Wonder Woman: The Man Who Could Not Die (story rewrite) - Part 2

Author: TongueNoneNew
Time to Read:8min
Added Date:10/6/2024
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Chapter 2


Diana Prince dove into the investigation, piecing together clues from the attack on Dr. Akers. Her research led her to Bryce Kandel, whose profile matched the descriptions of the invincible man. Bryce had been a standout football player in his youth and was now a professor at a local university.

Arriving at his last known address, Diana surveyed the apartment building—seven stories of concrete and steel. She noted the lack of activity and the shadowy corners that would offer some privacy. Realizing the challenge ahead, Diana slipped into a secluded spot behind a dumpster. In a flash of light, she transformed into Wonder Woman, her costume shimmering with the familiar red, blue, and gold.

Wonder Woman surveyed the apartment building and assessed the distance to Bryce’s apartment on the seventh floor. With a powerful leap, she soared up to the window, effortlessly clearing the distance between her and the building. She smashed through the glass, landing gracefully inside the apartment.

Bryce, initially startled by the sudden and dramatic entrance, quickly snapped to attention. His eyes widened as he recognized the Amazonian heroine. He had anticipated this moment, and realizing their trap had been sprung, he immediately took action. Without hesitation, Bryce darted toward the open window.

Wonder Woman sprang after him, but Bryce was already leaping through the window and hurtling down the street. He landed in the empty parking lot below with a heavy thud, the impact creating a minor shockwave. Despite the height, Bryce was unhurt, his invulnerability ensuring he remained unscathed.

Wonder Woman landed lightly on the parking lot surface, her eyes locked on Bryce as he started to flee. The chase was on, and she knew she had to act quickly to capture him and retrieve Dr. Akers’ stolen research.

Bryce glanced over his shoulder as he sprinted through the empty parking lot, watching with a twisted satisfaction as Wonder Woman pursued him. He could see her closing the gap, her athletic form cutting through the air with effortless grace. The chase was unfolding exactly as planned.

As Wonder Woman neared, she retrieved her magic lasso from her waist. With a swift, practiced motion, she hurled it toward Bryce. The lasso looped around him, its golden glow bright against the dim parking lot. It tightened around him, halting his flight. Wonder Woman pulled the lasso taut, her eyes blazing with determination.

"All right, Professor," she said, her voice firm and triumphant. "How about a little lesson on Dr. Joseph Reichman? Where is he? What is he up to?"

Bryce merely turned his head, a smirk spreading across his face. His demeanor was infuriatingly nonchalant.

"You have to answer me," Wonder Woman insisted, her grip on the lasso tightening to emphasize her command. "You have no choice."

"Afraid not, Wonder Woman," Bryce replied, his smirk widening. "You see, Dr. Reichman’s formula has advantages even I don’t fully understand yet." He casually began to untangle the lasso from around him, a look of satisfaction crossing his face as he observed her shocked expression. Bryce was seemingly unaffected by the lasso’s magic.

Before Wonder Woman could react, Bryce seized the moment. With a swift, powerful motion, he looped the lasso around her. Wonder Woman’s eyes widened in surprise and alarm as the golden rope coiled around her body, binding her tightly.

"Don’t move, Wonder Woman!" Bryce ordered, his voice filled with authority.

The lasso’s power took immediate effect. Wonder Woman felt her body becoming compliant under its influence. She tried to struggle against the ropes, but the magic of her own lasso rendered her helpless.

"You see, we’ve been expecting you, Wonder Woman," Bryce gloated. Behind her, Dupris approached, his gaze fixed on her shapely backside, a lecherous grin spreading across his face. Wonder Woman could feel his eyes on her, the sensation sending a wave of revulsion coursing through her veins.

"You’ve been asking about Dr. Reichman," Bryce said, his voice cold and triumphant. "I guess it’s time you met him then."

"You've been asking about Dr. Reichman," Bryce said, his voice a low rumble as he stood before the helpless Wonder Woman. "So I guess it's only fair that you meet him then."

Behind her, Dupris stepped closer, a wicked grin spreading across his face. He pulled out a cloth soaked in chloroform, the pungent scent filling the air as he pressed it firmly over Wonder Woman's nose and mouth. His arms snaked around her slim waist, pulling her back against him as she struggled in vain.

Bound by the magic of her own lasso, Wonder Woman could do little to resist. Her eyes widened in shock and outrage as she breathed in the anesthetic, her struggles growing weaker with each passing second. Bryce watched, his expression a mix of amusement and satisfaction as her resistance waned.

Dupris, emboldened by her helplessness, grew more brazen in his actions. His hands roamed over her body, lingering on her curves, cupping her breasts through the star-spangled fabric of her costume. He leaned in, his breath hot on her neck as he inhaled her sweet scent, his lips brushing against her skin.

Wonder Woman's struggles grew feebler, her body growing limp in Dupris' arms. Her eyes fluttered closed, her long dark lashes casting shadows on her cheeks as she succumbed to the chloroform. Dupris held her tightly, a groan of pleasure escaping his lips as he pressed her soft, pliant body against his own.

Bryce watched, his eyes lingering on the unconscious heroine, a sense of triumph washing over him. They had her now, the mighty Wonder Woman, helpless and at their mercy. The first phase of their plan had been a success, and soon, she would be delivered into the waiting hands of Dr. Reichman.

With Wonder Woman now unconscious, Bryce stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with lust and triumph. He pulled her limp body from Dupris' embrace, his hands lingering on her curves as he draped her over his shoulder. Her high-heeled boots dangled against his chest, her star-spangled shorts riding up to reveal more of her shapely thighs.

As he carried her to their waiting vehicle, Bryce took full advantage of her helplessness. His hands wandered freely, squeezing and caressing her firm, rounded backside, tracing the line of her long, toned legs. He slid his hand beneath her, his fingers brushing against the thin strip of blue satin that barely covered her most intimate area. A smug smile played on his lips as he felt the heat of her, the slight bulge of her camel toe evident beneath the fabric.

Reaching the vehicle, Bryce deposited Wonder Woman onto the back seat, her body slumping against the leather upholstery. He climbed in beside her, his eyes never leaving her prone form. His hands continued their exploration, cupping her breasts, his thumbs circling her nipples through the red satin of her bustier. He could feel them harden under his touch, her body responding despite her unconscious state.

Dupris, his eyes filled with envy, took the driver's seat and started the engine. He watched in the rearview mirror as Bryce's hands roamed over Wonder Woman's body, a scowl of jealousy etched on his face. But he knew better than to challenge Bryce, especially now that the formula had made him virtually invincible.

As the vehicle pulled away, Bryce's hands continued their relentless exploration, his touch growing bolder with each passing moment. He knew that he had to savor this opportunity, for once they reached their destination, Wonder Woman would be handed over to Dr. Reichman, and her fate would be sealed.

The vehicle pulled up to Reichman's sprawling estate, the grand house looming ominously against the darkening sky. Bryce, his hands still lingering on Wonder Woman's unconscious body, reluctantly withdrew his touch as Dupris killed the engine.

Bryce carried her through the opulent halls of the estate, his footsteps echoing off the cold marble floors. He descended a narrow staircase, the air growing colder and damper with each step. The cellar was dimly lit, the flickering light of a single bulb casting eerie shadows on the stone walls.

In the heart of the cellar, an upright X-frame stood, chains and shackles dangling from its sturdy beams. Bryce approached the frame, his breath coming in slight pants from the exertion of carrying his precious cargo. He carefully lowered Wonder Woman onto the frame, her wrists and ankles secured in the iron cuffs with a resounding click.

Dr. Reichman, who had been waiting in the shadows, stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a mix of desire and malice. He was the unseen captor, the mastermind behind her abduction, and now, he reveled in his triumph. He approached Wonder Woman, his fingers tracing the line of her jaw, the curve of her cheek, before wandering down to the cleavage bared by her bustier.

"At last," he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "The mighty Wonder Woman, helpless and at my mercy."

He reached for her magic belt, the source of her incredible strength, and unfastened it with a swift, decisive motion. The belt clattered to the floor, the golden metal glinting in the dim light. With her belt removed, Wonder Woman was rendered powerless, her formidable strength and invulnerability stripped away.

Dr. Reichman's gaze lingered on her, taking in every inch of her body, from her high-heeled boots to her star-spangled shorts, her cleavage-baring bustier, and her beautiful, serene face. He could feel his desire growing, the thrill of having such a powerful, alluring creature at his disposal sending a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins.

"Leave us," he commanded, his voice sharp and authoritative. Bryce and Dupris exchanged a glance before retreating, their footsteps fading as they ascended the stairs, leaving Dr. Reichman alone with his captive prize.

Wonder Woman slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbing and her senses slowly coming back into focus. She tried to move, but the heavy chains binding her wrists and ankles to the metal X-frame prevented any movement. Her once-proud and formidable figure was now rendered helpless, her magic belt and lasso out of reach.

The cellar’s dim light flickered over her exposed, bound form. Her costume clung to her body, accentuating her vulnerability. The humiliation of her situation weighed heavily on her as she realized her predicament. Her powerful body, once a symbol of strength and resistance, was now subdued and restrained.

Dr. Reichman stepped into her line of sight, his eyes glinting with a mix of malicious satisfaction and dark anticipation. He approached her, his gaze lingering over her form, the chains, and the helpless position she was in. He reveled in the sight of the Amazonian heroine reduced to this state.

“This is quite a turn of events,” Reichman said, his voice cold and calculated. “Now that we have you, we can begin to explore the full extent of your powers—or lack thereof.”

He gestured to the various scientific instruments and tools scattered around the cellar, indicating that this was not merely a holding cell but a place of research. His dark ambitions extended beyond mere conquest; he intended to exploit her for both his scientific endeavors and his personal satisfaction.

Dupris and a few other men, having entered the room, watched with a mix of admiration and lustful curiosity. They took in the sight of Wonder Woman’s bound, exposed body, their expressions revealing their anticipation for what was to come. Reichman’s plan involved more than just scientific analysis; it also included using her for their entertainment, satisfying his and his men’s darker desires.

Reichman’s hand lingered over her bound form as he spoke. “You’re going to be quite useful to us, Wonder Woman. Your strength, your resilience—they all have their limits. We’re going to find out just how far those limits extend.” His voice held a promise of both pain and discovery, a twisted blend of scientific pursuit and perverse gratification.

Wonder Woman’s eyes burned with defiance, but the chains held her securely. As the reality of her situation sank in, she could only brace herself for whatever horrors awaited her in Reichman’s dark research and cruel intentions.

The end?