Amber and the Tentacles - Part 2

Author: UW and friend
Time to Read:22min
Added Date:10/2/2024
Stats: Loading....
Tags: Tentacles

Amber slowly became aware of the light around her. She was lying in a pool of water; cool, clean water. Looking around, she was lying in a stream in some wooded glen. The moon overhead shined down upon the peaceful scene. Trees lined the banks of the little stream, waving slowly in the cool night breeze.

Amber slowly sat up, her aching muscles protesting as she did. She pushed the loose strands of her wet hair off her face as she took in the sudden change of scenery with all her senses.

"What the hell..." she said in wonderment. "How did I ever get here? Where was here?" Shrugging her shoulders she said, "Shouldn't looked a gift horse in the mouth and all that. Could've been worse, I could be in the desert in the daytime."

As she stood up, the water cascaded off her body and torn uniform. Amber started to wade to the nearby bank but when she took a single step, her pubic region erupted in discomfort.

She was still in her ripped costume. Shreds of the costume hung down over her body, revealing her hard nipples still misty from the cold water.

"Well that wasn't a dream I guess," she sighed as she slowly lifted her stained skirt and looked underneath. She saw that her mound and thighs were stained with greenish goo but the lips of her vagina seem to be healing quickly to their normal state. Sensing the discomfort fading, Amber carefully took another step. This time, there was no pain.

As she stood on the bank and looked around again, she thought, "I'll do a little exploring but first...." An amber colored glow surrounded her as the ruined uniform disappeared into ribbons of light as it was replaced by her "normal" clothes.

"That water was a bit cold but I need a bath," Amber said as she quickly stripped down to her white cotton bra and panties. She hesitated before goign back into the water.

"Oh hell," she thought. "I was wearing less when I got here. Besides, I'm alone."

She pushed the panties down, stepped out of them, and set them on the pile of her other clothes. Reaching back, she unsnapped the bra clasp and shrugged it off, her full breasts sagging not an inch as it comes off. Finally naked, Amber stretched her goo and sweat covered body that glistened in the moonlight and smiled as the muscles relaxed.

Amber waded back into the stream and laid down to let the current gently wash her body clean. She sighed in contentment.

Suddenly, in the distance, came the howl of a wolf.

"Oh joy..." she said. "Now what..."

She sat up and looked in the direction of the wolf howl; sniffing, listening, and looking in that direction for anything.

Amber smelled the scent of a spring night, full of growing flowers and rejuvenated life. However, under this lovely smelled comes the scent of animals and animal lust. Beyond that was another very faint scent, one of death, life, and blood....

"Should I turn back into Amber?" she thought. "Nah... Might just be a wolfy and besides, its just a uniform. I got the powers all the time. If he comes too close, I give him a little taste of winter to scare him off."

The scents grew stronger, but the woods remained silent except for the gentle breeze that blew softly through the leaves. The brook bounced and rippled over Amber's body, washing away the goo and greenish cum that quickly dissolved.

On a large rock at the edge of the woods, only about fifty feet from Amber, leapt a wolf. The creature looked down upon Amber, its red eyes seeming to glow. It watched her curiously from the distance.

Amber stood up slowly in the stream as moonlight shined on her wet skin, making her almost seem to glow. "Nice doggy..." she said quietly. She looked it in the eyes, not showing the animal any fear. One hand pushed her wet hair off of her face.

The wolf continued to watched Amber. It tilted its head to the side to eye her.

To either side of it appeared two other wolves, both also instantly zeroed in on the heroine, and also watched her in the water with undisguised curiousity.

Amber's cheeks reddened in embaressment from their intense gaze. "This was silly," she thought. "They're wolves, not people..." Still, one of her arms crossed her chest in an attempt to hide her ample breasts while the hand of the other covered her pubic mound.

Suddenly, beyond them, another pair of red eyes appeared, hidden in the darkness of the woods. The scent belonging to those eyes hit Amber's senses like a sledgehammer. A vampire!

Amber's eyes opened wide in shock at the smell. "No...." she gasped. Her mind was suddenly filled with what her mother had always told her. About how the other vampires had killed her father for daring to fall in love with a "mundane" as they called a normal human with a sneer. About how one had killed her mother and forced Amber to make her first kill by draining that "thing" of blood..

Her brow furled in rage as the teeth that she used to bite her victims extend. They gleamed in the moonlight as Amber hissed like an enraged cat.

The three wolves, sensing the anger, bared their own teeth, as their hackles rose.

Without even thinking about it, her powers activated, and she zoomed towards the eyes. Zapping the wolves with ice blasts as she flew over him, ignoring everything in her goal to get and destroy that which had caused her so much pain.

Amber launched herself into the air, full of rage and vengeance. Leaving a trailing mist of water from the stream, she hit the three wolves with quick blasts of cold that made them jump back but didn't do them any serious damage.

As she was about ten feet from the edge of the woodline, the eyes flashed brightly. Amber was hammered by a wall of solid heat that exploded from those two red dots in the darkness. It first struck her in the face, but as she came to a sudden halt, it struck her flailing breasts and chest, driving the air from her lungs. The wave of heat and pressure slammed Amber back, sending her naked body flying across the stream and landing in it with a hiss and a splash.

Amber screamed in surprise and pain as she went flying into the stream. She took a breath and realized that she was trying to breath water. Amber lifted her head clear of the stream and tried to cough out the water that she had taken in her lungs. Her pendulous breast shook as her hacking coughs clear her lungs.

Amber rolled on to her back with a groan as soon as the coughing stopped. "Damn...." she thought. "What the hell was that... Vampires aren't suppose to have those kind of powers!!" She rubbed a hand on her face and breast but didn't feel any damage. "Dammit Amber... Use your brain for once... That was real stupid..."

The wolves growled and climbed back on the rocks. They were over Amber, growling dangerously, and about to leap down on the dazed heroine.

Amber stood slowly up, shaking her head to try and clear it. She reached behind her back, into the "dimensional pocket", and pulled out her mallet. As she held the handle in one hand and tappped the head in the palm of the other, she said, "Well doggies, it looks like it's time for 'Amber's Obedience School' to go into effect..."

The teeth bared, the greenish ichor of the wolves dripped down onto the rocks with hisses of acidic steam.

She floated up until she was a few feet above the stream. "Doggies," she said, looking into their eyes, trying to use her hypnosis on them. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want the other shit so please go away." Amber held the mallet in such away that could she whack anything that attacked her.

The wolves watched her malevolently, their heads raising as the brunette heroine glided up into the air, still dripping water down into the stream below. Their eyes glowed golden green in reflection of the moon's bright light. As Amber's shadow passed over the rock on which the three stood, Amber could see those glowing greenish eyes like three pairs of headlights.

As she tapped her mallet into her palm and tried to mentally convince the wolves to move along, she began to get confused. Those eyes, staring at her, seem to penetrate her soul. They couldn't be anything more than the eyes of animals, yet she didn't know why they keep staring at her like that. The growling had stopped, but they kept staring at her.

She knew that she should turn her head or do something to break eye contact but she couldn't. She couldn't even just close her eyes. "What's happening..." she thought. "Can't think..." The anger and determination that she had felt earlier melted away under their intense gaze. The mallet slipped out of her loose fingers as her concentration lapsed. As it hit the water, the splash wetted the bottom of her bare feet, lightly tickling them and finally getting her befuddled brain to break the gaze the wolves have on her.

Looking down, Amber suddenly realized she was only a few feet off the ground, at eye level with the beasts...

Amber made a mistake and glanced back up at the wolves. Their gaze locks onto her's again. "Ah hell..." she sighed as she slowly floated towards them. "Not again..." She knew this was wrong but the tentacle rape had reduced her will power to a tiny level. When she was in front of them, she touched the ground, and collapsed in front of the wolves, all the time, her eyes locked on theirs.

The three wolves padded down off the rock and surrounded Amber, each one staying about twenty feet away. No matter which way the brunette heroine turned she still saw those glowing red eyes, trapping her in their mystical hold. They paced around Amber, watching her always.

When the three felt confident that the girl among them was pacified, each one began to change. They never took their red eyes from her, but they changed. Gradually the three rose up, their forepaws transforming into hairy arms with angled fingers. Their back legs stretched and grew until they were long, powerful hairy human legs. The bodies widened and strengthened into broad chests covered in brown and black hair shot with silver. The faces twisted and snarled into rough, bearded faces like those of the neolithic age, with protruding jaws that give obvious signs of their lycanthropy. If Amber could pulled her own eyes away from the red dots that still frown down upon her in a set of three, she would also saw the huge, primeval, almost bestial, organs that stood erect and point the way directly at Amber.

Amber stared in wonder as they transformed. "Mama said 'werewolves' existed," a part of her mind idly thought. "But she never seen any before... Vampires, werewolves, what else?"

Her nostrils flared as she took in the musky scent their 'excitment' produced. Her increased senses slammed the odor into her weaken brain where it set off the most primitive impulses. "Noooo...." she whispered as she tried to fight the base impulses. Perhaps before the tentacles she could have, but not now. She had tasted pleasure once and now her brain wanted more. Even if she couldn't admit it to herself.

Once the transformation was complete, the three hairy men walked forward to the grounded heroine.

Beyond in the trees the mysterious set of red eyes remained, watching, as if waiting..

As they walked forward, Amber got onto her knees. Her hands folded primly across her lap as her full endowments rose and fell with her almost pant like breaths. She could feel her pubic hair get moist and her nipples harden from the excitment that she felt at this moment. A low purr came from her throat as she awaited them and their touch. A wide smile on her face that caused the moon's light to reflect off her enlarged canine teeth as she smelled her scent mix in the air with their.

The three wolfmen stalked towards Amber, their sharp, curved toenails digging into the soft earth. Their steps were light, but Amber could still feel each step like a thump against her body. They approached the brunette heroine, making her looked so small. On her knees amongst these three huge men, they came within two feet of her, their thick cocks making up more than half the distance as they arch downwards from their bodies in their semi-hard state.

Two of the men stood before her, each one beside the other. Their organs drooped down stiffly before Amber. As she watched, they began to grow thicker and stronger. Like magic wands they arched upwards, slowly, majestically. Finally the members reached rigidity, each one pointing directly at Amber's head like the loaded guns they were. The tip of the thick, purplish cocks were only inches from Amber's face.

She didn't notice but a thin line of drool escaped from the corner of her mouth as she took in the sight of them. Sliding past her chin it drips onto the soft soil.

Amber lifted her trembling hands from her lap and brought them up close to the hard shafts. For a long moment, they were mere millimeters from their prey, the throbbing heat from both warming the palms of her hands. Suddenly, Amber gently grasped both organs.

Firmly but not painfully holding them. Feeling the hard but soft strength they possessed. Amber instictivly rubbed her thumbs over the velvet smooth heads of each shaft. Gently rubbing the white droplets that appear from the tips into them.

Suddenly she felt a hand gripped her wet ponytail, and her head was pulled back. As her body was arched backwards, she saw, from the upside down angle, the third wolfman. His cock rubbed against her forehead, then slid down between her eyes as he continues to pull her ponytail down and arch her body that much more. As the cock slid over her nose and invaded her nostrils, the smelled of powerful animal lust slapped her senses. The underside of the rod slid down her nose as the tip pressed her lips....

As she was arched backwards, her full breasts were thrust upwards. The hard nipples almost begged to be suckled by firm lips.

When his organ slid past her nose and filled her with musk, Amber's lust increased to a fiery passion. What little of her rational, human side remains was swept aside in a sea of passion. A low growl came from her mouth as her lips were parted by her tongue. It extended to slowly flick the musky hot tip that the wolfman had presented to her. She gently probed the opening and lapped up the pearls of whiteness that came from it. Amber swallowed those droplets with a wide grin on her face.

Her hands on the other two were equally busy as they began to slowly, but firmly, stroking the engorged shafts; sliding up and down, squeezing gently, stopping every few strokes the rub the large heads with her palms. The whiteness lubricated her hands. The odor filled the air...

The grin became an "O" as she took his mammoth penis into her mouth, and slowly slid her mouth farther down onto him. Her tongue rubbed the sides as he filled her. Her cheeks distended until the tip touched her throat without Amber gagging the slightest. Holding him for a second, she raised her head off till just the tip was still in her mouth. On that, she suckled gently. Her tongue licked all over it, concentrating on the grove on the underside. Slowly she lowered her head again. She kept doing this over and over...ready to swallow the flood that she knew would came.

As the wolfman pushed himself deeper between Amber's rosy lips, his heavy balls stretched across the bridge of her nose and landed in each eye. His grip on her ponytail was that of a vise, holding her in place until he felt the desire to retract himself. Slowly he pushed his cock back down between the lips of the naked heroine, sliding it past the rough surface of her tongue until her throat bulged outwards.

With her eyes full of the underside of this wolfman's balls and cock, she could only feel the two male organs in her gripped, both pulsating with potential energy. Hairy fingers encircled either of her bulging breasts, softly at first as the fingers pinched lightly at her engorged nipples.

Amber groaned deep in her throat from the pleasurable feelings that radiated from her nipples. She gently squeezed the pulsing organs as she stroked them. Her thumbs rubbed the white seed that dripped from the openings into the purple heads. Suddenly she she let go to cup their goose egg sized balls. "Mmmmmmm...full...." her passion overloaded mind thought as she 'weighed' them. She resumed her stroking but faster and more firmly. "Cover me with your hot seed!" her mind tried to project to them.

Back and forth the organ moved, with the hairy fist pulling and pushing Amber's head along the length of the straining cock. Back and forth she was moved by the powerful hand.

All the while, her mound produced more and more moistness. So much so that droplets dripped to the soft earth, filling the whole area with a wild mix of female and male ordors, stimulating the foursome to even greater carnal delights.

A wicked thought raced through Amber's mind that caused her lips to smiles around the massive organ between them. Tiny ribbons of light appear from her forehead that dressed her in her uniform. Or rather, parts of her uniform: her boots, skirt with its rear bow, the collar with its front bow and rear flap, and her gloves that were rubbing and stroking and tickling the two hugely engorged shafts in front of her.

With rough dominance Amber's gloved right hand was pulled from the organ in her grip. A pair of rough, clawed hands continued to kneed and manipulate her soft, heaving breasts. The bow that appeared on her chest was ignored as the hands rolled her pointed nipples between powerful fingers, and pulled and rolled the mammaries below around her chest as they stretched skyward above the bent back heroine.

Suddenly, like a chill of flame, she felt a finger pass the length of her dripping sex. It paused for a moment, then passed through again. The sound of the finger being licked reached her ears between the other beastman's legs. Sensations rushed through her, but before Amber could go far with her sexual rushes, the teasing stopped. The fingers returned to slide inside her, manipulating the inner walls of her tender pussy with thick rough thrusts. With a thumb grinding away violently on her clit, the finger plunged fast and hard inside, making Amber's entire body jerk and bounce from the strength of the wolkman.

Amber moved her hips in time to the finger, trying to force it deeper on its downward strokes. She smiled in pleasure around the shaft as the claw on the finger stimulated her in ways she never thought were possible. In response, her channel tried to tighten around the invading digit so that even more could be touched. Her pearl became engorged and rose up from its protective sheath so the wolfman's thumb could stroke it better. Amber's back arched her hips up to it as he did.

Sensing the rising passion from the teen heroine, the wolfman slowed down, then left the rapturous girl's sex. He waited while her pulse slowed some, and the pearl deflated a little, then returned to the fray with a violent stab of his finger into her pussy.

Again, as he sensed Amber's orgasmic passion rise, he slowed down, keeping her on the edge of the massive, mind-numbing orgasm that seemed ever ready to engulf the young heroine.

Suddenly, his lips fasten on to the hard nipple and he sucked. Almost like he was trying to nurse milk from the harden bud. Amber groaned deeply as his lips nurse and his tongue firmly stroked the wrinkled nubbin. His head drew back and gently stretching her breast out in her hand.

"Please..." she thought wildly. "Please let me cum!! Want it so much!!!"

The teeth tugged at her needfully with his nails digging into the circumference of the bulging breast that gathered in his hand. The fingers below slipped inside her dripping sex as the thumb thumped her engorged and screaming bulb. His other hand raked down her side, sending wondrous tendrils of pleasured pain shooting through her, riding along with the erotic pleasure that each thrust and thump ripped through Amber.

She stroked the shaft still in her hand quickly, wanting so much to be covered by his wondrous fluid. Suddenly, the wolfman threw his head to the sky and howled. The penis began the jerk violently in her hands which caused Amber to squeeze it lightly. Hot, sticky jets of white cum shot out of the opening at the tip, quickly covering her face, arm, and body. Amber milked him to keep the fluid coming out, listening to his bellows as she brings him to pleasure. Incredibly, his massive organ didn't soften the tiniest bit! It just kept throbbing, ready to cum again.

From below the cock in her mouth, the world for Amber began to take on a green hue, a sickly vision of a world gone dark olive. Suddenly, as if she were teleported, the world around Amber disappeared. No gradual fade, Amber was ripped from the sexually intoxicating dream to find herself lying on a concrete floor.

Amber lay in a pool of green muck, her body layered and covered with it. Her tattered costume still hung from her, wet and dripping with the olive slime. She found herself back in the lab. Her pulse raced; she could still feel something deep inside her body, continuing to edge her toward orgasm, but never letting her needs be satisfied. There was something else needed, someone else. As her hand slid down to unconsciously give herself the push over the orgasmic cliff, she found a thick tentacle, at and flaccid like a man's organ, between her legs. When she touched it, the thick thing sent a tingle of utter pleasure throughout Amber's body.

"Wake up!" Amber heard a voice yell. Looking up, through her pleasure filled eyes she saw a tall, powerfully beautiful woman. She wore an exposing costume of red, gold and blue. The voluptuous woman was battling two of the tentacle creatures viciously. One was wrapping around her left arm and leg, while the other had wrapped around her throat. In her hand was a rope of purest gold, which seemed to glow from some strange inner light, wrapped around three of the tentacles and binding them tight. A tentacle had forced itself down the front of her red bustier but had been stopped by her belt before it could get under her blue panties and defeat her. This heroic vision could be none other than Ultra Woman.

Amber vomited and coughed the sickly sweet fluid from her stomach and lungs. Then she took a deep rasping breath that filled her lungs with needed fresh air. It caused her mind to clear the tiniest bit.

From behind Amber, she heard a groan. With only the slightest of glances she saw Spiezio pulling himself up from the remains of the glass tube which had imprisoned Amber.

Ultra Woman looked at the Sailor Senshi, the Amazon warrior ravishingly beautiful even in battle. "Get up and help!" she yelled at the dazed, barely comprehending girl. Amber could smell the female heat of Ultra Woman from across the room, and couldn't seem to pull her eyes from the satin sheen of her blue panties as they stretched across the great heroine's sex. With every movement and fluctuation of that material, the tentacle between Amber's legs seemed to ache and groan inside her, almost begging her, forcing her..

A low growl erupted from deep within Amber's throat as he eyes narrowed to slits. The 'dream' had taken her over the edge into a almost primal like state. In her mind, it and reality were the same thing. She wanted relief from the near orgasms that she had been put through but not by some inhuman tentacle. She wanted human, or at least near-human flesh. The nearest was the newly arrived Ultra Woman but she was being taken by another.

"She's mine....." Amber snarled lowly as her nose breaths in the lovely scent of the superheroine. "Get away from her!"

Amber's gloved fingers grabbed hold of the tentacle protruding from her aching sex and let loose a massive freezing blast. Her body spasmed as she screamed in pain, the blast freezing the tentacle within her sensitive walls. The moment the initial rush was over however, Amber pulled the icicle-like tentacle from within her until she held it in her hands.

Remembering that was Spiezio behind her and also remembering what he had done to her, Amber's flight power activated. They lifted her prone body off the floor and whirled her around so that she faced the evil creature. "Die!!!" she yelled as she drove the icicle/tentacle into one of his eyes sockets.

With a last gurgle, Speizio bloated up, then sagged as green ooze flowed out the damage socket.

Amber floated up towards the ceiling and away from Spiezio. She put out her arms and fired a series of strong, focused ice blasts at the tentacles trying to overpower Ultra Woman. First the ones on her arm and legs, then the one at her throat. She zoomed down to grab the frozen things and flung them against a far wall, watching with an evil grin as they shatter into frozen bits.

Hovering just about ground level, the panting demi-vampire/superheroine looked the Amazon eyes. "I want you...." she purred. "Want you to make me feel nice.... Want to make you feel nice...." Suddenly, Amber's eyes rolled back into her skull and she fell to the floor in a heap, unconscious.

Amber hadn't taken blood in a while and when that happened, her body put her into a near comatose like state until it is satisfied. Also all that she had been through had depleted her normal energy reserves to a very low level. In any case, her mind shut down totally. No dreams, thoughts, nor sensations. Just blessed silence.

Ultra Woman gasped at the sight of the collapsing girl. She shook off the frozen tentacles from her arms, and grabbed the last of the monsters. As its greenish black rod punched inside Ultra Woman's mouth, she fell to her knees in surprise. Blue eyes widened in sickening surprise and her throat bulged.

Her hands gripped the slimy thing and she pulls with all her mighty amazon strength. With a surge, she jerked it from her lips just as the tentacle ejaculated its paralyzing semen. The first shot of the dark green cum splashed into her face, the second struck her directly between her lush breasts, and the third along her arm. She slung it across the room to splat against the concrete wall in a spray of green goo and strange little gray and black balls.

Ultra Woman stumbled over to Amber, but each step was more unbalanced than the one before. She fell to her knees again next to Amber. "" she mumbled before collapsing atop the Sailor Senshi. She slumped over Amber chest, her own warm breasts, splashed with the green cum, sinking against Amber's, as her hand slid limply down the dip between the ponytailed heroine's hips.

The room was silent. One man, an alien, lay in a pool of green blood, adripping icicle embedded in his head. The tentacle creatures laid about the room, either frozen or splattered open. And in the middle of the floor lay the two heroines, one atop the other, one out cold from the cum on her face and breasts, the other out cold from her overwhelming need...

Amber's nostrils fluttered as the fragrant scent of Ultra Woman's hair drifted into them. Her brain took the information within and caused a tiny reservoir of energy still left to bring her out of the torpor she was in. Her ears filled with the sound of slow, rhythmic pulses that was music to her starved brain.

Her eyelids flew open to reveal to glowing red eyes. The normal round pupils replaced narrow ones reminiscent of a cat's. Amber opened her mouth as she panted with a great need, her long sharp canine teeth extended out. Suddenly, she bit down on Ultra Woman's neck, the teeth easily penetrating the skin and beyond. Ultra Woman's normal resistance to skin wound from her dip in the river Styx was defeated as vampiric powers were magic based as well.

From her deep sleep caused by the greenish cum, Ultra Woman lurched inher sleep. "Ohhhh..." she sighed.

When the teeth poked two holes in the carotid artery, they withdraw back into Amber's mouth, Ultra Woman's blood following them there. Amber closed her eyes and lightly sucked at the neck to stimulate the flow more. Ultra Woman moaned as she was drained by the demi-vampire. "So good!!" Amber thought as the blood rejuvenated her. It was like being in a darkened room and having the lights turned on suddenly.

Before she took too much to cause harm, Amber forced herself to stop sucking. It was difficult as this blood was unlike anything she had ever had before. Like a fine wine when all you've had before was grape juice. Her tongue licked the two wounds that immediately healed so that no trace was left on Ultra Woman's tanned skin. Amber kept licking until every trace of blood was gone.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm...." Amber sighed in contentment as she lowered her head to the floor. Her arms wrapped around the firm muscular body on top of her. The images of what she had been through so far raced through her mind. Amber knew one thing for sure, that the innocent girl who denied her passions was gone. From now on, she would live life to the fullest.

Slowly rolling Ultra Woman onto her back, Amber sat astride the beautiful woman. She smiled at how she just admired this woman for her courage and bravery. "I was so naive," she thought as she gently stroked the other woman's cheek. "She was all that and so lovely too..." Amber's hand left the cheek to slide down and cup a firm breast. She smiled again when Ultra Woman moaned when Amber gently squeezed the breast through the bustier. "Later my sweet..." she whispered as she felt an unresolved ache between her legs. "This is neither the time nor the place for this... we will pleasure each other in a more comfortable setting then this hellhole."

Amber carefully got off the slumbering woman and stood next to her. "Hmmm..." she said as she looked down at her torn uniform. "Kinky but not appropriate for public." She furled her brow slightly and within an instant, ribbons of light appeared that transformed her stained rags into a new uniform.

Ultra Woman sighed as the light danced across her body, reflecting brightly off the gold over her bustier, her golden belt, and her tiara. The lights played along the ceiling and walls like a golden rainbow.

"That's better and now for this place..." Amber smiled as she held up her hands and fired blasts of magical energy around the lab. The rocks, tubes, machines, remains of the goo monsters, and Spiezio were blasted into bits. "Wow! Never been that strong before!" she exclaims at the damage she did. "Must have been sweety-pie's snack."

She picked the golden lasso and reattached it to the Ultra Woman's belt. Then Amber easily picked the woman up in her arms and flew out through the exit that Ultra Woman had busted down. "The direct approach," she giggled. "I like it!" They flew through the night air, the cool wind blowing their hair back. The pre-dawn glow made Amber fly just a bit faster towards home.

She touched down in the enclosed backyard of her small house. While still holding Ultra Woman, she punched the codes that deactivated the security system and booby traps. As she carried the woman through the house, she saw that the traps to warn if someone had been inside were still untouched. "Goody. I don't have to worry about visitors," she thought as they entered the bedroom.

Setting her lovely burden on the king sized bed, Amber bent down and kissed her on the cheek. "Be right back love. Don't go anywhere." She came back in a minutes from the bathroom with a washcloth and a towel.

Ever so carefully and slowly, Amber washed the green cum from Ultra Woman's face, arm, and breasts. She paid particular attention to the breasts, slowly stroking them with the warm, wet, soapy cloth. "Mmmmmmmm" Ultra Woman moaned in her sleep while Amber smiled.

After drying her with the towel, Amber went back into the bathroom and destroyed both towel and cloth in the bathtub with a burst of magical energy. "That's done," she said, walking into the bedroom for the last time. "I think we'll be more comfortable if we lose these," she said as she pulled off her boots. Amber found the hidden zippers on Ultra Woman's boots and slid them off and placed them on the floor next to hers. "Much better..."

Amber crawled into bed next to Ultra Woman and pulled the silk sheets over them. "Night my sweet," she whispered into the other woman's ear. "When you wake up, we could talk and have some real fun..." she said, snuggling close and stroking the bustier-covered tummy with a hand. "Lots of fun..." Amber rested her head on Ultra Woman's shoulder and closed her eyes.