Wonder Woman: I do, I do Episode re-write

Author: TongueNoneNew
Time to Read:21min
Added Date:8/17/2024
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Based on the TV Episode "I do, I do", except things take a dark turn for our heroine...

Diana Prince, top agent of the IADC, goes undercover with Christian Harrison, top aide at the White House, as a newly married couple at a spa to investigate leaks of classified information. They go through a highly publicized "wedding" in order to lure the culprits into revealing themselves.

On the way to their "honeymoon", they stop at a diner for lunch.

While having lunch, Diana glanced out the window and noticed a man going through the trunk of their car. With the excuse that she wanted to freshen up a bit, she left Chris, whirled into Wonder Woman, and approached the man going through their luggage.

"Shopping for a honeymoon negligee?" she called out, a teasing smile on her lips.

The man, Smitty, upon seeing her, tried to grab her but was swiftly pushed off. "What are you after?" she asked, her tone stern, her eyes locked on his.

Smitty's face twisted with frustration as he picked up a tire iron and swung it at Wonder Woman. She snatched it from his hand and bent it easily with a graceful, effortless movement.

But Smitty wasn't acting alone. Wonder Woman was taken by surprise as Johnny sneaked up behind her and grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms to her sides as he lifted her up.

"Unnh!" she let out an involuntary groan as she struggled to gain leverage. Her legs dangled, high-heeled boots and all, caught by surprise in a crushing bearhug. Her eyes grew wide in shock as she felt the unmistakable bulge in Johnny's pants pressing against her back.

Smitty grinned, filled with desire as he looked on while the sexy woman seemed to be overwhelmed by Johnny. He couldn't help but leer at the scantily clad Wonder Woman in her revealing costume, her high-cut bottoms showing off her long, shapely legs, and her generous cleavage practically spilling out of her bustier as Johnny put the squeeze on her from behind.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Smitty taunted her, thinking that Wonder Woman was helpless in his colleague's arms, his arousal building as he watched the beautiful woman being seemingly overpowered.

"Yeah, how about we take her with us and question her?" Johnny said with a wink as he took in her scent from behind, his cock throbbing, believing victory was at hand and ready to take her captive.

Already fantasizing about what he'd do to her, Smitty moved forward to grab her legs so they could carry her off for "questioning."

But Wonder Woman managed to use both of her legs to kick Smitty, knocking him away from her.

From the diner, Chris heard the commotion and rushed forward to help. He scuffled against Smitty, who managed to knock him down, stunned, under a hydraulic lift. He then caused the hydraulic lift to move down, threatening to crush Chris underneath.

Wonder Woman regained her bearings with a burst of strength, freeing herself from Johnny's grasp, causing him to lose his grip on the Amazon.

Realizing they were overmatched, the thugs made a run for it. Wonder Woman was about to pursue but saw the threat to Chris and used her strength just in time to stop the lift from crushing him. The two thugs managed to escape.

"Are you okay, Wonder Woman?" Chris managed to ask her as he rolled away from under the lift.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you!" she said with a smile, raising her eyebrows at the insinuation that he had saved her, before reminding him to get back inside the diner to see to his bride.

Hours later, back at the spa, Smitty and Johnny reported to David, their faces still flushed with the encounter at the diner. David leaned forward in his office chair, curiosity etched across his features.

"So, did you manage to search the couple's belongings and gain additional information about them and why they're coming here?" David inquired, his voice laced with anticipation.

Smitty hesitated for a moment before speaking, "No, boss," he began, "there was this weird girl. She was very pretty, a real looker, but incredibly strong! Dressed like a showgirl..."

Johnny chimed in, his voice shaky, "Yeah, boss, this girl was wearing a bathing suit that looked like an American flag..."

David's eyes flashed at the information, his expression darkening. "Don't you guys read the papers?" he snapped. "The girl you described is Wonder Woman. Do you understand? She frequently helps the IADC. And Christian Harrison just married one of that agency's top operatives."

Smitty and Johnny exchanged nervous glances, realizing the gravity of their situation.

"It seems you may have just acquired important information after all," David said with a sly grin. "It won't come as a surprise if Wonder Woman makes an appearance here, seeing as the IADC is involved. Thanks to you, we can prepare a warm welcome for her! We gotta get ready. Now here's what we're gonna do..."

David leaned in and began laying out his plans to his eager henchmen, their eyes widening as they realized the potential significance of their encounter with Wonder Woman.

Diana and Chris checked into the Hacienda Health Spa, their cover as a newlywed couple holding up. They were led to the honeymoon suite, a luxurious room with a breathtaking view.

Inside their room, they immediately briefed Sam Tucker, a top government official, about their mission. Leaked classified information from Sam's home and cocktail parties had raised concerns, and their investigation had traced the source of the leak to his wife, Dolly, a frequent visitor at the spa.

After the discussion, they decided to keep up appearances and enjoy the spa facilities. Chris went with Sam for a round of golf, while Diana headed to the tennis court.

Diana played under the watchful eyes of the spa's resident pro, displaying her exceptional skills on the court. After a challenging match, the pro encouraged her to use the steam room to relax and avoid getting sore. Diana readily agreed and made her way to the steam room.

David, who had been monitoring their every move, seized the opportunity and placed a call to the steam room attendant. "Hello. Yes, this is David," he began. "Could you please see that Mrs. Harrison gets the Hacienda special steam?"

In the steam room, Diana, with just a towel wrapped around her body, relaxed as the soothing steam enveloped her. However, she soon sensed something was wrong with the steam's scent. Her instincts kicked in, and she desperately tried to stand and transform into Wonder Woman.

But it was too late. She passed out before she could complete the transformation. Moments later, Smitty and Johnny, wearing gas masks, entered the steam room. Satisfied that she was unconscious from the sleeping gas that had been pumped into the room, they carefully carried her onto a gurney.

As they rolled her out of the steam room, the two men couldn't help but let their base desires take over. Diana lay unconscious, the towel having fallen off in her earlier attempt to stand, leaving her naked. Smitty ran his hands all over her body, tracing the curves, while Johnny boldly began groping her breasts.

The two henchmen, Johnny and Smitty, carried Diana to the massage room, their cruel intentions burning in their minds. With gentle care, they transferred her limp body onto a massage bed, laying her face down. The effects of the sleeping gas still held her in a deep slumber.

Unable to resist their base desires, Johnny couldn't help himself. His hands glided over her smooth, toned thighs, moving upward inch by inch. His fingers eventually settled on her shapely derriere, and he gently squeezed, savoring the softness of her skin. Smitty watched with equal desire and, deciding to join in the illicit indulgence, he too ran his hands over her exposed body.

They continued their obscene exploration for what felt like an eternity before reluctantly tearing themselves away from their victim, leaving her alone on the massage bed. They hurriedly reported to David, their faces flushed with desire and guilt.

Moments later, David entered the dimly lit massage room, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He knew that the sleeping gas was about to wear off, and it was time to put his nefarious plan into action. His eyes roamed over the shapely woman lying face down on the bed, her body barely covered by a towel. She was a far cry from the usual wrinkled, old wives of senior government officials that he had dealt with in the past to extract their secrets.

As he waited for her to regain consciousness, his hands subconsciously wandered over her smooth, flawless skin, a twisted anticipation building within him.

David, with a deceptive charm, moved closer to Diana, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intent. He leaned down, his voice soft and soothing as he attempted to rouse her from her slumber. "Mrs. Harrison?" he called to her, his fingers brushing her shoulder as he gently shook her, savoring the silkiness of her flawless skin.

"W-What?" Diana mumbled, her voice trembling as she struggled to wake up, quickly pulling up the towel to cover her naked body.

"I hope you had a nice nap, Mrs. Harrison," David said with feigned concern.

Diana, still feeling disoriented, blinked, trying to get a sense of her surroundings. "Who are you? Where am I?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm your very concerned host. My name is David Allen," he introduced himself with a sinister smile. "And you are safely in one of our massage parlors."

"The last I remember, I was taking a sauna," Diana said, her confusion apparent.

"Uh-huh. I'm afraid it's not a unique experience, Mrs. Harrison," David replied smoothly. "See what happened was you played tennis strenuously, and then you took the sauna, and you merely passed out from the exertion."

Diana, still groggy from the effects of the sleeping gas, believed his explanation. "Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized.

"No, no. It's okay. You'll be alright in a few minutes," David reassured her, his tone dripping with false concern.

"I'm so sleepy, I..." Diana began, her voice trailing off.

"My...My husband--"

"Please, it's alright," David interrupted her gently. "As a matter of fact, your husband isn't aware of the incident. You know, he's actually playing golf with Mr. Tucker at this very moment. So why don't you just lie back?"

Diana, feeling too weary to resist, allowed herself to be guided back onto the massage bed, lying face down. "Sorry, I'm just so sleepy. I can't seem to keep my eyes open," she admitted, her eyelids heavy.

"It's okay," David said reassuringly, his hands now getting ready to work their insidious magic on Diana. "I'll make you feel like a million in a jiffy."

With an expert touch, David's skilled hands glided over Diana's body as he began the massage. He started with her neck and shoulders, his fingers working in a rhythmic, soothing pattern. He couldn't help but be aroused by the softness of her skin beneath his hands, but he maintained his composure, knowing his mission was far from over.

His hands moved expertly down to her spine, his movements deliberate as he found the exact nerves to press. Responding to the pressure, Diana's eyes began to glaze, and then they fluttered before closing entirely.

David could feel her slowly slipping into a trance-like state but continued the massage, relishing the sensation of her softness beneath his fingertips. After a few more moments, he carefully lifted her eyelids, satisfied that she was completely under his control. It was time to extract the valuable information he sought.

"What is your name? Your real name," he began, his voice low and hypnotic.

"Diana Prince," she responded, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes still closed.

"What's your job?" he asked, his tone gentle but insistent.

"I'm an agent with the IADC," she replied, her response truthful and automatic.

Satisfied that she was fully entranced, he moved on to the questions that could yield the information he desired. He asked her about her work, her various missions, and any classified information worth selling. Diana answered every question truthfully, unaware of the betrayal of her agency's secrets.

With each answer, David had it all recorded for future reference, knowing the value of the information he was extracting.

Satisfied that he had obtained the valuable data he needed from the IADC, David decided it was time to move to the next phase of his plan.

"Now, Diana," he murmured, his voice dripping with malevolence, "you will tell me everything you know about Wonder Woman..."

"What do you know about Wonder Woman?" David continued his probing, intrigued by the information he was uncovering.

Diana, still under his spell, replied in a daze, "Oh, I know everything about her..." "Everything?" David inquired, his excitement growing. "Like, does she have any weaknesses that you know of?" Diana stammered, her voice shaky, "Chlo-chloroform... Sleeping gas... Anaesthetics..." She seemed to be ticking off a list of vulnerabilities.

"Very good!" David said, satisfaction evident in his voice. He now knew that he had a stock of chloroform and sleeping gas at his disposal. "What of her great strength?" he asked, his curiosity piqued. "Do you know how we can take away her strength and make her helpless?"

Diana, still in a trance, responded, "Helpless?" She spoke slowly. "Belt... Magic belt... remove it..."

"Is that the key to her strength?" David couldn't hide his excitement.

"Yes... away from, Para... Paradise Island," Diana managed to say.

"Paradise Island? What's that?" David probed further.

"Home..." Diana replied with a distant look in her eyes.

David was ecstatic; Diana Prince had provided information about Wonder Woman's home. He knew of people and governments who would be willing to pay a steep price for that piece of information, not realizing that Diana Prince was Wonder Woman herself.

"Is Wonder Woman here at the spa?" David asked again.


"Where is she?"

"Here... when needed..."

Hearing her response, David suddenly grew nervous, glancing around as if expecting Wonder Woman to burst through the door and arrest him. He was aware that Wonder Woman had a tendency to appear whenever the IADC was involved. He decided it was best to wrap up the conversation quickly. Unbeknownst to him, had he probed any further, he would have discovered that Diana Prince was indeed Wonder Woman.

Satisfied with the information he had obtained and eager to set a trap for the superheroine, David ran his hands over Diana's naked body one last time before giving a final command. "Now, Mrs. Harrison. You will awaken in 30 seconds feeling like you've had the best massage of your life. You will carry on as a guest of this spa. You will not remember anything you just told me, is that understood?" David told her firmly.

Diana, still in a daze, simply nodded in compliance. Eager to enact his plans to capture Wonder Woman, David left her side and began formulating his next moves.

Diana woke up from her blissful massage feeling utterly relaxed, a contented smile gracing her lips. She couldn't help but swear that it was the best massage she had ever experienced. She was so impressed that she recommended it to Chris, who was quick to take her advice and scheduled his own session with David, unknowingly falling under the sinister influence just as Diana had.

As the days passed at the spa, Diana and Chris continued to enjoy the amenities, still oblivious to the fact that they had shared sensitive information with David. Their investigation had hit a dead end, and they remained clueless as to how the classified data was being leaked.

On their third day at the spa, while lounging by the poolside, Diana's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of Smitty as he discreetly made his way towards one of the unassuming structures reserved for spa staff. Recalling her earlier encounter with him and Johnny during the altercation at the diner while she was Wonder Woman, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow connected to the mysterious activities they suspected were taking place at the spa.

Diana decided to trust her instincts and follow Smitty. As he disappeared into the building, she knew that this was a job for Wonder Woman. She quickly found a secluded spot away from prying eyes and, with a determined breath, she transformed into her alter ego.

Now clad in her iconic Wonder Woman attire, she took a deep breath and prepared to enter the building, determined to uncover the truth behind the spa's secrets.

Inside the building, Wonder Woman found herself in an empty room. She knew Smitty couldn't have just vanished, so she meticulously examined the surroundings, searching for hidden panels or buttons. After a few moments, her keen eyes caught a concealed button that, when pressed, revealed a hidden doorway leading underground.

Without hesitation, Wonder Woman entered, descending deeper and deeper into the underground lair, the passageway illuminated only by faint, eerie lighting.

As she ventured further, the air grew colder, and the surroundings became increasingly dimly lit. The corridors twisted and turned, leading her deeper into the heart of the underground facility. The walls were made of cold, damp stone, and strange machinery lined the passage, hinting at the sinister activities taking place within.

Finally, Wonder Woman reached a small room where she spotted Smitty, his back turned toward her as he appeared to be operating a coffee machine. Determined to get answers, she approached him and spoke sternly, "Alright. Now you're going to tell me everything that's going on around here."

With a wicked grin, Smitty turned to face her, his eyes filled with obvious lust as they roamed over her iconic, revealing outfit. Simultaneously, a massive arm wrapped around her, and a rag covered her face. She inhaled sharply in shock, instantly recognizing the scent of chloroform as she struggled in the powerful grip of Johnny once again. This time, it would be different.

"Hello again, Wonder Woman," Smitty taunted her as she began to feel the effects of the chloroform, his tone filled with anticipation. "For a minute there, we thought you were gonna be a no-show again."

Smitty had been counting on Wonder Woman's curiosity, luring her into this trap orchestrated by David. Seeing the sexy Amazon once more filled him with lust, knowing that this time she would be defeated for sure.

As she started to lose consciousness, Wonder Woman once again felt Johnny's unwelcome presence, his throbbing desire pressing against her back. This time, she knew she would be defenseless against his advances.

As Wonder Woman's body grew increasingly limp in Johnny's powerful grip, her struggles became weaker and weaker. The effects of the chloroform were overwhelming, and she found it increasingly difficult to resist. Johnny, emboldened by her diminishing resistance, slowly and audaciously moved his hand upward from her waist. His fingers found their way to her breast, squeezing it possessively as he heard her emit a final sigh before succumbing entirely to the drug.

He couldn't resist the temptation, still remembering the scent of her from the first encounter when he had grabbed her. He took it all in once again, savoring the moment as he gently lowered her to the ground, his hand remaining on her soft breast.

Smitty, filled with a twisted sense of triumph and lust, couldn't contain his excitement. "We got the bitch!" he exclaimed, his voice nearly dripping with anticipation, his eyes never leaving Wonder Woman's helpless form.

Their sinister plan had seemingly succeeded, and the two henchmen reveled in the victory they believed they had achieved.

Johnny slowly lowered Wonder Woman's unconscious form, cradling her gently on his lap on the cold, dimly lit room's floor. His hands still lingered on her, not leaving her breast, his grin reflecting his sick satisfaction.

"Don't forget to remove her belt," Smitty reminded Johnny, recalling David's explicit instructions.

"Hell, maybe I want to remove the rest of her costume, too!" Johnny quipped, laughing lecherously. He finally released her breast, turning her on her back to reach for the clasp of her iconic belt.

While Johnny focused on the belt, Smitty couldn't resist the allure of Wonder Woman's captivating form. His hands wandered to stroke her smooth thighs, and he couldn't help but voice his desire, "Damn, she's even hotter than that Harrison woman!" He was referring to Diana Prince, completely oblivious to the fact that they were the same person.

Johnny handed the belt over to Smitty, who quickly placed it in a locked box in the corner of the room before returning to his exploration of Wonder Woman's defenseless body.

"Now, call the boss!" Johnny ordered, eager to get on with their sinister plan.

"Why don't you call him!" Smitty protested, reluctant to give up his time with the unconscious Amazon. "After all, I was already the bait to lure her here!"

After some heated argument, they finally decided to toss a coin to determine who would make the call. Smitty won the toss, and Johnny grudgingly left him alone in the room, where he continued to take advantage of the helpless superheroine.

Smitty wasted no time once Johnny had left the room. His hands roamed freely over Wonder Woman's helpless body, exploring every inch of her iconic costume. His fingers ventured inside her bustier, tracing the curves of her body, the warmth of her skin electrifying him. His desire was almost overwhelming, and he was tempted to shed his clothes and take advantage of her, but he knew that they didn't have much time before Johnny returned with David. And David had explicitly ordered that she not be violated.

Just minutes later, an excited David arrived in the room. He couldn't help but leer at the unconscious Amazon, his lust-filled eyes drinking in her captivating beauty. He quickly ordered the two thugs to cuff her hands behind her back and carry her to a nearby chair. Smitty and Johnny were eager to put their hands on her again, following David's orders without hesitation.

As they carried her to the chair, their stares and ogling continued, both men sporting unmistakable erections in their pants. David took his turn running his hands over Wonder Woman's flawless thighs, his anticipation building as he waited for her to regain consciousness.

Their sinister plan was unfolding, and the trio of villains eagerly anticipated the next phase of their twisted plot.

Wonder Woman began to stir, her eyes slowly opening to the realization that her hands were cuffed behind her. Panic washed over her as she discovered that her magic belt and lasso were missing, rendering her powerless. The first face she saw was David's, his smug grin revealing a sinister pleasure as his hands rested on her legs.

Before she could utter a word, David spoke first, his tone filled with arrogance, "I trust you had a nice nap, Wonder Woman."

"What do you want from me?" she finally asked, her gaze darting between David and the leering Smitty and Johnny lurking in the background, their obvious erections a disturbing sight.

"You know, your pictures don't do you justice," David said, ignoring her question. His words were not untrue; Wonder Woman was the epitome of power and beauty, a fantasy for many men. But seeing her in person, helpless before him, was an entirely different experience.

He continued to babble about the power of information and how he had managed to acquire and sell it to the highest bidders. It suddenly clicked in Wonder Woman's mind that David had been the mastermind behind the leaks of government information all along. Her determination to stop him only grew stronger.

"You won't get away with this!" she told him defiantly.

"Diana Prince told me some useful information about you too, Wonder Woman," he taunted her, his hands still exploring her legs, fingers dangerously inching upward. "I'm sure I can get a nice sum for any information about Paradise Island."

Wonder Woman's eyes widened in shock at the mention of her home. "What did I—Diana tell you?"

"Nothing we can't extract from you, Wonder Woman," he continued to taunt, oblivious to the slip she had almost made regarding her true identity. "I hear that lasso of yours can extract any valuable information. Then again, I asked myself, why not just sell the whole package to the highest bidder?"

"You wouldn't dare..." she began, but he cut her off.

"In fact, bidding will commence in a few hours!" he declared with a sinister grin. "A few dictators and a couple of foreign powers have already expressed great interest in you. By this time next week, I'll be able to retire on some private island, while you, Wonder Woman, will probably be on your way to your new master."

"In the meantime," he continued, his fingers finding the hem of her star-spangled bottoms and daring to venture inside, "why don't we enjoy ourselves first, shall we?"

Wonder Woman, now powerless and unable to resist, was forced to endure David's relentless advances. Without her magic belt, her strength was no greater than that of an ordinary woman. She cringed as David's fingers intruded deeper, touching her most intimate places. She let out an involuntary moan, a mixture of distress and arousal that seemed to please David immensely.

The two henchmen, Smitty and Johnny, watched in fascination, eagerly awaiting their turn. They reveled in her vulnerability, knowing that this was a stark contrast to the confident and arrogant superheroine who had caught Smitty rifling through Chris and Diana's car just a few days ago.

As David's fingers continued their assault, Wonder Woman's eyes glazed over, her resistance waning. She couldn't help but beg, "Stop... stop it! Please! You can't do this to me!" Her pleas fell on deaf ears, and the henchmen responded by taunting her further.

"Just enjoy it, Wonder Bitch!" Smitty sneered, savoring the spectacle before him. He observed the conflicting emotions in her eyes, a mix of arousal and humiliation. Wonder Woman, who had once stood as a symbol of strength and justice, was now being subjected to this torment, on the verge of climax, while David reveled in her distress.

Johnny then began snapping pictures of her from every angle, capturing the moment as proof that they had captured the great Wonder Woman, a trophy for their potential customers.

As the bids started pouring in for their prized possession, David grinned wickedly. "Nothing in the bidding rules says we can't enjoy ourselves with you before you're turned over to the winning bidder," he declared. He ordered his two henchmen to escort her to an adjoining room.

The two thugs half-dragged her, her high-heeled boots slipping and sliding on the floor as she struggled to resist. They forcefully threw her onto a large mattress in the center of the room, and she trembled with fear, fully aware of what might come next. Desperation filled her eyes as she begged for their mercy, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Give Wonder Slut and me some privacy, boys," David said as he closed the door behind him, leaving him alone with the helpless Wonder Woman. She lay on the mattress, her magnificent body exposed before him, innocence in her eyes, desperately pleading for him to have a change of heart. "Please, just let me go," she begged.

Her hands remained securely cuffed behind her, and David couldn't resist running his hands along her long, booted legs. He gingerly held the edges of her bustier, carefully pulling it down, ensuring not to damage her costume. After all, he knew that potential buyers would want their prized package to be in mint condition. Her breasts were exposed for him to ogle as he continued to undress her. He pulled the garment lower, down to her ankles, and finally, completely off, leaving her naked except for her boots, bracelets, and tiara.

With deliberate slowness, he undid his own pants, teasing her and taunting her with the inevitable. David couldn't contain his satisfaction as he glanced at his phone, reviewing the steadily increasing bids for Wonder Woman. "Looks like I'll be retiring on my own private island after all, Wonder Woman," he gloated before mounting her. He began groping and sucking on her exposed flesh, savoring her vulnerability.

As he entered her, he could feel the tightness, and he started to pump in and out, faster and faster, taunting her mercilessly as she begged for mercy and moaned in agony. He reveled in the power he held over her, in that moment of domination.

Finally, he reached his climax, filling her with his seed, a twisted sense of triumph washing over him as he continued to hold her captive.

Doubled over and in tears, Wonder Woman felt the profound violation she had endured. David taunted her once more as he pulled his pants back on, callously reminding her of the grim future that awaited her. "You better get used to this, bitch," he sneered. "Once you're sold, it's either this or spend the rest of your life as a science experiment! Either way, I get millions, possibly billions for you."

As he gave her breasts one final painful squeeze, he opened the door to reveal Smitty and Johnny eagerly awaiting their turn outside. "All yours, boys! Just be sure not to damage the merchandise, will you."

With eager anticipation, the two thugs surged forward, ready to have their way with her. They took turns entering her, leaving her mouth filled with their seed. Their taunts only added to the horror of her captivity.

The next seven days were a relentless cycle of violation and degradation for Wonder Woman, as David and his henchmen continued their cruel torment. She remained helpless, her spirit slowly crushed by their relentless abuse.

When the final bids were received, David couldn't contain his triumph. "Looks like some two-bit dictator wants you badly, Wonder Woman!" he gloated, taunting her further. He then ordered his men to clean her up and make sure she looked her best before arranging for her transport and delivery.

Fear gripped her as she was loaded onto a private jet at a hidden airport. Her precious items – the magic belt, lasso, and bracelets – were secured in separate locked boxes for safekeeping. As David confirmed the receipt of his ill-gotten billions, the jet roared to life and Wonder Woman was carried away to an unknown and ominous fate.

Meanwhile, back at the IADC, investigators were left baffled by the sudden disappearance of Diana Prince from the spa. Despite an extensive search of the compound, they found no trace of her or the hidden rooms below where she had been kept in captivity for days. Just as mysteriously as she had vanished, Wonder Woman was never seen again.

The End... Or is it?

For months on end, Wonder Woman endured a harrowing captivity at the hands of a notorious dictator. The days were filled with torment as government scientists relentlessly probed and examined her, driven by a relentless pursuit of the secrets behind her superhuman strength. They extracted samples of her blood, her reproductive cells, and subjected her to countless experiments.

As night fell, she was thrust into another horrifying reality. Forced to be a part of the dictator's harem, she was subjected to his insatiable desires. Each night brought new horrors as she was compelled to fulfill his carnal needs, her body violated and abused against her will.

Trapped in this nightmarish existence, Wonder Woman's indomitable spirit began to wane. She longed for freedom, for a chance to escape this living hell and return to the world she had once known.

Steve Trevor, fueled by unwavering determination, exhausted every resource and measure at his disposal to locate Wonder Woman. With the invaluable assistance of IRA, the IADC's advanced supercomputer, they finally managed to pinpoint her whereabouts.

Leading a special covert operation composed of skilled agents and carefully crafted strategies, Steve orchestrated a daring rescue mission to liberate Wonder Woman from the clutches of the dictator. The operation unfolded over several tense days, with every step taken meticulously to ensure success.

In a daring midnight raid, they stormed the hidden compound where Wonder Woman was held captive. A fierce battle ensued between Steve's team and the dictator's forces. With unwavering resolve and their combined skills, they managed to overcome the opposition, securing Wonder Woman's freedom.

When they found her, Wonder Woman was nearly broken from her extended captivity. Her spirit, once unbreakable, had been severely tested. It would take time, care, and the unwavering support of Steve and the IADC to nurse her back to health and help her regain her strength.

Though weakened and battered, Wonder Woman vowed to find David, the mastermind behind her abduction, and bring him to justice for the atrocities he had committed. The battle was not over, and she remained resolute in her mission to protect the world from those who sought to exploit her powers.

The End