Phoenix Forced

Author: The Bizz
Time to Read:54min
Added Date:5/20/2024
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Tags: Phoenixx-men

Before reading this story, please read through the following points - or if you don’t, then don’t come whining to me afterwards.

  1. The characters described in this story are owned by Marvel, and are used here solely for the purpose of parody. I do not own them, I do not claim to own them, and I make no money from these stories. Get over it, it’s just a fanfic.

  2. This is a sex story for grown-ups. Kids: don’t read this, you’ll go blind. For all of you who are of legal age, if you think you might possibly be offended by reading about any fucked-up & perverted sexual activity it’s probably best that you don’t read on (and also that you reconsider the types of website you visit).

  3. I am a sick and twisted individual. I know this about myself, and do not need anyone else to tell me. If, however, any of you out there actually like this shit, I would love to hear from you.

Positive feedback (including constructive criticism) can be sent to Negative feedback can be sent where the sun don’t shine. Thank you.

I’d also like to give a big thanks to all the authors out there - without you I would never have been inspired to attempt this humble submission. I would especially like to thank Superjizz, whose bad influence on my already dubious moral character is greatly appreciated.

Got that, everyone? Good. Then let’s begin...

Author’s note: This story takes place in no strictly-defined X-Men universe, but is instead set in a world composed of a number of my favourite characters/elements/events from X-Men comics throughout the years. It is certainly not in continuity, so please do not be concerned over apparent inconsistencies with existing X-history. Any significant differences to established plots or characters will be described and explained as they arise.

CHAPTER 1: Awakenings

Harsh morning sunlight flooded the suburban kitchen, causing the young girl to wince as she stumbled in and slumped into a chair. Her short red hair was still mussed up from her pillow, and her school uniform was creased and crumpled. She peered through sleepy eyes at the badge on her uniform as if looking at it for the first time. It read “Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters”. Yes, that sounded right, even though she couldn’t quite remember precisely what it was she was gifted at. The morning glare made it so hard to think, and it seemed to be getting even brighter. It was so bad that she could barely remember her name.


Oh yeah, that was it. Rachel. Rachel Summers. And as the speaker entered the room, Rachel remembered her name, too. Jean Grey. Mommy.

Rachel gazed through bleary eyes as her mom entered the room. She was dressed in much the same way as any typical housewife, but Jean Grey was anything but typical. For one thing, she was young. Really young. There was something about how young her mom was that troubled Rachel, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. But much more startling than her age was her appearance.

She was tall, slim and dazzlingly, spectacularly beautiful. No matter how hard she tried, Rachel couldn’t think of any woman whose face was more exquisitely perfect than her mother’s, a vision of beauty framed by crimson hair that was, unlike Rachel’s, long and wild, and tumbled freely over her shoulders. Rachel lowered her gaze, following the fiery locks down to her mom’s equally perfect body.

She wasn’t just slim, she curved in all the right places, from her slender waist to her womanly hips to her long, toned legs. Further up, even through the unflattering folds of her mother’s dress, Rachel could still make out the enticing swell of Jean’s full, round breasts. Their large size made them look almost out of place on her svelte figure, but they tilted upwards and were firm to the point of defying gravity, and Jean carried them with the same lithe grace that flowed through her every movement.


Rachel’s head snapped up as she realised she had been staring intently at her mother’s breasts for over a minute. She was wide-eyed, open-mouthed and blushing scarlet as she met Jean’s quizzical gaze.

“Rachel, honey, what’s wrong?” Jean’s voice was filled with concern.

“N-nothing, mom,” Rachel stammered, hurriedly looking away. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and then froze in shock. She was wet. Soaking, sopping wet in her cunt, so much so that she could feel droplets of her female juices start to trickle from her wet-through panties.

Her heart was racing as she sat statue-still, frantically analysing the situation. What the fuck was happening!? She had just been looking at her mom, and now, without even realising, she had somehow become incredibly turned-on, more so than she could ever remember being in her life! How could she not have noticed this tingling heat, which was even now spreading from her burning crotch up to her pert young breasts, where her large pink nipples stiffened in response?

The light in the room seemed brighter than ever. Rachel felt as if the light was a solid force, pinning her in place, smothering her, delving its golden fingers into her eager, throbbing pussy. She sat, panting now, as sweat trickled down her face, unable to move. Her dizzied mind could not decide what held her so still - the light, her lust, or her growing sense of self-revulsion. For Rachel was now certain that the cause of this intense erotic experience was her own overwhelming sexual desire for her mother.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Now, even her mother’s voice sent shivers through Rachel’s body, each one terminating in her stiff, throbbing clitoris, which in turn reacted by sending what felt like electric shocks through her erogenous zones.

“Rachel, you look really sick. Are you sure you’re well enough to go to school today?” Despite the fact that this was clearly motherly concern, Rachel still felt her pussy gush more juices every time this gorgeous woman spoke to her. Despite that fact... or perhaps because of it.

“If you want to stay home, I’ll take good care of you...” When Rachel felt her cunt spasm at this last remark, she knew that something had to be done. She summoned all of her strength to turn and face her mother, to banish this feverish lust, to regain control and -

  • and she was looking directly down her mother’s cleavage. Jean was leaning on the table, reaching for her daughter, so that her breasts hung heavily right before Rachel’s ogling eyes. It was too much for the tortured girl to bear. The scent of her mom’s perfume, coupled with those twin, bulging orbs straining against each other in the confines of Jean’s bra sent Rachel over the edge. She plunged her hand towards her pussy and began rubbing as hard as she could, her other hand tearing at her blouse to free her aching breasts. Once bared, she clawed at her hardened nipples, all the while savagely pummelling her pussy through her dripping wet panties.

Jean recoiled in horror, staring aghast at what her daughter was doing to herself. Rachel wanted to explain, or apologise, or something, but all she could do was moan in ecstasy as she continued her shameless self-abuse. The light surrounding her intensified, penetrating her entire body, no longer harsh or hard but washing over her like liquid bliss. It pooled in her groin, flowing freely into her clenching pussy, streaming up her quivering asshole, filling her completely with its tingling glow.

Rachel’s head lolled back as she uttered a groan of sheer ecstasy, and she saw her mother, still standing there, staring, dumbstruck in shock and disgust. Rachel suddenly realised that what she wanted most of all right now was not to stop this erotic frenzy or even to try and explain it, but to see her beautiful, sexy mother stripped naked. As soon as the thought formed in her head, the sensuous light seemed to flow away from her, emptying from her womb and bowels and abandoning its loving embrace of her. Rachel felt deflated, tears of disappointment welling in her eyes as the light left her. However, her sadness was short-lived, as she saw the light rush to encircle her mother.

For a split-second Rachel thought she saw the shape of a gigantic bird, and then her mother’s body twisted convulsively in the grip of the light. A moment later, Jean’s clothing was torn from her body, scraps of the fabric thrown across the room. Rachel stared at her mother then, suspended in mid-air, naked and struggling, the most beautiful and attractive creature that she had ever seen. She drank in that vision of captive perfection as she pinched her swollen clitoris and plunged three fingers into her convulsing cunthole, almost stemming the river of juices that flowed from her hot pussy, but not quite. The Phoenix Force responded by thrusting three fiery tendrils into her mother’s resisting cunt, causing Jean to shriek in sexual agony.

And then Rachel came, screaming her mind-blowing orgasm to the world.

Rachel woke screaming, her body jerking and flailing from the earth-shattering climax. The Phoenix firebird was still manifested around her, filling the room with a golden light. She bucked and squealed for several minutes more, riding out wave after wave of orgasmic bliss as her young body attempted to cope with its most overpowering orgasm to date.

Eventually Rachel regained enough self-control to de-activate her powers. Afterwards she lay there, panting and sweating in the now-darkened room until she could finally find the strength to move. She hauled her self up in her bed, unsurprised to find the bedclothes stripped and her own nightgown torn to shreds. The bed was soaked with her juices, as were her hands. She had to use all of her willpower to stop herself from licking them clean, and instead wiped them dry on the remains of her clothing.

Okay... not real, not real. That never happened. She’d never been a suburban school kid, she’d been a slave to those who oppressed her people, and worse a ‘mutant hound’ used to track down her fellow mutants for extermination. Jean wasn’t a housewife, or even a mom, yet, but one of the founding members of the X-Men, a team dedicated to fighting for mutant equality. Rachel had travelled back in time and was now living with the X-Men in Professor Xavier’s mansion. They knew very little of her own past, and certainly didn’t realise that two of their number, Jean Grey and Scott Summers, would one day be Rachel’s mother and father. She’d never had a relationship with either of them, so the happy-family settings of her dreams were clearly nothing to do with any kind of reality.

And yet...

And yet for the past three weeks she had been experiencing increasingly intense dreams of this nature. They’d started innocently enough, with idyllic scenes of family life that left her with nothing more than a pleasant feeling of belonging. By the end of the first week, however, the sexual element had begun to appear. A touch, a look, a longing in her loins - the signs started to build up, until halfway through the second week she had finally been driven to orgasm in her sleep. Since then it had been non-stop, and she awoke writhing and howling in the throes of a huge climax at least once a night.

The details of the dream would change each night - at home, at school, in the park (complete with stunned onlookers). Sometimes her mom would be horrified, other times she would be aroused, even sexually aggressive. On one particular occasion, Rachel was the mom and Jean was her little girl. It hadn’t stopped Rachel from violently raping her virgin cunt with the Phoenix force. Sometimes Scott would also appear, but only as a secondary object of lust to her mother. She felt strangely about him in her dreams, as if there was a desire bubbling under the surface but not yet ready to break free.

Every now and then, the dreams would take an even more disturbing aspect. One time, instead of raping or masturbating over her mom, Rachel had just held her down and pissed all over her. It felt every bit as good, if not better, than the other times. Another night, Jean had appeared with altered genitalia - instead of her pretty little cunt she had an enormous hairless penis, larger than Rachel’s forearm, with tennis-ball sized testicles to match. Rachel had awoken crouched at the foot of her bed, gagging and choking, with one of the bedposts lodged halfway down her throat. Her pussy and ass had been stretched so wide by her sleep-fucking that night that she couldn’t walk without the aid of her telekinesis for the rest of the day.

Rachel shuddered again, as if trying to shake off the lingering dream images. The movement made her breasts jiggle and bounce, and a cold breeze from her open window caused her already-stiffened and enflamed nipples to sting as they became even harder. Rachel winced and clutched her breasts, while the chill raised goosebumps all over her naked, sweaty skin. Rolling to the edge of the bed she stood on trembling legs and staggered across the room to the window, practically falling on the pane to slam it shut. Exhausted by the effort, she slid to the floor.

She lay there in the dark for several minutes, gazing down at her young, athletic body. The heat of passion had entirely left her now, and she shivered in the cold. The moonlight caught the trails of drying female honey on her thighs so that they glistened, and the quivering of her cold flesh made the droplets dance and sparkle in the night. It was so tempting to reach out and touch that shining nectar, to bring it to her lips, to taste it, just once...

Rachel’s hand stopped, inches away from her open mouth, her fingertips coated in her love juices. She had just realised something: the window had been open the whole time. Her orgasmic screams would have echoed throughout the entire mansion.

A wave of shame overcame her, and she felt herself blushing as she lay there naked in the dark. They must have heard! What would they think of her? How could she ever face them again, after they had heard her fucking herself senseless? And if they ever knew what it was that had got her so excited... Rachel was panicking, and was even considering leaving the X-Mansion for good that night until a quiet, reasonable voice started speaking in her mind. Okay, they might have heard you tonight, it said. They might have heard you any night. Not to mention the fact that you share a home with no less than three telepaths! And if they heard you scream, so what? They probably thought you were having nightmares, that’s all. Even if they knew the truth, you’re a healthy young girl - it’s only natural that you need to release your pent-up urges now and then.

Rachel felt herself regain her calm, her conscience soothed by these thoughts. “Only natural” she whispered aloud to herself, gazing dreamily at her wet fingertips, still held before her mouth. “Only natural,” she repeated, with more confidence this time. So what if they did know? So what if they knew it all? So what if Jean found out just how much her future daughter loves her? Maybe it was time to stop worrying about what others thought, and about so-called taboos. Maybe it was time to return some of the ecstasy to Jean that Jean’s dream-image had given Rachel. That was only fair, wasn’t it? And what could be more natural than a daughter’s love for her mother?

“Only natural” she purred again, then dipped her fingers into her mouth and savoured the sweet taste on her tongue...


Author’s note: This story takes place in no strictly-defined X-Men universe, but is instead set in a world composed of a number of my favourite characters/elements/events from X-Men comics throughout the years. It is certainly not in continuity, so please do not be concerned over apparent inconsistencies with existing X-history. Any significant differences to established plots or characters will be described and explained as they arise.

CHAPTER 2: Ambushed

+++ Identifying... Confirmed. Enter, Jean Grey +++

With the DNA scan complete, the electronic lock de-activated and the smooth metal door slid open. The woman stepped inside, prompting the door to slide quickly shut behind her.

Jean Grey stood in her bedchamber and sighed. It had been a long day of training, and she was frankly exhausted. Her already form-hugging costume was slicked-down with sweat so that it now clung even more tightly to her skin. If it wasn’t for the golden sash round her midriff and the visible lines where her long boots and gloves began, any onlooker could easily have mistaken her costume for body-paint. Either that or, given the diverse appearances of mutantkind, thought that her skin was naturally this shade of green.

As she walked over to the bed, Jean pondered her choice of costume. Just recently she had resumed wearing her green and gold Phoenix costume. The decision had caused quite a stir with her fellow X-Men at first - not surprising really, since the last being to wear it wasn’t really Jean at all, but the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix force. The Phoenix had stolen Jean’s appearance, identity, even part of her soul, and had almost gone on to destroy the entire universe. Understandably, the X-Men were alarmed at seeing that image again. Jean couldn’t help it though, she just had an overwhelming desire to wear it, just as she did to spend more and more time thinking about that enigmatic entity and its influence on her life. The strangest thing was that she still felt close to the Phoenix, and almost even held an affection for it, in spite of everything it had done to Jean and her friends.

Casting these confusing thoughts aside for the moment, she stretched, and ran her fingers through her mane of crimson hair. The sweat had caused Jean’s normally carefully-styled curls to become tangled and matted. She frowned. Perhaps a shower was in order.

Slowly peeling her shoulder-length gloves from her tired arms, she cast them onto the bed. Then, bending at the waist, she reached down to remove her thigh-boots. The action caused her costume to become even more tightly stretched across her perfectly-honed body. The twin spheres of her ass-cheeks strained against the thin material, stretching it to the point where it almost became translucent. From behind, tucked beneath her firm, round buttocks, Jean’s pussy lips were clearly visible through the fabric. The material was pulled across her crotch so forcefully that it cut deep into her pussy, dividing her cuntlips and making them stand out prominently. Although Jean would never consciously admit it to herself, she loved the restrictive tightness of her costume, and tingled with pleasure where it bit into her soft, yielding flesh. As she finished removing her boots, she wiggled her ass ever so slightly, relishing the feel of the fabric slicing further into her slit and tugging at her hardening clitoris. Of course, she would never confess to doing this on purpose or even enjoying the effect, despite the patch of sticky dampness that began to spread from her tortured crotch. She would certainly never have even done it if she knew that she was currently being observed...

Jean straightened up, her face flushed with more than just the exertion. As her breasts bobbed responsively to her movements she noticed that her self-indulgent behaviour had caused her nipples to harden slightly, so that they now stood out, pressing against the Phoenix symbol that was stretched across her well-endowed chest. Jean slowly cupped her breasts, spreading her fingers wide to encompass their full, heavy, roundness. She was proud of her assets in that area, and rightly so. Sure, they weren’t quite as big as some of her team-mates’, and she couldn’t lactate on demand like certain other mutants she’d heard about, but nevertheless they were a very impressive set of tits. Considerably larger than an average woman’s, they would have looked more at home on a pornstar - except that Jean’s were 100% natural. The best thing about them, however, was their shape. Jean’s tissue-thin, skin-tight costume offered no support whatsoever in that area, and yet her boobs never sagged, not even a little. They were more pert and firm than most teenagers’, a fact which, coupled with their immense size, made them appear to literally defy gravity. The most remarkable thing about it was that her titflesh was still soft and tender to touch, so whatever it was that kept them tilting upwards did not remove any of their squeezability. Scott had once accused her of using her telekinesis to keep them in place. Jean had just laughed.

Scott... Jean wished that her lover had come up to bed when she did, but he was still going strong in the Danger Room. It had been weeks since she and Scott had last made love, and she ached for him inside. Sometimes Jean resented Scott’s devotion to his duties, especially when it left her this lonely and frustrated. She couldn’t even attend to her own needs, because ever since her relationship with Scott had become serious she had felt too guilty about masturbating to ever let herself orgasm without him. She silently cursed herself for thinking about her body so much and getting herself worked up, because now she had to try to get to sleep without any kind of release. She frowned in frustration and annoyance, and resumed undressing, tearing at the knot that held the sash around her waist. It was then that the attack fell.

Jean had no idea what was happening at first. Her telepathy had detected no other presence in the room, nor had she seen anyone lurking in the shadows. Out of nowhere, it seemed, a cold metal object appeared around her neck and clamped tightly shut with a loud click. She instinctively clawed at mystery object with her fingernails, trying to dislodge it. She quickly realised it was a large collar of some sort, and just as quickly reached the conclusion that she could not remove it. At least, not with her hands. She began to summon the focus necessary to activate her telekinesis, when she heard a voice in her mind.

Don’t bother.

Jean froze, hands still at her throat. That was telepathy, and what’s more she recognised the voice. Rachel?

“That’s right, Jean.” This time the voice spoke aloud. “It’s me, Rachel, your time-travelling houseguest. And that thing round your neck is one of Beast’s new psi-dampener collars, so like I said, don’t bother trying to use your powers. That is, unless you like having a major migraine.”

Jean spun round to face the intruder, and nearly lost her balance in shock. The face was Rachel, sure enough. But the body... the outfit...

Rachel stood with her legs apart and her hands defiantly planted on her hips. Jean allowed her astonished gaze to travel down the length of this troubled young girl’s slim body. Rachel was dressed in her typical bright scarlet, but the choice of clothing was anything but typical. Her slender neck sported a collar, just like Jean’s now did, but unlike Jean Rachel’s collar was of red leather, with sharp metal spikes protruding several inches from it in all directions. Lower down, Rachel’s neck, shoulders and most of her bust was naked, the creamy flesh exposed to the air. Covering her nipples (only just!) and continuing down to her hips was the smallest red leather corset Jean had ever seen. It pinched Rachel’s already narrow waist in even further, and forced her ample breasts to bulge out of the top, creating a mound of deep cleavage. Rachel’s breasts were not quite as large as Jean’s (although she was still developing) yet even so the way they spilled out of the top of their constricting leather prison made them look enormous.

Slicing into Rachel’s hips were the thongs of an impossibly narrow g-string. At first Jean thought that Rachel must have been wearing it back-to-front, as the front was barely wider than the thongs. It certainly made it obvious that Rachel was completely bald in that area - indeed, the skin was so smooth on her mound that it looked as if it had never even had hair to begin with. The tiny strap of Rachel’s g-string clung to her denuded flesh, travelling downwards to nestle between her puffy pink pussy-lips. The material was so snug that it disappeared completely into the folds of her labia, so that her cunt itself looked as if it was totally naked. Jean also couldn’t help but notice that where the leather vanished into Rachel’s slit it was slick with moisture.

Tearing her eyes away from the microscopic underwear, Jean took in the overall image. The outfit was completed by stiletto-heeled thigh boots and shoulder-length gloves, again in red leather. All in all, Jean thought that Rachel looked like a very expensive whore.


Pain flashed behind Jean’s eyes as the telepathic yell blasted her synapses.

“Be careful what you think, bitch!” Rachel snarled. “I came here to be nice to you tonight, but it doesn’t have to be that way!”

As if to prove her point, Rachel swung a kick at Jean’s groin. Jean tried to defend herself, but found that she was telekinetically pinned in place. The blow struck home, the sharp point of Rachel’s boot stabbing Jean in her most sensitive area. Only then was Jean’s body freed, and she collapsed slowly to the floor in agony.

“That’s better,” sneered her attacker, “on your knees where you belong. I think you should stay there for a while.”

Once again, the telekinetic force gripped Jean, pinning her to the ground, so that she was forced to remain on her knees. Her hands were also held in place, still clutching her throbbing cunt. Rachel began to slowly pace round Jean’s helpless form.

“You know,” she said, “I meant what I said. I did originally plan to be very, very nice to you.” Rachel paused, an inquisitive look on her face. “Sorry, what was that?”

Jean had not spoken. Her mouth was just as paralysed as the rest of her.

“Oh, you’re wondering about the collar,” Rachel continued. “Well, I couldn’t be sure that you would be open to my advances - especially once you found out who I really am.”

Jean was hopelessly confused, but had no option other than to sit and listen.

“Incidentally, that’s the reason why it was so easy for me to trick the DNA lock on your room, and after that a simple psi-shield prevented you from discovering me. Of course, you were so distracted I could have stood in plain sight you wouldn’t have seen me. Something on your mind, huh? What’s the matter,” Rachel asked with mock concern, “Man trouble?”

She stopped pacing, and stood directly behind Jean. “Anyway, the more I think about it - why should I be nice to you? You taunt me and tease me all day long, wiggling your ass and waving your tits under my nose. As if you don’t know what effect it has when you dress like a slut and then don’t put out! Then at night, you haunt my dreams, forcing me to fuck myself till I wake screaming - only to have you vanish when I do!” Rachel’s voice was rising, both in pitch and volume. “At first I wanted to pay you back for all the ecstasy I’d experienced, but maybe what you really need is payback for the frustration, the suffering and the pain!”

With that, Jean felt her arm hoisted into the air by an invisible force, her fingers being closed into a fist against her will. Then that fist immediately crashed downwards again, smashing into her already aching groin. The impact took Jean’s breath away, but she was unable to even reel in pain, held fast as she was by Rachel’s psi-power. Pain pulsed through Jean’s crotch, and she could feel her pussy-lips swelling beneath her costume. Tears began to well in the corners of her stinging eyes. Why was Rachel doing this?

“You want to know why!?” screamed Rachel, still scanning Jean’s thoughts. “I’ll tell you why! For weeks now you’ve held me in your power. I think it’s about time that you were held in mine!”

Jean felt the force surrounding her begin to tighten its grip. She could barely breathe as it constricted ever more tightly around her body, crushing her breasts against her ribcage, squeezing her limbs in towards her body, forcing her into a foetal position on the floor. Lights started flashing before Jean’s eyes as her oxygen supply became restricted, and the seams of her costume were splitting where the strain on the material was too great. The only thing Jean could think about, however, was her own overpowering sense of shame at the stream of juices pumping steadily from her excited pussy.

Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the crushing pressure stopped. Jean was still held just as firmly as before, and was forced to breathe in tiny, shallow gasps, but the grip on her was no longer increasing in intensity. The pause lasted for several seconds as Jean both fought for breath and struggled to control the shameful flow of her pussy-juice, which had now completely soaked through her thin costume and started dripping onto the carpet beneath her. Then her captor spoke again.

“Hello, what’s this?”

Jean’s eyes widened as she felt something touch her swollen, puffy cunt-lips. She knew it must be Rachel’s fingers. They pressed hard into her uncontrollably lubricating pussy, then slid along the length of her wet slit. The soaking, clinging material of her costume offered Jean no protection from the touch, and it felt as if it was her bare flesh being molested. Then the fingers left her, and she heard Rachel tutting disapprovingly.

“You’re getting off on this, aren’t you?” Rachel sneered. “There you are, on the verge of being crushed to death, and your pussy is squirting cum like a fucking fountain!” Rachel walked back round to where Jean’s head was held a couple of inches off the ground, and squatted down in front of her.

“I mean, I knew you must be total slut under that goody-goody image, but this?” So saying, Rachel reached down and held her cum-soaked digits directly under Jean’s nose. The strong female scent of her own juices made Jean’s head swim, and she tried to suppress the flutter of excitement that coursed through her body. Rachel laughed, a deceptively innocent girlish giggle, then smeared the sticky cum all over Jean’s panting mouth. Before she had time to think about it, Jean’s tongue had instinctively darted out to lick the moisture from her full, red lips. The sweet taste was intoxicating, and caused her treacherous, convulsing pussy to redouble its efforts in soaking her throbbing crotch. Jean tried to speak, to plead with Rachel, but all she could do was emit a low, lustful moan.

Rachel stood back up, a wide grin spread across her pretty face. “This is going to be even more fun than I thought!” she chimed in a cheerful voice, then licked her fingers completely clean of her captive mother’s delicious juices...


Author’s note: This story takes place in no strictly-defined X-Men universe, but is instead set in a world composed of a number of my favourite characters/elements/events from X-Men comics throughout the years. It is certainly not in continuity, so please do not be concerned over apparent inconsistencies with existing X-history. Any significant differences to established plots or characters will be described and explained as they arise.

CHAPTER 3: Agony and Ecstasy

Jean felt herself once again grappled by unseen forces, this time to be hoisted into the air. She hung there for a moment, suspended in mid-air by the power of Rachel’s will, before she was hurled across the room to land heavily in the middle of her large bed. She lay there, dazed and spread-eagled on the mattress, and tried to regain her bearings. Her heart was pounding, her pussy was burning, and her mind was reeling - Jean was hopelessly overwhelmed and could barely think straight at all. She had only just realised that she was no longer a prisoner of Rachel’s telekinesis when she saw something move at the foot of the bed.

The long, golden gloves and boots that Jean had removed only minutes before (although it now seemed like hours) sprang into life, leaping through the air to land around her, one in each corner of the bed. Their silken lengths immediately snaked around Jean’s wrists and ankles, tying themselves tightly in place, whilst securing their free ends around each of the bedposts. In a matter of seconds, Jean was forced into an X-position on the bed, her limbs stretched wide apart and bound firmly by her own clothing. All the while, her golden sash had been untying itself from her midriff, and it now slithered over her heaving chest and up to her face. Jean stared, mesmerised, at the length of silky fabric that reared up before her eyes, coiling like a serpent. Finally she found her voice.

“Rachel! Please, stop this! I-mmrphh!” Jean’s protest was cut short as the sash darted forward, striking like a cobra, piling itself into Jean’s open mouth. It continued to wriggle past her lips and bunch up on her tongue until her jaws were prized wide open and her cheeks bulged with the material. There was no way that Jean could speak now - she was even having trouble breathing through the thick ball of fabric that nearly blocked her airways.

As she fought back her gag reflex, Jean tried desperately to assess her situation. With a sinking heart, she realised that she had never been so utterly helpless. None of the X-Men’s villains had ever held Jean so completely in their power as this young girl now did. Jean barely knew Rachel, but after meeting her had immediately formed an affinity with the pretty redhead. And now here she was, bound, gagged and powerless, the struggling captive of her new friend, while Rachel swaggered up to the side of the bed, dressed for all the world like a teenage dominatrix.

Jean shuddered in shame as she realised that, somewhere along the way, her struggling had changed into pelvic thrusts, and she was now humping the air with her soaking cunt.

“My, you’re eager, aren’t you?” purred Rachel. “I was going to apologise for the binding and gagging - a necessary precaution in this situation, I’m sure you understand - but you know, I think you’re actually enjoying them...”

As she spoke, Rachel reached out to Jean’s bucking hips, and cupped her mother’s throbbing vulva in the palm of her hand. The heat of Jean’s desire felt like it would burn Rachel’s hand, and her gushing pussy continued to flow so that her juices trickled between Rachel’s leather-clad fingers. Rachel probed slightly with two of the freshly-lubricated digits, pressing against the sodden material of her mom’s costume. Beneath the thin material she could easily feel how ready Jean was. She pushed further, and heard Jean moan in ecstasy as she began to force the stretchy material into her mother’s gaping hole.

Suddenly she stopped, and stepped back from the bed. Glancing at Jean’s face, she could have sworn that there was a fleeting frown of disappointment on her mother’s features. Rachel smiled. She truly didn’t intend to hurt Jean, just to use enough force to ensure that their union would happen. Rachel knew now that if she didn’t make her dreams a reality she would never be able to rest. She needed to have wild, passionate sex with her mother to free her from her demons, and she could not risk the possibly that her mom might see things differently.

The way things had worked out, though, were even better. Never would Rachel have guessed that her mom got off on bondage - yet there she was, bound and gagged, powerless and defenceless, and more aroused than any woman Rachel had ever seen. Rachel let her eyes follow Jean’s thrusting hips for a moment. Her own mother, a genuine submissive.

Of course, it was not all one-way. Rachel had been surprised at how turned-on she herself had become by this whole experience. The simple act of capturing and restraining Jean had caused Rachel intense and unexpected pleasure, and when Jean had begun to react in a sexual manner Rachel’s body had responded in kind. Her own thighs had become slick with female honey some time ago, and she could feel the restrictive tightness of her leather g-string ever more fiercely with each passing moment.

Rachel thought again about her outfit. A month ago, she would never have considered wearing something like this. Of course, a month ago she wouldn’t have considered fucking her mom either, but this was something extra. Maybe it was all tied up with the often violent nature of her dreams, but Rachel had found herself becoming more and more interested in the idea of domination, and in the perverse pleasures to be found in pain. She told herself she needed to make Jean see her in a sexual way, but did she really need to dress in exactly this way? Did she have to ambush her mom in the way she did, rather than just try to seduce her? And even now, was it absolutely necessary to keep Jean bound and gagged, now that her mother was most certainly extremely aroused? Rachel no longer knew the answers to these questions, but she did know that there was no way she could make herself stop now.

Narrowing her eyes, Rachel focused on her mother’s bucking body. Jean seemed to notice the attention, and her struggles faltered. She gazed, wide-eyed and unmoving at Rachel as the leather-clad mutant summoned her telekinesis again. Rachel raised one hand, stretching it out towards her mother’s body, and closed her fist. She paused, allowing herself a brief smile, before suddenly spreading her fingers. As she did, Jean’s green bodysuit was immediately and violently torn apart, scraps of the material exploding from her naked body.

Ribbons of green fluttered to the floor across the width of the room, but not a single piece remained anywhere near Jean. She was now entirely naked, except for the golden binds on her wrists and ankles. Her soft, creamy flesh glistened with sweat. Her muscles twitched from excitement and exertion, and her chest rose and fell rapidly as she fought for breath. Her large breasts, freed from their tight, green prison, rolled and swayed on her heaving torso, but still retained their perfect shape. They were capped with rosy-pink nipples, which were very erect and protruded at least an inch from the soft mounds of titflesh. Further down, a small strip of soaking wet crimson fur led the way to Jean’s over-excited pussy. With her legs held wide apart, Jean had no way of concealing her treacherous womanhood, and her bright pink lips were swollen and gaping in readiness. The stiff nub of Jean’s clitoris was clearly visible, protruding proudly from the folds of her puffy labia. The whole area was drenched in sticky liquid, and all the while her eager hole continued to pump fresh honey in a continuous stream. It trickled from Jean’s spasming cunt, down over her puckered, caramel-coloured anus and onto the bed below.

Rachel’s head swam as she drank in the sight. She had seen it so many times in her dreams, but it looked a thousand times better in the flesh. Such beautiful flesh... Rachel could not stop her hand from sliding between her own legs as she gazed longingly at mother’s spread pussy. Her gaze drifted to Jean’s heaving breasts, and as her eyes followed their enticing, fluid motion, Rachel’s free hand reached up to squeeze her own straining mammaries. For a moment she feared she would wake up, that she was once again trapped in a deeply erotic dream, but as she reached into the leather corset and pinched her own diamond-hard nipple she knew that this time it was real. This time, Jean’s ass was hers!

Mounting the bed, Rachel clambered between her mother’s legs. She knelt there, looking down on Jean’s prone, unresisting body. All struggling had stopped, and for long moment the only movement in the room was the rise and fall of Jean’s chest as she fought for air, and the corresponding almost-circular motion of her ripe breasts. Jean’s eyes were still gaping wide, but Rachel could not decide whether this was in fear, surprise - or something else. A quick scan of Jean’s mind proved unsuccessful. Rachel could not get any clear impression of her mother’s current psyche, a fact which she put down to the mental turmoil the captive woman must have been going through.

Sighing in anticipation, Rachel finally made her move. Reaching forward, she inserted first one, then two fingers into Jean’s sopping wet hole. They slid in easily, their full length easily accepted by the relaxed and heavily lubricated orifice. Rachel shivered in delight as she heard Jean’s responsive murmur of pleasure. She began to slide her fingers in and out of the hot little hole, slowly at first, but with gathering speed. After a few moments she was hammering the digits into her mother’s cunt, her hand almost a blur as it slammed repeatedly into Jean’s pelvis. Jean’s murmurs became moans of ecstasy, as she started to thrust against Rachel’s pistoning hand, increasing the force of penetration. Sweat beaded on Rachel's brow, and she stared with lust-crazed eyes and a manic grin as she pummelled her mother’s most sensitive area. Jean started thrashing around on the bed, testing her restraints to the limit as her body bucked and jerked like a rodeo bull. Then all of a sudden, Rachel stopped.

Jean’s movements gradually subsided, and even through her gag Rachel could hear her disappointed mewling. Rachel’s fingers were still inside her mother, and she could feel Jean’s vaginal walls clenching against them, as if even her pussy was begging for more. Rachel almost laughed out loud at the thought. She slowly pulled her hand away, tugging her fingers free from the gripping orifice. It was time to up the stakes.

Reaching up with her other arm, Rachel began to unzip the top of her long, leather glove. Once it was fully unzipped, she pulled her arm free of its leather sheath and held the glove in both hands. Still keeping her gaze locked on Jean’s convulsing pussy, she ran the glove through her bared hand, moistening her palm with the sticky wet leather. Jean was looking up in bewilderment as Rachel stretched the glove taught between her hands, then, without warning, released one end and struck out, whipping Jean right across the groin with the scarlet leather sleeve.

Jean had no time to react, or think, or even brace herself as the improvised whip slashed across her nether region, lashing against her hyper-sensitive vulva. She screamed, choking on her gag, her back arching in agony. The pain was indescribable - the impact of the heavy leather combined with the whipping motion left her abused groin aching and stinging. Tears trickled from Jean’s eyes as she fought to control the pain, her bruised labia swelling even more in response to the attack. She just had time to see Rachel’s arm rise again before the second blow fell, this time slapping directly down onto Jean’s throbbing clitoris.

Explosions flashed behind Jean’s eyes. The pain was so intense that she could not even scream, but every muscle in her body tensed in agony. Her back rose completely off the bed, held aloft by the spasming muscles in her restrained limbs. By the time she collapsed limply onto the mattress, the pain had subsided to the point where she felt that she could start breathing again. It was still causing her the most intense suffering she had ever had to withstand, but the relief that washed over as the exquisite agony subsided felt so good that it was almost orgasmic. Jean had never experienced such a thing before, and would never have dreamed that she could feel such horrendous pain and such wonderful pleasure at the same time. Her time for reflection was short-lived, however, as the next moment brought another strike to Jean’s tormented groin.

Rachel thrashed her mother’s reddening crotch, her arm flying back and forth, faster and faster as she mercilessly whipped Jean’s defenceless sex. The screaming was continuous now, and Rachel laughed along to her mother’s muffled wails of pain. The sounds became cracked and broken as Jean grew hoarse, but still Rachel did not let up. She was completely immersed in her role of tormentor, and was almost foaming at the mouth as she threw her entire strength into each vicious blow. With her free hand she was gripping her g-string, white-knuckled as she tugged at the leather thong that bit deep into her crotch. With every blow that she inflicted on her mother, Rachel gave an extra pull on her constricting underwear, so that her mother’s pain was mirrored in the coarse material scraping hard across Rachel’s own pulsing clitoris. Rachel felt no pain, however - only waves of ecstasy, and the intoxicating feeling of sexual power.

“What’s the - unnh! - matter?” she screeched, her words punctuated by grunts of effort from her continued lashing. “Had - hnngh! - enough!?”

Jean did not even manage a groan in response. She lay there, head slack against the pillow, with a glazed look in her eyes. Her battered cunt was as scarlet as the glove that beat it. It was only through her continued rapid but shallow breathing that Rachel could see Jean was still living. There was a pause in the torture, as Rachel swayed, panting and sweating from exertion, holding the glove aloft and staring at her mother’s vacant expression. For a moment it seemed as if the cruel whipping would continue even further, but then Rachel blinked, shook her head, and carelessly discarded her implement of torture. She hesitated, staring at her mother’s bruised and beaten body as if seeing it for the first time. Then she leaned down, closed her eyes, and tenderly kissed Jean’s hugely swollen clitoris.

And then Jean came. Hard.


CHAPTER 4: Rising Force

In a place beyond time and space, something stirs. Something huge, insofar as anything in this alien dimension can have size. It seems at first like a mass of swirling, chaotic energy, but is in reality a living being - although one so far removed from mortal life as to be almost incomparable. This is a cosmic entity, a living force of nature. It cannot be defined by familiar concepts of ‘body’ and ‘mind’, but if we could analyse the thoughts and feelings of this enigmatic creature in human terms we might see that its attention is focused elsewhere. Its near-infinite senses penetrate interdimensional barriers, so that it can observe our own humble plane of existence. It concentrates, forcing itself to narrow its awareness, so that it can exist within the limiting effects of an active timestream. The focus narrows, centring on one particular galaxy, one particular star system... one particular planet. The entity searches, seeking out two souls amongst the teeming masses - and finds them.

The one who was host, it thinks, regarding the first subject and recalling the sensation of forming a mortal thought. We shared her soul and wore her image, and now she is incomplete without us.

Its attention shifts to the second subject.

The one who will be host, it thinks, struggling to place events within temporal continuity. We are born into her in a time not yet present, and we shape her soul through her sleeping mind.

It regards these two souls, as physically proximate as they are spiritually. If the Phoenix Force could form human emotions, it would feel pleasurable anticipation at this moment.

They conjoin, as was our will. The hosts unite - and they will be our avatar.

Jean howled in ecstasy, her weary body invigorated by the surge of orgasmic bliss sweeping through her. Her throat was raw from screaming, but she did not feel it burn as she gave voice to the mind-blowing climax that held her in its grip. Rachel continued to softly kiss her mother’s enlarged and throbbing clitoris, moving her head in time with Jean’s bucking hips. When Jean’s jerking contractions began to slow, Rachel carefully took the swollen nub between her teeth and gently nibbled on it. She was rewarded with guttural groans of pleasure from her mother, still loudly audible past the golden gag that stuffed Jean’s overstretched mouth. At long last Jean’s climax began to subside, and Rachel sat up on the bed, licking her lips.

The young redhead ran her hands over her own beautiful body as she gazed upon her mom’s exhausted form, stroking her smooth, pale skin, pausing to squeeze her erogenous zones through their leather casings. She had done it. She had brought her mother to what must have been the greatest orgasm of her life. Rachel was thrilled, and for a moment even forgot her own sexual arousal in the wave of satisfaction that rose through her fluttering heart. But the satisfaction was a hollow one - and as she felt her own unsated lust rising once again to the surface, Rachel knew that this night’s work was not yet done.

Looking at her mother, Rachel knew that Jean was not in any fit state to meet her needs at the moment. Her half-shut, glistening eyes were unfocused, her sweat-soaked muscles twitched involuntarily, and her breathing was shallow and erratic. Rachel knew that in her current state, Jean would be unable to raise a finger, let alone bring her daughter to orgasm. She would need to be... stimulated a little. Or maybe a lot.

Rachel smiled to herself as she straddled her mother’s midriff, turning towards the foot of the bed so that she faced away from Jean. As she sat on her mother’s firm, flat stomach, Jean somehow managed to summon the energy to raise her head. As she did so, Rachel began to move her hips backwards towards Jean’s face, leaving a sticky trail of juices along Jean’s belly where her pussy slid across it. Rachel moaned in pleasure as she pressed her leather-clad cunt into her mother’s soft flesh, then lifted her hips, shifting her weight so that her body was now parallel to Jean’s. This meant that Jean’s drowsy vision was now filled with a close-up view of her gorgeous daughter’s perfect round ass and honey-soaked crotch. Rachel deliberately stopped there, tantalisingly close to her mom’s face, almost within reach - but with her g-string still in place, and Jean’s mouth still filled with its silken gag.

She began to rock her hips form side to side, wafting her womanly scent towards Jean’s nostrils. Rachel’s pussy had been gushing for at least the last half hour now, and she knew what effect the concentrated smell would have on someone in Jean’s delicate condition. Sure enough, a quick glance down showed that Jean’s own pussy had resumed its lubrication, and seemed to be almost quivering in anticipation. Studying her mother’s much-abused genitalia, Rachel wondered whether she had been too rough with her. The skin of her groin was bright red, except where purple bruises had started to form. Her labia were very swollen, and her clitoris was now more than double the size it had been when Rachel started. The whole image looked extremely painful, and regret began to grow in Rachel’s mind - until she remembered the enormous orgasm that this torment had triggered in Jean, and saw again the fresh, delicious nectar that even now trickled from that battered opening. No regrets, she thought to herself, and reached down to place her right hand at the tortured yet inviting orifice.

Pressing her four fingertips and her thumb together, Rachel began to push them against Jean’s unresisting hole. It was surprisingly tight - a lot tighter than Rachel had expected - but eventually she managed to squeeze the tips of all five digits into Jean’s vaginal opening. She knew her plan was working when she felt Jean’s cunt tense slightly in response, and heard her mother moaning softly behind her. Rachel smiled wickedly, her own sense of arousal rising as she pressed on, pushing her fingers further into Jean’s burning-hot pussy. The sounds of her mother’s pleasure increased as Rachel plunged deeper, until all five fingers were fully buried in Jean’s throbbing cunt. Now came the tricky part.

Turning her hand as she did so, Rachel began to push harder. Nothing happened at first, but then, ever so slowly, Jean’s already overstuffed pussy began to stretch further. Rachel’s knuckles started to slide between the puffy wet lips. Jean’s moans had stopped, and her breathing took on a different sound - she was gasping rapidly, her chest fluttering under Rachel’s thighs. Rachel did not stop, but increased the strength of her pushing, forcing the widest part of her hand into her mother’s narrow opening. Her teeth were clenched in effort and concentration, and sweat trickled from her brow. Then, all of a sudden, the resistance gave way, as Rachel’s knuckles squeezed past the constricting orifice and into her mother’s hot, slippery hole.

Rachel allowed herself a quiet chuckle of delight as she gently pushed the rest of her hand into her mother’s cunt. It slid in easily after the struggle of getting her knuckles through, but even now she could feel Jean’s vaginal muscles gripping her slender wrist in response to the intrusion. Her mother was still silent at this point, other than the sound of her panting breath, and Rachel knew that Jean was having a difficult time accepting the pleasure intertwined with the pain of this new sensation. She decided, just this once, to make things a little easier for her mother.

Leaning down, Rachel flicked out her tongue, catching the tip of Jean’s throbbing clitoris. A tiny squeak of pleasure from behind her let Rachel know that she had hit her mark. She repeated the action, and then again, each time increasing the length of her tongue-strokes across the pulsing nub. She was soon lapping steadily at the centre of Jean’s passion, occasionally stopping to circle the delicate bud with her tongue, and a blissful high-pitched mewling marked her mother’s grateful response. Now, Rachel thought, now she’s ready for this.

Without so much as a pause in her sensual licking, Rachel began to slide her hand deeper inside her mother. Jean’s response was immediate - her entire body seemed to clench at once, then a moment later went limp again as she gave in to the ecstatic barrage of sensation that her daughter’s tongue was giving her. Rachel felt her excitement swell within her as she penetrated her mother as deeply as she could, until her fingertips touched against Jean’s cervix. Then she began to slowly withdraw her hand again, all the while continuing her oral pleasuring, until her knuckles once more pressed against Jean’s opening - but this time from the other side. There she stopped, before once again probing inwards to her mom’s most intimate depths.

Jean’s mewls of ecstasy took on a rough, growling edge as Rachel started hand-fucking her, thrusting faster and faster in and out of Jean’s overstretched passage. The bound superheroine started shoving back against her captor’s pistoning forearm, grunting in pleasure as she deliberately increased the force of penetration. Rachel doubted whether her mother even noticed when she stopped tonguing her clitoris. Jean had accepted the pleasure in her suffering - and now it had claimed her completely.

Well, almost completely. Rachel could sense that her mother was deeply aroused by this experience - her grunts and groans gave loud evidence to that fact - but she also knew that Jean was not yet approaching orgasm. Something else was needed. Rachel began to slow her pumping arm, shortening the strokes of penetration, until it came to a complete halt. Jean’s ecstatic groans became moans of disappointment. She sounded pleading, almost demanding as she ground her lustful hips against Rachel’s unresponsive arm. The arm remained still, but Rachel slowly began to move her fingers. She curled them inside her mother, forcing Jean’s tormented cunt to stretch even further as a fist formed deep within her most intimate area. Jean cried out sharply through her gag, but the piercing shriek quickly dissolved into a lusty growl as she became accustomed to the larger presence of her daughter’s fist within her. Rachel smiled again as she resumed thrusting, noting the deeper, more bestial side to Jean’s groans as she was given her first true fisting. She knew that Jean was progressing well now, but there was just one more thing that needed to be done.

Lifting her free hand to her lips, Rachel slowly licked up and down the lengths of her first two fingers. Then she took them in her mouth, sucking on them and rolling her tongue around them, coating them completely in her saliva. Her incestuous fisting continued uninterrupted as she did this, as it did when she removed her fingers from her mouth, a thin rope of spittle trailing from the glistening fingertips to her pouting lips. Leaning down, she reached under her thrusting right arm, probing for her new target. Within moments she had found it, and she pressed her moistened fingertips against the puckered opening of her mother’s ass. Jean seemed to squirm under her touch, but since her mom was already writhing and grinding against the fist in her pussy Rachel thought that she might just have imagined it. She knew that her mother was way beyond attempting to resist any new sexual experience at this point, no matter how taboo or potentially painful.

Slowing her thrusting right fist so that she could focus on the task at hand, Rachel pushed her rigid fingers into the caramel-coloured orifice. She realised now that she needn’t have bothered wetting them - the whole area was so slick with Jean’s juices that it really made no difference. She felt the tight resistance of Jean’s sphincter-muscle, but against that concentrated pressure, coupled with the huge amount of lubrication, there could really only be one outcome. She felt her fingertips pop into Jean’s ass, purring with delight as she heard her mom squeal in response. Surprise? Pain? Pleasure? Rachel did not know, nor did she care, for she knew that whatever her mother’s immediate reaction the end result would be the same. The fact that Jean was almost certainly an anal virgin made her ultimate climax all the more inevitable.

Pushing inward, she easily slipped the length of her fingers into the heavily-lubricated hole. Jean’s sphincter still gripped tightly at the base of Rachel’s digits, but it was twitching as it contracted now, as if trying to accommodate the new presence. Pressing upwards with her buried fingers, Rachel could feel her own right hand through the thin membrane of flesh that separated Jean’s pussy and ass. She held her fingers there for several seconds, relishing the feel of her knuckles sliding back and forth across her fingertips as she fisted the adjacent orifice, the touch buffered only by Jean’s overstretched vaginal walls. Occasionally she would increase the pressure of her probing, pinching hard on Jean’s inner flesh, enjoying the sharp crescendo in her mother’s cries as she did this.

At last Rachel grew bored of that simple pleasure, and started to move her fingers inside her mom’s ass, slipping them in and out in alternating rhythm with her right hand. The pistoning action made her shoulders rock, her young breasts jiggling under her jerking body, but still held firmly in place by the tight red corset. Jean was being doubly penetrated by her daughter, and was carried away on a wave of pleasure and pain as she was simultaneously impaled in both orifices. Never had she been so full inside, and if she still had a functioning sense of reason she would be amazed that she could take it all without bursting. As it was, she was long past coherent thought, and could only grind her hips and howl in orgasmic joy as the climax grew within her.

Rachel sensed the moment building - the moment that would send her mom hurtling into another mind-jolting, body-wracking orgasm. She increased the tempo of her thrusting, punching her fist hard into her mother’s vulnerable flesh, stabbing at her violated anus with her stiff fingers, urging Jean onwards to her ecstatic destination. Jean responded uninhibitedly, screeching her delight, writhing and flailing on the bed so that her golden bonds cut deep into her tethered wrists and ankles. Closer... closer... Rachel knew that she was mere seconds away from bringing blissful release to her captive mother.

And so she stopped.

Jean squealed as Rachel froze in place - the sound was a mixture of shock, frustration and even anger that her fulfilment had been denied. She thrashed her head on the mattress, desperately thrusting her hips against Rachel’s hands, trying to forcibly take the peak of pleasure that had been so cruelly stolen from her. As if sensing her intention, Rachel slowly started to remove her hands from her mother. She started by sliding her fingers free of her mother’s stretched and moistened asshole. Using that hand to brace against Jean’s thigh, she began the more difficult task of withdrawing her fist from her mom’s pussy. She seemed oblivious to Jean’s whines of longing as she uncurled her fingers, making her hand as narrow as possible to squeeze it past Jean’s hungrily-clenching pussymouth. Struggling against the crushing grip of her mother’s eager cunt, she finally managed to free her hand. Rachel sat up, surveying her handiwork. The convulsing sex-holes were still wide open, dribbling Jean’s juices - having been stretched so wide, it would take some time for them to recover their usual shape.

Rachel smiled and turned away from the delicious sight, clambering over her mother’s bound and straining form to turn and face Jean. Straddling her stomach, Rachel looked her mom in the eye, her steady, lustful stare met by Jean’s wild and frantic gaze. She reached up with her glistening wet hand, toying playfully with the cord that laced up the front of her corset. Then, tugging on the cord, she began to undo her leather bodice, easing the harsh restraint from her soft young breasts. As more and more of her cleavage became visible, she lowered herself down towards her mom’s face, until the swell of her breasts hung mere inches away from Jean’s lust-crazed stare. Rachel craned her neck, turning her head so that her lips brushed against her captive mother’s ear, savouring the scent of sex and passion that hung on Jean’s sweaty skin.

“My turn,” she whispered.


CHAPTER 5: Golden Union

She used to be strong. She used to be a strong, independent woman, and a powerful member of the X-Men. She was respected. Admired. Feared. A heroine to those who needed her most, a scourge to those who would oppose her.

But now Jean Grey was nothing more than a sex-slave to a slip of a girl.

Her mind was reeling from the overwhelming sensations she had so recently experienced, and the intoxicating effects of her pleasure and pain were so intense that she actually felt like she had been drugged. Her thoughts were scattered, muddled. They slipped away from her grasp whenever she tried to reclaim a sense of reason from the madness of her euphoria-induced delirium. Her body felt lighter than air, as if it was held aloft by her dream-like trance. Indeed, she would have felt utterly at peace, carried away on a wave of serenity, had it not been for two things. Firstly, her treacherous pussy, which throbbed and ached as if begging for her captor to once more fill its depths with her cruel fist, whilst her blissfully violated anus twitched below in sympathy. And secondly, her pounding heart, which was hammering in her chest with uncontrollable excitement as she gazed, bleary-eyed down the bountiful cleavage of her young assailant.

Jean tried to recall how she had come to such a state, but failed. She tried to rationalise, to convince herself that she didn’t really want this, that she wasn’t in her right mind. It didn’t work. And when Rachel leaned down, her delicious breasts bobbing right in front of Jean’s dazed eyes, and softly whispered “My turn” in her ear, all Jean could do was feebly murmur her obedience.

Rachel raised herself up, sitting straight-backed on her mother’s firm stomach so that her bust jutted prominently forwards. A few more tugs at the lace-up front of her painfully restrictive corset finally set her tightly-bound breasts free, and as they spilled out from their leather prison they seemed to bounce in delight. Rachel stifled a shudder as she discarded the bodice-top. Her nipples had been fully erect for some time, and were now reddened and enflamed from chaffing against the coarse interior of the leather. The cool air felt wonderful on the newly-exposed skin of her chest, but it sent a chill through her sweat-soaked body.

Pulling off her remaining glove, Rachel began to massage her firm, plump breasts, squeezing and caressing them to soothe the pain that had been caused by their harsh confinement. Pausing to lick the fingertips on each of her hands, she gently pinched and tugged at the aggravated buds of her nipples, rubbing her saliva into the raw, sensitive flesh. She was rewarded with jolts of pleasure in her hot, wet pussy, which pulsed and throbbed against its own leather restraint. It was time to rid herself of that torturous article of clothing as well.

Rachel avoided the struggle of trying to remove the ridiculously tight g-string that bit into her most tender flesh by turning once more to her psi-powers. She focused, eyes screwed shut in concentration. Then, with a sharp twanging sound, the tightly-stretched cords of her underwear suddenly snapped apart on each hip. The front of her g-string fell limply forwards, revealing that she was entirely devoid of hair in that area - not that the underwear had done much to conceal that fact anyway. Red lines ran across her hips where the thongs had sliced into her delicate flesh.

Rachel reached down and peeled the leather strap away from her crotch, strands of sticky sex-fluid trailing between it and her gushing cunt. The g-string was thoroughly soaked in her juices. She raised it to her face and inhaled deeply, savouring the heady scent of her own excitement. Then, smiling sweetly, she held the wet leather forwards, proffering it up to her mother’s twitching nostrils. Jean’s eyelids fluttered and her pupils rolled back in her head. A sound like an animal’s growl escaped her gag-stuffed mouth. Rachel giggled in glee at the effect her own juices had on her mom. This was better than she could ever have hoped for, but she still wanted to make sure that Jean was fully primed for her next new experience.

Tossing aside her useless underwear Rachel reached down, firmly grabbing Jean’s large breasts, which had so far lain neglected through her whole assault. Each one was definitely more than a handful, but Rachel’s fingers plunged deep into as much of the soft flesh as she could get ahold of. She began to roughly grope her mother’s tits, kneading them between her fingers, shoving against them with her palms. Jean’s head lolled from side to side as her breasts were mauled in this manner, and she moaned softly as her back arched in pleasure, forcing her breasts harder against her daughter’s grasping hands.

Rachel responded by squeezing the two glorious mounds together, creating an enormous bulge of cleavage where they met. Then, without warning, she spat into the valley of titflesh, her saliva pooling between the bulging orbs. She began to roll Jean’s breasts against each other, smearing up and down, coating her mother’s tits with her spit. Shifting her grip and pushing harder, Rachel started to force Jean’s nipples in towards each other. Her arms were locked in opposition on either side of her mother’s ample bust as she pushed with all her strength to make the nipples meet. Jean’s head started tossing from side to side more rapidly, and her moans became savage grunts as pain began to overcome the pleasure of her newest torment. As soon as the stiff pink buds met, however, the change in effect was obvious.

Jean’s whole body jerked, and she let out a squeak of delight. Rachel grinned, her teeth clenched in effort, as she began to grind her mother’s tightly-crushed breasts up and down against each other. Through the pain of her squashed and bruising titflesh, Jean could feel her highly sensitive nipples rubbing against each other, lubricated by her daughter’s saliva. The bittersweet mixture of pleasure and pain was incredible, but even so it managed to increase in intensity when Rachel’s mouth joined the equation.

Rachel started by licking the stiff buds in long, wet strokes as they pressed together, then parted her lips to embrace both nipples in a sloppy kiss. She kept up the crushing force in her arms as she sucked the tips of both nipples into her mouth, and began rolling them around with her tongue. Jean was almost growling with arousal as her daughter sucked at her nipples, but those growls were punctuated with sharp gasps of pain as Rachel occasionally bit down hard on the throbbing teats. It continued this way for some time, Rachel drooling down her mother’s cleavage as she messily french-kissed Jean’s nipples, but stopping from time to time to nibble, bite or even chew on her mom’s tormented buds.

Eventually Rachel stopped the delightful torture of her mother’s breasts and sat up, wiping the drool from her chin with the back of her hand. She could wait no longer for her ultimate pleasure. Her pussy had been running over with juices during the whole course of her mom’s rape and now, since it was no longer dammed by the crotch of her g-string, her female honey was trickling freely from her excited cunt to form a small puddle on her mother’s belly. Her clit seemed to be screaming for stimulation, and Rachel was only too happy to oblige.

She looked her mother straight in the eye, and made sure she had her attention before speaking.

“Jean? Can you hear me?” A feeble nod was the reply. “So there’s still someone at home in there then?” Another weak nod. “Good. Now listen carefully. I’m going to remove your gag. You now what you have to do?” A pause. Then, slowly, a hesitant nod. “Excellent,” Rachel purred. “Needless to say, if you fail to give me all that I desire you will be punished. And, since all that I have done for you so far was for pleasure, I really don’t think you want to feel my punishment.” Jean frantically shook her head, her eyes wide with fear.

Rachel smiled at the response, confident that she had gotten the message across. Reaching for Jean’s mouth, she delicately pinched part of the golden material that protruded from it between her finger and thumb and began to pull. The wedged-in fabric resisted at first, but finally gave in to Rachel’s insistent tugging. Gradually it unravelled from Jean’s overstuffed mouth as Rachel pulled length after length of the silken sash free. The material was darker where it had been soaked with Jean's saliva, and as her mouth was slowly emptied drool began to dribble from the corners. When her gag had been completely removed, Jean breathed a sigh of relief, wagging her chin from side to side to try and ease the aching in her jaws.

“Not a word, now!” Rachel chided. “You don’t want to get me angry, do you?” Jean’s mouth snapped shut, and she shook her head meekly. One look in her eyes assured Rachel that her mother would be completely obedient to her wishes.

Climbing once again over Jean’s bound and helpless form, Rachel turned away from her mother, sitting with her knees on either side of the captive heroine’s heaving ribcage. Both women were now almost completely naked. Jean was still tethered by her golden binds, Rachel still wore her stiletto thigh-boots, and both women still had their collars on - Rachel’s spiked bondage-accessory and Jean’s metal power-thief. Apart from these small items, however, both gorgeous women entirely bare, and a paradise of soft, smooth, milky-white flesh was on display in that bedroom.

Placing her hands on her knees, Rachel shifted her hips backwards and downwards, until her hot, wet pussy hovered directly over Jean’s full, quivering lips. Droplets of pussyjuice dripped from her swollen labia, spattering over Jean’s panting mouth. Jean licked her lips, purely instinctively at first, but then more slowly, savouring the taste of her daughter’s sweet nectar. Rachel took a deep, trembling breath, then gave the order.

“Do it.”

Jean needed no more persuasion. Placing her tongue against her daughter’s puffy cunt-lips, she started to lick. Rachel emitted a blissful groan at the touch, and continued to moan and purr in delight as her mother lapped at her burning pussy. The strokes were short and light at first, as the tip of Jean’s tongue traced the contours of Rachel’s labia, gently fluttering over the hot pink flesh. The pace soon increased, however, as Jean began to lap heartily at folds of her daughter’s pussy, drawing the flat of her tongue heavily along the length of Rachel’s cunt. She was soon licking at a furious pace, scooping up mouthfuls of her daughter’s pussyjuice with her tongue, pausing now and then to swirl the delicious honey around her mouth before swallowing.

Jean carried on in this fashion for several minutes, interspersing her licking with eager nuzzling, pressing her face hard against Rachel’s crotch as she did so. Rachel’s breathing came in shorter and shorter gasps as her arousal increased, and she gave a small squeal of delight as Jean’s energetic tongue slid inside her slick, wet passage. She writhed in ecstasy as her cunt was probed by her mother’s questing tongue. It felt huge inside her, wriggling against her vaginal walls, darting in and out of her with a speed that made Rachel’s heart flutter and her stomach melt. She had expected her mother to be entirely inexperienced in this practice, and assumed that she would have to teach her, but if this really was Jean’s first time going down on another woman then she must have had enormous natural talent - or an incredible amount of beginner’s luck.

As it was, Rachel felt herself racing towards her orgasmic threshold with alarming speed. Her clit hadn’t even been touched yet! She was caught between cursing herself for getting too worked up to have any staying power and simply succumbing to her mother’s oral delights. A moment later, however, the decision was taken from her. Jean’s tongue disappeared from her cunt as quickly as it had arrived, and Rachel was about to turn on her mother in rage when she felt something new. Jean had resumed her licking, but not at Rachel’s pussy - the tip of her tongue was slowly circling the puckered entrance of her daughter’s ass.

Rachel’s eyes widened in surprise, then gently closed as she moaned her pleasure at having her ass licked by her mother. The feeling was incredible as the pressure from Jean’s hot, moist tongue increased around her caramel-coloured ring, until the inevitable happened - the tip of Jean’s tongue popped into Rachel’s tight little anus, causing her to groan loudly in ecstasy. Her groan stretched into a continuous moaning as her mother’s tongue swirled around inside her ass. Rachel’s cunt was going wild, almost squirting juices out onto Jean’s chin and neck as it spasmed in response to her anal pleasure. The rapturous probing went on for several minutes, as Jean thrust her tongue deep into her daughter’s ass, until Rachel could feel herself once again approaching her long-awaited climax. Only one thing was missing - she longed to have her clit given the same wonderful treatment that her pussy and ass had been subjected to. It had still not had so much as a passing touch, and Rachel was even considering fingering herself to relieve the ache in her nub when Jean’s attentions moved once again.

As if reading Rachel’s mind, Jean’s tongue slid out from Rachel’s asshole, strands of saliva trailing from the well-lubricated orifice. Re-positioning her head, Jean moved towards the centre of Rachel’s desires. Rachel could feel her mother’s hot breath on her most sensitive spot, then was blown away with an explosion of ecstasy as Jean’s tongue lashed out, flicking the tip of her swollen clitoris. Again and again Jean’s tongue darted out, licking and circling Rachel’s stiff little sex-bud. As the tonguing continued, so did Rachel’s ecstatic high. The incredible part was that she knew she wasn’t cumming yet. Rachel’s orgasms to date seemed like mild tinglings compared to the bliss she was experiencing now, but she knew that she was not yet at her peak. She could barely believe that such raw pleasure was possible. She was quickly losing herself to her mounting passion, but then something unexpected happened.

She needed to pee!

Rachel had no idea where this feeling had come from - it wasn’t there a moment ago - but she suddenly had a pressing need to empty her bladder. She didn’t know what to do - this was her moment, her climax, and nothing could stop that now. Jean was still licking hard, pausing now and then to suck and even nibble gently on Rachel's clitoris. Under the force of such exquisite pleasure, Rachel knew that she could not willingly stop her mother’s oral activities, even for a moment. But what was the alternative?

All of a sudden she realised she had lost any choices, as a stream of golden piss sprang forth from her burning pussy. Her bladder had given in to the pressure, and in her weakened, near-orgasmic state she could do nothing to prevent it. Rachel felt her cheeks instantly redden in shame. Yes, she had degraded her mother in many ways this night, but somehow this was different. An inherent shyness about peeing in public was part of it, but this was reinforced by a huge wave of guilt. This is dirty! her subconscious screamed at her. This is wrong! She glanced down, expecting to see her mother’s head thrashing about in disgust... and froze at what she saw.

Jean was lying quite still, her mouth wide open, allowing the piss to spatter directly onto her waiting tongue - and gazing at Rachel with the most lustful and depraved expression she had ever seen. Rachel stared, part horrified, part entranced as her mother eagerly drank her piss. At first Jean was careless, letting the golden liquid splash freely over her tongue and down her throat, stray droplets landing on her lips and cheeks. As the stream increased in pressure, however, Jean began to drink in earnest. She closed her throat, allowing her mouth to fill with the golden fluid until it began to spill in waves over her chin, trickling down her neck. Then, with an especially perverse glance up at Rachel, she would swallow it all in one gulp, quickly opening her mouth again so as not to miss out on any of the steadily-flowing pee. Rachel was paralysed in fascination, and could only watch as Jean repeated this action again and again.

After the fifth or sixth mouthful, Rachel could feel the awful pressure in her bladder beginning to ease. Jean seemed to somehow sense this too. She closed her mouth, but kept her tongue sticking out, and began to move her head from side to side under the diminishing stream. Soon her entire face was soaked in Rachel’s piss, but that didn’t seem to be enough for her. She leaned forward, pressing her rigid tongue into Rachel’s squirting piss-hole, so that the remaining trickle ran down the sides of Jean’s tongue and pooled in her pouting lips. Once the flow had stopped entirely, she opened her mouth and engulfed Rachel’s swollen clitoris in a lustful, wet kiss, her tongue flickering across the surface as her lips embraced the delicate flesh. The exquisite pleasure that this brought, coupled with the perversely erotic scene she had just witnessed, quickly ensured that Rachel regained her orgasmic impetus. The final push came as she felt her own urine, still fresh in Jean’s mouth, stinging her hypersensitive skin, bringing a sharp contrast to bliss she was lost in. The addition of such exciting pain to her overwhelming pleasure was enough to send her over the edge.

Rachel screamed for what seemed like forever as the orgasm consumed her, racking her fragile young body with its savage fury. When she ran out of breath, she gulped in another lungful of air and screamed again. The climax was so intense that she lost all control. Her powers ran wild, cause poltergeist activity to spring up all around the room, sending furniture whirling through the air and crashing into the walls. Then the full force of her power was let loose, and the Phoenix firebird sprang up around her, filling the room with golden light. It seemed to screech in triumph as it rose above Rachel’s convulsing form, and Rachel howled again in ecstatic reply.

At long last the orgasm seemed to subside a little, allowing Rachel’s exhausted body to relax slightly. She slumped forward, landing hard on her mother’s soft flesh. She was still very much in the grips of the after-effects of her climax, however, and for several minutes more all she could do was buck and writhe against her mother’s sweaty skin, emitting wordless, guttural sounds of pleasure.

The fiery Phoenix that lit up the room eventually dissipated, and at long last Rachel found that she was able to start stringing coherent thoughts together - and her first thought was “Wow!”. She had never even come close to that level of orgasmic experience before, in all her wildest dreams - and her dreams had been very wild indeed of late. What had happened? Why did it feel so amazingly good? As she thought back on her experiences this night, her mind turned inevitably to bizarre, but strangely arousing, peeing incident. Why had she needed to go so suddenly, so urgently? Why couldn’t she hold it in for just a few seconds more?

Telekinetic force on the bladder - squeezed it like a ripe orange

Rachel’s heart skipped a beat. That was Jean’s voice. Correction, that was Jean’s telepathic voice.

She spun round just in time to see her mother’s bonds explode in a shower of golden threads. Rachel leapt back in fright as Jean hoisted herself up into a sitting position, clearly physically drained from the night’s pleasures. Her eyes, however, were still bright and alert, and she caught Rachel’s panicked stare with the same lustful gaze she had worn just before her daughter’s climax. Rachel felt the blood drain from her faced, as her heart started pounding again - but this time in fear.

“Y-your powers!” she stammered. “But buh-Beast’s collar, it was supposed to-”

“Oh, it did work,” Jean purred, her eyes still locked on Rachel’s. “For about the first ten minutes. I must report the fault to him. Could prove deadly in a combat situation, don’t you think?”

Jean smiled broadly at Rachel’s confused and frightened expression, and leaned slowly forward, her breasts swaying in response. “And about your little secret,” she continued, “don’t you know yet that you can’t hide these things from a trained telepath? Don’t worry,” she added, her face now just inches away from Rachel’s, “ it doesn’t put me off. Nothing could stop from embracing what we’ve found together this night.”

Rachel’s mind was reeling as she struggled to take in the implications of all this, but Jean laid a soothing hand on her cheek to calm her.

“There, there,” she purred. “How about giving your mommy a little kiss?” So saying, she closed in on her daughter’s face and kissed her passionately on the lips. When Rachel felt her mother’s tongue slip into her unresisting mouth, and tasted her own salty, tangy urine mixed with the sweet taste of her pussy in her mom’s mouth, she finally stopped trying to come to terms with what had happened and gave in to it. They embraced each other in a lingering, lustful kiss.


The Heroine Project Note: We don't have any more of this story, if you know where there is more, email us