No Turning Back: Death of Robin

Author: Spier el
Time to Read:25min
Added Date:7/24/2024
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Tags: Robin


Her eyes flutter as images fade in and out, everything around her is blurry, she knows she's in a white room and her body is bound, can't move. The young blonde haired girl, with a green domino mask, green silky tights, and black knee high boots, could only hear the sounds of the buckles and straps of a straitjacket placed on her while she struggled in her binds. Robin was surrounded in quietness, that is until a familiar nasally voice broke the silence.

“Ah the patient is awake, the head trauma must have been more severe than originally diagnosed.” said the still blurry figure in front of her. Slowly Robin's eyes readjusted and the image of the woman in front of her formed.

Before her stood a woman in red 6 inch heels, with black thigh high fishnet stockings that lead up to her dark red, super short, pencil skirt, her black silky blouse shined and stood out against her open white lab coat. Her black and red painted nails on her hands, that alternated with each finger holding a clipboard, finally with Robin's eyes landing on the young pale white made up face, black glossy lips, dark rimmed glasses and her hair tied back in a pony tail.

As the woman in front of her got closer she drew a syringe from her lab coat, leaning closer to Robin squatting down toward the bound heroine. Then again she spoke, “Seems we will have to let you get some rest before we start you on your new medication, JK3-R1, it's sure to bring a smile back to your young beautiful face.” a twisted smile ran across the woman's face as she plunged the syringe into the thigh of the crime fighter.

Robin's eyes slowly closed and everything around her faded to black as her mind wandered back to a few hours ago.


...Hours Earlier...

The rooftops of Gotham.

Another night on patrol for the newly turned 21 year old crime fighter, Stephanie Brown.

The blonde haired crime fighter was dressed in her black knee high leather boots, green silky spandex, her green tight silky sleeves connected to her red tight spandex shirt dress fitting firmly over her toned stomach and perky breasts, separating between shirt and skirt with her yellow utility belt, green silk gloves that came up to her mid-forearm, her black and yellow cape, pink pouty lips, ending with a bright green domino mask surrounding her soft blue eyes.

It's been 5 years now since she's become Batman's sidekick, Robin, and this night was going to be the beginning of a whole new adventure for our Girl Wonder. Unlike most 21 year old girls she won't be celebrating with drinking or partying with friends. No random dancing or regretted hook ups. She has a responsibility to these streets, more-so since the recent disappearance of Batgirl.

Crime has nearly doubled in the past few weeks, Poison Ivy related crimes especially, have risen throughout the city but still no one has been able to catch her or her rumored new sidekick. Tonight though was another story, Robin was investigating multiple homicides in Crime Alley which turned out to be an elaborate message clearly left for her by the clown princess of crime Harley Quinn.

The bodies of the deceased all had the famed Joker Toxin smile on them but each had a small hammer glued in their hands. One in particular had a message carved into his chest,

“Dear Birdbrain, tonight you get de-feathered. Mirror mirror on the wall maybe bring a hammer to smash them all HeHeHa”

Robin quickly put the clues together and surmised where Harley was leading her. The abandoned circus, clearly she wanted her to come to the hall of mirrors. Knowing that this was most definitely a trap, Robin had no other choice but to bring the homicidal clown to justice. Batman was still off helping Superman with an investigation involving Supergirl. Robin had no other choice then to go at it alone tonight. If only she truly knew how grave a mistake that was.


…..Outside the Hall of Mirrors at the Gotham Abandoned Circus......

On her way over Robin had given thought on how to outwit Harley and her plan was simple, walk in the front door. She would be expected the come crashing in through the roof which would most likely be rigged with some kind of death trap. Harley would never expect her to just walk right in. As she made her way into the Hall of Mirrors, she instantly realized how wrong she was. A steel slab came crashing down behind her sealing her in the fun house.

Robin now trapped inside the building surrounded by hundreds of mirrors of all shapes and sizes. It was a maze of glass and illusion.

Suddenly the silence was broken “Greetings widdle birdy, seemed you walked yourself right into your cage, like a good widdle pet” spoke the high pitched voice of Harley Quinn over the loud speaker. “I'm glad you got my message and were so eager to begin our little games tonight, Oh boy oh boy oh boy do we have games tonight!” Harley continued.

“Enough Harley!!” Said Robin, chest puffed, anger in her voice. “You have caused enough chaos in this city, I’m taking you back to Arkham”

“Awww you're no fun, always so serious, never up for any excitement, but don't worry why don't you come find me so we can change that?' squealed Harley with excitement.

Robin began to make her way through the mirrors, with her image twisting and turning, morphing before her eyes, until she came to an opening, or what looked like an opening. She entered a dead end that became a ring of mirrors all surrounding a mirror in the middle with the figure of Harley Quinn in it.

Harley was dressed in her classic red and black large checkered vinyl body suit, short different colored black and red 3 inch ankle boots, her white collar with her split down the middle red and black jester mask, with her caked white painted face, black lips soaked in gloss, complete with her smooth black domino mask.

Harley noticed the arrival of her guest and greeted her with her insane black shiny smile. “Ah see that wasn't so bad now was it? But this isn't the end, I’m afraid for your sake it has only just begun.” As she finished her sentence Harley's appearance showed up on all the surrounding mirrors of the ring.

“Cheating at your own game now Harley? Isn't that a bit unbecoming” says Robin as she raises her arm over her head with a Bat-a-rang. “Two can play at this” she yells as she releases aiming at the mirror in the middle.




Robin now making her way through the mirrors one by one, destroying them while Harley continues to place her hands on her head and stick her tongue out at the caped wonder.

“Missed me, missed me, soon you're going to kiss me” Harley teased as the mirrors of her image continued to break.

“I doubt that's going to happen clown” Robin let out, very full of herself.

“Hehe oh it will and you're going to like” Harley said with glee and a bit of madness.

Robin now standing in front of the last mirror Harley with a sad face on and a hand on her hip staring back at the super heroine. Behind the girl wonder, unnoticed by her, a trap door in the floor had opened and a familiar red and black figure emerged quietly with hands over her mouth restraining her laughter as she sneaks up on the young heroine.

Robin now with a smile on her face, facing the final mirror “Games over you lunatic, guess we will have to take a rain check on that kiss” as she throws the last Bat-a-rang through the mirror.

“Think again” Harley screamed with excitement.

Just as Robin shattered the last mirror she felt a chill rush down her spine and the force of two hands swing her around, as a pair of demented, ferocious lips, locked with her soft delicate ones.

“MmmmMMmhhmmmMMuuuhaaaaahhhh” Harley moaned as she planted a forceful kiss on Robin globbing Robins face with a bit of white on her nose and cheeks and smearing black lip gloss across her innocent, yet now tainted lips.

Robin quickly pushed away from Harley but then started to charge at the clown princess severely missing her punch, falling over. Harley giggled as Robin began to pick herself up a little slowly.

“Wha...what was in that kiss, you despicable woman?” uttered a puzzled Robin.

“Oh don't worry toots” Harley now grabbing her oversized hammer from the trap door she previously emerged from. “you'll get to taste some more of that later.” Harley raised her hammer behind her back. Robin now slowly turning to look at her.

“No, wait, don't....” Robin pleaded.


Harley swung her hammer, Robin seeing nothing but black as she hit the ground.

“HeHeHa, now the real fun starts, you're going to love what comes next”



Robin's eyes stirred as she felt her wet face laying in a pile of drool that had formed around her on the floor. She pushed her back against the wall unable to move her arms that were still stuck snugly in the straight jacket. She sat herself up noticing a syringe still sticking out of her thigh from earlier.

“What he hell is going on?” She thought, “What is Harley planning to do?”

Just as if the universe was reading her mind the doorknob began turn, slowly it opened and confetti shot out with streamers and little POP POP POP noises. In burst Harley Quinn wearing a deformed grotesque excuse for a nurses uniform.

Her hair was tied in big blonde pigtails, her face caked in her usual white makeup, her gooey black lips, completing her face with a dark purple domino mask. She wore a white button down blouse very revealing of her plump cleavage with a small purple corset with black buckles, a tight white skirt, long black thigh high silky and torn sock leggings, that started mid thigh and crept down her long legs to her white and purple alternating feet 3 inch heels.

“Happpyyy Birdday to you, happppyyy birrdddayy to you, happppy birrddday to birrddbrraaaaiiinnn, happppyy birrthhdaaay to youuu” Harley squawked with a huge insane grin, as she sat down in front of her prisoner. “Oh terds I forgot your cake...” Harley jumped up and headed to the door. “well erhmm pie, be right back, don't go anywhere, Ha!. Oh Harley you slay me, I know Harl.” she continued her conversation as she left the room.

Terror filled Robin's mind, “How did Harley know it was my birthday, does she know who I am?” Robin quickly rubbed her face against the wall to make sure her mask was still on. It was. Robin now more puzzled than before, “How does she know then?”

Just then Harley came back in, “Dunt Dunt Dunt Dunnnn, your pie my lady” Harley said with a bow.

“Sorry toots, pie was too mushy couldn't get you any candles, but don't worry I'll help you blow out the candle in your brain before we're all done. I'll even let you get first piece being it is youuuurrr birthday after all.”

Robin quickly testing Harley, “it's not my birthday, but thanks anyway, not really hungry either” which was a lie she was starving but there was no way she was eating anything Harley Quinn brought her.

“Oh Robbie, Robert? Roberto? Robirdo? Eh screw it, it's your birthday because I said it's your birthday, but not a normal birthday it's a birthday celebrating your new life Birdy.” Harley squatted low with the pie in front of Robin, “A new life of laughter and fun, no more of that sourpuss life, hiding in shadows and sneaking around, you're a star baby and I’m going to help you break out of that cage!” Harley left the pie on the ground and threw her hands in the air spinning around the room.

Robin relieved somewhat but still realizing she was trapped and her work on the jacket has been no use, still not one strap was she able to unbuckle, “Thanks, but I like my life as it is, I kinda enjoy pummeling you lunatics.” she said with a smirk on her face. “See I already have a smile on my face, just think how happy I’ll be when I get my hands on you.”

“HoooHaaaaa oh I can't wait until you get your hands on me but by then I don't think this old you will like what the new you does with them. But enough chit chat it's pie time, LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN!” Harley screamed as she plopped herself down on the floor in front of Robin.

“Oh almost forgot baby needs her bib”, Harley pulled a bib and a spoon out and began to lean in to put the bib on Robin. “She's still just a widdle bitty baby, isn't that right sugar?” Robin angrily kicked at Harley and made her drop the spoon and bib.

“Get away from me you freak” Robin said through gritted teeth.

“Oh the cranky baby have a tummy ache? Does momma Harley need to rub her tummy” Harley said as she slammed her hand onto Robin's stomach instantly sending shock-waves through her body from her hand buzzer.

“Arhhhhhh” Robin screamed as crippling pain rain through her body sending her to her knees leaning face first on her head, drool dripping from her mouth.

“Now is baby going to be a good girl and let mommy feed her?” Harley grabbed Robin's head and placed the bib around her neck with barely a struggle from her captive. She wiped the drool from her mouth with the bib.

Harley now placing the steaming pie close to Robin's face burning her nose and eyes with the chemical smell coming from it. Robin finally with enough strength to talk “What the hell did you put in this thing? It smells worse than Ace Chemicals.”

Harley chuckled, “hehe oh you knucklehead it's not Ace Chemicals it's my Jokeys Chemicals duyehhh, Haha bird you're a silly one.” she said as she knocked on Robins head.

Robin with the little strength she had glared up at Harley.

Harley now filling the spoon with glob of pie, grabbed the bottom of Robin's chin. “Now open up for the airplane,” Making airplane sounds Harley swirled the spoon and brought it to Robin's face. Robin instantly closed her mouth. “Awww c'mon birdy if you don't open up where will the plane land?, and all the people they will crash and burn to death and make all those funny screaming noises.”

No budge on Robin's face, Harley smiled “Do I gotta hold your nose? No no that wouldn't be fun” a light bulb went off in Harley's head “ohh I got an idea” she said with a finger raised in the air, in that Eureka type motion.

Quickly without warning Harley grabbed Robin by the chin and forced her face up to hers with Harleys black lips in a twisted smile almost touching Robins.

“How silly of me, where are my manners little birdy, I almost forgot how you worm chewers eat.”

Harley scooped a handful of the pie into her mouth, and before Robin could react, Harley smooshed her dark evil lips to Robins,


Using her tongue to force her way inside Robins mouth, and as her soft pink lips parted from the pressure of Harley's black sticky lips, Harley took her opening and spit the Joker toxin filled cream past Robin's innocent lips filling her cheeks as her eyes shot open. Unable to catch her breath, Robin had no other option but to swallow.


Harley pulling her face back with a huge evil grin on her face. Robin now with black goo smeared all over her lips with some left over pie dripping out the side of her mouth.

“That's a good birdy. How are you feeling?” “I can't wait to see how you like it.”

Robin instantly gets a rush of heat to her face, followed by extreme dizziness, she feels as if she is going to be sick but then something unexpected happens. Robin giggles.


Robin with a shocked looked on her face, not able to believe what she just did.

“What have you done to me? Hehe”

“Ohhhh Birdddyyy you like it, you really like it!! I knew you would” Harley screamed with glee, a huge devilish smile on her face.

“Now don't let the rest go to waste we need to make you big and strong” said Harley as she picked up a spoonful of the pie and launched it towards Robin's mouth.

Robin still disoriented from the pie, opened her mouth to say no but instead got a mouthful of the toxic pie. Before Robin could spit it out Harley placed her hands over her mouth and slammed the crime fighter to the ground. Robin now with her eyes in shock and tears filling them looked up at the demented eyes of Harley. “now swallow your yum yums”, Robin heard the forceful clown on top her say, and with no real fight left in her with no where to go, she took a gulp of the pie down her throat.

Instantly again she felt the hot rush but this time it was different she didn't feel sick after ingesting the pie she felt happy inside, a blissful smile crept across Robin's face, as her mouth began to froff a little.

Harley looked down on the goofy faced do-gooder and smiled an evil grin. She grabbed another spoonful and brought it to Robin's stained mouth. Without a fight or struggle Robin locked eyes with Harley giggled and opened her mouth taking in the whole spoonful in one bite.



8 Hours Later....

Hysterical laughter was now coming from the padded room holding the bird themed crimefighter. Two voices cackled in joy. One clown princess of crime, the other a gooey faced do-gooder with toxic pie dripping from her mouth and clumped on random parts of her face.

Harley Quinn, after making another change was now donning her usual latex body suit of red and black, red and black 6 inch ankle boots, white made up face, black lips, and her jester cap, was now kneeling in front of Robin, using her spoon, like a mini catapult, to fling pie at the heroines open drooling mouth. Mostly missing as both captor and captive burst into hysterics at each attempt.

Robin had also had a change over the previous few hours. Reluctance and fight no longer an option. The once famed heroine had a new smile stressed into her cheek muscles from the constant laughing and trans-formative qualities of the toxin in the pie. Hers eyes now straining to focus as they crossed with waves of goofiness filling her brain with each burst of laughter.

“ohhh who's my widdle birdie?” Harley said in a baby voice. “Cmon doll who's my widdle birdie?”

Robin now finding it hard to speak and laugh uttered “me” almost inaudible.

“Oh cmon widdle birdie I can't hear you” Harley said with a grin on her face.

“MEEEeeee!!” Robin yelled as her mouth became an even bigger smile.

“That's my girl, now who want's more pie? Oh I already know that answer, but only good little girls and boys get more of the special pie. Are you going to be a good little girl for Ms. Harley?” Harley said with a sneer.

“Yes! Yes, miss Harley! I'll be the best, I’ll do anything!” Robin said hardly able to contain herself head nodding and drooling.

“Ah good, good Robin deary, buuutttttt sadly only happy little silly clowns get to eat the pie. Sowwwyy widdle birdie. But wait you wouldn't? No, no of course not.” Harley looks away and pauses.

Robin with concern in her voice “What miss Harley? What do I have to do? Please I need more pie, it's my favorite.”

Harley slowly turning towards the drooling heroine, a huge smile filling her face. “Well doll, you would have to become a clown of course you silly goose.”

Robin with a look of confusion on her face, “But, but I'm Robin, I can't, can't be a clown.”

“Ohhh butt it's sooooo much fun being a clown, you get to laugh all the time and have fun and you don't have to worry about rules and all that boring stuff.

Robin slightly uneasy “ I don't know, I feel like I shouldn't. Like it's bad or something.”

“Bad? Bad to have fun? Harley questioned.

Puzzled and with a look of pain on her face“I don't know my, my head hurts, I'm...I'm..”

Harely cuts her off “Also you get to eat all the special pie you want.”

Robin's eyes shoot open with excitement, with the magic words being said.

Harley knowing she has her bird on the hook “Whatdya say?”

“All the pie I want?”, Robin questioned innocently

“Yep.”, Harley retorted

Robin now with pure happiness in her face,“Okay!”

“Hooorayyy! First step is your hair it's just not clowny enough. Let's change the color. How about...Harley tapping her chin then with a sudden look of an epiphany, “I got it, hold still, and here you earned this.” As Harley slides another bowl of pie to Robin, Robin slams her face full speed to the pie tin gobbling all she can like a pig in a trough.

Harley leaves the room, returning moments later with a silver cylinder the size of a shampoo bottle. She sets up behind Robin, unscrews the cap and pours a handful of green slime into left hand.

“Here we go babe, sit up for your big sis now.” As Harley pulls Robin up by her hair with her right hand, plucking Robin's pie covered face out of the tin. “Time to shine like a star birdbrain. Hmm or I guess glow like a worm? No matter, got this little present from Ivy. This may sting a little” Harley slops the slimey liquid onto Robin's scalp, small waves of steam coming from Robin's head.

“Owwww owww it hurts Harley, whys it hurt?” Robin sobs her question to her clown captive.

Harley now running her hands through Robins hair, making sure to cover all the blonde of the do-gooders once beautiful locks. Smooshing and patting an petting it onto every strand. “Well birdie, it needs to sting a little to permanently bond with your roots. Sorry doll it will all be over soon then we just let it sit for awhile. Don't worry I’ll get you more pie ok?”

Now sobbing less than before, cheering up a little with the mention of pie. “Ok Harley, that makes sense. Sorry for being so goofy hehehe.”

“It's ok Robbie, now while we let that sit and stew why don't we get you out of that jacket so we can get you some nice new clothes befitting my soon to be clown princess?” Harley pulling out another pie placing it in front of Robin. “Huh does that sound good?”

Robin with eyes locked on the pie, drool dribbling down her muscle strained smile. “Yes.” Harley with excitement coursing through her. “Excellent, now let me get these straps undone for you.”

Harley now undoing the straps on the straight jacket holding Robin's arms at bay this whole time. Now removes the restraints and stares at the tight fitting costume of her captive crimefighter. “ Oh Robin well these clothes just won't do, let me help you out of those.”

Robin now with her free hands and her green silk gloves begins to shovel the chemical pie into her mouth. Now with the ability to get it all in and quickly licking leftover pie from her fingers.

Harley now rubbing her hands over Robins breast from behind, sensually making her way over her stomach, teasing a touch over her crotch, slowly sliding her hands up her sides making her way up to the cape tied tightly around the vigilantes neck untying it.

Harley now draping the cape over her own back mocking Robin by tying it and now wearing it herself. “Hehe looks better on me anyway.”

“hmph?” Robin grunts with pie in her mouth.

“Never you mind dear.” Harley says as she pulls out a pair of oversized ribbon cutting scissors and slides them down the back of Robins tight green silky sleeved, red spandex, shirt dress. Scissors now placed along her spine to the crack of her beautiful round ass, Harley makes her cut, undoing the costume in one quick slice.

“Heheheh” Robin giggles, and pauses her pie eating “that tickled.” then resumes the ingestion of the drugged pie.

Harley slides her hands into the costume from the cut and slowly slides it off as her hands make her way around Robin's body. Hands now firmly cupped on Robin's breasts, using her fingers to outline her nipples. She quickly spins the now declothed girl around.

Robin sitting, bare chested, naked, with only her black knee high leather boots, green silky spandex, green silk gloves, and her bright green domnio mask on, smiling, pie dripping from her mouth. “Hiya”

Harley now eyeing the nearly nude do-gooder up and down. “MmmMM, we are definitely going to have some fun you little clownette to be. But first we need to get you better suited.”

Harley slides out her black lip gloss and glops it on herself. Robin with pie still slushing around in her mouth gulps it down and puckers her lips. Harley with both hands grabs Robin's cheeks and plants a huge kiss on her. Robin's eyes roll back in her head and she passes out.

Harley now with a more serious look on her face, rubs her hands together. “Now to get to work, HeHa.”

She begins to lay Robin out on her back to get a better look at her. She stares at the now green haired, black goo'd face, dominoed masked heroine and slides her gloved hand to the edge of Robin's mask. She peels it up a little and giggles. Then she grabs the cheeks of Robin and moves them to open and close her mouth “Oh no Harley that's not for you, not yet.” she says to herself. “Soon though.”

She gives Robin another kiss on her unconscious lips and moves her hands down her shoulders to the edge of both of her green silk gloves and begins to remove them at the same time holding up the limp arms of her sister to be. As the gloves peel from her soft smooth arms her hands plummet to the ground making a THUD.

Harley then makes her way down the heroines body, playing a small game of patty cake with her breasts, sliding down her thighs then stopping at the zipper of her right boot. In a sing songy voice Harley goes “Oh my little bird how I pluck your feathers off.” and she begins to unzip the boot slowly from thigh to it's ending mid foot. She tugs and falls back as she removes the first boot, giggles, and repeats for the second.

Now grabbing the feet of the knocked out damsel in front of her brings them to her face, with the heel directly in front of her mouth, again in a sing songy voice “Oh my little bird how I pluck your feathers off.” and extends her tongue out touching Robin's heel and drags it up to the tip of her big toe, wrapping her tongue around it when she arrives. “MmmMM you taste delicious birdbrain.”

Harley slides both legs, of the already tattered spandex, off of her captive, rolls them in a ball and tosses them over her shoulder. “Hmph well that was easy.” She says as she springs to her feet and goes over to a box she had in the hallway. She opens the box and with a gaping smile pulls out the clothes inside. “Almost time for the punchline Hehehaha he hoo hoo.”



The Next Day

Robin's eyes began to open hesitantly as she had a searing pain fill her head. Her cheeks ached and her scalp was sensitive. It took a little for her eyes to adjust and for the rest of her senses to catch up. She wasn't feeling well for a freshly turned 21 year old and the last day was all but a blur. Her body felt stiff and when she finally brought her hand to her face, that's when she noticed.

“Oh my gosh.” Robin gasped as she realized she was not wearing her usual silky green gloves. Instead in their place there were elbow length purple latex ones. Not only that as she began to fully realize her surroundings her whole body was in a completely new costume. No longer was she wearing her usual crime fighting suit but instead she had a warped version of one her most hated nemesis the Clown Princess of crime Harley Quinn.

“What the hell am I wearing?”

What indeed she was wearing was a purple and black latex harley quinn uniform, with some alterations. Her entire body was not covered, this version of the suit left her shoulders, upper chest and upper arms uncovered. Over her chest was a tear away window made of a see through green material, clearly revealing her young perky breasts and hard nipples. Below to complete the set a matching see through green window over the crotch of the suit, also removable. Around her neck was a green latex button down blouse, that attached to the top of her new suit, cut to only be a collar and a small portion of a shirt, to fit tightly to her body and to not cover her shoulders.

“Ah seems the baby is waking up from her nap.” Harley's voice comes in from the doorway. “I see you're taking a liking to your new suit, I made it special for ya, to help show off your fit little bod ya got there Robbie.”

Robin now with the clearest her head has been, “You're sick Harley, I’m going to teach you a lesson them I'm going to remove this disgusting costume.”

Harley smirking,“Oh I don't think so my little clownette to be, that suit won't come off so easily, actually it won't come off at all. See as you took your nap that little suit there bonded with your skin, from the highly toxic ingredients in those pies you couldn't help yourself with. I'm afraid that little suit you have on there is yours forever. Hahaha”

Robin's face with an utter look of repulsion. “No, you're lying this can't be.” Tears filling her eyes as she tries to peel the suit from her body, only to be met with pain, as if pulling her own flesh off her bones. “Owww, why?...why would you do this?

A flabergasted face on Harley, “Muay do this to you? Oh honey bunny, I’m afraid it was your addiction that did this to you. If you only could keep your piggy little hands off my clowny pies, but as we both know you can't, I think it's time to complete this little dress up session.” Harley pulls a large pie dish from behind her back.

Robin almost instantly drops to her knees and begins to crawl towards Harley, surprised “What's happening, what am I doing?” Robin with confusion in her voice.

“Oh silly you can't fight your addiction now can you? You little pie junky you.” Harley with pure enjoyment on her face.

Harley now walking slowly towards Robin lowering the pie to tease her. “Let's see how much you really want this, shall we?”

“Wha..what do you want?” Robin pleads.

“Hmmm well for starters..” Harley kneels next to Robin, getting close to her face, placing her index finger slightly under the edge of her mask, “Lets get rid of this ridiculous mask you have on.”

Robin horrified, “No, I can't, I won't, I...” now locking eyes with the pie Harley has brought back into her view. “I...I..”

Harley moving the pie closer and grabbing one of Robin's hands, slowly bringing it to her face. “Go on deary, just one pull, like a bandaid, quick and easy, then you get more of your yummy to your tummy pie. Now doesn't that sound wonderful?”

Robin holding onto the end of her mask , “I won't...give in...I”

Harley with the pie inches from Robin' face, as Robin's tongue reaches out for a taste.”Cmon honey just pull it off, you know you want to.”

Robin with her mouth drooling, tongue nearing the pie “I...” with a defeated sigh “.....Ok” she peels her mask away from her face.

Harley bursting into laughter pulls the pie back from Robin to get a clear look at her face. “Ohhhh Birdy, I knew you could do it, oh and how ugly you are. Don't worry Aunty Harley is going to fix you right up. That is if you still want some pie.”

Robin quickly realizing what she has done begins to cry, but can't pull her eyes away from the pie, “Yes, anything, just let me have some more pie.”

“Uh uh uh you didn't say the magic words”, Harley teasingly says as she waves her finger back and forth.

Robin with no real strength “ Please?”

“Please what? Please fix you up and make you a pretty widdle clowny so you can have all the pie you want?” Harley with her face tilted sideways smiling.

Robin now with prominent drool dribbling down her chin “Yes, please make me pretty so I can have some pie.”

“You got it doll Hehehe” Harley with excitement puts the pie down and runs over to Robin now sitting back on her knees, and proceeds to pull out a bag with all types of products.

From Harley's bag she pulls out a syringe, squeezes the liquid out at a zombielike Robin,” Hehe won't need this,” She pulls out a razor blade “No, not this either, too easy for you”, finally she pulls out a tub of white grease paint, caking her hands in it she begins to smear it all over Robin's face. Robin's face now fully covered, Harley pulls out some black, green, and purple eye makeup. She surrounds each one of Robin's eyes with large circles of black then begins to cover her right eye circle with green makeup and her left eye makeup with purple.

Harley with her hand on her chin thinking, “Hmmm what am I missing? Ah I got it! Can't have you with some plain old lippies, come on now pucker up.” Harley grabs Robin's cheeks and make her drooling face pucker as she begins to apply a very dark black lipstick to her mouth, extending the streaks of lipstick to make a smile form on her cheeks. Lastly applying a super gooey gloss over her now made up black lips.

Harley leaning back making a square with her fingers in front of Robin's face. “Perfect!, Now heres your pie my little addict.” as Harley slides the pie in front of Robin.

Robin instantly takes a scoop of pie and shoves it into her mouth. Moments after doing so she realizes this isn't the same pie and she quickly becomes drowsy. The room begins to spin as her face hits the ground her eyes close.


Robin's eyes begin to flicker with life, she slowly opens them to reveal herself, or more of a twisted version of herself looking back at her. She at first didn't realize who she was looking at but as the memories flashed back, she knew. Tears began to fill her eyes.

“Now, now, birdbrain no crying, you'll ruin your makeup, well, before you can't. Oh you'll see.” Harley's voice came from Robin's left.

Robin quickly turned to a sight she did not expect. Directly in front of her was Harley Quinn on her back lying spread eagle with her bare pussy a foot from Robin's face, so close she could smell the juices leaking from it.

Harley began speaking before Robin could say a word. “Now little birdy is your final transformation, and I’m going to leave it completely in your hands? Talons? Doesn't matter. Now if you turn your attention to your surroundings you'll notice in both of your hands that now remain strung up, you have a button in each one of em. In your right hand it controls the trap door below you, in your left it controls the steel clasp around your neck.”

Robin eyeing both buttons and the trap door below her, only feeling the cold of the steel of the clasp on her neck. She finally opened her mouth “What, what is this?”

“Glad you asked Robbie, it's your choice, is what this is. Now you see your face is all made up, your wearing your fancy new uniform, in your left hand you can make the choice to take the final plunge.” As Harley said this she began piling gooey pie onto her bare crotch, globbing it on top of herself. “Your left hand controls the clasp around your neck which will free you to eat your final pie, from my pie Hehhaha. Upon doing so the pie will have an instant and permanent effect on the makeup on your face, bonding it to your skin forever and will also change the widdle waves inside your brain making you just as crazy and fun as lovely ol me.”

Robin with fear on her face. “And the right hand?”

Harley sneering at the humiliated heroine. “Well the right hand opens up the trap door below you as I already said and from the drop, the clasp will break your neck and kill ya. Now what's it gonna be Birdy, either way I get a good laugh. Hehhahahaha”

Robin turns and looks at herself in the mirror, looking at the monstrosity Harley has done to her once beautiful, and pure face.

As her thumb slides over the button, she makes her decision.

Within an instant her head drops face first in to Harley's cream filled pussy. She begins to eat as tears dry from her eyes and maniacal laughter comes pouring out of Harley Quinn. She lays her hands on the back of the head of the once crimefighter “Oh yes birdy, so glad you decided to join the circus, we are going to have so much fun!” slowly moving her hands under Robin's chin, Robin looks back with sullen eyes but a slow creeping grin appears on her face as laughter and toxic pie come pouring out of the mouth of the now permanently altered superheroine.



Moaning, grunts, and laughter were now coming from the abandoned circus tent at the Gotham Fairgrounds.

Inside the tent, two female clowns are having their way with one another, one with bright blonde hair and the other with shiny green. The one with shiny green hair with her mouth pushed ferociously against the blondes pussy lips, saliva and laughter emanating from her mouth with each lick. “Oh Harley, I'm so glad we're sisters now. Life is so much more fun! goooddd!”

Harley with a pleased smile on her face grabs two handfuls of the green clowns hair and pulls her in for the big finale. “ohhh...ohhh...heehhhaahhohhh” Harley moans as she cums on her once greatest adversaries lips and tongue. “Yes, Jesta it IS so much more fun. How about we have a little more? I think we have some friends of yours to visit.”

The green haired, white faced, black wet lipped Jesta, licks her lips clean, while a huge cheshire cat-like smile emerges. “Ohhh Yess!!! I can't wait!!”