The Shadow Tales - Unexpected Consequences

Author: Star Girl
Time to Read:29min
Added Date:9/29/2024
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Tags: Shadow

I awoke in the dark. I lay still for a moment, trying to get my bearings. I was still naked, and sore...I wondered how long the vibrator had been inside me. I was on a cold floor, and had goosebumps all over. I was gagged, with a cloth I thought, and my legs tied together at the ankles. Those were the bad things.

Now, for the good ones. First, my arms were cuffed, not tied. As I'm sure you recall, my TK works well on cuffs. Ropes are harder, though, because there are a number of ways to tie them, so to untie them you need to be more careful, so you don't make them tighter. The other good thing was that it was dark in this room, so I had access to all of my powers.

I rolled onto my side, and focused. A moment later the cuffs popped open, and I slid them off. Next I pulled out the cloth gag, and finally I took a couple minutes to untie myself.

I then stretched, working out kinks, and thinking. It was time to escape, and the room had a window. I'd get out though it, sneak home in the shadows, and come back the next night and clean up the gang. Damn assholes had messed up my day off. This time, I'd suprise them.

The window opened easily, and I peeked out and saw it led into an alley behind this building. I pulled myself through and dropped down into the dingy alley. Then I was a shadow, literally, moving along the street. I soon recognized where I was...just a few blocks from the park. I slunk back to the park on a whim.

When I got to the scene of the fight I found what I discarded panties and shorts. My sandals, too, though the shirt was wrecked. Well...topless is better than naked, I decided.

I pulled on what clothes I had, then made it back to my car. The keys were in the glove box,which was where I had left them, I slid into the car, then had an idea. I wrapped the shadows of the interior about my breasts, making in effect a halter of darkness. As long as I didn't get pulled over, it should hold.

And it did, barely, at times almost see through. I got home, parked, went in, and went to sleep.

And, the next night I went hunting.

I was in costume mask; my blue spandex top with the crescent moon logo I had chosen; elbow length leather gloves; a short skirt, about mid thigh, that matched my top; satin bikini panties with small lace strips along the side that held them on my hips; and my boots.

It didn't take me long to get back to where I had escaped from the night before. It was an old bar, I musta been in a storeroom. As I looked over the building, I recalled that after it had gone out of business, it had been a lab for someone or other, and now, it seemed, it was the base of a gang. Well, there were lights on, so time to give out an eviction notice.

I slid into the alley beside it, and found a drainpipe. I climbed up it and slid onto a fire escape, and quickly jimmied the window lock, sliding the window up and climbing inside. As I climbed in a felt some sort of mist spray over me, but as nothing happened to me, I didn't worry about it as it was probably a leak in the sprinkler system.

The room I entered used to be an office, I guessed, from the desk and filing cabinet. I was't interested in them, and I made my way across the wooden floor to the door. I opened it, and peeked into a dark hallway which was empty.

The hall ran to the left and right and I moved slowly into it. Off to the right, I could see light from below, so after a quick look about, I headed that way. Soon, I was by some stairs, looking down into what used to be the main room of the bar.

I crouched down by the rail, one hand on the floor and watched below. What I could see were nine gangers, sitting around a large round table. They were talking about something, probably where I had gotten too, and a couple seemed pretty peeved. One had large bruises from where I'd put his face into that tree the day before.

I decided that I'd hop over the rail, land on the table, and start to kick some ass. Suprise was always a handy thing. So I stood up and vaulted into the air.

However, there was something I didn't know right then, but while I leaned of it later, it would help you understand if I explained it now, so I will. Do you remeber the mist I mentioned? Well, it had been part of the security system when this place was owned by some docs for a while. Back when it was installed the chemical within was designed to attack fabrics, so as to render gloves and masks useless, and leave a potental criminals prints on items, and face on camera. In the time since then, however, the chemical had severly weakened. Now it could barely affect fact, on me, little of my costume could be affected, just the lace I had on was weakened. However, as I'm sure you recall, the lace strips were what held my panties on, so, unknown to me, as I stood up to vault over the rail, my panties silently fell off, landing on the wooden floor of the hallway.

Now back to the main event. I vaulted the railing, and dropped through the air, landing on the wooden table, skirt flaring. There were gasps of suprise from the assembled gangers, both from my great entry and from my inadvertent show as I landed. Before any of them could recover thier wits, two seperate kicks laid out two of them, leaving them down for the count. Of course, that left seven.

They began to scramble from chairs, trying to get to thier feet. Three managed that, while three others at least got thier chairs pushed back. However, number seven was too slow. I grabbed him, pulled him out of his chair, and punched him hard a few times across the jaw, before tossing him to the floor. Another one down.

One of the first three was running towards the bar, the other two were gathering thier wits. Of the second three they were still trying to get up. I grabbed a chair, and brought it down on the head of one of them, as the others got to thier feet. So, now there were five, four around the table, one running. I felt great, just hitting my zone. This would be easy.

I danced back into the center of the table to look need to hop back into one of them after all. The four at the table had moved a bit, putting one each at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock, if you could imagine the table being a clock. The last one was spinning around the edge of the bar, looking scared.

In my head I ran numbers. I'd run into 5 yestrerday, then been suprised by 4 more. That made nine. Nine had been around the table, so numbers matched, and there were five left, so everything was going well. I had to stay alert, I knew, because I also recalled these guys had access to ether, and that wasn't something I had a built in defense against.

One of the guys, 12 O'clock, hopped onto the table, and so I backed up a little. I figured that it was time to get off the table, to take these four one at a time. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see nine tugging out handcuffs. yawn They didn't worry me. Just then I felt hands on my ankles, and my feet were pulled backwards. I fell forwards, on to my hands and knees.

I didn't let that faze me. My left hand came up and grabbed twelves' nuts and squeezed hard. He fell to his knees, and a quick punch blew him back off the table.

'Get her' yelled three, as nine lept in at me. Six, hands still on my ankles, pulled me backwards a few inches, my feet and some of my calves in the air now.

Three pulled something from a pocket, as I felt six shift his grasp to my lower thighs, right over my knees. Nine was back at the side of the table, cuffs glittering in the light of the room. "I got her" he said, even though he didn't.

He grabbed at my arm, but, my hand shot out, and grabbed him. Pulling him onto the table, I grinned "Who has who?" I asked. Then I slammed his face into the table, hard, twice, and pushed him away. He fell to the floor, groaning. Now two left, and the one at the bar, if needed.

Now, I braced my left arm, and looked right, towards three. He also had a pair of cuffs, and was coming towards me. Though he did look a little worried, given that 6 of his buddies were down. Then he stopped, and grinned for some reason, as I felt six's hand leave my left leg, though he still had one on my right.

I wasn't concerned about the grin or position shift, though. After all, there were only two of them left right now, and they'd be easy to mop up, then I'd deal with the one behind the bar, and that would be that. This was going to be the proverbial piece of cake. Now, who to deal with first, grinning three or silent and grabby six.

After a moment of thought, I decided to deal with three and with another moment I decided how. I'd use my TK to cuff him with his own cuffs, and that would be that. After that, there would just be six left. Ahh...gotta love it when it's easy.

With a quick focused blast, the left cuff clicked shut on his left wrist, then I tugged his arms behind him and finished the job. The look on his face was priceless, and he staggered back, yelling 'What the hell happened!?"

I grinned. Ok, just one more to go. I saw the one behind the bar duck down behind it. I had scared him so bad he was hiding. Now, let's deal with six. I threw myself to the left, breaking his grip, and rolling off the table, landing in a crouch beside it, one hand on it, one out for balance. He had one hand on the table, the other was out of sight under it.

"Your turn." I said with a grin as I brought my other hand to the table. He looked shocked, and I was quite pleased with myself.

Then he lept over the table at me, trying to tackle me. I wasn't expecting that, and as I stood up he hit me, right under the breasts, and drove me back a few steps, but then I flipped him over my head, and he crashed to the floor behind me.

Wiping my hands off on each other, I turned to survey the carnage. Eight of them down, to one degree or the other, one behind the bar cowering. Finst to finish off the one I'd just flipped, then number nine at the bar, and home. What a night. I strode over, heels clicking on the floor, nearing him as he started to stand. The other one was also standing again, behind the bar.

"Hold on Tommy!" he yelled "Bruno and the others are on the way!"

So he'd called for help, no big deal. I could handle a few more if I was even still here when they got her. Tommy however looked relieved at the words, as he began to stand. I moved closer, ready to snap a kick at him, but he rolled to his feet more fluidly than I thought he could and assumed a ready position. Ok, so he wanted a real fight, I could do that.

I moved in carefully letting him get his balance and all. He wasn't showing a technique so I'd let him attack and work off of it, which is the precept behind Akido, my main discipline. Though, I have to admit, I fight a more agressive way than most practioners of it do. Pretty much because I have to.

He came in wildly, fists flailing, street style. I stepped around him, let him move past me, then gave him a quick punch to the kidney. He staggered, clutching at his back, and then my followup to the back of his neck put him down. One to go. I turned and walked towards the bar.

I grinned as I got closer. "Now it's just me and you" I said to the last of them.

"Wh...who are you?" he asked.

"You can call me Shadow." I said. I reached the bar, and leaned against it, as if I were ordering a drink. My left hand rested on the wooden surface, my right cupped my chin with my elbow on the bar. "Now" I said to him, "if you promise me that you and your pals won't go bothering people any more, I'll leave you alone."

"I...I'm not afraid. Bruno will kick your ass, you stupid bimbo" he replied.

"Right" I said "Just like all your pals would, too, huh?" He didn't like being reminded of that, and he paled slightly. Ok, time to take care of him. I pressed back off of the bar, standing up all the way. He looked around, as if for help but with all of his buddies down none was forthcoming.

Or so I thought.

Because, suddenly someone...maybe something...appeared out of thin air. I saw him in the mirror over the bar, He was about seven feet tall, and covered in a dark colored fur. His body was very well muscled, the muscles visibly rippling as he came into sight. His eyes were silver and seemed to glow, and, lastly he was naked, a huge and flaccid penis between his legs. Needless to say his appearance shocked me. It also seemed to shock the punk behind the bar who also didn't seem to be expecting this guy's arrival. That being the case I made an educated guess that this wasn't Bruno.

"I see we have a guest." he boomed out, his voice filling the room.

Then he took a couple steps forward towards me. I began to spin, to face him, and even as I did, over his left hip shot out a tail. I wasn't sure how long it was, but like the rest of him, it was covered in that dark colored fur.

I finished my spin and took a couple steps to my left and forward. That put me a little bit away from the bar, so the guy behind it would have a harder time getting involved, and it put a little extra distance between me and the tail.

He said "I heard your name, let me tell you mine. It is Nightstalker, and this place is my current abode. And, I really dislike nosy, uninvited guests."

'Well', I thought to myself 'this is what you get when you barge into someplace without checking it out first'. I really do need to work on curbing my impulsiveness.

He continued to walk confidently forward, his eyes scanning over the eight fallen gangers, and then over me. "You will be quite a prize." he said. Even as he said that, his tail slapped across the bar, breaking some beer bottles, and causing quite a racket.

I however was also moving, springing over the bar. I grabbed the cowering ninth punk and slammed a quick knee into his crotch, to make sure he'd stay out of the fight. it was one on one..and while I didn't exactly like this other one, it was better than lots on one.

I then moved to the end of the bar, and around it, so to have more space to move in. Now, I had to decide whether I should fight or get out of here. While I was thinking I kept moving, opening up some distance between us.

He darted in at me, all of a sudden, faster than anyone that big should be able to move. I lept back, but he managed to shove me, and I staggered back a few steps, the backs of my thighs hitting a table, knocking me a little off balance.

I reacted well, though, and grabbed the table, then flipped up onto it with a grin. "You can't beat me." I said, with confidence.

He seemed a little suprised by my agility, and so, in a show of superiority, I slipped into the traditional heroic pose. He glared at my bravado.

"I will enjoy your capture, small one."

I simply grinned and tried to figure out how I'd beat him. I also noticed that his cock was starting to grow, it was still mostly flaccid, and quite impressive. Just then his tail started to move at me, darting in quickly.

I figured he'd either try to wrap it around my ankle, or slap my legs with it, so, to counter that I lept up a little bit, bending my legs back a bit to avoid the attack.

His tail flashed under me, right about where my calves had been moments before. I grined at him, as I landed once more on the table.

"Ya missed me." I grinned, again posing. "You're just too slow to get me."

"Am I now?" he asked.

I grinned as I again dropped my pose. "Yes, you are." He must have liked the posing because his cock had grown a little more. I also decided to get off the table, and, as he walked towards it I backed up, ready to hop off the other side.

He reached the table as I got to the far side. "Well" I said "it's been a pleasure but I'll be going now." You see I'd decided not to tempt fate and instead bug out for now. I hopped down off the table landing gingerly on my feet.

"I'd like you to stay" he said.

"We don't always get what we want." I replied, glibly.

I took a quick look around. The stairs up were about 15 feet away, to my left. Make it to them, then up, through the office door, and out the window. Once in the alley, I'd cloak myself and be gone. I wanted to know something about what he was before I tangled with him.

My attention came back to him as he said "I must insist." Suddenly there was something pressing inside me. It was warm, slick, and furry, and drove deep inside in a quick thrust. I gasped, wondering where my panties were, remember I didn't know they were gone, and fell forward, catching myself on the table as his tail drove deeper into me.

I started to push myself up and away from the table, wondering how it had so easily entered me. It slid deeper inside feeling very unlike anything I'd ever felt before. My movement caused my clit to press over the soft fur of the tail and I gasped again.

I shook my head, focusing, and stood fully up. Now, all I had to do was push off the table, and get it out of me, then run. I could do that.

And I did. I pressed my hands against the table and pushed backwards. I staggered back, pulling it out of me, my legs a little shaky, but I was triumphant, I grinned a cocky little grin.

"Nice try sweety." I said, adding a "Tata for now." Then I spun, to move for the stairs and escape. I raced for them, as I heard him toss the table aside and pursue me. I reached the stairs and raced up them two at a time.

Halfway up and I was still in the lead, and feeling good. I was just at the top of the stairs when that damn tail swatted across the backs of my legs and I feel the floor of the upper hall. I also happened to notice my panties, and kinda put two and two togther then.

I heard his booming laugh and could feel his shadow over me as I began to push up off the floor. I decided to roll forward instead of just standing, so to make it harder for him to grab me. My roll carried me into the hall, and I began to stand as I came out of it.

I made it back to my feet, my hands hitting the wall. I figured I'd bounce off it, then backflip back over the stair railing and land on the lower floor again then get out the front door before Nightcreepy there could hope to catch me.

As my hands hit the wall, I let my body fall forward against it so that I could build up the momentum to bounce back off of it. It felt my breasts brush against the wood, took a deep breath, and threw myself backwards.

It was a good plan, and almost worked the way I wanted it to. Except for him. He managed to push my, slightly, as I came off the wall. But given his size, the shove spun me, and so, instead of flipping, I caught the railing near the stairs after my belly hit it, and barely kept myself from falling over it.

'No prob' I thought 'I can still do the flip down now, and it'll be easier.'

Getting hold of the railing I flipped into the air, like I was on a set of uneven bars. My legs came up, into the air, as my body extended. My skirt fell to my waist, giving creepy a quick show, then I was coming down on the other side of the railing, body and skirt falling, legs under me, arms over my head, and I let go. A couple seconds, and I'm on the floor and on my way.

My boot heels hit the floor, and I fall into a crouch, legs aborbing the impact of the fall. I come back up to my feet, and start to move across the room, grinning to myself. I still have it.

I sprint across the floor as I hear creepy shout in rage. He hasn't lept down after me, the floor probably couldn't take it. I see some movement out of the corner of my eye, and hear a sound, but pay it no mind as I sprint.

wham Something hits my calves, wrapping around them, and I fall, face first to the floor. Glancing back I see a bola fired from some sort of rifle type gun held by a guy in a door...probably the old storeroom door. I see creepy coming down the stairs as I roll onto my back, trying to untangle the bola.

I have it loose as he reaches the bottom of the stairs and comes across the floor in my direction. Looser and off the ankles now, but he's only about ten feet away. I flip it to the side, and get back to my feet as he gets ever closer, his monstrous cock looking fully erect.

Then I spin, racing for the front door just about twenty feet away. I cover half the distance in easy strides his steps behind me. To the door now, hands on the handle, pulling it.

The door opened into the street outside, and possible escape. I started to step outside when...whoosh...the tail wrapped around my waist like the arm of an over eager high school date. I spun free before it could tighten, ending up mostly outside.

A quick burst of speed took me out of the bar, and onto the sidewalk. And into a right hook.

I saw a thug, a real ugly looking one. This must be Bruno I thought, as my head snapped back from his punch. But I was tough to hurt, and so sidestepped his follow on punch. Then I spun past him, easily avoiding another blow. I almost spun into the tail, creeepy was still close, but saw it and spun back the other way. I almost bumped into creepy, but went under his arm, and past him, onto the sidewalk.

Then I started to run down the sidewalk, needing distance quick. I pulled away as they didn't seem to be chasing. I looked back and creepy seemed to be talking to Bruno about something. Then I spun a corner, into an alley, and slipped into my namesakes and away I went.

Well, I made it home alright, and was too busy for a few days to worry much about Nightstalker. One night later in the week I was soaking in the tub....I love warm baths...and I decided to see if I could learn anything about him. I hopped out of the tub, pulled on my robe, and slid into bed, then fired up the laptop.

A few minutes later I was on the internet, and not long after that I was onto DALnet, and sliding into a chatroom called #Superheroines_in_Peril. Now, this particular room was visited by people, of both genders, who liked to fantasize and discuss the prospects of Super Heroines, such as myself, in dire and often sexual peril.

Why would you go to a place like that Shadow, you ask. Well, the answer is simple. Many of the people there think they are villians, and often think like, as a real heroine I go there, listen in, and come up with ways to get out of fiendish traps. Besides, they're nice people. And, it's neat being a heroine in a room about villany, with no one knowing better.

So I headed into the room, greeting the regulars in it, and chatting idly for a bit. Suddenly someone else came into the room...using the handle Nightstalker. I felt my heart race a little faster, and I said, aloud, in my room. "Could that be him?"

Just in case it was, I activated a security program on my laptop which would reroute it's signal through a few busy server hubs. It slowed down my connection a little, but I felt it to be worth the risk. Just as it finished a red box with 'Nightstalker' in it appeared on my screen. I clicked on it, and it opened.

"Hello, my dear." I saw on the screen. "I thought I might find you here."

"What do you want?" I replied.

"Simply to talk. I belive you, dear Shadow, were the same girl my friends acquired in Serenity Park the day before you entered my abode."

Damn, I thought to myself. I hadn't thought of that. Oh well, if he knew who I really was he coulda nabbed my at work, so let's assume he doesn't.

"So what?" I typed.

"I have a proposal. I'd like to meet with you to discuss it. Your choice of time and place."

I thought about that for a minute. I could keep control of the situation like that.

"Ok" I typed "Tommorow, at 12:30. The Cafe Elan." For those of you who aren't from Megapolis, the Elan is right across the street from the Police Departments' reaction team that deals with supervillians. Not the place to start trouble. "I'll be at the white table on the left."

"Until then." I saw on the screen, then he disappeared, his connection vanishing.

The next day I carefully chose my outfit. I didn't want to draw attention to myself, so I had to fit in with the normal crowd at the Elan. So, after a long time thinking, I chose a cream blouse and tan slacks. A windbreaker and a pair of flats completed my outfit. I went to work, then slipped out for lunch and was soon at the Elan, sipping a latte.

He arrived and slipped into my table, across from me. He looked normal today, or as normal as a seven foot tall black man can look. He was dressed in a suit and I figured he could mask his fur and tail with some sort of power.

"Good afternoon, my dear" he said, softly, after ordering a salad.

I simply nodded, not sure of how friendly to be to a foe.

"Thank you for meeting me. I have a proposal for you."

"I'm listening" I replied, we both fell silent as his food was delivered.

"I find you to be interesting, and would like to sample your charms...fully." His leer confirmed my thoughts on what 'charms' he was referring to. I began to reply, but he cut me off. "Let me finish...I propose a challenge. You meet me at my base, and we fuck. If you climax me first, my gang will cease harrasing young ladies, and, if I climax you first, then you don't harass my men."

"Why should I agree to that...I can take them down at will."

He thought for a moment. "True...alright, let's sweeten the pot. I am aware of your concerns about Halycon. If you defeat me, then I will tell you it's production secret. And, in exchange, we conduct the contest with camera's broadcasting it live, over the internet. You will be in costume, of course, initially, and will be able to retain your mask. Oh, and if you lose, my boys get to entertain you afterwards."

I was shocked by the offer, and the conditions. But, I tried not to show it, and leaned back, thinking. I could use the clues about Halycon, and it's not like there wasn't already a serious sex industry on line. There was a good chance no one would even believe that it was the real me, and it would probably boost my popularity.

"Alright" I agreed. "Friday night?"

"Agreed...see you at 10."

He then stood and left, dropping some money on the table to pay for his food.

Well, on Friday night I walked over to the bar. I knew that he'd been advertising the event on the internet, cause I'd seen some of the ads. I could expect quite an audience. But, it was for a good cause.

I got to the bar, and outside were a couple of the gangers. They leered at me, and escorted me inside the bar. The rest of the gang was there, and there were a good half dozen cameras, including one on the upstairs railing. I guess they wanted to make sure they got all the camera angles.

In the center of the room was Nightstalker. He was naked, his fur glistening. His tail trailed behind him, and his cock was erect. And huge. It looked to be at least a foot long, and was very very thick. This might be hard.

He smiled. "Welcome Shadow. Are you ready."


He smiled. "Let's begin then. He sat in a huge chair, near a table. "I assume you want to be on top?" he said.

I nodded. I walked over to the table, and, hiding my embarasment before the rolling camera's, I began to strip. First I took off my spandex top, setting it down on a chair. My breasts were exposed now, the nipples hardening in the air of the room. Then I unzipped and removed my skirt. I set it on the chair as well, then, finally, stepped out of my panties, dropping them onto the rest. I left my mask, gloves, and boots on, then walked over to him.

Yes, I was embarassed, and mortified, to an extent, but I had given my word, so I walked over looking confident. A paused, in front of him, and posed. I knew the internet crowd would love that, but it was more for me, so I could prepare for his cock.

Then, inspiration hit me.

I dropped to my knees, and began to lick the huge cock. I took the head of it into my mouth, my tongue tracing over the glans, and then licking around it. I was licking quickly, hoping to bring him off fast.

My assault had taken him by suprise. I heard a grunt, then my left hand came up and grabbed his shaft. Wrapping my finger's around it, I began to stroke back and forth, as I kept licking around his sensitive head. Hah, I was brilliant, wasn't I?

I had seemed to take them all by surprise. I heard another grunt from him and a 'Jeezus, who woulda figured that she'd do that!" from one of the gangers. I took more of him into my mouth, tasting some pre-cum, which has a strange, strawberrry like taste. I began bobbing my head along the first few inches of his cock, as my left hand stroked the rest, my right cupped his nuts. And, for the home viewers, I wiggled my bottom.

I continued to give him the best blowjob he'd ever had, or so I hoped. He grunted again, what looked like steam snorting from his nose. I could hear some movement in the room, probably the gang members trying to get better views.

As I kept licking, and stroking him, I could feel his cock begin to swell. With any luck, he'd come soon. This wouldn't even be too bad, at least if his pre-cum tasted like his cum.

Then I heard him growl, as if he were trying to fight off his orgasm. I wasn't gonna let him though, so I took more of him into my mouth. I focused my licking on the underside of that massive cock, swirling my tongue in small circles along the flesh of it. I also stroked him faster, and squeezed his equally massive balls. Yes, I was pretty sure I was gonna win this.

His grunt became a sort of whimpered moan, and I felt him swell a little more...he was almost there. Just a few more moments and I would have him. Score one for the good guys...or girls, in this case. I twirled my tongue around him, and added a little more suction. 'C'mon' I was thinking 'be a good boy and cum.'

Again he began to fight what must even be for him natural urges. Yet I could sense that his struggle was weakening. And then, I cheated. Yes, I cheated. I wasn't planning on losing this after all. I slid my tongue back so it was just focusing on the head of his cock. Then I reached out with my TK and sent shovers of sensations...of thousands of tiny licks....all along his shaft. And that worked.

He came...and came hard. His cock swelled, and shot. I swallowed most of it, after all, it did taste like strawberries, which I happen to love. So I gulped it down, letting a little bit dribble over my lips, again, for the viewers at home.

Then I let his cock slide from my mouth, and slid to my feet, taking a step back from him.

"I win" I said, again posing.

He weakly nodded. 'Indeed, you do." he said, his eyes partly glazed. His cock was still mostly erect, and he was obviously trying to recover from the orgasm.

I smiled again, and dropped the pose, starting to turn to once more get my clothing.

That's when things went bad.

One of the thugs pulled up a twin barreled shotgun. Screaming something I couldn't make out, he blew both barrels into Nightstalker's chest. The pellets blew a ragged hole in whatever he was, and he fell backward, twitching.

Four others moved at me, lustfully.

And, the last four were still at the camera's watching.

So, I basically had to deal with the in close five, and hope the other four didn't jump in at all...and I was naked, except for boots, gloves and mask. Great. Well, no use crying over things..time to deal with them.

The four closed in pretty quick. But then again, given my show, they were proabably pretty horny. Still, I figured I could take them. I had done it before after all.

They must have learned, though, for they were smart this time. Two of them came right at me, while the other two split off, delaying getting to me, but being able to come in from the left and right.

I decided to try and dart between the rushers. I twisted and managed to grab one, and flip him over my hip, into the body of creepy. He hit hard, and seemed to twitch, then lay there. However, the other one managed to grab my left arm, right over my wrist.

I didn't fight him...yet. Instead I let him pull my arm behind me, and moved with the motion. As he pulled me around, I lashed out with a leg, snapping a kick into the face of one of the side men. He clutched his broken nose, and staggered back, then dropped to his knees. The other side man reached me, though, grabbing at me.

He thought he had me...but he should have grabbed an arm, instead of reaching for breasts. Because, just then, I grabbed the table near me, and tossed my grabbed over my shoulder into the one in front of me. Then I danced back a few steps as the two untangled and got up.

I chuckled. Then my back hit something...number 5. Shotgun boy. His arms circled me, pinning mine to my side. I growled at myself. I'd let myself forget about him. The others were now on thier feet.

"Hold her, man" called out one of the two as they moved closer.

Just then, I slammed my head back. "Ow" I heard, and the arms let go.

I slammed an elbow backwards and started to break forward. Then, one of the others kicked my ankles out, and I fell onto my bottom.

The one I'd elbowed wrapped his fingers into my hair, standing behind me. He tugged my head backwards as the one who kicked my legs out knelt next to me and grabbed my right arm. I was still trying to come up with a plan when the third one sat on my legs, at my calves.

I finally acted. My left hand came up and caught the center goon in the thrroat, hard, and he fell back, choking. Both arms were now free. That left feet and head to deal with.

I then lunged forward, feeling the pain as my hair became taut. I pushed feet off of me, but not out of the fight, as my head was once more dragged backwards. I decided to wait a second, then push back, with my legs, into him, and knock him over.

But before I could, feet got back into the act, and grabbed my ankles, limiting thier movement. I growled at him.

And that was when the ether pad came down over my mouth and nose.

But it didn't stay there long, as I reached up, and pulled the arm away. Mine were free, after all. Now, all I had to do was deal with these last two, and I was, probably, home free.

I braced my left arm under me, and pushed myself back up, still holding the man's wrist with my right hand. Now, my plan was to let go of it, and smash him up some, then deal with feet.

I pushed myself sorta onto my side, the quick move shocking feet so much that he didn't try and pull me back down. I pushed the other one's wrist down, and to the side, taking the pad out of the fight, for the moment, at least. Then I brought my left hand up, and slammed a blow into his other elbow, which caused him to let go of my hair.

He scrambled back from me, in a sort of crouch walk. As I started to push myself up, I felt my boots get pulled off in rapid succession, but I paid it no mind. I finished my roll, ending up on hands and knees. Now, to stand up and finish this.

Ether boy hoped to prevent that, though. Once more he grabbed my hair, and pulled my head into his pad of sleep juice. I grabbed his hand and once again pulled it away though. Then I again pushed him back, and once more prepared to get back to my feet, which I proceeded to do.

However, before I could do anything, I felt hands on my ankles. With a quick tug, I felt my feet pulled backwards and I fell to the floor again. And, to compund my bad luck, my face landed right in the pad of ether, of which I got a whiff, and felt a little light headed as a result. But, I fairly quickly pushed myself back up, a bit, and got my face off of the pad of ether.

Pad boy grabbed at me, to try and keep me down, as I once more tried to stand. We were pretty evenly matched, and over the next minute we both were on our knees, struggling. Then, with a burst. I started to push him backwards, his back nearing the floor, with me arcing over him. I just about had him down when I felt something brush over my vaginal lips.

I glanced back and saw of the camera guys behind me. While feet was trying to keep my legs held, he must have walked over. How he had his cock out, and was trying to put it inside me. I reached back for him, and as I did, I felt a rope slide over, then tie tight, around my left ankle. I grabbed camera boy by his dick, to keep it out of me. I could feel the rope go taut, probably been tied off to something.

I pulled camera off of the side, slightly. He didn't resist, much, as I was using his dick to pull him. I had also shifed again, so I was roughly kneeling, legs spread, looking over my shoulder behind me, to deal with camera. I could also see feet, who was moving towards my right ankle.

Camera punched out at me, hitting my kidney a couple times. I let go of his cock with the impact, the growled. A quick glance to my front showed that the one who'd been trying to gas me had moved to the bar, and I again looked back. Feet was at my right ankle now, and camera was moving, to try and push me back down to hands and knees.

I felt a rope loop around that ankle as well, even as I reached behind me to grab camera. My fist wrapped around the fabric of his shirt. I twisted my hips, slightly, as I moved him to my side, my other arm coming back to lay him out. The rope was now tight around my right ankle. A tug on the rope pulled my leg out to the side, knocking me off balance for a moment. Camera reached behind his back, I still had a grip on him.

Even as I felt that rope tied off as well, I heard "Catch!" The guy at the bar tossed something to Camera, who reached up to catch it. His catch was a good one, and I could see that it looked like the vibrator from the park. No, things were starting to get bad now.

I quickly came up with a new plan, but it would require lots of energy, so I focued my TK, building it up for a massive discharge. He spun back towards me, handle on the hilt of the sex toy. His finger hit a switch and it started to buzz. Then I felt feet's hand grab my long hair. Why do punks always try and pull's not nice, you know.

He tugged my head back, even as the other one moved closer, bringing the vibrator up. That's when I struck.

A released a major burst of TK at the one with the vibrators forearm. But not to push it away. Instead I set up a dual directional push. I pressed his elbow one way and his wrist the other. The result was a spectauclar compund fracture of his arm, as bone ripped through the skin in two places. He fell back screaming, stunning the room.

Except for me.

I then reached over my head, and flipped feet into his pal. They collided, brining more screams from the cripple.

And that broke them. The other four fled in fear, followed by feet and cripple as soon as they could.

I untied my ankles, then got dressed, and headed home, casting a regretful look at Nightstalker...his death had cost me the reason for all of this...but I'd also sent a message today...don't mess with me, so all in all it was a good day.