The Shadow Tales - Syren's Call

Author: Star Girl
Time to Read:34min
Added Date:9/30/2024
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Tags: Shadow

After the skirmish in the alley behind the behind Brass Rail, I returned home. Over the next few days I contacted people I knew, and gave them part of the drug sample for analysis. I also put the pressure on those selling it, as Shadow, and, finally, hit paydirt. So, tonight I was raiding, to nail Syren and her base. It was chilly, for summer, and overcast, which helped me, as it gave me more shadows in which to hide.

My first task, after a few minutes of observation, was to eliminate the two roving sentries. Both were men, and armed. However, neither saw me in the night, and simple pressure point blows knocked them out. Each had zip strips on them, which secured their wrists, and handkerchiefs, which became gags.

Then, I went back into the shadows, for a more detailed recon of the building. It was wide and squat, looking as worn with the detritus of age as the other buildings in this venerable, broken industrial area of north Zwicken. Like a faint memory, I slipped through the darkness, unseen unless specifically looked at. My boots slid over the weed-littered gravel that covered the ground between the rusting fence and the warehouse.

Stealthily I slid through the night, my skirt swishing around my thighs softly. Leaving the two guards lying on the ground behind me, I peeked around the corner. Seeing nothing but the shadows I know so well, I continued my reconnaissance.

With a circuit of the large metal building, I discovered two more men at the front gate, hidden away from site by piles of gravel that hid their stations. The two men were strangely subdued, not the usual braggarts the mobsters tended to hire.

There were various doors and bays that lead into the building, but most were rusted and warped from the generations of erosion and weather. I found three entrances into the warehouse; a large bay door that appeared locked both inside and out, a smaller door next to it, from under which light could be seen, and a last door at the far end of the building, almost completely opposite that of the other two. Only the last one was out of sight of the gate guards; the two gagged and bound men were the watchmen for it.

I decided that I would not engage the two gate guards, to ensure I kept surprise, so I slid around the building, back to the other two men. Bending over them, I again them, quickly finding a key to the door behind them.

I moved over to the door, and unlocked it, slowly opening it. It led into a reception area, and beyond that, was another door. That second door, lead into a hall, which although once carpeted, was now bare concrete. I knew fully well how much sound a clicking heel can make, and I also knew that my powers don't negate sound, slid her boots off, and then, silently made my way down the hallway.

I saw that there were 2 doors on the left wall, and one, probably leading to where the bay door led from outside, was at the end of the hall. I proceeded to the closest of the two doors, and carefully slipped it open.

My eyes needed only a flicker of a moment to adjust to the dark room; inside I found a posh bedroom. Blue chiffon drifted down from the poster bed, glancing off the pale white silk sheets that lay ruffled and used upon the bed. On the bedstand was a book left open next to a small lamp. A closet, closed to prying eyes, was on the left side of the room, with a divan and small table, and an open door to a bathroom, to the right of the magnificent bed.

I couldn't help but look back into the dimly lit hallway, plain and hard, and the soft plushness of this bedroom. The incongruity was stark and striking. As I stepped inside, the thick, supple carpeting tickled and caressed my bare feet.

Pulling the door almost shut behind me, I went inside. The book, when I could see the title, was a simple romance novel, the kind that can be bought for the price of a cheeseburger. The bed was clean, luxurious, but a mess.

Sliding open the closet, again I was hit squarely by stark contrast. The bedroom was soft, gentle, pristine; the closet's contents were the complete opposite. A variety of black leather, feminine clothing items and accouterments. On the floor were a large selection of black leather boots and pumps, all almost violently heeled and pointed in gold, silver, and copper. On the shelves to the left of the outfits were a collection of hair braids, hooks, barrettes, and other things meant to tame the human hair flow.

What struck my eyes the strangest after this genteel bedroom was the upper shelf of this closet. Scattered neatly over the shelf was a horrifying assemblage of bondage gear; harnesses, ball gags, ropes, cuffs, chains, collars; anything imagined and capable of fitting on a shelf were there as if waiting for someone to be used upon.

I was surprised at the sheer amount of the bondage gear, but, being pragmatic, I quickly grabbed three sets of hand cuffs, and slid them into my belt, for, later, they might come in handy.

I then checked the closet again, quickly, and, finding nothing else of value, closed it's door. I slid back across the carpeted room, silent as a feather falling through the sky, and was quickly back to the door to the hall. A quick glance into the hall showed that it was still empty, and I moved down it once more, closing the first door behind me, and moving to the second, again, slipping it open, so I could slip inside.

As I approached the second door I heard voices. Two loud, boisterous male voices boom behind the door. Sneaking up to the wooden barrier, I could hear what they were saying.

"...way we'll get away with it! One of those damned superbitches will pound us for sure! You think the Syren will help us? She'll run off with us holding our dicks!"

"Shhh! She hears you and we're dead! We'll have some of those drugged up fuckers beatin' the livin' crap outta us!"

"You don't think we're gonna end up like them? Just 'cause she let us screw her last night doesn't mean we're anything special to her! That bitch'll just shoot us up with that shit so we'll do what she says!"

"I...hell, I don't know..."

"Listen to me, we gotta get the hell outta here! She's gonna have our veins full of that shit. You and me are going to end up looking zombied out like those goons of hers!"

"Uh...I...maybe you're right..."

"Hell yes I'm right, let's get gone!"

Suddenly, the door was opened...

...and I leaped up, cloaking myself in the dark of the ceiling. The two men walked out, glancing left and right...but not up.

I landed between them, a foot lashing out, finding the side of a head, and sending one down to the floor, out of commission. The second started to turn.

"Wha..." was all he got out, before he, too, was out cold, from a quick strike to his head as well. I dragged them back into the room they had come out of, and used two of the sets of cuffs I had grabbed, to cuff them to one of the beds within.

This room seemed to also be a bed room...a guest type room. It looked totally uninteresting, until I saw a vent on one wall, that looked like it might lead, potentially, to the main warehouse.

Not being one to waste such a gift, I pulled a desk over, and hopped up, then, over the next couple minutes removed the vent grating, and set it down on a bed. Then I pushed up on my tip toes, bent over a little, and stuck my head into the vent, looking into it, while preparing to pull myself inside it.

The vent was dark, with only the faint light of the room glinting off the aluminum sides. I could hear echoes of a female voice from far off in the ductwork. Tilting my head, I strained to hear the metallic echoed words.

Suddenly I felt hands on my calves. Powerful hands wrapped around each bare calf and ankle, pulling my long legs apart. My skirt spread itself, displaying the darkened panties that hid beneath it. The hands were male, for I could feel the harsh calluses and wide fingers gripping me tightly.

A gasp slipped from my lips, the noise sounding tinny and hollow from within the narrow vent. I tried to back out, but the hands holding my legs kept me in place, trapped in the small, rectangular confines of the ductwork. I tried to look back, but my plentiful chest and full head of blonde hair blocked my vision.

With a squeal, I felt a hand reach under her skirt and cup my vagina. The fingers slid along my satiny panties, trying to caress the soft flesh under them. I gasped again as I felt the hand. I tried to squirm away, but lacked the space to properly do that. As the fingers traced over my panties, I decided to try and pull myself forward, and slam my unseen admirer into the wall.

I only had limited leverage and so, even though my lunge was unexpected, my hands slid over the smooth metal of the vent. The hands on my legs weren't painful, but the pressure was incredibly powerful, far more than that of any man I had ever met. Like a vise, the hands kept my tanned legs trapped in place, making it impossible for the me to move up or back.

The hand under my skirt cupped my mound. As the shock faded, I realized the hand was smaller than that on my lower legs. Fingernails ran down the outside of the satin, making a peculiar sound to me trapped, as I was, in the vent. Teasingly the index finger pushed down the center of my panties, pushing the center hem between my nether lips. Slowly forced apart, my vagina spread to allow the soft material just within me.

"Darlin', you feel wonderful," a female voice cooed behind me. With a chill that ran down my back, I recognized it as that of Syren. The last time I'd heard that voice, I had been introduced to Halycon. I also knew that I had to act quickly, if I was to have a chance at escape.

I could feel the material of my own panties pressing into me. However, I also knew that for Syren to do that, the evil woman had to be pretty precariously balanced herself. So, I did the only thing possible, I focused all of my telekinetic abilities straight back from me.

Behind me, Syren had started to speak when something like a punch struck her high in the chest. She flew back, tearing my panties away with her, and into the man holding my legs. Her momentum knocked him back, and the grip on the my legs was gone. As I scrambled deeper into the vent, the man's hands caught Syren, and, quite by accident, cupped her breasts. A reflexive squeeze followed, as well as a finger brushing a nipple. "Let go of me now." commanded Syren, somewhat shakily, as she felt the solid grip of the man.

Inside the vent, I scrambled forward, sans boots and panties. As I darted deeper into the shaft, I must have triggered some sort of laser beam or sensor, that activated a security response, but I didn't know that at the time.

"Dammit, get in there after her, you mindless dicks!" I heard Syren shriek, her voice filled with rage. "I want her back here, now!!"

After a moment, I heard one of the men trying to squeeze into the vent. I easily outdistanced the muscular, brainless lunk as he attempted to follow me down the cramped space.

As I turned a corner, I was enveloped in darkness. It hardly bothered me, as her nightvision instantly made the interior of the vent like daylight. After all, a heroine who has powers of merging into shadows is pretty useless if she can't see in the dark. As I paused for a moment to gather my bearings, I began to notice a faint hiss.

Following the sound, my eyes finally came to rest upon a row of tiny pinholes behind me, which were slowly filling the small enclosure with gas. "Not a bad try." I thought, "but not good enough."

Using my incredible powers, I erected a small dome of telekinetic force around my head, making, in effect, a helmet to keep most of the gas out. I knew some would get trapped within it, and more would when I had to drop the globe to refresh the oxygen again. However, I also knew that it would be a limited amount. I was willing to bet that the bits that did get in would have a limited effect on me. Then I proceeded down the vent again, looking for a way out. The gas would help me by slowing down any pursuit.

The tiny amounts of gas made my head buzz slightly; enough to notice, though not to affect me much. I couldn't hear any pursuit, and the silence was a little unnerving.

I crawled through the vents, my legs and arms pushing me along. With the telekinetic globe around my head, I knew the gas hadn't affected me too much, as soon I was through the cloud of it. The gas had left a tingle running through me however.

I finally saw a light up ahead, and headed for it. As I peeked out through the grill, I could see a storage room, filled with crates all sitting on pallets. I could see across the large open area of the warehouse from my vantage point ten feet off the ground.

Again I felt a tingle, a thrill that ran up my spine. Shaking it off, I watched two men leave a small office, walk by the row of four forklifts and go through another door that lead back in the direction I had come. The warehouse was now empty, with only the faint light of every third halogen light lit. Crates lined the walls, all with various stamps on them. Peeking down through the grill, I could see the floor below, with a crate within easy climbing distance for her to leave the vent.

I removed the grate, so I could slide out of the vent. As I climbed out, my skirt pressed over some rivets, which pushed the material against my bare, thanks to Syren, vaginal lips. I felt a faint shiver of pleasure, much more than I should have felt from such minimal contact. Biting back a curse, I realized that the gas must have been that damned Halycon. I dropped to the ground, and began to make my way across the dark floor, to the door...with luck, I'd be out of her in a few moments, and within a half hour, I'd have the police launching a raid.

Moving behind the crates and forklifts, I easily hid amongst the shadows formed by the objects and the faint moonlight and few lights left on. I saw a single door; and I knew it led out towards the front gate, the same one she had seen before from the other side. From behind a large crate, I could see the lock was easily manipulated from this side of the door.

Suddenly the lights in the large warehouse flashed to life, filling the concrete floors and walls with glaring halogen glow.

"She's in here somewhere!" the Syren yelled as she walked out into the area, followed by five men, each with vacant eyes. "Look around, and don't let her escape!"

I slipped backwards and to the left, circling around the crates. My bare feet were a major advantage, in that the lights took away the shadows I normally hid in.

I waited, striking as one man came around the pile of crates. My blows, two fist strikes, were rapid, and precise, and even drugged by the villainess, the man went down, knocked out cold.

I then vaulted up, and over, a stack of crates, landing behind another of the men. Again, my sheer skill let me strike, this time at the base of the neck, and remove him from the fray.

'Now' I thought 'a quick run for the door, and I'm home free...'

As I sprinted out into the open towards the door that was but fifty feet away, I felt the exhilaration of the chase. My skirt and shining blonde hair trailed after me as I ran as fast as possible across the cold concrete in my bare feet.

"Hey! Get her! Over there! After her!!" These were the voices I expected to hear as I made my dash to freedom. Instead I heard nothing but my own soft footfalls as I ran. The door got closer every moment, but I didn't hear a chase, or any shouts of alarm...nothing at all.

Suddenly an eerie sound, nothing like I had ever heard before, echoed through the warehouse. An instant later, something struck me in the back. The blow staggered me and I fell, sliding across the floor, landing by the door. I rolled, slowly, to my feet...way too slowly.

Something grabbed my arm, and pulled me, then tossed me back into the room. As I regained my balance, I swung to face it, and gasped in shock, my eyes growing wide.

It stood about seven feet tall, and looked manlike. Two legs, a broad chest..however, that is where the similarities ended. Four arms jutted from it's torso, two on each side, and it had the head of a dog. Light gray fur covered it's body, and it's eyes glowed red. And it was obviously male.

"I hope you and my pet have fun." Syren's voice called out, with fake sweetness. "In any event, he should keep you out of my hair for a while." As the villainess left, with her three remaining men, the creature moved in at the me.

"Great" I thought "How am I gonna get out of this..."

The beast moved towards me, its long arms stretched out wide as I slowly was forced to retreat into a corner. My eyes darted about, seeking an avenue of escape from this monstrosity. Saliva dripped between the bared teeth of the manbeast as it stalked me. Glancing down, I could see the frightening maleness swinging to and fro as he hopped from foot to foot in his attempt to block my evasion attempts.

Abruptly he lashed out with a clawed hand, but I was ready, and the blow was clumsy. With the back of a forearm I deftly deflected it away from her jaw. Pain shot through my arm from the great strength of the creature, and the impact his wrist had put upon my own was was much stronger than I am.

With a low growl he swung again, this time from one of the opposite arms. I quickly forgot the pain and ducked out of the way, allowing the claws to pass harmlessly through the ends of my hair. In fast succession came a flurry of punches and slashes. None struck me, as I numbly dodged them, but I had to retreat even further.

Suddenly, ducking back from a claw aimed at my belly, she bumped into the wall. My eyes never left the monster, as I felt around me. My right hand felt down the wall, but my left, to my dismay, hit the corner of the building. I quickly realized that it had backed me into the corner and that if I stayed here I was in a lot of trouble. I felt her heart racing, and tried to fight down panic...if I could get past it, then I should be able to escape, and come back to fight another day.

I started a low move, as if to duck or roll under it's legs, and it began to crouch to block me, snarling slightly. That's when I leapt, legs coming up, chest arcing slightly forward, as I shifted into a natural and athletic move. However, it was faster, and came up, it's upper arms catching my arms and slamming me back into the wall, her feet at least a foot off of the floor.

I lay stunned, for a moment, the creature growling, maybe, or maybe not. It pulled my arms together, one meaty paw holding my slim wrists pinned to the wall, well over my head.

"Uhhhhh" I moaned, head swimming, as I began to recover from the force of hitting the wall. I saw my situation, and began to worry. "Those claws can gut me right now..." ran through my head.

However, killing me wasn't what it had in mind. It's remaining upper hand pulled my skirt off with a tear, the two lower ones grabbing my thighs, lifting them, and putting my legs over it's shoulders.

My eyes went wide "Nooo!" I screamed, as it's muzzle came closer, and a long rough tongue snaked out. I gasped as it made a first lick over my helpless pussy lips, it's lower hands shifting to cup my ass, holding me in place, with no way to escape. It licked slowly, from bottom to top, then over my clit, in an almost methodical way.

Over and over came the licks, and soon I felt herself growing aroused. I squirmed, trying to escape, and fought to smother my moans, although my nipples throbbed as they pushed against the cotton of my top.

"I can hold out" I thought...and perhaps I could have...but, just then the creature lifted my bottom slightly, and it's tongue darted inside me.

"Ahhh!" I screamed out, feeling it rub against my wet walls, filling me in a way I'd never been filled before. It darted deep inside, then back out, and the thing began to lick once more, it's tongue fucking me, and it's cold nose rubbing against my clit. I whimpered as the long and rough tongue lashed my soft inner walls. My hips began to roll, on their own, as my moans grew louder. I tried to fight the sensations, but, it was a losing struggle, and before I knew it, my body tensed, and a cried out, as a toe curling orgasm swept over me. As it ended, I lay helpless in his grip, stunned by the force of my own climax.

Then beast released me, and let me slide to the floor, following me down as it fell to its hairy knees. Growling low in its throat, it rolled my dazed form over onto my belly. The roar in my ears was slowly receding, but the room still spun around from the effects of the incomparable orgasm. It pulled my arms behind my back, holding my wrists in a meaty hand, then two other hands lifted my soft hips to an angle it liked.

And, with a sudden howl that echoed through the warehouse, the dogbeast placed the tip of his incredible organ against me, and thrust it inside. "Uhhnhnnnn" I moaned, as the creature entered me, still dazed from the orgasm.

Then, the creature began to move it's huge organ in and out of me, with an incredibly hard and rapid pace. I began to moan once more as my ravishing continued, the dog thing's grunts also loud in the warehouse. My arousal grew once more as the magnificent fucking continued. It's dick, larger and thicker than any I had ever seen plunged into me over and over. The pace it maintained was human man could have kept it up for more than a minute or two, and I was soon moving with it, enjoying the wonderful feelings.

Then, with a roar, it came...and came...and came...I had never felt so much fluid shot into me before. After it finished, it pulled out, dropping me to the floor, still on the edge of orgasm. Dimly, I could her it moving about the warehouse.

As I slowly writhed on the floor, my hips and sex aching, every motion sent surges through every nerve ending. Vaguely I could hear the beast opening crates, digging through the boxes, doing who knew what.

I opened my eyes, but the warehouse was swimming. A buzzing filled my head as I rode the razor's edge of yet another mind numbing orgasm. I could make out the blurred figure of the creature, opening some box and peering inside. From beyond it, I could see two foggy forms approaching the beast.

Suddenly, the crack of a whip sent a shock up my spine. I froze for a moment, waiting for the sensation of pain, but when a bestial howl echoed through the warehouse, I knew I wasn't the target. Another crack, and another howl of agony again echoed, and, strangely, I felt angry at the creature's howl of pain.

However, still riding the edge of another orgasm, and still stunned by the shredding attack of the beast upon my body, was almost helpless as one of the forms walked towards me. "Looks like Spot took care of our problem here," a male voice sneered as he kneeled down over me. He put a hand to my bare bottom. "You got to get cleaned up, bitch, there's plans for you later."

The anonymous man turned me over onto me stomach, and pulled an arm back behind me. I could feel, through the tingling of my burning hot, sweaty skin and spandex, a rope being placed around my gloved wrists. "We got guests coming over, and you're the star attraction." He let out a crude laugh. "Damn I love it when the boss has auctions."

The man behind the me tied my arms tightly behind my back, as I lay there stunned, and then pulled me against him. He could smell the mixed smells of mine and Spot's juices, and he reached around to cup a breast.

"Ya know, Bobby, we could have some fun with her."

"I dunno Sam...the boss didn't say we could, and you know how she gets."

"Whose gonna know? We have to clean her up anyway...right" Sam rubbed my nipple through the spandex top as he spoke.

"No way" Bobby said, as he left the room quickly, dragging a subdued Spot with him.

Sam debated for a would be nice to fuck this blonde pain, but, if the boss found out...well...she was not one to mess with. As he thought, he idly played with Shadow's breast. But, even though his lust was high, he decided that he'd get a chance at her later, and dragged her into the hideout, to clean up and get ready for the auction.

My bare feet dragged along behind me as I was pulled through the door. He held me by a bound arm as my dazed head hung down. My blonde hair hid my face, as well as any chance of seeing where I was going. I barely saw myself cross the threshold, but I began to vaguely make out the gritty, dirty green tiles of the hallway.

The two thugs dragged me through a door, then abruptly dropped me. With me hands behind my back, I grunted, the air driven from my lungs, as I landed breasts first on the hard floor. As I gasped for air, Sam and Bobby moved about the room. Sam lowered a hook from a beam in the ceiling, while Bobby went for the other ropes.

"Yeah, tonight's gonna be a blast, bud! This bitch'll be like prime steak in front of a bunch of starving wolves. The boss has got this all planned, and this bitch is gonna bring in a couple million, I just know it," Sam gloated as he quickly untied my hands, pulled them over my head, then retied them around my gloves. He shoved the hook inside the tight center knot, then stood up.

"I don't know, Sam," Bobby replied nervously as he tied one end of a section of rope to a heavy metal support beam, "this ain't no prostitute we grabbed off the street. She's got them there superpowers. She's also got them superfriends, ya know? I wanna get this over with, get our cut, and get the fuck outta here."

Sam hit the switch, which ran the chain through the pulley, and lifted my wrists up. "You fuckin wuss. Lookit her!" He grinned as the my arms, then shoulders, came off the floor. "She ain't nothing. That friggin monster the boss bought licked her silly, then fucked her to death. She ain't fought us none yet."

Still weak and groggy, I was limp as the chain lifted me. My bare hips, still stained, came off the floor, then her legs. As the whine of the motor filled the room, I was lifted until my feet were the only thing still on the floor.

Bobby lifted my leg outward, then looped the other end of the rope to my ankle. My foot was almost off the floor; only the ball of it touched the cold tile. "Yeah, she ain't caused no problems yet, but I don't trust 'er."

As Bobby tied the rope around my ankle, Sam brought a similar rope out. After looping it around a pole opposite Bobby's, he also tied an ankle, pulling it out at an angle so her legs were about three feet apart. "Damn, lookit that Bobby!" he said, nodding towards my blonde, stained mound. "Maybe the boss'll let us fuck 'er later, after the auction. I'd kill to dip into that!" he laughed.

Bobby stood up, unable to take his eyes off my spread legs and blonde bush. "Uh..I...I'll go tell the boss she's ready," he said, then quickly fled out the door.

Sam ran a hand up the inside of my leg, then grabbed me by the chin, obviously feeling a sense of power by holding me like this. "Yeah, bitch," he grinned at me, my face partially obscured by my sweaty blonde hair, "yer gonna get some of me before the night's over." Suddenly Sam lunged in and gave me a savage kiss. His tongue darted inside my mouth, as his lips ground against me.

The rough kiss sort of awakened me, and I struggled for a moment before realizing she was tied securely, and as I have said before my TK needs time to work on ropes. His kiss was rough and he took his time exploring my captive mouth. I resolved to hurt him badly, as soon as I could. He broke the kiss, then stepped back, looking at me.

"You are one fine looking bitch' he said. I didn't reply, trying to focus on the ropes, to determine how they were tied.

Sam moved back in, and his hand between my legs, fingers moving for my slit, and finding my clit. The thug pinched it between two fingers, rubbing it hard, and causing the me to gasp in surprise and pleasure.

As Sam's fingers teased the me, he reached down with his other hand, and unzipped his pants, then pulled out a small, but quite thick, cock. He stroked it once as I again gasped. Then he stepped forward, his eyes filled with lust. His fingers trailed lower, when they hit my moist slit, and brushed over some gob's of Spot's cum.

"Gross" he said, in a disgusted tone. "I don't want any of that thing's come on my cock."

Looking a little disappointed, he put his cock away, then headed out of the room. "See you later, baby." he said as he left, to follow Bobby to the boss and let her know that the little slut was secure.

The flick of a switch and the slamming of the metal door threw me into darkness, and, as you all know, darkness is one of my best friends.

However, my head was spinning. My body felt like a wet noodle; limp and soggy. I tugged on the ropes around my hands, but between my trembling muscles and the strong ropes, I knew I had little chance there. My mind whirled around like I was recovering from a cheap drunk; until I recovered from the dogbeast's assault, my telekinetic powers were out of the picture.

In my addled state, I knew I had to play for time so I could recover my strength. Closing my eyes, my blonde head sagged onto my chest, and exhaustion claimed me.

A light pressed into my dreamy subconscious. My eyelids fluttered, exhibiting the sky blue of my eyes. "Mmmmm. Waking up, darlin'?"

"How long was I out?" I replied.

Syren walked around me, and, as the tracked her movements with my eyes, I could see that the warehouse room had changed. On various platforms in front of me was a barrage of video and audio equipment. Floor lamps flooded over the two of us. "As long as I needed, sweetie," Syren said in her drawl as she ran a finger over my breast, under her arm, and across her back, "and as long as I kept the gas in here."

Syren leaned on me from behind. "Lookie there, darlin'. How do you look?"

I followed the villainess's leather clad glove as the evil woman pointed past me. Looking straight ahead, my blue eyes came to rest upon a full length mirror. "Don't you look good sell?"

I was in my full uniform, boots and skirt in place. My mask was still on; even my makeup was perfect. My arms were still bound together and held overhead by the hook; my feet were spread wide by the strong ropes anchored to support I-beams. As I looked around at my predicament, it dawned upon me; despite looking and feeling fresh, I was still without panties....but, my powers were back, so that was a pretty even trade, in my mind.

I was very curious about why that one item of clothing had been left off of me, but decided not to show that to the villainess. I was glad of the mirror, for it allowed me to see the ropes, and that might aid my inevitable escape. However, I wasn't yet ready...I needed more time. So...

"Would you like to tell me why you'd want to sell me...after all, isn't that just a little harsh? And we both are women...surely there's no need for cruelty?"

Syren hooked a finger around my lustrous blonde hair and pulled it behind my ear. "Darlin'," the vixen breathed into my ear, "this isn't cruelty, this is just profit. I have a sale planned, and you're the blue light special." Her tongue lapped around the rim of my ear, then darted inside. Her hand glided up my side, gradually circling around until the fingers titillated the bottom of the my perfect breast.

"You see, a costumed slut like you will fetch me a mint, darlin'. You're worth a million at least." Not only was she insulting, with the slut comment, she was rude. I'm worth at least 5 million, and that's on a slow day. Her fingers moved over the spandex until they were at each point of the circumference of my breast. "I have four interested buyers, each one with their own plans for someone like you."

With her long, dark blonde pigtails swinging down to her knees, Syren leaned in to nibble on my bare neck. "I would rather keep you for myself, darlin', since men bore me, but business before pleasure," she breathed as her fingernails ran across my breast until each one trapped the nipple and pinched it. "I'd love to hear you scream for me, darlin'. Think I could get you to do that?"

I squirmed at the touches and licks from the villainess. I couldn't believe this, not only was I a prisoner, but Syren, the apparent creator of one of the most potent aphrodisiacs in the world was also a lesbian. As if the dog thing wasn't bad enough.

"Could you make me scream, huh? Maybe in disgust. Now, you're starting to upset me, how about you let me go, and I'll take it easy on you." My voice was more confident than I felt, but I was starting to get upset with this woman. Now, all she had to do was figure a way to escape....

The Syren stopped her licking in an instant. Cold fury washed through her. Twisting her fingers in my hair, she jerked the my head back. "Don't mess with me you snotty ass bitch. Just because you pretty girls wouldn't have me at your little makeup parties doesn't mean I can't have my men fuck you to death then throw your body in the ocean," she hissed. "While you were playing with your barbies and calling your girlfriends, I was working the streets."

I could feel the heat of Syren's rage. At the end of each finger of Syren's gloves I could see tiny metal blades, and these blades Syren placed to my neck. "I should just kill you now, prissy."

Riding the edge between her rage and her greed, Syren placed the thin blades next to my smooth skin. Looking down, I could barely see the glove, but I could see the gold studs that ran down the back of it and could feel the sharp blades, cold against my skin.

Abruptly Syren shoved my head forward in disgust as she jerked her hand away from my neck. "I'll sell you and be done, Shadow. You and your snotty bitch friends are all going to end up dead or as slaves anyway."

"Give me that," she said to someone beyond the brilliant lights. In a moment, Sam hustled between then and handed Syren a black rubber ball with straps. "I don't want you to interrupt my bidding, darlin'." With a single motion, she pinched my nipple painfully. I gasped, opening my mouth just enough to allow the rubber ball to be forced between myteeth. Snaking the straps under my blonde hair, Syren locked the gag into place at the back of my neck. "There, that should keep you quiet. Try not to drool all over yourself, darlin'."

The high, gold tipped heels of her long leather boots clacked against the floor as she stepped in front of me. "I'll start the show now, bitch, and you'll be delivered by midnight." The villainess walked to my side, put a hand on my shoulder, and look out into the lights. "Turn the cameras on."

Four tiny red lights flickered to life from beyond the spotlights that flooded us. Syren waited about ten seconds as she posed for the cameras, one hand on her hip, the other still on my shoulder. She moved her body just enough to make the gold studs that streaked down her black bodysuit begin to glitter in the lights.

"Hello boys," she began, her voice low and sensual. "You all know me, but I don't know if all of you know my friend." Syren put a hand to my chin and held her up. "This piece of work is Shadow."

"First, perhaps I should introduce you all so that you are all aware of whom you will be bidding against. I would so hate to see you darlin's thinking you were alone here and I was driving up the prices," she said with an oozing smile. "Our guests, via the net, are Timestop, whom am I sure could use Shadow for his gallery; a representative of SPAY, who shall remain nameless; Doctor Droid, who no doubt could turn Shadow into a shiny new toy; and Shiek Ali ibn Hallafel, who will help Shadow while away her days in a harem."

Syren paused once more to pose. One of her long braids fell over her shoulder and swooped across her breasts until coming to rest between them. "This is Shadow, a local superheroine. So far we've found that her powers are some kind of bonding with shadows, naturally enough. However, we're not sure about her other powers yet, although she does apparently have some poor training in martial arts," she said.

"She is a naturally blonde," Syren offered as she lifted my skirt to exhibit her proof for the cameras, "as you can see. She is in tiptop physical condition, and apparently disease free."

Looking past the lights was impossible, but as Syren released my chin I could see to either side. Concentrating, I could feel the knots on my ankles. With telekinesis, I knew I could loosen them, but it would take time.

Past Syren, ten feet beyond the woman's shoulder, I suddenly saw the controls for the hoist that kept me off balance and my hands bound high over my head. I wasn't concerned with the gag, after all I don't need my mouth to deal with people. And Syren, she seemed to be right on the edge of psychosis. I decided that I should take some Psych courses to better understand these people. But, that would have to wait for now. As I listened, sort of, to the villainess, my eyes scanned the room. Upon seeing the control panel I quickly came up with a plan.

I'd use TK to hit the lever to release the ropes holding my arms up. As they fell, I'd bring my wrists across Syren's hip, to use the blades in her glove to sever the ropes. After that, I'd have to play it by ear...and hope to get my feet free.

It wasn't a great would have to do.

Syren glanced down at the blonde mound now bare before the cameras. "As all you boys can see, she's got a tight package, ready to be used however you want. We haven't done anything permanent to her. She's still fresh as a daisy and ready for use."

With a loud clack of a relay slamming into place as the 'down' button was pressed via telekinesis, the motor above me hummed into life. The rope descended a few inches, which allowed me to gracefully arch up and lift the wrapped rope off the hook.

Syren frowned at the sound of a motor in the background ruining her presentation. "Boys, the bidding will start at two hundred thousand British pounds." From beyond the spotlights, a single red light glowed to life. "Ah, thank you Timestop, do I see a bid of one quarter million pounds?"

Suddenly I swung my wrists over to Syren's hip. "What?!" the leather clad blonde gasped as the ropes sheared across the fingertip blades. Threads popped as the blades on the tips of her gloves sliced partially through the ropes.

I grinned as the plan was working to perfection so far. I then swung my arms up, and slightly apart. Then I looped the ropes around Syren, and snapped my wrists back.

By doing that I hoped to accomplish two things. First, I hoped to break the ropes apart and so free my hands entirely. Secondly I was also hoping that the blow would stun Syren, so that I could figure out how to free my feet. I really wanted them free, because I felt pretty vulnerable with my legs shackled apart and no panties.

After that, I'd just have to improvise to finish this escape.

The sheared ropes looped over Syren's head, and slipped down around her neck. As the threads popped, Syren was toppled off her stiletto heels. Her arms flailed wildly before she fell back off the dais, behind me, and rolled into the boxes in the background. With my arms freed, though still gagged, I quickly bent over to work on the knots around each ankle.

The cardboard boxes were sliced up by the raging villainess. "Grab that bitch!!" shrieked Syren to her men.

Looking up with one knot almost untied, I saw my two old friends come rushing from behind the lights.

As Sam leaped at me, I ducked down even lower. As he grabbed at my back, I raised up and sent him tumbling behind me. I heard a satisfying grunt as he crashed into the rising Syren.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my neck. "Sorry about this," Bobby apologized before twisting my neck painfully.

I wasn't too concerned with the arm at my neck, after all I am very hard to hurt, and the pain served as a motivator. However, it did cause me to have to forget about her ankles for a moment. I was also aware of the rolling camera's, but as I'd been on camera before, they were not a concern to me.

I brought my right arm up, and tore the gag free from my mouth, even as I brought my left arm up, hoping to tear Bobby's arm off and flip him into the other two. It would be harder, given my limited leverage, thanks to my bound ankles.

The rubber ball bounced off the dais on which I was bound while I slammed my elbow into Bobby's midsection. Hearing the satisfied "Ooof!" of impact, I wrapped her arm around the back of his neck, and dropped to my knees.

With a grunt of my own, I flipped Bobby over my shoulder, slamming him heavily to the floor. Closer to the knots on her ankles, I quickly went to work. My fingers tugged and pulled at the knots, wending the rope end around, through, and over itself as I worked desperately to free myself.

Freeing one ankle, I changed my footing to work on the other. She could hear Bobby groan and see him out of the corner of my eye holding the back of his head where he had hit the floor. Again I worked on the ropes feverishly as I heard a gurgled cry from behind. Peeking over my shoulder, I saw Sam holding a bloody arm as Syren kicked him aside.

I had only a few more seconds. With a burst of TK, I pushed one of Syren's heels as the villainess arose, sending her tumbling back to the floor. With a shriek of rage, Syren fought to get to her feet again. "I'm going to rip you up," she sputtered, oblivious to the cameras.

I chuckled, looking up at her, while trusting my hands to find the loose spots in the knots. "You're gonna what?" I said as I laughed. "Keep falling down, I bet. Who could walk in heels that high? Geez, not only are you evil, but you're stupid too." I hoped my banter would keep Syren too mad to get back in control. I knew that there were more than two goons around here, and this last rope was proving was free!

I slipped backwards, hearing some sort of mechanical sound, and glanced about.

I looked over her shoulder, and my blue eyes widened. Syren had lowered the hook on the hoist to a little under three feet. I dove aside as the villainess hopped on the role and dove at me, hook first, and aimed directly between my outstretched legs.

In her rage, Syren left the ground as she leaped to impale my virtue upon the cold metal hook. Like I'd let that happen. Moving quickly, I ducked, rolled onto my back, and planted my booted feet in Syren's chest. With a heave, I sent Syren flying over me and into one of the cameras, both clattering to the floor in a crash.

Leaping to my feet, I gave Bobby a quick kick in the chin as he started to stand, then ran towards the door. As one man stepped out behind a spotlight, I ducked a clumsy clothesline, stabbed him in the knee with the tip of my boot. As he fell, the other boot smashed into his temple. Reeling, the man tumbled over to the side as the I landed nimbly after her move. Jumping over him, I rushed through the door.

Running into the main warehouse, I sped around a set of boxes, aiming for the door I had seen earlier.

I came to a sudden, sliding stop as I heard a guttural growl. Stepping out of the alcove at the door came Spot. His shadow fell over me, as I felt her heart, and other parts too, dive into my stomach.

I froze for a moment, then tried to think of a plan. I probably couldn't outfight Spot, but, perhaps something more subtle would work.

I took a couple slow steps towards the Dogman, and lifted a wrist, for him to be able to smell my scent.

"I won't hurt you, not like they did." my voice was soft, barely a whisper, and my heart was fluttering, at the rashness of this plan.

The creature leaned down, his nostrils twitching as he sniffed at the proffered arm. Its greenish eyes twitched up at me, its ears turned my way, its every sense centered on my beautiful form. It leaned farther down as its nose moved up my arm.

Unmoving as that thick tongue flicked out of its mouth, I tried my best to feel confident, unsure if it could sense my anxiety. I could feel the cold nose through the spandex top as it moved up my outstretched arm.

The nervous expression on its face relaxed. The beastman nuzzled it's cold nose in the crook of my neck. The tongue slid its rough surface up my throat in a long lap.

Suddenly it jerked away as three men and Syren ran into the huge room at full speed. "Get that damned bitch!" Syren shrieked as she swung her razornails wildly at the last of the three men.

'Well', I thought, 'at least Spot hasn't attacked. Now...let's see how much he likes me.'

I moved to stand just behind the dog man's left hip. Looking at the men rushing at me, I said "Gentlemen, as you see, Spot and I are now friends. You may wish to reconsider your attack." Then I grinned, and my left arm cocked onto her left hip at a jaunty angle.

The three men came to a quick halt as Spot growled menacingly. I took a step forward, putting him a little being me. He put a hand to my shoulder as he leaned down to lick the inside of my neck again. As I smiled confidently at the three men and the sputtering Syren stalking up behind them, the dogman behind me pressed his organ against my backside, pressing the shaft of the member between my cheeks.

His hot breath gushed against her neck and down the front of my top. I knew what this thing wanted, which was probably why it was so friendly.

"You bitch! You've ruined me!!" Syren screamed from fifteen feet away. "You think that thing will protect you!?" she asked sarcastically, but not attempting to get any closer.

Syren slashed the arm of the nearest man. "Fuck that thing! Get her!!"

As the man held his arm painfully, the other two looked fearfully at Syren, then ran at us. Suddenly Spot threw me aside, slamming me into a pile of crates that crashed down. The crates were empty, but only my legs and a few wisps of blonde hair were visible under the mound of wooden crates. The only other thing that escaped was a few moans as I lay dazed.

Slowly I regained the full consciousness I had momentarily lost. Under the crates I slowly moved, my boot planting itself against a crate and shoving it away. Outside the pile of crates trapping me I heard a man scream in pain, then another grunt loudly.

"No!! Stop!!" Syren demanded. "I told you! Don't...." Suddenly I heard the sound of clothing shredding as I pushed another crate away, allowing her to see some light filtering down through the mound.

"No!! You bastard piece of shiiIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

Shivers went down my spine as I kicked another crate away. Twisting my aching body, I pushed herself up amongst the boxes. Turning and weaving herself, I climbed out of the pile.

The three man all lay on the floor, one looking mangled, as blood seeped out. "ANNGHH!!" Syren screamed out, instantly drawing my attention. Lying on the floor, face down, Syren's leather pants were ripped to shreds. A powerful hand was in the middle of her back, crushing her down against the floor, as another pawed hand held her around the shoulder. Pistoning wildly, Spot slammed his organ into Syren in a frenzy of animalistic passion. The villainess whined and moaned with every thrust that drove her harder into the concrete floor.

I laughed, and reached under my skirt. Finding the small packet in the pocket sewn into the skirt, I withdrew it, then glided over to Syren.

Kneeling in front of the gasping villainess, I said, in a fake drawl, "Now, darling, I wouldn't want you not to enjoy your friend, so, I thought I'd give something of yours back to you, to help you relax." My tone was deliberately one of concern, like a sister would have for a member of the family.

Syren's face, twisted in revulsion and slowly rising arousal, glared darts at me. "You go to hell, you damned bi..."

As she spoke, I opened the packet of Halycon, and, pouring some into my hand, I blew the pink dust into Syren's face.

Closing her eyes reflexively as the dust blew into her face, Syren sneezed, then inhaled deeply.

"No..noooo...." Syren gasped as the rush of orgasm screamed through her. "Sh..Shadow..I..I'll get youUUUUUNNGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Her shriek of pleasure rippled around the warehouse as the dogbeast's plunging member ripped sheets of pleasure from the leather clad villainess.

"Tata" I then said, rising, closing the packet, and securing it as I headed to the door, for home, and a bath, and a long nap.