American Star: Exposed

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:20min
Added Date:7/6/2024
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Tags: American Star

“All right, nobody moves!” the young woman screamed. Her long red hair matched the red in her mask. It went down the sides of her head like Spiderwoman’s, but protected Shannon Hayes’s face. Better know as Blaze she was the young woman who could shoot flames from her hands and make use of thermal energy. Fire balls burned over her orange elbow length gloves. Her body was in a red sleeveless halter top leotard. An orange sash around her waist was complemented by orange tights. Red flatfooted boots was her footwear.

The girls of Kappa Sigma Beta held their places as the coed of combustion headed for their well earned fundraiser money. Canceling one of her fireballs, Shan smiled as she observed the money, soon to be her’s. Removing the single strapped accessory she motioned the sorority sisters to the other side of the room, her hand once again aiming a ball of flame. Once the girls were out of the way Blaze began to place her loot in the backpack. Finished she flashed an evil smile, “Thanks ladies, I’ll see ya later.”

She ran outside and was now on the Georgetown Quad. Students were shocked to see the sizzling lass make her way out of the building, and quickly got out of the way. Shan was almost home free, all she had to do was create a thermal current and take to the sky. “Blaze, I didn’t know you joined a sorority.” Shan turned her head to see the red, white, and blue maiden of Washington DC. “American Star! Damn it I can I get a freaking break!” she cursed. Firing off twin balls of fire, they smacked into the ground where the young heroine had been only seconds before.

“Missed.” Allison Madison smiled now standing behind the angry Blaze. Shan sent a stream of fire at American Star, which Allison just dodged again. Then speeding up again, Allison headed right for Blaze as she moved to attack Allison again. Hitting her with a slightly superstrong punch, it knocked the red head down to the ground. Allison retrieved the backpack and tossed it to a surprised student.

Blaze got up and rubbed her jaw where she got punched, “One day American Star, I’ll get you.” “Not in this life time.” Allison responded cockily. Blaze growled and behind her back, fired off a stream of flame that touched the front of the building. “Next time Star.” Blaze surrounded her body in a thermal heat, and rose into the sky flying away.

Allison shook her head, she couldn’t chase after the blistering vixen. Running back to the burning building she found the girls coughing on the floor from smoke. Picking tow up at a time with her strength she speed them out of the building. With the girls saved she ran in a circle, increasing her speed making a vortex. This sucked the air out of the building and killed the flames. Once they were exhausted, Allison returned outside. Fire trucks and Police began to arrive. American Star stayed behind making sure the girls were okay.

Watching with the growing crowd was Shannon Hayes. Gone though was her beautiful spandex outfit, hidden under her pink blouse, red vest, and skirt. Shannon now wore a pair of wire frame glasses and her long red hair was pinned up in a bun. “Damn American Star. She’ll get hers soon.” She walked away souring over her failure.

Little did Shan or Allison know, another girl was watching and thinking about American Star. Taking pictures with rapid fascination she took in every angle of the beautiful heroine. This woman had blonde hair the same length as Allison’s. She was wearing a red t-shirt that had a large white star over the chest. A demon skirt and blue tights completed the outfit.

Her name was Alice Michaels. She worked for the Georgetown Campus newspaper, and had a quite obsession with the red, white, and blue angel of DC. Since she had appeared she had been trying to convince the paper to let her do an interview with the superheroine. Some thought that Alice had a case of hero worship, in reality she was out for nothing but her own career. If she could learn the identity of the star-spangled heroine it would give Alice a huge break into journalism. Now with this latest incident, Alice was convinced she could get her interview with American Star.

“Thank you very much American Star.” The President of Kappa Sigma Beta said shaking the heroine’s hand from her seat on the back of an ambulance. “Not a problem at all Ms. Stark, happy to help out.” Allison responded. She heard the school clock signaled it was 1:45. Oh no, I’m going to be late to History! She thought. “I’m sorry Ms. Stark but I am needed elsewhere.” She sped off back to her small apartment next to campus. She put all of her costume except for her tights in a special pocket in her backpack and pulled navy blue skirt and light blue blouse on. With that done she sped off again, although slower this time, to class.

Alice got the assignment for doing an interview with American Star. It helped that she flittered with the Editor, she may be seen as a little strange but she was still hot. Now Alice was setting up everything she needed. She waited impatiently as the phone ranged, “Hello?” was finally the answer. “American Star?” Alice asked. Allison realized that she was on her ‘super’ cell phone, changing her voice slightly, “Yes, who’s calling?” “This is Alice Michaels from the Georgetown Paper. I was wondering if you’d accept a chance for an interview. Since you saved the fundraiser money you’re quite popular around here. I saw it myself and must say the way you just walked into danger was amazing.” Alice said being sincere and sweet. Her flattery worked, “Thank you Ms. Michaels. Of course I’d love to give you an interview.” Alice smiled; she could make anyone do anything, “That’s great American Star! I can’t wait to meet you in person. Here’s where you need to go.” Alice gave her directions, time, and place. Hanging up, Alice smiled again. Soon she would have American Star’s secret identity, and her ticket to journalism fame.

“Man you’re great.” He said to her. The red head batted her eyes behind her glasses. “Oh, Jim you’re too sweet.” Shan replied. They were sitting at booth in a great grill restaurant off campus. It was a great way to relax after the failed robbery that afternoon. Jim smiled and leaned forwards, “So Alice got the interview that’s going really boost interest in the paper.” Shan furrowed her eyebrows, “Oh? What she get a meeting with Paris and Nicole, the idiot sisters.” She proceeded to take a drink. “No American Star.” He replied. Shan nearly choked, “What?” “Yeah it’s for her saving the Kappa Beta’s fundraising money. Since everyone is so impressed with her I thought it would be a good idea.” Jim explained not noticing the fire burning in his girlfriend both mentally and physically. Then an idea began to build in her mind, “Say, Jim when is Alice giving this little interview…”

Allison was lounging in her sofa. Laughing she finished watching the Simpsons by turning off her TV. Looking at the clock, she saw it was almost time for her interview. Getting off her couch she headed over to her closet and removed the red and white leotard of American Star, as well as her blue tights. After slipping into the lyrca and nylons of her costume, Allison pulled her boots on and made her way out onto the streets of DC.

Alice too was getting ready for the interview. Her preparation though was more malevolent. She was preparing a perfume bottle, inside was an itchy chemical she would spray into American Star’s eyes. It would be an accident of course, but American Star would go to her bathroom to wash the offending substance out of her eyes. In the process she would remove her mask. The few minutes American Star’s face was free of her red mask, would be captured by a digital camera.

The image would then go to a special image search program Alice had acquired. Going through the District of Columbia’s driver’s license database, she hoped to find American Star’s identity. A knock at the door took her back to the problem at hand. Getting up, she straightened out her demon skirt and light blue blouse. Heading over to the door in her stocking feet she opened it up and saw the shapely figure of American Star.

“Alice, it’s nice to see you.” American Star said politely, offering her red gloved hand. Alice took it and shook it eagerly, “Wow, American Star in my apartment! Please come In.”

The two entered Alice’s apartment and headed over to a sofa and a padded chair. Allison took a seat on the couch. She felt something in the back of the chair, but didn’t do anything about it at first. Alice took a seat in the chair and retrieved a notebook. She noticed American Star’s discomfort. Her perfume bottle was located at the back of the sofa. Alice hoped that it would cause enough discomfort for American Star to move the device. They began the interview with Alice asking all the usual questions. The would be unmasker was growing more impatient as American Star just sat there.

Luck was on Alice’s side. Damn it, all right I have to move this, she thought. Reaching behind her back she felt the discomforting object. Removing it she saw it was a perfume bottle. “Sorry about that, that’s were I left it.” Alice said trying to hide her excitement; her plan was coming to fruition. “That’s all right, interesting bottle, what’s in it?” American Star asked. Alice smiled, “Oh it’s a new French flavor.” American Star soured, she hated the French, “Really, not a fan, my…” Allison was cut off. She accidentally shot off a blast of the spray into her own face. It burned her eyes and she dropped the bottle. “Oh god! American Star are you all right?” Alice asked concerned, and overjoyed that her plan worked. “I…need your…bathroom.” Allison pleaded trying to rub the liquid from her eyes. “Of course it’s…” Now it was Alice’s turn to be surprised and shocked.

Her door blasted open and fell to the floor, its edges singed and burned. Looking up she saw a woman wearing a red halter top sleeveless leotard and matching mask. Orange tights and elbow length gloves completed the outfit with a pair of red lace up slippers. “Hi American Star, I told you next time you’d be mine.” Blaze spoke with glee.

Allison would have widened her eyes in shock, if they weren’t in pain. Blaze, not now…I can’t really see, she thought in horror. Allison assumed a fighting stance, “Blaze, leave now and we can avoid the ass kicking.” “I think not American Star.” Shan smiled, walking seductively around the red, white, and blue heroine. This is great; she’s blind as a bat, the villainess laughed. Allison couldn’t see anything she tried following the sound of the thermal villain’s voice. Laughing, American Star turned to the sound; Shan laughed again causing Allison to turn in a new direction.

Blaze struck, having moved to another location, she lanced out with a kick to American Star’s side. This knocked the blonde powerhouse to the ground. Getting back Allison attacked where she thought Blaze had moved, she was wrong, a pair of double clenched fists slammed into her shoulders. A vicious left hook then hit her, then a right, another kick. Allison was sent flying over Alice’s couch by a roundhouse kick.

On her back, Allison was sent back to the floor by a foot on her stomach. She could make out a red and orange blur above her. Grabbing Blaze’s ankle she threw the woman off her. Shannon hit the far wall, cursing as she fell. American Star may still be blind, but she had her superpowers. Blaze needed to be less confident. Moving fast she sent blasts of heat at Allison. Not flames, but large fuzzy blurs that one sees when driving on a highway, slammed into American Star as if she had been hit with superpowered punches. It knocked her into the wall.

Blaze then took to the air and grabbed American Star by her shoulders. Still flying she slammed Allison into the various pieces of furniture in the apartment, ending the attack by dumping American Star through a wooden table. Allison got up, in pain and shock. Still unable to see the assaults she got up on shaky legs, “Stop this…Blaze.” Smiling Shan walked over towards American Star, “What’s matter American Star, no snappy one liners, where’s the overpowering American Star?” Allison was weakened but still a heroine, “You’ll going to be stopped one way or another.”

Blaze began her next fiendish attack, “I think I will, American Star.” Allison began to feel strange, light headed. She stepped forward only to sink to one knee. “What…so…weak.” American Star stammered. Blaze grinned coming forwards. Allison coughed and tried taking breath but felt like it had no effect. Shan watched as American Star fell forwards. Her arms in front of her, body skewed to one side, with her white lyrca covered behind slightly in the air. Blaze used her leg to roll American Star on her back.

Allison looked up and weakly spoke, “What…how…” Bending down where she was over American Star, “Fire needs oxygen, so one of my abilities is the power of absorbing the oxygen in the air.” Allison realized it, she was being starved of oxygen. Trying to stay awake, she found she didn’t have the strength to lift her head up, let alone her body. Moaning weakly she let her head fall to one side, and passed out.

Blaze laughed. Her hands created two flaming balls to use on the now koed heroine. “Wait!” Blaze turned to see the woman, Alice coming closer. “Want to save her? Or become a well done steak?” Shan said pointing on her fireballs at Alice. The blonde shook her head, “No, I think we can work out a deal.” “I’m listing.” Blaze kept her arm trained on the woman. “I wanted to discover American Star’s secret identity. You want to finish her off. If you let me find out her identity, she’d be ruined, and can never stop you again.” Alice explained her logic. Shannon placed her fingers under her chin. Hmm I’ve beaten her, and can ruin her as a heroine, my Alice is quite devious. She decided, “All right you can join me, but not like that she’d recognize you.”

Alice thought about that, “I have some leotards and tights around here, give me a minute.” Blaze waited and made sure American Star wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon. She lowered the oxygen level twice more; this ensured American Star was in no condition to resist. Finally Alice came out, “Nice…” Blaze complimented.

Alice was wearing a red leotard and a pair of white gloves went into the sleeves of the leotard. A pair of purple pinkish tights was worn with a pair of ballet slippers. Finally she had black mask on with a hat worn by reporters in the 1920’s. It even included a PRESS card in the fabric where brim met hat.

“You can call me Extra.” She laughed. This way American Star wouldn’t know it was her Alice. She also brought a few pairs of pantyhose and tights. “I don’t have any rope or stuff to bind her with, this with have to do.” Alice explained as walked down to Blaze. Shan took the tights and pantyhose and began to bind her foe. Soon American Star was tied at the writs, upper arms, thighs and ankles. Finally Blaze gagged Allison. The two girls stood over American Star and admired their handiwork.

“All right I’ll carry her to my hide out.” Blaze said. Alice furrowed her eyebrows, “You have a hideout?” “No…but it’s better than calling it my apartment.” Shannon answered. She took the helpless American Star into her arms. Alice received directions to Blaze’s apartment. Soon the blistering villainess was off with poor Allison in her arms. Her new partner, Alice was close behind bringing her laptop and camera.

American Star slowly awoke. Her head throbbed, and she was sore. Allison tried brining a hand to head, she met resistance immediately. Looking at her left arm, she saw a bicycle lock had been wrapped around her wrist. This connected it to a bed post. Her other arm was bound the same way, plus she could feel her ankles restricted in the same way. Plus she was missing her red boots. What is it with villains and taking off my boots? Allison pondered; well it’s better than them taking my bracelets, which would make me powerless.

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs out she pulled hard on her restraints. With a satisfying snap, Allison freed her arms, and ankles. Observing her environment, American Star saw she was in a bedroom. It was a typical college bedroom, posters on the wall, clothes on the floor, woman’s clothes Allison noted. Getting off the bed she glanced around trying to see any traps that awaited her. Finding none, she headed for the door.

Carefully she opened it and peeked around the door. Blaze wasn’t in sight, but there was another woman. She was wearing a red leotard with pink tights, probably a henchgirl or partner of Blaze. Another quick peek showed no sign of the flame wielding lady. American Star made her move, “Hold it right there!” The girl froze and looked right at American Star with shocked eyes. Opening the door and standing in heroine powerstance used by all of the lovely ladies with superpowers, Allison was confident; no longer handicapped she was ready for action.

“Two things, where’s Blaze and my boots.” Allison demanded. The red clad girl was about to answer when American Star noticed that the woman’s eyes moved to look at something next to American Star. Allison turned her head but it was too late. Blaze reached out and wrapped one of her arms around American Star. This arm pinned American Star’s and brought the two leotard and tights wearing beauties together. With Allison’s back to hers, Shan brought her other arm up.

This orange gloved hand held a blue cloth; Allison could guess what it was soaked with. Her fears were confirmed as Blaze covered her mouth and nose with the cloth. Chloroform! Allison struggled like a wildcat and tried to free herself. Except her marvelous strength that could bend steel, was sapped by the sweet sticky anesthetic. Blaze’s enhanced strength was no match for a full powered American Star, but aided by chloroform, it was no contest.

She still fought trying to free herself, but her strength was failing her. Allison’s eyes grew heavier. Her breathing slowed and her wildcat resistance was soon fading. Blaze held her grip on booth American Star’s body, and the chloroform soaked cloth. Allison stopped fighting the coming attack. Her arms fell to her sides, and her eyelids slipped down into there closed positions.

“Sleep tight, my dear.” Shan removed the cloth. Alice came over worried. Shannon comforted her, “Don’t worry, found that stuff in the hospital. Chloroform it will keep her out for a good while.” “Okay, but let’s get her tide up.” Alice offered. The villains each took an arm and dragged American Star to a chair. Laying her into the chair, Alice then went back into the Blaze’s room and returned a minute later, “She broke the bike chains.” “Oh well, just have to use these.” Blaze snickered; she held the tights they used to bind American Star for her trip. Soon Allison was bound to the chair’s legs, arms, and back. Allison’s head and blonde hair hung to the side as she slept from the chloroform.

“Okay, you ready?” Shannon asked. Alice nodded; she knew what part to play. Blaze went over to her coffee table and retrieved a small bottle. It looked like an eyedropper but contained something else. Opening the cap she brought it under American Star’s nose. With a huge intake of breath Allison awoke. Blaze was quick to give American Star a whiff of chloroform. This left the superheroine weak as a kitten.

“What…do…you want…” American Star asked weakly. Blaze put her smelling salt and chloro rag away. Taking position in front of the captured heroine she adopted a powerstance and smiled. “Well thought you could get away, not yet, not till I learn what I want, and my partner.” Blaze spoke confidently. “Who…is?” Allison asked. “She’s Expose my dear. Doesn’t talk much but she does have a great future…in exposing heroines’ identities. Allison was shocked, no…not my identity…they would ruin me…what about…mom…dad? “Also I want to learn something else, where do your patriotic powers come from?” Blaze taunted, running her finger along Allison’s bound arms. Again Allison was plunged into fear, not…my powers! Blaze came back over to her table and removed a syringe. American Star looked at the needle. Shan took pleasure in Allison’s discomfort.

“A little sodium penthol my dear the famous truth serum.” Blaze tapped the needle to remove any air bubbles; she didn’t want to kill the superheroine. She brought the needle to American Star’s neck. Swabbing it with an alcohol pad, she then carefully inserted the drug into Allison’s system. American Star felt the effects immediately. There was no fighting it; her powers only offered partial protection. Shan watched as the girl’s eyes glazed over, a sign the drug was taking effect.

“American Star?” Blaze asked. Allison’s head was moving around as if she was drunk, “Yes…” Shannon smiled, the superheroine was completely in her control, “What’s the source of your powers, your strength?” “My…bracelets…give me…my…pow…powers.” She weakly answered. “And how do I make you weak?” Shan inquired, she knew the answer but always loved that sense from Wonder Woman where she was forced to reveal her weakness. “Remove…my…bracelets…” Blaze, with uncontrolled glee removed each accessory from American Star. Allison felt a wave of weakness wash over her body. With her superpowers gone, she lost her last ability to stay awake.

While American Star slept, Blaze played with her new toys. Holding the source of her foe’s powers in her hands, Shannon wondered where she should mount her new toys. Alice was working at setting up her search program and camera. “Why don’t we just wait for her to wake up and I’ll give her another truth serum shot?” Blaze asked. “Because that requires no work, I want to make sure my search program works. Plus I’ll get the credit for exposing her.” Alice spoke while spinning up her laptop. Now for the fun part, she smiled. Walking over to the koed heroine, Alice reached behind American Star’s head and found the mask’s clasp. Undoing it, she giggled as the red eye mask came mask off the blonde’s face. Allison’s blue eyes were visible as well as her face! Blaze came over, leaving American Star’s bracelets on the table, “I don’t recognize her. She looks like half the girls on campus.” “No problem, could you hold her head up, like she’d be posing for a photo?” Alice asked getting her digital camera. Shan held American Star’s head up, the heroine still sleeping unknowing that her secret identity was in danger. With a flash, Alice’s digital camera took Allison’s picture. “Now, all I have to do is search the City’s database for her photo. Soon American Star would be revealed to the world, her family and friends would all be at risk. None of that mattered to Alice who only thought of herself. Blaze got up and patted Alice on the back, “Come on let’s have some drinks. That’s going take awhile right?” Alice nodded, “Yeah that’s right.” The two villainess girls got up and left the helpless American Star, while Alice’s laptop searched for her identity.

Allison slowly came to; her head was pounding, body weak, and no feeling of her powers. American Star also could barely move, “So…weak…they took…my bracelets…” The pantyhose and tights that pinned her to the chair now seemed as strong as chains. Struggling was useless, her body still to gorgy from the chloroform and truth serum. Ten minutes passed while Allison tried to feel normal. With some of the drugs out of her system, American Star was able to look around, and noticed there wasn’t any fabric on her face.

“My mask!” she said aloud. Now she began to fight like to wildcat again, her life was on the line, so was her parents, sister, and friends. But it was no use, she was trapped. Allison needed her bracelets, if she could just get one bracelet on it would be enough. Looking around for her bracelets or something to cut herself free, luck shined on her again. Glowing in the light of the table was the two golden sources of powers.

Great, now how to I get them? Allison wondered. Another squirming in her nylon bonds lead to nothing. Okay, I can’t get up and walk to my bracelets, but maybe I can…she tried jumping her chair, it worked. She had to move fast, Allison started hoping her chair over to the table. Every time her chair landed, she worried Blaze and her partner would pop back out but she needed those bracelets.

A few more hops and she was right next to the table. Now she needed to reach with her nylon bound arm. Stretching her fingertips and arm as much as she could, Allison reached. With that not working she tried a different approach. Leaning forwards, she reached with her chin, then her nose. Come on! Almost! American Star thought trying to spur herself to stretch her neck.

Finally her chin connected with bracelet, and a rush of power came through her body! Allison started to strain the nylon in the pantyhose and tights, when Blaze emerged. “NO!” she sent a stream of fire right at the heroine, who was still bound and only at half strength!

Allison saw the coming fire and increased her struggles, throwing all her strength into the efforts. With a little luck, she was rewarded with the sound of ripping nylon. Breaking free she grabbed her bracelets and managed to avoid the fire just in time. It torched the chair and part of the table American Star had just been in.

Clamping her power source back on American Star was back. She jumped over to the stunned Blaze and slammed her fists into the villain. Blaze was quick to respond by throwing a pair of fire balls at the patriotic heroine. Allison dodged both and kicked Shan in the head with a roundhouse kick. The red head went down and was stunned by the blow. American Star’s strength had been put into the kick, which was a tad much for Blaze.

Alice decided at that time to come out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was. “Blaze what’s? Uh oh!” she said seeing American Star freed, and that the superheroine had heard her voice. “Alice? You little rat!” American Star crossed the distance between the two of them and lifted the would be reporter up by her leotard. The red fabric clenched in Allison’s fist, she could only kick her tights covered legs. “I should cream you into some sort of spandex pudding, but I’ll settle for my mask.” American Star demanded with evil blue eyes that looked like they could melt steel. “Okay…over there!” she pointed. Allison thumped Alice’s head into the ceiling knocking her out. Dropping her on the couch, American Star made her way to the laptop. Looking down she was shocked to see the picture search engine had done its homework.

Her drivers license photo was prominently displayed. Allison was smiling and didn’t share the same concern that American Star had at the moment. She was about to see how to kill the program when she needed to get back to work. “Damn you American Star!” Blaze screamed as she unleashed another blowtorch of fire. Allison grabbed her mask and dived out of the way. Landing on her feet, she watched the laptop melt under the flames of her fiery foe. “Thanks Blaze, say you don’t know where my boots are do you?” she asked smugly. Blaze angered, “I’ll finish you off American Star, if it’s the last thing I do!”

The red and orange villainess launched herself at Allison. American Star had enough time to put on her mask and then get tackled by the crazed Blaze. Both women proceeded to crash through the front door of the apartment. Now in the hallway, Allison got back up and gave another of her superstrong kicks to Blaze. This sent the villainess flying backwards.

Now as a heroine always is, Allison was thinking about the innocent people around the two battling metahumans. Quickly she ran for a window at the end of the hallway, opening, Allison jumped out and landed on her feet outside. Looking back at the apartment building she waited for Blaze to come out. Sure enough the fiery female came flying out the window shooting flames at American Star. Allison began speeding in every direction dodging the fireballs.

“Damn it, stand still!” Shannon cried sending another two fire balls at her nemesis. “What and get cooked no, thank you!” American Star joked dodging the attacks. Blaze tired of the little game fired her next shots at a car. Allison got to close to it and was knocked over by the explosion. Lying on her back, Allison felt the weight of Blaze landing on top of her.

“All right no more nice gal. I’m going to burn you up right now!” Blaze sneered at American Star. Allison looked up at her and cocked a smile, “Blaze didn’t you forget something?” “What?” she snapped back getting ready to toast the heroine. “I’m stronger than you.” Allison threw the girl off her and sent Blaze flying back into a wall. Slumping down after impact, Shannon tried to remain focused. She was too dazed though from the impact. Shaking her head she noticed American Star standing in front of her. “Sorry to do this Blaze but you need a cool down.” Allison revealed a fire extinguisher. Shannon screamed a no, but American Star fired it anyway. It was the thermal vixen’s one weakness, extreme cold sapped Shannon’s powers. As the white cloud washed over the red head, Allison could hear her moaning. After a minute of exposure, American Star ended the attack.

Blaze lay on the ground, her costume covered in the white of the spray. She was weak, her fiery temper cooled, along with her powers. American Star went over to a parking meter and ripped it out. Then she bent this around Blaze’s upper body. Shaking her head, Allison was sorry that she had to do that, but it was necessary. The sounds of police cars sounded the coming aid to American Star. Finally, she thought, now where are my boots?

Allison sat in her foldable chair reading the interview with American Star. She was also pleased at the apology written by the paper with regards to one of its reporters. Another story was on the shocking discovery that Shannon Hayes was the villainess know as Blaze. Now she occupied a special chilled cell at Harris Metahuman Prison. “Such a waste.” She said aloud. Placing the paper down she thought about someone exposing her identity for the thousandth time.

Allison was worried about the effect it might have had on her family and friends. Making them a part of the danger involved in her job made the girl shiver. She’d have to ask another one of the heroines on how they dealt with that. Except it was time for the Simpsons, she put the depressing thoughts out of her hear as she flipped the TV on.

The End