Electron, Emerald, and American Star

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:32min
Added Date:7/7/2024
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Tags: American Star

American Star collided with a van. Her shoulder blades hurt like hell which caused her to take her time from escaping the crushed side of the vehicle. This only pleased her attacker. “How’d you like that American Star?” Vigor snarled. She grabbed the front of Allison’s leotard and lifted her up. A black clad fist began pounding more Allison over and over. Carrie laughed at the superheroine who threw her in prison, lifting her over her head and tossing her at a Washington DC police car. Both officers managed to run out of the way only to have their cruiser wrecked by American Star’s body.

Allison rolled her head back and forth trying to snap out of it. The pain though from her fight was overriding any urge to get up. Vigor stood proud, her hands on her hips and confident that she had mopped the floor with American Star she looked stunning in her black neck to toe catsuit. Flexing her fingers she smiled, “Well it has been fun Star, but I think its time we see how invulnerable your neck is…” she began to stroll over to American Star when a blot of lighting struck the super strong coed. Sitting up slightly holding herself up with her elbows, she looked for the source of the lighting blot. Finding it she smiled.

Hovering above the scene was a young amber haired woman. Same age as American Star she also wore a lyrca and nylon costume. The first part was a leotard that was blue on the shoulders and arms that went down to a pair of blue gloves giving the sleeves and gloves a seamless look. A short waist length blue cape hung from her shoulders. The blue continued down the inner curves of her breasts ending in a triangle shape with the point ending a little bit below the breasts. From the sides down was white ending in a V shaped blue belt that held a short white pleated cheerleaders skirt in place. White tights covered her legs and finally a mask protected her identity.

“I’m always saving your butt American Star.” Electron smiled. Her red lips and brown eyes were recognized to only her good friend American Star. “Hey I was doing all right till she hit me, then began throwing me around and…” Allison joked getting out of the car. Electron landed next to her. Both DC heroines looked stunning and both turned to deal with a very angry Vigor who charged them.

A month earlier…

“Allison! Hey!” the blonde turned her head at the noise. She was wearing a light blue blouse demon skirt and pantyhose with some simple shoes and of course her power bracelets. Coming across the road through a gaggle of students, Allison saw her friend.

Erin McKenna was 5’11 had amber colored hair. She had the body of a volleyball player that she was; she was also smarter than anyone else Allison had met. Evidently she came right from volleyball practice. A pair of tight very short black spandex shorts and sweaty tank top plus the huge athlete’s bag she carried was a dead give away. “Erin, what’s up?” Allison asked falling in stride with her best friend. “Nothing much, but you want to get together for that lab later this afternoon?” she asked. Allison nodded her head, “Sure see ya there.”

A few hours later Allison strolled into the science lab on campus that she and Erin needed to do their experiment for physics. Erin was changed into her usual attire of a light dress with suntan pantyhose and sandals. Some glasses for reading rested on her nose. The two friends were fast at work setting up their electricity experiment. “Okay were all set.” Erin said confidently. Allison was ready getting some eye protection; they were doing a simple connectivity experiment. Both would later agree it’s always the simple things that go wrong.

As Erin went to flip the switch, the building had a small power surge, result of a blown generator farther from campus. Problem was it sent a charge down the all the circuits on campus, including the device Erin was switching on. Suddenly the machine short circuited and sent thousands of volts into Erin! Screaming she was covered by electrical energy.

“Erin!” Allison screamed, she grabbed her friend intending to use her super strength to free her friend from the power of the blown machine. As Allison grabbed her she too was shocked by the electricity. Except, instead of hurting Allison it energized her bracelets, which sent their own energy wave through the two women. With a blast of golden energy they both collapsed to the ground.

Allison got up first, “Erin, Erin are you all right?” as for herself she felt find, although she wondered why her bracelets had done that. “Oh…Allison I feel strange.” Erin said getting up. Both were sitting on the floor, Allison checked Erin for any signs of electrical burns. Amazingly there weren’t any on her. Suddenly Erin’s hand began to shake. “Allison…what is going on…AHAHAH!” she screamed sticking her had out a blast of electrical energy flew out, striking the machine that had just shocked them. What was left was quickly finished off. Erin was shocked, she looked down at her hand, “Allison did I just shoot a lighting blot?” Allison nodded, “Yeah, do you feel all right?”

Getting up Erin stood shakily and then started to float upwards towards the ceiling! Allison was shocked and watched as Erin hit the ceiling, “Allison, help me!” Jumping up she pulled her down to the ground both once again were collapsed on the floor. “Allison what’s happening? How did this…why was I flying?” Erin looked at her best friend pleading for answers. Looking down at her bracelets Allison looked back up at Erin, “Erin let’s go to my parent’s house…this is a long story.”

That afternoon and evening, Erin learned the full truth about Allison. Why she had been disappearing at times, had suddenly gone on vacation for a week for no reason, she showed up at school a few times with buries or ashes on her, Allison was American Star. Erin’s body had been charged by the shock from Allison’s bracelets. Over the next few days, Allison helped her friend gain control of her powers.

It seemed that Erin could drain electrical energy from just about anything that used it. Her body would remotely feed on the electrical currents in the room. The only sign of this drain would be a slight barely noticeable drop in power usage in the building. This feeding allowed Erin to shoot electrical discharges from her hands, gave her super strength, ability to fly (which Erin loved), and some invulnerability.

Erin’s one real weakness was a limited charge she carried. While testing her powers, they learned that Erin could deplete her internal electrical charge if she excessively used her powers and didn’t give them time to recharge. This left her in a weakened state while she powered back up. Luckily though, she hadn’t done this since. With her powers under control, Erin decided she wanted to help people out like Allison, so a few leotards and tights later, Electron was born.

Present Time…

Vigor went flying into a wall. The electrical discharge that sent her their coming from a hovering Electron, “Vigor we can do this all day, why don’t you just make it easy on yourself, turn yourself in?” “Shut up!” Carrie said angrily. She stood up and ripped the nearest projectile, a parking meter and launched it at Erin. Electron dodged the improvised missile, while American Star ran behind the villainess and placed her arms around Vigor’s pinning them behind Carrie’s back. “Now Electron!” she yelled. Electron dived in and gave Vigor a nice right hook, knocking her out. American Star dropped the KOED coed and gave Electron a high five. Police came forwards and took the villain in, thanking the two supergals for their help. Accepting their thanks the two disappeared, American Star in a blur, Electron into the sky.

A few blocks away they met up in alley. Allison gave Erin who was still in her costume a hug, “Thanks a lot Erin; I was getting pounded pretty good by her.” “No problem, although I think my jaw is going to be sore for a while.” Erin said rubbing her jaw. “You be okay, see ya for dinner later, I’m actually running late for class.” Allison said taking off her mask and reaching for her hidden backpack. Erin gave her a sure and the two parted ways again, Allison speeding back to class, Erin heading for their apartment they had rented a few weeks ago.

Watching the 12 o’clock update to the news on the heroines exploits, Katie Helms turned off the TV. She smiled, so American Star has a new friend, so much the better. Picking up the phone next to her she got an answer even before the first ring had finished. “What?” “Hey looks like we have another person to pick up this evening.” She said. “Damn it, Carrie couldn’t wait a few days. All right, see ya tonight.” Terri Coyle hung up. Katie got up and went over to her bedroom. On the bed was her new costume, she couldn’t wait to try it out. Soon enough, she thought with pleasure.

Katie stood adjusting her new costume for its first time being worn. It was a black sleeveless leotard that showed off her left shoulder. A pair of sun tanned colored pantyhosed without footwear. Her waist was rimmed with a thin navy belt that could hold various items Fade needed, chloroform, knockout gas, MP3 player. Her eyes weren’t covered at the moment but would normally be covered by a pair of dark goggles.

She and her friends had served some time in prison thanks to American Star. But the judge was a softy and gave them sort sentences. While there they expanded their knowledge, skills, and made some new acquaintances. One was another girl who didn’t like American Star and was in prison as a result.

“She jumped the gun. Damn it, now she’ll be expecting us.” Shannon Hayes, better know as Blaze said. The red haired coed who could use flames or heat was lounging in her costume on the couch. Like Fade she had updated her uniform. She now wore a red leotard with sleeves. A pair of orange tights still encased her legs. Shannon had also added a pair of sliver bracelets that covered her forearms. These helped her use her powers more effectively. Finally a thin sliver belt hung around her waist to hips and a matching mask protected her identity.

“Yes but it was only Carrie, she also made it look like it was only her after Star.” Fade answered coming back to the sofa. Taking a seat she watched Blaze roll her eyes. “Yeah, and Velocity is busting her out.” Katie shrugged, “Either way she’d know about us after tonight anyway.” The sudden sounds of high winds singled the last two arrivals. Vigor and Velocity were standing in the middle of the apartment.

Vigor, Carrie Stone, had changed her costume the least. She kept the black catsuit that covered her from neck to toe. Although she eliminated her mask and adopted a thin belt like Fade’s around her waist. Terri Coyle, Velocity, had now a dark blue spandex catsuit. It had a small white scientific symbol for velocity on her left breast. She also had new super sneakers that could survive the speeds she ran at. Removing her blue tinted goggles she also undid her loosely pinned up hair.

“Well she’s out of jail.” Terri said heading for the fridge. Carrie pouted and walked over to bean bag chair collapsing into it. Crossing her legs she also folded her arms across her chest, “I could have got out of there just fine.” “Yeah and American Star or Electron would have come and cleaned your clock the minute they heard about it. At least with Terri you got away too quickly to draw their attention.” Shannon reminded the dirty blonde. Fade needed to change the subject, “Doesn’t matter. Vigor is out and now our little enterprise can begin.”

For the next few minutes she laid out their plan again. Meeting in prison and learning everything they could to assist them the girls had developed an excellent plan for revenge. Fade looked at each of her sisters in crime, they all were eager to get revenge on American Star, and her new friend. “This is going to be fun.” Shannon smiled, thinking about the coming fight tonight. Velocity finished with the Chinese food order, “Ten minutes for delivery, plus it will be fun Shan, although no setting the place on fire.” “Yeah, yeah.” Blaze said.

Later that Night…

Electron flew above the nation’s capital. Erin enjoyed the view of the city at night. Closing her eyes, she felt the air passing by her. ‘Oh man, Allison doesn’t know what she’s missing’ thought the electrical lady. Getting her mind back on track, she went back to looking for any trouble below. Allison was having dinner with her family tonight, so she was patrolling alone.

Electron’s eyes quickly found some trouble. The lights were still on at the Georgetown science labs. ‘Nobody should be there, on Friday night? Hell even the janitors have something to do’ she thought. Descending she placed herself in a position to see without being seen by the occupants of the lab. Peeking inside she saw the two lycra clad women inside. One wore dark blue, the other red. ‘Hey those two look like, Blaze and Velocity. Those two gave Allison plenty of trouble, better be careful’ Electron decided. They were taking various pieces of equipment from Dr. Samuels’s lab.

Erin flew through the open window, which she assumed the two supercoeds had entered through. Landing she assumed a power stance and shouted a, “Hold it right there!” Blaze turned and smiled, “Well if it isn’t Electron. Velocity we have a visitor.” Velocity smiled placing the backpack she was filling with loot down, “Ah the electrical chick, where’s American Star?” “Having much more fun than you two will be having, if you make me give ya an ass kicking.” Erin responded readying some electrical energy in her.

Blaze ignited her hands, revealing her flame powers. She formed two hovering balls of fire. Velocity stretched her leg forwards and stood back up. Electron got ready to take to the air if need be. “So you want the honors?” Velocity asked Blaze. Shannon smiled and nodded her head. Velocity nodded, “Well we need these items Electron, so nice to meet you. Although I don’t think the next time we meet you’ll like it all that much.” With that Velocity was off, disappearing. That was the signal for Blaze to attack.

Fire lanced out at Erin. She went airborne, although there wasn’t much room in the lab. Electron responded in kind firing off her lighting from her hand. Shan dodged the blast and rushed Erin. The two supers connected and flew out the open window. Desperate to avoid hitting the ground, Electron flew upwards. Blaze clung on, increasing the temperature.

“Get off!” Erin yelled as she shocked Blaze. Shannon yelped and fell off, then corrected herself with her own flight powers. Both women now hung in the air above Georgetown. Some kids moving from party to party now noticed the superheroine and villain. Cheers were coming up for Electron, others just wanted to see a superpowered catfight!

“Shall we dance?” Blaze invited, she then shot off her fire at Electron. Erin was quick to dodge the shots and returned fire of her own. Flames and lighting bolts lanced out over the sky giving on hell of light show on the ground. One of Electron’s blasts connected and Blaze went to the ground. Landing with an ouf! She swore and looked up angerly at Electron. “You may have won this round Electron. But enjoy your powers while they last…” Blaze fired off a shot at the crowd. Horrified, Erin dove to take the shot. Flipping over she hoped the special lyrca and nylon superfabric would hold up to its reputation of being flame proof! Taking the strike in the back she fell to the ground hard.

Students suddenly sobered up and ran over to fallen heroine. Blaze used the opportunity to escape. Erin managed to lift up herself on her elbows, ‘oh man, definitely not as tough as Allison’. A concerned guy asked if she was all right. “Yeah I’m okay.” Another two students helped her up. They thanked her for the save and she thanked them for showing some concern for her. Taking to the sky she tried to spot Blaze but had no luck. Still she thought about Blaze’s last statement, ‘enjoy your powers while you still can?’

“What does that mean?” she asked Allison as they sat on the couch in their apartment. Allison shivered, remembering something unpleasant. Getting up she walked to the window and held herself. Erin got up and went over to her best friend, “Allison…” “Velocity was partners with a woman named Katie Helms. She was Fade.” Allison explained. Erin nodded understanding. She placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder, which Allison quickly took into her left one holding onto it. “The girl who can feed on powers…don’t worry Allison I won’t let them get you again.” Erin said confidently. Allison shook her head, “No, I don’t want her getting you. She’s dangerous Erin, she could possibly drain your powers permanently, remember we don’t know that much about them.”

Erin turned her friend around, “Allison, don’t worry. We won’t let it happen, were American Star and Electron. Nobody is beating us.” Allison smiled; Erin always knew how to cheer her up. “Okay. But we need to be careful; with Blaze on their side we need some help.” Allison decided. Erin rose an eyebrow, “Who?” “I met her recently, after my encounter with Extra and Blaze…” Allison explained.

Allison was waiting with Erin at the front of their apartment, sitting on the steps Erin was getting impatient. She paced back and forth in front of the steps, where Allison sat reading a book. “You’re going to leave a trench in the concert.” She joked. Erin turned and faced Allison, “Well I’m sorry. It’s just that she hasn’t shown up yet and I’m nervous with the four gals who hate your guts in town, no doubt plotting our demise.” “Erin, you’re not making me feel any better.” Allison said looking up again.

Stopping her pacing she came and took a seat next to Allison, “Yeah, sorry.” “It’s cool, just let’s relax and wait for her…there see told ya!” Allison pointed then got up waving her hands. A white Toyota pulled over and took a parking spot next to the building. With her car parked the driver got out and waved to Allison who went up and gave her a hug. Erin observed the newcomer closely, she had shoulder length blonde hair, a white blouse on, skirt and flesh toned tights. Coming forwards Allison introduced Erin to the new girl. “Erin, this is Jennifer Jade”, Erin shook hands with the young woman and Allison came in closer and whispered so only the three of them could hear, “better know to American Star and Electron as Emerald.”

Allison had met the girl a few months before. After the encounter with Extra and Blaze, Allison had been a little nervous about the issues of a secret identity. Placing an email on a discreet governmental server for heroines and heroes, she sought anyone else who had experienced anything similar. Out of all the replies, Jennifer’s had been the one Allison most identified with. They exchanged emails and stories, soon enough they had a good superheroine pen pal relationship. With her and Erin being outnumbered, Allison asked her friend for some help. “A pleasure to meet you Erin.” Jennifer said. After a quick trip to the trunk to get Jennifer’s bags they headed upstairs and began to lay down some plans and exchange stories.

Jennifer let the piece of pizza go down before she continued, “Well that seems like a healthy foursome, super strength, speed, ability to control fire, and a parasite that suck all our powers right from our bodies. Thanks for inviting me for a visit Allison.” She was joking, but still she hadn’t gone up against FOUR super powered criminals before. “The way I see it they’re after me for the good olde sake of revenge. Electron is in their sights because she’s my friend, so whatever trap they lay is going to be met for us.” Allison explained her logic. Jennifer nodded understanding, “So, you two want to spring the trap while I take them by surprise.” Allison nodded, “Right, they are expecting us, not Emerald.”

Erin returned to the table bringing a soda with her, “Yeah but Allison, what about Fade. She is the most dangerous of the three. If she gets a hold of anyone of us…” “That’s why we’re going to take her down no matter what.” Allison got up and headed for her bedroom. Returning a few seconds later she showed the two other girls a special collar. “What is it?” Erin asked. “It’s a power suppressing collar. I’ve seemed them before in the police department. They’re supposed to suppress a villain’s powers in prison.” Jennifer answered. “Right Emerald, this one was Katie Helms, Fade’s.” Allison said. “So we slap it on her, making her just a normal girl? Alright, good thinking Allison!” Erin smiled for joy.

Jennifer wasn’t as excited, “Hold it Erin, just because she’d loose her powers doesn’t mean she’d be toothless.” She fully remembered the damage Sheer; a non superpowered villainess had done to her. “I know but this way she’s easier to deal with. After that handling the other three should be simpler.” Allison answered. “Can it be used on us?” Erin pondered to her friends. Jennifer shook her head, “Nope, they are tailored to the specific power or powers of the owner; it will only work on Fade.”

For the next half hour the girls finalized their plans. With that done they settled in for a movie, waiting for the four villainess vixens to make their next move. Jennifer had brought her police scanner and they listened for any reports that would be a sign of the next phase in this little game of chess.

Thanks to sign for letting me have Emerald come to help AS and Electron.

“All units All units, reports of a robbery at…” the police scanner popped out. Allison sat up straight and ran for her room. “That’s the bank that I first ran into the terrible three. This is it!” She exclaimed. Jennifer and Erin nodded to each other and went to grab their respective costumes.

Jennifer opened up her bag revealing the dark green leotard, short yellow gloves and mask, and her belt with the large emerald colored stone that was the source of her powers. Quickly slipping out of her skirt and blouse, she slid the green leotard up her body. Then her gloves and mask came on. Finally, Jennifer placed her belt around her waist. Feeling the rush of power that signaled she was no longer Jennifer Jade, but superheroine Emerald.

Allison emerged shortly as American Star and Electron floated in as well. “Okay Erin and I will take on the gals in the bank. Once they think they have us…” Emerald finished, “I’ll surprise them and slap this collar on Fade.” “Be careful Emerald.” Erin offered. Emerald nodded and they broke off, with Allison running to the bank, and Electron giving Emerald a lift in her arms. Jennifer was pretty excited by the flight over; she’d never flown without a plane before.

Velocity and Blaze stood guard while Vigor ripped the bank’s safety deposit boxes open. Shannon loved looking at all the cash, “Oh this is great! Money and we get that do gooder.” “Yeah but she’s too damn slow.” Terri remarked, as always insulted by how slow everyone else was. “What were you saying about slow?” the three girls turned to see American Star in her powerstance inside the bank. One of the three was about to reply when someone beat them to the punch. “I think they got the impression your slow American Star.” Electron answered her cheerleader skirt fluttering as she landed in the bank. Both of them were ready for a fight, but neither could see Fade! Allison had assumed she’d be with the others in the bank. Star was now terrified that she had sent Emerald against the parasitic villainess all by herself.

“Well if it isn’t the supersquirts.” Vigor smiled her green eyes filled with defiance. Velocity and Blaze each took a position Electron and American Star got into fighting stances. Blaze fired off her flames first, causing Star and Electron to dart out of the away and each move against a badgirl. Allison laid into Velocity who tried using her superspeed, knocking the speeder into a wall. Erin dealt with Vigor by giving her a blast of lighting from her left hand, then knocking Blaze across the room with her right.

Meanwhile on the roof of the bank, Fade waited for her chance to drop into the bank and begin feeding on American Star’s powers or her friend. Emerald had been dropped off by Electron a little under a block away. Jennifer than used a burst of hyper-speed to reach the back of the bank. It was there she noticed the waiting Fade. ‘Great, I can take her by surprise, slap the collar on, KO her, then jump in and help Allison and Erin.’ Jennifer smiled summoning her hyper-strength she jumped up and landed on the roof.

“Hold it right there Fade!” she said with determination. While the red head turned she was stunned to see a green blur go into action as Emerald used her speed. With a few punches and kicks, Fade was done. Quickly Jennifer whipped the collar off her belt and connected it around the villain’s neck. Moaning Fade clawed at the device; evidently she was feeling the effects of the collar. “Weren’t expecting me Fade?” Emerald asked standing over Fade, with her hands on her hips and proud of this latest victory over the clever and dangerous villainess. Fade stopped her struggles and smiled coldly, “Actually Emerald we were expecting you, and that collar I’m wearing. So we made a little switch.” Fade began methodically rubbing her sun tanned pantyhosed legs together. Jennifer felt distracted all of the sudden; she had been focusing in with her hyper-hearing when the girl trapped below her began to rub her legs. Emerald would also regret not binding the girl’s arms, because suddenly her hand lifted up faster than the eye could manage and felt the inner thigh of Jennifer’s tights.

Emerald let a gasp slip from her lips as a wave of distracting pleasure washed over her. Stumbling backwards she was soon in Fade’s arms! “What…no you don’t have superspeed!” Jennifer said, and then she figured it out. ‘Fade’ laughed out loud, “That’s right my dear, enjoy the chloroform!” Terri placed the light blue cloth she had kept hidden inside the black leotard over Emerald’s nose and mouth.

Jennifer smelled the sweet and sticky anesthetic enter her nostrils, holding her breath she tried to summon her hyper-strength to break the hold Velocity had on her arms and face. Terri was quick to stop her, by using the arm that pinned Emerald’s arms to give her a quick little grope. Emerald suddenly inhaled a huge dose of chloroform from the unexpected sensation. Soon her muscles began to grow weaker from the fumes, her strength drained away just as if her powerbelt had been removed. Jennifer’s vision blurred and her pretty eyes began to flutter. Little over a minute after the cloth had been applied to her beautiful face, Emerald’s eyes closed and she went limp in Velocity’s, disguised as Fade, arms. Terri smiled as she had poor defenseless Emerald now resting peacefully in her arms, blonde hair spilling out. Removing the cloth she gave Jennifer a small kiss, “Sweet dreams.”

Back below in the bank, Electron and American Star had no idea that their friend was now a helpless captive. Allison delivered a final superstrong blow to Velocity who never even got a chance to get up to speed. Electron smashed Blaze and Vigor together, and then using her strength bent a steel bar around the two while they were stunned to keep them out of trouble. “All right, well that takes care of these gals, but what about Fade?” Erin pondered. Allison walked over and checked on the two bound villains both of whom struggled against their bonds, “I don’t know but I’m worried about Emerald, she hasn’t popped in here yet. Hope she’s okay.”

Electron headed over to the KOED Velocity, “Want me to tie her up?” “Sure.” Allison said she was bending down to question Vigor on Fade’s whereabouts. “All right Carrie, where is Fade?” American Star asked with a stern tone. Carrier smiled, readying for her part, “Right behind you.” Allison was about to ask her what she was talking about when Electron screamed.

Erin was picking up the slowly awaking Velocity when suddenly the girl got an unexpected boost of energy and grabbed onto Electron’s hands. Confident she could take the speedy coed, Erin was charging a burst when suddenly Velocity’s hands glowed pink! Erin felt a wave of weakness wash over. “What…is happening…?” she stammered. Velocity rose to her feet, while Electron sank to her knees. Katie Helms, not Terri Coyle was wearing the costume of Velocity! Fade laughed as she fed on the young amber haired woman’s powers. “How do feel Electron, a little drained? Hick up in the power gird?” Fade teased, every second of contact with the lighting lass in white making her stronger, but poor Erin weaker. American Star screamed and rushed forward, only to be held by Vigor who using her superior strength broke free from the steel bar that held her and Blaze.

Wrapping her arms around American Star she squeezed with all her strength. Fighting the bearhug, Allison kicked and squirmed but her strength wasn’t equal to that of the girl holding her. “Like it American Star, watching your friend’s powers fading away?” Carrie asked taking pleasure in every moment of the superpowered duo’s defeat.

Erin felt ill on the inside, like she was sick. This was worse then the time she had overextended her powers. Fade now straddled her, pinning Electron’s legs with hers, “That’s it Electron don’t fight it, give it all up.” Erin couldn’t stay awake, she was too weak. In fact if you were to measure her strength at this moment, a ten year old could handle the mighty heroine. Her eyes rolled into her head and she passed out. Fade laughed and stood up over her latest conquest. Removing Velocity’s goggles off her eyes she walked over to a weakening American Star.

Allison could barley stay awake in the arms of Vigor, watching her friend being stripped of her powers was too much for her, she was at the verge of tears. Seeing Emerald brought in by the real Velocity who wore Fade’s costume pushed her over the edge. Katie walked up and held American Star by her chin, “There, there Star, don’t cry. Here I’ll make you feel better.”

Fade’s cherry red lips connected with Allison’s and began to glow pink as she fed on another superheroine. American Star squirmed but it was no use, her powers flowed through her red lips into Fade. Evidently Fade didn’t want too much of Allison’s powers because she broke off her lips. Using a finger to trace American Star’s lips, Katie smiled, “Thanks for that Star.”

Blaze walked up to the weakened, defeated heroine, “Sorry no kisses from me dear. But I will take those wonderful gold bracelets off you.” Shannon had full memory of the source of Allison’s powers. Quickly ripping each of them off, she held the bracelets just out of reach of the blonde patriotic heroine. ‘So…weak…just…knock me…out already’ combined power draining, loss and Vigor’s steel grip had taken its toll on American Star. Velocity walked up and placed the chloroform cloth to her foe’s lips, sending Allison to dreamland.

Her last thoughts before she passed out, ‘Erin, Jennifer, I’m sorry…’

Duh, duh, da..

‘Oh…so weak…where…am I…Erin? Jen…’ she thought, her mind clouded. Allison’s pretty blue eyes opened, looking around she saw she was in a dark windowless room. Looked like it was a recently made room with the same flat panel walls a cubicle used. She tried to look around more than just rolling her eyes, but found her head could barley lift itself up. Next she felt the strong grip of the chains that held her down.

American Star let her body rest and recover. After what could have been minutes, but felt like hours she managed to find the strength to keep her head up. She also could feel someone behind her. Turning her head as far as it could, Allison managed to get a look at a short yellow glove. “Emerald? Emerald wake up?” American Star called. Jen only let out a loan moan, in about the same condition as Allison had been she was still too weak to respond. Another look around the room revealed Erin. “Electron!” she tried to wake her friend up. Erin was out cold. Her body chained to a chair. The steel contrasted with the white tights and nylon of her costume. All the heroines had been strapped down the same way. First, a coil of chain tied their wrists together behind each other’s backs. Next a crisscross X pattern went across their chests, fixing them to the chair’s back. Finally twin coils went down their tights attaching their legs to the chair’s.

Electron though had extra chain wrapped around her upper body, and a strange collar around her neck. It had a plastic tube that glowed blue, studying it some more American Star realized that it was a reproduction of the power damping collars used in prison. Allison was once again ready to cry, she had failed miserably. Her assumptions had let Emerald, Electron and herself fall into the clutches of their foes.

“Oh…man head, chloroform is bad as Sheer’s gas. American Star? You okay?” Jennifer said weakly coming out of her drugged and weakened stupor. Looking down at her waist she panicked, “Star! My belt it’s gone!” Without her powerbelt she was helpless to the steel that gripped her body. “Calm down Jen, my bracelets are gone too.” Allison added for comfort. Erin still hadn’t awakened; in fact she seemed to be getting weaker. “No but Velocity knew my…private weakness. What if they know more?” Emerald asked. Sheer had discovered her identity merely by caressing Emerald’s tights. How did they know about it? Allison struggled against her bonds for a moment then resigned to the fact she couldn’t do anything about it, “Hopefully they don’t. Who’d ya tell about your affection to tights?”

Jennifer thought about it, “Only Lilac Lass. Think she told others?” “Don’t know, maybe Velocity just thought it was a good way to distract you, they are a little kinky.” Allison said. Erin let out a loan moan, “Electron? You all right?” Allison asked. “No…feel…so weak.” She said. Her head hung near her breasts, then she brought it up looked at Allison then her head slid backwards again. “You have a power damping collar on! That and Fade’s powers can’t be any good. This is entirely my fault.” Allison cried. Emerald turned her head trying to see Allison, “Don’t do this American Star. This isn’t your fault, it was a good plan, and we were just out thought. Now we need to focus on getting out of here.” Electron offered as well, “Star…its…okay.”

Allison nodded her head, “Thanks.” “Well isn’t that sweet, group hug, oh wait you’re chained up.” The three heroines turned their heads to the sound of the mocking. Fade, Vigor, Velocity and Blaze all entered their little room. Jennifer was angered to see her powerbelt being trilled in Velocity’s grasp (she had changed back to her own costume) and Allison was ticked that Blaze was wearing her bracelets next to her own sliver ones.

Fade stood confidently in the center, “How did you all sleep girls? Hope you don’t mind us taking your powers away, can’t have you escaping now.” Emerald shot back, “Oh we don’t mind if your returning are items, by the way how did you know…” “Your belt was your power source? Easy, I could feel the energy in it my dear, also it was a bit obvious, and you don’t just have that stone there for looks.” Katie laughed. Emerald was relived that they didn’t learn that from Sheer, it meant her identity was safe, probably.

“Now I’m sure you are all a bit curios as to why we’ve gone to all this trouble.” Fade said as she began to stroll around the bound superheroines. “It crossed my mind.” American Star replied. Katie smiled and took a seat on Allison’s lap. She used her pantyhosed legs to rub against American Star’s. Allison offered no resistance, nor sounds of enjoyment, “Pity American Star, I was hoping you’d have the same reaction that your friend Emerald had.” Jennifer blushed as she tried to sink deeper into her chair. “Enough Fade, what do you want with us, suck our powers?” American Star demanded, trying to swing the conversation off Emerald. “But of course, Vigor, Velocity.” Both girls went over to a different heroine, Velocity worked on taking Emerald, while Vigor took Electron. Allison struggled only to have Fade touch her, and steal some energy. Allison felt her breath taken away as Katie fed on her regular stamina and strength. Sinking into her chair she could only watch as the girls were carried away. Blaze closed the door and smiled.

Fade got off American Star’s lap and headed to a corner Allison couldn’t see. She returned a few seconds later with a TV on a moveable table. Blaze pulled a chair over and brought it next Allison, Fade did the same thing and both took a seat next to Allison. “You see Star, it would have been simple to just kill you three. Or for me to use you as a powersource while my girlfriends used you as a punching bag, no we have a much better fate in store for you.”

She switched on the TV, and she could see Velocity unbinding Emerald and shoving her body up against a wall. Electron was having her collar removed and then pushed into a corner. Allison could she a small electrical cord that Erin began taking energy from. Fade used her hand to turn Allison’s head back to hers and to look the heroine in the eyes, “You’ll watch the end of your friends, every second of it, till both have been finished. Then you’ll be left to the four of us.”

Allison kept calm and watched the screen as Emerald and Electron got ready to fight for their very lives!

Author's Note, the next two parts both occur at the same time. Also I have changed the title to reconigzed Emerald's part on the story. It would have been in there at the start but I wasn't sure about using her in the story.

Emerald was lead to another part of, what now seemed to be a warehouse converted to the Sorority of Sin’s needs. Velocity shoved the powerless Jennifer into the room. Landing on her behind, Jen sat up and looked at Velocity. Terri was mockingly wearing Emerald’s powerbelt. She could feel the power from the stone calling out to her, Jennifer needed that back.

“Well time for the main event Emerald. This should be fun, watching you squirm in those tights. Tell me did you enjoy my touch?” Terri snickered. She then turned into a blur. Jen felt a number of hands on her then her chains fell away. Emerald gasped slightly as she felt a hand slide down her thigh again. Backing up and standing at the same time she used a wall to support her. Velocity came to a stop in front of her and smiled.

“Enjoy that my dear?” she smirked. Jennifer assumed a fighting stance, “No, I’m not into ladies sick’o.” Terri laughed, “But you do enjoy those nylons you have on my dear, Sutan was quite clear on that.” Velocity grinned like the Chester Cat when she saw Emerald’s recognition of the name. “That’s right, my cell mate. She said you really enjoyed it.” Jennifer swore to herself. In keeping her little personal weakness a secret she didn’t ask Wondergirl to remove it from the memories of the bodysuit wearing villains who captured her. “Now, let’s have some fun.” Velocity disappeared into a blur. Emerald was struck first in her side, next in the back, finally a pair of double clenched fists slammed into her head. Falling to the ground Jen moaned in pain. Even though she was no stronger than Jen without her powers, Terri had speed to deliver her blows. Standing above the helpless crimefighter, Velocity bent down and lifted Emerald up by her blonde hair.

Crying out from the pulling she then received a series of punches at normal speed to her abs. Released after the bombardment, Emerald stumbled backwards then forward. Terri smiled as the girl collapsed into her arms. “Time to see how well your body does at high speed…” Velocity was about to accelerate when Emerald’s head slammed into her own! Gripping the yellow belt with all she had, Jennifer used her own hyper-speed now. Slamming Velocity into the walls she managed to stun the speedy coed. Terri slummed to the ground too battered to stand up. Jennifer quickly worked at removing the powerbelt from Velocity’s waist.

Jennifer felt joy as she reattached her power source. Feeling the power in her now she stood up straight and proud, hands on her hips, “It’s over Velocity.” “Not quite Emerald…” Velocity shot up and turned into a blur; Emerald was slow to react and as a result couldn’t stop the attack. Moving at superspeeds, Velocity touched her tights in various places. Jennifer overwhelmed by the sensations, couldn’t react to the next phase of Velocity’s attack.

A series of superfast punches began to pound her around. Jennifer ended upon the floor, pounded and tried. Sitting up on her elbows, Emerald was soon pushed to the floor again. Terri, breathing heavily placed her foot on Emerald’s back and shoved her back down. Using her other foot to roll the girl over she then straddled the weakened lyrca clad women. Pinning Jen’s arms she brought her face close to Emerald’s, “Well it’s been fun but it’s about time I finished you off.” Jen was trying to shake off the attack’s both pleasuring and painful effects. While doing this she noticed Terri seemed distracted, she formed an idea. Velocity then used her left hand to reach inside her catsuit, removing a cloth. “It’s a bit smelly but don’t worry, the chloroform on it will work quickly.” Terri said as she brought the blue cloth towards Jennifer’s face. Suddenly Emerald’s free had reached for Velocity’s breast! Jennifer began to apply soothing pleasure to the breast she groped. Terri paused, shocked by the pleasure coming to her, Jen’s theory was right; she shared Emerald’s personal weakness.

A burst of hyper-strength knocked the woman off. The chloroform rag went flying as well. Jennifer went into full attack mode. She delivered punches, kicks, karate chops she’d learned all either with hyper-strength or speed. Now Terri was once again back on the ropes. Emerald wasn’t going to take any chances, she snatched up the chloroform cloth and used a burst of hyper-speed to get behind Velocity.

“Sleep tight Velocity!” She applied the cloth. Terri struggled under the fumes from the rag. Her gyrations didn’t get her any leeway as Jennifer held her type. Quickly since she was breathing heavily, Velocity’s struggles dampened, and her strength faded. Watching her eyes, Jen saw them began to flutter than finally close. Emerald smiled as she placed the villainess on the floor. Getting up she walked over to chains that had bound her, she gave the same pleasure to Velocity who now couldn’t cause any trouble.

Hands on her hips and smiling Emerald now prepared to search for Erin and Allison heard a disturbing call over some sort of PA, “Enjoy your victory Emerald, because it has cost American Star her life!”

Erin was too weak to offer any resistance as Vigor stripped her of the chains that held her tight. Carrie smiled as the amber haired heroine weakly looked her in the eyes. “Now…what…” Electron asked. “I get to repay you for the beating you gave me.” She lifted Erin up and threw the electrical maiden into the wall on the other side of the room. Her shoulder burned with pain from the impact. Placing her blue gloved hand on the collar that was preventing her from recharging she tried finding a latch or button that would deactivate it. Vigor gave her no time to recover; she was on her quickly slamming her foot down on the heroine.

Electron clutched her chest swore from Vigor’s nylon encased foot. The dirty blonde laughed enjoying every minute of Electron’s destruction. Knelling down, Vigor undid Erin’s cape and then tightened it in her fingers. She then looped it around Erin’s neck! Coughing gasping for air as her neck was squeezed, Erin tried to free herself. Carrie brought her face close to Erin’s, “I’m not much for theatrics, so this is going be nice and short. Just a little more pressure”, Erin could feel the grip on her neck tighten.

Suddenly though the pressure on her neck eased up. Erin could breath again, and she noticed the slumped over form of Vigor. Looking up she saw a smiling Emerald! “Come one, I’ll help you up.” Jennifer said giving Erin a hand. Emerald used her hyper-strength to rip off the collar from Electron’s neck. Freed from its dampening effects, Erin breathed in deeply and connected with the electrical field of the building. “YES! Thanks a lot Emerald; I’m getting stronger by the minute.” Electron thanked her complexion and body improving. “Great, but we need to hurry up and get Allison!”

Allison smiled as she saw Emerald defeat Velocity. This didn’t rub off on Fade and Blaze. Katie grabbed Allison and began draining American Star. ““Enjoy your victory Emerald, because it has cost American Star her life!” Fade shouted, evidently Emerald could hear this and speed out of the room. She popped into Erin’s room and saved her. Allison though couldn’t see this. She was being dragged back to the far side of the room.

American Star was having trouble staying awake. Without her powers, Fade was just draining her normal strength and stamina, if she kept it up Allison might not be able to wake up! With the slowly weakening heroine where Katie wanted her, she released her grip and drain on Allison. Slumping back into her chair, “What…now…” “Blaze.” Fade answered coldly. Shannon smiled and set the room on fire. The two villainesses stood at the doorway and turned to face American Star who was already coughing from the smoke. “So long American Star, may we not meet again.” Fade laughed. Allison raised her head up and managed to fight through her weakness and pain, “Oh no Fade…we will.” “I don’t see how? Blaze has your bracelets, and you’re about to…” Fade and Blaze were knocked down. Electron and Emerald stood in their place!

“I’ll get her bracelets!” Emerald shouted reaching down to deal with Blaze. Electron nodded and flew into the flames. Using her cape as a shield she managed to make her way through the flames and land next to American Star. “Hold on Allison.” She spoke quietly. Quickly snapping the chains she lifted her friend up and into her arms. Making sure to cover Allison with her cape she flew back towards Emerald. Jennifer had pried Allison’s golden bracelets from Blaze’s wrists. With this done she ran outside. Electron fired off a blast of electricity and blew a hole through the roof of the warehouse.

Flying through the opening she turned left and landed next to Emerald. Jennifer handed over Allison’s powersource, “Quick put them back on.” Electron attached the golden accessories to their proper spots. Allison sighed, feeling the power coming back into her body. The regenerative and healing abilities granted to her went to work restoring her energy and the damage down over the night. Sitting up Allison rubbed her head, “Oh man that feels horrible yet good at the same time. Oh thank god you guys are all right.” She went straight up and held the two in a hug. “Glad you’re okay too.” Erin said. Jennifer turned her head to the burning building which was starting to show signs of the fire inside. “Guess we should rescue them?” Emerald asked. Allison nodded, “We have to, we’re the good guys.”

Each of them disappeared into the fire of the building. Emerald recovered Velocity, who was still out. Electron got the groggily now bound Vigor, while American Star went to recover Fade and Blaze. Arriving at the room she was held in, Allison looked to find only a recovering Blaze. Shannon looked up and saw the tall and shapely form of American Star. Screaming she threw herself at the heroine.

Both locked the arms together in a contest of their strength. Allison struggled and managed to use her superior strength to her advantage. Blaze sank to her knees and American Star managed to lay a good punch across the girl’s chin. While she was stunned, Allison lifted Blaze onto her shoulder and sped out of the building. Dumping her on the ground, Emerald dumped some water on the girl. Shannon crused as she felt the cold water cool her fiery temper and powers. Soaking wet her costume clung to her in everyway but her powers were useless while covered in the H2O.

“Any sign of Fade?” Emerald asked. Allison shook her head. Looking at the burning warehouse and hearing the approaching fire trucks, American Star spoke softly, “Next time Fade, next time.”

The End