Batman: The Helmet of Anubis - Part 3

Author: Tirian
Time to Read:87min
Added Date:08/19/2024
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Hello, Comic Fans!

This is my second attempt at a multi parter, the first being Green Lantern: Hand of Darkness. Now far be it from me to try to take on so great a character as the Batman, but I got this idea into my head while I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan a couple of weeks ago. It blends some of the Egyptian mythology with comic history, but God help me, I never read Batman: Legacy, and information on the Web is sketchy at best about this particular story line. What I could extrapolate from various sources, (without actually reading the damn comic) I tried to keep most of the details in place. If I skewed slightly, consider this an Elseworld tale where most of the stuff I talk about did in fact happen….in my DC universe, anyway.

Ras Al Ghul is pretty cool villain, but sadly under used compared to some of Batman’s other villains. Of course, every time he makes an appearance, it’s usually a landmark event.

Here it is, the final chapter of the Helmet of Anubis, and it gives me the chance to put together a few characters I feel need have needed to be together for quite a while. Yeah, it may be slightly romance novelish, but it has some good action in it as well. And it gives me the chance to experiment a little bit with one relationship that may surprise some readers. Sorry this has taken so long to get out, but I hope it’s well worth the wait.

Batman, Nightwing, Ras Al Ghul, Gotham City, and all other characters are trademarks of DC Comics and Time Warner, and are used without permission.

This story contains scenes of graphic sexual content. It is unlawful for anyone under the age of eighteen to view it. I have the feeling that parental lockouts aren’t what they used to be on modems, so I sometimes ask myself, what’s the point?

                                                            “ Every modern god will not extend

                                                              His vast prerogative as far as Jove

                                                              To rage, to lust, to write to, to commend

                                                              All is the purlieu of the god of love.”

                                                                                       John Donne, Love’s Diety

                                                      Batman: The Helmet of Anubis

                                                                         Part III



Somewhere in Egypt

“Now, I am very tempted to just pull the pin and bring Armageddon around our ears,” The Joker grinned as he continued to toss the grenade up and down in his palm, much to the alarm of both Catwoman and Nightwing.

“But I see old Harley lying there, in a state of undress…..hey, her breasts aren’t that small. I’ll be damned.”

The Joker leered slightly, and Catwoman was immediately on the attack. She pounced on top of the still grinning madman, fingers hooked into claws of fury. The Joker cried out in a mixture of a howl and a giggle and fell back. Nightwing lunged for the grenade, and just before the small circle could hit the ground, his fingers tucked under the metal surface. Catwoman turned to look at him, her heart racing.

“Tell me you got the damned thing before he pulled the pin.”

Nightwing stared at the little bulb in his hand, unbelieving.

“It says Made in Taiwan. What the hell kind of grenade is this?”

The Joker giggled madly under Selina’s grip. “I thought it was pretty damned obvious. Why did you think I was wearing nose plugs?”

Nightwing’s eyes widened as he realized what the chalk skinned clown was saying, too late.

A fine green mist floated up from his hand, and surrounded the two vigilantes in a murky haze. Selina slumped forward on top of the Joker, and Nightwing fell back against the bed. The Joker pushed the unconscious form of the gorgeous woman off of his body, and stood, brushing the purple coattails of his jacket fussily.

He stared down at the two bodies.

‘Come on, like you didn’t see that coming?”

Egyptian Airport, Nile Valley.

Helena and Jean Paul began to descend down the ramp of the plane. As they passed the stewardess, she grinned at them both and winked. Jean turned several shades of red, but Helena was able to maintain some form of unembarrassed dignity as they walked past.

"You know, you can be read like a book sometimes, Jean." She whispered in his ear as they approached the terminal, and then slightly grazed his ear lobe with her tongue. The extra touch sent a shiver through his body, and he hastily began to walk faster, fighting the impulses within him to just throw her down on the tarmac in front of everyone, decorum be damned.

His hand tightened on hers, and she grinned.

"Later, I promise. For now, let's concern ourselves with getting Batman out of the little mess he's fallen into."

The two of them made their way throughout the airport, to the car rental desk that Oracle had directed them to. A full desert jeep was already waiting for them under the name of Mr. And Mrs. India and Dirk Screton. Jean Paul couldn't help but laugh at the joke.

"She has a sense of humor, you have to give her that."

Helena merely pursed her lips. 'That's not all I'd like to give her."

Within minutes they were on the road, the desert dunes blowing past them. Helena had discovered a tracking device within the jeep's glove compartment, and it began to center in on Batman's last known location.

"I don't want to even know how she got this in here."

"Connections are what Oracle's all about. Where are we in conjunction with the signal? "

Helena's eyes tightened on the signal. "About seventy miles due east......I think. If Al Ghuls' looking to keep this little capture a secret, he's doing it pretty thoroughly. The signal keeps waving back and forth from one area of that region to another."

She glanced over at Jean Paul, genuine concern reflecting on her face, mirrored by the dying light of the setting sun.

"Which mean's we're going to have to choose one or the other...and hope we get lucky."

Jean grinned, trying to lighten her up.

"Well, by my count, I've gotten lucky quite a bit this trip. Who's to say that luck won't stand?"

Somewhere in Egypt.

Harley batted her eyes slightly, and stretched her arms over her head, yawning complacently. Her body felt revived, refreshed, and she almost glowed with satisfaction. Whatever else Nightwing had done with her, he had basically made her come her brains out, releasing over a year’s worth of sexual tension that the Joker had instilled within her. Then she noticed that her new playmate was missing.

And in his place, sitting in a chair at the far corner of the room, sat...

"Well, was it good for you, Harl?"

The Joker's voice, usually light and merry despite his insanity, contained an edge to it.

Harley looked around and anxiously covered her naked body with her body suit. The shadows hid much of her puddin's face, except for the faint outline of his ever-present smile.

" see, Puddin...he...he...."

"Raped you?"

The Joker offered in a voice that could be mistaken for complete deadpan.

Harley nodded her head up and down vigorously.

"Yeah, that's it, he raped me....he raped me even though I screamed and kicked and tried to get away, he was like some sort of animal...."

She paused, her insides still slightly electrified by the feel of Nightwing within her. Oh, he had been an animal allright.

The Joker nodded. "Harl?"

She chanced a grin at him. "Yes....puddin?"

"How stupid do I look?"

The question was asked in the most chillingly dull of tones. Harl had never heard her beloved sound so.....serious.

The Joker regarded her for a moment, and then added

"Forgetting my keen fashion sense for the moment."

"Not...... at all.... Stupid, puddin,' she managed to stammer out.

For a long moment neither of them said anything. The tension was so thick within the tomb that one could cut it with a knife.

The Joker pulled himself out of his chair, and suddenly his face was illuminated.

He was wearing a Groucho Marx nose and glasses, and wiggled his face up and down slightly in the imitation of the classic comedian.

"Come on...I must look just a little bit stupid. It was the effect I was going for. Damn these cheap send away gags. That's what I get for ordering out of the back of Boys Life."

Harley didn't know what to say. She remained utterly speechless. The Joker plucked the nose away from his face and began to walk out of the room, still muttering about the injustice of mail away gags. Harley's shoulders sagged for a second in relief. Perhaps he wasn't....

"Oh, and Harl?"

Her heart leaped back into her throat. She managed out a squeaky response.

"Yes, Puddin?"

"Nice rack."

And then he was gone, leaving Harley totally flustered, totally confused.....and totally in love with him.

Within the hallway the Joker pause, and then eased up his fist ever so slightly. The small green executive stress ball he held in his hand had been crushed to the size of a pea. He wasn't going to pursue the issue with Harley.....that would only make her more interested, and god knows he wasn't interested in her that way....but he was going to have a little bit of fun with the man who had thought it was okay to rub another man's rhubarb. He patted his jacket pocket, and felt something hard and cylindrical.

Fun indeed.

“Ooooh beloved….aaaaaaahhhhhh…” Talia cried out for the final time as Bruce came within her once more, her hips shivering with the force of her orgasm. The Batmans’ eyes had completely clouded over, so lost was he in the sea of lust that she had created within him. His thoughts were no longer on the mission, no longer on his goals……all that filled his mind was the single beautiful image of Talia, naked, fierce and ripe, the only thing in his life he could truly love.

"Are we ready to go, my daughter, or have you not finished making him yours? From the sounds echoing down the halls, I would guess that he's been ready for the past ten minutes."

Ras stood in the doorway, his arms folded together, his face a mocking mask. Talia started and hastily covered her naked breasts, swaying up slightly and making Bruce cry out as her hips lanced up sharply with him still buried within her. Ras grinned.

"The Dark greatest foe....reduced to a mere rutting animal. I have to commend my daughter on her charms....but I might have expected more of a fight from you, Wayne."

The drug flowing through Bruce's veins was clouding his mind heavily, and even as his reason cried out against him, he could say nothing in retort.

"Excellent. He is now ready for the ceremony. Dress him, my daughter, in the robes I have provided you with and then meet me in the central chamber. The time grows nigh for my triumph."

Talia bowed her head slightly, her eyes slightly jaded, and more than a little annoyed that their lovemaking had been interrupted.

"Yes my father."

Ras nodded, took one last look at the beaten Dark Knight, and then slipped away from the room. Talia looked down at Bruce, her face still a mesh of need, and then suddenly she began to judder her hips against him again, riding him slowly as his cock still perched within her womb, rocking her body against him.

"Finish me off, beloved, and then we shall depart."

Bruce's hands went back up to her now naked breasts and he began to mash the twin floating globes within his palms, using them as support to pound his hips up to meet hers faster and faster, his thighs banging against hers longingly. Deeper and deeper he pricked into her womb, his balls slapping against the supple divide of her buttocks, until finally his ears roared with the force of his orgasm within her. Talia screamed and came two seconds later, her folds contracting sharply around him, milking his cock of his desire and ecstasy one last time. Then she pulled him from within her and stood up, her body glowing with the sheen of sweat, a smile of approval on her face.

"Now we may go, beloved."

Selina groaned and shook her head slightly, and then realized she could barely do even that. From above her, Draco stood watching, but at a distance. This time she was bound to a chair, and her clothes had been changed once again. She wore a simple tunic of pure white, that clung around her body like a second skin, leaving very little to guessing. It was a sight that Draco was enjoying immensely, judging from the bulge in his pants, but he had obviously learned not to indulge in those darker needs, from the last few times he had tried. Selina gritted her teeth.

"So what now? Is he going to sacrifice me to his dark god Satan? Oh, I do hope there are goats involved," she spat bitterly, sarcasm overlying her obvious fear.

Draco shook his head.

"To be honest, she bitch, you are not quite off. But it would hardly be gentlemanly of me to spoil the surprise. Needless to say, you will not remain a thorn in my master's side for much longer.

“And then," his eyes glittered.

"What about you? What the hell has Al Ghul promised you in all of this?"

"Money, power, an inexhaustible supply of women....that about cover it for you?"

Draco grinned.

"Besides, the master is going to change the world to suit his vision. A vision where my country will no longer be condemned to sit in the suppressing American shadow. Where will we rule as we were meant to. Where they will quake at the sight of our weapons. Where the words democracy shall live only in a beggars dream."

"I'm sorry, have you gotten taller or is it just the soap box you're standing on?"

the Catwoman jeered, even in her present condition.

Draco glowered, and then raised his hand. Selina braced herself for the strike.

"Enough, Draco. She is not for your touch. Go and find Hartheson and prepare for our journey. We begin in an hour."

The voice of Al Ghul filled the room, and Draco stopped, frozen. Then he was shuffling through the doorway, leaving her alone with the would be conqueror. Ras regarded her silently for a moment, and then swept into the room, laying his hand underneath her chin.

"It is a shame, really. You are quite beautiful. I can see where my daughter's beloved might fail in his devotion to her."

Selina ripped her face away from his grasp. "Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on here? It's not like I can escape, as far as I can see. So how about at least clueing me in as to my purpose here?"

"Needless to say, you are the last part of a very difficult puzzle. The artifact I seek grants immortality, but at a price. For the ceremony to be complete, two lovers must be present, along with a rival. In the destruction of the rival and immortal love of the lovers, the true power of life is realized. dear...are the rival. At your death shall I be made a god."

Selina's jaw dropped slightly. And then she did the absolute last thing that Ras expected her to do.

She laughed.

Her body shook with silent laughter, as his words rang through her head.

Tears began to stream down her face. Ras merely looked at her, no betrayal of emotion anywhere on his body.

"You.....think.....I'm some sort.....of what? A rival? For who, the Batman? Please. Spare me. This whole operation is like some sort of lover's quarrel?"

Ras did not laugh. He did not shout. He merely looked at her, until at last her laughter subsided.

Then he spoke, and his words struck deep and hard within her breast.

"You may be able to deny what you feel for him, and he may continue to deny what he feels for you, but I know how he looked when you fought together in the Cave of the Wheel. You have been a thorn in my daughters’ side for too long regarding her beloved. She has fought well and sacrificed much for her father, and her faith in me shall be rewarded. In finding my immortality, she shall lose her one true rival for her beloved's affection. After all, if a father can't give his daughter her heart's

desire, what good is he?"

Selina's laughter had died away completely, and she could not help the scarlet coloring of rage that filled her face. Ras contemplated her silence, and let his own mocking smile fill his face.

"No words of denial now? No bravado from the brave Catwoman? I'm not surprised."

He began to retreat from the room, and then stopped at the door.

"Oh, and just for your information, my daughter and her beloved even now have consummated their love again. Rather intensely, if the sounds from their chamber were any indication. Prepare yourself for oblivion, Selina Kyle. And know that your presence shall never threaten my daughter's happiness again...not on this plane."

He left her to her darkness, and even as she tried desperately to fight against the power of his words, a single tear fell from her eyes. If from frustration, or anger.....or the simple breaking of her one could tell.

Victoria Hartheson poured over her notes one last time, and then began to buckle her papers into her pack. She didn't know how she felt about this alliance with Ras, she didn't know why she continued to serve him besides the obvious need to stay alive.....she didn't know much of anything anymore. She had lived such a spinster’s life at the museum, trying desperately to get the men who were her

colleagues (Colleagues, she sniffed, who would never be able to top the importance of this discovery) to take her seriously despite her looks. She had gone to greatest lengths to hide her features, even so far as to consider breast reduction.

She stared down for a fast second at her more than ample chest.

Well, not seriously consider.

And now....even as she worked to discover the greatest archaeological find known to man, the only things she seemed to exist for were map gazing....and rutting. The thought of Draco filled her body with an incredible need, a need she could not quite explain for all of its intensity. He was her prisoner, he was abusive, and he seemed insatiable.....and all that seemed to turn her on further. She reached down and was not surprised to find that the very thought of Draco had made her grown wet.

“The Master bids you to prepare for our departure,” his deep voice sounded from behind her, and she sighed and turned towards the hulking man in the doorway. A deep grin lay on his face, and an even deeper bulge was in his pants. And despite all sense of control she could feel her mouth watering at the sight of him there, rigid against the fabric of his camouflaged pants.

He reached down and absently stroked himself once.

“But I believe we have time before we go to take care of one or two more chores,” He grinned and began to pull his belt from around his waist. Victoria let her fingers dart up to the white blouse, the buttons falling effortlessly away to reveal her bosom trapped in its’ dark lace bra. Her hands went up to the bun that wound through her hair and pulled the hair free.

She leaned back onto the table and parted her legs, hiking her skirt up for his access. Draco grinned and moved across the room, his pants down around his ankles, his cock cheerily erect as he walked toward her.

“Fuck me…..” she whimpered, her hands already drawing him between her legs, as he began to rub his length against the dampened panties that surrounded her femininity, preparing her. His fingers went down to grasp her breasts in huge handfuls, and his tongue plunged between her red lips, frenching her wildly. She cried out as he parted her panties to the side and then plunged his stem deep into her tightened depths, the moistness of her womb slipping around him like a tightened glove, thrilling him. The drug he had periodically been feeding her to keep her continuously aroused for him was making her wild in a frenzy of desire, and her fingers dug deep into the skin of his back, drawing slight blood as he plunged back and forth between her legs. The straps of her bra broke under the strain of his intense fondling and the warm white flesh plunged between his palms, the nipples raw and hard as darts. Draco began to pinch each strawberry bud between his fingers, drawing high-pitched moans from her throat as he continued to suckle her tongue fervently with his.

Her hips bashed up against his effortlessly, her whole entire body billowing with the constant batter of his engine within her, filling her, driving her insane with ecstasy. She had gone from one of the most prominent archaeologists in the world to little more than a rutting whore, and she felt no shame, no anger, only lust. His fingers loosed her breasts for a second and tangled within the long blonde mane of hair, pulling her head back to give his mouth open aspect to her full bouncing white globes. His tongue traced crazy patterns between her breasts, drawing the soft juddering line of cleavage between his lips and sucking loudly. Her hands pressed his head into her warm mountains harder and harder, the sheer joy of his mouth on them making her writhe her hips that much more around his invasion. The hallway rang with their cries of passion, and even as he walked back from his confrontation with the Catwoman, Ras paused and tilted his head up to hear their mutual cries. He regarded their screams almost with disdain, and then turning, shook his head and continued down the hallway.

Hartheson could feel her body beginning to erupt in that joyous chorus of orgasm once more, and swiveled his face out of her breasts to kiss him again, slamming her thighs up to meet his as she cried out harder and harder, giving way to full blown screaming as she came, her lips closing sharply around his intrusion and cupping the length like a vice, and then loosening completely as her canal filled with her come. Draco continued to pound in and out of her until finally he pulled his cock from between her legs and straddled her chest on the table. He pushed his pulsing pike between her soft breasts, rubbing the length against her chest plate and grabbing her hands to position them on either side of her melons, feeling the fine loose flesh cradle him like her vagina never had. Her mouth darted down to tongue the crown of his cock as it pierced in and out of her cleavage, and she lovingly lavished the crown with intense sucking as he crashed his thighs between her breasts harder and harder. Then finally he was crying out, the fine feel of her breasts too much for him, and he exploded in a wave of come all over her chest and face. Victoria licked up the creamy spend obediently from her skin, loving the tangy taste of him. Draco paused, his spine clenched in the fierce moment of orgasm, and then collapsed off the table, his body shuddering still with the force of their rutting. Victoria let her hands wander down to her own warm depths and slowly rubbed the remaining strands of pleasure from between her thighs, and then looked at Draco and smiled.

“Archeology has never been this much fun.”

“You have been in contact with our…..friends?” Ras stared at the Joker as he paced back and forth around the central chamber of the tomb. The Joker reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, petting it slightly.

“Just got off the horn with them. They’ve confirmed that the area this tomb of ScoobyDoobis is in their lands….so’s it gonna cost you. Greedy bastards, aren’t they?”

Ras nodded.

“They, at least, did not ask for Siberia, “he said, raising his eyebrows.

“Whatever. No one around here has a sense of humor. Anyway, they had one of their pilots do a sweep of the area. He can’t detect any sign of tomb, or cave, or even an Arby’s. And they’re supposed to be everywhere.”

“He wouldn’t. The tomb is sealed from human eyes, until he who is of worth enters its vicinity. When the moon shines its’ brightest tonight, we will be shown the gateway.”

Joker sighed as Draco entered the room, Hartheson in tow, and Al Ghul moved to speak with is guard.

“Is it just me, or does this seem just a little too much Edgar R. Burroughs to anyone else? Moonlit nights? Hidden tombs? I’ve played video games with more plot….on Sega…” he shivered slightly.

“You have the map, Doctor?” Ras asked the archeologist, disdainful of the Joker’s comments.

She nodded. “I have collected all we will need for the ceremony.”

Ras turned back to Draco. “ Excellent. All is at ready. Bring forth the prisoners.”

From down another corridor Talia appeared, with the chained Batman following her. He still wore his mask, but the rest of his costume had been replaced by the long white ceremonial tunic. Talia had changed her clothes as well, and wore a flowing white dress that only hid the most obvious of her charms. The Jokers’ eyes boggled.

“Wow. Now that’s what I call a swimsuit. Can’t say I like Batsy in the same dress, but then again, a man who dresses up like a bat can hardly be considered fashion friendly. “ He smoothed the edges of his purple jacket. ‘Not like me, at any rate.”

Draco in the meantime arrived with Nightwing slung over his shoulder.

The Joker walked over to the still unconscious warrior, and grinned at Draco.

“Do you mind terribly if I take him? I’ve got a….little thing to discuss with him.” Draco shivered, and then handed the limp body over to the Joker with no argument. The madman swung one of the vigilante’s arms around his shoulder, and then began slapping the vigilante awake.

“Come on, I’ve stunned puppies with more gas than I gave you. Snap out of it, Nightthing.”

The vigilante’s eyes opened underneath his mask, and then he found he was staring full into the Joker’s green demented eyes. Dick could literally feel the ice running up and down his spine.

The Joker whispered to him, his breath like dead fish against his skin.

“I’ve got just one question for you, Nightthing,” he gritted to him, “and if you answer it right, I’ll let you live.”

Nightwing’s jaw set tight.


“Would you say on average Harley’s tits were larger or smaller than an orange?”


Nightwing knew he had nothing to gain by lying.

“Cool. All I wanted to know.” The Joker reached around and squeezed Nightwing’s cheek.

“You little Casanova, you.”

While this exchange had been going on, Draco had returned with the struggling Catwoman. Joker’s eyes widened as he saw the same white dress on her as on Talia.

“I’ve had fantasies like this, but usually someone else is dressed up like Mr. Spock. I guess that would be too much to ask?” he grinned up at Draco. Draco merely looked at him with fear.

“Never mind.”

Nightwing looked over to the Batman, his eyes searching for recognition and perhaps a plan from his one time mentor. What he saw within the Dark Knight’s eyes filled him with actual fear. The glaze of Batman’s eyes indicated no sense of where he was, no memory…he had become like a zombie, less than a zombie, completely under Talia’s thrall. With that realization, hope began to die in Nightwing’s heart. He could actually feel his arms droop slightly even with the pain he still felt from the Joker’s knockout gas.

Ras stared down at his watch. “Come. We have a journey ahead of us that will bring me to immortality. Let us depart.”

As they began to leave the chamber, Harley appeared in close behind them, still struggling with her bodysuit.

“Hey, Puddin, wait for me!”

“Are we sure this is the right place?” Jean grimaced as he entered the side opening between the Sphinx’s legs. He already had one of his Bundi daggers at the ready, and Huntress had her crossbow held like a pistol as they entered the tomb from either side.

“Oracles’ locator points to this location as one of the two possibilities. And besides, isn’t just a little too like Ras to set up camp in the Sphinx? I mean, it just screams ego.”

“And balls. How the hell the Egyptian government hasn’t detected him is quite beyond me.”

They began to make their way down one of the dark halls. The dust and reek of the tomb seemed as if it hadn’t been disturbed for quite a while. Helena followed the hallway all the way down to a dead end, covered in hieroglyphs. Behind her, Azrael sighed.

“Well, there was a good idea completely blown.”

Helena ignored him, concentrating on the hieroglyphs, letting her fingers dance along the edges of each cartuche, until she found what she was looking for. Her fingers grazed along the middle of two separate paintings of the Eye of Ra, and then suddenly pressed inward. A grinding sound filled the narrow hallway, and then one of the walls slid back, to reveal a gaping staircase. Dim torchlight flickered from somewhere below. Helena turned back to look at Jean Paul. The white clad avenger merely shrugged.

“Lucky guess.”

They followed the staircase down to the main chamber where Ras had stood not moments before. Helena began to read the tracks of room’s previous inhabitants, while Jean Paul began to search the room for other clues. The Huntress started up excitedly as she pointed to one set of footprints.

“These are Nightwings,. I recognize the boot tread. He was also moving on his recognizance, which means he’s still alive. These others…..” she frowned. “I’m not sure.”


Jean Paul’s voice echoed from one dark corridor to the back of the room. The Huntress followed the sound of his voice to find a little crypt dimly lit by lamplight, with a single table and chair set in the middle. Along the desk were strewn dozens of papers. It looked as if the previous occupant had not been given to overwhelming cleanliness.

Azrael was bent over one large document, his eyes darting back and forth across the page.

“This looks like what we want, “ he murmured, and pointed. Helena stared down at a drawing of what looked like the head of a dog, beaten into gold.

Azrael picked up an open book on Egyptian mythology, and began to read the closest entry.

“The Helmet of Anubis. Legendary mask that assisted the ancient pharaohs defeat death and reign supreme.”

He tapped the book. “ This has to be it. They’ve gone looking for this Helmet. And by the looks of it,” his face fell as he read on, “The ceremony is not exactly pleasant. In fact, I’d say we need to find this so called Temple of Anubis before they do. If Ras means Batman for even one of these components, then he is very much up shit creek without a paddle.”

They began to search the other rooms, but found little that would help them determine where Ras and his party had gone. Huntress found shoved within a storage closet the utility belts and billy clubs of both the Batman and Nightwing. Her face flashed with concern on the discovery.

“No maps, no indication of where this Temple is, but they left in an awful hurry. If that book is accurate about the exact time this ceremony needs to take place, then we better get going.”

Azrael pointed to the way they had come. “The footprints will already have been scattered along the desert winds, but I might be able to get a fix on Nightwing’s transponder, if they still have it with them. It doesn’t appear to be among the rest of his stuff. Oracle mentioned Nightwing sews extra transponders into his costumes.”

Huntress could not help the glare that rose in her eyes. She wasn’t too fond of Oracle, and even less fond of Oracles’ obviously close relationship with Nightwing. It was the one thing she was sure had stood in the way of their potential romance in the first place. And now, even though she had Jean Paul with her, she didn’t know if all those feelings were completely dead within her…

“Helena? Earth to Vigilante.”

She shook her head, bringing herself out of her reverie, and saw Jean Paul looking at her, most of his usual dark humor bereft from his face.

Helena steeled herself. “Come on. Let’s find that megalomaniac before he blows up the world or brings back eight track tapes or something even more horrific.”

She tried for a smile, but she saw the Jean Paul was not responding. And even as they left, she knew his unspoken concerns were not wholly unjustified…..

Somewhere in the Desert.


The little caravan began to brake along the huge dune of sand that they had come to, stopping at the beck of the Demon’s Head raised hand. Despite his inability to move absent Talia’s command, the Batman could still see and experience where they were. In front of them a huge dune of sand rose before them, more a mountain than dune, like a great cliff of tan and gray. Above them, the full desert moon shone down upon the travelers in a great white bloated chill, streaking the desert around them with shafts of bright white and deep shadows, dark and sinister. But other than the mound’s size, the Batman could detect nothing special about the surface.

Ras kept his hand still raised, watching the moon above him and the mound in front of him. And then he lowered his hand slowly as a full beam of moonlight seemed to shoot out of the sky, illuminating the mound. Within the base of the mound, a small opening began to form, sand pouring down from either side as the hole grew wider and wider, until at last it had taken the shape of the mouth of a large cave. As the sand blew away from the sides of the mound, dark shapes on either side of the cave’s mouth began to appear. The Batmans’ eyes tightened as the sand blew away to reveal twin statues of a man with a jackal for a head, carved in stone as black as night and just as forbidding. Ras turned to where his compatriots sat in their jeeps.

‘The Temple of Anubis awaits us. It has long stood in preparation for one who would be worthy. Tonight I shall claim that worth.”

He pointed to the main body of Saudi soldiers. “You may set up camp across the way, but take care you do not pitch your tents too close to the mouth. It is said that anyone who passes near the mouth when it is dead night, be he unworthy, will be struck by the hand of Anubis himself.”

The Saudis quaked slightly with fear. Of course there was no fact in what Ras had said, but it would keep them away from the mound and any possible interference in Ras’ plans.

Not far from the base of the cave a small pit could be seen, sand blowing around the edge of the dark circle.

Hartheson gasped.

“The Well of Anubis. Ancient text reads that the Well was used to hold enemy prisoners as sacrifice to Anubis before the great ceremonies of the moon.”

Joker grinned. “Well, it will do well enough to hold Nightthing here, don’t you agree, my spandex clad Romeo?”

Nightwing sighed. “You’re going to knock me unconscious again, aren’t you?”

The Joker grinned. “Of course not.”

Draco reached behind the still standing vigilante and brought up one of Nightwing’s own billy clubs, swinging it crashing down on the back of avengers’ head. Nightwing went down like a sack of potatoes with a grunt.

The Joker pointed to still standing bodyguard. “He is.”

The Joker stared down into the pit where Nightwing had been thrown, and then turned to Harley, curling one finger to beckon her. Harley approached the Clown Prince of Crime with her head bowed warily, as if she sensed that perhaps the Joker’s initial response to her little romp with the vigilante was not his real response. But the Joker merely placed a hand on her shoulder and gestured to the pit.

“Now, Harl, the boys and I have some rather important things to do right now, taking over the world and enslaving mankind sort of things, so won’t you be a good girl and make sure Nightthing here doesn’t get out and screw up the whole plot?” He turned to her and spoke to her as if he was speaking to a puppy.

“Huh? Can ya do that for me, girl?”

Harley nodded emphatically. Anything for her Joker.

The Joker smiled and pinched her bottom, making Harley jump and squeal delightedly.

“Now make sure Timmy stays down the old well, Lassie.” Joker smiled and turned to follow the rest of the procession into the cavern. Harley watched him go, and for a split second she felt a flare of fury. And with that, perhaps another resolve to get her revenge against the Joker even further. She stared back down the pit to the barely visible body of Nightwing, and wondered when he would awaken.

Once the Batman’s eyes had adjusted to the dark, he could make out a long and widened hallway, that led straight into a mouth of darkness. All around him on the walls, more paintings and inscriptions appeared, but these appeared to be even older than the work in the Sphinx. An ancient dust had settled along each figure, almost an inch thick, so that he could barely make out the writings. Not that Talia was giving him much of a chance to study them…with each step she pulled lightly on his chain, to serve as both an incentive and a warning.

Ras peered down into the blackness at the very head of the line. Further and further they traveled, the tunnel seeming never-ending, until finally Ras raised his hand, commanding the other’s to stop.

What greeted them was a massive sight. A wall of rock stood there, and no one could distinguish its true parameters. The ceiling of the tunnel had risen to the point of disappearing into the darkness, and the Batman could not see from either the left of the right how far the wall extended.

Only one sign of man’s presence lay upon the rock face.

Before them, within the rock, had been carved the outline of a doorway, and above the carving, simple text appeared. Ras turned to Hartheson, who shuffled over, notes in hand.

“Let he who has worth enter here, but let the unworthy beware my wrath.”

“Does anyone else feel like they’re stuck in a Harrison Ford movie?” the Joker piped up from the back.

“Silence, Joker.” Ras said absently, still studying the wall intently. Then his eyes glimmered as he raised his hands before him. His fingers brushed the doorway’s surface at two parallel points on either edge of the doorway, and he pressed his palms forward. The doorway seemed to flare for a second with an unearthly light, and then the rock seemed to almost disappear before them. What was left was a hole of darkness only accentuated by an even stranger light that pierced out of the shadows of the room ahead of them. Ras waved his hand and the entire party stepped through.

And as his eyes readjusted to this light, the Batman finally saw why they had come.

Outside the Temple of Anubis

"If somebody knocks me unconscious one more time, I am going to be severely pissed."

The words rang out of his mouth as he shook his head slowly and sat up. Nightwing began to feel around in the dark, his head slowly shaking as he became conscious. Around him he could feel stone walls.

At least they had the decency not to chain me to a bed, he thought grimly, and turned a full circle. No door greeted him this time, until he looked up. He was standing at the very bottom of a long and steep pit, from which above stars twinkled. Wherever they had brought him now, it was not the tomb they had kept him in before. He began to feel around his gloves and boots, and then

silently cursed. Harley must have picked him entirely clean while he was unconscious. His head still smarted from where Draco had rapped him with his own billyclub. On this adventure it had seemed as if it was one blow to the head or gas in the face to another, and he was merely working his way through a long series of blacking out. He supposed he should have been thankful that the Joker's gas was not toxic.....or that the Joker's wrath didn't seem to include his obvious cuckolding

with Harley. The dim image of the entranced Batman rose in his mind and he began to claw at the walls, looking for a purchase to begin an escape.

"Trying to get out, sweetie?"

A mocking voice called from above. Nightwing glanced up to see a familiar black and white painted face grinning down at him. Harley stood above him with her hands on her hips, gazing into the shadows that imprisoned him.

"Sorry to disappoint you. You were one hell of a lover....but I like my men white...Dead white."

"Would it help to say that you were the best lover I've ever had?"

Nightwing grinned without mirth at her.

Harley shook her head. "Not even remotely."

Nightwing shook his head. At least he didn't have to lie that time. And as he searched the pit, he could feel something enter his mind, something beyond the drugs that Harley had pumped through his system, something more than his intense worry for the Batman….an image, a picture of a woman, red hair, full lips, beautiful green eyes….Babs…..he wondered about Babs….

He would get out of this, he was pretty confident even with the odds, and they would probably survive this, God willing. And then they would return to the States….for what? For another few months of fooling himself. Fooling himself that he didn’t love Barbara more than anything in his life. Fooling himself that he would never be able to experience what he now found he wished for more than anything. Barbara’s embrace, Barbara’s touch….Barbara’s heart….And with that realization, he knew. He loved her so much that she was more important than the world, than his very life. With that realization came resolve. He would get out of here, he would stop this madman, and he would go home and tell her how he felt, how important she was to him. Even if it meant that she didn’t feel the same…..he needed this one thing to end, this one fact to no longer hang between them…..Love…..

"But I may be further suggestion..." Harleys’ voice followed down the pit to meet his ears coyly, interrupting his firm resolution.

Nightwing rolled his eyes, and then mentally spat on his hands and went to work on wooing a near to impossible woman.

It wouldn't be the first time, he thought, and paused as the companion thought greeted him a second later.

But hopefully not the last.

Within the Temple of Anubis.

Ras waved his arm around a manmade cavern, that’s dimension’s seemed only equal to the rock face they had just entered.

"Behold, the temple of Anubis!"

The Joker rolled his eyes. "Why must everything be beheld? What are we, trapped in some bad melodrama?"

His mad green eyes danced excitedly.

"Does this mean I get to tie someone to railroad tracks in a little bit? Oh, Ras, you tease!"

Then they stepped through the opening, and even the Joker's breath was momentarily taken away by the view that awaited them.

Within the gigantic natural room hung dozens of stalactites, water dripping from their stone tips lazily. The room itself had been carved out in the shape of a triangle, with one massive stalactite pointing downwards to the very center of the room. And within that center, in a slight glowing blue haze, hung a single object.

It glittered with the rich jewels encrusting it's surface, the shape of a jackal's head beaten into still shimmering gold. The eyes were made of deep blue sapphire, the mouth and nose accented by emeralds. The object hung there, suspended within the soft glow eerily, and try as he might, the Batman could not see any technological means for the object's support. Splayed out in three different directions from the single beam of light dark lines had been painted running down to each corner of the room. Each corner had been centered off, surrounded by dark symbols that the Batman knew weren't just decoration. Each corner was accented by a large cartuche in Egyptian. In one corner, a large bird was drawn. Another, the sun, and in the third that of a jackal. Beneath the object in the light was painted a large Egyptian eye....the eye of Ra.

Hartheson stepped forward, her fears completely evaporated in her fascination of this incredible find.

Her eyes fell upon the object, and then she was reaching into her bag and pulling out the single document that Ras had given her. The drawing matched completely.

"The Helmet of Anubis....."

Ras grinned, a cold steeled smile that chilled even Draco's heart, and brought his hands together once. Talia stepped forward, her arms still linked with that of her beloved.

"Take your places, my children. The ceremony will begin as soon as the moon has properly aligned.”

Talia nodded her head. 'Yes, my father. "

She grasped the Batman's arms with hers and led him away with a sultry smile.

"Come, beloved, and we will fulfill our destiny."

Bruce could feel himself trying to fight her charms, trying to overwhelm his own desire wrought senses, but it was to little avail, and he helplessly watched his body move with hers to one corner of the room. The tunic he wore felt almost like it was dressed on someone else. He could still feel, still think for himself, but it was as if someone had taken complete control of his body and left him to the mercy of some demented puppeteer. Talia positioned him over the first triangle corner, and then sat him down in the stone seat that had been carved there. Her hands reached for his and he could detect a slight note of sadness in her eyes as she laced the shackles he wore against the seat.

"Not that I don't trust you, beloved, but it is better safe than sorry. And you are the prince of foxes. It is only right that I should be the queen."

His skin tightened as the cold links grasped against his wrists and ankles.

Draco, in the meantime, had drug the still struggling Selina over to the other side of the cavern. The Catwoman had been dressed in a long flowing white tunic, that barely covered her more admirable features, and Draco could not help reaching down and copping a feel here and there of her generous breasts. Selina snarled at him, and suddenly viscously kicked him in the leg. The body guard went down with a huff, as the Catwoman suddenly twisted her chains around his neck. Talia started forward, but the angered captive turned towards her, the bodyguard still twisting in her arms.

"One more move, bitch, and his neck becomes an oversized stress ball."

Ras grinned at her from where he stood, totally unperturbed, and the next words he spoke chilled both the new prisoner and the new captor.

"Go on and kill him. His usefulness has come to an end."

Selina's eyes darted here and there, searching for a way out. The Joker merely stood with his back against the wall, his arms folded as he enjoyed the little spectacle.

"Now this is entertainment. If only I had some popcorn, or maybe some red hots..."

Even in his dazed state, the Batman watched her from where he sat, his eyes flooded with concern. Would she....could she?

His frenzied thoughts were answered as she threw the still gasping hulk down onto the floor.

"Fuck you Ras. I won't become a killer for the likes of you."

"And that is why you are weak....Talia."

The dark woman brought her hand up and suddenly a small pistol flashed in her grip. Selina winced as a dart hit her neck, and then fell down into a flood of white, unconscious. Draco picked himself off the floor, his eyes filled with rage.

"Master.....what you said...."

"I meant it, Draco. You live to serve as long as your service is useful. Do not let that happen again. Now bind the Catwoman and make ready. The moon is almost there."

Outside the Temple of Anubis.

From where he stood within the outcropping, Jean Paul tapped the binoculars to zero in on the little party entering the newly resurrected entrance to the Temple. Behind him, Helena peered threw her own goggles.

"They've got the Batman least they haven’t' tried to unmask him yet. "

Jean grimaced as he saw the Dark Knight walk through the entrance.

"The Joker's there, with another guy...the woman with the glasses must be Dr. Hartheson. And the woman in white...."

Helena gritted her teeth. "That's Catwoman. I'd know those legs anywhere. I've had them flying at my face more than enough times.”

Jean couldn't help but grin.

'Stop, you're turning me on."

"Fights, asshole. And this is probably the last place you could expect to find me doing anything."

"I don't see Nightwing. They must have him locked up somewhere else."

Jean stared down around the entrance, until his eyes fell on a small canvas tent that stood a few hundred yards away from the temple. He zeroed in on the lone figure that seemed to almost be dancing around in the moonlight, and then his lips pursed.

"Harley Quinn. Joker's little demented bimbo. Nightwing must be over there."

Huntress nodded. "The plan?"

"We free Nightwing first, stable up our chances a little bit more, and then we try to get in there before that ceremony you found in those scrolls happens."

"You don't really believe in that mystical life beyond death nonsense, do you?" Huntress asked sarcastically.

"I've seen more than enough to know what's possible....and that's one hell of a statement coming from a woman who used to work with an angel."

"Allright, point given. How do you want to take Harley? I hear she's got slight meta human capability."

Jean grinned. "I'm sure we can think of something."

Gotham Plaza, Gotham City

Tim stared down at the city and sighed. It was apparent that nothing else was going to be happening here tonight..nothing the cops couldn't handle, anyway. He began to rope up his cord and prepared to swing back to the boys school.

"You in a hurry to get home to your mommy, Rob?"

The voice that greeted him came from down below on one of the terraces of the plaza. Robin looked down and grinned despite himself, still rather surprised at her presence.

'Cissie? I thought you were taking some time off from the hero gig?"

The young leather clad heroine known as Arrowette smiled.

"I did...I needed the time to think." She swung her bow up again, and hefted an arrow. Plucking the

shaft between her fingers, she let fly, and seconds later, a shaft of white light streamed off into the Gotham night air. Robin watched.

"Consider that my return to herodom. "

"What are you doing in Gotham?"

"Came to see you. A mutual friend said that you were out and about, so I picked the highest, darkest and most mysterious building I could find. And surprises of surprises, here you are. You do like making with the gothic overtones, don't you, Boy Wonder?"

Robin shrugged and swung down until he was on the landing with her. Even as he alighted next to her, he couldn't help taking in her body....they were both young, deep in the throes of puberty, but still she had been put together very nicely indeed. It was little wonder that Superboy had such a crush on her. She was wearing the outfit Robin liked best on her, the leather jerkins and the flowing white skirt that just barely covered her lithe long legs. She may have been just sixteen, but the

gods had already blessed her with a more than ample bosom, much to Wonder Girls' constant chagrin. Her long blonde hair flowed out from behind the half face mask that she wore. Her eyes glittered at the sight of him as he pulled himself up. She had been even more attracted to him during those later days of Young Justice, and seeing him now brought back the real reason she had come to visit him tonight.

"So....are you...doing anything right now?"

Robin shrugged, even as he tried desperately not to stare too much at her body. He had forgotten how gorgeous she was, and what effect she usually had on him. He could feel a slight stirring along his body, and was suddenly very glad that his cape surrounded both his back and his front.

"Patrolling, kicking the crap outta bad know, regular teenager stuff."

"Mind if I join you? That is, if you think the Spoiler won't get too jealous."

Then she was shooting her arrow off into the night, and swing away on a cord, leaving him momentarily speechless. Then he grinned and fired off his own cable.

How women did talk.

Outside the Temple of Anubis.

"How about a lifetime supply of chocolate, whatever movie you want to go see when we get back to the States, and I dress up in purple and green whenever we go out?"

Nightwing called up from the bottom of the pit. Harley tapped her finger on her chin, and then grinned down at him.

"Plus oral sex whenever I demand it?"

Nightwing shuddered slightly. The thought of sex with Harley was becoming more and more repugnant to him, but he would have to play along, maybe even to sacrifice another…encounter, he thought distastefully. Now that Babs was firmly imprinted in his mind, any other woman seemed….pointless.


What the hell. Maybe if He could get up there, entice her enough, and take her out before she was able to get her top off.

If she fell for it.

"I don't think that Puddin....." Harley began, but then she fell in a dead slump against the edge of the pit. Nightwing looked up to see a dark shape in black and purple standing over her, her long dark hair blowing in the slight desert breeze.

From behind the woman, he could hear another voice.

"I thought.....we were going to make this interesting."

"Please, like I'm going to share you with a psycho.....that would have been way too



Nightwing grinned, relief flooding over his face. Too close to giving it up again. "About time you decided to show up, Huntress. And I see you brought Azrael."

He placed his hands on his hips as Huntress lowered a rope down.

"Is it just me, or did I detect a note of something more than camaraderie in your voices?"

He heaved himself up onto the rope and within seconds had scaled the walls of the pit.

"You snooze, you lose, former Boy Blunder."

Huntress grinned as she pulled him out from the edge. And then for a moment she was still holding him, still looking into those dark eyes as she pulled him to standing position, his arms around hers,

and she remembered that night long ago when those arms had been more than support, they had been total embrace....

Azrael merely regarded the two of them with some unease. Helena had mentioned that she and Nightwing had shared....something, and that it was over with, but he had never been comfortable around the Dark Knight’s true replacement.....even after his apparent redemption in No Man's Land.

"I think we're making Az a little uncomfortable, " Nightwing whispered to her, and

her cheeks blushed scarlet.

Damn him for making me do that, she thought dismally, and then turned back to Jean Paul. He stood there with his arms at his sides, his face a mask, but she could still read the hurt in his eyes. Then the flash of hurt was gone to replaced by determination. Whatever he was going through, he was not going to let it effect the reasons they were here for.

"So where is tall dark and gloomy? I thought he'd be rescuing us, not the other way


Nightwing shook his head and briefly recounted the events of the past few hours, skimming over the sexual encounter with Harley Quinn. Somehow, he didn't think that either of them were willing to listen to that account, and it was something he was none to proud of. He recounted the escape attempt with Catwoman, and the Joker's abrupt appearance, and the procession to the outskirts of the temple that lay ahead. Nightwing shivered when he recounted his memory of the Batman.....eyes blank and staring ahead...Talia's arm entwined with cold and aloof...

"He must be under the influence, and if that's the case, that must be one hell of a drug. I've seen the Batman take stuff that would stun a bull without even fazing him." Azrael remarked, eyes wide.

"What about Catwoman?" Huntress wanted to know. "Is she in on this?"

Nightwing shook his head. "Not from what I saw. If she were, she's one hell of an actress. And granted that may have been the case before but even Ras wouldn't go to such lengths to humiliate an ally. Last time Ras had her in his presence she was a prisoner as well. I think Ras means to use her in this ceremony, and I don’t think he expects she will survive it.”

Helena’s eyes widened, and she looked back at Jean Paul. “That book we found….it’s starting to make some sense…..”

Azrael nodded. “If that’s even half the case, than both Batman and Catwoman are about to fall into a world of shit.”

Within the Temple of Anubis

“ Before man, before all things, there was the magic of the elder gods. And those elder gods lived past millennia with their magic, achieving power to shake the very heavens. But those elder gods faded with this world, taking with them almost all of their magic with them. Mere scraps remained by the time man took his place in the world as more than a talking ape. And even then it took more millennia for man to achieve even a minute part of the elder god’s glory. The men who came closer were the pharaohs of Egypt. The Egyptians built incredible structures, founded the first civilization of man....achieved greatness that even we generations later have yet to top. And even their end they had yet to find the true remnants of the elder god’s power. But the one greatest achievement of their civilization...their one true mark of triumph that they were able to sits within my grasp."

Ras moved forward towards the center of the light, his hands outstretched. The Helmet floated there, the mask staring at him as if to regard his worth with a cold and unforgiving demeanor, yet the Demon's Head matched it's dead stare unblinkingly, until his fingers closed around the bright and shining metal. And then the Helmet was in his hands, the jewels still winking faintly with

a light that did not come from the shaft.

"The Helmet of Anubis is now mine....and with it I shall live beyond time, beyond see my world realized. A world where I shall be pharoah, and the achievements we will garner under my control shall topple even Osiris himself."

He turned back to the others in the ceremony, his eyes tightening as Talia at last took her place in the third corner of the room, completing the ritual’s initiation.

“Prepare yourselves my children. Prepare yourselves for the power of the elder gods. In the name of Anubis, give me the power!” he called, and began to raise the helmet above him, standing full center in the eye of Ra.

But then he stopped.

A loud clapping interrupted his speech, and the former immortal turned towards the sound, fury in his eyes. The Joker still stood with his back to the wall, but now he held a gun in his fist. Talia gasped and started forward, but the Joker merely whisked another revolver from within his jacket, pointing it at her.

"I'm sorry, Ras, but the Academy will only allow you two minutes to do your acceptance speech. And quite frankly, you were getting a little too exuberant. You made Cuba Gooding Jr look positively dead. Of course I've never been one to take defeat casually. "

He pointed to the Helmet with one of his guns.

"I happen to think my performance more than outweighed yours. And I'm sure the Academy would agree with me. Back off, Lex Luthor clone," the Joker grinned as he sensed Draco getting ready to spring.

"The chrome dome look is so overdone these days, wouldn't you agree?"

"We had an arrangement, Joker.' Talia whispered tightly, her lips curled in rage.

"What, you thought I was going to just sit back and let you have the world to yourselves? Please, you fell for the Siberia crack? You people are so obvious, you deserve a sitcom on the WB. Well, maybe that's a little harsh..."

The Joker giggled as he crossed around the center of light where Ras stood, his guns still trained on

Ras and Talia, until he was standing next to the Dark Knight.

"But to think that I would just let Batsy boy here off with a beautiful life of luxury with a hot chick at his side and not even have the chance to completely obliterate his, that was just plain dumb."

The madman turned back towards the still bound Caped Crusader.

"What do you say, Batsy? Think this is a life threatening, world shattering, cataclysmic event? I think so. And that definitely merits an unmasking, I'd say."

He smiled as placed one gun down on the ground, his eyes still piercing into Ras'.

Talia watched helplessly, and over on the other side of the room Selina's own eyes filled with dark concern. She didn't know why, she only knew that she felt something strong for this man, something beyond attraction, and to see him defeated like this threw rage into her soul. She struggled against her chains with a newfound anger, but it had little effect. The Joker threw his head in her direction.

"I'll deal with you in a second, Miss Kitty. Believe me, I've had my eye on you for a long time."

The Joker smiled a smile that left her almost dull from the chill it sent down her spine.

Then he reached one purple gloved hand forward, and grasped one of the points of the Batman's mask extensions, and began to lift it from his face.......

Gotham City, Park Row.

“So this is what you do with your nights?” Arrowette clicked her tongue, trying not to sound to distasteful and failing miserably. Next to her, Robin continued to peer down through his binoculars at the apartment far below. Within the room, two women and a man were busy making what appeared to be a rather high stakes drug deal. Robin’s eyes darted back and forth as a suitcase of money appeared. Now, if he could just spot the drugs, this would be a complete bust…..

“Hello? Captain of the gloomy empire? I’m talking to you.”

Cissie followed his gaze downwards to the apartment, sighed, and then clicked on her own mask. A pair of enhanced vision lenses dropped down. Robin started at the sound and turned to look at her.

“I didn’t know you had access to nite vision technology.”

Cissie shrugged. “Yeah, it’s one of the many things my mother set me up with on her quest to make me queen of the Super heroes. Personally I think she ripped it off of Kord Industries….Mom and the founder had a sort of romantic run in one night and I think she still hates him.”

Robin grinned. He wondered how much it would shock Cissie to learn that her Mom had had relations with none other than the Blue Beetle.

“Was this before or after she got out of the hospital?”

Cissie giggled. “Before, of course. No man with half a brain or even half vision would go near my Mom now. She’s just to wacked out.”

“It’s look like they’re making the deal.” Robin said absently, his eyes already focused back on the apartment. Cissie sighed again and turned back to the edge they were sitting on. She didn’t know why she had decided to come out tonight of all nights, and the way things were going, she’d never be able to get the chance to tell Robin why she was here as well. The truth was, she had had an insane crush on the Boy Wonder, ever since meeting him. There was something so dark and mysterious about him at one second, and yet so completely human and adorable at the other. And he was definitely noble……as well as not hard on the eyes at all.

The truth was, Cissie wanted Robin. She wanted to feel him touching her in the worst way. She had seen the way he had glanced at her when they worked together in Young Justice, and there was no mistaking those glances. She thought he felt the same way. And besides, her teenage hormones were flaring at just the right amount to drive her slightly out of control. She wanted her first to be someone she trusted, not only with her life, but her soul. Robin had proved to be the only boy she knew that felt she could trust completely……and she didn’t even know his real name.

Attempting to see if he was thinking the same thing, she moved slightly closer, until her bare arm was flush against his.

Robin gripped his binoculars even tighter. He was suddenly very aware that a stunningly beautiful young girl with an incredible body was pressing against him, and that she was not moving away. Tim had to admit, he had had his fair share of luck with women even at his early age….Ariana, Stephanie, and even the Russian girl he had met on one of his trips to Europe that turned out to be a killing machine. But he had never…explored any of those women, and even as much as he felt for Stephanie, she didn’t spark the same passion that bubbled up whenever he was around Cissie.

And the fact that she had incredible legs didn’t hurt either.

He wet his already parched dry lips, trying desperately to do mathematics in his head to fight the erection he already knew was forming, and turned back to the building. Cissie grinned. She could feel his cheeks blush with warmth, the temperature of his body increasing as she pressed against him. She pressed her advantage, sliding her leg up against his where he stood. Robin tried not to let the automatic gasp that formed in his lips escape. Then, as he beheld the sight in the apartment, trying desperately to regain control, he did gasp. But not because of Cissie’s touch…although that did not help. Cissie followed his gaze down and then stifled a loud laugh.

The man below had handed the suitcase to the two women….and they had begun stripping in front of him. The man now sat in a chair, his eyes ogling each woman’s naked body as they danced around him, strewing clothing all around the apartment. One of them reached down and drew her hand into his pants, freeing a large cheery erection. She began to jerk the man off to fierce hardness, while the other began to rub her body against his shoulder and head, her humongous breasts lancing across the top of his face, much to his eager mouth’s delight.

Robin pulled the binoculars sharply from his eyes to wrench the sight away.

Cissie was still looking down at the scene in the apartment with some interest.

“Drug deal?” she giggled softly.

Robin tried unsuccessfully to clear his throat. “Obviously hookers, and high priced, if he’s paying them with that kind of cash. It’s a crime….but….”

Arrowette at last dropped her eyes from the ever-heating sight before her.

“But not exactly a crime you want to bust up right in the middle of….you know.” She grinned, and her cheeks were slightly scarlet. The little scene in the apartment below had done nothing to ease his erection; if anything it had only made him hard as a rock. And in the haste to stop watching the women and the man, he had unknowingly revealed his secret shame to Arrowette when it whapped against her leg. Cissie smiled softly, her voice light as a feather. Gingerly one leather covered hand went down to his thigh, and patted the stiff package she found there.

“Is that just because of them, or have I got something to do with it?” she whispered to him, drawing dangerously close.

Robin swallowed. “Cissie, I…..”

“Shhhhhhhh….” She pursed her lips together in rounded oh, and then her lips were on his, kissing him deeply. Robin had kissed quite a few girls before, but never with one with this amount of just intense longing. Before he knew it his hands had reached around her back to cup her into his arms. He could feel the swell of her bosoms press against his chest through the kevlar even as their tongues slid into each other’s mouths, frenching longingly. Cissie’s hand moved up and down against his length under his pants, rubbing insistently on his cock to harden him even further. Robin murmured within her mouth, the heat of the moment driving him almost to insane need, and felt his own hand reaching down underneath her white skirt to cup her buttocks tightly, massaging the full rounded lobes with his fingers. They remained like that for what seemed like forever, until finally some slight vestige of restraint found its way back up to it’s perch in Robin’s head and he pulled away, his tongue slipping between her lips as she sucked the length down. For a blind second he wondered what those lips would do elsewhere, and then decided it was probably a thought he should not investigate.

“Cissie, we can’t do this. “

Arrowette merely smiled and continued to rub his cock through the fabric.

“Are you sure? Some of you is saying no, but a really nice part of you is saying a very emphatic yes,” she whispered, her fingers bunching up the fabric to yank harshly on his stem. Robin yelped and then with great difficulty pulled completely away.

“I…..I can’t…I mean…I’ve never…we’re just….”

Her face was still flush with heat, but her lips quivered. “I’ve never either, Robin. I just have this fantasy about my first time. And the only one I can picture in that fantasy is you. I’ve seen the way you looked at me when were teammates, even if you think I didn’t see. And the feeling I get whenever I touch your pants tells me you want to, to.”

“Cissie, you don’t even know my name….”

“I know I trust you. Please, Robin,” she begged silently, and then pulled a string on her leather bodice. Some of the top of her chest covering fell away, exposing a deep line of cleavage. Robin gulped. “Please make my first time the best time.”

Robin knew everything that stood in his way, including will power and a sense of duty. But he also knew how much he wanted this girl, how much he wanted his first time to be like this….and when would he get a real chance like this again.

His hands clenched and unclenched, until Cissie pulled the final string of her bodice and her top fell away, exposing breasts the size of small baseballs, bouncing free in the moonlight, looking like some sort of goddess’ bosom. That basically capped it for the Boy Wonder. His hands pulled at his gloves, and then his cape, and then at his shirt. She rushed to meet his fingers and their lips collided again as they kissed each other and began to work his clothes off. His bare hands reached up to cup her twin swellings of her chest, massaging the cool rich flesh between his fingers. None of the girls he had known had been as ample as Cissie, and none had let him touch them like this. Now Arrowette was almost crushing her chest into his grasp, rubbing her breasts into his handfuls, her nipples hard and ripe.

Her hands pulled the red tunic away from his chest and then slid deep into his tights, to finally free the stem she had been feeling up for the past few seconds. As the cold air of the night hit his cock, Robin gasped in her mouth and she gasped as well and pulled away.

She stared down at him, marveling.

“So it wasn’t just padding?”

Robin’s cheeks were red but he continued to fondle her breasts as she began to move her nimble fingers up and down his stem, jerking him off. Then she was looking at him with a knowing smile.

“Want me to give you a blowjob?”

Robin couldn’t believe his ears. “Wh….what?”

Cissie was already down on her knees in front of him, cupping the cock down to her waiting lips.

Robin steeled himself and then sighed as he felt her warm, wet mouth around his cock. For Cissie’s part, she was delighted to find that this was not nearly as gross as Cassie had described, in fact she really liked the taste of him. And she could feel his crown pulsing slightly within her lips, and grinned around her mouthful, happy to know that she had done that to him and no one else. She began to move her mouth up and down his length thoughtfully, pretending that his cock was like a blowpop, licking the stem harshly, the thick meat thrushing between her teeth. Robin reached down and placed his hand on her head, and began to slowly pump his hips against her mouth, loving the feel of her constant pressure oh his cock.

Cissie could sense his body tightening already…this was his first time, after all, and began to suck harder, jarring her head back and forth over his hips, until Robin finally let out a cry of what sounded like pain and she could feel the tip of his cock spurt forth within her mouth. This was the part that they said was most gross….and yet, it wasn’t all that bad, she thought to herself. She flexed her tongue up and then moved her throat, and she could feel his come slide down her throat. She had done this! She had made the boy she desired come! She felt wonderful at her accomplishment.

Robin, for his part, could not believe the intense feelings that were shooting through his body right now. Of course at a teenage boy he had more than once taken himself in hand, so to speak, but it had never felt as incredible as this. And to think that he had been able to do it with Arrowette, the hottest girl on Young Justice. The more malicious part of him wondered what Superboy would say.

Then it slipped from his head as Arrowette pulled down on his slightly flaccid length.

“Now take care of me, “ she whispered, and guided him down until his cock sat right between her outstretched thighs, against her stomach. As she guided him down she released the clasp that held her skirt in place, and pushed the white fabric away, so that she was wearing nothing but her boots, a thin white frilly thong, and her mask still as he positioned himself between her legs.

“Come inside of me, now, Robin. Make me a woman…” she moaned, and crushed her fist around his cock again. Robin pulled on her thong and let it sweep down from around her buttocks and over her legs. He stared down at her now naked femininity with a look of mixed wonder and hunger.

He had never seen a woman like this before, really naked and open like this, and he was surprised to find his fingers reaching for his mask. As he began to pull the dark green material from his face, Arrowette gently placed her fingers on his hand to stop him.

“You know you don’t have to do that if you’re not ready,” she whispered, “Besides, it’s kind of fun to do it with our masks on, don’t you think?”

He nodded and placed his fingers back down on the pavement. Arrowette lay back, as he began to position the very head of his cock between the tight seal at the base of her thighs. She winced sharply as he began to slide into her, and he could feel a sudden restriction released, followed by a slight warmth. Arrowette cried out sharply once, and then settled back as the pain gradually gave way to a warm, grinding pleasure. Robin began to move his hips against hers, sliding deep into her like some sort of warm elixir, loving the feel of her around him. He rocked his body back and forth, watching the swells of her breasts judder with each lance of his pelvis. Arrowette reached for his back and pulled him down to her, taking his lips back against hers, kissing and gnawing at his mouth. She was moaning lightly now, each hit into her sending a velvet shockwave throughout her body. Robin moved faster and faster, and the urgency of their coupling took hold, and he could feel himself building up again to explode. Arrowette could also feel the grinding sensation within her becoming more and more intense, her womb clenching tighter and tighter around his invasion.

“Robin…please don’t….not yet…I can feel it coming…” she moaned sharply, and Robin steeled himself, trying madly not to lose control within her. She cried out sharply, and suddenly reached up for his shoulder, biting him slightly as she felt the onset of her climax swing throughout her. It was glorious, more incredible than anyone could ever describe. Robin watched her sway underneath him, writhing and pulsing with joy, and then felt himself give way to release. He moaned as he felt his cock unload within her. His back arched sharply as his jaw tightened, and a hot wave shot through is body as he came. Then he fell forward on top of her, his shoulders still shaking with the effort put forth. Arrowette continued to writhe slightly, her very first real orgasm still tearing through her over and over. Then finally, when both had recovered, she smiled up at him.

“I see why they call you Boy Wonder.”

Within The Temple of Anubis

The Joker’s hand tucked the slight hardened edge of the Batman’s mask ear, and began to lift…

An arrow suddenly shot out of the darkness of the tunnel beyond, landing in the Joker’s arm. The Joker fell against the floor, clutching his arm and screaming in pain.

“I really….really wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Al Ghul spun around from the center of the room to see the Huntress standing there in the doorway, her crossbow held at the ready. At the other end of the room, the Joker lay wincing in pain, gripping his bleeding arm. Azrael stepped out of the darkness behind her, and glanced down.

“Wow. You shot the Joker.”

“I have my good days.” She leveled the crossbow at Al Ghul. ‘Please. Continue with what you were doing. I could use the target practice.”

Ras’ mouth twisted into a sneer of contempt. “Please. Spare me your vigilante machismo. I hold power in my hands that could destroy you in the blink of an eye. It is you I suggest lose the weapon.”

The Huntress shook her head. “Wouldn’t bet on it.”

Ras nodded. “I thought not. Talia.”

A blur of white and dark skin suddenly shot against the Huntress, and she was down in a tussle with the Huntress, her arms battering against the black and purple clad woman, knocking her head repeatedly against the hard stone floor.

“No one shall threaten Ras Al Ghul! No one!” Talia screamed in rage. Azrael reached to help the Huntress, but found himself face to face with the hulking form of Draco.

“I don’t suppose you want to call it a draw?” he asked the charging man, and then was caught in a flying tackle as Draco hooked him up against the wall in a steeled clench around his throat. Draco grabbed the white clad avenger and hurled him against the opposite wall, where Azrael slid down, slightly stunned. Then his focus turned to Talia. The dark woman lay underneath the Huntress, her fists beating futilely up at the dark Italian avenger. The Huntress started to raise her fist again, and then felt Draco’s hands wrap around her shoulders. She attempted to kick away, but her struggles were to no avail as Draco lifted her from Talia. Ras stared up within the center of the light, his hands still clutching the Helmet, and screamed to his daughter.

“Now, Talia. Take your place. The time is nigh!”

Talia leaped back to her place in the triangle, taking her seat despite the sweat streaking down her face. Ras hefted the Helmet up into the light as the brightness of the unearthly shaft began to grow brighter and brighter.

“Father Anubis, I come before you to be granted thy power, to hold sway over life and death, to be one with you. Father Anubis, grant me thy power!”

Ras screamed sharply as the temple began to fill with an incredible hum. He raised the Helmet on high, as the light shone to it’s fullest, and then slowly brought the golden jackal head down over his face.

From within the red jewels that made the helmet’s eyes, the light began to pierce. And the three streams that shot out from the center to each corner of the room grew hotter and more intense. The Batman could feel his body becoming bathed in the harsh golden light, and as he sat there, he could feel his body beginning to weaken. As if some vampire was sucking his energy from his very cells.

Ras turned to look at him through the Helmet, the eyes of the jackal growing more and more intense. On the opposite corners of the room, Selina and Talia were experiencing the same effect, but it was even more intense for Selina. The Batman watched in horror as Selina twisted hard in her seat, pain wracking her body as her energy began to drain even faster from her body. Her limbs began to shrivel slightly, the fullness of her body beginning to sag, and her full mane of raven locks began to gray sharply. Selina managed one intense scream and then slumped forward in her seat, as the energy dispersal grew too much for her.

The Batman stared at her in horror, and even in the daze that Talia had left him in, he could feel something new surge in his heart. Something even more intense, more fiery, more passionate and more enraged than any of the magical elements that held him put together.

Something for Selina…

His fists clenched to point of rocks, his muscles tightening like sinews. Ras turned to look at him, concern flooding over his face under the mask.

“What in….” And then Ras yelled out in anger as the Batman suddenly yanked his arm away from the seat, the chains breaking under the sudden strain. The Batman reached around and began to work on his other arm. Draco tried to cross the room to stop him, but was suddenly flattened by a flying kick. Out of the darkness swept Nightwing, bashing Draco’s chin with his toe and shoving the body guard out of the way. Talia screamed out in panic as the Batman freed his other arm.

“No beloved! Don’t break the circle! Don’t break the ritual!”

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. The Batman could feel his own determination refueling his strength, and suddenly one of his legs shot away from the chair, the chains swinging behind him, followed a second later by the other. Then the Batman was raising from his seat and out of the light.

Ras suddenly stumbled as the first connection was lost.

The Batman hurried to the fallen body of the Catwoman, his eyes staring down in both rage and intense concern as he yanked her chains away from the seemingly drained husk, and then pulling her body up to his inspection. His face filled with horror as he stared down at the deep cragged wrinkles in her face, her usual ruby lips completely gray and lifeless. His hand grazed her breast, once large and full, now flat and dead, and felt for a heartbeat. One existed, but it was so faint he could barely feel it. Pulling her from the light, he took her cheeks between his hands and did the only thing he could think….his lips crashed against hers, and he forced air into her lungs.

Talia screamed and leaped from her seat, breaking the final connection and running to her father.

Ras stood there, arms bent, the Helmet still glowing fiercely, but the glow was now bouncing back upon him. He screamed and clenched the sides of the Helmet, attempting to pull it from his body, but it was stuck fast, and the metal of the mask grew white hot, burning his fingers.

Talia tried to grab the Helmet, but moaned in pain as her own fingers were burned.

And as Ras fell to his knees, the light growing brighter and brighter around him, the Batman could feel Selina begin to stir under his embrace. Her lips moved against his, taking in his air, yet still he kissed her, filling her with his energy and perhaps something more.

Talia turned to see her beloved kissing Selina, and started towards them.

A shot rang out in the cavern, dulled slightly by the intense hum of the light, and Talia fell, clutching her side. The Joker smiled as he flexed his weak arm back down, and then leveled the gun at the Caped Crusader and Selina. Then the gun was flying from his fist as the Huntress with renewed strength kicked the pistol out of his hand. Her gloves reached around the lapels of his coat and drove him against the wall, still grinning.

Azrael started towards the fallen Talia, but at that moment Ras began a high pitched scream that was like no other any of the vigilantes had ever heard.

On his knees, the light expanding rapidly within the Helmet, Azrael stared in fascination as a shape began to form…the shape of a jackal’s head. The Head looked down at the fallen Al Ghul, seeming to regard the madman, and then began to shake. And Jean Paul was sure he could hear a voice whispering, though not in his ears.


The cavern began to shake uncontrollably. Azrael strode forward and grabbed Talia’s body, hearing her wince as he did so. Hefting her over his shoulder, he glanced over to see Helena do the same with the now unconscious Clown Prince of Crime. Nightwing had reached Dr. Hartheson were she knelt, shivering in fear, and pulled her up. Grabbing the dazed Draco by the arm, he pushed him forward, stumbling to the entrance. And the Batman still held the rapidly de-aging body of the Catwoman within his arms.

Turning towards the entrance, he screamed to the others one simple word.


The vigilantes and their passengers raced from the cavern, stones flying down from the still unseen ceiling of the tunnel. The Batman led the way, dashing as fast as he could towards the cavern’s entrance.

Within the ritual room, Ras still knelt, his body wracked with intense pain as stalactites fell down around his ears, the whole entire temple falling apart around him. He took one last breath and managed to raise his head for one last glance at the entrance where the others had departed.

“I…..shall….still….rule….” he managed to gasp, before the massive stone ceiling crashed down upon him where he knelt.

Finally they made it to the mouth of the cavern, where the desert waited for them. Behind them, the cavern continue to crumble, and the entrance of the cave began to fill with sand again, rapidly burying the Temple of Anubis back to the peaceful sleep it had enjoyed for so long.

Azrael laid Talia down upon the sand, and began to examine her.

Her breaths were sharp and ragged, but the bullet wound was not fatal.

The Huntress still held the unconscious Joker.

“What the hell should we do with him? Throw him back in there before it’s completely buried?”

But the Batman did not answer her. His thoughts were only to the woman who lay in his arms.

Tenderly he brushed his hand over her face touching her skin as the last of the wrinkles fell away from her cheek, and she was restored to full beauty. But still her eyes remained closed.

The Batman held her tight, trying to shake the life back into her.

“Come on….come on, Selina, live…..don’t go like this…the world still needs you…”

“I…need you…”

He whispered this, no one else hearing him.

Except for one.

Suddenly her arms came up around his waist, and she opened her eyes, her lashes fluttering prettily as she took in the sight of him.

“Counted me….out for a sec…didn’t you….Bats?” she murmured, and for a brief second, a shadow of smile of pleasure flashed across the Batman’s face.

Then he was laying her on the ground as she recovered.

The Huntress coughed. “Um, Batman? The Joker?”

The Batman turned to her, and nodded. “He goes back to Arkham. Tie him up to the bodyguard, and let’s see if we can get the hell out of here.”

Nightwing grinned and pointed to several abandoned jeeps sitting not far away near the tents.

Apparently the Saudis had seen the commotion of the cave falling down and retreated in fear, leaving everything behind.

“I think we have our pick.”

They stopped to pick up the still fallen form of Harley from the pit, and began to drive away.

The Batman turned his head to get one last glimpse of the gigantic mound that had finally fallen silent, and wondered if this, after all things, was the end of Ras Al Ghul.

He doubted it.

Cairo, American Embassy. Four hours later.

“That’s quite a story….Batman.” Ambassador Carlson looked to the Dark Knight brooding in the shadows. Draco, Harley Quinn and the Joker had been placed under lock and key within the American holding cells of the embassy, and Huntress and Azrael were even now standing watch over the Joker’s cell. They were taking absolutely no chances.

Talia had been moved to the Cairo Hospital, under watch by the Egyptian government. Her condition remained stable, but the Batman highly doubted she would remain in custody for much longer. If there was one thing he knew about the daughter of the Demon’s Head, it was that no cell could hold her.

The Ambassador contemplated the almost statuesque vigilante, a slight shiver running up and down the back of his neck. He had of course heard of the Batman, but the man was more urban legend than anything else, and to have him here, glaring dark holes into the Ambassador’s walls….it was more than a little unnerving. Considering the story he had brought with him.

“Do you believe that Al Ghul survived?” The ambassador asked timidly, trying not to press the issue.

The Batman merely stared ahead of him, lost in thought. From the other side of the room, Nightwing smiled and turned to the ambassador.

“You’ll have to forgive my compatriot. He speaks only when he needs to. And I believe that he has answered your question. Ras Al Ghul is one of the most thorough criminals this earth has ever known. It is highly inconceivable that the Demon’s Head would not have planned for every contingency. Even defeat.”

A flash of a cold smile appeared on the Dark Knight’s lips. “Al Ghul is without death. He has proved that time and time again. I will not doubt that he will resurface, even against these odds.”

The Batman turned back to the ambassador, his temporary reverie broken, and now spoke with purpose. “What are your plans for transporting the Joker and his cohorts back to the States?”

The ambassador nodded. “We have a specially designed carrier flying out from Quantico tomorrow morning. The DEO is going to be onhand, as well as experts from Arkham. We should be able to get the Joker back to the asylum with minimal fuss.”

“All the same, I would prefer that the Huntress and Azrael accompany them on the trip back.”

The ambassador opened his mouth to object, and then quickly shut it again. He was not about to begin arguing with the massive shadow standing in the corner of his office. He nodded.

“So be it.”

The Batman nodded, and then turned to leave the room. The ambassador couldn’t help but burst out one last question.

“You saw it, then? The Helmet of Anubis does exist?”

The Batman did not turn around, but continued to walk through the door. The ambassador looked to Nightwing, slightly abashed. Nightwing shrugged his shoulders.

“I couldn’t tell you if that was a yes or not. Let’s leave it at a maybe, shall we?”

“How is she doing, Doctor?” The Batman looked into the observation room. Within, Dr. Hartheson was strapped to a table, an IV feeder connected to her arm, slowly working the poison that Draco had filled her with out of her body. Hartheson remained unconscious throughout the process, but even the discomfort of losing her desire was reflected in her face. Slight tears streamed down her cheeks from either side of her shut eyes.

The doctor nodded. “She seems to be working the drugs out of her system. She underwent a tremendous amount of brainwashing. I don’t know if, psychologically, she’ll ever be quite the same. To be honest, she may always remain quite…..sexual…for the rest of her life. That’s a side effect of the drug they administered to her. You, on the other hand, Batman…..”

The Doctor looked at the Dark Knight’s tests.

“You seemed to have purged the drug from your system on your own. How on earth did you manage to do that?”

The Batman did not answer, even though another image filled his mind. The image of a beautiful woman, a woman that had forced him to reveal those deepest emotions he had kept to himself. He only wondered now what that would mean for the both of them.

Selina yawned, and stretched. She still wore her hospital gown, after having been placed under observation for her trauma within the cave. The effects of the Helmet had not proved permanent, but they had weakened her considerably. From somewhere within the room, she heard the soft patter of booted feet on the floor, and grinned.

“Don’t think I can’t hear you, Dark Knight.”

The Batman paused within the shadows. “I was merely seeing how you were doing. I didn’t wish to disturb you.”

Selina nodded. “I’m doing fine, thank you. So…..”

She struggled to find the words. Nothing seemed the right thing to say, and they both kept silent, waiting for the other to speak.

“So, when do I get out of here?”

The Batman seemed to check his watch. “As soon as you’re able.”

Selina looked down at her gown. “I hardly can go like this. I don’t think my arrival in the States will be welcome in a paper gown. And my clothes were burned up in the Sphinx before they made put on that ridiculous white thing.”

The Dark Knight seemed to consider her for a moment, and then sighed. His hand reached into his cape, and suddenly he threw a small package of cloth onto the bed. The Catwoman started to see it. Embroidered on the top was the exact replica of the bat that lay on the Dark Knight’s chest.

Selina reached forward and shook the tight package apart, and then smiled, an amused expression on her face. It was a spare Batman costume, right down to the cape and cowl. She smiled to see that he had removed the utility belt and all the extra parts, leaving it down to a bare suit of clothes.

“I’m surprised you’re not having an aneurysm, giving me this to wear.”

The Batman merely regarded her. “Trust me. I am.”

Selina began to pull the cloth over her body, and the Batman turned to give her some modicum of privacy. A moment later, her voice turned him around.

“Now, tell me that this hasn’t been some sort of fantasy for just the smallest part of you.”

He looked. The uniform looked spectacular on her. The gray material clung to her body like a second skin, the cape swathing around her body mysteriously.

“This is only temporary, you understand. When we get you back to Gotham….”

She nodded, her grin falling from her face. “I go back to jail. I know. Of course,” her grin returned mischievously. “You know they won’t hold me for long.”

The Batman merely swept out of the room….before Selina could see the slight blush that entered his cheeks. Selina grinned and looked at herself in the mirror. She knew full well the effect she had on him.

“Hey, son. How’s about letting me out of this cell? I’ll give you a shiny quarter.” The Joker grinned from within his cell, his usual purple and green forgone for drab gray. Outside of his door, Azrael merely kept his arms folded, staring at him. The Huntress returned down the hallway, holding two steaming cups of coffee in her hands. She handed one to Az, who smiled simply at her.

The Joker stared at the both of them for a second.

“Is it just me….or are you two…you know….getting it on?” The Joker grinned at them both lewdly, waggling his eyebrows sarcastically.

“What’s a matter, Joker? Jealous?” The Huntress asked the madman wryly.

The Joker’s eyes narrowed. ‘Not for you, sweet pea. If there’s anything this little adventure taught me, it’s never get too involved with women.”

“Oh, Mister Jay! How can you say that?” Harley called despairingly down from the next cell.

The Joker rolled his eyes. “Once again, world domination and an earth populated by the simply wacky was within my grasp, and it slipped away.” He glared at the twin crime fighters.

“And I would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids.”

The Huntress turned her gaze from the Joker to Azrael, and let her hand steal down against his thigh, grasping him through his tights. Azrael shifted slightly, and grinned.

Huntress smiled sultrily as well.

“I see you were getting a little jealous on your own back in the desert.” Her hand ground against his cock through his tights, and Jean Paul twisted uncomfortably, a slight erection already forming.

“Huntress. Not in front of the madman.”

The Huntress turned to him and placed her lips close to his ears.

“You have nothing to worry about, beautiful. I am…all…yours.” She allowed her tongue to lick along the side of his lobe, and he shivered. “So what say once we get back to Gotham, and drop the psychos off, you, me, and some skin tight leather….”

“Mr. Jay? How come you never talk to me about skintight leather? Cause you know I would wear it if you asked me…” Harley called from down the cellblock, her own voice filled with need.

The Joker rolled his eyes, and retreated back to his cell. It was going to be a loooooooong plane ride home.

Bludhaven, ten hours later.

“Thanks for the lift.” Nightwing grinned up at the Dark Knight as he slid down his cable from the still hovering plane. Inside the cockpit, the Catwoman still sat in the spare Bat uniform, hand cuffed to the seat. Apparently Bruce didn’t trust her all that much.

The Batman held out his hand, and Nightwing took it, surprised. Normally this sort of camaraderie was not normal for Bruce, even a handshake.

“I want….I want to thank you for your help….and I want to apologize.”

Nightwing shook his head slightly, as if he were not exactly understanding the Batman’s words.

“Apologize? For what?”

“ For getting you involved in this mess in the first place. I…understand you have other things in your life to work on, and I…can’t keep calling you out to whenever a madman threatens the safety of the world. You…could have been killed, this trip. And….I know what the HarleyQuinn….subjected you to. I…apologize.”

Nightwing merely shrugged. “I wouldn’t be much of a brooding, shadow dwelling night avenger if I can’t swing a little sexual mind control now and then. At least the villainess wasn’t that bad looking this time around.” He turned back to the plane.

“So what are you going to do with Catwoman?”

For a long while the Batman didn’t answer him, merely followed his gaze up to the plane.

Nightwing finally broke the silence.

“You do what you gotta do then. And…I’ll do what I have to do. If nothing else, this trip taught me what’s important.”

Bruce nodded. “Clancy?”

Dick stared out at the Bludhaven horizon, and in the orange and purple flicker of the city’s lights, he imagined he saw a face…..a face that had held him for the longest time, and would hold him forever.

Then he turned his head back to Bruce, and shook it, a slight smile on his face.

“No…not Clancy.”

The Batman nodded in perfect understanding, and then turned to climb back up the dangling wire.

Before he reached the top, he turned to look back down at his one time partner.

“May I at least recommend roses?”

Dick grinned. “May I at least recommend giving someone else a chance?”

He indicated the plane.

The Batman did not reply, but turned and began to climb back up the wire. And as the plane jetted off to become one with the night, and Nightwing began to race home to clean himself up, he realized that the Batman had never quite said no.

Gotham City

“So, off to jail, huh?” Selina glanced at the Dark Knight as he silently drove the Batplane over the Gotham skyline. The Batman did not reply, merely stared ahead into the horizon, fingering the controls. Selina sighed.

He had been silent ever since they had dropped Nightwing off at Bludhaven, and he hadn’t even let her out of the plane to thank the other vigilante, or even let her out of the cuffs he had put her in. Not that she would have, but it would have been a nice gesture. She was already working on a way to turn this temporary freedom to her advantage, and had already given her uniform a once over for potential escape devices. Unfortunately, the Batman had been one step ahead of her, much to her personal chagrin. But she would find a way, she would find a way to be free, and then she would track down the Dark Knight again.

She started with surprise as the plane began to descend.

“Um, Batman? We aren’t anywhere near Gotham Woman’s Penitentiary.”

The Batman remained silent, gliding the plane downwards, until they had reached a slight clearing within the buildings, right in the middle of Gotham Park. The plane was on silent run, and barely made a hum as it landed in a closed off clearing in the middle of the woods. Selina looked at the Batman expectantly.

“What are we doing here? Having a midnight picnic?”

The Batman merely flipped a switch, and the cockpit top raised upwards. Then he was leaping out of the plane. Selina followed suit, the cuffs still binding her wrists making it no easy task…..if nothing else, it gave her the chance to stretch her legs.

The Batman walked slowly towards the edge of the clearing, his eyes peering into the darkness for unseen observers.

Selina watched him expectantly.

Finally satisfied that they were alone, he turned back to her, and contemplated her for a while. Selina, to her credit, was able to meet his gaze unflinchingly. She folded her arms for a while.

Then the Batman reached forward, and unclasped the cuffs he had placed her in.

Selina stared at him in surprise. The Batman stepped back.

“What’s this for?”

“Let’s just say what you just went through was more punishment than anyone deserves. And for me to take you out of one prison….just to be put in another….that would be an even greater injustice.”

“I thought you served the law.” Selina blinked, and then winced, rubbing her wrists where they were still sore.

The Batman shook his head. “I serve justice. Just make sure that I don’t need to serve it again.”

He turned back to the plane.

“So that’s it? We go through hell together, we nearly get killed for the umpteenth time together, and you just send me off on my way, no goodbye, no nothing?” She stamped her feet exasperatedly.

“You are the most infuriating man I have ever known!”

The Batman turned back to look at her. “What do you want me to say? “ She could hear just a slight edge to the usual granite voice. A most decidedly uncomfortable edge.

“You could say…..I don’t know….at least something more than this! Admit it, Batman, something happened out there….for both of us.”

The Batman stared at her for a long second, seeming about to speak. Then he merely turned and began to climb back into the plane. Selina blinked, a slight tear forming in her eye, and then she tried for one last ditch effort.

“What was it you said to me in the desert…..about need ?”

Selina stared at him as he worked his way back into the cockpit.

Bruce paused, his hands clutching the edge of the plane. Silently he cursed himself. He had hoped that what had slipped from his lips as he had held her on the sand would have been forgotten. His body flexed sharply, and then he slid back down from the plane, to face her. The Batman suit clung to her body like a second frame, and he could not help feel a twinge of something burn within his chest as he looked at her. The dark fabric of his own costume seemed to accentuate all of her best features….her large rounded breasts were pressed tightly against the dark gray shirt, her hips cupped within the leggings like round treats of delight, and her long slim legs shooting down into the darkness of the black cape she wore. Even the dreaded cowl that she wore seemed to make her all the more exotic…and Bruce could not deny the feelings within himself. Looking at her, watching her move, coupled with the sudden flare within his heart he had felt as she had sat in the ceremony, her body twitching in pain from the energetic extraction of the Helmet….it meant something, didn’t it? It meant something he wasn’t sure he was ready to answer for himself.

“What…… I said…..”

He began haltingly in that steel grating voice, but Selina was already stepping forward, until she was only a few inches away from her. The closeness of her made the always stone cold Dark Knight slightly nervous, and both of them could sense it. Selina smiled slightly and softly.

The Batman tried again, and this time his voice was even more soft.

“What….I said was…”

“Shhhhhhh…..” she silenced him with one dark gloved hand on his iron lips. She reached forward, and kissed him deeply, the line of her jaw falling perfectly to fit with his. The kiss was soft at first, as Bruce contemplated the stunning woman pressed so close to him….she was so alive, so there with him…

He couldn’t. He couldn’t let himself go….he couldn’t bring this light into his life. He didn’t deserve it, he still had so much still to do, so much to avenge…and yet here she was, the one he wanted, the one he needed. And in that moment he damned all of his second-guessing, and simply did something he had never done before. He surrendered.

His gauntlets reached forward and pulled her closer to him, enfolding her body within his cloak. And as she kissed him, he responded, their lips moving more insistently and roughly as they finally tasted the fruits they had long denied themselves. Selina ran her hand deliciously up and down his body, stopping only to cup her palm against the sudden warmth she felt between his legs. Bruce gasped slightly in her mouth, and broke away, suddenly unsure of himself. Selina giggled lightly.

“The scourge of evil, the Dark Knight himself….getting shy. How very cute.”

Bruce squared his shoulders, and grabbed her back to him. Before he pressed his lips to hers again, he whispered tightly.


Then he covered his mouth with hers again, and this kiss became even more impassioned as she began to rub his cock through his tights harder, rougher this time, massaging the steely package between her palm and her fingers. Bruce’s hands reached up and clenched around the huge juddering breasts that pressed against the fabric of her uniform, begging to be squeezed, to be mauled, to be molested. Her nipples stood out against the line of his hand like sharp points, and he reached through the fabric and tugged each lavishly, making her moan in his mouth and grasp his erection harder.

The Batman managed to tear himself away from her mouth for a final second.


Selina merely let her arms flow over her upper body, until her hands brushed over the seam between her top and tights, and then she was pulling the gray fabric up over her body. The tight material clung to her body, slowly revealing the tantalizingly pink flesh hidden underneath. Her breasts caught underneath the material for a second, bobbing up with her movements, and then swung back down freely, slightly hypnotizing him with their bouncing movements. Then she was removing the mask, letting her hair fall down in a shower from the back of her head, slightly covering her shoulders and breast tops in a fine mane. She smiled at him exotically, and then came to him, crushing her naked chest up against the black bat on his flanks.

“I need you too….Bruce.” she whispered to against him.

The Batman started at the mention of his name, and looked down at her. She grinned lightly.

“Don’t look so surprised. You may be the world’s greatest detective, but I’m the world’s greatest thief. There is nothing I can’t steal…including your secrets.”

“How….how long have you known?”

“Let’s just say that I’ve slashed you enough times in the past to get more than enough blood for a simple DNA test. Any idiot can get an accurate DNA test……… despite the Simpson case.”

“And you never…said a word…”

Her smile fell away. “It wasn’t my place to reveal anything about you. And like I said before….I need you. I need you here, alive, and with me…now, Bruce.”

Her fingers brushed up against his naked cheeks, and then began to work their way between his mask and face. His fingers raised to meet hers, and then he stopped. She merely hung there, waiting for his unspoken permission.

A lifetime of darkness, years of loneliness bubbled throughout his mind, and then Bruce realized what he truly wanted from her…why she had haunted his mind so much, why his heart had flared at the sight of her danger….why he loved her so.

Selina’s fingers slid up underneath his mask, and then pulled it away from his face. This time, he did not harden, but merely stared at her as she revealed his face at last.

Then her lips were against his, kissing him deeply, her hands reaching down within his tights to grasp his cock, this time to free it from the tightened prison.

His hands worked her tights down her legs, each long silken limb freed to the cold night air. She shivered slightly, and then stepped back from him for a second, taking the cape of her uniform and sweeping it down against the ground. Lying down upon it, naked, she looked up at him, inviting him without words. Bruce stared down at her, and then lay down next to her, his body covering hers. She lay back as his lips began to dance against her neck, and then down her shoulders, finally stopping on her breasts. Bruce began to kiss each shuddering mound lightly, sending slight sparks of pleasure throughout her chest. His lips cupped one hardened huge nipple together and began to suckle fiercely, at last giving away to the dark desires he had always had for her. Her fingers threaded their way into his sweat streaked hair, and she pressed his face into her bosom, as his mouth began to work more fiercely, licking her breasts intensely, moaning softly at each tender kiss of his lips.

Downwards his fingers traveled along her body, until he had found the spot he desired between her legs. His fingertips brushed along the soft and wetted opening. Selina cried out as one finger entered her, and then another, as he prepared her for entry.

Bruce’s lips fell away from the intimate mauling of her breasts, and slid back up to her mouth. Covering her slight shivers of pleasure with his tongue, he slid his thighs against hers. Her hand wound his cock up between her legs, positioning the head at the direct entrance of her womb.

Bruce stopped, positioned at her opening, his eyes looking into hers.

“Come into me.” She whispered.

He nodded, at last finding the sanctuary he had sought all these dark years, and pushed his pelvis forward. Selina cried out sharply as he entered her, sliding into her all the way to the hilt. Bruce gasped at the exact perfection of their fit together. She felt incredible, so wonderfully soft and warm, like a haven in the middle of a storm. Then he slowly began to move within her, his lips moving back down to hers, stifling her cries of passion. Back and forth he lanced his hips, slowly, achingly rhythmical, her breasts swaying with each jut into her body. Her hands continued to caress his back, working their way underneath his shirt, and pulling it up around his shoulders. He laughed within her mouth, despite himself, and she giggled as she pulled the shirt over his head. Then he brought his chest back against hers, crushing her underneath, taking her mouth with his joyously, his deep blue eyes never leaving the mystery of her greens. They lay there like that for what might have been no more than a second and no longer than a millennia, moving with each other slowly, taking their time to feel out the wonder of each other’s bodies, two lovers meant for each other at last joined.

But even they were subject to the intensity of pleasure, and soon Bruce could feel his body beginning to tighten in preparation. Selina could feel something stir within her body as well, the walls of her canal contracting tighter and tighter around him, his cock beginning to throb at an insane rate as it filled with his desire.

He stared down at her, at last breaking the connection of their mouths, and began to pump into her at a greater speed. Selina matched his thrusts with the gyrations of her pelvis against him. Until finally they both shut their eyes and felt the tidal waves of orgasm crash within them.

Bruce shuddered as he came, firing deep within her, filling her, completing her to a point of total sharing, even as Selina’s ears popped with the force of her own orgasm, clenching his cock like a vice, and then releasing in a shock of white light.

Bruce fell forward, kissing her face, her eyes, her neck, her breasts fiercely, the animal need of completion sweeping through him. Selina caught all of his intense embraces and kissed him as well, until finally the waves began to subside within both their bodies, and he lay on top of her, still panting wildly.

“Oh…god….Selina…..” He murmured, and looked deep into her eyes.


He let the words that he couldn’t say before, he didn’t dare say before, tumble out of his mouth, and was surprised at how easily they came.

“I…love you. And I do need you.”

She nodded and petted his cheek with her palm, wiping away a remnant of sweat.

“I need you too.”

The Batman smiled, and kissed Catwoman again, longingly, at last at some form of peace. They held each other, staring into the mysteries of each other’s eyes, solving each other through unspoken words, until the question that now rang in both their minds pressed out of his lips.

“What….do we do now?”

Her eyes asked him what her heart wanted the most. “Take…me…home…”

Bruce looked at her, and then did the simplest thing he could.

He nodded.

Gotham City.

Barbara Gordon reached forward and clicked off the monitor with a sigh. Apparently they had gotten back okay, and even now were speeding back to their respective haunts for well-needed rest. She had been unable to speak with Dick, but according to Bruce he had left in a great hurry, as if something was weighing heavily on his mind. Barbara tried to dispel the image of his landlord that immediately landed her mind, but she couldn’t help it. She knew that he and Clancy had been getting closer….and apparently he was rushing home to see her, to continue what they had started, that which Barbara hadn’t the power to stop….or had she?

“Shit.” She whispered, as she felt a tear flitter underneath her lashes. She brushed it away angrily, and began to wheel her way back down the hallway.

When I finally get the strength…..and he goes off to someone else. Such is my luck, she thought bitterly.

And then her doorbell rang.

Barbara started in her chair, irritated. She hoped it wasn’t her father. James Gordon was going through a rough time having lost his wife, but she really didn’t think she had the strength to console someone else, with her own personal grief dominating her mind.

The bell rang again, and she sighed. If it was her father, at least it might be someone to get her mind off of….

She shook her head and wheeled herself to the door.

“Who is it?” she called, trying to keep the waver out of her voice.


Her heart started suddenly. It was Dick’s voice. She crashed with the locks, ripping the chain away from the door and throwing it wide open. Dick stood there, in casual pants and a jacket, a slight grin on his face…..and roses in his hand.

“Bruce…phoned….he said you…went home?” she managed to stammer, the fact that he was here, and with flowers, and not in costume sort of reducing her to a state of incoherent shock.

“I did.” He grinned. “I wasn’t going to come and see you in the state my uniform was in. And I figured I might as well stop by and bring a beautiful lady some flowers.”

He offered the bouquet to her gingerly, and she brought the soft petals to her cheek, sniffing delicately. Dick watched her do this, simplest of all activities, with complete wonder. She looked so beautiful, as delicate as the rose she held, and yet so strong. His heart was just as fluttery as hers, as he tried to find the words he wanted.

“Babs….I came here because…there’s something…well….” He was the one doing the stammering, and Barbara looked up from the flowers, a grin on her face.

“Would you like to come out of the hallway first?” she asked simply, her grin turning wry.

Dick nodded, and stepped through the doorway. She closed the door behind him, and followed him as he walked in the living room. He stood there in the middle of the room, not sure of himself.

Barbara wheeled herself up behind him, and gently knocked him on the leg with the edge of her chair.

“You might want to take a seat, Boy Wonder. You look like you’re about to face a firing squad.”

He grinned sheepishly. “I…feel sort of like I am.”

Her grin fell away. “Why?”

Dick tried to speak, but the words seemed to stick in his mouth. He paced the room, looking for the proper way to begin.

“I….what I wanted….well, when Bruce and I were fighting in Egypt…there was…something missing…I realized on that trip that….I need something…..Damnit, this was so much easier on the way over here!” he sighed and threw himself onto the couch next to Barbara’s chair. Barbara watched him, her curiosity aroused.

“What is it that you…need so badly?”

Dick looked at her, and then pushed himself forward until he was quite close to her, so much so that she could feel the heat from his body. And even with that heat, she felt a shiver, almost a thrill run up her back.

“I was in danger….well, danger’s not the right word. Peril is more like it. And the funny thing is, all I could think of when I was in the grip of death, and darkness, and eternal pain….you know, the regular stuff?” he asked her. She nodded, in perfect understanding.

“Well, usually when I’m doing that kind of thing, I don’t worry about…what if. What if I die, what if I don’t make it back? But this time it was different. And what I wondered about….was you and me.” He tried to make it as light as possible, but his voice betrayed the need he felt. Barbara drew back in her chair, placing a hand on her chest, almost as if to steady herself.

“You and me?’ she repeated carefully.

“I know, I know, “ he continued quickly. ‘You told me. You don’t want to be pressed. You want time to figure out what you want. But Babs….” His hands closed over hers.

“In this battle…..I realized what was so important to me. The real thing that meant everything to me. And that thing….was you. More than my life…more than my work….more than even Bruce…. You meant that much to me.”

Barbara tried unsuccessfully not to bite her lip as Dick looked at her. Here he was, the man she loved, confessing a total love for her, the exact same intensity that she felt….and suddenly she was tongue-tied. The same old fears were shutting her up, and judging by the rapidly falling look on his face, it was not helping his resolve.

“But….as you said…You need time…” he breathed, and slowly placed her hands back in her lap.

“I…maybe this wasn’t a good…yeah…I think maybe I should…’ he began to stand up.

And then the firm resolve within her stopped him, and her hand drifted back over his and yanked him back down into his seat.

“Not so fast, Grayson.” She grinned at him, and then reached forward for his chin. Squeezing it between her thumb and forefinger, she pulled his mouth to hers, and decisively embraced him. Dick reacted with a stunned surprise that lasted all of a millionth of a second, and then his lips were folding with hers, strong and fierce, at last sealed with the very feel of her that he had longed for.

His hands came up across her cheeks and he pressed her face even closer to his, their tongues slipping into each other’s mouths as he tasted her, much as he had always longed to taste her, the fresh feel of her coming alive in his mouth and sending sparks all throughout his body. Babs pulled away from him at last, breathing hard, her eyes shut tight. Dick reached up and kissed her closed eyelids, caressing the shimmering tears that had appeared there. Babs smiled and kissed his chin, his neck, and all over his face.

“Babs…do you…I mean, can we….”

She finally opened her eyes, and placed her hand within his shirt, rubbing her fingers over the slight curl of chest hair along his frame, electrifying him, and then nodded simply.

‘Yes. We can. More than anything in the world.”

His hands reached down underneath her legs, and he slowly pulled her into his arms. Her arms came up around his neck, and she continued to kiss him as he lifted her. She was light as a feather, and he practically floated down to the bedroom with her in his arms. He felt that he could have flown her there. Easing her downwards onto the bed, his lips still pressed with hers, his hands began to dance down to her pants, easing the buttons of her jeans down one at a time. Her hands darted downwards to his slacks, and she began to fumble with the zipper. She giggled as his hands slid down one leg, releasing the long slim limb from her jeans, and then the other. He brushed his fingers up and down the calf, and then realized his mistake. He pulled away , expecting her to be mad. She merely stared up at him with an amused grin.

“Dick, I love you.” She said it lightly, but she meant it. He grinned, and then proceeded to pull his pants down around his ankles. She laughed aloud.

“But that image didn’t help.”

“How’s about this one,”

he grinned salaciously, and then pulled his shirt up over his head. Her breath caught in her throat. It certainly wasn’t the first time she had ever seen him with his shirt off, but it was somehow different this time. Her grin fell away, and she reached for her own sweatshirt, pulling it over her shoulders, baring her body to his. Her breasts swayed slightly in the black sports bra she wore, and Dick reached down and cupped them through the fabric as he lay on top of her, reclaiming her mouth. Her hands went down to his briefs, taking the already hardened lump between her fingers and working it out of the fabric. He gasped as her fingers caressed the crown of his cock, and then began to stroke him earnestly up and down. His fingers darted downwards to her panties, and he began to move his fingertips between her lips, brushing the surface of her inner place. He pulled away from her, his eyes flooded with concern.

She smiled slightly, her eyes shining.

“Yes….” She answered his unspoken question. “I can feel…in there. I am still a fully functioning woman in that aspect.” His eyes still looked guarded. She placed the hand that wasn’t on his cock along his cheek.

“Trust me.”

He nodded, and slowly worked the panties down from her thighs, until they slipped from her legs. Then tentatively he moved his lips down her body, kissing her neck, her chest, the line between her ample breasts, her navel, and then down to her seal. His tongue brushed along the feathered line, and she breathed heavily, and pressed his head closer to her desire. He began to move his lips along the edge of her, teasing her with his tongue, until his mouth encountered her clitoris. Then she was wailing as he moved his mouth forcefully against her, kissing and tonguing her insistently.

“Yes…..yes…there….”she moaned. “Oh God, Dick….yes….” she moaned. He increased the speed and intensity of his ministrations, his tongue fiercely piercing her canal up and down, tasting her ripeness, the smell of sweat and desire driving him slightly crazy. And the long years of denial broke within her, and suddenly she was coming, coming harshly to a blaze of white, her whole body shivering with the force of her orgasm.

Barbara screamed sharply and moved her pelvis against his face roughly, slightly grinding his face between her legs. Dick looked up at her as she finished yelling and looked down at him, panting harshly, a satisfied grin on his face.

“You enjoyed that, did you?”

She smiled wryly even as her chest continued to heave up and down.

“Can you do any better?”

Dick pulled himself up between her legs, until his face was even with hers again, and his now rock hard cock lay against her seal. The laughter left both of their faces as he stared at her.

“Let’s just see..” he whispered, and then reached down and began to enter her.

Barbara moaned as she felt him begin to grind between the tightened walls of her canal, the hood of his cock sending wonderful friction throughout her pelvis. She gasped as he slid all the way in, his balls landing between the supple divide of her buttocks. His fingers reached up and released the clasps of her bra, and he pulled the tight material from her chest, raising her arms to let it fall away from her.

Then he began to rock within her, moving his hips with hers. His lips bent down to the warm slightly bobbing globes on her chest and he began to lick her nipples tenderly, sending the slight shock waves throughout her body. His teeth closed over one strawberry budded nipple and he ground them together lightly, making her squeal with pleasure.

He pulled as much of her soft flesh as he could between his lips, creating a slight vacuum, and began to munch happily. Barbara rifled her fingers through his hair with one hand, and reached down to grasp one of his taut buttocks with the other, driving him harder and harder into her. Dick allowed her breast to fall away from his mouth and his lips returned to hers, passionately. Like an animal gnawing at his meal he kissed her, over and over again, his mouth hitting hers as each lance of his thighs grew more and more intense, until he was moving against her like a stallion, pumping in and out of her harder and harder. Her tongue closed around his sharply, and she bit his lip as she began to feel the buildup grow within her again. Her red hair fell against his forehead, and he kissed it, loving the slight smell of peaches that arose from it. And then he was tensing, every muscle in his body tightening, and he looked down into her eyes, for permission.

“Come….in me….” She breathed harshly, and then he drove over the edge, his cock shooting forth it’s spend deep into her body. She came a second later, her body tensing like a vice and then releasing. He panted loudly against her, his body shivering with the force of ecstasy, and then he was kissing her, licking the sweat from under her chin. She responded by kissing the top of his head feverishly.

Then he pulled out of her, and lay along side of her, his arms closing around her. She lay her head between his shoulder and forearm, sighing happily.

He intertwined his legs with hers, and they lay there for the longest time, not saying a thing, only prolonging the moment.

The phone was ringing. Barbara stared at the clock, blinking. Beside her, Dick still slept soundly, his breathing regular.

Seven o clock in the morning. Who….in the name of all that was holy…would call at this ungodly hour? Especially when she had gotten so little sleep the night before, she grinned despite her annoyance. The amount of times they had made love, and the amount of positions had varied to almost a blur, and she could hardly remember how many times she had come, had been able to release as much of that tension as possible within her body with the man she now knew she completely and totally loved, and who loved her. She didn’t know what was going to happen between them, but she had an inkling that whatever it was, it was going to be good.

The phone rang again, and she reached for the nightstand, thankful she didn’t keep a modem in here as well…or every super hero in the world would be interrupting her sleep as well.

“Hello?” she breathed slightly.

“Um…..Barbara?” Bruce was on the other line, but she didn’t recognize his voice for a second. He sounded….almost normal.

“Bruce?” she asked, unsure of herself.

“Sorry to wake you….um….I don’t know how to ask this….but….well….”

“Yes………… Dick’s here. God, for the world’s greatest detective and professional bad ass, you sound like someone totally stole your cajones.”

She grinned, and then her grin fell as she heard a voice in the background.

“Darling, come back to bed. I’m getting lonely.”

And insanely, it was a voice she recognized.

“Yes, just a second. I just wanted…to see if you two…were available for lunch today?”

Barbara could hardly stammer out the next few words.

“Bruce….is that…..Catwoman?”

“Well…..” his voice actually sounded sheepish, but underneath it all, she could hear self satisfaction. It was a trait she found she liked to hear from him.

“Lunch would be fine. I’m assuming that there will be four of us?”

“Uh…..yes. The Portia, say twelve?”

Barbara turned to look at Dick, who was by now awake and listening intently, the same look of shock on his face. And next to her thigh, she could slightly feel something hard pressed against her.

“Better make that one.”

After, as he carried her over to her shower, she was still shaking her head.

“Oh…..I really have to hear about this last mission.”

Back at the Wayne Mansion, Bruce Wayne replaced the phone in the cradle and stared back at the fabulously beautiful and incredibly naked woman who lay in his bed, one arm propping her head up, the other wiggling a finger to him invitingly.

“Mmmmm, I think the cat wants to be petted some more.”

He lay down next to her, cupping her chin up to his mouth and kissing her passionately.

“I do love you, Selina.”

She smiled and clasped her hand with his.

“ So…. I’ve been thinking of changing my name to Batwoman….I’ve already got the tights. What do you think?” She asked slyly.

Bruce sighed. “I think Alfred’s going to have a heart attack when he sees what we did to that spare costume.”
