The Fastest Woman Alive

Author: SGWriter
Time to Read:19min
Added Date:7/5/2024
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Tags: Supergirl

Supergirl stood on a street in Metro City. Thousands lined the sidewalks on each side taking photos and waiting for the main event. Dressed in her blue leotard with S symbol on the chest, yellow belt holding her red short skirt in place, red boots and cape, Linda was ready for action. Although she wasn’t busting a criminal or saving the city from a disaster, she was here for a race.

Four days earlier…

“So you’re going to do it?” Drew asked her old college roommate. Linda busy making a salad picked her head up from the lettuce, tomatoes, and other items in the bowl, “Of course.” “It’s a shameless publicity stunt, besides weren’t you the one who says we shouldn’t be in competition with each other.” Wondergirl pointed out getting up and refilling her wine glass. “Drew it’s not a real competition, its all for show. Besides I get to meet another one of us without being lured into a trap or needing them to free me from some kryptonite.” Supergirl defended leaving the salad to check on her grilling chicken. Seeing it starting to cool down, she gave the pan a little warm up with her heat vision. “But come on, ‘The Fastest Woman Alive’?” Drew pressed taking a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen island.

Both superheroines were inside Linda’s apartment. It was large and open with kitchen, dining area and living room all in the same area. Drew was visiting Linda for Spring Break, the two were having dinner then going to go out and patrol Chicago. “Okay it’s a bit corny…but the sponsor giving 10 million to the Needy Children’s Charity. How could I say no?” Supergirl had a soft spot for children. Especially those who were without parents, she herself had been an orphan. Ten million dollars to her favorite national charity was the cincher for her. “I know, but what if she beats you?” Drew asked with a sly smile. Linda replied with one of her own, “She won’t.”

Present Time…

Linda was standing under the starting point for the race. Everyone was here, the kids from the charity to start the race, the sponsors; all that was needed was the other racer. Supergirl heard the ripping of a slipstream and turned her head at the last minute to see the oncoming blur. It even surprised her at how fast the woman was. The Girl of Steel though held her ground as the blur came to prefect stop only a mere two feet from Supergirl. This caused the crowd to go wild with screams and shouts.

The new comer wore a royal blue leotard. It showed of her shapely curves and had a yellow lightning blot running down her chest. A yellow eye mask protected the woman’s identity, and went with her yellow gloves, belt and boots. Her legs reflected the light of the day with her taupe pantyhose. Like Supergirl she too was blonde with her hair a little longer than the Maiden of Might.

Thunder Woman, Metro City’s resident heroine accepted the shouts and praise of the people gathered to watch the start of the race. Lisa Conners was a 24 year old personal trainer. With her sister Lighting Lass, they used their superspeed to take down the crime of Metro City. Her powers came from the power bracelet she wore, it allowed her to communicate with her sister, and change into the spandex clad beauty that now had the crowd’s attention.

Turning to face Supergirl Lisa offered her yellow gloved hand, “Supergirl, nice to meet you I’m Thunder Woman.” “It’s a pleasure Thunder Woman.” Linda accepted the handshake. The crowd cheered as the two heroines shook hands. Both then confidently strolled over to a small podium that was set up. A group of twenty kids, ten from Chicago, and ten from Metro City eagerly awaited the two heroines to approach. Behind the podium a middle aged woman with a few streaks of white hair stood, next to her was a man in a business suit.

Supergirl and Thunder Woman took their positions at either side of the podium with the respective kids of their cities. With that the middle age woman began. “Thank you for that grand entrance, Supergirl and Thunder Woman. Today we are dilated to have a special race for charity between two of the finest heroines in the world.” She gestured to Thunder Woman and Supergirl. Continuing, “Today we will settle a little debate as to who the fastest woman alive is, the Maiden of Might from the Windy City, or the Blot in Blue our very own Thunder Woman. I would like to thank Net Corp for the generous donation of ten million dollars for today’s race.” The businessman now took to the podium, “Thank you Mrs. Heart. I would also like to thank Supergirl and Thunder Woman for agreeing to participate in this event.” Michael Ross CEO of Net Corp shook both ladies hands, “Now here to present the rules for this race are Sally Wells and Timothy Moore. It was there idea on the rules for the race that was approved by Supergirl and Thunder Woman.”

Ross stepped away and two of the children from the groups came up getting more applause. Both twelve year olds shared a mike, “Thank you Mr. Ross”, Sally spoke first, “We wanted Supergirl and Thunder Woman to race around the world and see all the sights.” Tim now took the mike, “So they will start here at Metro City, then head for San Francisco, go across the Pacific to Hawaii, then onto Japan through Tokyo.” Sally now accepted the mike, “From Japan they will go down the Great Wall of China, and across the plains of Russia. Then it’s onto Moscow and Greece.” “From Greece they head to Italy and across France to England. Finally after crossing the Atlantic they’ll cut through New York and Washington DC to Chicago then back to Metro City.” Tom finished.

Ross stepped back up to the podium and explained the rest, “Supergirl and Thunder Woman will be able to be followed thanks to these special Net Corp trackers.” Another pair of kids handed the small MP3 like device to the heroines who both accepted them, placing them into there belts. “You’ll be able to track them on our website a” he explained. “Supergirl, Thunder Woman do you understand the rules?” Asked Sally. “We do Sally.” They answered. Thunder Woman then smiled, “Hey kid’s who do you think going to win?” A bunch of kids yelled her name, she smiled. “Oh yeah? Who thinks I’m going to win?” Supergirl asked playing her part. A bunch of the kids yelled her name. The two heroines then took high fives from the kids and headed for the starting line.

“So you know those kids are wrong, I’m going to win.” Lisa joked with Supergirl. Linda smiled and struck a smile of her own, “Oh, I’ll make sure I remembered you said that when I’m at the finish line.” Both of them got set at the starting line. The final part of the event was the beginning of the race. Jennifer Neals won this honor; she came up to the podium while Mr. Ross held a starter pistol, “Okay Supergirl, Thunder Woman ready?” Both heroines gave a thumbs up. “All right, ready…” she said watching both women get into runner positions. Waiting for the nod from Mr. Ross, which she got she yelled, “START!!!” the starter pistol fired and the two superheroines disappeared into blurs, one red and blue, the other yellow and blue.

The race was on.

Captain Scott Mitchell had his F/A-18 cursing with his wingman 500 miles south of Hawaii. The two navy strike planes had finished their wargames and were on there way to Pearl Harbor. “So I think it was my move when we get back.” Scott offered over the radio. Lt. Jean Simmons answered back, “Oh, so you can complete your domination of Eastern Europe?” referring to their game of Risk. “Yeah…and you should watch your…” Both planes were shook by a shock wave that came from the water. “Shit! Jean you alright?” He called after he stabilized the Hornet. “Yeah, oh man, there are two streaks going across the ocean, fast plus Mach definitely.” She answered seeing the disappearing streaks. “Oh, that race between Supergirl and Thunder Woman was today, I’ve got Twenty on the good olde Girl of Steel.” He smiled under his oxygen mask. She rolled her eyes, “You only like that short skirt, besides twenty on Thunder Woman, she’ll beat Supergirl by two minutes.” “You’re on!”

Supergirl and Thunder Woman were literally walking on water; at the speeds they traveled they weren’t breaking the surface tension of the water. Linda looked over to Thunder Woman who didn’t even seem to be breaking a sweat; they were both about even with each other. “So you’ve always been this fast?” she asked. “Yep, ever since I’ve had this. It great to be able to slip by everything, moving so quick no one can even see ya.” Lisa responded. “Nah, I always going to be a fan of flight.” Supergirl shook her head. The two blondes were nearly halfway across the Pacific when Linda’s hearing picked it up.

“Mayday! We are being attack by…help please someone help us!” Screamed a radio transmission that crossed Supergirl’s hearing, she quickly looked for the source. Linda’s telescopic vision revealed a smoking ship about a hundred miles distance. “Thunder Woman, there’s a ship in distress about a hundred miles that way.” She pointed. Lisa looked out into the distance, trying to spot it, “Want to head that way?” “We have to, the race can wait…” Supergirl was shocked as Lisa took off in the direction she pointed. “Damn!” Linda was surprised by the speed the Metro City heroine possessed. She began to think she might not be as fast as Thunder Woman.

“There the transmission is sent, they should be here soon.” The burnet haired woman wearing a black swimsuit said. Claire Sanders turned away from the radio and looked at her partner. April Bond, wearing a green swimsuit with her goggles nodded. “Good I have been waiting for this!” the woman better know as Gizmo Girl said. It was very recently her father had been thrown in prison by the dynamic duo of Thunder Woman and Lighting Lass. She waited for the chance to make Thunder Woman pay for her father’s commitment to an insane asylum.

“Patience my friend, we’ll have them soon enough.” Claire Sanders spoke. She two had a bone to pick. Supergirl had been the target of a plan by Intergang to eliminate the pesky kryptonian with kryptonite. Claire had worked everything out, the bait, the kryptonite tights, getting rid of Wondergirl leaving Supergirl on her own, only to have it collapse. She soon brought down Intergang in Metropolis thanks to Wondergirl’s magic lasso. Now after spending her time in prison, she too wanted pay back.

That’s were she found Gizmo Girl. The young woman was ten years younger than herself, but had the skills required for this trap. Claire had set up the race by becoming Alley Slone of Net Corp industries. Her PR plan to have a race between Supergirl and Thunder Woman for charity easily went through Net Corp’s leadership. Thus the bait for the two blonde heroines was set. Gizmo Girl readied this ship for Supergirl and Thunder Woman’s arrival. Now months of planning were coming to this moment.

“All right let’s get below, time for the heroines to arrive.” Claire spoke. Gizmo Girl nodded, “Right. Besides I want to get back in my costume.” April wanted to have the satisfaction of destroying Thunder Woman in her green leotard and tights. Claire nodded and the two women went below.

Supergirl spotted the ship she saw earlier. It was a large pleasure yacht, and much to her surprise there was no smoke. Linda landed on the bow of the ship to find no smoke, and Thunder Woman tapping her yellow boot on the deck, “There you are.” “Sorry, kept ya waiting?” Supergirl joked back. “Well you gave me enough time to find a smoke emitter, and no one manning the bridge, but I can’t get to the lower levels.” Lisa explained. Supergirl raised an eyebrow. Thunder Woman motioned her to follow; Supergirl did and came upon a large steel door covering the door from the bridge. Lisa then explained that all other access to the ship’s lower levels was the same. “Well I know I way to get through.” With that Linda brought her fist right into the door and collapsed the steel. It fell inwards, opening the way for the two heroines.

“Okay, that was interesting. Bet leaving your keys in your car doesn’t slow ya down?” Lisa joked. “It doesn’t.” Linda smiled. The two heroines entered the ship.

Damn Naval command ranks, forogt they are different then Army #-o Hey sign4deaf what did ya fly?

Supergirl stepped into the ship; it was furnished like one would expect, wood paneling, carpet, furniture. Thunder Woman looked around as well, seeing nothing of help. “Damn it!” Supergirl said putting her arms across her chest. “What?” Thunder Woman asked concerned. Supergirl shook her head, pointing out her X-ray vision’s one flaw. “Lead lining, damn it everyone knows about that.” “Hey at least you have that advantage.” Lisa snickered. The two heroines patrolled the boat looking for clues as to the cause of distress. Little did Linda and Lisa know, they were being observed.

Watching from a special control room, Gizmo Girl and Claire followed the heroines with a camera. Carefully Gizmo Girl lowered a second steel door, replacing the one Supergirl wrecked. “Sure she didn’t hear that?” Claire asked, referring to Supergirl’s hearing. “Positive I designed it to have very low decimal levels. She won’t notice it.” April smiled taking pride in her traps, “Also that lead lining runs through the ship and traps, they won’t have any warning.” “Excellent, let’s begin.” Claire smiled. Gizmo Girl flipped a control on her panel; both then turned their heads to watch the trap unfold.

Supergirl had found nothing; neither did Thunder Woman, “So think this was a prank?” “Who leaves a multi-million dollar boat out as a prank?” Supergirl responded. “Well maybe we should go lower…AH!” the floor gave out under Thunder Woman. She fell down a shaft to the bottom of the boat. Supergirl started flying, and tried to dive after Thunder Woman, only to have the doors shut right before she got there. Linda was about to fire off a blast of heat vision when twin red beams lanced out from a pair of lights in the ceiling. Hitting her, Supergirl felt her powers sag.

“No, red sun beams…” Supergirl fell to her knees and placed her hands on the floor trying to stay on all fours. The red sun beam sapped her powers and left her as powerful as a normal twenty four year old. The beams as lasers cut off but the red glow, now coming from all the lights in the room remained. The windows shut as well, cutting off any chance of her getting any power from the sun.

Linda looked for anyway to escape her red prison. She ran to one of the metal doors trying to open it. What little power she had was gone by time she started flitting with the door. Looking around the room Supergirl walked around trying to find a way out again. As she passed an air vent, a white hissing glass began to emerge. “Gas! No!” She covered her mouth with her hand, trying to fight the fumes. Soon the other vents began to release their sleepy contents. The amount of gas in the room soon began to overwhelm Linda. Coughing she tried in vain to signal Thunder Woman below. Pounding on the floor where Thunder Woman fell, she tried to get the swift superheroine to come to her aid.

No aid was coming though. Linda fell to her knees. Her lungs demanded air so she was forced to breathe in more. Another series of coughs rang out. “No…got…to free…” Supergirl sank to her side and her eyes struggled to remain open. Soon though her baby blues were shut, Supergirl lay knocked out.

Thunder Woman slammed into the ground. Rubbing her spandex bottom, she looked for a way out. Her room was silver in color and seemed very smooth. Trying to get up though she began to slip and slide. Lisa landed on her sides and rear again, “What? I can’t get any traction.” She was right; Gizmo Girl had designed the trap well. The curve sides were as slippery as they could be made. With no real curves or spots she could hold herself up; Thunder Woman’s speed was negated. Struggling to find some traction, Lisa was obvious to the small vents that opened above her. Tiny holes above the woman began to issue a fine misty spray.

“What, some kind of liquid…oh I feel dizzy…” Lisa moaned as the spray touched her face. The special knockout spray began to take effect; Thunder Woman lay against the wall feeling her body becoming stiff. Her body was paralyzed by the special formula brought by Claire. Lisa’s eyes began to grow heavy; she thought she could hear pounding from the shelf above her. In a last desperate attempt to free herself, Thunder Woman triggered her communicator, trying to reach her sister.

The signal had no chance of escape though. It was blocked by the special metal built into the hull. Thunder Woman soon sank into unconscious. A door slid open on the side near Thunder Woman’s legs. Gizmo Girl appeared clad in her green leotard and light green tights. “Sleep tight Thunder Woman.” April reached for Thunder Woman’s opaque pantyhose and pulled the sleeping superheroine out of her chamber. Lifting Lisa into Gizmo Girl’s arms she then carried Thunder Woman away.

Supergirl was laid on the ground by Claire. This room was sliver again like Lisa’s but there were walls and corners. Four different strange looking devices were in the upper corners of the room. Claire waited for April admiring Supergirl’s costume and feeling the blonde heroine’s pantyhosed legs. Gizmo Girl entered the room carrying the koed Thunder Woman. She placed the koed crimefighter up against the wall. Pressing a button on her belt, Gizmo Girl triggered a set of straps with appeared from the wall. They pinned Thunder Woman’s writs, ankles and waist.

“She looks quite fletching in those.” Claire smiled. Gizmo Girl watched Claire place similar straps around Supergirl’s writs, ankles and upper arms, “So does Supergirl. So we wait for them to wake up?” “Yep then we finish them off.” Claire said with satisfaction as she admired the bound Supergirl. She handed Gizmo Girl a special mask with a small tank attached. April took it and placed it over Lisa’s mouth and nose. Activating it, a small hissing sound could be heard. Claire activated the red sun option in the room and bathed them all in a glow. Supergirl and Thunder Woman were helpless.

Supergirl opened her eyes slowly. It pained her to see the red lights of the room; it meant she would still be powerless. She tried moving her arms and legs, no use. Looking down at her mid section she could see a black coiled band around her arms and abdomen. Quickly she found two more, one on her ankles the other on her wrists behind her back. Moving her head she could see the source of her capture, “Claire Sanders!” “Hello Supergirl, long time no see eh?” smiled the crime lord who had tried to kill her and Drew. Linda then saw the other woman, barley a woman she looked only to be 19 or 20. She was wearing a green leotard and matching tights. Claire introduced the other lady, “This Supergirl is Gizmo Girl; she designed the red sun emitters that are on right now.” “Enjoying them Supergirl, I also designed those coils for you two as well.” Gizmo Girl smiled.

Linda ignored the comment and looked at Thunder Woman; she was bound to the wall with the same straps that held Supergirl. A small mask was attached to her face that was also connected to the wall with a clear tube. The Metro City crusader seemed to be half awake, half asleep from whatever the mask contained. Linda didn’t have to wait long for an explanation.

“Thunder Woman is being sedated. Her powers aren’t of any use if she’s not focused enough to need them.” Gizmo Girl explained. “Now that we have your attention Supergirl mind learning about your fate?” Claire asked with a glee in her eye. No matter the answer, she knew the villain would share it with her. “Sure.” Supergirl said sarcastically. Claire went over to the red sun emitter, “These emitters contain powerful lasers as well Supergirl. In your weakened condition a few strikes from them and you’ll be finished. Provided you don’t move my dear. If you stay where you are the lasers will not fire.” “Except, every two minutes from now, a poison will be released into Thunder Woman’s mask, after ten minutes the dose will be lethal. The red sun emitters or the gas coming from the tank in the wall will only stop if there is one heartbeat in this room Supergirl.” Gizmo Girl explained. Continuing the young villain shot down Linda’s one ray of hope. “Also if you think the trackers on your belt will reveal your peril, too bad. I had rigged them from the beginning; no one knows what’s happened.” Supergirl swore under her breath, there goes that option.

Claire walked down and cupped Supergirl’s chin in her hand, “So what will it be Supergirl? Save Thunder Woman or save yourself. The survivor will be ruined either way. Thunder Woman lets the Maiden of Might die saving her, or Supergirl is disgraced by letting a fellow heroine die to save her skin, choose Supergirl.” With that Claire and Gizmo Girl left.

Supergirl struggled with her bonds, trying to free herself. “Like hell one of us is walking out of here, we both are” she said aloud. But she didn’t have the strength to break the bonds, only superstrength could free them from these. In her struggles, Linda moved slightly out of position. A red beam shot from one of the emitters and struck her in the side.

Screaming in pain she slumped to the floor, “Ahh…damn it.” Linda tried sitting herself up but felt sluggish from the laser. Lisa looked on, half drugged by the chloroform in the mask. Her first two minutes arrived; she could feel a heavier gas enter her mask. Coughing in the mask she breathed in the poison, she tried fighting the deadly toxin but it was too strong. “Supergirl…save…your…” Thunder Woman said weakly, only to be cut off. “No, don’t think like that Thunder Woman we are getting out of here.” Linda said, she had already made up her mind. Standing up, which took a little fancy foot work, Linda stepped forward. “Supergirl…NO!” Thunder Woman watched in horror as a beam lanced out striking Supergirl in the back. Linda stumbled but kept going, the pain was excruciating. She noticed though another shot didn’t arrive quickly. The humming of a laser charging signaled there was a lull between shots. Supergirl worked fast hoping over to Thunder Woman. As she got close again another laser bolt lanced out. It struck her near the S symbol on her chest, sending down on the floor.

She got up again, burning her way through the pain. Linda was now only feet away from Thunder Woman. Another poison gas burst, double this time caused Lisa to squirm in her bonds, and she was getting weaker. She struggled to free herself from her bonds, trying to tap into her speed, but she was too clouded in the head. Linda cried in pain again as another beam hit. Supergirl struggled to bring herself up, but she managed to. The laser blasts though had made her so weak, she needed to lean on the young woman’s body for support. Both girl’s skintight costumes rubbed against each other.

Linda took an additional blast. Lisa saw the blonde clench her teeth and fight the pain in her body. Looking at Thunder Woman she spoke weakly, “Once…you’re free…get those…two.” Supergirl then bit the small elastic wrap that kept the mask on Lisa’s face. Pulling upwards, she slowly began to remove the deadly item. She managed to get it clear of Thunder Woman’s nose and lips, as the final blast rang out. Supergirl went stiff and her baby blue eyes rolled into her head. Linda fell to the ground.

Lisa was slow to shake the effects of the chloro/poison mask. Looking down she saw Supergirl wasn’t moving. She managed to nudge the heroine with her yellow boot, only to get no reaction from the Girl of Steel. Then to Thunder Woman’s horror…the lights shut off, which meant, her heart beat was the only one detected in the room. “NO!”

Gizmo Girl laughed as she saw Thunder Woman cry for the fallen Supergirl. Claire smiled, “Goodnight sweet Princess, parting is lovely.” “Let’s get out of here, it won’t take Thunder Woman too long to free herself.” April spoke. She had designed to bonds to hold the heroines for only a short while, they would most likely find some weakness soon enough. “Yes, excellent work Gizmo Girl.” Claire offered. The two made there means of escape, Claire took a small helicopter and headed for a small atoll she had place a jet at. Gizmo Girl was gone in a special speed boat, heading for Hawaii.

Is this the end for Supergirl? Stay tunned, update on Wed, I hate cliffhangers

Thunder Woman strained against her bonds but felt they wouldn’t bulge. Calming herself she began to rub her writs up and down very quickly. As they turned into blurs, the friction caused by the heat melted away her bonds. Doing the same thing to her ankle straps she was soon freed.

Looking down at the fallen Supergirl, she could feel the tears coming into her eyes. It was supposed to be a little race for charity, not this, Lisa thought. Feeling Supergirl’s neck for a pulse she was ready to break down, there was none…thump. Lisa’s eyes shot open, she had felt a faint pulse. Keeping her hand on Supergirl’s neck she waited for some sign of life, thump. Another one, each one seemed to be minutes apart. Putting Supergirl into her arms, Lisa rushed to the deck of the boat.

Once out in the sunlight again, Thunder Woman prayed for Supergirl to react. “Come on, yellow sun…it’s supposed to make you better…come on!” Lisa pleaded to the heroine in her arms. A moan escaped Supergirl’s lips, she shook her head. “What…was the…number of the train…that hit me?” Linda spoke weakly, even though she was growing stronger by the second. “Oh thank god!” Lisa said. She carefully laid Supergirl on the ground. “Where’s our hosts?” Supergirl asked. “I’ll check.” Thunder Woman disappeared in a burst of speed, and returned seconds later, “They aren’t on board.” “Well they probably…” Supergirl stopped then grabbed Thunder Woman and took to the air. Much to the surprise of Lisa, “AHHAH what are you doing!”

The boat below them exploded in a blast of fire and smoke. Lisa now knew why Supergirl took off like that. “Thanks.” Was all she could say. “No problem, here get on my back, put your arms around my neck. It will be easier for me to fly and you to ride.” Supergirl said. Lisa did so and now hand her arms around Supergirl’s neck as the two flew north. It was pretty exciting to Lisa, flying without a plane. Linda could sense the excitement from Thunder Woman, “Told ya this was better than speed.” “Okay, maybe. So what now?” Thunder Woman asked. Supergirl’s eyes became all business, “Now we finish it.”

Two hours later…

Claire dressed in a business suit and enjoying an excellent Don Perrier On was enjoying the view of the Pacific. Supergirl was dead, another superheroine disgraced, it would be more than enough to get her back in Intergang. Closing her eyes she dreamed of her coming return. A sudden turn in the jet caused her to spill the wine and come back to reality. Angrey she walked up to the cockpit.

Once there she let the pilot have it, “Damn it what the hell are you doing up here?” “Ma’am look over there.” He pointed out the left side window. Looking Claire was shocked to see the first of a pair of F/A-18s. Next to the Hornet was a smiling Supergirl with Thunder Woman on her back.

“This Captain Mitchell CAG of the USS Nimtz, you ordered to change course to 010 and land at Hickham Air Force Base. If you don’t comply we’ll let the young ladies flying formation with us make you.” Came the radio transmission. Claire Sanders simply screamed.

“She looks pissed.” Lisa offered. “Nah, she’ll get over it Lisa.” Supergirl said they had exchanged secret identities on the way to Hawaii. “So after we get her down, then what Linda?” Thunder Woman offered. Linda’s eyes got a small gleam in them. “We still haven’t settled who the fastest woman alive is.”

The End