Amber and the Tentacles - Part 1

Author: UW and friend
Time to Read:28min
Added Date:10/2/2024
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Tags: Tentacles

When the alarm went off in the darkened room, a hand slipped from under a pile blanket to hit the 'off' button. The blow was strong but didn't damage the clock since its frame has been specially reinforced. A pair of eyes looked from under the cover at the digital display.

"Too damn early," a voice groaned.

The blankets were thrown back to reveal the nude body of a young woman. Amber groans as she arches her back to work out the kinks in the muscles. This in turn caused her full breasts to push up towards the ceiling. She then slid out of the silk-sheeted bed and padded off to the adjoining bathroom.

While the shower warmed up, Amber undid the braid that kept her long, brown hair from getting tangled while she slept. As she hummed a tuneless tune, she soapped her body up and then disappeared under the spray to wash it all off. She wriggled slightly when the water touched her nipples and causes them to harden. Amber's cheeks reddened from the feelings they produce. She had steadfastly refused to give into any sexual feeling for fear of what might happen. She had always been afraid that she wouldn't be able to control her half-vampiric side when she drained someone's blood. Doing so already created tremendous feelings that she didn't let herself experience. If she gave into them, she shuddered to think what might happen.

After drying off, Amber walked naked through her small but nicely furnished apartment. The most distinctive feature was the heavy curtains on the window that blocked out the sunlight. Scattered through the house were small tripwire types of things; balanced books, glasses, and the like. They looked normal but an intruder would set them off and give Amber warning.

While the microwave warmed a small snake of blood rare hamburgers, Amber went down into the basement and opened a small camouflaged panel hidden behind the furnace. She removed a Zip disk from inside and closed it back up.

As she munched on the snack, Amber went through the protocols on her computer to open the PGP+ encrypted disk. She entered the information from that the various new services she subscribed to have given. This time, she had been looking for anything relating to the meteors that had fallen into the city's rivers. Other than the accounts given in previous articles, she failed to find out anything new. However, Amber was also on the look out for any vampiric type of activity. Bodies missing large amounts of blood, for example . She knew that the vampire community of the world would love to burn a 'half-breed' like her at the stake; they had already killed both her parents. They had slaughtered her normal mother and her vampire father who made the mistake of falling in love with his intended victim.

"Crap," she sighed in frustration as she closed down the computer. "I was hoping somebody had some more info on the bubbling I saw in the water last night. I know it's got to be related to the meteors." By the time she had replaced the disk in its hiding spot and put on some jeans and a T-shirt, the sunset has come and gone. While standing in her living room, Amber closed her eyes and concentrated.

From the center of her forehead came ribbons of light. They surrounded her and replaced her clothes with her crime fighting uniform: a short-skirted style sailor's suit with her waist length hair tied in a ponytail. She also wore elbow length gloves and knee high boots. The suit had two bows on them. One was centered on her chest and was held on by a broach. The other bow was larger and was on her back at her waist. The boots, thigh-high skirt, elastic at the end of the gloves, and the flap that goes partway down her back from her collar were dark gold. The bows were a lighter gold. The rest of the uniform, including the gloves, was white. Embedded in her forehead was an oval, amber colored crystal.

Stepping into the fenced in backyard, she made sure the door was lock and her boobytraps were activated. With that done, she launched herself into the sky and quickly vanished from sight.

Amber flew over to the docks of the Lum that evening finding a tugboat anchored in the middle of the river, just where the meteor flew into the water. All was peaceful; on the bridge of the tug two men sat and smoked. There was no sign of the meteor Amber saw plunge and bubble into the river.

Amber slipped in just close enough to listen in on the men on the bridge speaking. Putting up a light shield around herself that gave her a low, golden glow, she creeped forward carefully.

The only people she smelled on this tug were the two men on the bridge playing cards and sipping at Lite beers. They smelled of dried sweat and nicotine.

The only machinery she heard was the Blue Oyster Cult the two forty-ish men were listening to on the bridge. Down below was the faint sound of a generator, but nothing else.

As Amber floated up beside the bridge (which had windows only facing behind and ahead), she heard the two men:

"...the shits!" one was saying.

"Yeah, it's a bitch. We got our beers though, and they ain't gonna take that away!" the other said with a half drunk laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so Bert, an' we're getting paid to sit on our asses and make sure no one fucks with a rock on the bottom of this stinkin' river. I'll take my money for doing this any day!"

"Yeah!" the other laughed as the two men clinked bottles in a toast. "Your deal, Ernie."

Within minutes of Amber's eavesdropping, she heard Bert stand up. "This shit runs right through ya!" he said. "Don't cheat me, Ernie, I'll be right back."

Stepping out, Bert walked along the sides of the tug around the main housing, always keeping one hand on the railing as he slightly wobbled towards the back. Once he got there, he jerked his zipper down, pulled out his organ, and began to urinate into the already ruined river.

Amber floated down before him, the guy stunned by the appearance of a flying girl in a sailor suit. Without a struggle, the alcohol weakened willpower of Bert fell to Amber's hypnotic eyes.

"What were you doing here?" she demanded.

"The boss, Mr. Barrens, told me an' Ernie to anchor here an' make sure no one messed with that meteor that landed here last night. I dunno why, he told us to."

"What have you done or found here?"

"We ain't found nothing," he said in a monotone in answer to her query. "We ain't left the boat."

Amber asked him: "What kind business was Mr Barrens in?"

"Uh, he owns this here tug. He's the boss. He got all kinds of businesses I hear."

"Where could I find him?"

"Uh, he got some office downtown. We know he owns the boat, but we never see the guy."

"What kind of security does he have?"

"Uh, I dunno. I never see the guy."

After he answered her questions, Amber commanded him to forget that she was there. Then she slipped away.

Floating over the dirty water of the river, Amber's gemstone glowed of dark gold as she was surrounded by a matching hue. Her life support would protect her from the chemically damaged waters of the river.

Diving into the murky, discolored waters of the Lum River, she could sense the toxicity of the water even through the life support aura around her that keeps the water from touching her.

Diving down. Amber searched the dark depths, able to see only barely. She found all manner of garbage and debris from two centuries of city life. The silt along the bottom was thick, hiding many unusual items, including sunken boats, dead men with concrete around their bony feet, cars, and any other number of gathered flotsam.

Finally she saw a weird reddish glow on the bottom of the river. Approaching carefully, she came upon a misshapen rock, lying half-buried in the silt. However, around it, the silt had become hardened like brown clay, thick and motionless unlike the rest of the river bottom which seemed to flow with the stream.

The meteor was pocked by the ravaged of space and entry into the atmosphere, but seemed almost circular in nature. It glowed a faint red, whether from the heat of entry (which was over a day ago), radiation, or some other source, was unknown.

Nodding to herself but unwilling to touch the possibly radioactive meteor, Amber shot up out of the river with a spray of tainted water spilling over her force field. She remembered reading in the paper that a certain professor at Kensington University was researching these meteors that had been landing in Megapolis in the last week.

At this late hour, Amber looked for and found a directory, but when she arrived at the famed Doctor Spiezio's office, she found it locked up tight. However, when she headed to Dr. Spiezio's lab, she fpund the lights on, and the blinds pulled down.

Dr. Spiezio was a short, squat man with receding hairline and a graying spade beard. Amber tried the door to his lab, only to disocver that it was. However, after a knock the door opened just wide enough to see out of. "Can I help you?" asked the Doctor with a central European accent.

Amber, with some excitement, started to tell the doctor about the meteor she had just seen at the bottom of the Lum, but she was abruptly cut off.

"Young lady, I plan on gathering up the meteor tomorrow. I have no time tonight for such frivolities!" he said sharply, then shut the door.

Amber stared at the door in shock for a second. She took a couple of deep breaths then pounded on the door, enough to make it rattle on its hinges. She yelled, "Doctor, your meteor probably won't be there tomorrow!!"

There was a long pause, and the door opened no more than a foot again. "No one will steal any such thing as a radiating meteor! Do you hear me young lady!" he crowed in his strange accent.

As Amber looked into his eyes, trying to use her powerful will to subdue his, she had absolutely no luck. He only continued to glare at the beautiful heroine. "Of course they were special, girl! They were from outer space, and need to be studied!!" he said, pointing with a finger to emphasize his point. "Now, leave me be, I will get back to my work!!" With that, he slammed the door in Amber's face.

Frustrated, Amber flew back to the river and kept vigil over the mysterious tugboat. The tug remained in place the whole night, with no other happenings or occurrences before the coming of the morning light. Tired and now completely frustrated, Amber decided to head home.

Returning home, Amber did a net search for "Barrens." The only name that came up was "Jack Barrens." There was an company address (Barrens and Associates), but when Amber researched the address, she found it was a phony. There were three John Barrens in the phone book, however, two in Reichsborough, and one in Kensington.

With nothing else to do, after a short, deep nap Amber, in her secret identity as Rachel, headed out to check out the three addresses.

The first place, a nice home in Kensington. On the front porch was an older man who waved in a friendly fashion when he saw her looking at his pretty gardenias in the plant box. The lawn was perfectly manicured and everything was a pretty white.

One of the addresses in Reichsborough was a simple flat. A yellow flower was on the mailbox just inside the door. A neighbor, who walked in, seeing her looking at it, said, "That poor man, shame the cancer had to finally get him. Isn't it sad?"

The last address led Amber to a small little apartment near the Zwicken borough line. In it, Amber was able to see a man in his early twenties, thin, emaciated, with many canvasses of artwork scattered around a scanty, dirty apartment.

Before heading home, she parked the car and walked to a nice quiet place where nobody was around. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and concentrated. From her forehead, ribbons of light appeared that replaced her clothes with her sailor suit and transformed her into Amber. She winced from the sunlight. It wasn't painful but only uncomfortable to the psuedovampire. Amber took to the air and took a swing past the river. She stayed at a high altitude so she was just a speck if that. She headed to the spot where the tug was and looked for any changes.

The scene was now a work place. A boat with a crane was being put into place. On the boat Amber could easily spot Dr. Spiezio barking orders like a drill sergeant. The tug Amber visited last night was still in the river, but it was being used to help kept the crane boat in place against the sluggish but powerful Lum River current.

The process was slow but steady. Finally, the crane was lowered into the water, with a huge claw-like device attached, much like the kind normally used to gather up dirt, but with much more delicate machinery. It slowly descended into the murky water. After a long delay during which Spiezio demanded to run the machine himself, the glowing rock was eventually hauled back up onto the deck of the tugboat. It still glowed as it did the night before, but before Amber could see too much of it, the meteor was covered by a heavy tarpaulin.

The tug, after Spiezio got on board, headed up river. The trip was very slow, but as it turned northwards, it followed the coastline as closely as possible. Eventually it docked at a Kensington pier, where a forklift quickly picked up the covered rock and took it to a waiting panel truck. Again, Spiezio joined the trip, but sat in the back of the truck. As he climbed in, he looked up into the overcast sky...disconcertingly in the heroine's direction, then got in the back and closed the door.

The driver climbed in, and soon the truck was moving through the traffic of the city. Within an hour and a half of city freeways and downtown streets, the truck pulled up to the science department of Kensington University.

The place the meteor was taken was a large laboratory. It sat in a smaller building that was contiguous with a larger academic building. The lab itself was a large, rectangular affair (from what Amber could make out from the black and white lines of the campus map), with two interior offices and a storage room. The lab was attached to the much larger building next to it, which contained three floors of physics and chemistry labs, and dozens of classrooms and offices for the Science Department.

There were two doors to the lab, one from the hallway that went into the Science Department building and a set of double doors leading outside, through which the meteor had been taken inside. The windows were all closed tight, with no way of seeing inside.

There were plenty of offices down the hallway inside the Science Building, but she did note the sign on the lab door stating "No Entry". The doors seemed to be locked.

As Rachel, she stayed around area of the science building, plopping down under a tree to 'study'. Her senses kept at a high pitch, she kept one eye on the building and the other around her. No one approached Rachel, although plenty of college students leaving the science building gave the attractive girl more than a passing glance.

After the meteor was delivered (the truck backs up to the doors, not allowing anyone to see inside), the lab was shut up tight, and Spiezio remained inside.

Assured that the meteor was inside Spiezio's lab, Rachel rose from below the tree to the depression of the young men watching her. Going inside the science building, Rachel slipped into the ladies room. With a flash of gold and amber light, Rachel disappeared to be replaced by the heroic visage of Amber.

Heading back out, Amber went straight for Spiezio's lab door and knocked.

Yet again, Spiezio cracked open the door. "You again!?!" he roared in his accent. "I told you to go away young lady! Do not you have a class to attend! Begone!!"

He attempted to close the door in Amber's face again...

With a powerful arm, Amber held the door open and said strongly, "Now listen sir, there were a few things I want to discuss with you. Normally your bad attitude would top the list but I want to know about that meteor."

Amber pushed her way past Spiezio in a burst of strength, gently forced the door open much to the anger of Dr. Spiezio. "Vat are you doing!? This is a lab, not a cheerleader practice area! Get out!!" he yelled shrilly at Amber.

With the door open, Amber was finally able to see the interior. Computers lined the near wall, a mainframe with a few stations. The far wall had a line of very large tubes, some of which had greenish fluids inside them. There were more tubes, but white sheets covered all these. Along the north wall (with the strongly chained double doors that led into the main science buildings) were a variety of chemistry stations, some of which seemed to be in use.

The item that dominated the large room was the raised platform in the center. The platform, made of steel or some comparable metal, had some items, most rather large, all covered with more of the white sheets. To the northly side of the platform was a rock. It was pitted and dark, much like meteors were supposed to look. However, this rock also had a reddish glow to it that seemed to almost pulsate.

"Okay Doc," Amber said seriously, "you either tell me about these meteors or I go to the newspapers, and the police, about what you're doing. I wonder if the campus administration would be happy to know that you're working with a potentially dangerous rock. I also think some nice reporter might be curious to look into the connection between you and a certain Mr. Barrens who owned that tug boat. Might be nothing there but...." Amber gave an evil smile. "Truthfully, I probably could care less about your rock. You've just raised my curiosity and I just want to know what's going on. Perhaps I could be of some assistance to you. So stop being a pain in the buttocks because I'm not leaving."

Amber crossed her gloved arms across her ample chest and gave Spiezio a look of defiance.

Spiezio looked almost overwhelmed by Amber. "Wuh, vaurl, larjg, azfjlarvx, acvaphoas," he sputtered.

In a rush, he slammed the door shut. "Vat are you saying! The president of the university has been here himself!! This entire lab is lined with lead to prevent radioactivity from escaping!!" He pointed toward a gauge on the wall, whose pointer barely flickers. "Dat vill tell me if we have any radiation in the room! Do you understand, child!?" he said, as his bald pate began to turn red to match his face.

"As for this mysterious Mr. Barrens, I know not this man!"

The words coughed from his lips. Finally, as he started to calm down, he pointed to the sheet in the center. "There! If you vant to see the results, go look! It is a rock!!!" he roared, the last word echoing around the room.

"Yeah and all rocks glow," Amber said skeptically. "How do you explain that? And what's under all the sheets? Doc, all you have to do is tell me what you're doing and what you've found out. I won't tell anybody about what you're doing if it's ordinary research. If it's unordinary and a threat to the community, then I'm afraid it's smashing time." The last part was said with a smile on Amber teenage face.

Blowing past the sputtering Spiezio, Amber went over to the far wall and looked into the greenish filled tubes close up. The tube smelled like nothing Amber's senses have ever come upon. It smelled like a combination of life and chemicals. It was very strange. The tube was about three foot in diameter, with various wires and small plastic black tubes leading to the top of the main tube.

Amber looked at the tube and wondered about it.... "It's big enough for somebody to fit within it," she thought. "But the Doctor wouldn't be working on humans would he?" The smell of "life" filled her with a lot of unease as she took hold of the sheet tightly in a hand. She pulled on it hard enough to rip away it so she could see what was under it. Part of her almost didn't want to she what's under it but she knew she had to look anyway.

The cords holding the heavy sheet on the tube snapped away, and the sheet fell to the ground. To the shocked amazement of the heroine, the tube contained not only the greenish liquid as in the other tubes, but a woman!

The woman was a very attractive lady in her twenties. She was floating in the middle of the glass tube, still wearing the remnants of her jogging suit. The white sports bra was mostly gone, replaced by two rubber-looking cups that surround her breasts, with a one inch rubber hose attached to the outward curve of each cup; the hoses led up to the top of the glass container. Her Nike's at the end of her spandex covered legs floated a foot over the steel bottom of the tube. Her arms hung limply at her sides, her sweatbands still in place. Numerous thin electrodes were attached all over her body; one was on each temple, another pair on each side of her throat; and literally dozens other dotted her body, each one leading back up to the top of the container.

The woman's eyes were closed, but she seemed to twitch and tremble minutely. The most horrifying item was seen last. Her black spandex jogging shorts were shredded; a strange black, rubbery looking, amorphous.... Thing... covered her vagina. It throbbed a dull dark green, and was held in place by bands of more of the black rubber, which wrapped around her hips and thighs. Her legs were forced wide, but her lower legs hung as limply as her arms.

"Satisfied?" hissed Spiezio in a strange, surreal voice. As the young heroine finally turned away from the stunning sight, Spiezio had changed. His skin had darkened, his face was blotchy greenish black. "You shouldn't have been so pushy! Wuh, vaurl, larjg, azfjlarvx, acvaphoas!!" he gurgled in that strange voice.

From under the sheets on the central table, thin tentacles began to ooze out from the edges toward Amber. "Mistake I say!" Spiezio said at the amazed heroine. "Mistake!"

His arms suddenly stretched forward. One arm twisted around Amber's waist and started to pull her towards Spiezio with unbelievable strength. His other hand jerked the sheet aside, revealing the fallen meteors. Each one had cracked open in dozens of pieces. Four of the meteors were cracked open with nothing in them. However, the other three had black, rubbery ...things... sitting in the middle of them, sitting darkly, but with strange black rubbery bands stretching towards Amber.

Amber fired a beam of energized ice. The tentacle waved as it tried to dodge, but the ice hit Spiezio in the chest. He stumbled back, his midsection icy blue from the layer of frost. "FHLFIZ!!" Spiezio growled loudly.

The tentacle around Amber limply fell to the floor, twitching numbly. Spiezio growled in anger and pain and rushed towards Amber, more tentacles waving, his hands reaching for her, generally aimed at the bow on her chest.

Confused by the tentacles waving around her, she completely missed the hand reaching out. Suddenly Amber was jerked forward by the grip of Spiezio's hand on the bow on her chest. His strength was surprisingly powerful. With her attention on the tentacles grabbing at her, the Sailor Senshi was thrown off balance as Spiezio pulled her towards him. Stumbling forward, Amber was brought to a sudden halt as her cheek met Spiezio's fist. The blow was like a nuclear bomb. The power of the punch was immense. Amber's vision was filled with stars. The room spinned around her, even as she felt things crawl over her body.

Another punch rattled the Sailor superheroine, twisting her head violently around, and sending her ponytail swishing around her face. Tentacles wrapped around her legs, and pulled at her knees in an attempt to drop her to the ground. More tentacles grabbed at her arms, and started pulling the dazed girl's wrists back behind her.

Shaking the cobwebs from her head, Amber pulled with all her strength and slowly began to bring her hands around to the front again. As the many tentacles that exuded from Spiezio's chest were forced to give way, his free hands reached out. Seeing the girl's vulnerable chest, he cupped her breasts, and gave the full mammaries a violent twist that ripped Amber's costume along the circumference of her breasts.

Amber screamed in pain when he twisted her breasts, distracting her from his other actions.

Spiezio seemed pleased by the sound of the scream. "Yes, scream earthgirl!" he growled in that strange accent. In the moment of stunned pain, Amber's arms were pulled behind her again. "Look!" Spiezio barked at her, an evil grin on his face.

Down past the hands on her breasts, under her skirt, and between her struggling legs, one of the creatures from the table had moved. As Amber looked down upon the creature, its tentacles reached up, wrapping around her upper thighs and her thin waist. Before Amber could do much more than gasp, it pulled itself up, and enveloped her crotch. With a wet sound (it didn't feel wet), the creature smothers Amber's sex.

Underneath her skirt, which hides most of the beast, Amber hears her panties tear...

Amber eyes widened in shock and caused her to pull with her last reserves of strength to try and free her arms or at least bring them around to her front.

The rubbery tentacles seemed to move, ebb, bend, and contract with every twist and pull of Amber's arms. No matter how she pulled, they moved with her, but always kept her arms behind her back, forcing her breasts to arch outwards.

As she fought to pull her arms free, she was suddenly lifted off the floor by her breasts. Spiezio's strength was surprising, and with her distraction, complete.

So many things happened at once to the struggling heroine. She was lifted off the floor by her full breasts, tearing even more of her sailor blouse. With her leverage gone, Amber's knees were forced to bend by the tentacles slightly, as her lean legs were pulled farther apart.

"NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!" she screamed in frustration and pain as he lifted her by those beautiful breasts. Her mind was filled with endorphins that block most of the pain out and lets it fall to a discomfort. What little damamge to her skin he caused heals almost instantly to leave no marks. Against her will and to her shock, she felt her nipples harden from the touch of the cool, wet feeling tenticles.

The tentacles wrapped around Amber's bulging breasts, the tips of the black things touching the tips of Amber's nipples, and seeming to toy with them experimentally. Amber groaned from the sensation and felt her nipples try to harden more if that was possible. She thought to herself, "Why am I feeling this way? I have to escape!" Her actions betrayed her as she lessened her struggles.

As Amber felt her lower lips being parted by a rounded, soft, wet something, she fired off a blind blast of cold. She felt the tentacles around her legs weaken, allowing her to move them for a moment. In that same moment, in a flash of erotic pain, her sex was invaded. The tentacle that pushed into her virginal pussy undulated along its length, sending pinpoints of pleasure shooting through Amber.

Her eyes wide open in shock, Amber gasped in pain as her virginity was taken in a moment. Trying to concentrate with all the various feelings shooting through her body, she fired another ice blast in the same direction as the last one. Amber's ice blast struck the floor behind her, where her hands were now being forced to point. Her hips felt as if they were being spread apart; as if she was being ripped in half from within. The undulating thing that invaded her sends undeniable pulses of pleasure rippling through her body unbidden.

Two quick, powerful blows from Spiezio snapped Amber's head one way, then the other. Nothing but stars could the heroine see, but she still felt the undulating, erotic thing inside her. The powerful punches disoriented her just enough for the sensual side to win the internal war. She moaned deeply as she gave in.

The sexual feelings and urges Amber has kept locked in the back of her mind from her draining of people started leaking out. She found it harder and harder to kept fighting and not just give in. She kept fighting and firing ice blasts in order to get free though. The primal part of her mind was still fighting but it was at war within her with the sensual side, and losing.

The thing covering her sex filled Amber with soft warmth. It moved and caressed her vagina, filling her with pulsating sensations. At the same time the thing inside Amber began to slide in and out of her. Another tentacle slid around Amber's neck, over her chin, and slid up to her lips.

Amber moaned loudly as the she closed her eyes and gave in to the sensations. Her resistance ended. "OOOOOHHHHHHH GGGGGGOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD! SSSSSOOOO GOOD!!!!!!" she moaned. Her hips instictivley moved to match the tentacle in her vagina. She moved her head to take the one at her lips into her mouth and sucked on it.

The thick black tentacle slid into the heroine's mouth, undulating between her lips as it moved in and out, never leaving her mouth, and bumping her throat as it entered each time.

At first, Amber gagged slightly as it hits her throat but quickly got used to it. Her tongue slid on it as moved.

The tentacle in her mouth slid in and out, never quite leaving her, and thrusting deeper into her throat each time. It undulated over her tongue, and continued to pump between her lips.

The thing thrust and retracted faster and faster, soon ramming into her mouth at breakneck speed, forcing her head back as the black tentacle drove straight down, past her lips and down her throat. Growing both in size and in intensity, the tentacle plunged into Amber's mouth. It seemed to grow frantic as the tentacle began to vibrate like a hose under tremendous pressure.

Suddenly, like a fire hose exploding, the tentacle froze, and gushed. Green ooze burst from Amber's wet lips, as more of the sickeningly sweet stuff was forced down her throat in huge amounts. Over her chin flowed the thick substance.

The tentacle pumping inside Amber's pussy undulated and rolled in and out of her. As Amber's skirt flared up, the black thing between her legs was pulsating with a dull green glow, just like the thing attached to the jogger inside the tube.

As the sensations grow, her toes in her boot curled up and her fingers made fists from the feelings. Suddenly, Amber screamed from deep in her throat around the tentacle as she cums for the very first time. Her body quivered and her vagina squeezed the tentacle inside her.


The thick tentacle inside her began to vibrate and harden as Amber's pussy clamped down on it. It seemed to grow larger as its vibrations sent rippling pulses of pleasure shredding through the taken heroine. Faster and faster it vibrated as Amber's orgasm peaked. At the orgasm's ultimate pinnacle, the tentacle grew suddenly still.

Amber's muscles tensed, her toes curled up inside her boot, and her back arched as the tentacle grew larger. Her fingers fired an ice blast uselessly towards the floor as she lost control of her powers. The amber colored jewel in her forehead glowed in a near blinding brillance. She screamed around the tentacle as her orgasm built and exploded.

The trapped heroine wasn't aware that her hands were pulled back behind her even farther, making her body arch that much more. Below her a large puddle of water surround the half foot of ice forming beneath the sexual dynamo.

Amber's hips abruptly felt like they were being spread apart. She could feel her belly bulge, as the threads of her belt began to pop. It was painful, but incredibly erotic as her womb and vagina ached and strained under the strange, unknown pressures inside her.

With the sound of a hiss and grunt, the pressure began to subside. Dark green, thick, viscuous liquid flowed down the inside of Amber's thighs, staining her skirt and gushing into her boots. The floor under her splashed with the green ooze. It flowed like a river down her long legs, and dripped off her toes and onto the floor.

Spiezio watched the spectacle with scientific disinterest. He seemed modestly pleased, but seemed more pleased by the pool of green ooze rolling down Amber's thighs.

Amber's mind was so overloaded by sensations that she paid no attention to anything going on around her. She was just living for the pleasure that she has finally allowing herself to feel. After denying herself for so long, she wanted more.

Amber was unaware that her body was beyond her control now. The strange green ooze seemed to flow through her, making her muscles very unresponsive to her wishes, other than those sexual. "I must have pee'ed my pants," she thought absently. "Gonna have to clean that up later when I'm not so tired...."

The tentacle inside her sex softened, and retracted. It no longer undulated or throbbed, but it still brushed along the very sensitive walls of her pussy. Finally it completely left Amber, allowing her aching, throbbing, oversensitive vagina some peace.

All the muscles that had tensed from her fighting and later her orgasm suddenly went limp. Spiezio held her loose form in the air as her head hung down. Her long, sweat dampened hair hid her face and eyes that closed in exhaustion. The only muscles that moved were the ones in her vagina. They gently quivered in response to what they've been put through.

Spiezio seemed to study the beautiful, limp heroine hanging helplessly before him. Tentacles slid up and down her body, testing her errogenous zone, feeling her body to see how she reacted to the gentle stimuli after such a shattering orgasmic experience.

Each time she was touched, Amber's body shivered and she moaned around the tentacle in her mouth. Her eyes closed, her mind drifted in a sea of pleasure. She only wanted more of what she has denied herself for so long. "More....More..." she mumbled.

The entire time, the two small tentacles kept Amber's breasts trapped in their coils, letting them bounce during Amber's struggles and orgasm. The thing in her mouth continued to slide in and out of her mouth, glistening darkly with her saliva. The dark tentacles around her breasts sqeezed them, pushing them further out, as smaller tentacles teased her hard nipples, flicking across them. This added more senations to her brain, especially the flicks across her nipples, her body wiggling as it responded to the alien caresses. Her natural healing ability was easily able to keep up with any damage the tentacles caused her.

Suddenly, Amber felt another tentacle enter her, slipping inside the helpless heroine, and deep into her body. "MMMMMMMMMMMnnnnnnnnnn....." she groaned as it parts her lips and filled her. Amber's hips instictivley pushed towards the tentacle to help it enter her, her legs jerking slightly. This tentacle moved slowly, almost gently, through the oversensitized heroine. It glides through Amber's pussy, rolling slightly to one side, then the other, just enough to send even more tendrils of shooting pleasure through her. Her moans fill the air, and tears of pleasure roll down her cheeks as the thing takes her. Her legs try to shift, in thier bonds, to wrap around the alien thing, and her hips roll around it, moving with it as it takes her.

Spiezio placed the oblivious heroine upon a table. The tentacle slid in and out of Amber's pussy with long, slow strokes. The other tentacles holding her breasts eased up on her as the control over the heroine seemed complete. Amber slowly rotated her hips in time to its thrusts. Moaning quietly, she didn't even try to contemplate as escape. A tiny voice within her mind said "Do something! Anything!! This was the enemy!!!" She didn't, couldn't listen, as she wass lost in her pleasure and bliss. As the tentacles released her breasts, they returned to their natural fullness. Her deep breaths made them heave towards the ceiling.

The tentacles slid down Amber's body after releasing her heavy breasts. They glided roughly over her skin, over her skirt, and down to her legs. Wrapping around her ankles, the tentacles forced her knees to bend outwards, but bent her ankles together. As the tentacles slid down her skin, they left a faint oily residue so that her skin gleamed with a combination of sweat and oil. Amber shivered when they touched her bare skin.

She was held down upon the table by two of the little creatures. The thick tentacle continued to thrust slowly inside the heroine, its soft, bilbulous surface grinding against her inner walls. Spiezio released his hold upon her, and began by attaching tiny electrodes to her legs, arms, and two more to her temples. After making sure they were secure, he stepped back from the sweaty, erotic Senshi.

For a second, Amber was aware of what's happening to her. She quickly turned her head from right to left quickly, flinging droplets of sweat from her face as she does so. "Ahhhhhhhh...." she groaned and tried to fight the pleasurable feelings and pull with what little strength she could muster at her bonds.

As she started to resist, Amber's muscles felt like leaden weights. She had never felt so exhausted, so lifeless. Every muscle fought her wishes to move. Spiezio paid little attention to Amber's dull struggles. He glances up in momentary surprise. "You move? After the ejaculation? You must be exceptionally strong, earthfemale."

"You'll..." she gasped as she glared at him with as much of a defient look as she could muster as she struggled. " See. How. Strong. I. Am. When. I. Get. Out. Of. Here!!"

Spiezio sneered at the raped heroine. "You vill feed my friends, earthfemale. Then we shall rule this planet!"

"Oh joy..." Amber said. "ANOTHER nutball who wants to conquer the world... And just what does your 'friends' feed on? If you say 'me' then they have another thing coming!!" After saying that in an exhausted yet defiant voice, Amber continued her futile struggles.

Eventually however, the store of energy that fueled her new struggles ran out. Amber went limp again as she gave into the pleasures that she had fought. "Hell...." she breathed as she closed her eyes, which twitched under the closed lids.

Suddenly, in a surge, the tentacle began to slam inside her. It was no longer the slow, gentle undulations, but the ramming, surging thrust of wild sexual abandon. Amber was pummelled from below violently, ferociously.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as the tentacle filled her deeply. Amber arched her back as high as her bonds allowed, her body curling into an arc, and her lovely breasts quivering like firm molds of jello as her body shook from the thrusts. Amber started to thrust back and matched the tentacle thrust for thrust. She gasped as it hits her cervix, setting off nerve endings that she never knew she had.

The tentacles kept a grip on Amber as the creature under her flailing skirt hugged her sex. The tentacle inside her rammed up and down her love canal over and over, grinding and thrusting inside the taken heroine. As every nerve cell in her muddled brain was focused on the pleasures shooting through her body, one thought made it through the noise.... "This damn thing isn't going to get me pregnant, was it?!" The amber jewel in her forehead began to glow brighter and brighter as the orgasm built within her. The tentacle's constant stimulation had kept her on edge and now its making her cum quickly. "SO GOOD!!!" she screamed as her full buttocks lifted off the table's surface with each thrust. They made a "slap" everytime they fell back to the table. "OH NO!!!!!" Amber yelled as the jewel gave off a glow that filled the entire room with an intense amber colored light. Her channel squeezed around the thrusting tentacle as tight as she could make it. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she came, her orgasm forceful and hard.

With eerie calm, Spiezio kept one eye on Amber, and one on the dials and machinery to which the electrodes were attached. Even as Amber's screams of pleasure echoed through the room, his gaze didn't waver. The tentacle inside Amber quivered and undulated, but stopped its thrusting as her orgasm ravished her. As Amber came harder then she had before, her muscles tightened and she arched as much of her body of the table as the tentacles will allow. Her mouth gasping for air to fill her lungs, depleted from her screams, her hips quivered to extract every bit of sensation she could from the tentacle within her.

Spiezio winced at the brilliant flash of amber light. The tentacles rippled through Amber's tense, agonizingly orgasming body. The thing over her vagina seemed to expand as Amber's juices flowed out of her. Her skirt bulged upwards as the creature sucked every last drop of her cum from her pussy and clit, sending even more sensations through her.

Amber cooed though her pants for air as the thing sucked on her oversensitive points. The gem on her forehead pulsed with light in time with her heartbeat, gradually growing slower and dimmer until it faded fully.

Amber's body fell to the table with a heavy "thump". The lips of her mouth moved slightly as if she was trying to saying something but no words were spoken. Her hips still jerked as if the nerves controlling the muscles have shorted out. Finally, Amber gave a long, deep sigh as her mind finally shut down from the overload of sensations. Her head rolled onto its left cheek while her long hair covered her face.

Spiezio smiled smugly at the exhausted, oversexed heroine on his table. "Very good," he said to her. "The first feeding had done more than could have been expected from a pathetic earthfemale." He looked up at the jogger in the tube. "You have more power within you than this woman. I must get more of your kind.." he said ominously.

Amber vaguely heard what he said and thought to herself behind closed eyes, "The joys of being a superheroine.... A 'normal' girl would have passed out long before this... I wonder who else he wants...."

"No more..." she whispered. "Please.... Too good...."

Her body and muscles became like a sack of jello from all that she'd been through. Although her bonds wouldn't allow her to, she attempted to roll over onto her side as though she was in her own soft bed at home.

"Too tired... Need to feed..." she mumbled as exhastion finally claims her as she passes into sleep.

Time passed...

The sensation of liquid around her body entered Amber's unconscious mind as her unconscious body was slid into a tube beside the other helpless women. She floated in the green bath, electrodes connected to her flushed skin, as the creature under her shredded skirt hugged her sex in its erotic embrace.

To be continued.....