Satan Girl

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:39min
Added Date:6/29/2024
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Tags: Supergirl

“No way are you getting to the basket, Danvers.” She huffed.

Her opponent dribbled the ball between her hands, “Oh yeah? Watch me.”

Linda went left and accelerated to a blur, she was countered though by a blur just as fast as her. Drew got in front of her friend and stopped another attempt to get to the basket. Linda was ready to change plans though she stepped back and jumped straight up. It was over her friends head and right towards the basket. With a satisfying dunk Linda scored the final point needed and floated victoriously over Drew.

“Hey, no flying I don’t have that advantage.” Drew said placing her hands on her hips and looking skyward.

Linda smiled and descended, “Sorry but if I remember the bet, one on one, best of three games, and no limits on powers.”

“All right, all right I surrendered please, bring the documents.” Drew laughed as she collected the ball. They played this superpowered version of basket ball a few times every month. It was fun and gave them both a great workout. The two heroines left the basket ball court and headed back to the lockers to change. Minutes later both of them were changed and heading back to the dorm.

“What’s on your plate for today Linda?” Drew asked.

“Usual, math, science, and history I will be fast asleep.” Linda joked.

“You could sleep through all those and still get straight A’s.” Drew pointed out, Linda’s supermemory allowed her to process, store data easier than anyone else.

“Well, maybe just math.”

The two entered the dorm, while Linda gather up her trig books, Drew saw they had a message beeping. Pressing the play button the message began to play.

“Hi, Linda, this Dr. Carter at Star Labs, I’ve accepted your offer to do an interview for your school paper.” Drew looked at Linda.

“That’s a code phrase; it’s to let me know if she needs me. Guess I better get going.” Linda explained. She grabbed her Supergirl costume from her chest under her bed. Linda slipped into the blue skin tight leotard and kept her skirt in place with a yellow belt. Finally she zipped up a pair of skin tight red boots, she was ready as Supergirl. She lifted the window open and flew out.

A few minutes later Supergirl was inside Dr. Patricia Carter’s office at Star Labs. Linda grabbed a seat in Dr. C’s guest chair. Another scientist was there as well, Linda thought his name was Williams. Both looked quite worried.

“Thanks for coming so quickly Supergirl.” Dr. C said.

“No problem doc, what is this all about?” Supergirl asked.

“Dr. Williams can fill you in, Dave?”

“Supergirl my crew here tracks near earth asteroids”, Dr. Williams began, “and this early morning I found one way to close to Earth. It popped out of nowhere, and its heading right for the city.”

“How big is it and how much time do we have?” Supergirl asked worried.

“It’s not big at all only fifty feet across except it is supposed to arrive in an hour.”

Supergirl knew she would try and stop it but, “Have you guys called the Air Force or whoever you call if this happens?”

Dr. C handled that, “We called the Air Force and the Pentagon Supergirl, there is nothing they can due about it and we suggested that we ask you.”

“Okay, call them back and let them know I’m going to smash it.” With that Supergirl got the right spot to go in space and headed off to stop the asteroid.

The Air Force was on the ball waiting for Supergirl to come up. NORAD was tracking Supergirl as she headed for orbit. The yellow circle in the center of her belt gave off an IFF signal that told American, Russian and Chinese radar that it was her and not an inbound ballistic missile. The controllers at NORAD watched as a SG flashed on their radar screens and headed for orbit.

Supergirl felt the warmth of the atmosphere leave as she entered the blackness of space. Along the way she passed by the International Space Station, two astronauts were doing an EVA, and they passed on a confirmation to Houston that they had spotted the Girl of Steel. Supergirl was deciding on how to deal with the asteroid. Linda decided that she would hit the rock and shatter it into a thousand smaller pieces, those small pieces would then burn up. Supergirl was now far enough away from the Earth to see that it was now much smaller behind her. Scanning with her eagle eyes she picked up the asteroid quickly, with a burst of speed she headed straight for the asteroid.

Supergirl accelerated faster and faster, her plan was to smash the rock to bits. The grey brown asteroid was filling her vision. As she got closer she began to fell strange. Linda felt like she had a splitting headache. What if its kryptonite? She thought. Supergirl shrugged that thought off; if it was kryptonite you would be dead from the vacuum of space, she decided.

What Supergirl didn’t know was at the center of the asteroid was a glowing chunk of red crystal. As Linda closed the distance, her headache got worse. She was about to break off her attack when she and the asteroid collided. The rock exploded into a thousands bits of rock and dirt as she plowed through it. Supergirl also went through the red crystal at the center. Passing through the crystal in the center she felt the pain in her head explode. It was powerful enough to knock her right out. Trapped in the remains of the red crystal, something strange happened. Supergirl was glowing red and the crystal around her body began to dim, after a minute of this the Girl of Steel’s body fell from the red crystal. Pulled by Earth’s gravity she fell back towards the planet unconscious.

Janet Miles was checking the International Space Station’s robotic arm. It had been acting up. She was on hour one oh a three hour EVA when she spotted the explosion of the inbound asteroid.

“Houston, confirm she smashed that rock.” She radioed.

“Roger that, Jan we’ve got a good view from an observatory and NORAD. Give that girl a wave on the way back.” Houston replied.

She went back to checking the arm; it wasn’t but another second later that she spotted the red and blue heroine. Janet began to wave but saw that the Maiden of Might wasn’t moving; in fact she was drifting back towards the Earth.

“Houston, I have Supergirl she’s not moving and heading for the atmosphere. I’m going to get her.” Without waiting for a reply, she fired the thrusters on the back of her suit. Her EVA pack brought her closer and closer. Thomas called her over the radio to say she was going too fast. She tuned him out; she needed to be just right. Heroine and Astronaut met with a bump.

Jan fired her retro rockets to balance out the force Supergirl had caused when they met. With a few more quick bursts Janet had stopped the movement of the two towards Earth.

“Tom! Get Segri to open up the airlock, I’m going to bring Supergirl in got it?”

“Roger that Jan”, Thomas said, “Want Segri to open up any of the medical stuff?”


Minutes later Supergirl was resting on Janet’s bunk inside the ISS. They had strapped down the Girl of Steel so she wouldn’t float around in the zero G. Sergi Zukov a Russian cosmonaut, was the three man team’s doctor. He was checking Supergirl’s pulse and other items of information Dr. Carter of Star Labs radioed up as important.

“So is she okay?” asked Janet.

“I think so, strong pulse, no physical signs of injury except she is asleep.” The Russian answered, “She seems to have REM sleep though.”

Jan looked as Segri lifted one of Supergirl’s eyelids, her eyes were moving all over the place, a sign she was locked in REM sleep, or dream sleep.

While the Astronaut and Cosmonaut checked on Supergirl, the red crystal field was in the final stages of its evolution. When Supergirl had punched her way through, she had left some tissue and blood samples in the crystal field. Although those wounds healed instantly they had left the after results on the red crystal. Inside what one could describe as a cocoon something grew. As the life form grew the crystal dimmed for the final time, once the crystal cocoon was dark an arm punched its way through the top. With a few more kicks and punches the life form freed itself. Leaving the field of the crystal it flew towards the sun.

Jan was communicating with Houston when Supergirl began to awake. She stopped and floated over to the awaking heroine.

“Supergirl, are you okay?” Janet asked.

“Ohh man, I have a hell of a headache. You guys have any aspirin?” Supergirl asked in returned.

“You’re serious?” The heroine smiled a yes, “Okay just a second.”

Janet retrieved a bottle of the pain killer and gave it to Supergirl. She swallowed a few pills and got up. Linda thanked all them for all the help and few out of the airlock. Supergirl couldn’t shake that dream she had. In the dream she was spilt in half both mind and body. When the split was done she saw it was her and her again. Her double though was glowing with fiery red and used her heat vision to melt Linda. The dream had been way too weird. For a moment Linda thought about the headache she had received before smashing the asteroid, was that connected to her dream?

She was free, to do what she wanted when ever she wanted. As the girl flew through the corona of the sun she couldn’t believe how strong, powerful she felt. Soon everyone would know her power, including the one who had imprisoned her.

Enjoying the fly through the sun, she decided it was time to get down to business. Leaving the sun she flew back towards the third planet in the system. Russian and American radar officers were shocked to see something enter the atmosphere faster than anything they had seen. Except as soon as the object was on their screens it was gone again. Leaving both Russian and American Air Force officers wondering, what was that?

The object that baffled the two countries had now landed in an ally in Metropolis. She was naked as a jay bird, which would not do in this city. Luckily her sister’s memories provided her with a list of stores to visit. Which she was now going into, provided by her ripping the back off the door off the store. It was closed so she had free rain inside, checking out what she wanted to wear. Her sister was too conservative in her clothing, so she selected something that would get people’s attention. A lacey black bra with a mess top, followed by a leather skirt that ended above the knees with slits going down each side. Finally she had a pair black of knee high healed boots.

She decided also a name was in order. Her sister’s names would not do. After twenty three years of being her prisoner she wasn’t going to honor her sister by using her name. So how about, Kira, she thought, Kira, yes that will do just fine. Kira Zol El, sister to Kara Zol El. Although she was her sister it was not by choice, it wouldn’t be long before that was ended. Kira gathered up all the clothes she wanted, finally she took the few hundred dollars out of the safe. Finished she went back out of the ally and flew skyward again, looking for a hotel.

Linda Danvers was just finishing up a shower. The hot water ran down her back while she lathered up with a body wash. She couldn’t understand what had happened when she hit that rock in space. Linda couldn’t understand the dream she had, it was too real. The supergirl surged it off and finished up her shower. When she was back inside her room, Drew was packing up some clothes into a bag.

“Packing already?” Linda asked.

“Yeah, I’m going to run to Washington to meet Diana and she’d going to give me a ride back home. Mom calls.” Drew explained. She had promised her Mom and sister that she’d come back to Paradise Island for a visit.

“Have fun, I’m going to hang here.” Linda said pulling some jeans on.

“Linda go home see your parents get a free meal.” Drew suggested. The look that her friend gave her showed her feelings on that issue. Her mom and she weren’t on speaking terms. Their latest Supergirl fight had been too much for Linda, so she hadn’t phoned or emailed home to Leesburg in three weeks.

“Thanks for the, ‘I’m going to rip you in half look’, you know I’m right.” Drew defended walking out of the room. She patted Supergirl on the back, “Go home, and make up with your Mom.”

Linda gave her friend a send off hug and was left alone in the room. Maybe I should go home?, she thought. The Girl of Steel was left alone to her thoughts as she began to channel surf.

Kira had snagged the best room in the Metropolis Embassy. The room offered a great skyline view of the city. She was busy thinking of how to kill her sister. Although she just planned on ripping her sister’s throat out, it was more of a problem on how to reach that goal. Her ego didn’t allow her to just go and attack her sister. She wanted to make her pay. After a few hours of thought she was came up with a plan that satisfied her ego.

Linda was eating a BLT in her favorite lunch spot in Metropolis. The dinner was busy with businessmen, blue collar workers and students for lunch. With the hustle of people coming and going Linda didn’t give notice to the woman who took a seat next to her on a stool.

“Hi Linda.” The woman said.

“Hello, do I know you?” she said to the figure in a dark set of clothes and sunglasses.

“All to well, you kept me prisoner and now I’m free.” The woman took her arm and back handed Linda in the face. The force with which she did it sent Linda flying backwards through the windows across the street and into the jewelry store across it. Picking herself up Linda could see her attacker standing in the broken window. How did she do that, Linda thought, plus I can feel that punch she gave me.

“Who are you?” Linda demanded. Her attacker smiled and pulled the sunglasses of her face. Linda was shocked, it was her. The woman had her face, hair, body everything. Linda did notice that her eyes were different; they were dark green while Linda’s were blue.

“Kira Zol El, Kara.” Her doppelganger smiled, “Your sister, but not for long.” She ripped of her clothes to reveal what was underneath. It was an all black costume with a gold belt and gold lining on the end of her skirt and sleeves. The neck was low cut and showed off her cleavage. Kira also had a small gold S symbol like Supergirl’s on her left breast. The Dark Supergirl lifted Linda up by her neck and threw her out of the store and into the sky.

Linda was flying backwards and managed to control her flight after a few seconds. She landed on the roof of a building and stripped out of her street clothes revealing her Supergirl outfit. Kira landed on the roof top. The two superpowered women stared at each other. The Girl of Steel still couldn’t understand how this woman was her.

“Having trouble believing I’m you? I’m you Kara, down to the last cell.” Kira walked towards Supergirl her black boots tapping on the roof top. Supergirl was tempted to fight but stood her ground. Kira walked right up to Supergirl inches away from her face.

“You know me Kara; I’m you when you’re not limited by your morals, when you use these powers without caring about the need to hide. Come on Kara you know me.” Kira smiled. Linda then realized where she had run into this figure. Not physically, but mentally. Kira was the personification of herself when she was exposed to red kryptonite; she became well, evil when exposed to it. She didn’t care about anyone or anything, and would do whatever was needed to get what she wanted.

“That’s right Kara, I’m out and it feels great, not to be trapped in that black and white mind of yours. Thanks to the red kryptonite in that meteor you hit I am separate from you and there’s no room for the two of us here.” Kira grabbed Supergirl and squeezed with her strength. Linda grunted and struggled to free herself. It wasn’t easy; Kira was as strong as Supergirl. With a grunt Supergirl managed to break the hold and land a punch across Kira’s face. The clone responded and kicked Supergirl across the face. The Girl of Steel recovered quickly and punched Kira in the chest sending her flying into the side of a taller skyscraper.

Linda jumped into the air and flew skyward; she wanted to get this fight away from the city. Kira followed right behind Supergirl. Unfortunately Supergirl didn’t respect the speed of her evil twin. Kira caught up to Supergirl and slammed her fists into Linda’s back. The blow sent Supergirl falling towards the street. She landed in the middle of downtown traffic. A taxi just managed to stop before hitting her. Supergirl picked herself up only to be hit in the face by another superstrong punch. A bus stopped her from going any father down the street. Linda was then yanked out of the bus by Kira. The villain threw Supergirl into the ground.

Lying on her back, Linda was still recovering as Kira went down to one knee beside her and began firing off punches at superspeed. To the horror of people watching Supergirl screamed as the punches bashed her abs of steel. After a thousand or so punches Kira slammed her boot into Supergirl’s abs. Linda placed her hands over the smashed abs. Kira was doing what few had ever been able to do, hurt Supergirl.

“What’s the matter Kara? Not use to being the one who’s hurt?” Kira laughed as she lifted Supergirl up and punched her across the face. The left hook sent Linda back to ground. Backing up, Kira then ran at Supergirl and kicked her like a football punt. Supergirl went flying skyward again. Linda was stopped by the top of the Metro Tower. Her body left a dent in the tower’s top.

Ohh man…that hurt…got to get her away from the city, Linda thought. Kira was flying straight at her. Supergirl used her heat vision to cut the top ten feet of the Metro’s lighting rod. Using it as a club she smacked Kira out to sea. Supergirl dropped the club onto the roof and flew out to the sea.

Damn it, Kira thought, I have to be more careful. She steadied herself and spied the red, blue and yellow dot that was her sister. Kira scanned for something to distract the Girl of Steel with. Kira saw a warship cursing in the harbor. Smiling she headed downward. Linda was heading after Kira when she spotted her double going towards the sea, Oh god! Kira lined up, skimming the waves. With almost no time to fire the destroyer could only watch helpless as Kira slammed into its side. She plunged through steel and deck, as she passed through the missile tubes she started a small fire with her eyes, well have fun with that Kara.

Supergirl spied the damage to the warship and flew right towards it. Entering the hole made by Kira she quickly put out the fire with her breath. Linda then picked up some torn pieces of steel and took them outside with her. Placing them on the side of the destroyer she then welded them in place with heat vision. The ship’s captain came out onto the bridge wing a waved to Supergirl thanking for the help. Linda flew skyward to search for her sister. Linda found the evil twin resting on her back in the sky.

“Well of course you save the ship like always.” Kira yawned.

“You could have killed all those people!” Linda screamed ready to punch Kira in the face. Her twin caught the punch and the second one Supergirl tried to throw with her free hand. The two supergirls were deadlocked floating above the harbor.

“That is all you do Kara, keep these pathetic humans from dying. You play cop when you could do anything else. Come on Kara you could rule this world.” Kira released Supergirl and the two floated near each other.

“I choose to protect people; if you are me you should understand that.” Supergirl said. Linda hopped she could try and convince her twin to listen to her. It didn’t work.

“I do and it sickens me.” Kira slammed her knee into Supergirl’s stomach. Then grabbing Linda’s blonde hair she yanked Supergirl’s head back up and let her heat vision blast Supergirl. Linda screamed and fell when Kira released her.

The Maiden of Might began to regain control of her flight only to have Kira slam into her. A kick sent her flying into the dock. A warehouse stopped Supergirl’s fall. Getting up, Supergirl was again hit, this time a punch. Once again Linda was airborne crashing through the warehouse’s wall and into the street. Supergirl was hurt, her ribs ached, face felt like an 18 wheeler ran over it, and she was getting tired. Kira landed next to Supergirl grabbed Supergirl’s shoulders and sent her face pass the speed of sound into the pavement. Peeling the weakened superheroine off the pavement she drove her fist deep into Supergirl’s stomach. Linda doubled over, coughing. The next two minutes were a blur. With a flurry of superfast, superpowered punches and kicks Kira wailed on Supergirl. When it was over, Linda was doubled over, barely awake.

Kira placed her fingers under Linda’s chin, “Well it’s been fun, Kara. You know your dream? I’m going to melt you right here, goodbye.” Kira eyes glowed red as she readied a full blast to destroy Supergirl. When she was about to blast Supergirl an SUV hit her. The car had not been driving but, thrown.

“Linda come one, Linda are you all right.” Drew now dressed as Wondergirl asked her friend. Supergirl looked at Drew and smiled, only to pass out and collapse in Wondergirl’s arms. While Drew steadied Linda, Wonder Woman came from tossing the SUV into the dark clad Supergirl.

“Drew get Supergirl out of here!” Diana ordered.

“While, you do what?” Drew asked.

“Take care of business.”

Kira pulled the wreckage of the SUV off her. Standing back up she was going to kill whoever did that to her, only to have a fist come across her chin at superspeed and strength. Flying backward into a building she was trying to clear her head. I almost killed Kara, how could she fight back? The villainess wondered. Standing over the black clad villain was Wonder Woman.

“All right we can do this the hard way or the easy way, you pick.” She said.

“Hard, its more fun that way.” Kira laughed as she kicked Wonder Woman in the head. Diana hit the ground with enough force to cause a small crater in the floor. The Amazon countered with a sweeping leg kick that tripped Kira. While on the ground Wonder Woman grabbed Kira’s leg and threw her back outside. Diana was quick to take up the attack again. Who is this girl? She has all of Supergirl’s powers except she’s evil, an Evil Supergirl great, Wonder Woman thought. Arriving outside she saw Kira had taken to the air.

Kira focused her heat vision at the Amazon. With the lasers from her eyes moving at the speed of light this was the fastest game of bullets and bracelets she had played. Diana managed to use her golden bracelets to reflect the laser blasts. I need to get her down; Wonder Woman spied a lamp post. Ripping the metal pole from the ground she tossed the lamp right at Kira like a missile. The result was the same, Kira was knocked to the ground and Diana was right on top of her again. Wonder Woman pummeled the villainess with punches as hard and as fast as she could throw them. After a minute the dark supergirl was out cold.

Wonder Woman took a deep breath and began to undo her lasso, when she sent flying. Kira had tricked Wonder Woman and used the break to send her flying with her legs. While in flight Kira flew at Wonder Woman and caught her, then squeezed the Amazon.

“Like my strength Diana!” Kira laughed as she tried to crush Wonder Woman. Even though she was being squeezed Wonder Woman wondered how she knew her name.

Kira hovered above a building squeezing Diana whose struggles were weakening. Wonder Woman tried to free herself but it was no use, she was losing concisions. Seeing her foe weaken Kira released her. Diana fell and landed with a thud on the roof below. Clutching her sides, Wonder Woman was hurt, I think she broke a rib or two, Diana thought. Kira landed next to her and pulled her up by the hair. Taking Wonder Woman’s lasso from her belt, Kira then used it to bind Diana.

“Who…are you…?” Diana said through the pain in her chest and sides.

“Come one Diana, don’t recognize me?” the villain smiled. Wonder Woman looked into the girl’s face and came up with a horrible conclusion, “Linda?”

“Not quite, more her other half, the better half I might add.”

“No, you’re more like an evil twin.” Wonder Woman added, “oh and once I get out of this I’m going to kick your ass.”

“I don’t think so plus with you in this little olde lasso of truth I don’t think you’re going anywhere. Now how about we talk about your little old island.” Kira smiled. Diana looked at Kira, who had her friend’s face but not mind. As Kira asked her first question Diana could feel the familiar wave of truth coming through her. While Diana fought the urge to answer Kira saw a red blur slam into the evil Linda. Drew punched and kicked as fast as she could. Wondergirl gave Kira no quarter; the dark version of her best friend wasn’t getting a chance to respond. Wonder Woman managed to slip out of the lasso, Kira had only loosely bound her with it, “DREW!”

Drew saw her sister now up and ready to fight. With a final kick she sent Kira into her sister. Wonder Woman caught the dazed and battered Kira, “Remember me?” she squeezed Kira in a reverse bearhug. Kira tried to escape the hold but couldn’t, kicking and screaming she grew weaker, not much but enough. Drew ran up to her sister and proceeded to nail punches and kicks into Kira. The kryptonain girl was tough but the assault of two Amazons was just too much. She slowly loss consciousness.

“Sis, she out cold.” Drew said taking some deep breaths.

“Check her.” Wondergirl slammed a punch into the knocked out Kira who only grunted.

“I think she’s out.” Wonder Woman laid the ko’ed supergirl onto the ground. Diana grunted in pain again.

“Diana are you all right?”

“I’m going to need some rest later, my ribs might be broken.” The two sisters were making sure the other was all right when they were both blown over by a powerful wind. Kira had used her breath to blow both Amazons back, but she couldn’t fight. The two Wonder Women had hurt her as bad as she had hurt Supergirl, she too needed time to heal. Running off the roof she flew skyward.

“Damn it! She got away!” Drew screamed as she picked her body off the roof. Diana joined her.

“Don’t worry we hurt he bad. Now…oh no!” Diana grunted.


“She’s some sort of clone or twin of Supergirl which means she knows everything Supergirl knows.” Diana explained.

Drew comprehended the problem, “Oh great, so where do we take Linda where she won’t find her?” then it hit the young heroine, “I know.”

Edna Danvers was washing dishes when she heard a knock at the door, “Just a minute.” She dryed her hands and went over to the door. Opening it she saw someone she wasn’t expecting, “Linda?”

“Hi mom.” Replied ‘Linda’, Kira looked like Linda she might as well use it.

“What are you doing here?” Edna asked her daughter.

“I was fighting someone who was as strong as me but got a little banged up in the process. Luckily Wonder Woman and Wondergirl helped me out. I was wondering if you don’t mind me staying a few days to rest up.” Kira lied to Linda’s mom.

“Of course honey.”

Dr. Carter was looking over her notes when she noticed someone entering her lab. Turning her head she saw it was Wondergirl, “Wondergirl, hello what can I help you with?”

“Did you see the news?” Dr. C shook her head no, “Supergirl is hurt, and we need your help.”

“Of course where is she?” Dr. C said as she gathered up some stuff for treating Supergirl.

“Well that’s the problem; I need to you to take a little trip with me.” Drew explained.

“Where?” Drew answered, well I did want to travel more, the doctor thought.

Where am I...she could hear the crashing of waves on a shore, felt the soft fabric of a bed and the warm glow of the sun on her skin. Linda sat straight up and looked around. The room would have been a great match for a Greek room. Mostly white with decorative carpets and furniture and the common white support pillar of Greek buildings through out the room Linda didn’t recognize anything. Next she noticed her Supergirl uniform was off, she was in a white tank top and shorts. Climbing out of bed she clutched her abs, they stilled ached.

Supergirl walked over to her window. A long shore line was stretching around what she could see. Ocean then went off for all that one could see. Turning around she scanned her surroundings with X-Ray vision. There were more rooms some filled with women. Where am I? the thought again popped into her head. Someone walked into Linda’s room she prepared for a fight.

“Linda?” the person asked. She recognized the voice.

“Drew.” She recognized her friend; Drew was wearing a white and golden dress of Amazonian design.

“Hey glad to see you’re up. How are you feeling?” Drew asked.

Linda walked back over to towards her friend, “A little sore, may I ask where are we?”

“You’re on Paradise Island. What you think?” Drew responded.

“Why, what happened?” Linda questioned still putting everything together. Drew gave her a rundown of the past days events. It made Linda sick to learn what happened.

“Is Diana hurt badly?” Linda said sitting on her bed.

“No, and don’t say what you’re going…” Drew didn’t finish.

“It is my fault Drew. I have to go and stop her.” Drew stopped her friend.

She even had to use her Amazonian strength to slow Linda down, “And then what? You don’t know where she is and you’re still hurt.”

Linda broke away still angry that she had created this monster, even by accident. Drew decided she needed to lower the tension, “How about you come with me on a walk. You have never been here before I’ll give ya the dime tour.”

Kira was in her room, yuk. Fooling Edna and Fred Danvers into thinking she was their daughter was easy. All it had taken was a change of clothes and some blue contacts. She was now resting in bed. Those Amazon bitches, she thought, I’ll show them. Kira’s plan was thrown off by her lost. Well, not entirely, she thought. She’d get better here than use Kara’s adoptive parents to lure her out of hiding.

Linda was walking around with Drew as she showed her all to see on Paradise Island. As they walked Drew could see her friend was distracted, real distracted. It’s all my fault, Kira wouldn’t even exist if I had been more careful; the Girl of Steel kicked herself mentally.

“Linda, you need to stop blaming yourself. It wasn’t your fault.” Drew said as if she could read her friend’s mind.

Supergirl stopped and looked at Drew, “Yes it was, if I had just moved the meteor than smashing it I wouldn’t have let myself be exposed to red kryptonite and make that, devil version of me, a Satan Girl.”

Drew shook her head, “Linda, she is not you.” She turned her head away, Drew was probably right. Linda turned back to face Drew, “How long was I out?”

“About ten hours. In fact let me take you to see Dr. C.” Linda raised her eyebrow surprised, “She is here?”

“Yep I asked her to come.” The two made their way to another guest room in the palace were Dr. C was set up. Patricia Carter was happy to see Supergirl up and about.

“Supergirl, glad to see your feeling better. Would you mind letting me run some tests.” Linda nodded and Dr. C began a quick follow up examination. Supergirl had many bruises on her chest and stomach, Patricia was happy to see these healing fast on their own. She also felt for the broken rib Supergirl had acquired, it was gone; another testament to Linda’s healing abilities.

“So what’s the word doc?” Linda asked as she put her tank top back on.

“You’re medically okay. I want you to rest for a few more days.” The doctor saw Supergirl disagreed with that.

“I’m sorry doctor I have to deal with bastardize version of me before she heals up.” Doctor C placed her hands on Linda’s shoulders, “Supergirl, Linda, she hurt you do you get that? Solar Flare didn’t injure you anywhere this bad. You where out for hours and in that time I was doing my best to make sure you where all right. If you’re going to fight this Satan Girl as you called her, you’ll need to heal.”

Fred Danvers, detective for the Leesburg police department was enjoying his Sunday off. Edna, his wife was reading a mystery in the seat next to him. Their daughter was again up in her room.

“Edna, why don’t I go up there and ask Linda if she wants to come with us to breakfast?” Fred asked.

Edna shook her head, “She told me that she needed rest so I’m letting her take it.”

He shook his head, “Honey you need to let that fight go. You and Linda sulking away from each other isn’t going to fix anything.”

She got up and went for the coffee brewing in the kitchen. Linda and she had fought over a demand Edna had made a few days ago. After learning Linda had almost been poisoned by kryptonite, she asked her daughter to give up being Supergirl. The fight was one to remember, why she can’t understand I only want her to be safe, Edna thought. She and Fred’s inability to have children had lead to them keeping Linda when she fell from the sky one cold January night. Ever since then, Edna had tried to keep her daughter safe. To Linda it seemed that her mom was way to over protective. If she wants to stay up in her room, let her, Edna thought.

Fred Danvers wasn’t so stubborn. I’m going to get that girl out of her room whether she likes it or not. He opened up his daughter’s door which was unlocked, “Linda you and your…” Fred saw his daughter in a black costume he didn’t recognize at first. Then he remembered the footage of the fight in Metropolis, the woman in black who fought...”Oh Shit!”

Kira crossed the room in second and now throttled Fred Danvers. Like his daughter this girl had incredible strength, “You…what…did you…do to…”

“Linda, ohh I hurt her, but the little bitch ran away before I could crush her skull. Now I’m feeling better and Daddy you’re bait.” Kira laughed.

“Linda what are you doing?” Edna asked as she came up the stairs. Kira threw Fred to the ground and came over to Edna. She lifted her up by Edna’s shirt collar.

“I’m not that whip of a daughter you raised. I’m what she should be; now I think you should take a nap.” Kira shoved Edna’s head into the wall. She slumped into unconsciousness. Fred started to run for something his daughter left him in the bedroom but Kira knocked him out cold with a punch.

Dr. Carter finished up with her check up on Diana. The Amazon princess was putting her top back on after Dr. C had wrapped her torso in bandages to help with the bruised ribs.

“Well, I think if you leave those on for a few days plus your gals healing creams and plants, you should be as good as new.”

“Thanks doctor. How’s Supergirl?” Diana asked. Patricia sighed and continued to put her equipment back in her luggage, “She blames herself. Despite what I’ve told her and Drew she feels responsible for her Mr. Hyde.”

Diana shook her head, “I tired talking to her, and she’s pushing herself, trying to get better.”

“Does she even know how she is going to stop Satan Girl?” Diana raised her eyebrow, Dr. C explained, “Linda called her twin a Satan Girl, I thought it was appropriate.”

“Sounds right, doc if Linda has a plan she is keeping it to herself.” Diana finished as a beeping sound rang through the room.

Patricia walked over to her purse, “That’s my Sat phone. I brought it just in case anyone at Star had something for me, hello.”

“Hi Dr. C, is Kara there?” a familiar yet different voice asked.

She turned to Diana and looked on in shock; Satan Girl was on the other end of the line.

Linda stared into the setting sun. The Girl of Steel was standing on the beach letting the waves spill across her feet. Supergirl’s mind was occupied. For the past three hours she was trying to come up with a plan to deal with her evil twin. There were two options she had settled on, one took a while and the other was dangerous. Linda was so fixed on her thoughts she didn’t notice Diana, Drew, Dr. C and a couple of other Amazons in full body armor come down the beach.

“What’s going on?” she asked. Her friends looked grim; the other amazons looked like they were ready for a fight. Dr. C handed her the phone. Linda took it and asked who was there the reply filled her with rage, “Hello Kara.”

“Kira.” She answered.

“I’ve been worried about you, all beat up and injured like that. I was wondering if I’d see you again.” Kira asked.

“You’ll see me soon, when I shove my foot up your ass, then my fist down your throat. Buy the way, how’s the abs?” Linda shot back.

“Fine, I got some great care from some friends of yours. Even though you guys fought Edna was so worried about you.” Linda’s heart froze her parents. Drew saw her friend’s eyes glaze over and narrow, “If you lay a finger on them, I swear Kira there will be no where on this planet where you could hide, no where you can run.”

“Good, anger is good Kara, now if you want to find them, meet me at your favorite spot.” The phone died.

“Linda, what’s going on?” Drew asked.

“My parents, she has my parents I’m going right now.” Supergirl started to walk only to have the two armored amazons block her.

Diana put her hand on Linda’s shoulder, “Lyn I know you want to go and save them but we need a plan, let’s think this out.” Supergirl stared at Diana with fire in her eyes; literally they began to glow with heat vision.

“Diana, I love you like a big sister but if you don’t get out of my way right now I will hurt you.” Diana backed off and nodded to the two amazons. They approached Linda from behind ready to hold her down. The two warriors didn’t realize that they would try to hold down one angry Supergirl. With a blur, Linda elbowed one in the face, denting the Amazon’s helmet. Her leg connected with the second sending her flying across the beach. Diana, Drew and Patricia could only look with shock at Linda.

“I’m sorry Diana, Drew.” Linda took off in a blur of speed. Back in her room, she put her Supergirl uniform on and took off from the island as mach 4.

Satan Girl waited above the North Pole. Hovering in the upper atmosphere she waited for Supergirl. Kira didn’t wait wrong; screaming in like a missile Supergirl slammed her fist into Satan Girl’s face. Stunned by the blow Kira flew backwards only when she once again gain control of her flight Supergirl was on her again. Locking her blue covered arms around Satan Girl’s neck, Linda squeezed with all her strength.

“All right you bitch! Where are my parents?” Supergirl screamed. Kira shoved an elbow into Linda’s stomach, forcing her to release Satan Girl. Spinning around, Kira threw her punch and Linda grabbed the punch in mid-flight. Supergirl tried to counter with her own punch but Kira caught that with her free hand. Both Girls of Steels were now locked together floating above the Pole.

“Kara, you need to relax.” Satan Girl laughed.

“Where are they?” Supergirl grunted, trying to get some leverage on her evil twin. Kira’s strength negated her own though, “Oh you can find out but you’ll have to catch me.”

Kira broke free of Linda’s fists. She took off at high speed. Supergirl was forced to give chase. Linda knew she was being led into some trap, but she needed something to go on before she tried and rescue her parents. The black blur that was Satan Girl headed for space. Supergirl took up after her.

Now in orbit of Earth, Linda scanned the blackness of space looking for Kira. The problem was that Satan Girl blended perfectly in with space. She hit Supergirl from behind driving her boots into Linda’s back. Supergirl loss altitude and turned around to face Satan Girl. Kira was going for another attack when Linda grabbed her black boots and threw her towards the moon. Flying backwards, Kira was then received a massive blow across her face. Supergirl hadn’t pulled this punch. Satan Girl covered the remaining distance to moon in seconds. Landing with a heavy thud she sent a stream of moon rocks and dust flying out from her impact site. Supergirl landed on the moon and waited for her opponent to move. She hoped that Satan Girl was stunned enough she could walk over and beat the answer she wanted out of her.

As Supergirl closed the remaining distance, Kira leaped from her hole. Eyes glowing she raked Linda with heat vision. The red beams of heat and light sent her flying back and Supergirl grunted in pain. Landing on her back Supergirl tried to get up only to have Satan Girl’s fist land in her gut. Following this up, Kira lifted up Linda by her cape and let her have an un-pulled punch. Since there was no sound in space, Supergirl couldn’t hear the thunder created by the punch which sent her flying across the surface of the moon. Coated in moon dust she came to a stop. Standing back up she was rewarded with a kick to her midsection. Supergirl doubled over and Kira brought her knee against Linda’s forehead. Linda watched as Satan Girl silently laughed as she stumbled around trying to regain her focus.

Supergirl used the pause in her foe’s attack to pick up a boulder sized moon rock and nailed Kira. Her dark half went down and Supergirl grabbed Satan Girl by her boots and spun in a superfast circle. Linda waited till her sister could take no more and slammed her into the ground. Kira moaned softly as she lay in her crater. Supergirl brushed some of the moon dust off her and walked over to the stunned Satan Girl. A she readied to knock the villainess out, Kira made her move.

A swift series of kicks landed on Supergirl’s face. Linda was thrown off balance; Satan girl then rose and drove a series of punches deep into Supergirl’s body. Dazed by the attack, Linda lanced out with her heat vision, missing her target. Kira used hers and poured hot rays across Supergirl’s face. It was Linda’s turn to scream. Clutching her face Supergirl was helpless as Satan Girl flew right at her.

Supergirl felt Satan Girl wrapped her arms around her waist. Then both girls went flying. Kira was pushing her towards Earth. Linda tried to kick the villainess with her legs, but Satan Girl stopped Supergirl’s attack with squeezing her midsection. Next Supergirl brought her arms up and slammed them against Satan Girl’s back. This didn’t stop her either. The two supergirls were now in Earth orbit. Kira looked up at her struggling twin, “Enjoy the ride Kara!” they dove into the atmosphere.

The friction of the air against their bodies caused a caldron of flame to surround the two as they re-entered. Unfortunately Supergirl received the brunt of the heat and flame, she grunted as the heat and flames sapped her strength. Kira was protected by her sister and as a result only caught a fraction of the heat. Everything was going to plan, Satan Girl thought with smile. A minute later the two popped free of the fiery return to Earth. Supergirl was still recovering from the trip.

“Well it seems that little flight took a lot out of you Supergirl.” Satan Girl sneered. Still holding Supergirl she brought her face close, “Now, let’s see Mom and Dad.”

Kira accelerated down towards the ground. Linda tried to break free but it was too late. Speeding down at mach three and at the last second, Satan Girl released Supergirl. Linda slammed into the ground. The shockwave was registered on seismic detectors in California. Kira floated above the hole, at the bottom of the twenty foot crater laid an unconscious Supergirl.

Satan Girl landed next to her koed twin. Kira smiled as she kicked Supergirl with black booted foot, no response. True, Supergirl was still alive, but she wouldn’t awake for a while.

“Sleep princess, we have one last trip to make.” Satan Girl spoke softly as she lifted Supergirl off the ground. Kira took Linda in her arms and into the sky.

Edna Danvers began to awake. Her head hurt, she tried to focus her eyes. Trying to move her arms she found they were tied around her back. Looking down she saw rope wrapped around her midsection, pinning her to a chair. Edna could feel someone behind her, “Fred, honey wake up.”

A moan rewarded her efforts, “Oh…my head hurts. Edna, are you okay? Can you move?” She told him she couldn’t and looked around. They were in the middle of a barn. It didn’t seem to be in use, the wood was rotting and nothing was in the barn except the two of them. The only illumination was the moon coming through a hole in the roof. Edna then heard a familiar whoosh over the house. For a second, she hoped it was her daughter, it was but not the one she was hoping to see.

Satan Girl landed inside the barn, cradling Linda. She headed over to a wooden pole that supported the upper section of the barn. Kira placed Linda against the pole. Then pinning Supergirl’s arms above her head she chained them in place. The metal glinted from the moon light. Kira stepped back and admired her handy work.

Turning to Edna and Fred, “Now that the family here, let’s wrap this up.”

Supergirl began to come to. Looking around she saw her parents tied up in chairs in front of her, “Mom, Dad are you all right?”

“Linda, were fine are you okay.” Her mother asked.

Supergirl felt sore and bruised, “With in reason. Is she…” Kara didn’t finish.

“Don’t worry Kara, I’m right here.” Satan Girl walked out of the shadows, carrying a jewelry box.

Edna Danvers face narrowed; to Linda it looked like her mom was getting ready to shoot heat vision, “Her name is Linda.”

Kira walked over and smiled at Edna, “Oh right, I forgot she enjoys acting like a pathetic human, all thanks comes from you two.” She then walked over to Kara, “You know, you’re daughter could have been all she was supposed to be, but now she is as pathetic as the rest of you humans.”

“They aren’t pathetic, you are.” Linda said defiantly.

“No, Linda I’m going to use these powers to the fullest. Once you’re dead, I’ll deal with your do gooding friends, once they’re out of the way, who knows the White House?” Kira smiled.

“Oh please, world domination? Like that hasn’t been done.” Linda sarcastically smirked. Satan Girl shoved her fist into Supergirl’s abs.

“Well Kara, you made your last smart ass comment.” Kira turned to face the barn. Her eyes narrowed and her heat vision raked out, striking the wooden walls. They were dry and easily burned, “The fire or smoke will kill mom and dad, but for you Kara I have a more fitting end.” Satan Girl flew towards the hole in the barn and un did the locks on the jewelry box. Quickly she opened up the box and dumped its contents at Linda’s feet, “Enjoy Supergirl!” Satan Girl flew out the hole.

Supergirl felt every bit of remaining strength leave her body. Kira had used her own plan against her; use the kryptonite in her house. Linda had given her dad the stuff in a lead box just incase she ever got out of control or under the influence of red kryptonite. Satan Girl had Supergirl’s memory, she knew about the kryptonite too. Now I can’t help mom or dad, damn her…my strength, Supergirl weakly thought her body fading.

That was the last straw for Edna Danvers, “Fred we need to get out of this!” She began to struggle against her bonds shaking the chair and screaming in frustration at her inability to move. Fred managed to keep himself reasonably calm, years of Army and Police training kicking in, “Edna! Calm down, we need to figure out how to get close to the kryptonite and get it away from Linda.” He thought for a minute, “Here’s what we’re going to do. We will jump the chairs over to the rock and kick it away, okay?”

Edna replied with a yes. Carefully they worked out how to hop their chairs over to the glowing crystal at Supergirl’s feet. Edna managed to get her foot next to the meteorite and kick it to the far side of the barn. It worked; Supergirl began to come around, “Mom…”

“I’m here! Linda, are you all right?” She asked.

“Still…pretty weak…need a minute.”

Fred turned his head and looked at his daughter, “Linda, think you can burn through these ropes?”

Linda raised her head and focused her eyes. The Danvers saw her eyes turn red and burned through some of the ropes holding her father, as soon as she started though her eyes cut out. It was enough though; Fred managed to get out of his ropes then began untying his wife. Freed, they now worked on getting the daughter out.

“I can’t see any locks or anything, what about you honey?” Fred asked.

Edna swore, “Nothing, Linda can you free yourself?”

“Sorry Mom, I’m still a little out of it.” She never could recover fast enough from kryptonite in her opinion. Her parents were still trying to help her out as the flame spread. The smoke was starting to get thick. Fred and Edna coughed from the choking fumes. Supergirl shook her head to clear the cobwebs, damn it! Come on! She pulled on the chains above her head, and was rewarded with the sound of snapping metal. Free of the chains Linda grabbed her parents and rocketed out of the burning barn. She was careful of her speed, making sure that her parents didn’t get injured from the wind whipping past them.

The local Leesburg officer on duty was flipping through her newspaper. Suddenly the doors flew open and Leesburg’s top detective and his wife were in front of her.

“Detective? Mrs. Danvers?”, then she noticed the other figure behind them, “Supergirl!”

“Officer, make sure these two get some medical attention and don’t let them leave!” with that Linda flew out of the police station.

Supergirl caused quite a few sonic booms as she entered the air once again. She found Satan Girl was hovering over northern Virginia. Kira had been knocking out communication satellites for fun. She was waiting out the time required for Kara to perish due to kryptonite. All Kira heard was a scream, then a punch slammed into her. Satan Girl went sailing into space.

Supergirl arrived in orbit a few seconds after her sister. Kira turned and yelled at Supergirl, “So, I see you lived, guess I’ll have to rip your face off myself.”

“No, I’m going to do that!” Linda screamed slamming it into Kira’s face.

The villainess went sailing backward into the darkness of space. Linda was right behind her. Kira kicked her legs out, catching Supergirl in the face. Satan Girl pressed her attack trying to wrap her arms around Supergirl’s neck. Linda ducked and threw a punch catching Kira in the abs. Doubling over Satan Girl’s blonde hair was grabbed by Supergirl. Spinning her enemy around Linda threw Kira at the sun. Satan Girl managed to slow her flight before Mercury.

Picking out Kara with her telescopic vision she lanced out with her heat vision. Twin red streaks of light lanced out at Supergirl. Barrel rolling she dodged the blast, sending back her own. Closing the distance, Supergirl got in range of a punches and kicks. Kira got in the first blow. A right kick ended up in her abs, knocking the air out of her. Satan Girl sized on her sister’s pause by raising her fists above her head and slamming them back down on Supergirl’s back. Linda screamed it seemed like something was broke. With an elbow to the face, Linda freed herself from Kira’s grasp.

Supergirl’s red boot and Kira’s face met and Satan Girl went flying closer to the Sun. That’s it just a little closer…Supergirl thought. Diving down on her enemy Supergirl hit Kira with a left then a right. Satan Girl staggered in midair trying to keep awake. Linda gave her no quarter. A kick into Satan Girl’s chest kept her off balance, long enough for Supergirl to wrap her arms around Kira’s midsection. Squeezing, she gave Satan Girl the bearhug of all bearhugs.

Kira struggled for a few moments, but the superstrength being used on her midsection was too much. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she slumped into Supergirl’s arms. Linda relaxed her grip, she was tired. The kryptonite, short fight and finally ko’ing Satan Girl had taken a lot out of her. Taking her time, she readied her final part of the plan. Heading into the sun’s corona she carried Satan Girl close to the surface. True, she could fly through the corona of the sun; direct contact with the surface of the giant fusion ball would destroy even her. Linda took no comfort in what she was about to do, kill. Reading to throw the koed Satan Girl into the sun, she was suddenly hit.

Satan Girl nailed Supergirl in the chin. She followed with a knee into Supergirl’s gut. Linda tried to fight back, but she was to slow. A series of punches and kicks devastated her. Each one drained Linda of her remaining stamina and strength. Satan Girl smiled as Supergirl grew weaker. With one last punch, Linda was out cold.

“Well, thought I wasn’t in on your little plan? Kara you stupid girl.” Kira sneered as she brought Kara closer to surface, “Now its time for me to use your little plan on you.”

She brought Supergirl closer to the yellow boiling surface, “Sweet dreams, Kara Zor El.”

In what seemed like slow motion, Supergirl grabbed Satan Girl’s hair. Bringing her head up at the same time, Linda head butted Kira. The blow stunned her long enough for Linda to take hold of both of Satan Girl’s wrists. Then placing her boot on Kira’s chest, Linda flipped it. Now it looked like Supergirl is on top of Satan Girl. Coming around Kira looked up and stared at Kara, “Sis…”

“Enjoy hell.” Supergirl kicked Satan Girl into the sun. Hitting the surface, Kira let out a scream. The girl vaporized.

Supergirl stared at the sun for a few moments. I killed…In her whole career as Supergirl, she never had killed anyone. Feeling sick to her stomach for a moment, she considered throwing herself into the sun. Linda shook her head and decided she needed to get back Earth.

Wonder Woman, Wondergirl, Dr. Carter and the Danvers were waiting inside the Police station. Mrs. Danvers was actually pacing more than anyone else, “Where is she?”

No one had and answer to that question. Drew looked towards the ceiling thinking, god Linda where are you? A whoosh a few seconds later answered that question. The police officers got out of the way as Supergirl, clearly tanned walked over to the two Amazons and the Danvers, “Mr., Mrs. Danvers…are you okay?”

Edna began to answer, “Of course Supe…” Linda fell. Drew and Diana tried to catch the heroine but it was actually Mrs. Danvers who was quickest. Clutching her daughter she demanded help.

“Mrs. Danvers…Mrs. Danvers” Dr. Crater tried to get her to calm down, “Let me look.” She managed to get Edna to let her look over Supergirl, “Okay she’s got some bad burns here, and she took a beating. I need to get her to my lab.”

“Let’s take my jet.” Wonder Woman offered.

Her eyelids fluttered open. The blue eyes searched the room to see where she was. Linda saw the fixings of a hospital room. Raising her head, Linda felt her body ache. Again her costume was gone. A hospital shirt and shorts was topped off with an IV going into her left arm pulling it out she saw a small green tip at the end of it. Okay, so I’m at Star Labs, she thought.

Linda quickly turned her head at the sound of a door opening. Dr. Carter came in smiling, “Glad to see you’re awake.”

“Yeah…what’s with the IV?” she asked in return.

Patricia walked over and checked a few items on the digital chart next to her bed, “Well you had been dehydrated, bashed and bruised, got sunburned and were exposed to massive amounts of radiation, Supergirl if you weren’t who you are, you’d be dead.”

“It was the only way to…” Linda’s voice wavered off. Dr. C continued to check her data as Linda’s father walked in. She smiled managing to pick her upper body up and give him a hug, “Hey dad how’s mom?”

“She’s fine taking a nap. Your mom was up for seven hours, sitting here waiting for you to wake up. How do you feel?”

“A little tired physically…Dad…I broke the rules.” Linda started to feel tears coming up.

Fred was puzzled; he wanted his daughter to explain, “Linda…”

Her head ended up in his chest, “I killed her.” She explained for a few minutes at the end in tears.

“Linda”, he cupped her face in his hands, “You did what you needed to do. Was she going to listen to you? Was there any place on Earth that could hold her? I know you never killed anyone and that’s one of your rules, but its okay. When I was a soldier I had a problem with, what if I had to kill. Then the Gulf War came, I found solace in the fact that I had to pull the trigger on my rifle because that was the only way to get home to you and your mom.” He looked at his daughter’s teary eyes.

“Still…I feel…like crap.” She said.

Fred hugged his daughter again, “Good means your human Lyn.”

“You know what; I still have a few days left of break. Mind if I spend it with you guys?”

The End