Ms. Marvelous Episode 30 -- Copperhead's Gambit

Author: Steven Bell
Time to Read:16min
Added Date:7/21/2024
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Tags: Ms. Marvelous

“No!” I shout while trying to escape. “I will not let you!”

I struggle like a wildcat as the bounty hunter known as Copperhead presses an armored finger into my love hole. My abused body lies atop her thigh, the victim of a devastating backbreaker. Her knee digs into the small of my injured back. A strong hand on top of my bare stomach holds me down. My legs feel numb and my arms are weak. But I cannot rest. I must break free before she ravishes me. I must escape before she uses my weakness to destroy me.

Her finger is two inches inside of me. It is vibrating wildly, powered by the oscillating servos of her body armor. She has pressed it in even through the stretchy fabric of my costume and I can feel her working it side to side, trying to gain more depth. Gradually, my frantic struggles lessen. My body has endured so much. I ache all over, from head to toe. I consider surrendering. Maybe it is best this way, I think. Let the vibrating finger finish me off. Let it all be finished.


She is three inches inside me now, the full length of her finger, the sheer fabric of my costume not hindering her, the vibrating digit exploring my moistening depths. It is destroying me, filling my aching body with unwanted pleasure. My breasts heave as I try to catch my breath. I have to do something. Surrender is not an option. I turn my head and force blue eyes to focus. The alley is a battlefield. The old Impala is nearly destroyed. The old building stands on the verge of collapse, a gaping hole having been smashed through its brick wall. Debris covers the ground. In desperation, I reach out and grip one of the charred bricks within a black-gloved hand. I lift it and take aim. I am so weak. I know that I may only get one chance…

Copperhead sees the blow coming and jerks away at the last moment. The brick barely misses her jaw and slams instead against the metal cowling surrounding her neck. A cloud of dust momentarily hides her face as the brick explodes against the armor. I feel the mortar crumble within my fingers and pray that it was enough. Suddenly, the hand is no longer pressing down on my stomach. The vibrating finger is no longer in my love hole. I roll to my left, off of her knee, and scramble on all fours to put some distance between us. I am near to the car when I get to my feet. I look back and see the rotund bounty hunter still kneeling on the spot where I left her, chalk-dust on her round face and a foul look burning in her eyes.

“You will regret that, child!” she says while getting to her feet.

“I regret only that I did not shove that brick down your throat!” I reply boldly.

I am filled with the desire to beat the snot out of this fat bitch. She has violated me in a very personal way and I want her to pay. I charge forward and snap off a series of kicks and punches. With each strike, the impact of foot and fist against metal armor causes a ringing sound to reverberate between the walls of the alley. She fights back, matching my moves and teaching me a few in return. But it is an equitable lesson- for each blow that she lands on me, I land one of my own on her.

“Were it not for your armor then you would have no chance against me!” I shout while driving a fist into her chest and creating a large dent.

“And were it not for your powers then you would have no chance against me!” she replies while hammering an elbow off of the top of my skull.

I back up a step, hurt by the powerful blow. But I am not finished. As she tries to follow up on her advantage and deliver a crushing right cross, I turn with the punch and grab her arm as it goes past. I twist with everything that I have, bending the metal and driving my opponent to the ground. She is on her knees, now, her face twisted with pain, unable to find the leverage necessary to break free of my hold.

“Damn you!” she cries.

“Surrender or I will break your arm!”


Copperhead’s left hand scoops up a large clump of fragmented bricks and shattered glass from the pile of debris. Before I realize what she intends to do, she throws the rubbish into my face. I am caught off guard and unable to prevent her from twisting away. My eyes sting. I am momentarily blinded. Suddenly, I sense her behind me. The bullwhip wraps around my body, ensnaring me. The coils tighten, pinning my arms against my sides. Electricity pours through my body. I scream in agony and fall to my knees. Stars flicker in front of my eyes. I pant

for breath. She kicks me in the back and my upper body falls forward, the side of my face slamming into the pile of rubble.

“Now to finish you!” I hear her say from behind.

I gasp as metallic fingers touch me down below. I cringe as they pull the crotch of my costume to the side and expose my womanhood. I writhe helplessly as the fat bounty hunter moves close behind me and gets into position. I whimper as her fingers spread my labia and as the fat tip of the dildo presses against my opening. She lifts upward on my hips. Oh, god, I am defenseless! It is inside me, now, penetrating deeply, filling me. My arms struggle against the coiled whip. The leather cord bites into my flesh but does not give way. I am trapped, captured, and on the verge of losing all hope.


The rubber cock moves in and out of me, powered by the movements of my opponent’s thigh. She pulls upward on the whip, lifting my upper body off of the debris pile and forcing me to accept the full length of the vile device. I can barely breathe as it drives deep into my tight pussy. My vaginal walls instinctively lubricate. They hug the dildo like an old friend, embracing it as it slides in and out of my aching body.

“Uuunnnggghhh! Noooooo!”

“You are such a slut!” Copperhead comments derisively from behind me.

My desperation quickly grows as the bounty hunter continues to brutally fuck me with the dildo for the next sixty seconds. My aching body is not strong enough to break free of the loops of leather that encircle my abdomen and pin my arms. With each thrust of the dildo into my wet pussy, I grow a bit weaker. It is looking bad for me. She kicks my knees apart, widening my thighs and allowing the dildo to slam even deeper inside of me. I’m feeling the effects, my athletic frame reacting to the unwanted sensations that are now pouring through it. My head slumps downward. My body lurches with each new power thrust. My pussy is so wet… erotic feelings… washing over me… helpless…

“Please… no…”

She uses the whip to lift me higher and then kneels on her left knee. I am vertical, now, perched on her right thigh, impaled, my legs bent at the knees and folded backward, toes curled up and the tops of my feet resting against the ground. The full weight of my svelte body presses down on her leg, driving the six inch dildo fully into my snatch. It fills me, causing my back to arch and my breasts to jut outward from my chest. The coils of the bullwhip, wrapped so tightly around my body, brush erotically against the bottoms of my swollen, jiggling mounds. My arms push against the lash, trying to break free, but I have not the strength. I am trapped with no hope of escaping.

“Uuuunnnngggghhhh…” I moan as Copperhead begins bouncing me atop her leg. “No… oh, god… stop…” My sensitive clit is pressing against the top of her armored quadriceps. My inner thighs squeeze the outside of her thick leg as if encircling the waist of a slender lover. Her left hand moves around my shoulder and begins playing with my tit. The feel of her metal fingers flicking across my responsive bud is barely dampened by the ultra-thin cloth of my costume. My head slumps forward, my face hidden within a curtain of disheveled blonde hair. She whispers to me from behind, deriding my feeble efforts to escape, mocking me even as she fucks the last of the strength out of me.

“What were you saying about my dildo? Something about it being low-tech? About me never getting it into you? Well, it is inside of you now, child, and it is going to stay there until you beg me to remove it!” “No… please… I am Ms. Marvelous… you cannot do this… not to me!”

She gives a quick tug on the whip, causing my body to jerk and reminding me that she can do anything that she pleases. “You will have to do better than that. I want to hear you screaming for mercy. I want you to scream so loudly that everyone in your precious city knows that their great champion has been defeated, raped by Copperhead!”

My body goes limp, relenting to the inevitable. Erotic sensations are pouring through my athletic figure, breaking my will to resist. The coils of the Slave-Master hold my body tightly, just as my pussy grips tightly to the spike of rubber invading it. It is arousing being bound like this… being helpless… being defenseless. The dildo feels so good… filling me… owning me… I imagine that it is a real cock and that I am being ravaged by a powerful warrior. He is too strong for me. He is a demon and I an angel. He has defeated me in battle. My body is his prize and he may do with it as he will. The cock slowly destroys me, ripping the virtue from my innocent soul and turning me into a creature of passion. It goes on for a long time, the cock impaling me… filling me… ravaging me. I am his prisoner, his sex toy, his slave.


But this is not a fantasy and my peril is real. My breathing is ragged. My moans are loud. The last of my dignity evaporates and I whimper like a little girl. Copperhead has been fucking me with the thigh-mounted dildo for almost five minutes. The sensations are destroying me. I have long since given up any hope of escaping. I am beaten and now I must pay the price. It is not just my body that is on fire. The fantasies have captured my mind

and driven me insane. The Sartak is having its way. It has transformed me into everything that I detest, a slut and a whore, and convinced me that I want this. My sopping pussy is now devoted to the rubber cock filling it. My left tit is the property of the fingers stroking it. I am no longer a super-heroine. I am a helpless thing, a sex-doll, a toy to be used for the amusement of my enemies.


Sensing the nearness of my orgasm, my psychopathic foe makes a surprising decision. She lifts me off of the dildo and stands, holding my limp body in front of her. She unwraps the whip from around my slender figure and turns me around so that I am facing her. She grips my upper arms, squeezing them so tightly that it hurts. She stares into my dazed eyes and snarls.

“I don’t want you to come on a rubber dildo, super-bitch! I want you to come on my finger and I want to hear you scream as you do it! I want to see your face, see the expression as I bring you off. I want to see your suffering!”

Copperhead lifts me off of the ground easily, the strength of her mechanically powered arms barely hindered by the one-hundred and thirty pounds of limp female flesh that was once called Ms. Marvelous. She holds me above her head, enjoying the moment, and then releases me into space, tossing me high into the air and toward the opposite end of the alley. I crash down on the hood of the Impala like a ragdoll, my injured back taking the brunt of the impact. I bounce once and then come to a rest, flaccid, a svelte and sweat-glistening body, as if on display, as if a sacrificial offering on a pagan alter.

“Uuunnnggghhh… must get up… fight…”

The old Impala is a big car, able to accommodate the entire length of my body on its wide hood. I lie there, unmoving, unable to deal with the mixture of pain and erotic burning that has captured every inch of my athletic frame. My breath comes in short gasps. I can hear her approaching, metal boots scraping across the asphalt, and fear fills my thumping heart. I feel utterly helpless. There is nothing that I can do.

“Please!” I plead weakly as she looks down at me. “Take me to Don Refrain if you must, but do not leave me powerless before him! Do not make me climax! He is completely evil! I cannot face him without my powers!” Her face twists in amusement. “That’s a good little girl,” she replies. “Beg for me!”

Her words shame me. “No,” I say while staring into her crazed eyes. “I will not beg anymore. I am a super-heroine. I will not beg.”

She slowly removes the armored glove covering her right hand. She drops it to the ground and flexes her fingers. “Then prepare to meet your end!”

“No! Do not-”

My body lurches as her bared hand slides between my thighs and gropes my womanhood. She pulls the fabric of my bikini bottom to the side. Then she is in, the warm touch of a thick forefinger sliding between my nether lips and dipping into a vulnerable and receptive hole. I clench, determined to keep her out, but the finger is insistent and my pussy well lubricated. She quickly gains an inch. My back arches, coming off of the hood and lifting my firm breasts into the air. There is no time to recover- I must act now. Oh, god, she is two inches into me, now, and I don’t think I can hold her out much longer. I have to try… have to move… have to escape- “Uuunnnggghhh…”

All too quickly, my aroused vaginal muscles relax and the finger slides its full length into my moist twat. I can tell from the look on her plump face that Copperhead likes it, that she likes the feel of my warm love juices dripping over her finger, and that she wants to have more. Her thumb joins in on the action, pressing down on my exposed clitoris and rubbing it with a series of quick circles.

“Aaaahhhh!” I cry out as unbearable sensations pour out from my swollen clit.

My breasts are round and huge. The nipples, still hard from my visit to Thomas, suddenly ache with a renewed passion. My body writhes atop the metal hood, surrendering to the pleasure. I think of the handsome doctor even as Copperhead’s finger fills me. I think of the way that he touched me, of how he gently stroked my tits. He had wanted to do more, to make me climax, but I had declined his offer. Now, it seems, I have no choice. Copperhead will not ask for permission. She will not be gentle and she will not stop if I say no. This lesbian bounty

hunter will do with me as she wants, making me come as many times as pleases her, destroying me with never ending erotic stimulation.

“No!” I moan miserably. “Don’t do this to me! I will beg if I must, but please… uuunnnggghhh… don’t do this…”

My pleading voice grows soft, so soft that it can barely be heard above the hum of oscillating servos that power Copperhead’s armor. The end is surely near, I think. Pre-orgasmic spasms tremble through my aching pussy. The thick finger slides in and out of me more easily, now, exploring and titillating every part of my throbbing hole. The thumb is working me over mercilessly, teasing my clit beyond all endurance. I moan again, my voice full of despair and desperation. I cannot stand it… the finger touching me in all the right spots… in and out… making me hot… the end... hard to think… the end of Ms. Marvelous...

Unexpectedly, the hand comes away from me and I am granted a brief reprieve. I struggle to contain the pending explosion of passion that threatens to overwhelm me. But my stay of execution is short, indeed. Much to my disdain, Copperhead reaches down to her leg and removes the dildo that had been attached to her thigh. She holds it in front of my face, allowing me to see the vile thing up close. My half-opened eyes follow it, mesmerized, as she moves it side to side. The thick-shafted dildo fills me with trepidation but also yearning. I cannot forget how it felt inside of me. I cannot forget how it filled me…

“If you will not beg properly then I have no desire to hear your voice,” she says while turning the thing so that it points at my mouth. “Open for me-”

I try to protest but it slides over and between my full red lips all too quickly. A small gurgle is all that I can manage as it enters my mouth. It moves over my tongue, the shaft still slick with my own love juices, a warm and salty-sweet piece of rubber that causes my eyes to flutter and my head to fall back against the cool steel of the hood. She gives me half of the six-inch length, pausing as I begin to gag, then lets go. My lips encircle the thick , round shaft and embrace it, holding it in place. My entire body goes completely slack. Had there been any fight left in me, it is now long gone.

“The battle is over!” she hisses victoriously. “I have you just where I want you!”

Copperhead’s left hand presses down on my stomach, pinning me to the car. Her right hand returns to its spot between my thighs, the finger and thumb once again doing their jobs like old experts. The finger thrusts deep into me. The thumb drags across my tortured clit. I am near my end. The climax is so close…

“You are so weak, now,” she says while leaning over my motionless body. “I wonder… what you taste like…”

Her left hand slides upward across my stomach and I gasp as it folds back the tapers of my red and black costume. My breasts stand firm atop my chest, already swollen, the hard nipples pointing upward toward the blue, noonday sky like the peaks of little mountains. Copperhead’s lips wrap around my right tit, encasing it warmly within a blanket of soft flesh, and I feel her tongue lapping at my hard bud. My hands remain unmoving at my sides, having long since lost the strength and will to push this woman away. I am not a lesbian but it no longer matters- my body is reacting as it will, ignoring the protestations of my mind and choosing instead to give itself up to the web of sensations that are ensnaring it. The finger continues to move in and out of me, brushing across my labia, now re-penetrating me, whipping my love juices into a lather. Long legs instinctively part wider, bending at the knees, the soles of my feet pressing together. I open wide for her, completely vulnerable, the terrible finger fucking me more rapidly, causing me to lose all sense of reality. My tit is deep in her mouth, wrapped by a soft tongue, aching beyond measure, seemingly on the verge of exploding. The rubber cock filling my mouth seems real… I can almost imagine it pulsating… preparing to fire its jizz…

“This can’t… be happening… must not… give up…”

Somehow, I am able to force my eyes to focus. I raise my head ever so slightly off of the hood. The woman is leaning over me, her nose pressing into the soft flesh of my right breast, her hungry mouth devouring my tit as if it were a ripe fruit. She thinks that I am beaten, that I cannot possibly offer up any resistance, and maybe she is right. My body is a plaything for her. I am weak… limp… defenseless… but I am not ready to surrender, not yet. The Slave-Master, Copperhead’s electric bullwhip, is wrapped over her shoulders. She must have put it there to free up her hands, hands that she is now using to ravage my tortured body. But perhaps she has made a mistake. Perhaps I can use it to my advantage.

My left hand comes off of the hood slowly. I reach across my chest, past the bounty hunter’s head. I slide my fingers down and across the rawhide cord. I try to ignore the sensations consuming my body. A huge orgasm is nearly ready to explode.


Oh, god, I am so close to coming! But the handle is there, just next to her shoulder. I grasp it in my fingers. My thumb locates the secret button. I know that this is going to hurt both of us but I have no other options. My pussy is sopping wet. The orgasm will not be denied any longer. I have to do this. If my plan fails then I am finished. I push the button-


We scream in unison, electricity coursing through her body and into mine, pain searing both our minds. The voltage emitted by the whip is tremendous and for a moment I wonder if I have made a great mistake. This is the third jolt that I have received and surely my heart can endure no more. My teeth clamp down so hard on the dildo that I think I might bite it clean through. But the pain means that I am still alive and this, at least, gives me a small shred of hope. And when it finally ends, when the electric whip has deposited its last bit of agonizing amperage into us, I stare up at the blue sky and know that I have somehow survived. I lie there on the dented hood of the battered Impala, motionless for a long time, wondering if I will ever be able to recover. A massive orgasm still threatens to explode at any moment. My pussy is wet. My nipples are hard. My slender form aches with both unquenched desire and simmering pain. But the hand of my foe no longer torments me. The finger is no longer in my love hole and the thumb does not rub my swollen clit. Her mouth is gone from my breast, the soft tongue and lips no longer feasting on my throbbing tit. I can breathe again.

Slowly, I pull myself up into a sitting position. I remove the fat dildo from my mouth. I look to my right, past the bumper and down toward the ground, and see Copperhead. She lies there, like a helpless turtle that has rolled onto its back, unable to move. Anger and frustration is painted on her face. Veins protrude from a mostly bald head. Her cheeks are flush. Hatred for me fills her eyes as she struggles. Her armor has become a prison. The servos no longer whir and prattle. The high tech suit is disabled, the advanced circuitry burned out by the charge of electricity that tore through it.

“It seems that I have you at a disadvantage, bounty hunter,” I say while sliding off of the car and standing over her.

“Damn you!” she screams. “Damn you!”

I adjust my costume so that everything is covered. I look down at my foe and consider ripping the armored plates from her obese figure one by one. But I feel so weak. I just want to go home. “I imagine the police will know what to do with you,” I say without much enthusiasm. “And perhaps the Serpent Squad will think twice before coming after me again.”

“This is not over!” she shouts. “The Serpent Squad never fails to fulfill a contract! There will be more! We will come after you again-”

The sound of her voice makes me ill and I shove the dildo into her gaping maw just to shut her up. But I know that she is right. More bounty hunters will come for me. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but sometime, when I least expect it, they will be there, jumping out of the shadows, striking at me. The situation is intolerable. I have battled members of the Serpent Squad twice and both times they nearly had me. I must do something about it. I must take the fight to them.