The Shadow Tales - The Brass Rail

Author: Star Girl
Time to Read:16min
Added Date:9/30/2024
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Tags: Shadow

In the aftermath of my fight with Nightstalker, and his killers, I found my repuatation climbing. It seems that the intetnet show was successful, and, in a fit of brilliance, I copywrited it, then allowed it to be used for general release. What this meant was any web site could show it, for a slight fee. After about a month, I sold excusive rights to, and cleared quite a bit of money. That ended my financial worries, so that I could foucs on crime fighting.

And, that was good For in that time, Halycon, the drug I'd run into at the trailer park, had become a major factor on the street. I decided I needed to know more about it, and, so, I needed a sample...and how to get a sample....well, buy one of course.

And, I knew where.

But, I had to look the night...I went out, in a very different sort of costume...for the kind of clothes I wore are a costume, as any woman could tell you.

I pulled on a push-up bra. Now, I didn't need it, my endowments are fine, but I was trying for a look, to make people think about things other than my brain. Then came a g-string, black of course. A tight dark blue bouse, and a leather miniskirt, also black, were next. Lastly, a pair of pumps, with two inch heels. And, some money, stored in a pocket in the inside of my skirt.

Then, I set off, a destination in mind. The place I was headed was the Brass Rail, one of the worst of the dives in the city...and a place I was sure to be able to find someone who could point me to, or sell me some, Halycon.

Once I got there, I walked inside the bar, the bouncers eyes, scanning me as I walked in, just the first of many that fell on me. The main room of the tavern was smoke filled. It had perhaps 10 tables, and 4 booths, as well as a dance floor, and the bar. The bar was oak, with a dozen stools, and the brass railing that gave the tavern it's name. To my right was a door leading to the pool room, and bathroom, and behind the bar was a door leading to the back room.

I began to walk across the room, towards the bar, my heels clicking on the floor, letting my eyes scan the room.

I could feel the eyes following my voluptuous figure. As I leaned up against the bar, I knew that each pair was mentally devouring my slinky body. But that was the plan, so it didn't bother me.

A man in his mid-forties, with shaggy brown hair and thick drooping moustache, watched me as much as any other man. The scar on his left cheek and cast on his left wrist bespoke of the numerous fights he'd had to break up in his tenure here. As I leaned onto the namesake railing, he adled over to me.

"There something I can do for you?" he said with an unpleasant gleam in his eye. "Or are you just lost?"

From a nearby table, I noticed three man, all in their late twenties, watching me with obvious lust on their faces. The three were all long haired men, tattooed across arms and back, and wearing their leather biker club jackets with pride. Chains and knives hung from belts and boots. I focused my attention on the barkeep. This meant I was unable to keep a direct watch on them, but I didn't miss the unmistakable sound of a chair scraping against the stained floors as one of the men got up from his seat. I wasn't concerned with that, though. After all, as I have said before, I am a heroine. I leaned a little more against the bar, with my right hand at my side, and my left on the railing.

"I'd like I beer", I told the bartender, with a smile, and in my best bimbo voice.

I could hear the steps of the guy from the table getting closer, even as I asked for the beer.

He nodded as he smoothed down the outer edges of his moustache. With one eye on me, he picked up a somewhat clean mug and leaned it down to the spout.

I could hear the man from the table approaching, could measure each heavy step, and knew the moment he was behind me. His hand pressed to the upper curve of my skirted ass as he leaned in against the rail to look at my face.

"Hey darlin', you new 'round here, ain'tcha?" he said as the fumes of his stale beer breath attacked my nostrils. "You gots a purty hot fuckin' ass!" he laughed as he swatted me there.

I wanted to tear his face off, but simply smiled like an airhead.

"That'll be a buck, lady," the barkeep said as he slid my mug across the bar. I slipped a hand under my skirt, to it's hidden pocket, and pulled out a dollar, which I gave the bartender.

Then I slowly turned My left arm left the rail, then I gently knocked the man's hand away from my bottom as I faced him. I rested my right arm up on the rail, stretched out to my side. My hips cocked at a slight angle, my left foot coming off the ground, to rest on the bottom of the stool next to it.

"Thank you for the compliment" I said, to the man, running my eyes over him, as if I were actually interested in such a repulsive being.

The guy looked down at the way the black skirt stretched teasingly as I had intended. His gap toothed grin told me that my plan was working.

"Yeah, yer welcome little lady," he said as he leaned across my leg and let him arm brush against the firm thigh. Of course, I coud have dropped him to the floor, with a quick snapping up of my knee, but, again, that wasn't part of the plan. As repulsiuve as he was, this was what I had intended when I came distract and then learn.

Taking the dollar, the bartender looked at the me and then the tattooed man, shook his head, then turned back to watching the wrestling blaring on the old television at the far end of the bar.

"So, what's a hot babe like you doin' in a place like this?" said, the slug. It was a pathetic pickup line he'd heard on Silk Stalkings, or some other lame show. "Ya know, I bet we got a whole lot in common, babe."

Once more I gently removed his hand from me, not shifting my position in the slightest while I did. My eyes scanned over to the table he had come from. Both of his friends were still seated, although one of them has pushed his chair back so he could stand if he needed too.

I glanced back at the man. "I just came in for a drink." In a lower tone I added, "and I might be looking or something you think that you can help me out?"

Smiling coyly at him, and lowering my voice more, so only he could hear it, she said "I'm looking for a certain interesting pink powder that I've heard about..can you help me out?"

The guy got a dumb look on his face. Not that that would have been all the hard for him.

"Pink? Uh, huh? I can getcha a drink or somethin'," he said with obvious irritation in his voice.

However, I noticed the way the bartender looked at me out of the corner of his eye the moment I mentioned the pink drug. The guy leaned against the bar farther, blocking my view of the bartender.

"You wanna get a drink, babe?" Another dumb grin grew over his face as he looked over at his two buddies still at the table. "Nah, I bet you got somethin' else in mind, don'tcha?"

He nodded over his two friends. One got up, but the other hung back nervously. The second man, a tall, thin man with a scraggly black beard and matching unwashed hair pull back into a rubber band, walked up to me. I had just dropped my foot, and turned towards the first guy, so the new one walked up behind me. Leaning one hand against the bar, he reached forward, and ran the other over my bottom.

"Goll durn, Butch, yer gots a good one here, don'tcha?" he said with a grin.

I felt my irritation as the second man came over, and slipped in behind me. I didn't show it, though, as she slipped my right arm behind me, to push him, gently, back a step or two.

Still trying to see if I could get a glipse of the bartender, to gauge his reaction to my earlier words, I spoke to Butch.

"Well, like I said, I only came in her for a drink, and, I'd like to get a chance to drink it. If you'd like to sit here at the bar, though, and talk to me, that would be fine."

I ended the words with a smile, to try and take the edge off of the gentle rejection.

Butch shrugged with the grin still plastered across his face. "Ain't there somethin' better ta do here?" He looked at his buddy behind me and winked. "I'm sure ol' Don here," he said, nodding at the bartender, "won't mind us all polishin' up his bar top."

"Yeah, I know you'd polish it up real fine." I heard from behind me.

Again the hands came closer to me, ready to grab at me, as these men thought that they could grab me and have thier way with me. Just a I was getting ready to teach them the error of thier ways, there was a sudden slam. Both men, and most everyone else in the place, jumped. Standing at the other end of the bar was Don the bartender, holding a bat down where he had just struck the bartop.

"Butch, sit yer ass down. The lady ain't got nothin' for you tonight, so siddown and get another drink. On the house."

The two men gave me a long, dark glare before shuffling back to their table. Taking a seat, they adjusted the erections in their dirty pants and continued to watch me with sidelong glances.

Satisfied the situation had calmed itself, Don walked back down the bar. "Lissen, you better high tail it outta here. Them boys'll be jumpin' you fer sure if'n you don't. Tell ya what, meet me out back in the alley in a half hour, and I'll getcha some of what you was askin' about. Get me?" he asked in an undertone. "But if yer a cop, I'll blow yer goddamn brains out," he said, with a pause to glance at Butch, "but I'll let them two fuck yer ass first, get me? Otherwise, half hour, and you'll get yer halycon."

I glanced Don over as he finished speaking. "I'm not a cop." I turned back to the bar, and picked up my beer, and proceeded to drain it in three long sips.

"See ya in a half hour" I said, then spun, and sauntered across the room, knowing that at least two, of the three, thugs, at that far table wanted me, and, even on thier best day, I could easily take them.

After waiting the requested half hour, I slid down the dark alley to meet Don, and get the drug sample.

Walking down the dark alley, I stepped over the broken bricks, shattered boards, trash, and other detritus and debris that had gathered in this lpace over the years. A faint light at the far end of the sixty foot alley gave enough light to allow me to see the outlines of the rusted dumpster and the old Vega sitting in the alley.

I waited. In the distance a dog barked, and from beyond the single door that led into the bar there was an occasional loud voice. After ten minutes of waiting, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door from within the bar. With the snap of the bolt being pulled back and unlocked, the door was opened.

Don's eyes were shifty as he looked up and down the alley, then at me. "You got the dough with ya? How much ya wantin'? I ain't got a lot, but what I've got ain't cheap." He looked up and down my trim form. "I betcha you don't come cheap either, do ya? Fuck it, tell ya what, you take some of this shit right here, and I'll sell it to ya half price."

I looked up and down Don's body, then shook her head. "I don't think that a place like this is a good place to sample that."

Don shrugged. "Yeah, like there's a bad place for that shit. Once you get that shit in ya, you'll do it with a fuckin' doorknob in the middle of Shay's Park."

I once more reached under her skirt, and slipped out $100 from her pouch. She held it out to Don, and said "Can I have the Halycon packet now, please?"

Don looked at me once more as my hand darted under my skirt. "Yeah, I guess, though why you need this shit is fuckin' beyond me." He handed the tiny, tiny packet of pink dust to the me while grabbing the bills from my hand. "If you say a fuckin' word where you got this, yer dead."

As if he could hurt me.

Don closed the door quickly, leaving me alone in the alley once again. Moments passed as she made her way to the end of the alley.

Suddenly three shadows grew upon the wall at the lighted end to which I was headed. I heard footsteps, and heard the whispered mumblings of a man. "I tolds ya, I'm gonna fuck the shit outta that damned bitch," I heard Butch mutter. That meant his pals were probably with him too.

I smiled. My mission for the night was over now, and she carefully placed the packet of halycon in a pocket of the skirt for safekeeping. 'Now' I thought, 'I don't have to maintain cover any more, so I can teach that Butch character a lesson.' Stepping closer to the men, clicking my heels hard, on purpose, against the alley ground, I said, loudly, and clearly:

"Even if you could get it up, you don't have the stamina to fuck the shit out of me. So, why don't you just head home now, and sleep off the beer." I then stood confidently, legs partly spread, arms at my sides, ready to spring into action if needed.

Butch turned the corner with a full head of steam. Drunkenly he pulled back the sleeves of his flannel, stained shirt as he abruptly pulled up short in front of me. "Ya talkin' ta me you fuckin' bitch!" he barked as he clenched his fist.

"Yes, it seems I am" I said, maintaining the pose, and looking at my nails, as if they needed more nail polish.

"Come on Butch, let's go getcha a drink somewhere. She ain't worth spendin' a night in the can," one of his two buddies said as he pulled back on Butch's collar.

"Leggo Bernie!" he yelled as he shrugged himself away from the other ones hands. "I'm gonna wipe the floor with this stuck up bitch, then fuck 'er for the trouble!" Sneering at me, he drew back his fist.

I smirked. His punch was routine, and it was an easy block. He snarled, like a dog, and then he launched a series of punches. However, he wasn't skilled, and, while it must have looked amazing to his friends, I blocked them all. It was so easy that it almost wasn't even worth the effort. The two others watched, Bernie in amazement, and the one with the ponytail looked to be trying to decide whether or not he wanted to get involved.

'Enough fun', I thought to myself, 'lets end this.'

I took a step backwards. My plan was to plant my foot, so that it would support me, and provide the power for my other leg to knock him out. But, as my left foot went back, the heel caught in a small hole, and snapped cleanly off. I fell backwards, arms windmillng. I hit the wall of the alley, which is all that kept me on my feet.

Butch closed in on me, which wasn't really a suprise. After all, he probably thought that he had a chance. I grabbed the iron cross support of a fire escape over my head, with one hand, keeping myself blanced, so that I could recover from the accident. Of course, this pushed my breasts out, and forward, under my blouse.

The ponytailed man started to move closer, as he saw that, one hand slipping into a pocket of his jacket.

Unable to resist, Butch reached out with his rough, calloused hands, and grabbed my full breasts, while I was off balance. His fingers twisted around the two nipple and he squeezed them through the soft blouse. "Oh yeah! Them babies are comin' out!" he crowed, his words slurred by cheap beer.

"Butch, ya gotta stop this dude! This ain't..ufff!" his buddy groaned as Butch released my left breast long enough to give him an elbow in the gut.

"Shaddup! This bitch is gonna suck me dry or I'll kill 'er!"

As I regained my balance, I saw the ponytailed man pull out a tiny little bag. In his fist, I could make out the faint tinge of pink from the dust within.

I took advantage of Butch's distraction, and hit him hard, with my right fist, across the jaw. The man's head snapped back from the force of the blow, and a second, quick, punch dropped him to the ground of the alley. I then kicked off my shoes, and moved away from the wall, backing away from ponytail.

"I suggest" I said, calmly "that you back off now, so that you don't get hurt" I focused on ponytail, as Bernie, the last of them, had seemed reasonable so far.

Butch crawled quickly away as he grabbed at his chin. In a moment the horny, aggressive man became a whining sissy. "Shit! You busted my fuckin' lip!" he cried. He fell against the opposite wall of the alley, holding his face as if it were about to fall off his head. "Jesus, you kilt me!" he said, looking at the tiny bit of blood on his hand from his busted lip.

Bernie ran over to his buddy, pulling out a dirty handkerchief from his back pocket. "Here, ya big wuss, use this."

However, it was the third man, the heretofore unnamed one, that got all of my attention. He pulled open the bag a tiny bit. "Don't threaten me, bitch. In a minute you'll be beggin' for me," he said, his voice gruff and dangerous.

I knew what the bag contained, as I had just bought some, and also the threat it posed to me. I moved, quickly, sure of my footing on my now bare feet. I took a single step forward, then, planted my left foot. I then snapped my right leg up, fully extending it, my foot aimed at his wrist, intending to knock the pouch from his hand and send it flying away from me.

The man moved forward slowly, grinning evilly in anticipation of having this me at his sexual beck and call "Yeah, you'll be wantin' ta do me bad."

However, he was wrong. With a fearful speed, my heel hit his wrist. The wristbone cracked. with an audible cruching sound, sending both hand and bag flying up. I grinned.

"ARGGH!!" the ponytailed man groaned in pain as he grabbed his broken wrist in his other hand and stumbled away. Crashing into the dumpster, he loudly fell to the ground. Skidding on the dew-dampened bricks of the alley, he stumbled back up to his feet and took off running towards the exit of the alley.

Nodding to myself with satisfaction, I turned to help Bernie care for Butch.

"Goddamn I'm gonna fuck yer brains outta yer head!!" a screaming voice yelled as the man plowed into me like a train derailed. Sliding across the damp bricks, I struggled to get some leverage as the man atop me grabbed at my crotch with one hand and the other encircled her throat with fingers far stronger than the average man. His massive erection seemed close to bursting from his jeans as he ground it into my skirt.

As I struggled to get him off me, his face turned into the faint light. I gasped as I saw Bernie, his nose and face glistening with a pink dust, his face twisted by rage and uncontrollable lust. I felt his fingers wrap around the g-string, which tore off with a snaping sound.

I was still shocked by the turn of events with Bernie, and knew that he was now under the influence of the drug. His hand at my throat held be pinned to the alley ground, and his other hand moved to his zipper, and undid it.

But even with some sort of strength boost, he was sitll untrained, and I wasn't. With an ease born of practice, I flipped him off of me, and landed on my feet. He thudded hard into the ground a few feet away, and started to rise once more.

I moved closer, to knock him out of the fight, as he reached his knees. My bare foot caught his jaw, and he fell again, flat, to the pavement. His hand shot out, though, and caught my ankle, and I fell backwards onto my butt.

Bernie rolled onto his side, to get to his feet. I braced my own arms, to push myself up, when I felt an arm go around my waist, pinning my left arm to my side, and I heard Butch's cackle in my ear. As I gasped, suprised my Butch finding his courage again, Bernie got onto his knees, in front of me. His hand shot out, and slapped my right leg away from my left, partly spreading them, as he grinned. I shook my head, finally recovering from my shock.

I pulled my arm free from Butch, as Bernie reaced into his jeans, probably to free his cock. However, a kick to the face stunned him, and he just looked at me, eyes glazed, hand in his pants. His cheek bore an imprint from my heel, and in the morning he'd have a bruise.

Bernie shook his head, as Butch shifted, and pulled my left arm behind me, his fingers tight on my wrist. But, I snapped my head back, my skull hitting his nose. With a sickening sound, it broke, and I felt some blood spatter onto my neck. Somehow, though, Butch kept his grip, slightly weaker now. Bernie was once more shifted up onto his knees, hand still in his pants, the halycon glittering on his face.

Bernie's hand shot out and slapped me across the face. It was a hard blow, but I just felt a slight sting. Butch, in the meantime, cursing, regripped my left wrist. Butch wasn't the concern, though, Bernie was, and he had to be dealt with first. First, to distract him. With a quick blast of Tk, my discarded shoe zipped through the air, and slammed into Bernie's face.

However, he didn't seem to feel it. He reached out, grabbing my blouse with his free hand, his other hand starting to pull his cock out of his pants. Butch's free hand wrapped into my hair, tangling it around his fist.

My head was tugged back, as a couple of buttons popped on my blouse. Bernie's cock was now sticking out of his pants, full and erect, and throbbing. I felt myself starting to get angry, this was all my own fault, my ego once more getting me into trouble.

Ignoring Butch for the moment, my right hand came up, and knocked Bernie's hand off my blouse, which cost it a third button. Then my elbow came back, into Butch's gut, and with a whooshing sound, he released his grip on my hair. I slipped quickly into a crouch, left arm still help behind me, now to break the grip, and then wrap them up.

I spun, fully to my feet, and into a 180 turn. My left wrist came free, and I was face to face with Butch. I grinned, ferally, then frowned as his hand darted into my torn blouse, and cupped a breast. As he squeezed it, I grabbed his wrist. His fingers brushed my nipple, and I could hear Bernie drawing close again.

Too close. I felt my skirt get lifted up, reveling my bottom to the night air. But, even as I felt it, my knee came up, into Butch's crotch, and he went down, hard, and out of the fight. One left.

And I felt his hands between my legs. Well, a couple fingers to be precise. And, the knee I had thrown had opened me up, so they pushed inside, up to about the first joint. I shot my elbow back, and heard a grunt. The fingers slid back out, as Bernie staggered back.

I braced myself, to spin, and take him out. Then I did spin, leg coming up, catching him in the side of the head. He fell back, slammed into the wall, and went down.

I smiled, adjusted my clothes, then headed home, job well done, sample intact. Now, to learn about the drug, and go after Syren.