The Shadow Tales - A walk in the park

Author: Star Girl
Time to Read:20min
Added Date:9/28/2024
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Tags: Shadow

After my run in with Syren, for that's who the villianess was, I later learned, things went well. Over the next month I foiled seemingly countless muggings, a couple bank robberies, and a slew of other crimes, and got more than my fair share of media attention.

However, being a super heroine is not all fun and games. A lot of you out there seem to forget we're people, too, and rarely do we get paid for helping people out. That means we have to work real jobs to buy food, and pay bills, and all the normal things that never get mentioned. And what that means is that we have little free time. Typically a heroine works all day, rests a couple hours, then goes out on patrol. That hectic schedule tends to lead to stress, and, so, once in a while we need to unwind.

That's what I decided to do one Thursday afternoon in August, so I headed to Serenity Park. It was a warm day, and I was dressed for it. My top was a gray t-shirt, short on me, that ended midway down my belly. My breasts pushed it out, of course, and that helped them stay cool, as air could get under it. I was also wearing a pair of gray running shorts, with some bikini panties under them, and a pair of sandals.

I left the car, and walked into the park, and the next couple hours went by nicely. I'd walk for a bit, the rest in the sun, then walk some more. About three, or so, I decided to walk to the little gazebo in the center of the park, through the small grove of trees in it. Well, I suppose small is a relative word, the grove covers about a half mile in total area, so it makes for a nice walk.

I walked into the woods, and through them along the trail that the city had put in place. It was a dirt and gravel trail to keep the feel of the woods intact. I was about half way through when the trouble started.

Stepping out of the woods to block the trail in front of me came three guys...18 or 19 years old, punkish troublemakers. I could hear more behind me, though, I didn't look back at them.

"Hey baby." said one of the ones I could see "What ya doing?"

"Walking" I said, politely, arms at my sides, trying to act like a normal blonde. I wasn't worried, after all I am a super heroine.

"Wanna have some fun?" he asked, rubbing his crotch so that I knew what kind of fun he meant.

"No, thank you. Perhaps some other time." I replied.

He shrugged once, then, as I expected, they rushed me.

I did something they didn't expect, though. I leapt backwards, into a back flip, and landed behind the two that were behind me. I grabbed one, and introduced him, hard and face first, to a nearby tree. Three times. Needless to say, he was out of commission.

The other four moved in, spreading out, a couple of them looking a bit intimidated, which I liked.

I stepped to my left, into the center of the trail, one hand on my hip at a cocky angle, and said "Why don't you all just run along home."

Of course, they didn't.

They spread out a little further and darted in at me, grabbing at my body. Specifically for arms and legs, which did make sense after all. However, I went to my right, taking the two to my left out of play for a moment, and darted between the other two. The one going for me leg missed as I sidestepped him. I let the other one grab my arm, then snapped a knee to his belly. As he let go, my elbow took him across the nose, and he dropped, crying in pain, and I spun towards the two on the left, hair whirling about my head like a halo.

One of them had reacted pretty quick, and as I turned his fist hit my belly. It didn't hurt, but drove me back a couple steps, and let his buddy catch up, as they both moved in on me again.

I backed up a little, keeping them in sight, deciding to play defense for a moment, hoping, I think, that they'd back off.

Of course, they weren't smart enough for that. In fact, in a show of arrogance, they both pulled out a pair of handcuffs, presumably to use on me.

I dropped into my normal heroic pose, legs shoulder length apart, hands on my hips. "Guys" I said, in a reasonable tone "Why don't you just stop this and go do something else."

Again, of course, they didn't, they just sneered at me. I waited for their attack, not worried at all. After all, I was doing pretty well in this fight. After a moment, I dropped my pose, having decided to attack and end this, so I could relax.

About this time you're probably thinking 'Shadow, what about the guy you dodged in that first rush...what happened to him. You've forgotten to tell us what you did to him.' Well, as it turns out, I had forgotten about him. He had slipped off his shoes, and decided to sneak up on me while the other two distracted me.

It was a pretty good plan, I have to admit, especially for some gang punks. The two I could see backed up a little, as I dropped my pose, and spread out slightly, as if readying to attack. I took a step forward myself, left arm low, at my side, right higher, ready to counter the attack.

That's when number three a manner of speaking. He slipped up behind me, and his arms came up. His left pinned my left to my side, but that was by accident, not design. I can say that because of what his hands did...they came around my sides, over my stomach, and under my shirt, ending up cupping my breasts.

Needless to say, I gasped in surprise, and glanced behind me, as he copped the first feel. Then, as he kept squeezing, without much technique, I braced my legs, and began to reach back with my right hand, to flip him over me.

He took a step backwards, as he kept fondling, trying to keep me under control. Just then one of the others darted in, and began to stroke my thigh. This was getting annoying. So, annoying the one pawing at me, I kicked this new one in the nuts. And he dropped like a poleaxed steer, whimpering and clutching himself.

That was when the fondler decided to use his thumb and first two fingers to pinch and circle each of my nipples, which began to get hard under the stimulation, and, again, I looked back at him. Then I spun, hard, to my right. His hands lost their grip, and I was free, ending my move facing him, glaring, in a slight crouch, my nipples making a noticeable dent in my shirt.

He moved in quickly, and threw a punch my way, which I deflected with ease. Just then I felt my left wrist grabbed from behind by the last of them. I was expecting that, though, so I wasn't worried. I hadn't, you see, forgotten about him. I took a step back, into him, and twisted to my left, to avoid a grab by the one in front of me, then again braced my legs for my counter.

But my front playmate was quicker than I thought, and moved with me. He didn't try to grab my arm, instead he sort of hugged me, pinning my right arm to my side, even as his friend pulled my left one behind me. Still, I wasn't worried, though I did have a lack of maneuver room.

"I'll still give you a chance to back off." I said, and, no, it wasn't bravado that caused me to say that, I was hoping they'd back off...I really don't like hurting people after all. If I did, well, then I'd be on the other side. They seemed surprised by my words, and hesitated for a moment, all of us staying locked up like we were.

Just about then I felt the handcuffs I mentioned earlier click around my left wrist. I wasn't worried about that, when you're a telekinetic handcuffs aren't much problem. I could also feel their erections against my hip and butt, but, again, I expected that too.

"I bet you'll be a great fuck" said the genius in front of me, and I shook me head at that. Silly boy, couldn't he see I wasn't scared, and so maybe he should run. I'd need some leverage to get them off me, though, so, I spread my legs a bit, and planted my feet, getting ready to take care of them.

The one in front of me shifted, too, still pinning my right arm to my side, now moving so he was right in front of me, his erection sliding over my thigh as he moved. The other one still held my left arm behind me.

As he moved, so did I snapping my left leg out, and hitting the side of his knee. He stumbled and that freed my right arm. I grabbed him, and pushed him off to the side. He stumbled backwards, out of the fight for a few moments.

I could feel the one behind me shifting a little, his grip looser as I regained my balance. I again got my feet planted, now to flip him, undo the cuffs, and end this little fracas.

Of course, being a super heroine, I had to launch into a soliloquy first, after all, that's part of being heroic is little speeches, so I made one.

"Remember that you brought this upon yours...mmmmmpphh"

My words were interrupted as he slammed a foul smelling cloth over my nose and mouth. I recognized the smell of the ether right away, and only got a small whiff before stopping breathing. Now, to deal with this guy.

I reached my free hand up, grabbed his wrist, and pulled his hand back from my mouth, breathing in some fresh air. I was also starting to get a little upset at these guys with the way they had messed up my day off.

Then he let go of my left wrist and pushed me hard. The suddenness of the push caused me to let go of him and I staggered forward a couple steps. His leg lashed out, and hit my ankle, and I fell, landing face down on the ground.

Things got worse about this point. Remember old kick in the nuts. Well, he had started to recover, as I fell, and I landed next to him. Seeing a chance to get me back, he grabbed my left arm and pulled it straight out from my body, and clicked the other half of the handcuff around a tree's exposed root. This, obviously, limited my mobility a little.

I stayed calm though, and pushed up a bit with my other hand, trying to decide how to counter attack. I figured I should deal with rag boy first, since he was, by far, the biggest threat.

So, I braced myself up on my right arm, and started to look around, to find rag boy.

Just as I found him, kick in the nuts struck again. He kicked my right arm out from under me, and, again, I fell flat onto the dirt.

Rag boy chose to drop onto my back about now, his fingers tangling in my hair, and kick grabbed my right arm. I gulped in a big breath of air, and decided to start to take this seriously.

Again the pad came down, but this time I was ready for it. Easily holding my breath, I prepared to get rid of the pest.

Lifting my stomach slightly, I then lifted my legs, bending them over my back, towards him. Even as I felt my right arm cuffed to something, my legs wrapped around his shoulders, feet at his neck, and with a flexing of muscles, I flipped him backwards and off of me. I heard him hit the ground somewhere behind me. The pad fell to the ground.

I looked to the right, to deal with kicked in the nuts next, then I'd uncuff myself. I saw him, of course, and he was walking over to me. He was stroking himself, and looking cocky.

"Who's all high and might now, bitch?" he asked, as he unzipped himself.

"You can still walk away" I replied, in a blasé tone of voice.

He laughed, and reached inside his jeans. "Not a chance." he said.

Then his eyes got wide as both of the cuffs on my wrists popped open. Like I said, when you can move things with your mind, like simple locks for example, cuffs aren't a problem. As his eyes bugged, I rose to my hands and knees and was mentally getting ready to kick his butt.

That's when breast grabbed got back into play. These guys were persistent. He grabbed my calves and pulled them back and up, and I fell forward, my face guessed it...on the pad of ether.

I braced my arms under me to push up again, even as I felt my left leg released. He shifted his grip on my right to my ankle, and, a moment later, I felt the sandal on the right foot torn off. "Whatever" I thought, and dismissed it.

I then pushed up with my arms, using my free left leg to brace, and once more got to a modified hands and knees position. And now I was pissed. Just to avoid any balance problems I paused for a moment to kick off the left sandal.

"There" I thought, "now to end this." Then, I lunged backwards, kinda going into a backflip, to free my foot. A normal woman probably couldn't risk it, it might break her ankle, but I am hard to hurt.

And it worked, of course, so once more I was free, and now in a slight crouch to breasts' left. Now, to deal with him, and nuts, before they annoyed me any more.

"You really shouldn't have made me mad." I said, to breasts, with a glare. He just grinned, as nuts slammed into my side, trying to tackle me. I didn't fall, and braced, standing a bit higher, just as breasts joined in the grappling.

However, they weren't in my league of skill, and after a couple minutes of wrestling, I squirmed free, both of them now to my front. My arm shot out and grabbed the front of breasts shirt and pulled him close, my other arm drawing back to strike.

Then I hit him, and let him go. As he fell from the blow, apparently stunned, I took a step back, and my left leg shot out and up in a high kick to his head. Imagine my surprise when he caught my ankle, and tugged my leg up higher, so I had to go onto tiptoe to keep my balance.

Nuts got back into the act about now, grabbing my right wrist and pulling it behind me. "We've got the bitch now." he said in a gleeful tone.

Then he kicked my leg out from under me, ny right one of course, and I fell backwards. However, breasts wasn't expecting that, and that tore my ankle free from him, and as a side result also pulled me free from nuts, but I ended up laying on the ground on my back.

I lay there, for a moment, stunned, and, while I did, breasts leaned over and pulled my shorts and panties off me with a tug. This woke me up again, so to speak, and I began to get ready to get back up.

I braced my arms behind me, and spread my legs slightly to spring back up. Breasts said "She wants me, man, look." and unzipped his jeans, reaching inside them with a look of satisfaction.

I replied by pushing up into a crouch, even as he brought out his cock...and what a cock it was huge. I could see about 9 inches, and there was more still inside the jeans, and it was very very thick. He saw my eyes hit at, and he grinned, and stepped closer, crouching in front of me.

"Yeah, baby, you want my cock, don't ya?" he asked, leering at me.

"I want my shorts" I replied, with a glare.

We paused, each of us in a crouch in front of the other, his eyes filled with amusement and lust, and my own with anger, and the desire to break something on him. Just then, nuts decided to feel up my ass, running his hands over it. Now, I was really pissed.

I was also stupid. He wasn't feeling me up, he was setting me up. After a second of rubbing, he pushed me forward, which pushed my naked pussy against that cock, the head of which pushed into me. I immediately pulled back, which caused the head to slide out, and run over my clit. I ignored that, though, even though it did feel nice, and my elbow slammed back, hard, into nuts' mouth. I heard teeth shatter, and he fell back with a scream. Yeah, I did probably hit him too hard, but he deserved it.

The last one reached out, just then, one hand on his dick, the fehplay finger on the other one running over my clit. I hesitated at his cockiness, no pun intended, and he kept rubbing me as I let out a small gasp. He grinned, and two fingers were now on my clit, rubbing and circling it. I shook my head, amazed that I'd let him do that, and grabbed for his wrist.

He was quick though, and took his hand from my clit, grabbing for my wrist, and we sorta wrestled for a moment. Then I tore his hand away from me, and glared at him. I then stood, partly bent over him, lifting his arm up, to pull him to his feet. Then I had a better idea, and, with a tug, I pulled him over to the trees where the cuffs still were, I'd cuff him here.

He must have finally been cowed, as he didn't fight back as all, and I told him to kneel down while I got the cuffs. I unlocked the second cuff of one of the pairs with my TK, and leaned down to pick it up. I half expected him to try something, but he didn't, and I grabbed them, and turned around to cuff him.

"Good" I said, walking up to him "Hands behind your back." He complied, and I knew he'd finally grown a brain. I stepped behind him, and told him to stand up and he did, keeping his arms behind him.

I pushed him over to a tree, pulling one arm behind him. That's when he spun, trying to catch me off guard. But I expected that, and pinned him, hard, to the tree. I slammed him into it, then slapped the cuffs onto the arm I held.

A quick click, then I tugged his arms over his head, to a tree branch, slipping onto my tip toes to loop the chain over the branch before cuffing his other arm. It slid over, and I shifted slightly to finish securing him. He pushed back, in one last attempt to escape, but I kept him pinned to the tree. Then, with a click, he was secure, and I stepped backwards.

A grin lit my face, and I posed, and looked about. Nuts was still down, as well as one of the others. A third was moaning, and trying to stand up...but where was number four? Oh, he must have crawled off into the woods, I figured, and walked over to the other set of cuffs, bending over to pick them up. A quick twitch of TK and they unclicked from the root and I grabbed them.

Something felt wrong, as I grabbed them, and I tensed slightly, ready to defend myself, even though I was positive that all five of them were out of commission. Just then I felt something touch my nether lips...damn...number four must still be around. I frowned, and braced, then started to spin.

It was the perfect spin, and should have knocked him out. Except he was kneeling. The punch passed over his head, and he grinned, and thrust an object at me...well, into was a dildo, seems all the gangs carry 'em since they learned Ultra Woman's amazonian weakness. It was huge, a 12 inch long monster, and he shoved about a third of it into me. I gasped, surprised, and dropped the cuffs.

I quickly backed up, pulling it out of me, my eyes a little wide. I felt my back hit a tree. He grinned, and pressed a button, and it started to hum, and I could see the shaft spinning in small circles. Then I lunged at him, and that surprise him. I reached him, and grabbed his shoulder, to spin off him.

The trick worked, and I spun around him, as he started to try and rise and spin. Now, to get my shorts, and get out of here. He was rising to his feet, turning towards me, and probably getting a nice view of my bottom. I was moving towards my shorts, planning on grabbing them, and keeping moving.

It was a good plan...except for the moaning guy. He'd recovered, and as I ran past him, he grabbed my ankle, and tugged, and I feel onto my hands and knees. I rolled with the fall, though, and ended up coming back to my feet, in a crouch, then finished the roll standing up again. Damn, I'm good, aren't I.

Feeling good, a looked down at the guy, grinned, posed, and said "Nice try." He just grinned, as he could pretty much see all of me, as he could look up my shirt, and I was still naked except for it. Then his leg shot out, hitting my ankles, and I fell backwards. arms windmilling.

I didn't hit the ground though, I landed against the chest of the other one. I felt myself hit, and pushed my arms against him to push off him. Just as I was about to, his arm wrapped around my belly, pinning both my arms to my side.

I figured I'd have to move fast, before any more of them got back into the fight...some day off this had turned out to be. Damn gangers, always showing up right when they are least wanted. Well, even though this hadn't gone smooth, I'd still win.

He was quicker, though, his other arm coming up, between my legs, and pressing the vibrator against my lips. It's own circling rotations helped it to press deeper, the initial thrust getting a couple inches into me. I could also feel his breath on my neck, and his erection pressed up between the cheeks of my ass, pressing against the denim of his jeans.

The sensations stunned me, and the man took advantage, more of the toy sliding into me. The other one, who had tripped me, stood up, and moved over, reaching for the vibrator's hilt as it would be easier for him to use.

I started to struggle then, searching for a way to break free of the grip of the ganger, and get the situation back under control. My squirming loosed the grip a little, yet a moan was torn from my throat as the vibrator worked deeper, now four or five inches of it inside me. I moaned again, louder, but theatrically, to distract them, as I'd only get one chance for this move.

Then I leaned back, moaned again. The one behind me pressed more of it inside, perhaps half was in, and it was getting hard to focus, I have to admit. But, I was planning on him doing that, and the other one watching....which he did. And, my left leg came up hard, my foot smashing into his jewels, and he fell, whimpering and clutching himself.

The last one watched, stunned. I got my leg back down, moaning softly. 'Ignore how it feels' I thought to myself, 'and deal with this one.' However, he acted as I was getting re-balanced, and slid his other hand down (releasing one of my arms incidentally), and used two fingers on that hand to massage and tease my clit. I gasped, my hips starting to circle on their own, around the toy. It was also getting harder to focus. His lips started kissing along my neck as more of the toy pressed insider me, spreading me. Then, with another thrust, two more inches were in...three quarters of the thing was inside now...and my knees felt weak, as I moaned once more.

"No girl can beat us," he whispered into my ear, with a taunting lilt to his voice. However, I was determined to not give in. Even as I moaned another small moan, I prepared my last gasp attack. I knew exactly what I was going to try. My free hand darted behind me, reached down, grabbing his crotch and squeezing hard. He yelped, that's the best way I can describe his scream, and the hand on my clit left it as he started to reach for himself.

I then shot my elbow back, and he grunted with the impact. It drove him back a step or two, and I felt part of the insidious toy slide back out of me. But then he grabbed my arm, and pulled me back against him, his other arm tensing to drive it back into me. But instead of panicking, I moved with the tug, driving him back a few more steps. He started to try and brace, to stop his backwards momentum. After about a half dozen steps he managed to do so, but, in the meantime, more of it had slipped out of me.

He then let go of my arm and his fist slammed into my kidney. I grunted as the punch did hurt a little. But one little punch wouldn't stop me. I used my free hand to push off him, getting a little separation, and starting to spin, so to get it out of me, and free my other arm. I managed to pull off the move, and got free.

For a moment.

His free hand (the other held the toy), grabbed my hip and propelled my spin further than I had intended it, pushing me past him, slightly. I tried to recover my balance, so I could spin and deal with him. I quickly did manage to get balanced, catching myself on a tree. Then he hit me from behind, driving me hard into the tree. I got my hands up and they hit the tree planning to press back off of it.

"You should just surrender." he said, adding "After all, you're only a girl." I heard his zipper get pulled down, as I felt the vibe's head run along my lips. I ignored that, and raised my arms over my head and grabbed a couple branches to get some extra leverage. Then I leapt up, using my arms to pull me higher, intending to let go, spin, and hit his chin with both knees. And, yes, I am quite able to pull off such a complex move.

I spun perfectly, but his free hand hit my hip, messing up my momentum slightly. That messed up my attack a little as a consequence. So, I snapped my arms forward, grabbing his shoulders, planning now on flipping over him, then a quick strike to drop him. My hands got a grip, and I went into the flip, body arcing into the air, going over his head, and then landing behind him.

I landed perfectly, then planted my left foot and spun into a high roundhouse kick with my right. He spun quickly, though, his arm coming up to block my foot. So, as it started to come back down, I leapt up, left leg shooting up, as I tried a complex counter to his block. He somehow blocked the kick, as well, and I reacted by going into a backflip and landing a couple feet away. I continued the flip, rolling further back, coming into a crouch about five feet from him, and about ten from my shorts.

I spun and raced for the shorts, intending to simply disengage. He set off in pursuit, but I didn't have the lead. I reached the shorts, and pulled them into my hands with my tk. I caught them with my left hand, not breaking stride.

I raced for the far side of the clearing, though he was catching up to me. So, I glanced over my shoulder, to see how far he was away. I probably shouldn't have, for that kept me from seeing the four fresh gangers who raced in from the side I was running at. I hit the first at an angle, and bounced off him, then glanced up seeing them. He managed to snap a hit into my face, and as I spun into the group, one grabbed my arm.

I quickly managed to free my arm. as the four fresh ones circled in for the kill. I had to get out of here now. I felt a hand graze my ass sliding over my smooth skin. Another grabbed a wrist, as the one with the vibe yelled "Bring her down!." I tried to squirm free, before more of them could get good grips. If all four got a hold of me, I'd be in trouble.

Just then, one of them slammed into my lower legs. and I fell backwards, landing flat on my back. Then three of them piled on me, and, the fight was over....I fought. but they easily controlled me as the other two went to work.

First, my legs were pulled apart, and the vibrator was buried in me. It took what was left of the fight out of me. Then, as two held me down, the third cut my shirt off, the fourth strapped something around each thigh that seemed to hold the vibrator into place, and the last pulled my legs together and cuffed my ankles together. Then my arms were pulled behind me, as I was pulled to my feet and cuffed behind me, and, lastly they taped a pad soaked with either to my mouth and lips, and soon I slipped into a darkness....