Doubles Anyone?

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:29min
Added Date:6/28/2024
Stats: Loading....
Tags: Supergirl

Metropolis gleamed like shining crystals. Lights from thousands of sources were reflecting off the tall glass and steel buildings of the futuristic skyline. Moving above the City of Tomorrow was a figure as stunning as the city. Both her arms were outstretched in front of her. Blonde hair blew with the wind and seemed to glow as brightly as the city below her. With a smile on her face, Supergirl patrolled.

Kara was grateful that the night was slow it better allowed her to enjoy the view and relax. Supergirl changed position and came to a stop in mid air. Floating she was observing the city around her. Closing her baby blue eyes she focused on the sounds of the city around her. Normally she would try to focus on the cries for help of distress, however Kara focused on other sounds. Joyful children, laughing couples, a good joke, it was much more peaceful and uplifting sounds entered her ears.

Supergirl was enjoying these sounds till a new one forced its way in, a loud ringing, an alarm. Kara opened her eyes and silently swore in kryptonian. Sensing its direction Supergirl flew forwards and put on her game face. ‘Who ever ruined my relaxing is going to pay big time’ The Girl of Steel thought.


Miles away at the Thomas Diamonds Jewelry, a pair of thieves were enjoying themselves. Both were young women and dress sleeveless leotards and shinny tan tights. One was a reddish brunette wearing a pink leotard. The other a dark haired brunette in a black leotard, they were Lilac and Dark Rose.

“Oh this would go prefect with my costume.” Lilac said, holding a series of ruby necklace over her leotard. Rose laughed, “No doubt, however I do like my rings better” she replied holding up a series of diamond affixed rings. As the girls continued to smash display counters they put most of the loot into the backpacks they brought. With their attention on the jewels and gems they didn’t notice someone standing in the smashed entrance till she cleared her throat.

Lilac and Rose turned and saw the new arrival. Standing with her arms crossed over her family’s symbol, red cape fluttering in the evening breeze, and reeking confidence Supergirl watched the two would be thieves and smiled, “Starting Christmas shopping early?”

“Supergirl!” Lilac exclaimed.

“Yes, now would you care to put your hands up and come quietly?” Supergirl asked as she assumed her standard power stance. Both girls looked at each other and nodded. Rose charged Kara threw a punch right into Supergirl’s abs.

“OWWW!” she cried out, clutching her hand.

“Girl of Steel, remember?” Kara taunted. She really loved it when criminals tried that. Puckering her lips, Supergirl than used a blast of air to knock the girl backwards into a display case. Her partner used the time Supergirl spent taking care of Rose to reach into her backpack and press a special receiver. She also needed to buy some time. Lilac pulled out a ball the size of a baseball.

“Hey Superchick try this on for size.” Lilac yelled. Winding up like a softball pitch she tossed the ball right at Supergirl. Kara was caught by surprise and the ball hit her squarely in the chest. It exploded in a cloud of grayish green vapor. Lilac laughed and helped a recovering Rose.

“What… was that?” Rose asked as she got up on her wobbly tights encased legs. Lilac answered while helping her partner to her feet, “A poison spore bomb, it will fill her lungs in seconds and…”

“And what?” asked the figure coming out of the receding cloud. It was obviously Kara. Both girls looked at each other and ran. As they headed for the rear exit, Supergirl whooshed by at super-speed and stopped right in front of them, “Going somewhere?”

Kara didn’t wait for a response and grabbed the two girls and bashed their heads together. The thieves both let out, “uhhs” and collapsed to the ground. Wiping her hands Kara looked down at a job well done, “Just time to get these gals to the authorities.”

As she bent down to pick up the girls, Kara heard the whoosh of a landing object. For a moment she thought it might be her cousin, turning she started to say, “Kal…” once she finished turning however she received the shock of her life. Standing in the doorway was her exact double. Not close, or someone in her costume, but an exact double. She had the same blonde hair, blue leotard, red cape, even their flesh tone hose matched. Supergirl was shocked to say the least.

“Who are you?” She demanded. Still shocked by her doppleganger’s appearance Kara didn’t think to be more prepared for an attack. Without a world her double launched forwards at full speed and slammed into Supergirl. Both Girls of Steel went through the brick wall at the back of the store and into the ally. The bricks were Kara hit on the other building were cracked and damaged. She was momentarily stunned. The second Supergirl didn’t follow up her strike, considering herself the winner, big mistake.

Kara threw a punch that knocked her evil twin across the room and into her own wall. Jewelry and other items turned into ballistic objects and they were sent airborne by the flying intruder. Kara moved forwards, arriving back in the store. Her twin was still recovering, climbing out of the rubble.

“Alright let’s try this again, who are you?” Supergirl demanded.

Her double, clone, or whatever didn’t respond again, it just launched itself at Kara.

Both women locked each other’s arms together and began applying their great strength. Kara instantly realized whoever this imposter was, she equaled her own strength. ‘Rao…don’t know how much longer I can keep this up…’ Both of the Supergirls continued to test their strength, walking in a circle. Kara was beginning to buckle so she lashed out with her heat vision. Twin streams of orange rays poured from her eyes, striking her foe in the chest.

The imposter let go and backed away as she was bathed in the rays. Kara stood up and continued to focus them. However as this went on she began to feel light headed. ‘What’s happening, I’m feeling drained?’ she thought. Supergirl broke off her attack and staggered for a moment. Putting a hand on her forehead, Kara tried to regroup but was attacked once more. Her foe launched off the ground and grabbed Supergirl in a vicious bearhug. Kara was caught in her twin’s grip and gasped for breath, “What…how did you get…stronger?”

It was little surprise to the Maid of Might that she failed to illicit a response. The second Supergirl just kept focusing her attention on squeezing the life out of Supergirl. Kara was flexing her own muscles trying to break free but made little progress. So she tried a different approach. Kara used her remaining breath and blew a blast of supercold air over her evil twin.

Instantly the imposter’s eyes went wide and she tried to scream out in pain, however even though her mouth was wide open nothing came out. Supergirl was released and fell to the floor, catching her breath. The imposter was backing away as if she had just encountered a piece of kryptonite. Feeling back up to full strength, all be it a little sore, Supergirl approached her nemesis.

“Okay if you can understand me, stop fighting otherwise I’ll give you another taste of my Peppermint Breath.” Kara tried. Her foe seemed to understand but didn’t take Kara’s advice. Charging she came at Supergirl, only to be sent to her knees by another blast of chilly breath. Kara felt bad watching her opponent lying on the floor, weakened.

Supergirl walked over and kneeled next to her twin, looking it in the eyes she asked, “What are you?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, Supergirl.” A voice called out from behind. Kara recognized it, the redhead. Turning back she saw the two thieves were back on their feet, one holding her backpack. Once more Kara assumed her stance and looked the two girls over.

“So you two know something about this?” she asked. Kara however was unsure. Neither of the two leotard wearing ladies struck her as being smart enough to create a copy of her. The girls both had a devilish look in their eyes. Kara should have been more careful, however she dismissed the ladies ability to hurt her, after all she had wiped the floor with the two earlier.

Lilac reached into her bag and slowly pulled out her ace in the hole, “Yes we do, however our boss knows a lot more about it than we do. She’s actually been dying to tell ya, how about you come back with us for a little chat!”

As Lilac yelled her last line she revealed her and Rose’s secret weapon, a glowing piece of crystal, kryptonite. Supergirl’s eyes went wide as the meteorite was exposed. She put her hands up defensively as if they could block the deadly rays emanating from the fragment of her home. Lilac and Rose advanced slowly, chuckling with each other.

“What’s the matter Supergirl? Did we take the wind out of your sails?” Lilac taunted.

Kara backed away her body weakening as the radiation drained her strength. Her legs became wobbly and she fell backwards. ‘Got to get out…of here…” Supergirl thought as she began to crawl away. Lilac and Rose had no intention of letting the Girl of Steel go farther. Closing the remaining distance the villainesses circled the heroine. The kryptonite cast a green glow over the three women, and sent Supergirl to the floor. Lilac smiled and used her tights encased foot give a small nudge to the powerless superheroine.

“Oh what’s the matter Supergirl, the jewelry not up to your standards? Rose wouldn’t you agree this green goes great with Supergirl’s eyes?” Lilac posed.

Rose smiled devilishly why she spoke, “You’re so right Lilac, here let’s see.”

Rose pushed Supergirl onto her back. Kara’s head rolled on the floor; she was struggling to stay conscious. An arm was draped across her chest, she looked completely helpless. Lilac brought the deadly crystal inches from Kara’s face, “How do you like it Supergirl?”

Kara’s voice was a whisper, “Uhh…please…..” Supergirl didn’t finish, she passed out, her head coming to rest on the floor. Lilac stood up and looked down at the defeated heroine. Rose walked around Supergirl’s passed out form, “Time to get her back to base.”

“Right, hey get up already.” Lilac said turning to look at the Supergirl double.

The twin had finally recovered, getting up it moved over to Lilac ready to receive new orders. Facing Lilac, the redhead gave her orders, “Take Supergirl to our van, make sure she is secure when we get there.” She handed the double the kryptonite and watched as it took Supergirl over its shoulder. Kara let out a small sigh as her body was easily lifted by her duplicate. The two Supergirls left the store while Lilac and Rose finished collecting their loot.

Both girls could hear the approaching sirens of police as they exited the store. A minivan was parked a short distance from the jewelry store, and next to it was their partner. The fake Supergirl had secured Kara inside with some rope and left the deadly piece of kryptonite hanging above the Girl of Steel. Supergirl was still unconscious in the back of the van.

“Good work” Lilac told the double, “Now head back to base and await orders from the master.” The Supergirl nodded and took off into the sky. Rose and Lilac entered the van and drove away just as the first police cars approached the scene.


Kara’s eyes opened slowly. Her body felt like lead, muscles drained, no trace of her powers. When Supergirl was feeling like herself she felt light like she could fly and do anything. None of those feelings accompanied her return to conscious. Her vision was still clearing up, so she couldn’t see anything but knew she was bound. Her legs were wrapped tightly together and unable to move. Kara’s arms were outstretched to their sides above her head, and similarly bound.

“Uhh…where am I?” Supergirl asked herself. A few blinks cleared her sight.

Looking around Supergirl suddenly had a quick idea of where she was. Everywhere she looked, Kara could see trees and different times of plants. A peek at her legs and arms showed them to be bound with some sort of vines. Tugging on them led pretty much no where, the effort only exhausted her. ‘No powers…kryptonite must be close’ Kara thought. Even though she didn’t know why she had been abducted, Supergirl knew who had taken her.

Summoning up some confidence and strength Kara called out, “Alright Ivy, come on out.”

“Ah our guest is awake.” Came the sexy voice from the trees. Walking out of the plant life was the stunning figure of Poison Ivy. Her red hair cascaded down onto her shoulders. Ivy was wearing her standard halter green leotard and matching light green tights with Ivy patters on them. She had a lovely flower in her hand and was sniffing it as she approached the Girl of Steel.

“How are you feeling Supergirl?” Ivy asked coming within a few feet.

“Been better…so Lilac and Rose?” Kara returned.

Ivy smiled, “New hired help. I took their services because they brought me a present.” As if under her hypnotic command, a flower a top a long stem appeared. It had green pedals and was quite large. Poison Ivy had the flower come right next to her. Supergirl wasn’t surprised for a second time that evening as it opened up.

The kryptonite chunk was sitting inside the flower, glowing with its deadly radiance. Kara sighed as the renewed proximity weakened her.

“They ‘borrowed’ this piece from the Arkum Asylum Evidence locker. Lovely isn’t it.” Ivy mocked.

Supergirl’s head hung low and her breathing was more labored, “Lovely…if it was poisoning me…” Ivy nodded and the plant with drew a few feet. Kara recovered but was still weak.

“Just wanted to remind you Supergirl of what I can do if you try anything funny.”

Kara nodded, “Okay, so care to give me your grand scheme?”

Ivy walked up to Supergirl and placed a hand on her face, “For you dear anything.” The Vines lowered Supergirl and freed her arm and legs. Unprepared for the use of her limbs, Kara fell forwards. Ivy caught her and snickered, “I see you’ve fallen for me Supergirl.”

Supergirl wasn’t amused, “Bite me.”

The villainess just smiled and let Lilac come out of the shadows. The red head took Supergirl and bound her arms behind her back with some strange feeling rope. Ivy explained, “Those vines Supergirl are reinforced. Even at your full strength you’d have trouble with them.”

Kara tested them quietly and found what Ivy said to be true. Lilac went over to the flower holding the kryptonite and picked it up. “She will follow us from a safe distance.” Poison Ivy explained. Then she extended her hand and directed Supergirl to follow her. The heroine had little choice in the matter and followed the supervillianess.

“I bet your wondering who that girl was in your costume at the store.” Ivy began. Kara followed a few steps behind, trying to see a possible escape option. If she could find a good spot, Kara could duck into the trees and put enough distance between her and the kryptonite to regain her strength. However till that opportunity presented itself she would have to play along.

“Yeah Pam, it’s been bugging me.” She replied.

“Well all the answers lie in here my dear.”

Kara followed Ivy into what looked like a broken down greenhouse. The area inside contained a number of large plants and disturbingly pods. Supergirl looked around and tired to summon up some x-ray vision but didn’t have the strength, Lilac followed to close behind. Ivy snapped her fingers and turned to face Supergirl.

“Here is where your double began Supergirl. In each of these pods a new form of botany is taking place, come on take a look.”

The heroine careful moved over to take a look at one of the pods. Ivy took a light out and beamed it at the pod. Kara gasped as light showed what was inside. A figure in a fetal position dominated the inside of the pod. Supergirl rose her head in shock, “You’re…”

“Making life, why I am.”

“I was going to say pod people but sure, let’s give the wacko the benefit of the doubt.” Kara shot off. Pamela frowned and indicated to Lilac to move closer. The henchgirl nodded and moved closer with the kryptonite. Kara grimaced and sank to her knees, the deadly ore sapping her strength.

Ivy walked over and looked down angrily at Supergirl, “Small words alien. You see I’ve created an entirely new species of plant, millions, if not billions of years ahead of our own planet’s evolution.”

The Girl of Steel did her best to put on her toughest face but she was still showing the pain that gripped her, “Doesn’t…that go against your own ideals? Mess…ing with plants for your own profit.”

“No, I’m giving them the ability to defend themselves Supergirl. Your double is the first of many to come.” Ivy waved her hand and in response Lilac backed off.

Catching her breath Kara looked back at Ivy. She decided to play to what the villain wanted her to, “So Ivy, how did ya give it my powers?”

“That was complicated, but not difficult. You and plant aren’t to dissimilar Supergirl. Both of you use solar energy, one for food, the other for power.”

Kara realized that was why she began feeling weak when she used her heat vision on the plant clone. It was feeding on her solar charge. Except how did Ivy get it to use its solar absorption for powers?

“I see but how did you…”

“Make the switch, you helped me with that. Care to remember our last encounter?” Kara did.

Ivy had stolen some alien pollen samples from Star Labs. Kara and Babs had tracked her down and then had to go toe to toe with some of the alien fauna. One of the plants had actually been a kryptonian version of a Venus fly trap. However instead of waiting for prey to land in it, it tried to catch its own food. Since it was on Earth it became as invincible as she or Kal would have been. Using thorns and poison it had managed to drug her and almost pull her in. Babs managed to save her with a Red Sun laser and kill the plant. However Kara remembered she had been cut during the fight, and Ivy got away…

“You got a sample of my DNA.” Supergirl stated.

“Exactly, it was an incomplete portion but I was able to find what I needed, your energy conversion gene. Once that was done I incorporated it into your double’s maturation bulb and whalla.” The redheaded raven explained. Kara had to concede that Ivy was a genius in her field, even if she was insane.

“Not quite whalla doc, your SuperPlant didn’t do so well when it got a little chilly.” Kara said. Ivy frowned, “Well I couldn’t remove all their deficiencies. Extreme cold will affect them as it would a normal plant, and they can’t talk. However they will follow the orders of me or whoever I designate the master.” Ivy walked over to one of the pods in the back. Kara got up and followed her. Lilac stayed back by the door, and couldn’t see what Supergirl had picked up, a small piece of glass.

“The doubles will get close enough to fulfill my plan.” Ivy said. She picked up a spray can and brought it near one of the pods. Supergirl watched as she sprayed a white substance all over the pod. Seconds after being sprayed it began convulse and spilt open. Green liquid squirted out of its rupturing sides and the pod began to deflate. Kara continued the cut away with the piece of glass, her strength returning because the kryptonite was far enough away.

Ivy was standing back while the pod dissolved, then moved forwards. She pealed back the plant material till she revealed her creation. Kara paused in her escape for a moment; it was another copy of her. Just like the first one she had faced, this one matched her exactly. Poison Ivy smiled and turned, “Soon I’ll have seven of my own Supergirls. Each one having your powers and looks, they will get close to your heroine friends and capture each of them.”

“Over my dead body.” Kara answered. She snapped off her bounds. In a blur of speed she ran over and gripped Ivy by her neck, lifting her in the air. Lilac saw this and was going to run over with her deadly meteorite but Supergirl had considered that. Kara took the spray bottle from Ivy’s hand and tossed it roughly at Lilac. It nailed her square in the chest, knocking her over.

“Well it seems you have me licked Supergirl.” Ivy commented.

Kara nodded, “Yep.”

“Not quite. Oh baby, could you help mommy?”

Supergirl realized who she was talking to. She looked down to the newborn double rising up and reacted too slow. The new clone grabbed her and tossed her across the room. Kara landed hard, right next to the kryptonite.


“You’re finished Supergirl and so is your friends.” Ivy said walking over to the fallen Maid of Might. She lifted Supergirl up by the front of her leotard. Kara couldn’t resist, the clone had come two and picked up the kryptonite. As she feared the deadly ore had no effect on her doubles. Poison Ivy smiled and ran a hand down Supergirl’s face, “Time for a nap dear.”

With that she brought Kara’s lips to hers. Supergirl reacted with revulsion but couldn’t move or break Ivy’s grip. Whatever was on Ivy’s lips made her sleepy. With her eyes fluttering and consciousness fading Kara thought, ‘How am I going to get out of this…’

“Quick load up the loot!” one of the thugs yelled to his buddies. The guy responded with a grunt and continued to load plasma screen TVs into the back of a van. They had picked the lock to the back of an electronics store and defeated the alarm. Now they were enjoying to fruits of their labor thinking about the profit from the 5000 dollar plus televisions. However as they were loading the last one, the TV was struck by an energy beam and enveloped.

Floating above the scene was the spunky heroine Stargirl, “Hmm nice set, how much you guys pay…oh right nothing.” Stargirl was holding the TV with a beam from her Comic Rod. Carefully she placed the TV out of the way and brought herself down to the ground to face the two thugs, “So who’s first?”

Both men looked the heroine over. She wasn’t too tall and didn’t seem threatening. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and Stargirl’s identity was hidden by her dark blue mask. Stargirl’s costume consisted of a blue and white top with a large white star in the center. Smaller stars went down her sleeves and her hands wore red gloves. Her mid-drift was bare but around her waist was a large red belt with a circular center. Blue and white Spandex shorts, flesh tone tights, and tough and rugged boots completed her attire.

Since she didn’t strike them as a challenge, the two men charged. Stargirl smiled as they rushed her. Right before they were going to tackle her, she went straight up. The two guys came to a sudden stop and Stargirl came down on top of their heads. Stunned the thieves were slow to get up.

“Alright you little SOB, time to ruin that face.” One of the thugs swore. He threw a punch which Stargirl caught and looked at with a look of sarcasm “That’s the best you can do?”

She squeezed his hand, sending him to the ground and then shoved him over without breaking a sweat. His buddy got up behind her, lifting a piece of pipe. He was about to smash her head in with it when a small blast from her rod caught the metal and knocked it out of his hands. Turning her head she winked, and then used a second blast to knock him out cold. The first guy started to get up but a quick kick of her boot to his head sent the man back into la la land.

Courtney Whitmore smiled as she quickly tied up the two small time crooks. She had reason to be happy. Not only had she just finished up a successful patrol, in just a few short hours she would be partying at one of Metropolis’s hippest night clubs. Courtney was living up her newfound freedom in college. After leaving what she called the desolation of Nebraska, Courtney was living it up in Metropolis both as herself and her heroine alter-ego Stargirl. Originally she had been the second Star-Spangled Kid thanks to her cosmic converter that she wore on her belt. This channeled cosmic energy that gave her super-strength and increased agility. After some adventures with the JSA she acquired the Cosmic Rod that she had used to blast the two thugs below her. Now she could fly with the best of them.

Stargirl made sure she set off the store alarm that would alert the police and allow her to get going. Leaving the scene, Courtney headed up and back towards the Met U campus. She was going to clean up and get changed. As the spunky heroine was moving she caught another fast moving object against the sky. Squinting Courtney could make out who it was.

“Hey its Kara, I should ask if she wants to come with.” Courtney and Kara were good friends both in and out of their tights. Shifting her course Stargirl headed over to Supergirl. After the short flight, Stargirl was flying alongside her kryptonian buddy.

“Kara, what’s up?” Courtney asked. Supergirl looked over at her and smiled. Stargirl was a little surprised that Supergirl didn’t answer her. She was about to ask why when Kara flashed her heat vision and struck Stargirl right in the chest.

“UGHH!” the superheroine cried out as her chest was enveloped by the orange beams. Losing control of her flight she fell and crashed into a roof. Her shoulders and side burned where she had impacted. Courtney’s rod had fallen next to her, she was about to reach out for it when she was blasted again but the powerful heat rays. Stargirl slid forwards away from her Comic Rod and with it any chance of getting airborne.

She staggered to her feet, ‘What’s going on why would Kara attack me?’ Courtney thought as she tried to regain her whits. Supergirl landed and moved towards her slowly. Stargirl still unsure what was going on decided not to attack, but did take a defensive stance.

“Kara what’s wrong with you? I’m your friend Stargirl remember?” Courtney tried.

It seemed Supergirl wasn’t listening; she threw a massive punch that Stargirl rolled out of the way to avoid. Crouching she tried once more to reason with her friend, “Supergirl listen to me, I’m Courtney were friends. You and I hang out together; fought together, have fun remember?”

Kara didn’t react she merely charged at Stargirl. Courtney decided she couldn’t afford to hold back any longer. She swept her leg out and caught Supergirl’s tripping the attacking heroine. With her opponent on the ground Courtney then jumped in the air intending on striking a disabling blow that would allow her to figure out what was going on. Supergirl didn’t intend to allow her to get that far. She rolled out of the way and went airborne. This allowed her to drive her fist across Stargirl’s face.

Courtney reeled from the blow and was then caught up in Supergirl’s arms. Her friend then began to squeeze with her awesome strength. ‘Ahh….Kara’s crushing me….can’t break free’ Stargirl thought as she struggled. Squeezing the life out of her, Supergirl just kept on an impassive face. What ever was going on, Supergirl was playing for keeps. With this knowledge Courtney decided it was time to get dirty. Without thinking twice, she kneed Supergirl right in the nether regions.

Supergirl cried out loud, however there was no sound. Stargirl was puzzled by this but she didn’t dwell on it. Breaking free Courtney landed two powerful punches across Supergirl’s face. She didn’t pull them so this Supergirl got a taste of Stargirl’s full power. Her attacker staggered backwards. As the imposter was stunned Courtney saw that where she had struck Supergirl was not a bruise or a red welt, but a green smashed section of the Supergirl’s face.

Courtney now could see that Supergirl wasn’t Supergirl at all. What ever she was it wasn’t human or kryptonian. The wound was starting to heal so Stargirl decided to press why she had the advantage. The cosmic powered coed moved into the attack nailing Supergirl with a barrage of powerful punches and kicks. Her foe didn’t seem to be able to take much punishment at least not a constant barrage by Stargirl at full strength, after the barrage the fake heroine collapsed, green bruises and abrasions all over her.

Stargirl took a breath and paused. She had beaten the imposter but needed a moment to compose herself. Heading to recover her Cosmic Rod she left the koed Supergirl behind. As she bent to retrieve the rod, Courtney was once more hit in the back. Falling on top of her Rod Stargirl turned to see the Supergirl creature was back on her feet, still damaged but ready to attack. Whipping the Rod around, Stargirl took aim and fired a blast of concentrated energy at the fake.

While Kara’s heat-vision had been absorbed by the double she had faced, Courtney’s cosmic energy blast was far too intense and overloaded the imposter’s system. The blast caught Supergirl in the chest and went right through. Pausing for a moment the clone looked at the hole in her chest then fell backwards. Courtney got up holding her Cosmic Rod at the downed Supergirl. Looking at the remains of the creature Stargirl was slightly aghast, “Ah gross.”

Green liquid oozed out of the wound. Bending down Stargirl took a closer look at the imposter. Her insides weren’t human at all. After observing them for a short while Courtney could see that they weren’t too different from an inside of a plant. Stargirl now had a very good idea of who sent this plant copy of Supergirl out. Quickly she moved to do something about the remains of the plant next to her. Courtney quickly flew and got a tarp off a nearby roof to place the body in. Next she headed towards Star Labs, she needed answers fast.

Okay guys a small update, the next one will have some more peril promise

The Midvale Forest Preserve was a vast area outside the Metropolis Suburb. It contained many hiking trails, rare trees and foliage. Thanks to some of these rare plants pollens which had collected on her defeated foe, the technicians at Star Labs were able to point Stargirl in the right direction. Flying above the acres of forest Courtney was trying to spot a possible hiding spot for Poison Ivy. The people at Star Labs agreed with her that no one else could have created the plant life form that Courtney had destroyed. She had never run into the femme fatal herself but Kara had told her plenty of stories from her encounters with the villainess. Caution was foremost in her mind.

After a few minutes of searching, she found it. It was abandoned greenery that hadn’t seen anyone in a while, or that’s what one thought. Taking a cold hard look Stargirl saw that there was a van parked near one of the buildings and signs someone had cleaned up certain areas. Hovering, Courtney did a little recon before she planned on going in. She eased her descent and hovered down to a large maple tree. Landing on one of the top branches, Stargirl took a look around.

Two of the buildings were overgrown with plants but they didn’t look inhabited. The third however was part greenhouse, part warehouse. Here is where the van was parked and where Courtney figured the bad guys were. Leaping to the ground below, Stargirl moved stealthy out towards Ivy’s lair. She pinned herself up against the corner and peaked around. Standing outside the greenhouse were three Supergirl clones. In front of them were Ivy and two henchgirls.

Although Courtney couldn’t hear the conversation, Ivy was clearly giving orders to her plant Supergirls. They nodded and each took to the air. Once they were gone Ivy turned to her henchgirls and gave them a set of instructions. After this all three of the lyrca wearing ladies broke up. No one was guarding the main building, this was her chance. Stargirl quickly moved across the space into the greenhouse.

Courtney saw plants growing everywhere, oversized vines and flowers, weird trees, all probably works of Ivy. Carefully the cosmic powered heroine moved forwards. Following a trail through the plants she headed deeper into Ivy’s lair. Moving always watching her back Stargirl reached a fork in the road, she decided to go left. As she came around the bend she saw a sight that made her heart drop.

“Kara…” Supergirl was wrapped in vines from her neck to boots. They tightly pinned her arms and cape to her. Kara’s head hung forwards and she looked unconscious. Stargirl could see why Supergirl was so weak. A glowing piece of kryptonite was incased in the vines right over her S symbol on her chest. Stargirl had never seen Kara looking so bad, now she was angry.

Walking up she began to use her Cosmic Rod to blast the vines that held her friend, “Don’t worry Supergirl I’ll get you out of here.”

Slowly Kara responded looking at Stargirl, she managed a weak smile, “Hey…its…good…to see…you to…”

“Save your strength Kara, I’m almost done.” Courtney answered, blasting the last bits of vines away. Kara fell forwards and was caught by Courtney. Stargirl lowered Supergirl to the ground and proceeded to rip the vines that were holding the kryptonite in place away. After ripping it out, Stargirl held the deadly rock in her hand, “Now to get rid of you.”

As she stood up to toss the deadly ore away, Stargirl was tackled from behind. Kara managed to lift her head and see the attacker, a clone. Stargirl was being pinned by another Supergirl clone. Courtney used a free hand and smashed the rock right into the double’s face. Although the kryptonite didn’t have any affect, it did get the imposter off her. Stargirl swung out with her leg tripping the Supergirl. Getting back up, Courtney was going to go for her rod when she was caught from behind.

Another one of the Supergirls had attacked her. Using its strength it locked Courtney’s arms behind her back. Stargirl struggled but couldn’t break the grip the imposter had on her. She was about to move her legs when vines wrapped around those. ‘Vines clinging to my tights, gross’ Stargirl thought as they secured her. The heroine did her best but was unable to escape.

“Well another superhero, we’re on a roll today eh Lilac?” Rose laughed as she came out of the shadows.

Lilac laughed as she headed over to the weakened Supergirl, “Yeah and it’s the new one in town.”

Stargirl ceased her struggles she needed to bide her time, “Stargirl at your service. Now let us go before we kick your ass.”

“You two?” Lilac asked. Both of the henchgirls laughed out loud. The redhead bent down and lifted up the still weakened superheroine. Kara did her best to resist but was still too weak to offer more than token resistance. Both Supergirl and Stargirl were now held up, arms pinned behind their back. It was now that Ivy came out.

“Ah Stargirl, a pleasure to meet you.” The villainess cooed. Sexily she walked forwards in her suggestive way. Her tights encased foot touched something on the ground, “Oh what’s this?” Ivy bent down and picked up Stargirl’s Cosmic Rod. Rose smiled and explained for Ivy.

“That’s the source of Ms. Star’s powers boss.”

“Oh, how are you doing then Stargirl? Not too drained I hope?” Ivy asked.

Both Supergirl and Stargirl realized they had their chance, Ivy didn’t know about Courtney’s cosmic converter belt. She began to fake exhaustion, “Yeah…Ivy I’m feeling a little under the weather.”

“Well we a have ways of dealing with that. Rose?”

Rose smiled as Ivy handed her a folded white cloth. The black wearing henchgirl took it and walked over to Stargirl, “Ready for a little nap Stargirl?”

“What…” she asked. Rose then smothered the cloth over Stargirl’s face. Courtney could smell some odor on the cloth and wondered if this was the chloroform heroines talked about. The fumes made her woozy and sleepy.

Kara still not a hundred percent watched as Stargirl was chloroformed. She knew Courtney was vulnerable to sleep inducing products, so she wouldn’t be able to fight the chloroform, but it would convince Ivy and her cronies that she was indeed powerless. It didn’t take Stargirl long to pass out. Her eyes fluttered once, twice, then Courtney’s head slipped to the side, she was out.

“One down…” Ivy remarked. Rose nodded and walked over to Supergirl. Kara struggled and didn’t go down without a fight. She managed to kick Rose in the stomach, but her resistance ended when Ivy retrieved the kryptonite from the sleepy Stargirl. Bringing it over, she took the fight out of Kara once more. The chloroform soaked cloth came over her lips and nose and Supergirl unfortunately breathed in a heavy dose right off the bat. What little strength Kara had left evaporated and she too succumbed to the fumes.

Lilac and the Supergirl double dropped their respective heroines on the ground. Ivy couldn’t help but feel a little rush as she saw the two superheroines out cold at her feet. Bending down, she stroke Supergirl’s face, “Such a shame I’ll have to eliminate you two. You are both so beautiful.”

Ivy proceeded to stroke each heroine’s nylon and lyrca encased legs. Turning her head to Lilac, “Take our visitors to the Venus exhibit.”

Kara came to, slowly. The Girl of Steel was laying on her back, but being drawn forwards. Something was wrapped around her body. Lifting her head up, Supergirl could see that she was gripped in the vines of a Venus Fly Trap. She struggled but knew it was useless. Wrapped around her neck with a piece of vine was the kryptonite. Her body couldn’t take much more.

“Kara!” Courtney cried out. Supergirl turned her head and saw Stargirl struggling against a similar plant.

“Stargirl…now…would be a good time…for a rescue…” Supergirl said her voice weak.

Stargirl was still trying to free herself, “Well I’m working on it. I’ve still got my converter but it’s like these vines are as strong as me.”

Kara looked at Courtney’s plant and saw it was slightly different. ‘Oh no!’, “Stargirl that’s a kryptonian plant.”


“It’s a meat eating plant…since its here on Earth…”

Courtney finished Kara’s thought, “It’s as strong as you! I’ll never get free.” She started to struggle more but Supergirl yelled, “No. If you struggle it will use its poison on you. You’ll be paralyzed and not getting free at all.”

Stargirl did as she was told but looked ahead at the mouth of the alien plant. It was opening, slime and juices dripping from its lips. Her boots were sliding closer and closer to its mouth, “Supergirl if I can’t get free how do we keep it from eating me…”

“I…have an idea.”

Supergirl worked on not breaking free but slipping her arm free. As she worked to free one of her arms, Courtney was in trouble. Her feet were being dragged into the mouth of the plant. Already the juices were dripping onto her tights. What Stargirl didn’t know was that the inside of the Kryptonian Venus’s mouth was filled with a sedative substance. It was already starting to get onto her skin, through her tights.

“Oh…I’m feeling a little light headed…maybe I should rest my eyes…” Courtney said. Her eyes began to flutter while her legs entered the Venus’s mouth. Kara saw this and increased her efforts. Come on, she thought. Finally Supergirl got her right arm free of the Venus flytrap’s grip. She immediately went for the kryptonite around her neck. As her hand wrapped around the rock pain shot up her arm.

Even as her hand turned green with poisoning she managed to summon up enough strength to toss the deadly rock right at the Venus plant eating Stargirl. Courtney was almost out and completely inside the Venus’s mouth when the kryptonite landed next to the plant. Stargirl’s chest was just entering the mouth when it stopped. The plant started to shake and turn brown in areas.

Kara’s guess had paid off. The plant was as affected by kryptonite as she was. As it weakened, so did the poison attack. Stargirl began to wake up. Seeing that the plant was weakened she made her move. Flexing her arms she broke free and yanked herself out of the plant’s mouth. Courtney backed away, and then looked down at her legs.

“Eww….so much for this pair of tights” she said to herself.


She turned and saw Supergirl approaching the mouth of her killer plant. Stargirl put on a nervous smile, “Right…” Courtney scooped up the piece of kryptonite and placed it next to Kara’s plant. Just as it had for Stargirl, the kryptonite killed Kara’s plant.

Both heroines moved away from the killer plants and gave each other a quick hug. Stargirl looked Supergirl over and asked, “Are you okay?”

Kara nodded, “I’m getting stronger by the second, here wait a minute.” Supergirl stepped back and took to the air. She went up and disappeared from sight. Courtney wondered what was going on when Kara returned just as soon as she left.

Stargirl could see she was looking better and more colorful. Stretching her arms out and then assuming her stance, Kara smiled, “There just a dip outside the atmosphere to soak up some unfiltered rays and I’m as good as new.”

Courtney chuckled, “Well glad you’re refreshed. Now let’s get a little payback.”

Supergirl nodded in agreement.


Ivy had assembled her six Supergirl Doubles in front of her. Although it seemed Stargirl had defeated one she had on the look out for any heroines, the rest were all ready to go. Quickly Poison Ivy kissed each of her creatures to ensure they listened to her and her only.

“Umm that was fun.” The villainess said to no one in particular. Leaving the last Supergirl behind she assumed a position in front of her replicates.

“Now girls its time for each of you to get your targets. You will get Wonder Woman, and you…”

Pamela Isley didn’t get far. Suddenly seven powerful energy blasts ripped through her precious doubles. Each one had a smoking hole through the middle. A bit comically the imposters fell to the ground at the same time. Behind them stood Stargirl with her Cosmic Rod. She placed the curved end of the Rod near her lips and she blew some imagery smoke away, “Good shooting if I don’t say so myself.”

Ivy was enraged, “You little bitch!” She withdrew a concealed knife and prepared to throw it at the superheroine. With a flick of her wrist she sent the poison tipped weapon at Stargirl. The blade smacked against something before it even got close. Standing a few feet in front of Stargirl was a reinvigorated Supergirl. She held the knife in her hand, and crushed it with ease.

“Sorry Ivy, the game’s over.” Kara said. Ivy smiled and tried to run in the opposite direction. She didn’t get far as Courtney hit her with a blast of her Rod. The redhead villainess fell to the ground in a lyrca and nylon heap. She picked her head up just in time to see Kara look down at her with a smirk.

“Night, night.” Supergirl gave Ivy a quick kick to the head knocking the villainess out cold.

“Well that takes care of that.” Courtney said coming forwards. Kara nodded and lifted Ivy up and threw her onto her shoulder.

“We can’t forget Rose and Lilac. I don’t think it would be nice to leave them hanging from a high rise electrical tower.” Kara added.

“Hey it wasn’t my idea to do that.”

Kara stuck her tongue out and headed towards the door. Courtney followed putting her Rod on her shoulders and followed. Then it hit her there was one more thing.

“Oh Kara I did forget something, want to go to a party?”

The End.