ah feel good, watchin' him feel good too. And seein' his beautiful thing twitch in mah hand when ah rub it makes me so wet, ah ain't never been so wet b'fore. So ah go on with mah plan, doin' something ah never ever thought ah'd do.

Remy's eyes flash open when he feels it. Mah tongue runs around his tip for a while, teasin' it. Then ah look up to his face and see his wide, astonished eyes. "Am ah doin' anythin' wrong?" ah ask with a voice soundin' so pitiful ah wanna kick mahself.

A long sigh comes out of Remy's mouth. But it's a happy sigh, and tells me everythin's all right. "You be perfect, chere..." he says quietly, watching me lower mah lips again and take the tip o' his thing 'tween them. The strawberry taste is weird, ah never thought a man'd taste like that... O' course ah know it ain't him that the taste comes from, but it still seems weird...

Ah slowly take mah lips lower 'long him, stoppin' when ah got pretty much half his long thing in mah mouth, and start to suck gently.

"Rogue", there's a soft whisper. Ah look up, at Remy's face, and wait for him to go on. "Turn 'round, so Gambit can make y' feel as good as you do him, neh?" he smiles.

Mah body moves over Remy's, floatin' in the air and comin' down so that mah panties are just in front o' his eyes, and mah legs both sides o' his head. Ah feel lightnin' strike me when his fingers begin touchin' me again thru the fabric and ah moan loudly, snappin' mah head back to enjoy it f'r a while. Mah fingers grab his thing tightly, squeezin' it while ah try to regain control.

After what seems like forever, ah finally manage to clear mah head just 'nuff to lean back down, to give him a treatment as good as ah can. That's when mah eyes lock onto it. The ring on mah finger. Ah cain't prevent mah lips drawin' onto a smile, and a lone tear comes from mah eye. Ah'm gonna be a married woman!!!

"Ah love you, Remy."

"I love you too, Rogue."

It's long past noon when we wake up. Ah've -never- slept -this- late. Ah grin as ah look around and notice all the spent condoms. Thank you, Ororo, ah smile, thankin' her from the bottom of mah heart. This is a night ah'm never gonna forget. It'll never matter if me and Remy go all the way, ah don' really care no more. 'cause this night ah learned it don' really matter where y' touch a person. All that matters is how. With love. A touch o' love.