Star Girl: Second Interlude

Author: Star Girl
Time to Read:12min
Added Date:9/22/2024
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Tags: Wonder WomanStar Girl

WARNING: This story contains material of a sexual nature. If you are at all offended by this kind of story. DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!!!!! Wonder Woman and any other characters expressed in this story are copyrighted by DC Comics. This story is written for the sole purpose of entertainment and is not written for profit and cannot be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise traded for profit.

From behind me, Diana pulled up the zipper of my outfit. "There, all finished." "Great!" I said, grinning from ear to ear like a child. I look at the bedroom wall of highly polished marble. Like a white mirror, it showed my reflection looking back at me. I was wearing a costume, or uniform, like all the heroines I had admired from afar. It was a one-piece, the top a bustier that curved around my breasts deliciously, cupping them gently so that my breasts held it up, since in gaining these powers and improved body my breasts definitely needed no support! It slid down my body to my hips, where it flared out into a short, frilled skirt. It was all of the shiniest white, sprinkled with two-inch-high blue stars, a reversal of Diana's tights. I wore high heeled boots that were knee length of a similar pattern as my outfit. On each wrist were my shiny, metallic, Amazonian bracelets.

On my forehead was a tiara, but not like Diana's; it pointed down between my eyebrows and flat along the top, bright white with a small sapphire in the center. I hadn't intended on wearing a tiara, but Diana's mother, Queen Hyppolyta, had given it to me as a gift, and I certainly could not turn it down. Besides, Diana had said her tiara helped keep her hair out of her eyes, and I could see the need of that in a fight!

Diana, two days after we had left the cavern, had asked me what plans I had for the future. I told her I wasn't sure, but, secretly, despite the actions of Malus and the Satyr, the life of a superheroine was so incredible, like a child's dream come true, that I knew I'd have to pursue that dream. Not only the fame and publicity, but just the chance to do so much good, to help so many people. I had been in the medical field to work with and to help people, but this...this was so much more. It had such possibilities to reach people, to help them in so many ways.

Diana had only nodded at my answer, and we had moved on to other topics. But, the next day, she abruptly asked the same question. With a guilty, childish grin I had admitted my dream. She only smiled that patient smile she had, and told me that she had hoped that I would choose that course. I was thrilled at her response, and almost immediately launched into what I'd do first, where I'd try to help, how I'd work on capturing this or that supervillain. I'd even started babbling about what I'd wear, and a name.

So, about an hour ago, I had been training with some of the Amazons - my sisters, they kept telling me - and Diana had came over and asked me to meet her in her - well, our - quarters in about a half hour. When I'd arrived, there was this costume waiting for me on the bed.

I was speechless. I had picked it up gently, but instantly I could sense the strength of the material, despite the shine and texture of satin. I immediately stripped the plain tunic off my athletic body, and quickly slipped into the outfit as Diana stepped behind me to zip it up.

"Diana! It looks wonderful!" I said, my eyes wide like it was Christmas. The skirt flared out as I did a pirouette, showing off the white thong beneath. Deep down, I was thrilled, yet guilty, at how sexy the outfit was, especially when the skirt flared up like that. I didn't want to send the wrong message to people, but I did want to get their attention. Diana had told me stories about enemies that would stop and gape at her in her own sparse costume, allowing her that extra time needed to easily capture them.

As I saw the front of the thong covering my sex, visible in the marble mirror, my thoughts drifted back to the Satyr. I still had trouble erasing the vision of him overwhelming me with his music, and forcing me to mount him. Then the thoughts of powerlessness that had followed his invasion of my body always interrupted my thoughts. A few days after our escape, I finally worked up the courage to tell Diana what had happened, and tell her that I had lost every bit of my strength when the Satyr had entered me and used me, and how I had regained it slowly after Acantha had pulled him out.

She did not understand at first, and we still don't understand what exactly had happened, but we did agree to keep it to ourselves when I insisted. The thought of the other Amazons discovering such a humiliating event would have crushed me. However, Diana had told me that any Amazon that surrendered herself to a male would lose her Amazon inheritance, but she knew that an Amazon used against her will would not have to fear such a thing. I had wondered how she knew that, but was afraid to ask.

"I'm glad you like it, Jamie," Diana answered with a calm smile. "I tried to remember what you had said. I made it myself."

My smile only grew bigger. "You made this yourself?" I echoed incredulously. "I can't, I believe it," I said, halting myself in mid-sentence. Nothing Diana did could possibly surprise me anymore I thought. "It's simply wonderful, Diana; I don't know what else to say." I looked down on the bed, where sat two identical piece of metal. Two thin metal hoops, attached by a single length of the same metal were what each was made of. The metal seemed very flexible, and sagged almost flat on the bed. Next to them were three three-inch, metallic, five-pointed stars, each of a different color; blue, yellow, and red. Each one had a tiny hole in the center.

"Diana, what are those things for?" I asked, pulling myself away from my narcissistic view of the marble mirror.

"Those are gifts from Acantha," she replied, picking up one of the odd double-rings. On the side of each ring, opposite the middle length, she opened each ring with a barely audible click, and kneeled down beside me. "These are both for you." As I looked closer, this one, along the connecting piece, had three small protrusions. Diana slipped each ring around my upper and lower thigh. With two quiet clicks, each ring snapped shut. The contraption felt snug on my thigh, like some weird metal made of lycra, and not in the least uncomfortable. "Now the other one," she said. I changed my stance to present my other leg, noticing how the metal brace seemed to move with the muscles of my leg without hindering any motion. Within moments, the other brace was on, but this one only had a small, curved hook that snapped closed in the center of the brace.

"Um...Diana? What are these for?" I asked curiously.

She picked up the three stars, and pressed each one against the three small protrusions on the first brace, so that the button fit into the small holes in each star perfectly. "These are the gift from Acantha and the scientists of our Island. Each one of these stars has a different capability." She looked up from her kneeling position, then ran her fingers up my leg and over my hips as she slowly stood back up, looking me eye to eye now that I had heels and she was in her flat sandals. "The stars will be of use to you in your new career. You have to throw each star, and each will have a different effect. The yellow star will give out a powerful burst of light, powerful enough to blind your opponents, and yourself if you are not careful. The red star will cause a small explosion on contact. This is not something we would normally use, but you may find a use for it; but be careful to throw it sparingly, and at a distance. The blue star is, quite simply, a beacon. It is attuned to the sapphire in your tiara. When it leaves your body, you need only concentrate on it to know in what direction it is, and, in time, how far away it is located."

I looked down at the three stars. "Gee.." was all I could say. Okay, so she could still surprise me. "I mean, I'll have to give my thanks to Acantha."

Diana smiled more seriously at me, putting her hand on my bare shoulder, which send a odd tingle through me. "She gives you these in gratitude. You saved not only the life of her mate, but also the soul of her mate; for that, Acantha cannot repay you." She glanced over her marble chest at the foot of the bed. "As can none of us. You also saved my soul from an eternity of servitude at the hands of the Satyr, and for that I will always love you as the sister you are, and have become to us all, Jamie. To show you my gratitude, and the trust I have in you, I also have a gift to give," she said, moving to the chest.

I blushed from head to toe. It was still overwhelming when Diana said such things. I mean, Wonder Woman saying such things to me...? Even today, I still expect to wake up from this dream, but that day I was on cloud nine.

With one powerful hand, Diana lifted the marble top and reached inside the chest and pulled out her lasso. "Oh no, Diana, you can't!" I immediately said, sensing what was about to come.

Without replying, she walked back over to me. "Jamie, if you are going to be a representative of our people, to be the third Amazon to walk in Man's World, you must be given every tool at our command."

"But, Diana! I am NOT going to take your lasso!" I said, speaking to her with a finality that surprised myself. Here I was, telling Wonder Woman what I was and wasn't going to do!

Diana only smiled, that same patient, gentle, loving smile that could brighten the darkest night. With both hands, she gripped her lasso. With a teasing smile at me, she parted her hands. In each, she now held a separate lasso in each.

I stood stunned; I think my chin might have dropped a bit too. I thought that her lasso couldn't be cut? I mean, wasn't it indestruc...

"We have ways, Jamie. It was created by our Gods, and by prayer they have not made another, but parted this lasso so that it is now two." She went down to one knee to the hook on the brace attached to my other leg. "This one will be yours," she said, hooking the lasso to the brace. She stood up, and attached her own lasso to a hook on her girdle.

My fingers ran across the stranded surface of the golden coils. I could already feel the magic of it pressing against the outside of my thigh. "I...I don't know what to say..I.." I mumbled, dumbfounded.

Diana put a finger to my lips. "You need say nothing but that you shall do us all proud, and be a true Amazon; always seeking peace, but never recoil from the battle that shall win it."

I started to speak, but I was still overawed by her gift. I could only nod.

"This is my gift, but it still cannot repay my debt to you. In the Cavern, you showed that you have the heart of an Amazon. Even my mother is convinced now," she said, with a faint grin.

Her humorous expression shook me from my stunned reverie. "Thank you so much, Diana. I'll try to make you - all of you - proud. I'd die before I'd dishonor you, ever."

She smiled and nodded, her short black curls bouncing with her. "We all know that now, Jamie. That is merely another reason for our joy in finding in you a kindred sister." She stepped back. "Now, how do you like the completed outfit?"

I looked at the polished marble wall, seeing my reflection again, now with a faint golden glow on one thigh, and three small colored dots reflecting from the other thigh. Thrilled at the sight, I pirouetted again, overjoyed at the vision of this new me, my long, curly auburn hair shining silkily as it flared out, matched by the starry white skirt and the golden lasso. "I can't believe this all, Diana. I want to go back now, I think. I just feel like I could do anything!"

Diana walked around in front of me, her sky-blue eyes peering into my dark brown ones. "I will be going with you, so that if I might help in any way, I will. And, maybe we can help each other with a few things," she said with a smile, as she reached up, cupping my breast.

I smiled back, feeling my nipple harden quickly under her firm grip. "That would be great, Diana," I said, leaning into her hand, feeling a flush of emotion. I glanced down, watching her softly knead me, my firm breast bulging and stretching ever so slightly under her experienced hand.

Suddenly I laughed. "You were right, Diana," I said with embarrasment, "this material does keep hard nipples from showing."

Diana gave me an odd look, glanced down, then suddenly burst out laughing. "At least I know that I can do that to you."

I smiled again, put my hands around her lithe waist, and pulled her against me, our breasts pressing tightly against one another.

"Yes, you can do that to me anytime," I said, my eyes passing over her athletic, tanned body. Even without the heels, her legs were incredible as they stretched down from under her short skirt. We leaned into each other, our red lips touching gently as I closed my eyes. I slid my hand down the silky material covering her back, and down over her pert backside.

Suddenly, I thrust my tongue forward, pushing past her full red lips and into her mouth. Our tongues met, mine probing and searching hers.

"MMmmmm..." she murmured, running one hand through my curly auburn hair as her other hand kept a firm grip over my rigid nipple.

I put one hand to the back of her head, holding on to her short raven-black hair, as our tongues continued to search each other. I slid my other hand down, feeling the smooth skin covering her muscular thigh. I dragged my hand upward under her starry skirt, over her hip. Without warning, I quickly brought my hand between her legs, and firmly passed a finger up the length of her moist vagina, stopping over her slightly enlarged clitoris.

"MMM!" Diana exclaimed into my mouth, unable to pull away as I held her against me. She wiggled her body, arching her hips up at an angle as I vibrated my finger against her swelling clit. I could feel her squirming, her attempts at crying out corked by my tongue as her breasts crushed against mine.

A thrill ran through me as I held Wonder Woman nearly motionless in my grip, her only movements being the wrenching of her body as my finger moved at incredible speeds, sending pulses of pleasure through her. A feeling of disbelief, like I were in a dream, passed through my mind. Here I was, wearing this costume, with my own lasso on me, holding the greatest heroine in the world immobile in my bare hands, giving her pleasure in a way few others possibly could.

Diana's fingers began to dig into my waist almost painfully as I felt her rise up on her toes. Her form trembled as the orgasm welled up within her. With a deft motion, I suddenly thrust my finger inside Diana, hard enough to lift her off the ground. As her lips left mine, her cry of passion exploded from her, filling the marble palace. With one finger inside her, the rest of my hand cupped Diana between her legs, while my other hand balanced her as she hung in the air. I wildly vibrated the one finger inside her at speeds that no eye could follow, sending Diana even higher. Her back arched, her mouth opened wide and silent and her arms stretched out, her fingers curled into claws as I felt her sex gripping my finger ever tighter.

"Oh, Dear Gods.." she moaned as I lifted her even higher, leaning her high against the marble wall. I could feel her sandalled feet touching my thighs as she thrashed in the throes of her coming orgasm, "Oh, Gods..JammiIIIIEEE!" she screamed, her body exploding with passion. I struggled to hold her up there as she quaked and flailed wildly, her sexual juices oozing down my hand. I kept my finger vibrating within her and reached my thumb upwards to her clit and pressed down. She lurched at the touch, then began to scream over and over as I vibrated my thumb. Almost instantly I felt her sex clamp onto my finger again as another climax passed the length of her amazing Amazon body.

I have no idea how long I held Diana up against the wall like that, but when I finally let her sweat-covered body slide down the wall, she could barely stand. She smiled blearily at me through passion-filled eyes as I helped her to the bed. Within minutes, she was fast asleep. I laid down beside her, reveling in my powerful body, and this amazing outfit I was wearing.

I knew I had to become a heroine. It was as if my entire life had been leading up to this. I couldn't wait to return to the outside world. I smiled and put an arm around my sleeping Amazon Princess.

The End