The Shadow Tales - Chapter One

Author: Star Girl
Time to Read:9min
Added Date:9/28/2024
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Tags: Shadow

I suppose if I'm going to tell my tale I should tell you who I am. My name is Shadow, and I am a superheroine. I live in Megapolis, trying to protect it from those who would prey upon it. If you were to see me, looking for the scum who infect the city, you'd see a blonde, 5'7, 135, most days, green eyes. When working I wear a mask, a dark blue spandex top with my creseent moon symbol on it, a matching skirt, gloves, and high heeled boots. Now that you can see me in your mind, let me tell the tale.

It started last summer. I was patrolling Zwicken late one night, which is not a nice part of town, but is often where one needs to go to look for those kinds of people I look for. Well, as I said, I was on patrol, near midnight, I hear gunshots. I was near a trailer park, and these were scruffy trailers. One of them rocked, and a hole was blown through it's roof.

I covered the hundred or so feet between myself and the trailer quickly and silently, aiming for a side window. There was no one outside it, though three cars were there. I peeked inside, and saw a scene of carnage. There were five men inside, all dressed like street thugs. Two were dead, blood leaking into the cheap carpets. The other three were searching the trailer, frantically. Each had a firearm, and they were tearing everything in the place up. That was good for me though, cause they wouldn't hear me coming.

I moved to the front of the trailer, heading to the door, to get inside and take care of these men. As I reached the door, it opened, and one started to step out. He never saw me, and my front kick hit him in the head, and he fall, senseless, to the ground outside the trailer.

I lept over him, and into the trailer. The other two men were still unaware of me, and I grabbed one, spun him, and kicked him in the balls. As he started to fall, I brought my knee up, into his face. His nose snapped, blood spraying, and he, too, fell. The third one finally noticed me.

"Bitch," he said, and with typical male ego he forgot about his weapon, and rushed me. However, I stepped into his rush, and snapped two blows to his face, then sidestepped. He too fell, over the top of his friend. Two small bags fell from his hand, with some pink poweder in them.

I quickly grabbed the pistols, setting them on a table, then started to look about. In a back room, there was a small lab. Not really a true lab, but a drug cutting room. However, instead of heroin or cocaine, there were packets of this strange pink powder.

This made me curious, as I had never seen or heard of such a powder. So, I grabbed a packet and opened it, looking at it. It was soft looking like talcum powder. I took a sniff, and ro my suprise, a felt a brief tinge of sexual arousal. Now, I was even more curious, as I had never heard of a drug that did that.

So, after checking to make sure the thugs were still down, I grabbed a chair and sat down in it. Then, I licked my finger, and dipped it into the powder. Setting the packet down, I then licked the small amount of powder on my finger off. It tasted like kool aid, except without flavoring. Nothing seemed to happen, and I was getting ready to stand up and call the cops to come get the thugs.

Just then a surge of raw, no bestial, pleasure ripped through me. I fell back into the chair. My breasts were tingling, my nipple harder than ever before and pressing against my top, pushing the fabric outward. My vagina was also on fire, lubricating heavily, my natural juices soaking into the thong I wear under the skirt. My clit was throbbing, and, with a long moan, I climaxed, my body shivering uncontrolably.

My head fell back, pressing against the back of the chair, as I was overwhelemed by both the suddenness, and the intensity, of the sensations. My nipples were pressing into my top, the spandex arousing them further. I couldn't see well, my senses overwhelmed by the orgasm.

My eyes closed, and one arm fell to my side, the other landing on the arm of the chair, somehow still holding the bag of powder. My legs spread, hips swivelling in the air, my tongue licked at my lips. Then the second orgasm hit me.

"Oh my god" I moaned into the air of the empty trailer.

Only, it wasn't empty.

Blood was pounding in my ears, and my breathing was ragged in the aftermath of my second orgasm. My eyes were foggy, and I could smell my own juices in the wreck of the trailer. I began to recover, my vision clearing, my breathing starting to return to normal. That when I noticed someone watching me.

Before I could do anything the person reached down, slapping at ny crotch. Fingers caressed me though the soaked thong, the material pressing into me, and against my clit. I felt myself once more rising towards an orgasm. Then I heard the voice, a feminine one, low, erotic, sultry...or so it hit me...and I'd never felt any kind of sexual pull towards another woman in my life.

"Look what we have here..." the voice said, trailing off in a way, that, somehow, seemed erotic.

My response to the words was a moan, pulled from me by the fingers, which already were moist from my own liquds. However, even dulled by the drug, I reacted. Bracing my legs, I dropped the packet and pushed back up, out of the chair. The fingers slid away, and I was reflexes were off. The chair fell backwards, and I tripped over it, starting to fall backwards myself.

As I started to fall, a felt hands on my wrists and my arms were quickly tugged behind me. Then, I was pulled backwards, and felt my back hit a large body. A male body, I realized, as I felt his erection against my bottom, probably caused by my unplanned sex show.

I was dizzy, and trying to focus myself, when I saw the woman in front of me, a man at either side of her. The men moved closer, apparently ready to help the one behind me hold me in place, were it needed, which, at the moment, it really wasn't. The woman, like me, was a blonde, and was in a skimpy black outfit, though I can't remember it's exact details.

"Now, who are you?" she said to me. "You aren't the one I met earlier, she was a brunette, and her skirt was green. Of course, you were nice enough to stay and play."

She held up her fingers, grinning, as they were slick with my juices. "Look at that," she said, in a smirking, mocking tone. Then her other hand came up. "Now, look at this." She opened that hand, which had some of the pink power in it, and blew it into my face.

It flooded into my system, and it alone caused me to climax yet again, not as strong as the first two, but my legs seemed like jello, and the men pushed me down to my knees. I could feel some of my own juices running down my legs, and my breathing was ragged and rapid.

The men, of course, took advantage of the situation. One pulled out his cock, and moved in front of me. The second tied my hands behind me with something, I'm still not really sure with what, though it wasn't rope. The last, who I had fallen into tugged my thong off with a snapping sound, a ran a finger along my lips, drawing a moan from me.

He began to stroke my lips, once more stoking the drug induced fires within me. I moaned, and as the cock before me pressed forward, I dove at it, driven by lust and hormones. I licked around the glans, then took the head inside me, licking it all over. Then I slid my mouth around his shaft, sliding down it, then back up, in a steady rhythym, licking all along it. His hands slid into my hair, tangling it, and he used the leverage to control my pace.

In the meantime, the other one had continued to stroke my lips, and one finger rolled over my clit. After a couple more minutes of that, I felt the hands move to my hips, and, moments later he entered me, slowly spreading me, and eliciting a moan, partly muffled by the cock in my mouth.

I kept licking at the one in my mouth, as he slid it along his twitching organ. His fingers were entwined in my hair, his hands conroling the pace, eerily silent as he used my mouth. My mind was filled with lust, and I eagerly licked him trying to bring him to a climax.

The other man had lifted my hips, to give him better access to my sopping wet pussy. He drove brutally in and out of me, thrusting his cock hard, and fast, burying it to the hilt. Each thrust brought a slapping sound as his balls struck my bottom. Like his companion, he was silent, the only sounds in the trailer being my muffled moans.

And, I was moaning, my body responding. My hips thrust back to meet his cock, as I squeezed it white it was inside me. My teeth gently scraped along the skin of the other cock, and I wanted, needed, to feel them cum in me..the drug having driven everything, except lust, from my mind.

They tugged at me, one at my head, the other at my hips, the two cocks pushing in and out of me, each man in a rhythym of his own. And I responded, the pink drug helping to push me closer and closer to the edge. And finally over it. I came...and that orgasm flared into a second...and a third, as my body spasmed time and again, my only thoughts ones of pleasure.

Even as I started to come down from the third orgasm, my head was pulled forward, my face in his pubic hair, his balls hitting my chin. The cock twitched, and then, with still no sound from him, he began to cum, spraying his hot seed into my mouth and down my throat. I tipped my head back, swallowing it rapidly, as he kept his cock inside my mouth, getting every last drop of his salty fluid into it.

I still kept moving with the other cock, squeezing it with my strong vaginal muscles as it slid effortlessly in and out of me. Then his fingers dug into me, and he began to quiver, then, with a quick thrust to bury himself inside me, he came, filling me with his warm jism. I moaned once more, as he kept filling me, with burst after burst of cum.

His compatriot pulled out of my mouth, and cleaned his cock off on my hair, which I didn't notice at the time, but which made me quite angry later. After that, he stood, looking down at me.

I was pretty much out of it, not even relalizing when the other one finished and pulled out. He shoved me down to the floor, a couple drops of him cum dripping onto my back. A just lay there, trying to get some synapses working.

I barely noticed the clicking of heels. "Are you done?" asked that voice, in a taunting way "You look as if you are, in more ways then one." Then she ordered her men "Tie her up, then come outside with me."

The men moved quickly. First, they pulled my legs togther, then starting at the ankles, tied them tight, from ankle to thigh, encasign my legs in a set of rope stockings. Then they tugged my arms behind me and tied them tightly as well.

With a grin they left...and sometime later, still tingly, and dazed, with drug sitll in me, a realized that there was smoke and heat here...looking about...I saw that the trailer was on fire. This, I realized, was not a good thing.

If I had been stronger, I could have used some of my powers to free myself, but the six orgasms, and the strange drug, had weakened me, so I did the next best thing. I rolled over near the fire, and let it start to lick at the ropes around my arms. My arms got quite warm, but I am hard to hurt, and didn't get any real burns. I then rolled back away from the fire, and managed the break the fire weakened ropes on my arms.

Staying calm, I then untied my legs and slowly got to my feet. My head was still spinning a bit, and I had had enough surprises for one night, so I got to a window and slid out into the darkness.

Once outside, it was an easy enough matter to get into the darkness and head for home, and, as I heard the firetrucks in the distance, I knew that I was going to take down that woman....she had made things quite personal.