Wonder Woman: The Man Who Could Not Die (story rewrite) - Part 1

Author: TongueNoneNew
Time to Read:11min
Added Date:9/27/2024
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This episode was intended to serve as an introduction to season four, with Bryce Kandel envisioned as Wonder Woman's super-powered partner. However, this leads to the question of why Dr. Reichman did not choose a more like-minded individual as his human guinea pig, such as his loyal henchman Dupris.

This rewrite delves into the possibility that Bryce is as much a villain as Dr. Reichman, loyal to his nefarious cause.

Chapter 1

The cellar was dimly lit, its cold stone walls echoing the soft sound of dripping water in the distance. A single, flickering bulb hung from the low ceiling, casting shadows that danced across the floor. In the center of the room, chained to an upright X-frame, Wonder Woman hung unconscious. The chains binding her were thick, polished steel, each link gleaming malevolently in the sparse light. Her wrists and ankles were tightly secured to the ends of the frame, forcing her into a vulnerable, spread-eagle position that left little to the imagination.

Her high-heeled boots, iconic and powerful, were now simply part of her entrapment, the steel cuffs biting into the soft leather at her ankles. The boots had always accentuated her long, shapely legs, and now, the chains seemed to highlight that very same allure, drawing the eye upwards.

Her legs, parted enticingly, invited the eye to the apex where her satin shorts clung to her most intimate area. The blue, star-spangled fabric of her costume was stretched taut over her mound, the material pulling tight between her thighs. The slight bulge of her camel toe was unmistakable, the satin clinging to the curve of her pussy lips, as if the material had been deliberately chosen to provoke and tease.

Her waist, cinched to perfection, showcased the stark contrast between the deep red of her top and the rich blue of her shorts. Her magic belt, usually a source of her immense power, was absent, leaving her entirely defenseless. Without it, the strength that had defined her, that had made her the Amazon warrior, was gone, leaving only the beauty and vulnerability of Diana, the woman.

The cleavage-baring bustier cradled her breasts, the smooth curve of her chest rising and falling gently with each unconscious breath. Her skin glowed in the dim light, a soft sheen of sweat glistening across her exposed flesh. Her bare shoulders and neck were inviting, untouched by the bindings that held her, but still vulnerable, still exposed. Her face, a mask of serene beauty, lay slack, her full lips slightly parted. Her eyes remained closed, as if she were lost in some deep, untroubled slumber.

Yet, this was no peaceful sleep. This was a slumber brought on by force, by the meticulous planning of someone who had managed to subdue the mighty Amazon. How had she ended up here, in this dark, cold place, stripped of her power and left helpless in bondage?

The answers lay just beyond the edge of consciousness, waiting for her to wake and face them.

5 days ago...

The mid-morning sun bathed Los Angeles in a golden hue as Diana Prince adjusted to her new life in the sprawling city. The sounds of moving trucks and shuffling boxes filled the air around her modest home. After years of being stationed in Washington D.C., the transition to the West Coast was both a relief and a challenge. Los Angeles, with its bright skies and relentless energy, was a far cry from the political intensity of the capital. But for Diana, it was a necessary change. Here, she could remain vigilant, always prepared to step into her role as Wonder Woman when duty called.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden commotion. From the corner of her eye, Diana saw something dart across her lawn—a small, quick movement that ended with a startled yelp from one of the movers. A chimpanzee, wild-eyed and frantic, suddenly appeared on her doorstep. The creature was clearly out of place, the tag dangling from its neck suggesting that it had escaped from somewhere.

Before Diana could react, one of the moving men made a grab for the chimp. In a panic, the animal darted into the street just as a car came roaring down the road. The screeching of tires was followed by a sickening thud. Diana's heart jumped to her throat as she watched the chimpanzee’s small body flung several feet into the air before crashing onto the pavement.

But instead of lying still, the creature immediately sprang back to its feet, seemingly unharmed. Its eyes, though wild, were sharp with a kind of intelligence that seemed almost out of place. Diana’s instincts told her that something about this situation was far from ordinary. She approached the chimp cautiously, her presence soothing enough to calm the frightened animal. It seemed to recognize something in her, and without resistance, it allowed her to gently scoop it up.

Later that day, after the commotion had died down and the movers had gone, Diana traced the identification tag attached to the chimp's collar. The tag led her to Dr. Akers, a renowned biochemist whose research on the aging process had gained significant attention in scientific circles.

Dr. Akers explained everything. He had been working on a formula designed to halt the aging process—a discovery that could change the world. But his research partner, Dr. Reichman, had far darker intentions. Reichman had begun to use their work to create an army of supersoldiers, invulnerable beings who could be used to take over the world. Akers had cut ties with Reichman the moment he discovered the true nature of his colleague's ambitions. However, in his haste, he had inadvertently left behind three syringes of the completed formula.

Dr. Akers theorized that Reichman had used one of these syringes on the chimpanzee, making it virtually indestructible. The car accident earlier that day was proof of the formula's success. If Reichman managed to replicate the formula on a larger scale, the consequences would be catastrophic.

The situation had escalated from a scientific breakthrough to a matter of national security. The government, realizing the potential danger, quickly involved the Inter-Agency Defense Command (IADC). The mission to bring down Dr. Reichman and prevent his plans from coming to fruition was assigned to Diana Prince.

Diana listened to Dr. Akers with a steely resolve. She knew what was at stake. The world could not afford to let someone like Dr. Reichman gain control of such a powerful formula. The task before her was immense, but she was no ordinary agent. As Wonder Woman, she had faced threats of unimaginable scale before. This time would be no different.

The hunt for Dr. Reichman had begun, and Diana was prepared to do whatever it took to stop him.

4 days ago...

Diana Prince arrived at Dr. Akers' lab with a sense of urgency. The laboratory was where the formula had been created, and she hoped to uncover more about Dr. Reichman’s plans and any potential weaknesses.

Unbeknownst to her, Dupris, one of Dr. Reichman’s henchmen, had already infiltrated the lab. Dupris slipped inside and planted a small incendiary device in the office. The device was rigged to explode, designed to cause chaos and destroy any evidence before Diana or Dr. Akers could uncover it.

Dr. Akers arrived at the lab moments before Diana, unaware of the danger. As he entered, the device was already ticking down. The explosion ripped through the office with a deafening roar, sending a blast of heat and debris into the air. The force of the explosion hurled a heavy cabinet across the room, trapping Dr. Akers underneath it. The lab was engulfed in flames, smoke billowing out of the shattered windows.

Outside, Diana saw the flames erupting from the building. Her heart raced. Without wasting a second, she found a secluded spot behind a dumpster and, with a swift spin and a flash of light, transformed into Wonder Woman. Her costume materialized around her—a vibrant mix of red, blue, and gold shining brightly in the daylight.

She sprinted toward the lab and launched herself through the window, shattering the glass with a powerful kick. The heat inside was intense, stinging her skin as she navigated through the smoke-filled room. Her sharp eyes quickly found Dr. Akers, struggling beneath the overturned cabinet.

With a fierce determination, Wonder Woman grabbed the edge of the cabinet. Her muscles tensed as she heaved it with incredible strength, lifting it off Dr. Akers with ease. She pulled him out from under the wreckage, his face streaked with soot and pain.

"Hang on!" she urged as she hoisted him into her arms. With a powerful leap, she carried him through the flaming wreckage and out the broken window. They landed safely on the alley outside, away from the burning building. Wonder Woman set Dr. Akers down gently and assessed his condition. He was battered and shaken but alive.

From a distance, Dupris watched through a pair of binoculars, capturing every moment on his camera. His face was hidden in the shadows, his eyes narrowing as he saw Wonder Woman's dramatic rescue. The sight of her on the scene was a new and unexpected complication, a potential threat to Dr. Reichman’s plans.

Wonder Woman stayed with Dr. Akers as the fire trucks arrived. He was covered in ash and shaken, but he would recover. Diana's mind, however, was focused on the new threat that had revealed itself—Dr. Reichman and his ruthless henchmen. The stakes had just been raised. She knew she had to act quickly to prevent further chaos.

Later that day, Dupris reported to Dr. Reichman at his secluded estate nestled in a wooded area of Topanga Canyon. The estate was imposing, a fitting backdrop for a man with Reichman’s ambitions. Reichman, a descendant of a senior Nazi officer, had long harbored dreams of world domination, aiming to fulfill his ancestor's dark vision of a thousand-year Reich.

As Dupris entered the study, he carried a folder of photographs he had taken during the lab incident. Reichman, seated behind a grand oak desk, looked up with cold, calculating eyes. The photos showed Wonder Woman mid-rescue, her body in tight, revealing costume that showcased every curve and contour.

"Real cover girl, isn’t she?" Dupris smirked, spreading the photos out on the desk. He leaned closer, his tone laced with a hint of admiration. "Like a swimsuit model."

Reichman studied the images with a mix of desire and menace. He could see beyond the physical allure; Wonder Woman was a formidable threat. But beneath that threat was an opportunity—one that he could exploit. Her strength, her eternal youth, could be the key to creating the invincible army he had long dreamed of.

Reichman’s research into the human aging process had yielded some results. He had recently tested the formula on a man named Bryce Kandel. The injection had made Kandel indestructible, but without Dr. Akers' detailed notes, Reichman couldn’t replicate the formula reliably. Now, he was left with only one syringe of the precious serum.

Wonder Woman had been active since World War II, her longevity and strength suggesting that she might hold the answers Reichman needed. If he could defeat her, he could study her body, potentially unlock the secrets of her invulnerability, and use that knowledge to produce an army of superhumans. And beyond the scientific benefits, the thought of having her as a captive—a powerful, beautiful captive—offered other enticing possibilities.

Reichman’s family still possessed secret Nazi documents from the war. He suspected that within those documents lay some knowledge or methods that could help neutralize Wonder Woman. Finding the right combination of information and strategy could be his ticket to both eliminating her as a threat and bending her to his will.

As Reichman plotted, his thoughts turned dark and perverse. Wonder Woman was a threat, but she could also be a very valuable asset—both in terms of his research and for his own personal gratification.

The search for a way to subdue Wonder Woman and the secrets she held was now a top priority. Reichman’s plans were evolving, and the stakes had never been higher.

3 days ago...

Dr. Reichman met with Bryce Kandel in a private, dimly lit room at his estate. Bryce, chosen for his natural strength, now boasted an additional edge. Reichman’s formula had transformed him into an invincible being. As Bryce flexed his muscles, a grin spread across his face.

"This is amazing, Doc," Bryce said, his voice brimming with excitement. "I don’t feel pain anymore. I don’t need to eat or sleep. It’s like I’m unstoppable." His hands clenched into fists, testing his newfound invulnerability.

Reichman nodded approvingly, his mind racing with possibilities. He had seen Bryce's physical transformation firsthand, and the man’s strength was impressive. Yet, compared to Wonder Woman, Bryce’s power was a mere fraction of what she possessed. Her legendary strength far exceeded what Bryce could achieve.

Reichman had researched extensively, delving into Nazi documents that had been preserved by his family. These documents revealed that the Nazis had managed to capture and subdue Wonder Woman on a few occasions in the past. The methods they used to nullify her powers were crucial and could now be applied to their advantage. This information was valuable—possibly the key to overcoming the Amazonian warrior.

With this knowledge in mind, Reichman devised a plan. He decided to use Bryce as a bait to lure Wonder Woman into their trap. The first step was to retrieve Dr. Akers’ notes, which were now under tight security. Akers was guarded by two armed men, a situation that should attract Wonder Woman’s attention.

The idea was simple: Bryce would create a distraction, a sign of his existence, compelling Wonder Woman to come searching for him. In the meantime, Bryce couldn’t hide his excitement at the prospect of playing a role in the downfall of the Amazonian heroine. The thought of confronting and defeating her, especially with his newfound invulnerability, aroused him deeply.

Bryce’s mind swirled with fantasies of overpowering Wonder Woman, imagining her fierce, beautiful figure brought low by his strength. It was a thrilling prospect—one that made him eager to put Reichman’s plan into action.

The stage was set. With Bryce as the bait, Reichman’s trap was ready to spring. Wonder Woman would come looking, and Reichman’s scheme would advance.

2 days ago...

The following day, Dr. Akers was preparing to leave for a government safehouse, escorted by two armed agents. The security detail was tight, a sign of the importance of his protection. As Akers stepped out of his residence and into the early morning air, Bryce Kandel appeared in the street. The man’s imposing figure and unnatural calm drew immediate attention.

Bryce approached with a menacing stride, his expression cold and determined. "Hand over the briefcase," he commanded, his voice a low growl.

The agents reached for their weapons, their instincts sharp. "Get back!" one shouted, pulling his gun and aiming at Bryce. Without hesitation, they fired. The bullets struck Bryce but did nothing to him. They ricocheted off his skin, leaving him unscathed.

The agents exchanged stunned glances before charging forward, fists swinging. Bryce’s invulnerability made him impervious to their attacks. He took their punches without flinching, a cruel smile playing on his lips as he grabbed the first agent by the collar and threw him against the wall with brutal force. The impact left the agent crumpled and unconscious.

The second agent fared no better. Bryce grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him off the ground with ease. He slammed him into the pavement, the force of the blow rendering him motionless. The two guards lay sprawled on the ground, defeated and incapacitated.

With the path clear, Bryce turned his attention to the briefcase. He snatched it from Dr. Akers’ trembling hand and gave him a final, contemptuous look before sprinting away. The briefcase, containing all of Dr. Akers’ crucial research, was now in his possession. Bryce disappeared into the city, leaving behind the wreckage of the confrontation.

The news of the attack reached the IADC almost immediately. Diana Prince was briefed on the situation—an invincible man had stolen Dr. Akers' research. The reports painted a disturbing picture of Bryce Kandel’s invulnerability, confirming the worst of Dr. Reichman’s plans. Diana’s investigation revealed that Reichman had found a powerful human guinea pig, someone capable of challenging even Wonder Woman herself.

Determined to track down Bryce and recover the stolen research, Diana readied herself for the next phase of the mission. The stakes were higher than ever, and the threats more formidable.