Night Shadow and the Squad

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:21min
Added Date:6/30/2024
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She sat on the roof, perched ready to go. Her legs were clad in dark almost black tights; this was due to the new light/thinner Kevlar weaved into them. A darker blue leotard hugged her body and arms. Thin pads of Kevlar offered protection to her vital organs, but she didn’t really want to test it. From her back a black cape hung from her shoulders to her feet. Again this could offer her protection if she wrapped herself in it. Finally her dark brunet hair flowed down the back. A pair of goggles tinted yellow covered her eyes. She was ready to go to work.

It wasn’t a long wait; a drunken man had wandered out of a bar on the outskirts of Charlestown. Driving on his own back, he was all over the road. If he wasn’t stopped soon, god only knows what would happen. His reactions were slowed so he didn’t notice the oncoming figure. He was quite surprised when the car stopped suddenly. Pushing down with all his might on the accelerator didn’t seem to help. Drunkenly he reached for the rear view mirror. Adjusting it he was surprised to see a young woman behind him, she gripped his bumper not letting him get anywhere. After stopping his car he stumbled out and headed for her.

“What…are you doing…I need to get going!” he yelled.

“I don’t think so, you stink by the way.” She said lowering the car to the ground. The two now stood in front of each other.

He brought up an unsteady fist, “You better get out of my way bitch…”

She cocked an eyebrow, “Try it.”

A suggestion wasn’t needed, “Well take this!” Throwing a punch he staggered forwards, hitting nothing. Turning around he tried to find his target, what the?

“Up here.” He heard, looking up he saw her floating above the ground, arms crossed.

Sobering up some, “How did you…” he didn’t finish, she landed gracefully on top of him, knocking him out cold. Police showed up a short time later to find the guy handcuffed to his car, sleeping off a .1 blood alcohol level. They were left scratching their heads, Lightspeed usually stayed at the scene to answer questions, if this wasn’t her, who was it?

Night Shadow removed her goggles, revealing the face of Jackie Kenner. Her powers were still pretty new but she was getting the hang of them. They complemented Jessie’s speed pretty well, since she provided flight and strength. With a smile on her lips she flew back towards home.

Three weeks earlier…

Jackie had been depressed, sitting in her room she could only think about her failure. Oh she had been told that it wasn’t a failure by Jessie, Jessie’s parents, and it made sense to her, but she didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t have the strength to hold out, I couldn’t help her. She put her head on her pillow and sighed, then she heard a wind, it was as if a breeze had come up in her room.

Lifting her head she saw a bright glowing womanly form. It turned into someone, she was a twenty year old woman she had long blonde hair, a white dress, and matching tights. She seemed to give off a feeling of calm, and at the same time power.

“Who are you?” Jackie asked.

“I’m the one you friend calls Spirit.” She answered in a heavenly voice.

“You helped her escape!” Jackie exclaimed, sitting up and getting off the bed.

“Yes I did and now I’ve come to help you.”

Confused Jackie asked, “Help me, how?”

Spirit walked forwards and placed her hands on Jackie’s shoulders, “What happened to Jessie was not you fault. You resisted Devil Girl as long as you could Jackie; you only gave up as a last resort.”

“Maybe…but what kind of friend am I? I sold her out to save my skin.”

Spirit shook her head, “No Jackie you can’t keep thinking that. If you do you won’t be able to use the gift I’m going to grant you.”

“Gift?” Jackie asked. Spirit closed her eyes and concentrated. Jackie suddenly felt strange, energy was flowing into her body, and she was growing stronger. When Spirit had finished Jackie felt different, lighter, and powerful.

“What did you do?”

Stepping back Spirit gave Jackie some room, “You have gotten powers my dear.”

“Powers…super-powers?” Jackie stuttered, Spirit nodded, “Yes Jackie, try to fly.” Jackie looked back at the ghost unsure. However the woman just gave her a reassuring stare. Closing her eyes Jackie tried to use the powers, thinking about flying. When nothing really changed she opened her eyes, “I don’t think it…yikes!”

Jackie was floating above the floor, “I guess they work….”

“They do, now think about landing, softly.” Spirit advised. Jackie nodded and slowly descended to the ground. Touching down she released a breath, “What other powers do I have?”

“You are gifted with strength.” She handed Jackie a metal bar.

“Where did you get that?” the young girl asked, Spirit just smiled, “Try it.”

Jackie took the bar and pulled on it, nothing happened, “It didn’t work.”

Spirit nodded, “That is because you didn’t concentrate; think about the strength with in you.” Nodding Jackie tried again, this time she was rewarded with a bent piece of metal. Spirit went on to explain that her flight and strength was all she would receive.

“Why just those two?”

Spirit explained, “Because those were the only two I had, they were my original powers. Plus it isn’t just the powers that make one a heroine Jackie, it is also in here.” She pointed at Jackie’s heart. The girl was touched she closed her eyes for a moment and wiped away a tear, “Thank…” Looking back up she saw Spirit was gone, “You.”

Jessie had been getting ready for bed when Jackie had gone over to show off her new powers. But the exhaustion in her friend disappeared when she saw Jackie floating above the floor. Over the next few days they perfected Jackie’s powers, since they required her to be focused there was little chance of Jackie accidentally using them in public. Jessie also used her government phone number. Two weeks later a man in a black sedan arrived and gave her a suitcase and then drove off. Inside was the uniform Jackie now wore as Night Shadow and a few other items. First was the ‘stick’ as Jackie liked to call it. It was a telescoping pole that could extend to become a weapon. Jackie also found out it was almost impossible to break, so she could use it like a pry bar to lift things and support stuff.

Next was some special flexi cuffs made out of the same stuff. She also got a ‘gun’. It wasn’t a really a pistol but one that used special non-lethal weapons. One was the option to fire a gooey blob that pinned someone; another was tranquilizer rounds to knock someone out. She also got some lock picks and pair of miniature radio earpieces. Jessie was looking through all the toys when Jackie stepped out in her costume.

“Well what do ya think?”

Jessie smiled, “You look great, Jackie are you sure you want to do this?”

Smiling she reached for her belt and removed her stick, extending it she did a small twirl and assumed a stance, “You bet.”

Back to where we left Night Shadow…

“Hey how was the first night?” Jackie turned her head seeing Lightspeed below her. Descending Nigh Shadow came to ground next to her partner and friend.

“It was easy, just a drunk didn’t get to even use all my toys.” Jackie answered playfully.

“Hey those are the good ones.” Lightspeed answered. She was a bit tried of dueling it out with superpowered villains; she’d take normal street crime anytime. They talked a little more while finishing up the patrol for the evening. Jessie loved to have her best friend now at her side. With the two of us nothing could stop us, well okay almost nothing, Jessie thought as the two headed back to Jackie’s house for some well earned hot coca.


Keri Palmer looked through the small apartment they had rented under a false alias. Lisa Meadows and Kei Anderson were with her. The other girls had decided to go back to normal life. That didn’t suit Keri. She was angry, real angry. Thanks to Lightspeed and her stupid friend Jackie Reynolds, the varsity cheerleaders had all spent a good year in prison. It was juvie but still that do gooding bitch as Keri referred to Lightspeed had ruined her life.

So she and her best friends were planning on getting even. Right now Lisa and Kei were working on their costumes, so Keri was waiting in a tank top and undies for the first one to be finished. She was also looking at the clock. Although her parents had cut her off, Keri had a few tricks up her sleeves. After accessing her trust fund from her grandparents she had arranged for a little help in her revenge. Oh yes Lightspeed, I have a nice little surprise in store for you the girl thought.

Jessie was having a small snack at the Diner in downtown. One of the benefits of her Accelerator was the super-metabolism that came with it, before she would be worried about the double cheeseburger and fires she was eating. Jackie was supposed to meet her soon for shopping in Anderson City, but she hadn’t shown up yet. As the young heroine finished her lunch, others got ready to play.

The First Bank branch of Charlestown was not too busy this Saturday. Most of the bankers were chatting with one another. In fact they didn’t notice the three girls in trench coats enter. Each one had a small smirk on their face. Two of them stood near the front doors of the bank. The other one walked forwards and up to a teller. Keri Palmer was ready to draw Lightspeed out and what better way to do that than a bank robbery.

“Hi can I help you?” the teller asked. Keri smiled and took off her coat, revealing her dark blue and orange cheerleader uniform. An SQ was on her chest for Squad, and her legs were encased in dark neon blue tights. She had also used her coat to hide the small submachine gun she had been holding.

“Yes, all the money in your fault please” Keri answered as she lifted the gun into view, Lisa and Kei revealed their identical uniforms and guns.

Jessie was finishing her lunch when she noticed people pointing to the bank. She was about to ask someone what was going on when a series of shots rang out. People inside the Diner ducked at the sound, this allowed Jessie to get a good look at what was going on. A scared man was running for his life away from the bank’s front door. The young superheroine caught the last bits of an arm and machinegun going back inside the bank.

Stealing a quote from a famous superheroine Jessie said to herself, “Looks like a job for Lightspeed.”

Carefully moving out of the Diner, after leaving the money for her meal, Jessie headed for the back door near the bathrooms. Once in the alley she proceeded to change into her alterego. Pulling up her shirt she revealed her leotard, and then with her pants gone she showed off her blue tights. After putting her goggles and Accelerator on, Lightspeed was ready. With a burst of speed she left the alley and entered the bank. At the door she found two girls in cheerleader outfits touting guns. She moved into a spin and knocked one down and then the other.

With both girls out cold Lightspeed decided to see if anyone else was in here. Moving forwards slowly she headed for the bank tellers’ counter. She didn’t have to wait long. Stepping out into sight was Keri Palmer.

“Well if it isn’t Lightspeed?” she said sarcastically.

Jessie narrowed her eyes, “Keri Palmer.” The girl had been the first one to capture Lightspeed, faking her own kidnapping so she could chloroform the teen speedster. Except for her gun she didn’t look to be armed with anything else.

“Why of course it’s me Lightspeed, Lisa and Kei would say hi if you hadn’t not knocked them out.” The Ex-student smiled like the Chester Cat. Jessie was wary of a possible trap. So she kept her distance.

“Alright Palmer, you and your buddies are heading back to the slammer. Although this time I don’t think your lawyer will be able to get you in juvie court.” Lightspeed said preparing for a fight. Keri laughed in reply.

“Oh I don’t think so Lightspeed, you see I have an ace up my sleeve.” Keri then revealed a cellphone. Clicking the walkie talkie feature she spoke, “You can come in now.”

Jessie wanted to know what that meant when she heard a whoosh of someone traveling at speeds like hers. Lightspeed was knocked forwards and onto the ground next to where Keri was standing. Jessie had been hit hard so she was slow to get up. Managing to get up on her hands she could see Keri hovering over her. With controlled glee Keri pointed in the direction of Lightspeed’s attacker.

“Lightspeed I’d like you to meet the fastest girl from the East coast, Velocity.”

Behind her was the blue spandex running suit clad Velocity. She smiled and stood with a hand on the hip, “Well this is Lightspeed eh? She’s shorter than you made her sound.”

Keri rolled her eyes, “Sorry. Anyway Lightspeed I figured that since you’re a speed demon, I might as well get someone like that on my own side. Velocity here is going to…soften you up. When she’s done is when you and I will have our fun.”

Keri stood back and gave one last order to Velocity, “Make sure she stays in one piece.”

Velocity just nodded her head and watched as Lightspeed got back on her feet. Jessie hadn’t dealt with anyone as fast as her. She eyed the girl carefully. Terri just continued to have that smirk on her face, ‘this should be fun.’ Lightspeed decided to make the first move. She blurred into motion and slammed into Velocity who wasn’t ready for the attack. The girl went through the glass door and ended up in the middle of the street. Shaken Velocity saw Lightspeed standing over her.

“Velocity, I thought you were fast?” Jessie joked.

“Oh you are going to pay for that.” Velocity ran full speed into Lightspeed and carried them both out of town. Jesse tried to free herself but it was useless, the badgirl was too fast. Velocity had brought them far outside town, where they could have some room. Stopping near a barn she let Lightspeed fly into the wooden structure. The heroine went through the wall like it was cardboard. Lightspeed was quick to move however, she ran out and gave a punch to Velocity; this knocked the other girl into a spin.

Jessie followed up her punch with a roundhouse kick, only to have Velocity grab her leg and shake here head, “No, no.” The villainess flipped Jessie off her other foot and again she was down on the ground. Lightspeed decided she needed to change tactics. Concentrating she began to change the frequency at which her atoms vibrated. For a moment she shifted planes and was in between dimensional planes. Velocity didn’t understand what was going on and was shocked when the blur that was Lightspeed went through her.

Entering back into normal space behind Velocity, Lightspeed spun in place and stuck her arms out. Like a moving punching machine she battered Velocity. Terri was taken by surprise and almost knocked out. Jessie thought she had taken the villain down and ended the fight. Confidently she walked around Velocity.

“Okay I think this little charade ends down Velocity.” Jessie said with a smile on her face. Terri got up and dusted herself off.

“I agree, Lightspeed it is time for this to end.” Terri said than began to spin in place. She created a tornado of air and wind. Lightspeed was taken by surprise and consumed by the wind. It spun her above Velocity who continued to feed her tornado by spinning in place. Without any ground to move against, Jessie was helpless. Terri could see the superheroine was powerless against her windstorm; it was time to deliver the final blow.

Spinning only one more time, Terri stopped on a dime and sent the heroine to the ground. Lightspeed withered on the ground in pain from the impact. Velocity lifted the heroine up by her hair. Jessie felt her blonde locks being stretched and this woke her back up. This was just in time to have Velocity deliver a series of speedy punches to her abs impacting with huge kinetic energy. Each punch nearly broke Lightspeed in half. Satisfied that she had knocked the sprit out of the heroine, Terri let the heroine drop to the ground.

Jessie coughed and tried to collect herself. The villainess however didn’t give her the time. Grabbing Lightspeed by her neck she wrapped the blonde heroine into a sleeper hold. Jessie was already drained from her flight, the fight, and what was left of her stomach, weakly she clawed at Velocity’s spandex clad arms. It was hopeless, as Terri predicted. Lightspeed slipped slowly into sleep, her eyes closing behind her goggles. Even with the heroine’s eyes closed, Terri kept the hold on for a few more seconds, to ensure a knockout.

With a smirk on her face the villain released her prey and sent Lightspeed to the ground. Jessie landed with an undignified grunt and on her face. Using her sneaker, Velocity rolled the heroine onto her back. She knelled next to the girl and placed her right hand on Lightspeed’s belt.

“I hear this is the source of all that speed.” She taunted the koed defender of justice. Terri than brought both her hands to work and freed the device from Lightspeed’s waist. Now with the Accelerator in her hands, Terri leaned close and whispered to Lightspeed.

“You’re a joke, my speed all natural, yours comes from this. No one can take my speed away, but I can take yours, you never had a chance.” Complete with her taunt, Velocity hung the belt from her shoulder like a purse, and lifted the unconscious Lightspeed into her arms.

Seconds later the two disappeared in a blue blur.

Jackie was sitting in her room while Jessie was battling Velocity. Reading a book she was all by herself in the house. Deeply immersed in the mystery novel she didn’t take notice to the door opening downstairs. Lisa and Kei had sunk into the young woman’s house. Keri had kicked them awake back at the bank and gotten them out before the police showed up. After that they made a speedy retreat to their hideout, the apartment they had rented. She was heading to where the rest of the plan was going to go down, while they were expected to complete their assignment.

It was Kei and Lisa’s job to bring Jackie Kenner to the site. Keri wanted her to see what was going to happen to Lightspeed. The two had taken off their sneakers and were now moving in their tights covered feet. Using hand signals and a few angry stares when one or the other of them didn’t get it, they got out their tools. Kei removed a bottle of chloroform and cloth. She unscrewed the cap and poured some of the sleepy liquid onto the white folded handkerchief. The two then slowly made their way up the stairs.

As they came up, Kei stepped just the right way on one of the stair steps. It made a small creek, but she didn’t think it mattered. However up in her room, Jessie heard the creek. She knew it met that someone was coming up the stairs.

“Mom? Dad?” she called out. No answer.

Jessie was defiantly curious. She reached under her bed and pulled out the bag she hid her costume in. Reaching inside she found her stick.

Kei and Lisa were now outside Jackie’s door. They nodded to each one and counted down off their fingers, one, two, THREE! The two girls burst through the door and rushed to chloroform Jackie wherever she might be in the room.

“Wait a minute where is she?” Kei asked. They had burst in and found an empty room. The two evil cheerleaders searched the room not finding anything.

Lisa went over to the window, “Maybe she went out this way. She has to be here, her car was here.”

Leaning out the window, Lisa looked around. For some reason she looked up and tried to shout a warning but had no chance. Kei was going through some of Jackie’s things so she didn’t she her partners go out the window. As she turned to ask Lisa what to do she was shocked to see a dark clad woman twirling a stick.

“Who are you?” Kei asked, hiding the chloroform rag behind her back. It might be her best way to get out of this.

The figure strode forwards, her goggles or mask seemed to glow as she approached. Kei back up into Jackie’s mirror/dresser, “What do you want!” Kei asked again.

The figure didn’t say anything but put its stick or what ever it was back to a handheld size and then stuck it in her belt. Completing the last few feet between her and Kei, the masked figure was now inches away from Kei’s face. The henchgirl was about to whip out her chloroform when the girl in the dark blue leotard lifted her up by the front of her uniform with one hand.

“Why did you want Jackie Kenner?” the caped woman asked.

“Well you see we invited her to a sleepover!” Kei yelled as she brought the cloth out. However the masked woman caught it and held Kei’s hand in place. She gave the cheerleader an evil eye.

“I see, now what did you want with Jackie?” Night Shadow asked angrily, increasing the pressure on Kei’s wrist. The girl couldn’t resist. Soon enough she spilled the beans of their plan, and what they planned on doing to Lightspeed. Jackie had heard enough it was time to make sure these two couldn’t cause any trouble.

Taking the cloth from Kei’s hand she lowered the cheerleader to the ground. Pinning her with one arm against the dresser, she used her other to chloroform the cheerleader. Kei squirmed and struggled to free herself from Night Shadow’s grip. Breathing the sleepy fumes however made sure that Kei never had chance. Her eyes fluttered and went out, her body going slack in Jackie’s grip. With the first girl knocked out, Jackie floated over and back outside to retrieve Lisa who was resting on the roof, after a small knock on the back of the head.

Jackie picked the two up and bound them together with some of her longer flexicufs. She then flew towards the police station. Night Shadow needed to drop them off and get to Jessie fast!

Keri Palmer was angry. Kei and Lisa were late with their final guest, Jackie. However she really didn’t need the student body president for her revenge. All of her anger was focused on Lightspeed. The heroine minus her belt was tied tightly to a pole in a trench. The site for Keri’s revenge was a construction site on the outskirts of the town. Looking down at the defeated heroine Keri could only smile with joy. As soon as she woke up it would be time to finish off Lightspeed.

“Alright Palmer, I’m getting out of here you going to pay me?” Velocity said. She was standing next to a series of scaffolding that went up the side of an unfinished building. Keri turned and walked over to the hired gun. Next to Terri was a gym bag with the money and equipment the villain wanted. Reaching inside she began to dig around for the money when she heard the groan. Turning she could hear Lightspeed awakening.

Leaving Velocity behind, she walked up to where Lightspeed was tied up.

Jessie woke up and felt her sides bound and pinned. Looking around she could see her goggles were still in place and she was missing her belt. A tug on her bonds showed she couldn’t get out without help. If she had her belt she could have phased through the material, but she didn’t have it.

“Ah finally awake I see.” Keri Palmer laughed from the top of the trench. Jessie turned her head up angry that she had been caught again by this girl.

“What do you want Palmer?”

“Oh Lightspeed its simple revenge. You see I’m not going to give you a long winded speech, or elaborate death trap. Behind me there is a concert dispenser, I’m going to pour into this trench my dear. Since you loved running so much I figured you needed a rest for a while.”

“I’m going to get out of this Keri, and you are my first priority.” Jessie said struggling against her bonds. The evil cheerleader just smiled.

“Goodbye Ms. Lightspeed.” Keri walked away from the trench. She then pushed the dispenser over and activated it. Lightspeed saw a chute come over her trench, and grey mud like concrete began to pour out. Landing near her feet Jessie could see the stuff was quickly filling the trench, “Oh shit.”

I'm sorry for the long update, having to much fun this holiday season. Hope everyone's New Year and Holidays were great

Concrete began to pool around Jessie’s sneakers, and was quickly filling up the trench. The building material soon covered her feet and ankles. Struggling however she couldn’t break the ropes that bound her. If I only had my belt! Jessie thought with regret however the sinister cheerleader had her power source. As the concrete continued to rise, Lightspeed looked around trying to find a way out. Keri watched with joy as the heroine was slowly being covered. She was even more pleased as Lightspeed struggled to find a way out with none to find. Although simplistic, her plan was fool proof. Without her belt Lightspeed couldn’t free herself. Plus Keri would watch every second of her death making sure she didn’t leave and opening for the heroine.

That’s when the lights went out. Confused both Velocity and Keri looked up at the flood lights that were normally on at the site, which were now dark.

“What snafued the lights?” Terri asked.

“I don’t know, check it out.” Keri ordered. Velocity showed some annoyance. Palmer just looked at her with an angry stare, “I still haven’t paid you, just check.”

With a roll of her eyes Velocity moved towards one of the lights. After a short stroll over, Terri looked at the back of light’s control panel. The light panel had been shot out with something. Touching one of the holes she could feel something was like a bullet but not. As she tried to pull it out, Terri heard the ruffling of a cape behind her. Turning in a spin she saw something descending on her. Going on the defensive Velocity fired off a roundhouse kick, nailing the figure in the chest.

This sent the person back and they landed on their back. Ready for a fight Velocity sped over and grabbed the girl by the front of her leotard. So its some superhero eh? The evil speedster thought.

“So who are you?” she asked, ready to deck the heroine. Velocity didn’t see the girl reaching for her belt with a hidden hand.

“Well?” the villainess demanded. Suddenly the girl’s goggles glowed brightly and in a creepy voice said, “Your shadow.”

Velocity was struck across the chest by a pole. This knocked her down and freed the heroine. She was quickly back on her feet twirling the pole, ready to strike out with it. Velocity got up and got ready to fight. She ran forward at full speed, ready to slam this heroine three different ways to Sunday, when she was tripped and sent to the ground. Calmly and mockingly the girl circled her and was ready for her next move.

Terri swore and tried again lashing out with super speed punches. To her surprise, the girl with glowing eyes leapt into the air and stayed there. Shocked at this sudden ability to fly, Terri stopped mouth agape.

“Don’t offer me a target.” The heroine said. A dark tights covered leg lanced out striking Velocity across the chin, knocking her out. Out cold, Velocity landed on side obvious to Night Shadow as Jackie bound her hands and ankles with some flexi cuffs. With the superpowered villain secured, it was time to get the nasty cheerleader.

Jackie was flying on top of the different framing that made up the building. Below she could see the cheerleader, Keri Palmer watching Jessie slowly being consumed by the concrete. Night Shadow was pissed; this little cheerleader had tried to kidnap her and now was trying to kill Lightspeed. It was time to get some payback in the heroine’s opinion.

“Think your big eh Palmer.” Rang out in the darkness. Keri flipped around towards the sound of the voice.

“WHO IS THAT!” she said angrily. Pulling out an uzi she looked for her target.

“First you lure your target to you and then go and hire a ringer to do all the work.” The voice said again. Palmer fired off a burst off her gun in the direction of the voice. Bullets pinged in the background, she didn’t hit anything.

“If you’re so critical of me why don’t we discuss this face to face!” Palmer yelled. Suddenly she spotted a glowing pair of eyes. Keri fired at the glowing ghostly eyes. Evidentially she didn’t hit squat. The eyes disappeared and suddenly Keri and was knocked down hard. Standing on top of her was a dark clad girl, she reeked of superheroine.

Keri however was ready for a fight; she drove her knee into the heroine’s groin. This distracted the girl long enough to allow Keri to throw the heroine off. Jackie landed on her back and quickly sprung up onto her feet. Keri was up as well and threw some kicks at Night Shadow. Dodging them, Jackie delivered her own kick which knocked Palmer to the left.

Falling next to her gun she picked it up and fired the clip at Night Shadow. Jackie back flipped and dodged all but one bullet; this one struck her in the abs. Knocked down by the round Night Shadow hit the ground. Clutching her stomach Jackie checked to see if the bullet had gotten past her Kevlar weave. Luckily the bullet hadn’t, but the wind was knocked out of her and she was worried that she had broken and rib.

Keri smiled and walked over to the fallen heroine.

“Well I guess she isn’t bullet proof. Too bad, but it’s a plus for me. Lightspeed is almost covered head to toe with concrete, and I get to take down another one for fun.” Jackie looked at the end of the barrel that was only a foot away from her body. Keri smiled and pulled the trigger, click.

Confusion washed over the girl’s face, “What?”

“You are out of bullets bitch!” Night Shadow smiled flying up she roundhouse kicked Keri across the face. Spinning in place the stunned cheerleader than saw the fist that knocked her out cold as it connected.

Night Shadow watched as Keri fell out cold, she then turned to look at Lightspeed’s trench. Jessie had concrete up to her chin, “About time…”

“Hey if you don’t say please it will be a little longer.” Jackie joked, however she didn’t have that much time. She walked around the trench to the pole that Jessie was tied too. Gripping it she pulled with all her strength making sure to focus. With a little force she yanked up and released the pole and Lightspeed. Putting the pole on the ground she went and worked on removing the still wet concrete. A short while later Jessie was free and somewhat clean.

“Are you alright?” Jessie asked her friend. Night Shadow rolled her eyes as she flexicuffed Keri and Velocity.

“For the fifth time, yes. The bullet didn’t penetrate, okay.” Jackie responded. Jessie walked over her belt back around her waist, “Well I’m worried, not even I’ve been shot.”

Jackie finished her work and turned to face Lightspeed.

“Sorry, thanks.” She gave her friend a strong hug.

“Well thanks for saving me, a little slower and I would be a goner.”

Jackie crossed her arms over her chest, “Slower?”

“Well you did take your sweet time getting over here…” Jessie said as she walked to pick up Keri. Jackie walked over and lifted Velocity onto her shoulder.

“Oh, and you were beaten pretty easily for someone who claims she’s fast.”

“Hey she got the jump on me…”

Jackie laughed, “Excuses, excuses.”

The two continued the mock argument all the way back to the Sheriff’s office and then home to shower and try and clean costumes.

The End