Batman: The Helmet of Anubis - Part 2

Author: Tirian
Time to Read:67min
Added Date:08/19/2024
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Hello, Comic Fans!

This is my second attempt at a multi parter, the first being Green Lantern: Hand of Darkness. Now far be it from me to try to take on so great a character as the Batman, but I got this idea into my head while I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan a couple of weeks ago. It blends some of the Egyptian mythology with comic history, but God help me, I never read Batman: Legacy, and information on the Web is sketchy at best about this particular story line. What I could extrapolate from various sources, (without actually reading the damn comic) I tried to keep most of the details in place. If I skewed slightly, consider this an Elseworld tale where most of the stuff I talk about did in fact happen….in my DC universe, anyway.

Ras Al Ghul is pretty cool villain, but sadly under used compared to some of Batman’s other villains. Of course, every time he makes an appearance, it’s usually a landmark event.

This is part two, and it gives me the chance not only to explain what the hell was going on throughout part one, but to experiment a little bit with characters I’ve always found underused, namely Harley Quinn and Talia. Now I know everyone’s going, “Harley Quinn! About time!” I know I have. I believe that all of my Egyptian mythological references are accurate, but if I’m a little off, than once again consider this the Elseworld version of….everything…yeesh.

Batman, Nightwing, Ras Al Ghul, Gotham City, and all other characters are trademarks of DC Comics and Time Warner, and are used without permission.

This story contains scenes of graphic sexual content. It is unlawful for anyone under the age of eighteen to view it. This means you! Really…it does…..

Part Three should be coming quite soon.

“I saw Eternity the other night,

Like a great ring of pure and endless light,

And round, beneath it, Time in hours, days and years,

Driven by the spheres

Like a vast shadow it moved; in which the world

And all her train were hurled.”

   Henry Vaughn, The World

Batman: The Helmet of Anubis

  Part Two



Somewhere in Egypt.

“What do you think?”

Nightwing looked over the Batman’s shoulder, as the Dark Knight peered into the binoculars, staring across the sands at the looming object ahead of them. Against the dark blue night of the desert, the Sphinx reminded Dick of some old beast lost to time, standing watchful and ancient as the years stretched out before it. Dick wondered if that was true immortality for a moment, and then his attention turned back to the small group of tents that were gathered below the Sphinx’s legs. Batman shook his head.

“Same as I thought from the air. Ras has a small army, about ten more than I saw before. Each armed to the teeth.”

Nightwing pounded his fist against his other hand. “Just thirty men with top of the line artillery? I thought you were going to give me a challenge.”

The Dark Knight did not grin back. “Knowing Ras, the real challenges wait inside. He wouldn’t have armed his guards this heavily unless he suspected I’d be on his trail. He’s spent too much time as a tactician to do anything less.

“So what’s the plan? Swing down, take em all out?”

Batman shook his head. “Too much attention, and with that number, trying to pick them off one by one will just arouse too much suspicion. Better to circle them for now and get in the tombs. We’ll take them on our way out, with Dr. Hartheson and….” Batman paused, his mind suddenly filled with the image of the real reason he had come. A woman dressed in royal purple, a whip in her hand, dark long raven locks falling from her head, an eternal smile playing on her beautiful lips….

“Selina. Yeah, I know, Batman. Can we do this and get out of here? I did sort of have someone waiting for me at home. And she was not very happy.”

The two dark clad avengers moved back into the shadows, and began to make their way along the rim of the desert.

“Dinner Time.”

The large man knocked on the large wooden door, his fist resounding throughout the hallway beyond. Inside, he could hear the soft rustle of the prisoner in her bonds, and smiled deliciously to himself. She was still held, and even as she was held, did she become more desirable in his eyes. He opened the door, to see their beautiful captive lying there on the bed, her face darkened with a mixture of rage and fear.

“The special for tonight will be gruel. I hope that is to your liking, American woman.”

Draco grinned as he walked through the doorway. But even as he stepped along, he could feel the slight pain in his side still flaring with each movement. Whatever the Joker had put in that knockout dart, it was still lingering in his system, and that did not make the big man feel any better. When he had awoken, the woman in red and black had gleefully helped him to his feet and then kicked him in the rear as he had departed down the hall, thankful to be escaping with his life. And now the only reminder he had of that encounter was this terrible bruise on his side. He was certainly glad for it, because the alternatives….

He shuddered and then looked down at the prisoner, his grin returning. She was incredible, even in the disarray she had become, her dark hair thrown out on all sides from her struggles, her prison suit dirty and ripped from her multiple attempts to escape.

Draco set the slightly streaming tray down in front of him and turned to her. Her eyes flashed with tired anger.

“Now, are we going to behave, or are do I have to get….physical again?” He smiled.

Selina Kyle nodded tiredly. “Just give me some food and then leave.”

“That’s no way to talk to your warden, especially when it would be so easy for him to take….whatever he wants, “ he leered, and his eyes danced over her body. Warm and lithe, even in her state she looked magnificent. His eyes fell over the large twin globes that sat on her chest, bigger than any he had ever seen, and he could feel his mouth water at the sight of them pressed against her uniform. He shook his head and turned back to the gruel. The master had warned him that she must remain pure.

“You look at me like that again, and you’ll be wearing your guts for garters,” she growled up at him.

“Open your mouth.” He merely replied, and began to spoon the steaming gray material into her mouth. Selina fought the impulse to gag. She didn’t know how much longer she’d be down here, and with Ras and his men always one step ahead of each attempt to escape, there was little use in trying to put up a fight at the moment. She would need this food, disgusting as it was, to reserve her strength for when she could put her plan into action, should the opportunity arise.

Draco smiled as she took the food between her lips, imagining something slipping between those warm crimson petals….sliding back and forth, as her cheeks puffed out….

And then it occurred to Draco….the master had said pure. But he had never stated how pure. Even if she was untouched in that one place….who was to say she couldn’t be touched in another? And he could feel himself growing hard at the thought of that. He stood up, suddenly.

Selina looked up at him, her eyes widening for instant. This wasn’t routine. He usually just fed her, made his usual lewd comments, and then left. No, she did not like the look in his eye.

And then a sound filled her ears she liked even less. The sound of a zipper being undone. Draco stood over her, and suddenly she realized his hand was in his pants, groping to pull his cock out. It was well worth the risk of letting them know she had freed her legs. One long limb shot up from the bed and cracked Draco against the chin. The guard fell back with a huff, shaking his head, his desire forgotten and still hanging out of his fly. More than ample target for her to deliver the second blow.

She lifted her leg again. As she hit home, Draco’s eyes bulged almost out of their sockets, and then he was on the floor, all of the fight left out of him, grasping his wounded organ between his fingers, almost sobbing with pain. Selina hurriedly began to work at her other bonds.

“Don’t bother.” The accent of the man who entered the room was totally alien, lost to time. Selina stopped her fevered work and stared up at him. The man did not move merely regarded her, his face a mask as stone as the walls around them.

“Draco. Clean up this mess and leave.”

The big guard bowed his bald head, and scampered to leave his master’s sight.

Ras turned his cloaked form to Selina. “And you, my dear……It is pointless to attempt escape. Even if you were to break free of this cell, there are the deserts to contend with. You would find them…..unpleasantly hostile. Besides, you will not have to wait her much longer for your fate. It is coming, and you are merely a piece to the final puzzle.”

Selina blinked. “What the hell does that mean, Al Ghul? What the hell good am I to you?”

Ras smiled. It was a cold smile, devoid of any form of emotion. “All in good time, Miss Kyle. All in good time. I would not worry about Draco any more. I believe you have destroyed almost any chance of him taking what he wants. And he will not touch you, lest my wrath fall upon his shoulders.”

“Thank you, Charleton Heston. Want to buy a gun?” she spat back.

Ras nodded. “Your fire is strong. I can see what my daughter’s beloved sees in you. But he won’t see it for much longer, trust me.”

And Ras swept out of the room, leaving Selina with those final words.

Finally the two vigilantes reached the far side of the Sphinx. Dick followed close to the Batman, his chest puffing slightly with the exertion. It had been a while he had covered such a distance in that speed. Leaping around the rooftops of Bludhaven must be spoiling me, he thought, catching his breath.

The Batman stared out into the darkness, where slight firelight lit the other side of the Sphinx.

“We’ve managed to avoid the first patrols, but remain alert.”


The Batman turned back to his companion, a slight grin on his face. “Last time I was here, I found another entrance toward the top of the head. You up for some scaling?”

Nightwing grinned back. “Hey, I might not have the reputation as a wall crawler, but I can keep up with you, pointy ears.”

“Oh, that was original.”

“Thanks, I’ve been working on it.”

“You might consider working a little bit harder.”

Batman and Nightwing suddenly leaped back, batarangs at the ready. That voice had come from above them. All of a sudden men appeared from beneath the sand, their bodies covered in sand colored tarps. Each of them carried guns and a grim look. Nightwing turned, his back now against the Batman’s as they faced their would be captors. Suddenly one of the dark skinned men jumped for him, a wild cry escaping his lips. Nightwing parried with a kick, and the man went sprawling. The dark shape of the man above them merely regarded the attack, and then stroked his chin.

“Take them, boys.”

All of their captors threw aside their guns and charged them, screaming. The Batman and Nightwing began to move in flurry of punches and kicks, ripping into the throng of enraged men. Dick dodged a punch aimed at his face and collided with his would be assailant into another attacker, throwing them both into a heap, but another man tackled him. The Batman was literally covered in five or six men, fighting like a bull in chains. His arms pumped back and forth as he pounded them, but even he could not take their sheer numbers. Finally they had both vigilantes by the arms, and hauled them back to their feet.

The dark shape laughed. And The Batman stiffened. It was a laugh he knew all too well.

A torch was passed from one of the beaten men to another, and suddenly the dark shapes’ face was illuminated. The yellow of the torchlight turned almost dead as it hit the pure snow white skin of their captor’s face…..and the red crimson lips eternally pulled up into a smile.

“Pointy Ears? You’ve been working with tall, dark, and psychotic here for how long, and the best you can come up with is pointy ears?” The Joker mocked as he descended from the block above them. His purple spats hit the sand with a crunch, and then the Joker was striding forward, clapping his hands merrily.

The Batman grimaced. “It’s not like you to toady up to anyone, Joker. Especially someone who’s as demented as you are.”

The Joker reached forward and patted the Batman’s cheek, even as the Dark Knight turned his head to avoid the tap. “Now, now Bat aratta ding dong. Let’s not be insulting. You know I am much more demented than Ras is. Hell, his socks match, for crying out loud! Where’s the dementia in that?”

The Joker cackled, and then turned to Nightwing.

“And you? Gruesome in training? What are you doing here for the ride? I thought old Rollie would be giving you more than enough fun back in Bludhaven. But the more, the merrier, I always say.”

The Joker reached up into his jacket and pulled out a squirt gun, and fired into the face of Nightwing.

“Joker!” Batman yelled as Nightwing slumped forward, the spray hitting his face and knocking him out instantaneously.

“Please, Devil with the Bat Dress On….I wouldn’t kill the both of you right away. When there’s ever so much more fun in store for you.” The Joker raised the squirt gun again, and the Batman saw only darkness.

Gotham City.

“You know I wouldn’t ask this of you, if it were extremely important, Tim.”

The boy stood in the darkened hallway of the boarding school dormitory, his eyes dashing furtively back and forth searching for anyone coming along as he listened to the voice coming from the mike in his ear.

Tim Drake sighed. “At least tell me where he is.”

Oracle pursed her lips from where she sat in her apartment. The Batman had wanted Tim not to get involved, not to have to fight at all if possible. But with the realization that the Joker had escaped and that he was even now in Egypt waiting for Batman, the remaining guards of Gotham City had opted to follow him.

Azrael and Huntress were even now boarding a plane for the Nile country, and that left only one person in charge of Gotham City….a job he was not looking forward to, with classes early the next morning.

“All I can tell you is he’s on a mission to Egypt, and he has more than enough back up. What he does need is you out there tonight. I know it’s a risk for you, Tim. But Gotham needs Robin. Believe me, if I could I would be out there with you. As it is the only one I can send out there is Batgirl, and she can hardly handle this whole city by herself.”

Tim sighed, and reached underneath his jacket, bringing out a small R shaped medallion. He tapped the R twice, and suddenly a light flared, indicating the Redbird was activating itself within the boarding schools nearby town.

“How long will he be gone? I can get Alfred to cover for me for only a few days, but I’m in dutch with half of my teachers already.”

Barbara grinned to herself. “I remember my college nights after I became Batgirl. Not a moment’s rest, and yet I still maintained all A’s.”

Robin’s face broke into a grin. “Is that a dare?”

“It is now.”

“Deal. Tell Batgirl I’ll meet her on the roof of Gotham Plaza in about 30 minutes.”

“30 minutes? That’s being optimistic.”

“No, just Robin.” Tim grinned and clicked his communicator off, racing down the hallway to the servant’s quarters in search of Alfred.

Barbara reached forward and pressed a button on the screen, ending the communication. She turned back to another monitor and stared at it for a long time, her eyes concentrating, searching for any trace….

She slammed her hand down on the desktop on frustration. No sign of the Batman along the Nile at all. Al Ghul must be cloaking the whole entire area with satellite interference, she thought tiredly. No communication in, no communication out. Which meant he knew that the Batman would be coming. And with the added threat of the Joker, this was going to prove to be one difficult mess to clean up. Not that she didn’t have faith in Bruce. He could take care of himself. It was the other one she was constantly worrying about. She tapped another series of keys and let the computer attempt another trace. As she waited for the results, her eyes fell down upon a small photograph on her desk. It was of a couple, a very happy couple, their arms wrapped around each other as they posed for the camera. The smile on the womans’ face was carefree, alive, full of promise. Barbara stared at the photo. This had been taken only months before she had been shot by the Joker in her father’s apartment. Dick had taken her to the docks, and they had caught the eye of a traveling photographer, who had offered to photograph them for free.

Because you are such a beautiful couple, he had said, before he had snapped the camera.

Dick had grinned and Barbara had blushed…but even in their embarrassment she had known that the man was right. And the shame of it was….that had been their last real date. Their relationship had been temporarily put on hold while Dick was working with the Titans, and then….the Joker, standing in the doorway, his eyes gleaming, his grin like a chilling death knoll in front of her eyes, destroying so many things with that single bullet…but taking away from her the most important thing of all….a chance with Dick.

Over time she had tried to force herself to go back, to try to relive what they had. But every time she had felt she was ready, he wasn’t. Or every time he had been ready, something held her back. She didn’t know what it was….but she guessed it was a lot of fear….and maybe even anger. Dick had nearly married that alien woman not long after, and Barbara’s heart had been set in stone with him for doing that, even after the wedding had been dropped. Maybe she was mad at him for not waiting, even if she couldn’t really expect him to. Maybe she had lost her chance. And now that he was away…..deep in trouble, deep on a mission, she might never get the chance to tell him how she felt….

How she cared for him, how she needed him, how much she had wanted that one night in her apartment a month ago to have progressed. But of course the Huntress and Petit’s squad had broken in and interrupted the hungry embrace that had fallen over both of them. She wondered what would have happened if Dick had not stopped….she wondered what they might have done….

The computer beeped softly, and Barbara was interrupted in her reverie. She stared at the screen and sighed. Still nothing. She hoped beyond hope that Dick was all right, and that when he came back, maybe she would have the courage to say….what she wanted to say….

Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.

“Egypt ETA, 1 and a half hours. Folks, we will be experiencing turbulence, nothing to worry about. That is all.” The captain’s voice winked off of the intercom, and Helena rolled her eyes. Beside her, Jean Paul stared out the window, his face a mask of stone.

“One and a half hours. For all we know, they’ll be dead by the time we get there. I don’t see why we couldn’t have just taken Justice League transportation.”

Helena’s eyes narrowed. “First of all, I got kicked out of the Justice League, remember? For “excessive violence”, she spat the word out contemptuously.

“Even if we were able to gain access to that machinery, we wouldn’t know where exactly to land. Al Ghul’s covered the entire area in a satellite cloak. That will effect communications, and it will make emergency transport virtually impossible. We can’t possibly know the exact coordinates, and there’s a good chance the scrambler he has on his equipment will block transports as well. Does that answer your question?’ she replied, rather viciously. Jean Paul looked at his companion, rather surprised.

‘Is that why you’re mad….or is there another reason,” he asked softly, watching her.

Helena bit her lip, and looked at him, saying nothing. Jean Paul watched her for a while, letting her internally work out whatever was bothering her.

“It’s just….that…well, this is our chance….my chance…to get back on Batman’s good side…Not that I care if I’m on his bad side,’ she added quickly, and Jean Paul grinned to see that she was blushing fiercely.

“I understand completely.” He took her hand in his.

“You hate him as a bully, as a school teacher, as almost a father…..but you still want his approval desperately. He’s the one, Helena. He’s the guy who defines what we are and what we do. And to have him disprove of you….even as much as you say it doesn’t bother you….it bothers you to the extreme.”

“It took the longest time for me to get back with his good graces, after the whole incident with my taking over the Batman garb. The things I did, the people I hurt, the damage I wrought……I didn’t think anyone would trust me afterwards. Least of all, him. But slowly I was able to come back to his side. To rub out the past. He trusts me…..and he’ll trust you again, Helena. Don’t worry about that. It’s just a question of time.

Helena looked at the earnest look on her lover’s face and couldn’t help but grin. He looked so serious and yet so absolutely cute at the same time. And his words did comfort her a little. She let her hand steal down from his to between his legs, and patted the slight packet she felt there, feeling a stirring occur.

Jean Paul’s’ look of concentration turned almost bewildered.


She grinned at him and leaned forward, kissing him impulsively. And as she pulled back from the embrace, he could feel her whisper against his lips, and her words both excited and stunned him.

“Wanna be a member of the mile high club?”

Somewhere in Egypt.

Harley lay on the couch, striking the sexiest pose she could. She had been waiting for the Joker to return from the capture of the Batman, and then she was going to reward her brave puddin by giving him something that she knew he wanted….a little ride on his Harley. She had been trying, desperately, for months, to bed the Joker, but he always had come up with some excuse or another.

“I’m just…too tired, Harl.”

“I’m in the middle of planning this execution, Harley.”

“I’m a little busy strafing this bank with poison gas pellets, Harl. Get back to me later.”

In her opinion some of the lamest excuses she had ever heard. But she knew she was wearing him down. Just the other night he had consented to a night of heavy petting, halting only when his favorite made for TV movie, The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, came on. When John Travolta finally died, the Joker proclaimed it one of the funniest moments in movie history. Even funnier than the whole skin thing in The Silence of the Lambs. And Harley she couldn’t compete with such heavy competition for her love’s attention.

She tried various positions on the couch, finally settling on a sultry Playboy type position with her legs shooting down to the edge of the couch, her cute little bottom poking pertly up in the air, her arms folded underneath her chin. Staying with the Joker was a workout in itself, and she had toned her body to further athletic perfection, with the assistance of the body altering drugs Poison Ivy had given her.

She looked down at her one less than fabulous feature…her breasts. It wasn’t as if they were small or anything, or that she was flat as a board, but she would never be that Anna Nicole Smith woman either. And she had seen the way the Joker would look at Talia, the daughter of their newest employer. The dark woman was put together, Harley had to admit, spectacularly. And she certainly didn’t have to worry about not keeping anyone’s attention with any part of her body.

Oh, well, she sighed, and then smiled again. The workout she was going to give him this time would be more than enough to keep his attention, she would see that. The thought of her white skinned lover hovering above her, his body pressed against her….it sent shivers up and down her spine.

“Harl? Did you miss me, my little lycra clad treat?” came his familiar cackle from down the hallway.

Harley steeled herself, and then threw herself back into the exotic pose. The Joker bounded through the doorway, his grin even wider.

“We got him! We got the Batboy! I swear, I think old Batsy is getting senile in his old age. I snuck right on him and that poser partner of his, Nightthing., and Harly old bean, the look of shock on his face was worth more than a thousand deaths. “

“Did ya kill him, puddin?” Harl asked, a slight sultry tone entering her voice.

The Joker didn’t notice. “Harl, killing the Batman, especially in such a crass and sudden manner, would not be artistic. His death has to be operatic, of the sort of Armageddon waiting on the other side of the door, nukes exploding all over the place, with a kick ass soundtrack in the background, perhaps ACDC or Mettalica….you know… has to be worthy of Jerry Bruckheimer. That man kills people in a way that I only dream about. Ah, Jerry.”

The Joker reached down to the side table on the couch that had been placed in the center of the crypt and picked up a picture frame. Inside was a mini poster of the movie Con Air.

He waved the picture in her face. “The plot may have sucked, my dear, but who goes to a Bruckheimer film for plot? Oh, one day, one glorious day very soon, Harl, the Batman’s going to meet with an end worthy of the almighty Jerry. Maybe I’ll even film it. Lessee, grainy or black and white?”


“Of course I’ll need someone worthy to play Batboy. I hear Hasselhoff’s not working right now.”


“And who to play me? I mean, Rodney Dangerfield has such depth, but Tim Curry looks great in pumps and a corset…”


Harley finally yelled, her patience at an end. The Joker, lost in one of his insane ramblings, had been pacing the room back and forth, and the position that she was holding was causing her arms to cramp up. The Joker stopped, and his eyes narrowed down to slits, unhappy with being interrupted with his glorious reverie. Then he relaxed as he saw her in that position.

“What, is it time for Sweatin to the Oldies already, Harl?”

Harley wiggled one finger in his direction. “It’s certainly time for some sweating, puddin. Come on over here.”

The Joker gulped. It wasn’t that he didn’t find Harley attractive. It was just that…..he was never really into sex. With another human being. And her constant attentions were not what he really wanted. He honestly wanted just some mayhem, some bloodshed, and someone to come home to and watch Rodney movies all night long with. Even as obviously well put together as Harley was, he just wasn’t looking for that kind of relationship.

And….her breasts weren’t big enough.


Both of them started at the new voice that had come into the room. Joker turned, to see the dark daughter of Ras Al Ghul standing there, watching the little scene unfold. Harley’s eyes narrowed, and she was leaping up from the couch, throwing her arms around the Joker almost protectively. Talia walked into the room, and stared at the obviously insane set up.

“My father sent me to see if everything is to your liking.”

Talia’s tone was inviting, but her face was colder than the stone surrounding them. The Joker looked her up and down for a second, taking in her features.

Saved by the bell, he thought crazily, and a light lit up in head. He looked at Talia for a long time, much to the chagrin of Harley.

Finally he pointed to Talia, and gestured back at the woman in black and red who clung to his shoulder desperately.

“How come you don’t look like that?”

Harley’s jaw dropped open in stunned amazement, and next thing they both knew she was springing from the crypt in a stream of tears.

Talia watched her go without moving, and then turned back to her smiling companion.

“Honestly, I do not see why she remains with you, if you treat her in such a manner.”

The Joker shrugged. “Who can understand women? The nicer you are to them, the more they treat you like a carpet sweeper. The meaner you are, the more they want you. And they call me insane.”

Talia did not dignify that statement with any response. Instead she stepped into the crypt, her eyes flashing.

“My father wishes you to join us in the main chamber. The archeologist has made a discovery that will prove most beneficial….to all of us.”

“Lead the way, pretty lady.” As she left the room, the Joker followed, his eyes tracing up and down her body. That slinky black thing she was wearing, with maybe a little purple and green thrown on for extra, and she might be just the thing the Joker was looking for….

“Don’t even think about it.” Her cold voice came from up ahead. She didn’t even turn around.

The Joker grinned and followed her. Women, who could understand them?

“I hope for your sake, Doctor, that your translations are correct.” Al Ghul looked back from the various parchments and took in the nervous figure of Victoria Hartheson. The archeologist nodded and pointed to the one parchment he held now. Upon it, a figures of people were printed, the most prominent the figure of a man with a jackal’s head, his arms outstretched as if to the heavens. Around him three figures knelt, and from their bodies lines shot into the figure. He seemed imperious, unstoppable. Below the figures lay the figure of a pyramid, and drawings in the shape of a map. Ras’ eyes glittered as he examined the parchment further. Finally he looked up, his face tightened with an emotion that made Hartheson quake even more….pleasure. The look on his face was only rivaled by that of…

“So who’s up for a Jim Carrey marathon? I brought the popcorn,” the Joker called to the rest of the assembled group in the main chamber. He strutted in behind Talia, who gave her father a look of such obvious distaste for her companion’s company that Hartheson could feel it from the other side of the room.

Behind her, Draco stiffened. His thighs were still sore from the beating that Selina had given him, and the area where the Joker had shot him had not had any pain alleviation at all. All of them watched as the jolly madman strolled into the room, until he was face to face with the Demon’s Head. Ras’ smile disappeared quickly, to be replaced with a look pure stone. The Joker paid it no mind, but continued to grin in his face.

“So, are you going to finally tell me what we’re doing out here, besides me attempting a rather pointless tan? Or are we just going to sing folk songs? Anyone here know any Harry Chapin?”


“Come on, you know the words…. ‘I am the morning DJ at WOLD….”


“Or perhaps some Jimmy Buffet….”


Ras Al Ghuls’ voice had risen to a level of complete and total power. The Joker’s eternal grin actually faltered as the Demon’s Head rose to his full height in front of him. It was as if he had become some dark god of the tomb, and the Joker fell silent.

“If you are finished with your inane humor, Joker, I will explain exactly what is going on.”

The Joker stepped back until he was standing next to Dr. Hartheson.

“Tough room.”

He whispered from the corner of his mouth. Dr. Hartheson cringed.

Al Ghul held the piece of parchment in his hand up high. “Do you know what this is, Joker?”

“Ancient comic strip about Sphinxy and his pals?” The Joker laughed, and then looked around the room.

“I guess you guys haven’t seen that one either. My references are wasted.”

“It is the key to immortality, Joker. Immortality, and power to shake the very foundations of the world. This parchment contains a map…to the Tomb of Anubis.”

“And Anubis would be….”

“The ancient Egyptian god of the Dead. Also the son of the King of the Gods, Osiris and his queen, Isis. Contained somewhere within that tomb is a ritual room, a room in the shape of a triangle, carved out of the stone and sand long ago by the first pharaoh of Egypt, Horus. Horus was given his crown through the divine intervention of his father, Osiris, after Horus defeated his uncle, Set, who had murdered both Osiris and Isis.

Contained within that ritual room is this.”

Ras reached into his cloak and pulled out a parchment even more tattered than the first one he had held. Imprinted upon it were several different figures, but in the middle lay a picture of the head of a jackal. The head was drawn with golden ink.

“The Helmet of Anubis. Many have doubted its existence, because of its supernatural powers. When Horus defeated his uncle, he took the bodies of both his parents and the freshly killed Set and placed them in opposite corners of the ritual room. With the god given helmet, Anubis imparted all of their powers and strength to Horus, making him the greatest leader Egypt has ever known. Even your scientists debate the existence of Horus, but these parchments that Dr. Hartheson discovered within the Tomb of Set two years ago confirm it’s existence. The ancient kings used the helmet to pass on their powers to their offspring. When a King and Queen knew their time on earth was at an end, they would bring their successor into this chamber, along with a rival for the crown. Each would sit within the corner of the triangle, and then the successor would don the Helmet. Anubis would bestow upon him the power of the King, the power of the Queen, and the power of the rival. The King and Queen would ascend to Heaven, to live out the rest of their days in the glory of immortality. The rival was banished to the shadow realms forever, stripped of his power and spirit. And the new King would absorb their power, both life and metaphysical. The ancient pharaohs truly did possess power over life and death. That accounts for the longevity of their rules. Four hundred years….five hundred years….eight hundred years…..modern archeology doubts these lengths as exaggerations of the Egyptians. I tell you, they are historical fact. And now I possess the key to finding the Helmet, and taking its power. And I shall not just rule Egypt, but the whole physical world. With my immorality restored completely.”

“Nice history lesson. I would have preferred a slide show, or maybe hand puppets. You mind telling me what this has to do with me?” the Joker grinned at Al Ghul.

“Your contacts will allow me to dig up the tomb without…..interference, Joker. And in return for your cooperation, you will receive a handsome reward fitting a king. Gotham will be yours to rule as you please.”

The Joker smiled. “Just Gotham? I’d like Siberia as well, if it’s not too much to ask.”

Ras stopped his tirade. “Why Siberia?”

“They make a hell of a snowcone.”

And incredibly, Victoria saw that Al Ghul was smiling.

“So be it. We have all the elements for the ceremony, and we will depart immediately.”

Joker raised his hand again. “Just for curiosity’s sake, who plays the king, queen and rival in this little ceremony?”

Talia stepped forward. “My beloved and I will never be parted again. My father has promised this. And we will be rid of the one who would steal his heart from me. Does that answer your question?”

“You mean….no more Batman? No more Catwoman?”

Talia smiled. “We will be gods, for each other only in our glory.”

As the other’s gathered around the table to peer down at the map, as Ras began detailing his plans to them., Joker turned back to Victoria and whispered underneath his hand.

“And they call me insane. Oh well, when in Rome, burn the city to the ground.”

His eyes danced with a fire that caused chills to raise up and down the archeologist’s spine. And she wondered, not for the last time, what she had gotten herself involved in.

Harley ran down the hallways of the crypt, her mind a tumble of agony and despair at the Joker’s continued rejection of her. She had seen the way her puddin had looked at that slut Talia, the way his beautiful green eyes had lit up at the sight of her body. And Harley knew that while she didn’t possess every single exotic attribute that the daughter of the Demon had, she had more than enough to satisfy her madman’s cravings….if he would only let her. She ran and ran, until finally she had stopped running, realizing where she had ended up. The door in front of her was one of the makeshift cells where they were keeping the vigilantes they had captured. She had to hand it to Ras’, she mused as she stared at the door. Capturing the Batman was quite a feat. She had only met him a couple of times, but even those brief dark moments had been enough to strike a cold chill right down her spine. This cell contained the other vigilante, the one they called Nightwing. She had never met him before; supposedly he spent all of his time in Bludhaven, and that was one burg the Joker had not yet picked to tour with her.

She peered into the cell, the dim light from the torches all around her throwing slight streams between the bars of the small window. Inside she could make out the figure of a man, dressed in black, his arms tied to the bed and his legs tied to the base, breathing heavily. Apparently, the vigilante was still unconscious. But even as Harley continued to peer in at him, she found something….attractive in his form. Not nearly the raging attraction or passion she felt for the Joker, but all the same there was something very….pleasant about this man’s curves. She reached forward onto the wall for a torch, and filled the cell with more light, in anticipation.

Wow. He was built extremely well, his body was like one taut line of muscle, and his haunches were tight and solid. The angle of where he lay had his legs slightly up in the air, and Harley peered downwards to see under the rise of his legs. Oh yeah. He had a fabulous butt as well. Joker had many things going for him; winning smile, dashing sharp looks, and skin as beautiful as snow….but he did not posses a butt like Nightwing. Harley paused in the doorway, considering.

What would be the better way to get back at her puddin? Make him extremely jealous? Make him insane….more so….with anger and need for Harley? She reached down to one of her side pockets and petted the packet she had lifted off of Draco when he had been unconscious in their quarters. She had seen him rubbing it on his hands before one of his trysts with the archeologist, and the scientist in her told her what she needed to know…a highly intoxicating stimulant, designed to specifically work on the wearers pheromones, increasing their intensity and making the wearer all the more desirable. It was quite the similar effect that her old shooting buddy Poison Ivy had on men.

Harley stared into the doorway now, biting her lip in indecision. Nightwing lay there, seemingly oblivious to the potential encounter that awaited him. In his sleep he moved slightly, and as he moved, his body shifted just enough to give Harley a few more visible inches of his buttocks through the lycra.

That did it.

Harley grinned and opened the door.

Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.

“Are you sure this is…..I mean, what I mean to say is…..”

Jean Paul was looking decidedly green as Helena led him by the hand back to the airplane’s restroom.

Helena grinned at the shy look on his face. “You heard the pilot. We have about two hours to kill. Now we can watch some bad movie, we can talk….or……”

“Just tell me what it was I did to deserve you, so I can leave a special thank you note for God afterwards.”

She turned back to look at him, blush filling her cheeks.

“Thank you for saying that. Just for that, you get to pick the position.”

Jean’s face was almost stunned, and then his face cleared.

“Yes, because airplane restrooms provide so much room for variety.”

Helena worked her way to the back of the plane, and then entered the small compartment containing the bathroom. Jean Paul followed her in, and then they were standing in a cubed space no bigger than four feet by four feet. Helena turned around to face him with some difficulty, but they were soon kissing passionately, his arms wrapped around her back to bring her into his embrace closer. She moaned slightly as her fingers fumbled with his pants, forcing them down to his knees. Her hand reached inside his thighs and grasped his cock, already hard to her touch. His fingers were under her blouse, working the straps of her bra down from her back. As they worked feverishly to undress each other, their tongues darted back and forth between their mouths, licking and strutting each other passionately.

“I’ve gotta have you now, I can’t wait….” He panted against her lips, moving his hands inside her shirt to cup her large breasts between his fingers, squeezing the large mounds over and over, making her squeal sharply against his mouth.

“Bingo on that, lover.” She returned, and then they were kissing again, moving around the slight room in a circle, until Jean Pauls’ back was to the toilet. He sat down, and Helena pulled his shirt up from his shoulders, and leaving it in a rumbled pile in the sink. Her bra, his pants, and her skirt joined it shortly there after.

Helena reached down and grasped his cock, jerking it between her fingers back and forth roughly. She grabbed some of the soft soap at the sink, and began to rub it up and down his cock insistently, lubricating the length despite his gasps. Then she parted her legs and sat down in his lap, plunging his cock deep into her pussy. Helena’s eyes clamped shut, and she had to stifle a scream of pleasure as his shaft pierced deep up into her body, filling her.

Jean Paul reached forward with his mouth and cupped one of her large swaying breasts between his lips, suckling the darkened nipple with his tongue, stifling his increased groans of passion. Helena began to bounce up and down on his lap, moving her hips in a sharp rhythm over his. Her arms reached around his head and pressed his face deep into her cleavage, demanding even greater kisses to her chest and shoulders as he ran his tongue up and down her smooth creamy skin.

The crown of his cock was rending out her loins to high degrees of pleasure, making her bite her lips between her teeth. Her hair bounced down around them in a dark raven mane, covering the back of his head and neck.

“Fuck me, Jean…..fucking fuck me…” she panted harshly, her mouth lolling open and close in deep gasps.

Jean Paul suckled one breast between his lips, and then darted to other, loving the soft quivering taste of her in his mouth, the sweet buds of her nipples caressing his tongue like hard darts.

As he felt his first orgasm building, he began to pound his hips up and down below her, jackhammering himself into her waiting body, making her quake with his frenzied efforts.

Helena could also feel herself building up to climax. The angry passion that filled her body was being focused now into pleasure, and all propriety was tossed out the window as the feelings in her body began to overtake her reason. Her mouth opened into a yell of happiness as she could feel her pussy tighten sharply, and then release as her climax resounded throughout her body.

Jean Paul called out against her breasts a second later, his cock stiffening harshly within her before the streams of his pleasure shot deep within her. They stopped moving for a second, temporarily spent.

Several patrons of the airplane turned back in their seats, their ears pricked to the scream that had come from the back. The stewardess just smiled and continued to pour the drinks. It wasn’t the first time she had heard screams coming from the bathroom of the same caliber….and on more than one occasion, she had been the one making those sounds.

“Coffee, sir?”

Somewhere in Egypt.

The Batman’s eyes flickered slightly, and even as his mind raced back to consciousness, he cursed himself for allowing himself to fall into so obvious a trap. But the presence of the Joker popping up had been almost too much for him. Even in the middle of that pile of guards, it was one angle he had not expected. And after all these years, the Batman had learned to expect all of the angles. Ras Al Ghul joining forces with the demented clown was one of the most unlikely pairings of them all, but it made perfect sense. Whatever Ras was here to do, whatever he was here to attempt, the Saudi and Egyptian governments would not just waive permission for him to go about as he pleased. And Ras prided himself as a man of honor. Besides, those governments were a lot more open to……persuasion….than others. And with the contacts that the Joker had made during his time as their Ambassador, and the mayhem he had recently worked throughout the world, under the Saudis’ payroll, had given Al Ghul the permissions and entries that he would have just had to kill for otherwise. With the Joker fencing with the Saudis and keeping them at bay long enough for Ras to do whatever he had set out to do….

Batman’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cell he was in. The smell and the feel of the air made him aware that he wasn’t really in a cell, but some sort of crypt or map room, buried somewhere within the lower depths of the Sphinx’s underground. He tried to raise his arms, but was not surprised to find them stuck fast to the bed he lay on. Moving his body around, he realized that he was almost naked, save his tights and his mask. Whoever had bound him had removed every single item from his arsenal, including his boots and his gloves. Even the emergency JLA signal he had kept within the black bat shield on his chest was gone, and he could feel the cool air of the crypt blowing slightly across his body, giving him goosebumps.

“Lenses “ he whispered. Nothing.

So the person who had taken him apart, both literally and figuratively, had known all of his secrets. The nite vision lenses that were a part of his mask’s inner structure were gone as well. That meant that someone had removed his mask in order to do that. And he could think of only one person besides Ras allowed to do such a thing.

The Batman’s equipment might have been taken, but his ears were still sharp as tacks. From down the other end of the corridor, he could hear the striking of footsteps approaching. The weight and tone of the step indicated the walker was in a hurry to get where they were going, and…they were female.

The doorway opened, and in the dim light filling the room, Batman could make out the lithe shape of a woman he knew so well.

Talia stood in the doorway, her body clothed in a suit of pure black, her hair down around her shoulders in that mysterious dark swathe he had found haunting the first time he had met her.


She whispered, and then she was coming to him, her body falling down to his bed, covering momentarily with embraces of hot passion, her lips traveling over his eagerly, insistently. Then she was sitting up, her face a remote mask as she realized he was not returning her embraces.

“The last time I saw you, you were a beaten man, beloved. The devastation of Gotham had taken it’s toll on you, and you were bleeding and crushed in that hotel room. Do you remember?”

He nodded. “I remembered that you nursed me back to health, in more ways than one, Talia. You gave me strength, you gave me purpose again. Why do you capture me now?”

She did not move. “Because even as much as love and desire you, beloved, I would do my father his honor even more. And as my father needs me, I will be there for him. You, of all people, know he comes before anything else. Even our love.”

“What is he doing out here, Talia?”

She leaned down to his lips again, hungry. “Kiss me.” It was a command.

The Batman allowed her lips to fall over his, and suddenly even as he kissed her he felt the strong yearnings he had always had for her overflowing him. Her tongue slipped between his lips and played along his, desperately, hungrily. He responded strongly at first, but regained his composure. Finally she stopped kissing him, her tongue slipping back into her own mouth. She leaned over him close, her mouth still mere inches from his.

“He’s fulfilling his dream, beloved. And he will make you and I a part of his dream. Our love will finally be able to thrive, to grow, and we will never be parted again….forever. That’s all I will say for now. Kiss me again.”

He shook his head. “Tell me,” he urged.

Talia’s eyes glittered with passion and need for a long instant, and then they cleared with resolve.

“I cannot…yet..”

She stood up from his bed now, and traced a finger down his naked chest, longingly.

“I will be able to quench my desires for you, soon enough, beloved. But first there are things I must do. Do not worry,” she smiled as she approached the door. “You will not have to wait for my company again long. And the next time I return…..” her eyes flashed with that dark passion once more, and then she was out the door. Leaving him in darkness.

Harley smiled to herself as she picked the lock of the door, one of the many tools that the Joker’s henchmen had taught her. It was a shame that he had the tendency of killing them off in fits of rage or madness, she decided to herself as she worked at the door. Some of them had been down right decent guys. But that was her puddin’s temper, and she was not one to court such a temper with any semblance of a sane mind.

The heavy wooden door suddenly creaked, and she was inside the room, getting a better look at the body on the bed. It was long, taut and oh so delicious looking.

Harley walked over to the slightly breathing form, and placed a hand on his chest. She gasped. He was so muscular….that wasn’t just padding or shielding.

Peering down at his masked face furthered her resolve. Even as the dark slip of black across his eyes hid some of his features, he was still clearly handsome, his looks chiseled. As her darker thoughts took over, she let one of her hands trace down his stomach to the folds between his legs. He obviously wore a supporter under his costume, but the size of the supporter that she felt now….her eyes widened in amazement. This man was carrying all of his tools with him…..and she liked the feeling of this one.

Harley could feel a slight gap between his shirt and pants, and suddenly slid her hand underneath the fabric, down in between his thighs, under the supporter. She gasped loudly. His cock filled her hand, her whole palm!

“Jeez,” she murmured, licking her lips. Below her, Nightwing stirred, and shook his head slightly, coming out of the slumber he had been in.

Dick opened his eyes to see a woman standing over him , her hands down his pants. As his mind worked feverishly to process these truly extraordinary developments, he noticed what she was wearing. Hadn’t Bruce told him that the Joker had a new female companion who dressed in black and red, the demented ex psychiatrist named….

“Harleyquinn?” he whispered, staring up at her.

“You heard of me. Good.” She whispered, her hand now moving up and down inside of his pants. Dick gulped. Even with the dim light, and the fact that she was wearing grease paint on her face, he could see that she was attractive….so incredibly attractive…..

What the hell’s happening to me? He thought insanely, as the sharp vision of Harley filled his mind, his whole entire soul.

Harley grinned as his breathing became quicker, harsher, and grasped his cock tighter. Obviously the toxicant was having it’s effect. She could feel the substantial shaft between her fingers growing much larger, and even as she knew she was doing this for jealousy’s sake, she could feel herself growing very aroused between the tight lycra folds of her tights. Dick sighed sharply as her fingers jerked his cock out of his tight, freeing it to the cold air. Then she was leaning over him, and in the back of her mind, she was screaming frantically with pleasure. She was going to do all the things she had wanted to do to the Joker to this waiting body, and she was going to release all of that pent up tension resounding throughout her body over that Joker into Nightwings’ willing arms.

“Oh….wow….” he gasped as he felt her lips fold his cock between them. Harley moaned around the meat in her mouth, and slowly began to suckle up and down his cock, licking his shaft generously, up and down with lavish strokes.

Nightwing let all of his inhibitions go, and simply lay there, gasping around Harley’s mouth as she continued to suck up and down his shaft. Harleys’ lips pouted in and out around his crown, performing beautiful pressure on him, sending dancing waves of light throughout his pelvis. Her mouth went slowly down his cock and then back up again, each bob of her head becoming steadily faster and faster, until she was jerking her face back and forth across his crotch. Her fingers reached down and cupped his balls between them, massaging them with white-hot intensity.

Nightwing lifted himself up to her beautiful maw as far as he could, and pounded his hips against her chin as her ministrations to his cock grew more and more frenzied. Her tongue lanced out between her lips, and she licked her way down to his balls, suckling each rounded digit between her lips, pulling them into her mouth.

“Harley…that feels so goooooddd…” he moaned.

Even as she licked her way back up to the head of his cock, Harley’s ears rang with those beautiful words. Here was a man who appreciated her, who desired her…….who wanted her to continue. And her attraction for Nightwing grew, so much so that she took his cock back between her lips softly, lovingly. She suckled on the tip for a long moment, as if it were rich candy in her mouth, melting to perfection, and then her mouth began to rage up and down his length at a speed that surprised her. She pressed her mouth down until the top of his cock struck the back of her throat, and then she gagged slightly as she forced it down further, deep throating him. At that extra sense of tightness around his shaft, Nightwing cried out suddenly, and felt a rush shoot through him as he came, his cream shooting deep down Harley’s waiting throat. And even in her surprise at making a man come, Harley sucked his come down wantonly, passionately. It was as if his orgasm sated something within her as well, the need to give after so long.

Pulling her mouth from his cock, she flexed the wet shaft between her fingers, gasping as she pulled him back to rigidity.

Nightwing shivered as Harley began to jerk him back to hardness, his body climaxing sharply. God, how he desired this woman, she was so beautiful, so wonderful, she was everything he had ever wanted.

“I want….want to touch you…to feel your body….” He whispered, his hands struggling against his bonds roughly. Harley jerked up in surprise, as she heard the first of his bonds snap under the terrific strain of his arm. She had known this was a powerful drug…..but she hadn’t realized how powerful.

The other arm jerked away from the bed, and suddenly the rope holding it snapped, and Nightwing was sitting up, grabbing her under the shoulders where she knelt before him.

“Aieeeeeee!!” she squealed as he deposited her in his lap and kissed her deeply, moving his lips against hers, his tongue darting into her mouth. The suddenness of his embrace left her feeling giddy, but he tasted so divine, and his passion was so raw that she surrendered to it completely, as his arms enfolded her. They kissed each other like that for a long while, their tongues darting back in forth between the juncture of their mouths, and then he was eagerly pulling at the edges of the body-folding top she wore. She giggled and shot her arms straight up into the air, as he forced the red and black material up over her body, letting her naked skin glisten in the soft light around them. Her breasts raised with the moving material across her body, and then fell back down, and Nightwing’s eyes were temporarily transfixed by their bobbing.

Harley looked down at her dark lover, and her own eyes filled with concern.

“Do….do you like them?” in her sudden self-awareness she had forgotten that he was under the influence of a drug.

His lips worked slightly in awe. “They….are the most perfect things I’ve ever seen.” He whispered, and then his lips darted over each small quivering mound, his mouth sampling the sweet soft flesh eagerly. His tongue rounded around one strawberry bud of a nipple, and he filled his mouth with her breast, sucking desperately, while she cooed and pressed his face closer into her cleavage. She began to grind her bottom down against his lap, cupping his cock between the supple line of her buttocks through the fabric, raising him back to full blown hardness. Then, lightly, she pushed him back down onto the bed, one of her breasts flopping from his mouth and then bobbing back. His tongue pierced out of his lips, eager for her taste again, but she placed a hand on his chest. Standing up on the bed above him, she moved to take her pants down her long white legs. He gasped as the small blonde fold of hair between her thighs was revealed, and then she started as he sat up again, his mouth moving eagerly towards her pussy. His hands grasped her ass tightly and he pulled her legs apart, darting his tongue up against the moistened line he found there.

Harley shivered and cried out as she felt his tongue play lightly against her loins, stopping only at the very top, centering on her clitoris. Then he took the hardened nub between his lips and began to suck.

“Ohhhhhh godddddddd….’ She moaned, and began to writhe her hips up and down over his face. Nightwing clenched her ass cheeks between his fingers and stabbed his tongue deep into her pussy, the slick walls folding over his squirming invasion and moving in tandem with his ministrations. Harley began to bounce lightly on his chin as he licked up and down her canal, shuddering his tongue up and down her moistened folds. It had been too long since she had received such attention there, such lavish strokes from his tongue, that Harley forgot everything. The reason she was here, the real reason she was doing this, nothing mattered but feeling Nightwing against her, on her. His tongue drove her into undulations of ecstasy, and her shoulders shook with silent sobs of joy. Then, as she thought she could stand it no longer, she could feel her body tighten, her sexual organ taut as hardened sinew, and then she exploded from within in a shower of orgasm. It danced up and down her legs, over her stomach, into her breasts, little biting flies of pleasure playing all over her body. Nightwing gulped as felt her come, and then her body sending it’s relief washing into his mouth. She tasted sharp, feral, and yet divine, and his tongue eagerly lapped up her spend.

Harley fell down his body, landing her still shivering loins against his cock, their bodies pressed together. Then she was forcing his cock deep inside of her, cupping the strong shaft between her pussy lips and shoving him up into her womb. Nightwing’s eyes clamped shut as he felt his organ surrounded by her sweet tightenss, and both of them hung there for a second, enjoying the moment of total joining. Then Harley began to bounce up and down on his lap, a renewed vigor entering her body as her first climax subsided.

“Fuck, fuck….fuck me!” she squealed, her lips playing along his like an eager puppy, kissing him all over, never in the same place twice. Nightwing responded by clenching her ass cheeks with his fingers, kneading the rounded flesh with his hands and massaging her pussy with his cock.

He fell back with her on top of him, her arms underneath him, her tongue in his mouth. His hips pounded against hers, sliding his shaft up and down her wildly shivering canal, until they were moving in a frenzied rhythm as one, their bodies writhing all over each other. Nightwing could feel his orgasm approaching and stabbed into her quicker and quicker, bringing her back to the edge he himself now stood upon, until finally they both climaxed, Harley’s cheeks rosy with blush even under the greasepaint, Dick’s mouth pounding with heavy pants. He could feel his cock loosen its’ load entirely within her wonderful womb, and her own fluids caressing his shaft as she came as well. They lay there like that, orgasm dancing across their bodies for the longest time, until finally she slipped him from her body and fell against him, sated completely.

And as they lay there, Nightwing began to get some of his reason back….and with it, an idea.

Selina winced sharply as her bonds bit into her skin even tighter, leaving a raw red ring in her wrists that she could just barely make out in the light. Draco had returned to tie her bonds not long after her encounter with Al Ghul. He was limping slightly at least, she was proud to note. And he moved around her cautiously, his eyes darting here and there to watch her limbs for sudden movements. He obviously wasn’t going to take chances this time around.

Once he was sure she was secure, he looked down at her sullenly.

“Aw, what’sa matter, big poppa? Did I bruise the family jewels too roughly?”

“Witch.” He muttered, but all the same, he kept his distance.

“So what’s this all about, Drake’s Cakes? Or should I just hazard a guess? I spy with my little eye, something that has to do with a doomsday device or some plan to take over the world. “ She stared up at her captor some more, her face watching his intensely.

“Huh? How about it, tall dark and shiny? Am I even close? Do I get the bronze?”

“It is not my place to speak of my master’s plans, or even mine, for that matter.” Was Draco’s short and curt reply. But the fear that momentarily flashed through his eyes told Selina more than enough to glean the truth. She was obviously in Egypt, in a tomb or pyramid….(she had gathered that by her surroundings) And she was here to play some part in some sort of ritual….that was clear from the fact that Ras hadn’t just come right out and hired her for a stealing job. The Batman was involved somehow, and Talia. And it was obvious that this ceremony or whatever had to take place soon, from the worried looks on Al Ghul’s servants.

“Not bad for a non Dark Knight Detective,” she grinned to herself as she worked once again at her bonds. Draco had taken no chances this time around….he had used one of the toughest nylon ropes on the market, the kind that didn’t just wear down after repeated stress. Forcing herself to remain calm and focused on her task, she thought of Batman. How little she really knew about this man whom she had a strong attraction for…and who apparently had as equal an attraction for her.

There had been times….she had to admit….where she had wondered who was underneath that mask….what drove him to go to such lengths, to such extremities. And despite her very clearly criminal outlook on life, she found that she admired him. He had stuck by Gotham even after the whole world had abandoned it, he had destroyed the criminal elements again and again…..he had such passion for his crusade, as all encompassing as it may be.

She remembered with some pain, the first time they had really worked together…..capturing four criminals that she had inadvertently….well, alright advertantly, she grinned to herself….. set free to run amok in Gotham. She told herself she had done it to confound the Batman while she got away with a couple of major heists, but the truth of the matter was, she had done it because she had felt the attraction even then. And so had he, she thought, rather bitterly.

The kiss that they had shared, so full of promise, and despite the hardened line of his jaw, she had for an instant felt him soften…..and then the rigid chin of justice had realigned itself…and he had turned away from her, with a short and curt no. And to follow, the promise to take her in.

Selina had blinked as something ran across her eye….sweat? No, an actual tear. Of regret, of anger, of need….she had not allowed him to see that tear, and had simply escaped with a small stipend of the heist that should have made her richer than she could have dreamed.

She told herself that she had done it because the challenge hadn’t been there, the thrill had run out while Batman was on her side….but in truth she had done it because she didn’t want to be reminded of his rejection, or even worse…..his half rejection.

Since then their relationship had played at varying degrees…sometimes they had been adversaries..more often then not, allies. And in the end she always asked herself, if he was so inaccessible, why did she keep going to him. The truth was, she had no answer for that. She didn’t know. All she knew now, was that he was on his way to rescue her….

My hero, she thought with dark humor. Probably get me out of here in five minutes and then have be back in jail within the hour…what a guy. Well, she didn’t intend to wait that long for him, even though some small part of her did have the fantasy in the back of her mind of him bursting through the door, eyes flashing, cape swirling in the darkness, his arms coming forward to lift her body from the bed….

She gritted her teeth and batted the thought away, no pun intended.

“The day I let that happen,” she said aloud, to no one in particular, “Is the day that women’s lib strings me up as a traitor. And they’ll probably take away my official Martha Stewart fan club membership while they’re at it.”

She grinned as she felt the first cord slip away from her hands. Sometimes it paid to have small wrists.

Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.

“I thought….I thought I got a choice in positions,” Jean Paul gasped as Helena rocked herself into another orgasm on his hips, swaying her body back and forth in the rhythm of copulation. She panted harshly and looked at him.

“What, that wasn’t good enough for you?” Her dark eyes flashed even as the last remnants of climax slid through her body. He could feel her legs tighten up and clamp down on his cock, almost painfully, still buried inside of her.

Jean Paul winced. “No, this was…..great. But…” his lips managed a sly grin. Helena found herself returning that grin, not quite knowing why. Suddenly he pulled her out of his lap and with some difficulty managed to turn them around, so that she was sitting on the toilet and that he stood in front of her. His cock hung right below her neck, and as he stared down at her, she realized what he wanted to do. With a laugh she reached around and grasped his buttocks, pulling his pelvis forward and burying his semi rigid shaft between her large breasts. Jean Paul let out a cry of happiness as he felt his cock surrounded by the wonderfully loose soft flesh, and automatically began to pump his hips back and forth. Helena reached around and placed her palms on either sides of her squashed mounds, and pressed them tightly around his organ, massaging his now fully erect cock back and forth, up and down, occasionally tickling the shaft with a hardened nipple. She bent her head down and opened her mouth, and as Jean Paul pressed his pelvis forward, suckled the crown of his shaft between her lips, licking the wettened tip in a circular motion. Jean Pauls hands came around to lay over hers, and she interlaced her fingers with his so that they both were cupping her breasts around his cock. Their hands moved in a mutual motion of excitement and aggression, as his hips became more and more intense in their gyrations.

“So soft… wonderful…..’ he moaned down at her, the sensations driving through him like none he had ever experienced. Helena nodded, her face a mask of pleasure, concerned only for his enjoyment now. Pressing his cock harder and harder between her breasts, she could feel him pulsing slightly, a vibration moving through his shaft. Quickly she knew he was going to come, and squeezed her breasts together so hard that her nipples rubbed against his thighs like twin darts of steel. She moaned at the sensations that sent throughout her chest, and licked his cock lavishly, taking him all the way into her mouth, his balls resting just on the top of her globes. Jean Paul pumped up and down out of her mouth, his desperation to release an overpowering factor now. Suddenly he cried out sharply as he felt her teeth nibble the shaft tenderly, thrushing the meat back and forth in her mouth. His whole body tensed, and then she was pulling his cock from her maw and jerking it up and down, aiming at her breasts. Jean let out a cry of beautiful release and let loose, his cream flying from his cockhead like a sweet spray of relief, coating her breasts. Helena laughed as he came again and again, covering her breasts with his come, a seemingly never ending supply.

Finally he fell forward, his body pressing against hers, and his hands reaching out for the back of the bathroom for support. His pelvis mashed against her drenched breasts, and he looked down to see the general look of amusement on her face as she ground herself against him, making him in turn just as messy as she was.

“So that’s what you’ve been longing to do so much,’ she grinned up at him, and shook her upper body back and forth, his cock still tingling with the after effects of orgasm, and he cried out slightly again.

“Well……let’s face it, Helena….super heroines possess certain qualities that mortal woman does not. And as a super hero, I think I should take full advantage of them.”

“So you were just taking advantage of me?” she said, her grin dropping away.

“No, no, no! I was….I mean…I thought…..” he stammered, wondering how the hell he had gotten himself into this mess, when he saw the cynical smile return to her face.

“Got you. You are so mine.”

He didn’t reply, merely shoved his hips forward, pressing back some of the mess between them. She squealed in a mixture of laughter and alarm, and then he was pulling her up to him and kissing her deeply.

Even in their bodies being totally spent, they were still able to share a warm kiss between each other.

Until the knock on the bathroom door.

Jean Paul looked at Helena, his eyes a mixture of alarm and humor, and then put his finger to his lips.

“Yes?” he called out.

“Stewardess, sir.”

“I’m kind of busy right now.”

“I was just wondering if you and the lady might need a moistened towlet or two. From the sounds of the last five minutes….I’d say at least seven.”

Helena gaped, and Jean Paul gaped, even as they stared down at her come covered breasts. Then Jean Paul turned and carefully opened the door a crack. The stewardess stood there, her own amused smile plastered on her lips. In her hands she held an entire basket of towlet packets.

“Part of the service, sir.” She grinned pleasantly at him.

Jean Paul reached forward and took the basket, the still sheepish grin on his face.


The stewardess winked and turned to leave, and then turned back to him for one more moment.

“Just a suggestion, sir, but we have still a few hours left in the flight. Have you considered doggie style?”

Somewhere in Egypt.

“Oooooh Nightwing…..I wanna do it again, and again, and again…” the exuberant Harley bounced up and down on Nightwing’s lap, his cock still buried within her body, her lips trembling from the blast of the latest orgasm. She had forgotten all about making the Joker jealous, she had forgotten that her dark lover was in fact Ras Al Ghuls’ prisoner, she had forgotten everything except the wonderful feeling of him in her, and how delicious it had felt, and how much she wanted to feel it again.

Dick winced as he moved his hips slightly, trying to break free of her. As good and frenzied as the sex had been, and as mind clearing as it had become, he still had the problem of getting rid of Harley. Not to mention not feeling guilty every time he looked at Clancy or…..her, he thought slightly, trying to move his body again. If he ever got out of this mess.

“This time, I wanna do it from behind….Red told me that most guys like to do it from behind last time we had a crime spree.” She giggled and turned around, letting his shaft slip from her folds and offering her beautiful rounded bottom for his inspection.

“Red?” he asked shakily, letting his voice sound drugged and slightly numbed up in order to keep up the illusion.

“You know, Poison Ivy, the chick with the green….everything…. Why?” she asked sharply, her eyes flashing darkly as she turned to look at him.

“You got eyes for her too?”

He shook his head slowly, once again acting the part of drugged up sex prisoner.

She grinned and lanced her bottom down on his lap. Dick had to bite his lip fiercely in order to keep from crying out in pain. This amount of sexual exercise was going to cause him a lot of pain in the long run.

Dick reached forward carefully caressing her neck and then her breasts between his hands, making her coo sharply as he flexed her nipples between his fingers. She groaned and ground her body down into his, trying to prepare him for more sex. Then with one nimble motion, Dick moved his hand up to her neck, and began to massage.

“Ooooh, Nightwing, that feels sooooooo….” Harley’s voice fell away as he pinched the nerve he had been searching for. The sex crazed super villainess fell forward, unconscious, and Dick gasped a sigh of relief as some of the maddeningly grinding weight fell away from his lap. He winced and brought his arms up on either side of him, trying to flex his muscles. He didn’t know why he had this effect on women….but he hoped to God that this kind of attraction never occurred again.

Then as he began to free his legs and gently slide Harley’s naked body to one side of the bunk, he couldn’t help but grin. Well, part of him hoped that.

Gotham City.

“I’ve made a total sweep of the city, and all’s quiet. Just a few routine muggings, one or two robberies, and I had to take down Crazy Quilt….but we all know how hard that is.” Robin grinned into his communicator, his feet hugging the cement block underneath him.

“How’s Batgirl doing?”

Barbara turned one of her monitors on, to a miniature camera view from the silent girls’ belt. She could make out a couple of buildings, each rapidly flying from the frame. She guessed the muted Batgirl was still swinging around on patrol.

“Your guess is as good as mine. You know how talkative she is about her work….or anything, for that matter. “ Babs sighed as she turned back to Tim’s monitor. The Boy Wonder gripped the sides of the wall he clung to tighter, and stared out at the night.

“Do we even have a clue what he’s doing over there?”

“I know you’re worried about him, Tim….”

“Me? Worry about him? There’s a total reversal,’ Tim gritted into his communicator.

“He finally gets over Jason Todd, and then he goes back to Egypt, leaving me to worry. I’m not sure I get his train of thought.”

“Who does, nowadays? At least he went for a real purpose this time, besides going to stop the world from blowing up at the hands of a madman, and all that.”

Tim grinned. “You mean Catwoman.”

Babs grinned equally. “You know the two of them would be perfect for one another….if they could stand to be in the same room for three minutes without getting into fisticuffs. I’ve worked with Selina enough times that I know she’s got a good heart….even if her fingers aren’t exactly as moral.”

“I can only imagine…”

“Keep your thoughts clean, teen wonder. You’re still a side kick, and one more thought like that, I may just suggest to Bruce that his Robins go back to the bikini briefs.”

“Don’t even jest about that. I can only wonder what Dick looked like the first time you saw him in that getup.”

Robin waited for Oracle’s quirky response, and then his smile faded as she didn’t call back. He tapped the communicator tentatively.

“Babs? You still there?”

Babs stared down at the picture on her desk again, her thoughts still full of Dick. That outfit had looked ridiculous, there was no denying that. And yet….it had also looked so good on him, showing off all his best features….and there had been a part of her eager to sample the rest of him right there, even despite the obvious differences in age. And now that he was grown up…it was still all too real for her, those feelings…

Robin tried her once again, cautiously. “Babs? Did I cross a line there, or something?”

“Why don’t you go and find the Spoiler, Boy Blunder? I’m sure she’d love to do more than just reminisce about old times with a gorgeous teen idol such as yourself.”

Robin grinned, and even though she couldn’t see him, she knew he was probably blushing as well.

“Actually, I kinda had my eye on that girl from Young Justice…you know, Arrowette?”

“Careful, Tim. I have a friend who’s had more than her share of experience with archers, and trust me, it’s not always wine and roses.’

“Fairly warned. Robin signing off.”

Robin swept his cape over his arm, and disappeared into the night.

And Babs picked up the photo of Dick and herself from the desk, and even as she stared at it, she could feel her heart fill with something certain. Resolve. She reached forward and began to tap into several different satellite systems run by the American government, and a few lesser known. She was going to contact Batman….and Dick, no matter what the cost.

And then she would decide what she would say, for once and for all. To both of them.

Somewhere in Egypt.

Selina finished with the last of her bonds and stood up, finally able to stretch her legs after almost three whole days of being under the rope. She reached up with her arms, pushing her body forward like a cat, easing the pain in her back. Then she was at the door, her eyes furtively glancing over the keyhole before her. Regular tumbler….combination lock…..maybe three digits, maybe four….she grinned as she studied the lock with interest. At least Ras had taken her expertise into consideration…this lock was nigh to impossible for almost anyone to break out of. It was like some bizarre left handed compliment that he would use only the best to cage the cat. Her finger shot forward and pressed against the bolt, feeling for weak spots. No…no….maybe, but still too…yes, a weakness. She reached forward and began to manipulate the bolt with her delicate fingers, working with a surgeon’s dexterity and minute calculation…to soon be rewarded with the sound of click. The heavy door creaked slightly, and Selina winced. Any guard within the immediate vicinity would hear that noise, and would come to investigate. She didn’t intend to stick around for them to find her gone. Carefully she glided into the hall. Despite the torn rags she wore, she moved with the grace of a dancer, lithely slipping down the corridor, her eyes adjusting to the total gloom of the tombs interior. Cold air blasted against her face, cooling her and keeping her mind sharp. She rounded a corner carefully, still in shadow, to see the bald body guard standing at the end of the hallway. In front of him, and down around his knees, knelt a woman. Selina couldn’t recognize her face, as it was to her back, and rather busy polishing Draco’s knob. Draco stood there, his hand wrapped around the blonde woman’s head, pressing her ever bobbing face against his hips, his eyes clenched tight shut in the agony of pleasure. Selina’s mind worked feverishly. It would be so easy to take him while his attention was obviously elsewhere….but she didn’t know what the woman’s story was. Whoever she was, she was very obviously enjoying her task, judging from the low pitched moans coming from her.

Selina turned back down the corner. Better to leave them. With Draco essentially out of commission for the next five minutes or so, that gave her time to put some distance between them.

She made her way down another corridor, this one slightly lit with torches on either side. From down at the end she could hear a hushed echo of voices, and she blinked as she realized the content.

“ You know, Poison Ivy, the chick with the green….everything? Why you have a thing for her too?”

Selina rolled her eyes. Was everybody having sex in this damned prison except for her?

Bruce worked desperately at his bonds, his teeth set in a grimace of anger and determination. Talia had taken no chances with him either in escaping, and had used for times the durability strength of rope that she had used on Selina. The master detective was not going anywhere, by her standards, and she had already searched the whole entire room and his person for every possible escape device. Bruce couldn’t help but find some satisfaction in that. Talia obviously wanted him to stay put, and she had made every and all attempts to keep him there, down to the minutest detail.

Bruce’s ears perked as he heard footsteps in the hall. Her footsteps, moving with sharper speed and greater purpose than they had before. He didn’t know what that meant, but he doubted it was good. His wrists were almost bloody raw from his movements. He lay back as he heard the door swing open, and his eyes adjusted to the sudden flare of light in the room. Then his eyes widened but sharpened down to slits in an instant.

Talia stood there in the doorway, wearing nothing more than the sheerest nightgown of white, her body surrounded by so murky a film of satin that he could clearly see all of her choice features prominently. Bruce couldn’t help but gulp a little bit at the sight of her. He may have been able to hold down his emotions while he was in battle mode, but the sight of her….the smell of her….and wasn’t it getting much warmer in the room?

Bruce blinked as he saw that she carried a single slender candle. The smoke the candle burned off was a vibrantly dark green, and the smell that filled the room was overpowering, intoxicating. Bruce breathed through his mouth as he recognized the scent…..a very highly intoxicating stimulant, used by most Eastern cultures in lovemaking to increase sexual tension. A very highly illegal and powerful drug, and it was burning its way down into his lungs, despite his protested gasps to remain calm.

Talia grinned as she made her way over to his bed, and despite his tense control on his body, he could still feel the warmth of her…so wonderful, so powerful…..

“I can see that you are not completely unhappy to see me this time, beloved.” Talia moved towards the bed, once again drawing a slight line down his naked chest with one slender finger.

“I must prepare you….for the ritual.”

“What ritual?” Bruce gasped as he let the filmed air fill his lungs, finally breaking under the tremendous strain. As he breathed, some more of his self resolve fled his body, and with that self resolve gone he could feel his body beginning to relax….save one part of him.

“The ritual that will join us together forever. The joining of our souls, our bodies, as immortal loves…forever. You and I shall be joined, beloved…as gods.”

He blinked. “What….what do you mean?”

“When the moon rises high tomorrow over the ancient temple of the death god, you and I shall give our power to my father, in a ceremony older than any of your elder gods have existed. We shall give ourselves willing up to him, joined as husband and wife, king and queen, and finally, god and goddess. And finally my father shall be immortal again.”

“But…the Lazarus Pit….” He breathed.

Talia’s eyes narrowed, and he could feel the warmth of her palm grow ice cold for an instant.

“The Lazarus Pit…is no more, beloved. Thanks to you.”

The Batman blinked, contemplating her words.

“No more? But Ras….”

“If you had seen my father, you would hardly recognize him. He’s grown old, beloved. So old. The last time you encountered him, you destroyed his only means to preserve himself…until now. The Pit was buried under tons of molten rock and earth….and it would take years to make our way back down to the Pits technology. Years my father doesn’t have….but with our assistance, he will be revitalized. Through the use of…”

“The Helmet of Anubis.” Bruce breathed, cutting her off. Talia’s eyes widened for a second, and then flashed with pleasure.

“You know much, beloved. You read my thoughts before I speak them. You are indeed, still worthy of me.”

“No mind reading, Talia. Simple detective work, and anyone with an even elementary education in ancient Egyptian god myths before the elder gods would know about the Helmet.”

He said it wryly, but there appeared to be a slight tremor in his voice. Talia’s hand closed down over the crotch of his pants, where his cock throbbed against her grip. Bruce sighed sharply, and he could feel his organ grow even harder.

“Your father is basing his one chance of survival on an ancient fable.”

Talia’s grin grew playful, and as she continued to look down at him, her nimble fingers began to work their way up and down over his cock through the fabric of his pants.

“That doesn’t matter, beloved. All that matters is you and I will be together, no matter what. And you forget, Dark Knight. My father is a fable in his own right.”

“But…” his last protest crossed his lips.

“Ssssshhhh..” she whispered, touching a finger to his lips. The finger maddeningly right on his mouth, and he fought every impulse with ferocity not to slip the tip between his lips.

“No more talk. Tonight we shall be wedded again.” Her lips descended to his mouth, and he felt their warm pressure softly envelope his own. And with that soft kiss, he felt his last resolve float away from his body. His mouth eagerly dived to receive hers, and their kiss filled with excitement as the two old lovers reunited.

Bruce’s tongue slipped around Talia’s, and he fought against the bonds that held him down in his eagerness to hold her, to caress, to feel the warm dark skin against his fingers. Talia simply kissed him, teasing his organ up and down with maddeningly soft strokes with her palm, while the other hand began to run against his chest, drawing slight circles against his breast.

Her dark fell down across his face, and then her hands were on his mask. He didn’t fight her, he simply lay there as she pulled the cowl up over his head, exposing his face. Her eyes took him in.

“Beloved.” She whispered and kissed him again, stronger this time, her mouth bashing against his in desperate need. Their kiss lasted much longer than the first, until finally she broke away from him and stood up. Excitedly, a look of total lust spreading over her beautiful features, her fingers fumbled with the clasps on either side of the sheer dress she wore, and the wisp of white fell away, to reveal a tantalizingly beautiful naked body. Bruce watched the revelation of her large swinging breasts, her flattened stomach, and the sand colored delta between her legs, glinting slight like a promised jewel above his mouth. Then she was pulling her legs forward, until his mouth was even with the seal of her thighs. She pressed her hips down over his face, until his lips were even with her pussy.

“Kiss me there, beloved. Give me pleasure.” She moaned softly, and began to caress her breasts as she felt his tongue begin to dance along the feathered edge of her femininity.

Bruce’s mouth moved gracefully over her loins, playing an eager tune on her body, the sharp gyrations of need pulsating from her and forming his chaotic rhythm. Talia began to sway her hips back and forth as she knelt over the Dark Knights mouth, still massaging her breasts between her fingers, tweaking her nipples together, her eyes tightly shut in sexual concentration. Below her, Bruce began to part the twin lips he found at the base of her thighs with his tongue, drawing sharp gasps from his exuberant lover. He began to lick up into her body, his tongue invading her slick sides as the walls of her vagina caressed him, tightening around his wildly twisting intrusion. Bruce began to gnaw his jaw up and down, sending lightning shocks up and down her eager body. Her swaying on his face became more and more frantic as she rode his tongue to a blasting climax, shaking throughout her body in silent sobs of joy.

“Beloved….oh…my beloved…so good…so right….so..very….ooooooohhhhhh…..” she cried as she felt her body stiffen, and then release. Bruce’s mouth was suddenly flooded with the honey of her pleasure, and his tongue pulled away from her, temporarily tired.

Talia fell away from him, her bottom landing on his chest, her hair falling in a dark carpet over his legs. Bruce pulled his head up as far as it could go and kissed the inside of her still quivering thigh lightly, blowing on her still climaxing loins. She gasped and twisted, the throes of passion overtaking her.

“You have done well, beloved.” She panted between moans. “And for that, you shall be rewarded.”

So saying, she turned over, and suddenly he felt her naked breasts against his knees, the bullet hardened nipples rubbing crazily against his upper thighs. Then he could feel the twin darts sliding up his body to rest on his stomach as Talia slid her hand deep into his tights and pulled the gray material away, to reveal his need for satisfaction. She grinned and took the slightly pulsing tool between her lips in one fluid motion. Bruce felt his chest seize as his cock slipped deep into her lips, and then his head fell back as he enjoyed the soft feathered licks of her tongue around his shaft. The slight pressure of the seal of her lips was building as she began to bob her head up and down on his crotch, the crown of his cock striking the back of her mouth again and again. Bruce moaned and let her continue her slightly frenzied suckling, until he could feel the buildup within his body become almost overwhelming.

“Talia….I…” He tried to warn her.

She merely groaned and suckled his cock deeper into her mouth, sucking insistently on the stem. Bruce could feel his ears pop with pressure, and then he cried out as he experienced the first orgasm he had felt in years. Talia gulped as she felt her mouth fill with his come….she continued to pump his rod between her lips, desperate for the taste of him, sending intense shockwaves of pleasure through his pelvis.

Bruce continued to come and come, his body wracked with spasms of joy as he felt a release that had eluded him even for years. Finally he could feel his body stop, settle, temporarily relaxed. Talia pulled the still slightly oozing shaft from her mouth and gulped down the last bit of his spend, and then turned to look at him.

“When was the last time, beloved? For you I mean. It was our last time, wasn’t it? I knew that you and I were meant only for each other.” She whispered, a faint smile of satisfaction on her ruby lips.

She turned herself again, and lay atop of him, her face coming down to his, and her tongue lightly caressing the top of his lip. Bruce let his own tongue loll from his mouth, and they licked each other lightly, the musk of her skin bringing back the stiffness to his well massaged organ. Talia grinned as she reached between them and with soft grasps brought him back to full rigidity. Then she was shoving herself forward, temporarily burying his face in her large swinging breasts.

“Suck on them, beloved. They are yours to do with as you please.”

Bruce needed no second suggestion, and began to lick the dark mocha colored orbs, moving his lips over her steeled nipples and cupping them into his mouth, pulling at the loose billowing flesh joyfully. Talia sighed and continued to stroke his cock, bringing her chest fully down over his face and mashing his mouth into her breasts insistently.

“Lick my breasts….” She whispered, as his tongue traced lines up and down the sides of her. Bruce could not keep in one place, every single acre of her chest was so delectable, that she was soon coated in his mouth’s desire. Talia moved her hips against his stomach playfully, gently bobbing her chest back and forth, letting the slippery skin dance back and forth across his mouth. Bruce growled and shook his face between them, making them jump and bounce with his eagerness. Then Talia moved down in a swift motion, her legs spread wide, and Bruce felt his cock pierce deep into her loins, the warmth surrounding him like a tightened vice.

“Talia…” his voice was no more than a shadow across his lips as he pushed his hips up to meet hers.

“No more talk, beloved. Wed me.” She returned, her bottom falling down to meet his balls, burying his entire length within her. They stayed like that for a long moment, not moving, merely letting their bodies fit together like a glove in a wonderful simple way. Then Talia began to sway her body up and down, her lips pressed together in a tight seal, her hands on his arms. Bruce began to writhe his hips at the same speed, or as much as his bonds allowed him. All thoughts of anything except pure and blatant sexual frenzy were whisked out of his mind, and he pumped up into Talia’s moist body mindlessly, like a machine.

Talia gripped his shoulders tightly, riding him faster and faster, her wonderful body jiggling in all the right places, tense as a wound spring in others. Sweat began to pour from her smooth skin, mixing with his and creating a slight line of moisture between them, uniting them even more.

Finally Talia could feel his cock tighten again for the last time, and she hurried her bouncing to join him in the throes of orgasm. Just as he began to let loose, she gave a wild cry and let her pussy clamp down tremendously around his shaft, and then soften to a slight seal. Their desires mixed between them, filling her and slightly spilling against their bodies, fueled by their still mad gyrations. Talia cried out once more, and then fell against his chest, covering his mouth with frenzied embraces, until they both lay there for a second, silent as the stone around them.

Talia pulled herself up from Bruce, gasps still falling from her mouth as she let his length slip from between her legs, at last satisfied. The Dark Knight Detective lay there, dazed, his face a weird mask of contentment. Talia grinned as she traced an outline of his sweat along his muscles.

“Soon, beloved, we will be like this…forever. You want that, don’t you?”

And even as his body seemed to cry out yes to her query, his whole entire soul aching for her, he could feel something…something in the back of his mind flash once….the figure of a woman, clad in royal purple, her raven hair cascad…..cascad….cas…..the image faded, to be replaced with Talia’s beautiful visage. So fierce, so proud, so beautiful, so alive.

Bruce nodded his head.

Talia kissed him deeply, and then went back to work.


Nightwing grunted as he pulled at the ropes on his legs. His fingers tried desperately to work the knots that held him to the bed, but the drug that Harley had put in his system weakened his efforts considerably. Beside him, the unconscious naked sidekick to the Joker slept soundly, a crazy look of contentment on her face.

At least she went down happy, he thought grimly, as he was finally able to insert a finger between the ropes and his leg.

“Well, this is a picture all right. And here I thought you boys were supposed to be rescuing me. Whatever is a girl to do?”

Dick looked up as the door swung open. He recognized that mocking voice.

Stealthily Selina slipped into the room, her eyes adjusting once again to the dim light. Nightwing looked up at her, his face a mask of combined shock and relief.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m incredibly glad to see you, Catwoman.”

She grinned. “And I see that you’ve at least been busy in here. I knew you bat studs were well put together, “ she grinned as she caught sight of his exposed rod, “ But how well…..”

In his embarrassment Dick threw an arm over his exposure, and despite the darkness around them, Selina could detect a slight blush enter the vigilante’s cheeks.

“That has got to be a twisted Kodak moment, if there ever was one. The day Sonny bagged himself a bad girl….literally. You know, “ she whispered, leaning down to him as she began to work on his bonds.

“They say once you go bad you never go back.”

“Is that a guarantee?” Nightwing couldn’t help the twinkle in his eye. And then he winced as Selina purposefully tugged on one of his bonds, lacing pain through his leg.

“Easy, Junior. You’re a little young for my tastes….and also a little raw as well. Besides, I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

“You’re bedside manner is incredibly comforting, but could we can the quips and get the hell out of here?”

Selina sighed, reached over his bonds and pulled on a single string. Instantly the ropes slackened considerably, and he was pulling his tired limbs from the bed. He stared at her in amazement.

“Yes. I know. You don’t believe it. You also haven’t been tied up enough.”

Nightwing grimaced. “You’d be surprised.”

“Ooooooooh, this ought to be a good one.”

Both of them spun around. In the doorway stood the Joker….a single grenade in his hand. He was throwing it up and down in one hand, the ring still attached. His eyes narrowed as they caught sight of the naked and unconscious Harley.

“This had better be a funny one too, or I’m….going…to be…very….not happy….”

Hartheson paused as she felt Draco stiffen, and then climax. She considered pulling him from her mouth, and then merely continued to suckle his cock, as he came. For some reason she adored the feel of him, and even the taste of him now. It was like she was on some considerable drug, and she couldn’t get enough of the bald man. Draco cried out sharply, even in his orgasm the pain from the Catwoman’s legs still effecting his pleasure dramatically. Hartheson sighed contentedly, and then felt rough hands on her shoulders.

Dimly she thought that perhaps Draco wanted to engage in even rougher exercises, but the hands on her shoulders were different. Less caressing, more calculating.

She turned and gasped. Ras Al Ghul stood there, his eyes flashing.

“The time…has come….. We will go to the temple and complete the ceremony.”

He glanced down at Draco, and his jaw tightened even further.

“After you pull up your pants…of course.”

To Be Concluded….