Wonder Woman: Diana's Disappearing Act (WW vs Cagliostro) re-write

Author: TongueNoneNew
Time to Read:5min
Added Date:8/9/2024
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I remember watching this episode and getting excited when Morgana warned Wonder Woman to be careful as Cagliostro was very powerful, only to be disappointed during their final confrontation when the only "powerful" thing Cagliostro did was to disappear in a puff of smoke. 🙄

But what if Cagliostro truly was as powerful as he was built up to be?

Diana Prince of the IADC is pursuing Count Cagliostro, a member of a family known for their involvement in alchemy and magic. This family uses their skills for deceit and fraud. Count Cagliostro's latest plan involves a device that temporarily transforms lead into gold. However, the gold eventually reverts to lead. His goal is to sell this gold to oil-producing nations, causing a surge in oil prices.

As Diana closes in, Cagliostro sets a trap for her using her friend Harold Farnum and Prof Hutchins, a scientist who has discovered Cagliostro's scheme. Pretending to be Harold, Cagliostro calls Diana and instructs her to meet him at an abandoned house of horrors. Diana decides to confront him as Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman first encounters Morgana, Cagliostro's assistant, who informs her about the trap and how to rescue Harold and Hutchins. Before leaving, Morgana warns Wonder Woman to be cautious, as Cagliostro is extremely powerful.

Following Morgana's directions, Wonder Woman made her way to the cell where Harold and Hutchins were being held. Using her super strength, she effortlessly tore the heavy metal door from its hinges.

The men were utterly spellbound by the sight of the breathtakingly sexy heroine standing before them. "There's a door, outside to your right.", she instructed the two wide-eyed men, "Get to a phone, call Steve Trevor at the IADC. Tell him to meet me here with the police. Hurry."

Having rescued Harold and Hutchins, Wonder Woman ventured into Cagliostro's hideout to confront the villain.

"So, Wonder Woman, you've returned to thwart the Cagliostros as you have for centuries. But this time you shall lose.", Cagliostro said, his eyes agog at the stunning heroine before him. Until now, he'd only heard about her from stories passed down over generations.

"You have it backwards, Cagliostro. I've already won.", Wonder Woman retorted, smirking as if to mock him, her hands resting on her hips.

"No, Wonder Woman! I am not my father, nor any of my ancestors. This is one Cagliostro who shall escape you.", Cagliostro countered. He had been waiting for this moment.

With that, Cagliostro sprinted towards what appeared to be a magician's box, ducking inside and closing the curtain behind him.

Wonder Woman scoffed at the seemingly futile gesture and quickly followed him inside. Just as the curtain closed behind her, Cagliostro emerged from behind the box. He tapped on it three times and opened the curtain, revealing a stunned Wonder Woman, her incredible body bound in chains. His henchmen cheered at the sight.

Wonder Woman was both shocked and confused at how Cagliostro had managed to bind her. She had been moments away from capturing Cagliostro, and in the blink of an eye, she found herself in bondage. The chains were heavy and tightly wound around her body. The villains cheered at their apparent victory over Wonder Woman.

"How did you..." she managed to say.

"A great magician never reveals his secrets!" Cagliostro proclaimed triumphantly, his arousal growing at the sight of the heroine in chains before him.

She struggled against the chains using her great strength. Cagliostro's eyes widened in surprise as the links of the chain holding her slowly began to break. "Not so fast, Wonder Woman!", he said. Before she fully escaped her bonds, he quickly closed the curtains and tapped on the box three times once again.

Opening the curtains, Wonder Woman was once again revealed in bondage, this time bound by her own indestructible magic lasso. Her wrists were bound together, arms fixed to her sides, the lasso wrapped around her in a way that accentuated her cleavage, then wrapping under her crotch and around her waist, and looping around her knees and ankles tightly.

Once more, the villains applauded Cagliostro's impossible feat. This time, she was unable to break free.

"Now, where were we?" Cagliostro taunted her, "I believe you were saying that you've already won?".

The sight of the sexy Wonder Woman futilely trying to break free from the bonds of her own magic lasso was enough to give the men in the room erections. Her attempts were fruitless. They pulled her out of the box, taunted her.

"Like I said. This time you will lose, Wonder Woman.", he said.

"You'll never get away with this!", She began to talk about how evil will always lose in the end, "Evil will never win!".

"Blah, blah. You're beginning to bore me, Wonder Woman!", Cagliostro retorted. "Gag her!", he said, turning to his henchmen. One of the henchmen stepped forward eagerly, gagging her mouth. "Mmmph!"

"Take her!", he ordered.

Bound and helpless, the villains surrounded her, lust-filled eyes. Cheering as they carried her off, helpless, bound in her own lasso, struggling in vain. She had greatly underestimated Cagliostro's power, and she would pay the price.

Cagliostro hastily concluded his business, selling his gold and making hundreds of millions. Aware that the authorities were likely closing in, they packed up and left. Taking the bound and gagged Wonder Woman along with them, he knew he could also make a fortune off of her, selling her to the highest bidder. However, he was determined to enjoy her first. Make her pay for thwarting his family for generations.

"You may have stopped my family before, but now, it's your turn to pay. One way or another, I will make you scream, Wonder Woman!" he said maliciously as he ran his hands over the flawless skin of her chest, fingers brushing the tops of her breasts. Wonder Woman could only glare at him in anger.

As Cagliostro continued to torment Wonder Woman, her rage and determination only fueled her will to break free. Her strength was immense, and she knew that if she could just find the right opportunity, she would be able to overpower him.

Despite her struggles, the lasso held firm, keeping her bound and helpless. The villains surrounding her laughed cruelly, enjoying the sight of the legendary heroine at their mercy.

Cagliostro, however, had other plans. He wanted to make sure Wonder Woman suffered before she was sold to the highest bidder. He wanted her to know the true meaning of defeat.

"You think you're so powerful, don't you, Wonder Woman? But you're just a toy, a plaything for us to enjoy however we please." He sneered, his hands roaming over her body, groping her through her costume.

Wonder Woman's eyes burned with fury, her mind racing as she searched for a way to escape her bonds.

Some time later, Harold Farnum led Steve Trevor and the police to Cagliostro's hideout, expecting to find Wonder Woman standing victorious over the vanquished villains. Instead, they were met with an eerie silence. The place was deserted, showing signs of a hasty departure. There was no sign of Cagliostro or Wonder Woman anywhere.

As they searched the abandoned hideout, they learned from the IADC that Cagliostro had succeeded in his plot to sell his gold. Wonder Woman had somehow failed to stop him, and when the gold reverted to lead, the fallout to the global economy would be unimaginable.

With no sign of Wonder Woman, they feared the worst. Could it be that Wonder Woman had been defeated by Cagliostro somehow and had been taken captive? They asked themselves, unable to accept the idea that their heroine had been defeated.

Steve Trevor searched for another answer, unable to accept the idea that Wonder Woman had been defeated. He knew that the fate of the world rested on her shoulders, and the thought of her being captured and tormented by the villains filled him with dread.

Steve, consumed by fear for Wonder Woman's safety, couldn't help but imagine the depraved acts the band of sex-crazed criminals might subject a bound and helpless Wonder Woman to. His thoughts filled with dread, he refused to accept the idea of her defeat.

To be continued...