American Star

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:23min
Added Date:7/5/2024
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Tags: American StarPower Drain

Allison Madison was a lovely College Freshmen. She had blonde hair that came down onto her shoulders and just a little bit near her upper shoulders on her back. Green eyes complemented a beautiful face and a shapely gymnast’s body. Finally she looked great in nylon and lyrca, a fact that helped out when she decided to use her newfound powers for good.

Her parents had worked for the Defense Department. Allison’s Mom was a geneticist, and her Dad was an expert in the human body’s use of energy. For ten years during the latter half of the cold war they tried creating an enhanced soldier. They wanted to give this soldier superstrength, speed, enhanced healing, and limited invulnerability. Except when the wall fell and the Evil Empire collapsed there work wasn’t needed in the new Defense spending for the 21st Century.

After 9/11 though they tried to sell their project again to the DOD, but they needed to show they had made progress. Eventually they managed to build a successful prototype. Using a pair of golden bracelets they gave the wearer all the powers they had envisioned. Problem was in their joy of finally doing it they went out to celebrate, leaving the bracelets in the open.

Allison had returned from one of her gymnastic meets. After a shower and change of clothes she went down in her parent’s lab. There she found the bracelets, not recognizing them for what they were, she placed on her wrists. Allison was suddenly shocked by the energy that ripped into her body. It was too much for her and she collapsed to the ground. When she awoke, Allison found that she was different. Her body felt light, and quick, yet at the same time she could feel strength and power in it. The young woman soon realized what that power was, by lifting the couch over her head with one hand.

Soon Allison parents and she discovered that she had acquired all the powers of the bracelets. She had superstrength, not in the same league as Supergirl from Metropolis, but strong none the less. Allison was fast, running across Washington DC in less than a minute. Finally she had a wonderful ability to heal and take damage. Although her parents warned her she wasn’t bulletproof or capable of taking extreme damage.

Since the bracelets failed to work with anyone else except Allison her parents were somewhat accepting of Allison’s new decision. Using the powers to fight crime in the nation’s capital, Allison would patrol the city every night (except those she had papers or tests) as the patriotic heroine, American Star.

Allison Madison placed her backpack on the floor of her room. She had just finished another work session with her gymnastic teacher so she finally had some free time. “Time for some fun.” She said to nobody.

Reaching into her closet she pulled out a red and blue leotard, and a pair of blue tights. Slipping out of her jeans and blouse she stood only in her bra and panties. Allison pulled the silky lyrca and nylon tights up her legs. The blue fabric clung to her curves and felt great. Years of being a gymnast and cheerleader had lead Allison to become a fan of tights. Pulling these on and working any folds in the tights out, she then reached for her leotard.

This was a red and white leotard. Slipping into it she pulled the red fabric up and placed her arms into the sleeves and where her bracelets were on her wrists. Zipping up the back she stood in the mirror and looked herself over. The leotard was red on the top and her sleeves with a white bottom that started a little bit below her breast. On her chest was a large white star, then on the arms of her leotard there were smaller white stars that ran up the arms to her shoulders. Almost turned into her costumed identity she placed her red gloves on each hand, they meet near her bracelets and gave the costume a seamless look.

The most important part of her costume was her red mask that covered her forehead and provided. This protected the identity of Allison Madison and made her American Star.

“All right time to do some patrolling.” She said to her mirror putting on some spandex red boots. These gave her feet protection but they looked like footed tights. Heading for her window she opened and crouched on the landing then with a push from her legs she jumped out. Not having an ability to fly she used her jumps and speed to get around town. American Star began another night of patrol over DC.

Across town from were American Star had just left her home, another young woman prepared her tights, except she was not going out to do good. Her bright red hair was cut short and clashed with the blue of her eyes. She had unusually white skin, and like Allison she looked great in tights. Katie Helms got ready to make the big score. She pulled out her purple sleeveless leotard and pink tights. She smiled; it did seriously clash with her evil persona. Katie had gotten into a life crime shortly after discovering her powers. Slipping on the pink tights first she then pulled her leotard on. A pair of goggles with tinted lenses covered her eyes.

While her powers gave Katie an advantage in most situations they weren’t full proof, so she had back up. Getting dressed next to her was Carrie Stone. The dirty blonde was like Katie, gifted with a special power, in Carrie’s case superstrength. She slipped into a skin tight black catsuit. It covered her from her feet to her neck. The outfit was completed with a navy blue sash around her waist and a black mask.

The final member of the group was Terri Coyle. She had burnet hair that was pined up and hung loosely. Like her friends she too had a special power, in her case super speed. Her costume consisted of dark blue leotard with gloves with shimmering opaque tights. Pulling these on her long legs they glimmered in the light of Katie’s room. Once her tights and leotard were on she put a pair of special dark blue sneakers on her feet and a pair of goggles like Katie’s on her face, although hers were tinted blue.

“Okay” Katie spoke now in as her alter ego Fade, “All right ladies are we all ready?” Terri put her gloved hands on her hips and tapped her foot, “Yeah can we get going?” “Patience, Velocity” Vigor (Carrie) responded using Terri’s villainess name. “Hey its bad enough I have to run you two over there, besides sooner we get going the sooner I can buy that new sports car.” Terri complained. “All right, can we focus? Vigor you’ll take care of the steel gates, Velocity you’ll take care of the cameras and I’ll unlock the vault.” Fade explained the plan. “Sounds good.” Vigor flexed her fingers, ready to use her strength. “All right, let’s get going.” Fade said.

Minutes later Fade, Velocity, and Vigor were standing a short distance from the First National Bank near Georgetown University. Vigor and Fade hid behind a car while Velocity went to work, she went into her superspeed becoming a blue blur. She went through the window, using a lock pick to undo the front door in a few seconds. Then she disappeared into the bank, disabling the cameras, which didn’t even pick up her blur. Once this was completed she stepped outside and waved.

Fade and Vigor strolled over and gave Terri and high five, “Nice work girlfriend Vigor the bars.” “Right.” She smiled; walking over her nylon clad feet making no noise she gripped the steel bars that protected the main vault door. Her arms showed the normal muscles of a lady athlete but they could easily bend the steel. With satisfaction she pulled the bars apart, snapping a few. “I love that.” Carrie said as she struck a Supergirl like power pose. Fade and Velocity came up and Katie did her part. “So how’d you get the code this time?” Carrie asked. Katie began to do the dial, “He really liked girls in short skirts with tight tops. A little seduction and my usual talents”, she smiled thinking of her power, “I had the code, easy money.” The vault began to open, “All right!” Velocity said, seeing her new sports car in her mind. “Yep, all right as much as we can carry.” Fade ordered politely.

“I think not.” A voice sounded from behind. The three villainesses turned to see a blonde girl in mask and red, white, and blue standing confidently in the center of the bank. “American Star!” Vigor yelped. They all recognized DC’s resident heroine. “Yep and who would you three be? Rejects from the last Jane Fonda video?” Allison joked. “You should talk American Star! You’re a fan of nylon as well.” The red head in the center joked. “Okay I’ll give you that, but you still are coming with me.” The college superheroine ordered, moving from her power pose to a fighting stance.

Fade, Velocity and Vigor did the same, “I don’t think so American Star. It seems you’re out numbered.” Fade answered.

Allison looked at the three girls, sizing them up. Okay here goes nothing, she thought as she headed for the girl clad in black...

American Star eyed her three opponents. One wore a purple sleeveless leotard with pink tights, another was in a black catsuit, and her final foe had on a dark blue leotard with opaque tights. She didn’t know what kind of weapons the trio processed, so she has to be cautious.

Vigor struck first, the dirty blonde ran out and began throwing punches. Allison dodged the blonde’s fists; she then threw a punch of her own. It connected with Vigor’s abs, causing Carrie double over. “I’m pretty strong. Sorry you had to find that out the hard way.” American Star joked. Carrie balled up her fists where they covered her sore abs, “Yeah so am I.”

She straightened up and hit American Star across the face. Allison went staggering back, Oh…that hurt she is stronger than me?” Vigor continued the attack throwing kicks and punches. Allison managed to block the majority of them, but a few connected stunning her. Recovering from one of these slipped punches; American Star felt a pair of hands wrapped around her body. Turning her head, she saw the one the girls’ called Velocity behind her. “What how?” she stammered. “I’m real fast.” Terri smiled; she then went into superspeed, taking American Star with her. Allison was use to extreme acceleration due to her own superspeed powers but not slamming into items at those speeds, Terri smashed Allison into the walls of the bank. Dropping her she then disappeared as she ran around American Star, hitting her with punches.

Allison fell to the ground. Velocity came to a halt next to Vigor, “I’m not as strong as you Vigor but I find my own ways.” “Nice, I use some of those bars to tie her up nice and tight.” Vigor said with congrats to Terri. Walking over she went down and began to lift the weakened red, white and blue mass that was American Star. Suddenly a blur of that same color scheme went into action, Vigor found herself trapped in a bearhug, looking down at her squeezer she saw it was American Star! “No…you were beaten!” She cried through the pain of Allison’s strength. “Oh forgot to tell you two, I heal fast.” American Star replied, she went into a blur and moved towards Velocity. Terri accelerated as well and Fade watched as the two blurs, one blue, one multi colored battled it out. Suddenly, Katie was knocked over as a koed Carrie was dropped on top of her.

Getting up and making Vigor more comfortable on the floor, she looked and a dazed Velocity trying to stand up, American Star stopped next to her. Then with a slight push from her red covered finger, she pushed the speed demon to the floor. “I guess she’s not quite the speedster she thought she was.” American Star spoke, placing her hands on her hips. Fade looked at both girls, Carrie was out cold, and Velocity wasn’t in any condition to help her. Katie decided she needed to lure American Star closer to her. “I guess not, but I won’t go easy either Star.” Fade said mentally and physically getting ready to fight American Star. Allison shook her head, “Fade I don’t know what little power you have that you think will allow you to win, but please just make it easily for me.” Fade shook her head in a no. American Star sighed; she walked over and now stood next to Fade.

Katie smiled and thought, here goes nothing, she wrapped her arms around American Star and began to concentrate. Allison didn’t know the danger she was in, so she yawned. “Fade please this isn’t going to do anything so let’s…” Allison stopped, she felt strange. Katie saw that Allison was recognizing that she was doing something, “What were you saying American Star?” “Stop this and…let me…” Allison felt strange, she felt weakness creeping through her, and sickness, “What…” Fade squeezed some more, tightening her grip on Allison, “Didn’t you wonder why my name was Fade, American Star?”

American Star felt ill inside, her strength was leaving her body, and her powers were fading leaving her weak as a result. Fade seemed to be growing stronger; Allison could sense this as the girl’s grip increased. Then an idea dawned on her, a terrifying one. “You’re…a parasite…” American Star weakly stated. Katie grinned, “Well you’re no dope. Yep, I found out I could drain the energy out of other peoples’ bodies. First one was this ditzy cheerleader, never knew she had such sprit in her. So when ever I need an extra boost I lure some girl or dumb jock into my grasp, and you know the rest. Never tried it on a superheroine though, man this feels great.” “Stop…please…your hurting me…” Allison pleaded, her strength sapped into this young woman’s own body. “I don’t think so; you don’t understand what’s like on the business end of this power. This is better than fine glass of wine, a well prepared steak, hell its better than sex.” Fade answered feeling more powerful by the minute. American Star now understood why she was named Fade; her foe’s life seems to fade away in her grasp. Every once of Allison’s patriotic power was sucked into Katie’s body, soon she was draining American Star’s regular strength and stamina.

Allison struggled to stay awake; she could barely hold her head up. It felt like she was severely ill. Fade lowered her to the floor of the bank. Removing her hold on American Star she admired the weakened heroine, Allison lay on her back, her arms and legs spread out on the floor, she couldn’t move her head back and forth to remove the cobwebs from her body. Katie nudged the girl with pink nylon covered foot. Kneeling next to American Star she spoke softly, “Thanks for the power up American Star, I’m only going to take enough now to knock you out, these powers do feel great though.”

Fade touched Allison’s blue tights and a purple pinkish glow came from her hand. Allison could feel her minuscule remaining energy sucked into the hand. Soon American Star was passed out on the floor, left with the strength of small child as opposed to a superheroine.

Vigor and Velocity began to come back to the real world. Holding her head Velocity looked at Fade’s handy work, “Yikes! You drained American Star?” Fade nodded, she walked over to a broken metal bar and bent it with her stolen strength. Vigor got up and smiled, walking over to the koed heroine she kicked her with a black nylon encased foot, “Now who’s so though?”

“Girls we are going to take Ms. Star with us.” Fade spoke. Vigor and Velocity were shocked! “What! How are going to keep her? Where?” Carrie asked. “The old sorority house will do. No one goes there and we are using it to hide our loot.” Fade explained. She wanted to keep American Star prisoner, she would become her own personal battery for superpowers. “All right let’s get the money and I’ll take care of the superwhip here.” Fade ordered. Vigor and Velocity began to empty the vault while Fade began bending bars of steel to bind American Star. As she bound the helpless coed in tights she could only agree with Carrie’s love of her strength, bending steel rules!

Katie, Carrie and Terri were overjoyed. Money from the bank lay all over the floor and around the room. The supervillainesses were celebrating their recent crime, making them rich and giving them a victory over DC’s resident superheroine. “Oh man, I can’t wait get those new Italian Leathers, you know those ones that show off your feet.” Carrie said lying on the couch in her black camisole and matching panties. Money lay around the college coed with fantastic strength; she sipped a glass of champagne. “Well you can show them off when I pick you up in my new Z550 Sport with convertible top. 0-90 in three point five seconds.” Terri offered her dream prize while sitting in her lacey blue bra and panties, still wearing her shinny opaque tights. She was sitting crossed legged in a bean bag chair.

Katie was wearing a pink teddy with her matching tights while lying on the floor. Money was piled up in front of her while she played with another pile with her pink nylon encased feet, “I still don’t know what to get. But I have been thinking about our next target…the US Mint.” “Are you sure?” Terri asked. Katie nodded her head, taking a sip of her champagne. “I can siphon off American Star’s powers, tripling our abilities. With you two on my side how can we fail?” Katie said. Terri, Carrie, and Katie toasted their next target and their victory.

Allison shook her head, so…weak…I can’t move…, the young superheroine thought. Awaking she saw she was in a room, a bit run down and old but still livable. She was lying on a bed; it was comfy to an extent. After a few more minutes she was able to move her head. American Star thanked god that she could feel all of her costume, mask, leotard and tights. Well almost all, her red boots had been removed exposing her tight covered feet.

Chains also were part of her bedroom. Her arms were secured to a metal frame that was at the front of the bed. The chains kept her arms pined and made sure she wasn’t going anywhere. Not like I could, man what did she do to me? American Star thought. Then her memories catched up, Fade’s parasitic powers. Allison was worried, what if they don’t come back? She looked at her golden bracelets, her power source. Normally they glowed with a golden sheen, at the moment they were dull and lifeless. American Star was going to try and move, when the door opened.

Katie, only know as Fade to Allison appeared, “Look who’s up.” “Yes, and I demand that you release me, you won’t want to see what I’m going to do to you if I have to get free myself.” She said with as much convection as she could muster. Fade wearing a pink teddy and matching tights walked over and sat on the bed. The young villainess ran a hand along Allison’s tights and leotard, “Please American Star, I drained you of your powers. It will take quite a while for them to recover. For now you should relax.” Katie began to stroke Allison’s blonde hair. American Star tried her best to bring her head away from the parasitic villain. Fade smiled, “What’s the matter Star? Afraid of my touch?” “No…” Allison said, betraying what she felt. “Oh I’m not going to take your powers like this; there are much more pleasurable ways to do that.” Fade smirked. She climbed up onto the bed, straddling American Star. She brought her face close to Allison’s, brought her hands behind the heroine’s head. Katie rubbed her tights against American Star’s. “Much more pleasurable ways to sap your strength my dear…” Katie brought her cherry red lips to Allison’s. A slight pink purple glow came from her lips. Allison squirmed from the energy being sapped from her body, and the passionate kiss of the villainess!

Removing her lips, Katie looked at Allison, “How was that?” “You’ll…pay for…thi…this.” American Star said, once again feeling weak and exhausted from the brief parasitic attack. Allison sat up and changed position, brining her pink covered legs towards Allison’s face, while leaning back on her elbows near American Star’s blue tights, “Well time to retire American Star, I love my tights, most men and quite a few women think their knockouts. What do you think Star?” Allison didn’t know what Fade was up to, sticking her pink nylon feet in Allison’s face. Then she smelled the sweet stick fumes coming from them, “No! MMHMP!” was all Allison got out before the pink tights covered her nose and mouth. Fade laughed, “I’ve soaked them in Chloroform my dear, they are sure to give you a nice night’s sleep.”

American Star struggled from weakening fumes. Her already weakened condition though left her with no recourse against the chloro soaked tights. Soon what little strength she had left her, Allison’s eyes shut close. Fade removed her tights and sat up, again leaning forward. Bringing her lips up and she kissed American Star on the face,

“Sleep easy princess.”

For a week, Allison remained chained to the bed inside (although she didn’t know it) the abandoned sorority house. Fade would visit her every few days and drain her powers, which while devastating, slayed one American Star’s fears, that the power loss would be permanent. It seemed her strength would return in a day or two. Problem was every time she felt strong enough to snap her chains; Fade would return and sap her newfound powers.

It had been six hours since the last parasitic attack. Fade seemed to be heading for what ever she did when she wasn’t a villainess or draining Allison’s power. She was dressed in a white blouse, skirt and hose. Again she had soaked her hose with chloroform and knocked Allison out with her sleepy soles. American Star was coming to… “Oh…if I have to smell chloroform and nylons one more time…” She shook her head. Sitting up as best she could she noticed something, she was feeling better. What? I feel stronger than I usually do, why? She thought.

American Star tested her bonds, grunting she tried to snap the chains that held her arms. The frame of the bed strained against her, “Come on! Break damn it!” She gave up, feeling a little exhausted. The chains held tight but, Allison noticed something else. Her metal frame to the bed was loser; she could push against it more than she had been since she first woke up. “What if I weakened the frame?” she pondered aloud. Allison was tried from her brief struggle, but still she felt stronger…why?

Katie Helms was wearing a pair of pink workout spandex tights. A matching sports bra was all she wore as a top. Carrie Stone was with her, watching as Katie tested her strength. She too was in workout clothes, in her case a female weight lifters black spandex overalls, over her sports bra. “Great Katie, six more reps.” Carrie coached. Since Katie now had the powers of American Star, she needed help controlling the powers. Once in her English class on campus she had sat down in a desk. She was recrossing her shapely legs which were covered with opaque pantyhose when she knocked the writing part of the desk off the metal chair. To avoid more accidents like that, Carrie and Terri were helping her control her new found powers. They were the only ones inside the gym on their campus.

Katie sweated as she lifted the 500 pounds of the weight with one arm, this was her thousandth repetition. Finishing it, “Finally…I thought that would never end.” “Good job Katie. I probably could have gone farther but that’s my power.” Carrie said patting Katie on the back, “Let’s do some cool down stretches.”

Suddenly a blue blur came to a stop next to the two ladies. Terri was sweating as well, “Well around the country in two hours and twenty-three minutes.” She was wearing a runners blue unitard with no sleeves. She joined the two on the floor and began stretching. “So when should we hit the Mint?” asked Terri. “I think tonight, I’ll get a fresh dose of superpower, and we can hit the mint.” Katie decided. Carrie was worried though, “We might draw the attention of a bigger fish than someone like American Star…” “I have thought about that. Wonder Woman is out of town, don’t know why. Supergirl is operating in the Midwest now and no one has seen Wondergirl in awhile, besides any other superheroine is usually confined to their city.” Katie had done her research regarding some other heroines in the US, Lavender Lady & Lilac Lass, Nightswan & Cardinal, the hard to find Emerald, and the newest heroine team Thunder Woman and Lighting Lass. “Plus if they did show up I can give them a sample of my powers.” Katie laughed. Carrie was reassured. Terri had stretched her legs out and was touching her toes, “Too bad, Thunder Woman and Lighting Lass think their fast, ha!”

Katie stood up, “All right well we…should…oh..” the red head began to swagger, Terri shot up and held her. Carrie was concerned as well. “Katie? What’s wrong?” Carrie asked. Katie shook her head; no I’m losing American Star’s powers...that shouldn’t happen for a few more hours, she thought. They rested her down on the floor and against a wall so she could rest. “Here drink this.” Terri offered Katie a Powergade energy drink. Her weakened friend took it and gulped it down. “I’m losing…my superpowers.” Katie said weakly. “What? Usually it takes about fifteen hours for you to burn through American Star’s strength.” Carrie pondered. “Oh…it’s like an addiction. The more…you keep using it…the more you need and the more often you need to take it.” Katie realized, frustrated at this limit in her powers. “So you need to supply yourself with American Star’s powers now?” Terri asked. Katie shook her head, “Yes…let’s change. I’ll sap her powers and be good for another five hours more than enough time to rob the Mint.”

The two helped Katie to the locker room to change, they went straight into there supervillianess alter egos. Carrie drove because if Velocity did they would get pulled over for speeding, and in their costumes that would be counterproductive. After a little while, although Velocity argued they went too slow, they were back at their hideout. Inside the money from the bank was still safe, and American Star was still bound to the bed.

Katie now dressed as Fade, was helped to the couch by Carrie. She laid her friend down on the sofa and reassured her, “It’s okay Fade you’re going to get a power up pretty soon.” “Better make it quick…I almost feel better.” That was a sign her stolen superpowers were almost exhausted. “Is there anyway we can increase the time again?” Vigor asked. Katie thought it over, “I’ll have to stop using American Star as a source, but if I went to another heroine…my time between drains would go back to normal.” Carrie smiled, they had taken down one heroine why not another, “Sounds good, maybe that should be our next project.”

Velocity went to where American Star was still bound. She entered the room. Allison was still there she lay, out cold on the bed. Terri smiled, she would bring the helpless heroine to Katie, and so they could rob the US Mint. While she strolled over to Star, she dreamt of the fleet of fast cars she could get. Sitting on the bed next to the blonde heroine, she reached for the chains, when American Star’s blue eyes shot opened.

Allison pulled with all her strength, and was rewarded with the frame coming of the head on the bed. She brought her body up and slammed the frame into Velocity. The speedster was knocked over by the sudden assault. American Star, no longer pinned to the metal shook free of her chains. Velocity pushed the frame off her and speeds in the direction of Star. The two went out the window that was behind the bed. Slamming her into a light pole, Velocity backed off.

American Star got off her feet and wondered why her feet were cold. Looking down she saw she was still without her boots. “Oh forgot those.” She said to no one in particular. “Won’t matter American Star, I’m really going to show you my speed now.” Velocity shot to into a blue blur. Allison joined her, with the surrounding buildings and environment blurred around them. She chased Velocity who was running down toward the Washington Mall. Stopping next to the Washington Monument Allison searched for the fast villainess. Looking around she couldn’t see anything when a blur slammed into her. Allison looked to see the smiling face of Velocity. They were headed for the Washington Monument, when they reached the vertical side of the structure, they went up. Velocity’s speed defied gravity and she reached the top of the obsolesce, the young woman with all her strength threw, American Star off the monument!

Allison was flying backwards! She couldn’t survive a throw from this height! American Star had only seconds for a solution, and then she saw it. The tip of the White House flag post, here goes nothing. As she sailed towards it, she reached out for the bar, years on the uneven bars for her gymnastics came in play, all be it not on a 90 degree angle. Red gloved hands and pole connected. Spinning around, Allison now flung herself back at the monument.

Velocity stood at the top, confident in her victory over American Star. Then she realized she had just killed the source of Fade’s superpowers. Trying to think how she was going to explain this to Katie, she was hit by flying red, white and blue blur! Velocity went flying. Allison now took her place on the top of the Washington Monument. Then taking a breath she ran after the flying villain.

Terri screamed she was going to die as soon as she hit the ground. Seeing the street coming at her she closed her eyes. When she didn’t smack into the pavement, she opened her eyes. American Star held her by her tights and leotard. “Now, that’s why track people don’t do gymnastics.” Allison joked. Quickly the speedy Velocity was bound with metal from a fence. Struggling she was then carried by American Star back to the sorority house.

Carrie was wondering what the crash was and went to the room American Star was bound in. Seeing the broken chains and the metal frame she asked what happened. “I got out.” Vigor looked up and saw a red gloved fist coming right at her. Katie was resting on the couch feeling the last bit of her stolen power leaving her. Where is Terri with American Star? She thought.

The wall exploded and a black clad Vigor came through the hole. Landing on her back the dirty blonde struggled to get up at first. American Star came through the hole next. Hands on her hips she watched as Vigor got up, her black catsuit covered in dust. “Ugh! You know how hard it will be get this out!” she screamed. “I don’t know, you’ll have plenty of time in prison.” Both girls charged. They locked arms like they were in a wrestling ring. Vigor’s black nylon encased arms gripped American Star’s. Both used every bit of their respective strength against the other. Allison was struggling to break her opponent, bring her to her knees. Vigor though was gaining the advantage, Allison struggled.

Slowly Vigor forced American Star to her knees; Allison grunted trying to beat her foe. Except Vigor had the advantage of her only power was strength, so all her energy was directed to beating American Star in this test of strength. Carrie seeing her growing victory just smiled, flashing her teeth, “It seems I am stronger American Star.” Katie watched sitting up. She closed the distance with the two interlocked women in her purple and pink tights. Her acquired powers from Allison were gone but not her normal parasitic power, “Hold her their Vigor; I’ll suck her dry again.”

Allison struggled, no not again! With newfound reserves she pushed Carrie away from her. The incredibly strong coed fell backwards; American Star picked up a piece of wall and used it to hit Fade. Katie went stumbling back on the couch, dazed from the hit. This took care of one problem, not the other. Vigor leaped back up and wrapped her arms around Allison, squeezing. Her inhuman strength crushed Allison. American Star tried to free herself. Soon she managed to get her feet on the ground, then with her strength pushed up. This freed her from Vigor’s grip and brought her airborne. Then her feet came down on top of the girl. Carrie collapsed as Allison landed on her.

American Star quickly brought her fist down and connected with Vigor’s face. The coed’s eyes opened briefly then closed, she was out from the knockout blow. Allison turned and almost was grabbed by Fade! The redhead’s hands were glowing with parasitic power. “Come on American Star…let’s kiss and make up.” She kept pushing the heroine closer to a corner. Allison looked for anything she could use, and then she stepped on something. Looking down she saw it was a wad of bills. Picking them up, she spun her arm in a circle. It turned in to a blur as Katie watched. “What?” she asked, not getting what American Star was up to. “Don’t you know the penalties for withdrawals without a slip?” American Star released her projectile, which struck Katie right in the face. The red head fell over out cold from the force the money struck with. “They’ll knock you right out.” Allison finished her joke. Taking her breath she survived the scene. Soon, American Star had bound Vigor and placed her next to Velocity. Fade was more dangerous, carefully Allison bound her and to ensure her sleep, she gave her a chloroformed soaked gag. Admiring Fade who was bound in pantyhose and tights she found in the house, Allison bent over. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, “Sleep tight.”

After dropping off the three villainess and informing the Washington police where to find a large some of money, plus explaining to her parents why she hadn’t called in a week, the girl stripped from her costume and threw it into the bathtub to clean. Clad in a blue tank top and matching panties, Allison climbed into bed. She hoped one night of sleep not caused by chloroform or power exhaustion would do her good. As she drifted to sleep one thing did bug, how do I make up a whole week of missed work?

The End