Ms. Marvelous Episode 32 -- Eyes of the Serpent Master

Author: Steven Bell
Time to Read:24min
Added Date:7/22/2024
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Tags: Ms. Marvelous

The room is more like an auditorium than an office. A polished marble floor stretches nearly the length of a basketball court. A perfectly smooth surface reflects the shimmering light of several small lamps. Pillars line the stone walls on either side. A massive stain glass window, half draped behind thick folds of satin cloth, dominates the far end of the room. I am sure that the window glows with brilliant colors during the day, though nothing brighter than moonlight shines through at this late hour and instead the tinted panes seem rather bleak. In front of the window, still distant from me, are two large statues. The statues are simultaneously hideous and beautiful, having the bodies of men and the heads of monsters, and if I correctly remember my ancient history they are representations of Mayan gods. The crusty figures appear old- maybe authentic. Positioned between them and just in front is the largest desk that I have ever seen. It is easily twelve feet wide and cut from the same stone as the floor. I guess that it must weigh several tons yet even so it is dwarfed by the size of the statues and this enormous chamber.

The ceiling is thirty feet high, decorated with a mosaic of pastel colored figures. They look down at me from above, these intricately painted people, expressions of joy and fear and anger and hate and judgment, domination and submission, a masterpiece of gods and demons and humans torn between heaven and hell. It is a glorious work of art and it disgusts me that it belongs to such a vile man. I see him, sitting behind the desk, head down, barely visible at the edge of a small beam of light, absorbed in his reading. If the desk appears small in this massive chamber then the man is absolutely tiny. Still, he is the king of this place. I must not forget that this obscenely large office, as well as every other thing in this building, belongs to this one little man. “Pythagoras Thon?” I ask after coming to a halt in front of the gigantic desk.

He lifts a ringed finger, requesting that I wait. It is then that I notice that rings adorn all of his fingers, big clunky-looking pieces of gold and pewter and mounted stones of alabaster and turquoise, engraved with the unintelligible scribbles of an ancient language. The fingers of his other hand are adorned with the large rings as well and, as he slowly turns the page of an old and fragile book, he has to be especially careful not to catch it on one of the rings or risk accidently tearing the delicate paper.

“One moment, please,” he replies in a voice that sounds like the slow hiss of a leaking balloon. The large desk is lit by a single, small reading lamp and the broad surface remains mostly covered in shadow. But the light reflects off of the pages of the book with a distinctly yellowish color that makes the faded characters seem almost to swim across the paper. Although I am standing five feet away, on the opposite side of the wide desk, I can see enough to know that the language is not English. Rather, it appears much more ancient and foreboding. I am momentarily curious- what secrets might be found in such a book? But it does not matter. I am not here to ponder some old and mysterious tomb. A different and more important task brings me here. I am going to deal, once and for all, with the despicable leader of the Serpent Squad.

“Pythagoras?” I ask more insistently. The tenor of my voice unexpectedly rings through the cavernous chamber and for a moment I feel somehow guilty, as if I have done something wrong. The eyes of the statues seem to glare down at me. This place is not like an auditorium, I decide, but more like a temple. It is a place where hushed tones are best used lest some unknown thing hiding in the corner take notice and make a report to whatever gods happen to be keeping score. All that is missing is the pews and confessionals lest this man, this Pythagoras Thon, be the head priest.

“Ah, Ms. Marvelous,” he says while gently closing the book and looking up at me. “The Book of Kyrototek foretold your coming and at last you have arrived. You believe that you are here to capture me, no doubt. Shall I call my guards or may I presume that you have already dealt with them?”

A cold chill runs down my spine as I look into the Serpent Master’s face for the first time. He is bald and appears to be about fifty years old. He is thin and pale, though not due to any sickly condition. Indeed, as I gaze upon his chiseled features I can tell that he has the physique of a marathon runner, an extraordinary athlete with no body fat whatsoever and a spry muscle tone that is much stronger than it looks. He is wearing short sleeves and it seems that the multitude of tattoos that cover his toned arms are a match in style for the characters I briefly saw in the ancient book. They have an arcane appearance, like something out of a darker age when men rode horses and fought with sword and lance, and when pentagram-bound devils could be summoned by wizards with but a few magical words.

“You may call for the guards if you like,” I reply with a purposefully wry smile, “but they will not come. They, and the rest of your high-tech defenses, were no match for my strength and fighting ability.” He returns my smile, appearing to be unconcerned. “You are more resourceful than I might have imagined, little mongoose. To think that we were hired to capture you and instead it is you that has captured us- it is something unheard of in the long history of the Serpent Squad. Never before has the prey become the hunter. Never before has she inflicted so much pain upon us. First, you defeated Cobra and Diamondback, two of our best bounty hunters. Then you beat Copperhead, one of our most experienced and sadistic. Then, somehow, you discovered our plans and found a way to interfere in the assassinations of two prominent targets, capturing four of our agents in the process. And now, inexplicably, you have ascertained the location of our headquarters and made it to this, the Serpent Master’s chamber. You even know my name. It is really all quite remarkable. But, please, tell me how you did it. How did you learn of these things? How did you find me?”

I continue to smile, pleased that my efforts over the last two weeks have caused this evil man so much trouble. I am tempted to relish in my victory, to tell him everything, of how Joey Malokovich gave him up in exchange for a promise to fight once he gets out of prison. It was easy to get him to fink. Joey is obsessed with me and will do nearly anything for a chance to humiliate me. And that he bore the Serpent Squad a grudge certainly helped- he was more than willing to tell me everything he knew once I offered him what he wanted. A chance to fight Ms. Marvelous. A chance to beat and rape me. Huh. Not that he ever will.

“I have my sources. That is all you need to know.”

The answer seems to satisfy Pythagoras. His expression remains cold. He taps the side of his darkened glasses, as if deep in thought. “You need not tell me, little mongoose. I will know everything in time. But answer me something else- what do you intend to do, now?”

I stand ready, on the alert for any trap. This man is the leader of one of the world’s most dangerous mercenary gangs. He is incredibly wealthy and has all kinds of high-tech gadgetry at his disposal. I do not expect him to go to jail easily. But I swear by all that is good that he will go. One way or the other.

“I think you can guess,” I say while walking slowly around the end of the desk and cautiously approaching his chair. “You can make this difficult or you can save yourself a lot of pain and come peacefully. It is up to you.” He swivels the chair so that he is facing me. I pause in front of him, four feet away, tense and at the ready for any sign of treachery. He leans forward and I get the distinct impression that he is sizing me up. I cannot see his eyes but I know that they are roaming across my svelte figure. Perhaps my pheromones are starting to affect him, I think. In any case, I can suddenly sense an almost palpable force of unrestrained lust pouring out from behind those dark glasses. He is eyeing my lithe body, liking the sight of my long, golden-tanned legs and curved, athletic hips. He lingers on my narrow waist and flat abdomen. He stares at my round breasts and I blush, sure that his thoughts are as scandalous as the expression now twisting his thin lips. Finally, after what seems like a long time, his head tilts ever so slightly upward and I know that he is relishing in the beauty of my face and wondering what pleasures might be found behind the black mask. My large blue eyes stare back boldly, letting him know that he shall never have the pleasure of seeing me out of costume.

“That is enough,” I say while motioning to him. “It is time for you to go. I have already checked with the Megapolis Police Department and they have confirmed the existence of a number of felony warrants for your arrest. Do not waste your limited time looking at me, Serpent Master. Look instead at your ridicules office- I doubt that you shall ever have a chance to see it again.”

The corners of his mouth turn upward. He stands and I am somewhat surprised to see that he is only a couple of inches taller than my own five foot nine inch height. I had expected more, I guess. After all the trouble the Serpent Squad has given me, I had expected their leader to be seven feet tall and weigh five hundred pounds. Instead, I find him to be less than six feet in stature and as thin as a reed. He makes no motion as I approach and take hold of his left arm. I hold him firmly, giving him a small taste of super-strength and hoping that he does not try anything stupid. I do not like hurting people, after all, even criminal masterminds, and would prefer to do this peacefully. As if to indicate his submission, he raises his right hand and slowly removes the sunglasses, dropping them onto the surface of the marble desk. For the first time, I see his eyes and the sight makes me gasp in astonishment. I think I must be hallucinating but no, his irises are glowing with a strange yellow light! Weirder still, the pupils are shaped like thin vertical slits and when he blinks the eyelids close from the sides!

“My god!” I blurt out in astonishment. “I have never seen anything like that! Are you a mutant?” The Serpent Master chuckles, apparently amused by my reaction. “You may call me that if you like,” he hisses in his odd tone of voice, “but really, I am so much more than a simple genetic mutation. Mayan magic

courses through my veins as surely as blood. But look into these eyes that you find so revolting and I shall explain it to you…”

I stare into the sideways blinking eyes and listen as he tells me a fantastical tale of a Mayan woman who, having been raped by a serpent, gave birth nine months later to a boy that was a bit of both- both human and snake. I am bedazzled by the yellow glow as he speaks of things that could not have occurred, of how the boy was cast out because of his strange eyes and inexplicable strength. The villagers called him a demon. Even his own family wanted nothing to do with him. But he survived his banishment, preying on animals in the jungle, feasting on pigs and goats and monkeys. He learned to hunt as the serpents do, ambushing and constricting his prey in the manner of a python. Eventually, having reached adulthood, he happened across a city and discovered that there was money to be made by using his deadly talents against people.

“The Mayan kings had enemies and were wont to have them killed. They paid me well to see it done. In the end, though, their enemies paid even better and more than a few of those ancient kings were assassinated by my hand.”

I stammer, my mouth suddenly dry and having difficulty forming words. “Not possible! The Mayan empire fell centuries ago. You look no older than fifty!”

But despite my disbelief I continue to watch and listen, enamored as much by the vertical slits of the Serpent Master’s pupils as by the silky hiss of his voice. He tells of how he eventually came to America during the depression years and formed the first incarnation of what is now known as the Serpent Squad, a gang of ruthless killers for hire. He has killed hundreds over the years, he says, and the murderers who work for him have killed hundreds more. Each and every job has paid well, adding to his personal fortune. Each and every hit has been successful.

“It is an amazing record, really,” he chuckles. “The Serpent Squad has never failed to fulfill the terms of a contract. And we shall not fail when it comes to you, either, little mongoose. For though you have caused us no end of trouble, you have surely made a critical mistake by coming here, to the Python’s lair. I shall not kill you, for Don Refrain wants you taken alive and I have a purpose for you, as well. But you shall be made my prisoner. There is nothing that you can do to prevent it.”

My eyes are locked with his, unblinking and unable to look away. The yellow glow seems to form a tunnel, blocking out everything but the narrow, vertical slits.


“Your will is strong but you cannot resist my power. Look into my eyes, little mongoose. Look deep and be swallowed by the power of the Python!”

My body feels numb. I try to think but my brain is like quicksand, swallowing every thought the moment it forms. “Hypno… no… tized…”

“Yes,” he confirms. “My eyes are hypnotizing you. My power is destroying your will to resist. You are defenseless. Soon, you will be helpless to prevent me from taking advantage of your weakness to sexual stimulation. Look deep into my eyes, little mongoose. Look deep and know that you will soon be powerless. I shall force you to climax and then do to you as has been foretold by the Book of Kyrototek. The ceremony will deliver your power unto me, making me even stronger. And then, once it is done and once you have nothing left to give me, I shall deliver you into the hands of Don Refrain, as planned. He has told me that a special fate awaits you. I have little doubt but that he intends to rape you repeatedly, causing you to climax time after time until you can endure no more. Look into my eyes and be swallowed. I almost pity you- to die in such a manner, at the hands of your most hated enemy. It seems a most horrible end for such a brave and virtuous warrior.” “No… cannot look… uuunnnggghhh… must look…”

My hand falls away from his arm and I stand before him on wobbly legs. With each second that passes, I become a bit more helpless. I am his prisoner. The Serpent Master’s bizarre eyes seem to own me, to possess me, to dominate me. I am only faintly aware of the fingers now touching me, fingers that are lifting the tapers of my costume, folding back the stretchy fabric and exposing my breasts. I feel them stroking the soft skin, dragging across my flesh, flicking over my nipples, but it is as if I am experiencing it through a dream, unreal and far away. At last, the glowing eyes blink and look instead toward my supple body but by now it is too late for me. I am no longer in possession of… of myself… and I can only murmur a weak protest as he gently lowers my wilting female form back first onto the surface of the desk. My lower legs dangle off of the edge limply, my feet hanging several inches off of the floor. I feel him leaning over me, the weight of his body pressing down on mine, his mouth and

hands exploring my body. A wet tongue laps at my skin, leaving a trail of saliva as it patiently consumes every inch of my aching tits.

“What a beautiful creature you are,” he says while rubbing his hands over my belly and chest. “Truly extraordinary!”

I somehow find the strength to lift my head. I look at him as he leans over my chest and watch in horror as a forked tongue flicks across my nipples. I am repulsed by his deformity but also aroused. The separate halves of the bizarre appendage do horrible, wonderful, things to me, entwining around my small buds each in turn, first the left and then the right, teasing and titillating each breast until my body is burning with an unwanted but

undeniable yearning.

“Oh, god…” I groan. “It was not supposed to… to happen this way… I had a plan… I was to capture you…” “Silly little mongoose,” he answers between slurps. “You are but a plaything for my enjoyment. You may have thought that you were coming here to affect my capture but in truth you came for a far greater reason. You came here to give up your power, to give it to me so that I might live forever!”

I have no idea what he is talking about but it does not matter. My head falls back against the desk and I moan desperately. The Serpent Master continues to fondle and tease my aching tits for another four minutes. At last, after my breasts are fully engorged and the nipples quivering, he finally pulls off of me. Strong hands grip my knees and spread my thighs. He stands between them, looking down at my limp body. I hear a belt clasp being undone and the sound of a zipper being opened. My unfocused eyes stare upward toward the ceiling, seeing the painted figures of Mayan gods and demons through a yellow haze. I do not protest as he lifts my legs up to a vertical position. I do not struggle as he rests my calves against his chest and allows my ankles to drop atop his shoulders. He pulls my hips to the edge of the desk, sliding my defenseless body toward him across the smooth marble top. I feel a warm weight slapping down atop my shaved pubes. The weight grows heavier, lengthening, sliding across my sensitive skin like a hot-blooded serpent. The serpent becomes huge and its head reaches to a spot just beneath my belly button. But then it pulls back, dragging again across my anxious flesh before slipping down into my gap. The crotch of my costume is moved to the side and the serpent patiently pokes at my exposed twat, separating the soft folds of pink skin, opening the doorway to my secret cave and entering uninvited. A soft whimper escapes my full red lips as I feel it slither inside, pressing deeper… deeper… stretching me… filling me… “Nooooooo…” I moan weakly.

He leans forward against the backs of my legs and gives me still more of the thick snake. It impales me, entering as far as it possibly can before slowly withdrawing, teasing me. In and out… in and out… with each new thrust of the massive cock, the fire in my loins burns a little bit hotter. Several rapid lunges… uuunnnggghhh… now slower… more patient… oh, god… feeling so hot, now… he is so big… so tight… aaaahhhh… getting really wet… loosening up… deeper inside of me… oooohhhh…

I can feel a tiny forked tongue flicking inside of me. The serpent cock is like a living thing, with a mind of its own, slithering into the deepest recesses of my pussy. “Oh god… no… can’t stand it…” His hands slide down across the smooth skin of my thighs and over my hips. He tightly grips my narrow waist and slams hard into me several times. My swollen breasts bounce on my chest as he violently fucks me. But then he slows again, taking his time, enjoying the feel of my tight pussy. The hands move farther north, over my ribcage and up onto my chest. Talented fingers playfully caress my rock hard tits. His thumbs test the firmness of my protruding nipples. He pinches them several times, perhaps wishing to see if I am ready to be milked and, oh god… I think that I may start squirting at any moment. He squeezes my mounds and causes me to squeal. I writhe atop the cool stone surface of the desk, an impaled animal, the side-to-side movements of my lithe body almost snakelike. But escape is impossible. I can do nothing and we both know it. My arms remain flat against the polished marble. My fingers scrape helplessly against the smooth stone.

He feels my vaginal muscles contracting around his huge member. He feels my love juices lubricating his overheated rod. “You are almost there,” he says through gritted teeth. “It shall please me to feel you come first. I have fucked many whores over the years and few have been able to outlast me. Never the less, I think that I shall always remember your great beauty and the feel of your wonderful pussy. It is almost a shame to have to destroy you. But the Book of Kyrototek is clear- the ceremony must be completed and Ms. Marvelous must be sacrificed.” “Bastard…”

I somehow find the strength to lift my hand and scratch at his wrist but he punishes my defiance by ramming me hard for the next thirty seconds. My eyes roll into the back of my head. I moan loudly and nearly

lose it. But then, once again, he slows his frantic pace, preferring to make the moment of his victory last a little bit longer.

“I am surprised by your willpower, little mongoose. Most women are unable to think, much less speak, after staring into the Python’s golden eyes. But it makes you all the more attractive to me. I wish that this could go on forever… uurrgghh… my cock dominating you… rrraaawwwggg… making you writhe… mmmrrrkkk… torturing you… aaakkk… but all good things… rrruuummmppphhh… must end!”

He slams into me with everything that he has, giving me the full length of his massive tool, nearly splitting me down the middle, and I cry out with a high-pitched and girlish voice that I have not heard since the first time I made love to a boy. But I am not that innocent college sophomore anymore- I am a super-heroine- and the passionate scream shames me almost as much as the involuntary spasms that are rocking my body. The sensation of his powerful streams gushing inside of me trigger my own release and we come together, dominator and dominated, a mixing of erotic energies that leave us both utterly spent. My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath. My swollen breasts rise up and down frantically as I try to deal with the sensations running rampage over my tortured body. At last, almost finished, he slides out of me, his rock hard rod slick with sticky fluids, and uses the last of his sexual energy to fire a final powerful stream across my belly. The ejaculate streaks across my tanned flesh like white fire, singeing me in mind if not body, then slowly cools and dries atop my soft skin. My cheeks are flushed bright red. My humiliation, it seems, is complete.

Pythagoras snorts in pleasure and lowers my legs. A catch a brief glimpse of his repulsively magnificent cock as he slides it back into his pants. The swollen head of his dick has a distinct resemblance to the head of a snake. I see the little tongue flicking and then it disappears, withdrawing back into the urethra. The vile man refastens his belt. There is a smug expression on his face as he looks down at my limp body. He likes the way that I look, helpless in front of him, and considers fucking me again. But his serpent is exhausted, for the moment, and I am not going anywhere.

Eventually, the Serpent Master tires of looking at my gorgeous body. He pulls me off of the desk and walks me around its end, to the other side and into the center of the room. He forces me down onto my knees. He leaves me there, sitting on folded legs, and returns to the desk. I hear him opening a drawer and removing something. When the leader of the Serpent Squad returns, he is holding two lengths of rope and a three foot wooden dowel. He kneels in front of me and grips my arms. I do not resist as he lashes my wrists together. He knots the rope tightly but leaves some slack between my hands. He moves behind me and pulls back on my elbows. I feel the dowel being slipped into place, under my elbows and between my arms and back. My engorged breasts jut outward as my spine arches to accommodate the hard wooden pole. I whimper softly as my hair is pulled back and as a forked tongue laps gently against my earlobe.

“That should hold you,” he whispers into my ear.

He wraps the second rope around my throat and ties it off to form a kind of leash. He pulls on it, forcing me to my feet. He turns me around so that I am facing him. I am submissive, my eyes downturned in an effort to avoid his hypnotic gaze. He touches me, straightening the folds of my costume and adjusting it carefully so that my large breasts are covered. He adjusts my bikini bottom and slowly draws his fingers over my hips. He is not rough but clearly I am viewed as little more than a sexual plaything. He treats me like property, like a slave.

“You are truly beautiful,” he says while cupping my waist between his hands and pulling me close. “I can see why Don Refrain is obsessed with you.”

My swollen breasts mash against his chest. The side of his face presses against mine. His deformed tongue licks my nape. I am repulsed but also… so incredibly aroused… oh, god… is he going to fuck me again? To my surprise, he steps back and releases my body. We lock eyes for a moment and he smiles sinisterly. “I see no purpose in waiting. This is a great night. The moon is full and the ceremony waits. But first, I must call Don Refrain. I must let him know that his favorite super-heroine has been captured and shall soon be delivered into his hands. Be a good girl and obey my commands. Stay silent as I make the call.”

He strides toward the desk like a proud rooster, pulling me along behind. But I have had enough of this. I do not know anything about this “ceremony” that he keeps talking about and I am sure that I do not want to be handed over to Don Refrain. I suddenly stop, halting him in his tracks before he can reach the phone. I lift my head and look at him defiantly. “I am not going anywhere with you!” I say in a voice edged with anger. “And I will not be bound like an animal!”

I jerk my arms forward and snap the wooden dowel like a twig. I pull my hands apart, wrenching them free of the rope that is binding them. I grab the leash and snatch it from his hands. I tear it loose from my neck and throw it back into his face.

“How is this possible?” Pythagoras demands to know. “You should be helpless! I forced you to climax! How is it that you still possess your powers?”

I glare at him fiercely. “I do not know for sure, bastard, though I suspect it has something to do with the fact that you hypnotized me. My weakness to sexual stimulation is as much psychological as it is physical- I think that by hypnotizing me, you somehow insulated my mind from the weakening effects of the Sartak. By using your power, you unintentionally protected me from losing my super-strength!”

The smug expression is gone from his face, replaced by anger and hostility. But the Serpent Master’s voice remains surprisingly calm as he makes clear his intention to try again. “It is a mistake that I shall not make a second time, little mongoose! And to be sure, the prospect of fucking you a second time is something that I shall certainly enjoy. You will find that my eyes are not my only weapons. I have the strength of a python and the sexual endurance to match!”

He leaps toward me but I am prepared for his attack. He reaches for my neck, wanting to wring it between his fingers, but I grab his wrists and hold him at bay. I am surprised by his strength- it is all that I can do to hold him back. Still, my training has taught me ways to use an attacker’s strength against him. With a twist of my hips I deflect his momentum to the side and hurl his spindly but muscular frame across the room. He lands hard and skids across the marble floor before slamming into one of the stone pillars. For a moment, I think that the fight might be over but he is tougher than he looks and quickly gets up. He is anxious to try again and I brace myself as he charges forward.

“You will not win this fight!” I shout as he flails at me with a series of punches. My right fist pounds into his gut, nearly lifting him off of the floor. I grab hold of his belt with one hand and his neck with the other. I lift him off the ground and toss him back toward the desk. His body crashes off of the unforgiving surface and slides across to the other side. The reading lamp goes with him, shattering as it strikes the floor. For a moment I lose sight of my opponent, but then quickly see him again as he rushes to a hidden panel on the far wall. Gripped securely in his hands is the Book of Kyrototek.

“Follow me if you dare, little mongoose,” he yells in my direction. “Follow me to your doom!” I watch as Pythagoras stabs a button inside the panel and as an elevator door unexpectedly opens nearby. I rush forward, not wanting him to escape, but it is too late and the door closes just as I arrive. I hear the Serpent Master’s laughter coming from the other side, laughter that soon fades as the elevator descends away into some unknown part of the building.

“You will not get away from me!” I shout while scraping at the door with my fingers. “I will bring you to justice!”

In a rage, I rip the door apart with my bare hands and leap into the dark elevator shaft that exists on the other side. I use my flying power to control my descent. My right hand finds the elevator cable and I use it as a guide, leading downward into the darkness. I can hear the car far below me, rapidly dropping into the depths, but I am blind and must proceed cautiously. There could be any number of traps in this dark shaft and I have to be careful lest I never get a chance to face my enemy in battle.

It is not long before I hear the car come to a stop. I hear the door open and a man exit. My feet touch down a few moments later and I feel in the darkness for a way in. I find a hatch and open it. I drop into the car and find only a small pile of clothes. The door is still open, though, and I rush out, looking for my enemy. And then it hits me, a blast of hot, almost unbearably humid air, and I am stunned to find myself in the middle of an astounding forest the likes of which I have never before seen. Enormous trees stand all around me. Lush foliage covers the ground. There are smells and sounds here that make me believe that I might really be in a South American rain forest. But when I look upward I see enormous panes of green-tinted glass high above me. A full moon shines brightly through the glass, casting the forest in a pale green glow. But this is not a real forest, I realize. Rather, it is an amazing arboretum, a green house of mind-boggling proportions, and I am somehow sure that I am one of the few people to have ever laid eyes on it.

“Welcome to my playground!” a sinister voice says from nearby.

I turn to face my hated foe and am pleased to see that he has decided to stand and fight. But he has changed since our encounter in the office- the clothes in the elevator were his and now he stands before me, completely naked, relishing in the heat and humidity of this place away from civilization. My eyes quickly scan

across his slender body. He is, as I suspected, an extraordinary physical specimen. His arms and legs are taut and toned. His abdomen is chiseled. His chest and shoulders ripple with strength. Most peculiar, the tattoos that I earlier saw on his arms are but a portion of those that adorn his skin. From shoulder to toe, he bears the odd markings of a self-inflicted art. There are no common tribal bands here- instead, his flesh is covered with arcane and never-before seen markings. I have no idea what the tattoos mean, only that they were carved into his flesh by his own hand.

“The markings of Mayan magic!” he says as if reading my mind.

My eyes are uncontrollably drawn to his genitals. His cock is only half-erect but still enormous. The snake-like head seems to bow in my direction, as if greeting me. My god, I remember how it felt inside of me, so big and overpowering, an instrument of both pain and pleasure. But the pleasure was so much more than the pain and I cannot help myself- there is a tingling in my abused pussy that embarrasses me. How can this be, I wonder? It has only been a few minutes since my orgasm and yet I am again becoming aroused. My warrior spirit wants only to battle this man but my body, it seems, wants to feel his huge cock penetrating into it once more.

“I am glad that you have decided to stop running,” I say while doing my best to push thoughts of sex to the back of my mind. “It saves me the trouble of having to track you down.”

Pythagoras Thon snickers, as if enjoying a good joke. “So, the little mongoose still believes that she is the hunter, does she? My dear girl, I led you here to be destroyed. I will not use my hypnotic eyes on you this time. Rather, I shall force you to climax and without the benefit of my power to protect you. Your powers shall be stripped away and you shall become my helpless prisoner!”

“Never!” I shout defiantly. But, as I witness the huge cock swelling still larger, its hunger fueled by an undeniable lust for my beauty, I have to admit that I am not as confident as I once was. Though much older than me, Pythagoras Thon is a lean, beautiful man. He has fucked me once and seems intent on doing so again. I am aroused, my nipples hard and my pussy moist. I know that this may be my most difficult battle. “Are you ready, little mongoose? Are you ready to be defeated?”

The sneer on his face angers me. I am a super-heroine! I am as strong as ten men! I will not yield to this man! I came here to capture him and that is precisely what I shall do!