Amber and Ultra Woman

Author: UW and friend
Time to Read:29min
Added Date:10/3/2024
Stats: Loading....
Tags: Ultra Woman

Her blue eyes fluttered awake an hour later. The room slowly came into focus for Ultra Woman. As she woke up, she felt something on her breasts. Resisting the urge to leap up and kill the tentacle, she glanced down without moving. She sighed in a moment of relief as she saw it was a long ponytail, but then she wondered. "What in Juno's name?" she thought. She looked around the apartment in growing confusion. "How did I end up here? Where was here?"

As she completely woke up, she recognized the ponytail. "It is the young woman that was inside the tube!" she realized. She ran her fingers through Amber's brown hair, smiling at the silkiness.

Amber sighed in contentment and snuggled into Ultra Woman's side a bit more in response.

"Who was she?" Ultra Woman wondered to herself. She felt a little weak still. "That stuff that got on me must have been very strong to keep me this weak."

Feeling her bare feet against the sheets, she felt only a moment of alarm until she did a mental inventory of her uniform.

Her legs, entwined with Ultra Woman's, rubbed slightly against her bedmates firm, smooth one.

As Amber rolled over, Ultra Woman noticed those full breasts pressing up against the sheet. Looking around to make sure she was alone, she reached over and touched the nearest one. "Juno! These are real!" she thought in surprise. With all the implants she had seen she was stunned that something so perfect, so Amazon-like, could be real.

Amber shivered slightly from the touch. She woke but kept her eyes closed and breathing regular.

She slipped her fingers under the sheets and wrapped them gently around the breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I cannot believe this is real!" Ultra Woman sighed.

"Ohhhhhhh....." moaned Amber as her nipple hardened beneath the bow and uniform fabric from the touch. "Of course they're real," Amber said as she opened her eyes. "As I expect yours are as well." She placed a hand on the Ultra Woman's side and stroked down the satin bustier to where the nipple lay hidden. "Yep...Real..."

Tania blushed. "I..."

Amber giggled at the sight of the superheroine blushing. "That's okay," she said with a smile. "I sort of wondered about you too! It's nice to finally meet another woman who's all natural and not 'enhanced' with silicon."

Tania shook her head. "Oh no! I would never change the works of thegods that gave me my body and mind. That would be sacrilege!"

"It would," Amber said nodding her head. "Because you were perfect."

"Are you feeling all right Ultra Woman?" Amber said, looking her in the eyes. "After I destroyed what was left of Spiezio and his lab, I didn't want to leave you there unconcious. I didn't want anybody to harm you in your vulnerable state." Amber gently stroked Ultra Woman's warm side as she spoke. "So I brought you back to my house. Did I do right? By the way, my name is Rachel."

Ultra Woman smiled. "I am Tania. Thank you but we must return to that horrible place to make sure all the creatures were destroyed!"

"That was true," Amber said as her hand moved further down to stroke Tania's bare thigh. "But right now, I don't think we're in the best of shape to do it. It might be a little dangerous for us in our weakened condition. Perhaps later after we've rested."

Ultra Woman tried to rise up but the loss of blood, the alien cum still in her system, and the weakness from the tentacle that had raped her for a few minutes, all made her still too weak to do anything more than any other person. Tania's head fell back onto the bed. "Yes you may be right. I am still so weak from what happened there."

Amber smiled and stroked Ultra Woman's hair. "I am too," she said. "A few hours of bed rest will do us both wonders. Even superheroines deserve a day off once in awhile, right? When's the last time you took a vaction?"

"I guess I should also admit to something else," she said as her hand drifted to stroke her partner's back and firm buttocks. "I'm a half vampire and I needed to drain a little blood from you for me to survive. Not too much and you won't turn into a vampire! That I promise. I do have to admit that you were quite tasty..." Amber trailed off to suckle at Ultra Woman's neck with her lips then licked her way up her jaw to give her a kiss on her lips, with one of Amber's hands on Ultra Woman's butt cheeks and the other cupping a breast.

Ultra Woman touched her neck. "You did? I do not felt..." She sighed as Amber's lips touch her neck where her fingers just were. She sank into the bedding, remembering longingly for her island home and hersisters. The feeling of a woman's lips on her neck and a woman's body against her brought back memories of passionate nights on her amazonisland.

Amber was slightly startled as she sucked on Tania's neck. She had never been attracted to a woman before this. Now however, she couldn't care less. Passions had lit fires that had burned away so many of her silly inhibitions.

" were a vampire?" Tania said softly as she tried to control the rising passion in her loins.

"MmmHmmm," Amber murmured as she nibbled on Tania's lips with her own. Her sense of smelled picked up the delicate odor Tania's mound was producing. It mingled with what Amber was producing. The fire that the dream produced was beginning to rekindle to its blazing fury. "I'm a good vampire though...."

Tania grit her teeth as the pressure of Amber's lips on her neck made her remember all the nights of passion on the island. Her bare feet slid over the bedding as she tried to control her writhing. "Oh Juno...." she sighed, but then tried to hide her excitement, "Juno, I did not knew there were good vampires...."

Amber's legs rubbed against Tania's as she writhed, causing her to sigh against her neck. She kissed and licked her way up the line of the jaw until she reached Tania's full lips. "There were a few good ones," she said as she gave a delicate kwass. "Perhaps later I'll tell you more. If you tell me about your home that was," she said with a smile.

"My home is so unlike this one. There are no men, only us sisters, all you Amber."

Amber blushed brightly at Tania's kind words. "Perhaps...perhaps you could show me it someday? I've been alone so long and if its filled people like you, I would love to be there."

Tania smiled unsure. "I do not know Amber. A woman that goes to our island will be infused with the magic of my people. You would gain our strengths but also our weaknesses."

"Could your weaknesses be any worse then the ones I have now? That I require blood from humans every few days. When I do drink from them, I have to restrain myself from having sex with them. If I don't drink, I could either go into a coma or become an animal." Amber smiled and kissed Tania gently. "We could discuss this more later."

Tania ran her fingers over Amber's neck teasingly. "Yes we may discuss this more when we awaken."

As Amber's hand touched her breast, Tania's nipples rushed to hardness. "Oh Great Venus.." she groaned from deep in her throat. "So long..."

Amber's thumb rubbed around the hard nipple through the red and gold fabric while her hand gently squeezed the warm flesh. "Those monsters took my virginity, but awakened the passion within me...."

Tania's hand slid up under the bow to circle Amber's lush breast. Her fingers fluttered over the nipple gently, as if wanting to make sure her partner was as excited as she was.

She broke the kiss and moaned quietly as Tania's talented fingers stimulated her nipples. "Oh Tania...." she moaned, looking her partner in the eyes. "I burn inside for you Tania... show me what making love is?" The hand that had been stroking Tania's firm buttocks moved up and found the top of her blue shorts. It slipped inside to cup the warm, bare flesh. "Please?"

Tania let out a soft little cry as she gave in to the pleasure pulsating through her. "It has been so long, so many times taken by the men of this world but never with a sister. I can keep my powers with my sisters and it had been so long."

"Thank you Tania," Amber said as she kissed her. "I hope I could please you though I'm inexperienced." The resting under the tights dipped slightly further down until it could cup the lower part of the firm cheeks. "I do have a fire of passion with me that I so want to share with you."

Tania smiled tenderly. "Inexperience was nothing to apologize for dearAmber."

"It also allows for one to taught better," Amber said, returning the smile. "There was much less to unlearn."

As she thought back to the last time she had been touched down there, Ultra Woman shuddered in horror.

Amber held Tania to her to stop the shudders. "Shhhhhh...." she whispered. "Don't think about bad things right now. Just let the magic and pleasure flow through us... It'll make everything right." She leaned in to gently kiss Tania on the lips.

Amber closed her eyes and lowered her head to kiss Tania deeply, pressing her body to hers. Her tongue licked the other's lips. "Mmmmmmm...." she hummed. The hand on butt slowly slid back and forth on the smooth flesh as the fingers traced the crack between the cheeks. A leg moistened when it gently pushed against Tania's wonderfully wet stained shorts. The hand on the breast gave a final squeeze to the breast and slid to her bedmates's back. It caressed her back, looking for a hidden opening. When it found the small zipper, it slowly pulled it down so that the bustier was loosened. Its held on only by Amber's body pressing to Tania's.

Tania slid up Amber's body letting the bustier slide down to reveal the big firm breasts beneath it. "Amber have you made love with a sister before?" Tania whispered in Amber's ear. "It is heaven."

"No," Amber whispered back in awe of Tania's breasts. "I've never even made love with a man, just those...tentacles." The last word was said with a small shiver. The hand that loosened the zipper moved slightly down to the golden belt finding the snap the held it around its owner's trim waist. She unhooked it and slowly slid it off and dropped it off the side of the bed to the floor. Amber took a deep breath and slid the rest of the boustier off. It followed the belt to the floor.

"Oh my...." Amber breathed as she took in Tania's nearly nude form. "The gods didn't make you Tania, you were already a goddess..." She stroked Tania's large, firm breasts, hard nipples, and firm tummy. Amber couldn't resist the temptation any longer and leaned down to suckle the left nipple while her hand cupped and squeezed its matching twin. The thumb stroked the hard nub. Amber's other hand pushed Tania's wet stained blue tights down her hips. A leg and foot helped to slide it off Tania's firm, long legs.

Tania sighed as she felt the cool air of Amber's apartment blow against her most private parts. She pulled Amber's hair free and tossed the band away, smiling as the brunette hair slid down over Amber's face. "You look lovely Amber," She said as Amber's lips circle Tania's growing nipple.

She suckled the hard nipple like a babe suckling her mother's. Her tongue rubbed the bud as the lips pulled at it gently, eventually releasing it so that she could kiss her way down the side of the warm flesh. For an instant, Amber rested her head in the deep divide between Tania's large, firm breasts. Her eyes closed and her hot, moist breath warming the nearby skin.

Amber looked up at Tania through the curtain of her hair. "You taste so good..." she whispered as she nuzzled her face into the other breast. All the while, her fingers toyed with the hard nipple. "So firm but yet soft.... Big, but lovely... Just right for a daughter to nurse from... You'll make them strong with your milk...." Amber kissed her way to the side of the nipple and suckled on it like its twin. Her fingers travelled to the other moist nipple to continue playing with it there.

"Oh yes Amber, she was very strong and beautiful. She was so much like you." Tania ran her fingers through Amber's hair, pushing it aside out of Amber's face. "Yes very much like you."

"She's so lucky to have a mommy like you," Amber murmured as she suckled. "Would be better to be an amazon then a vampire... Lucky girl..."

Her hands roamed over the sailor outfit until Tania found a small set of buttons. One by one, she popped each to slowly reveal the treasure beneath it. "I will show you heaven, little Amber," she cooed.

"Oh yes..." Amber moaned from Tania's wonderful touch. "Please show me and I will pleasure you as well." She pulled back slightly and removed her hand from Tania's buttocks. She slipped her arms from the sleeves. sinously slid from the outfit, and kicked it off the bed.

Tania laid back to watched Amber finish mostly undressing. She lay on the pillow in only her tiara and bracelets. They all reflected in gold from the magic glow of her rope.

The glow from her rope on the floor filled the darkened room with a golden light. It made both of the women's bodies seem to glow with the passion they both contained. As Amber was undressing, the crystal in her forehead started to glow with an amber light, revealing the power that Tania had unleased within the girl.

Amber laid on her side close to Tania with a hand resting on her hip while the other laid on the pillow. Her pale white skin a contrast to her lover's tanned form. Her hard nipples touched Tania's and her wet brown mound almost touching the equally wet golden one. "Show me heaven my love," Amber whispered. "Show me and teach me how to took you there too..." She trailed off when she leaned in to kiss Tania deeply, her tongue sliding past Tania's lips to explore her mouth.

"You are very beautiful Amber. I am surprised you have never shared your bed before."

"I've been so shy Tania... When I feed on people, it fills me with a passion that I held back as I was afraid of what it might do to me. I want to live as a true woman and felt all the pleasure that life could give me now."

She pulled Amber up to her. "I will show you what we amazons could truly do, little Amber." With her amazon strength she lifted Amber up as she ran her legs along Amber's long legs. Her lips met Amber's with her tongue darting between the lips of the sailor.

"Oh yes! Show me my love!" Amber's hands grasped and squeezed Tania's amazing breasts. The thumbs tormented the hard nipples.

Ultra Woman pushed Amber to the side, then rolled on top of her. She continued kissing Amber, her own tongue searching and probing inside Amber's mouth. She twisted her legs around Amber's, letting her sweat mingle with Amber's before pushing her knee between Amber's legs and pressed her thigh against Amber's wet sex. "I will.." she whispered in Amber's ear before nibbling gently on the lobe.

Amber's tongue playfully warred with Tania's as it probed inside her partner's mouth. Her hands stroked the smooth, firm muscled back. "Ooohhhhhh..." she groaned into Tania's ear as the golden thigh touched her most private parts, her hips moving slightly to moisten the thigh that tormented the girl. Her sensitive breasts loved the feel of Tania's pressed into them.

Her hands trailed down to cup Tania's firm buttocks in both hands. She squeezed them together while the fingers traced the crack between the two cheeks. While one hand stayed to caress a cheek, the other slipped over the hip to lightly cup Tania's wet mound. The fingers ran through the silky golden hair but not touching the flesh just below, while stopping to ever so gently tug at the silk once in awhile. "You're so wet Tania..." she murmured into her lover's sweet lips. "So am I for you..."

Amber suddenly broke the deep kiss they had been sharing. "Oh Tania...." she moaned, looking her in the eyes. "I burn so much inside! Those monsters wouldn't let me have my passion completed. If I don't find relief so I fear that I'll be consumed and treat you as a thing rather then a woman. I was so tempted but I withstood it. Please my love... Please took me to heaven but once so that we could then share the beauty of this love."

Tania looked gently down at Amber. She put a single finger to Amber's lips. "Shhhh. I hope you never forget this night, Amber. I hope you never remember those monsters. They were nothing beside an amazon."

"I shall never forget," Amber said, smiling up at Tania. "You were my first lover and they always say that you never forget the first time you made love. Or the person that you were with." She leaned her head up to kiss Tania deeply. "Thank you for being my first."

Tania smiled once more then slid down the length of Amber's body. Her breasts trailed over Amber's stomach as her blonde hair glided over Amber's shoulders. Tania paused to kiss each nipple with her soft lips before moving down Amber's abs.

She shivered as Tania's nipples trailed across her tummy. "Oh Tania..." she gasped as the amazon's lips caused jolts of sensations up her spine. Her fingers ran through Tania's silky blond hair.

Tania's hair followed her, the long blonde tresses tickling Amber's nipples as it slid down. Tania layered soft kisses across Amber's belly, leaving tiny trails of lipstick and love across it.

Amber moaned quietly from all the wonderful feelings Tania was creating.

Looking up at Amber through her hair, Tania smiled. "Are you ready, Amber?" she asked as she ran a finger the length of Amber's sex. "Heaven is waiting."

Amber's fingers moved Tania's hair off her face as she looked down at her lover. "Oh yes Tania!" she panted, the amber light from the crystal in her forehead reflecting off Tania's tiara. Her body trembled as the amazon's finger made her feel things she didn't think were possible. Not even the tentacles made her feel like this. That was just sex while this was love! "I'm so ready! Show me heaven my angel!"

Amber laid back on the pillow with her closed eyes looking up at the ceiling. Her full breasts rose and fell from her almost pant like breaths. Incoherient moans and whimpers escaped her lips as Tania did such wonderful things to her. Her hands gently held the amazon's head to the core of her sex.

Tania dropped wet kisses lower down Amber's abdomen. The soft red lips gently touched the insides of the creamy thighs. Her blonde hair followed her down as she gently lifted up Amber's behind, cupping a cheek in each powerfully tender hand.

Amber shivered from Tania gentle touch. The warm metallic tiara and bracelets caused slightly different but just as nice feelings. She delighted in the loving domination that Tania had on her at this instant and submitted her mind and body to whatever pleasurable tortures Tania had in mind.

"You smell so sweet..." Tania sighed before letting her tongue gently roll through Amber's sex. She slid it back up the length and paused on the nub at the top. She smiled up at Amber through her blonde hair then looked back down. After a deep breath of the lovely scent, she rolled the point around with her tongue, teasing and toying with it.

"OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Amber moaned from deep in her throat. Her hands that held Tania's head tried to keep her talented tongue on that spot, a spot that she had never dared touch before. A spot that grew as the tongue tormented and played with it. A spot that seemed to be connected directly to her brain bypassing everything else.

Tania smiled underneath her hair which hid her face from Amber. She could feel the quivering hands in her hair and knew so well the emotions flooding through Amber. On her knees with her hips pointed upwards, she thought back to the times on the island when she was in this same position with Alexandra, Melania, and Deanna, all sharing the same bed. "Sweet Amber I hope this makes you joyful." Tania slipped her finger inside the wetness of Amber as her tongue continued its magic.

"Oh yes Tania!" Amber gasped. "So wonderful!" Her passage squeezed around Tania's finger as her body quivered from what her tongue was doing. Her mind became a solid mass of fire that built and built....

"Don't STOP!!!" she screamed as she finally gave into the fire within her. "AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" Her back arched high off the bed as she pressed her sex into Tania's face, coating the lovely face with glistening moisture. The crystal in her forehead filled the room with a bright amber colored light as she came hard. All the muscles in her body tightened including the ones that squeezed her channel around her lover's finger. Her mind and body filled a sensation of total pleasure.

Tania grinned happily at the sounds of Amber's screams. She raised up a bit and let her thumb twaddle Amber's love point more.

Amber's body shivered and shook in its arch as Tania's thumb extended her orgasm even more. Her pant like moans filled the room with one word: "Tania!!"

Amber fell back to the bed, panting hard with her eyes squeezed shut. Cooing moans came from her lips as the aftershocks from her orgasm radiated throughout her body. Her fingers ran through Tania's hair. "I'm so sorry...." Amber whispered as she trembled. "So good... So much... Couldn't help it...."

"Shhhh. I am happy for you Amber. You deserve this, to awaken to the work of love and tenderness." She looked up at Amber as her thumb and fingers moved slowly inside Amber's sex. She smiled through the blonde hair over her face. "You were beautiful, and would make a lovely amazon, little Amber."

"MMMMMMMnnnnnnnnnnn...." Amber moaned as she felt the fingers. "If all Amazons were like you then I want to be want to be with you and your sisters forever... So lovely and loving you are... You fill the blackness in my soul with your love..." A single tear rolled from the corner of her eye. "Please Tania.... Please give me a family of sisters that I could love and love me. I've been so alone..."

"Shhhh. Do not cry little Amber, you were with your sister now. We were all sisters."

"Thank you Tania, or should I say, sister."

When her racing heart had slowed slightly, Amber opened her eyes and looked down through her mass of sweaty hair. "I think I glimpsed heaven but I'm not sure," she said with a smile. "Could you took me there again? Then I could help you join me there."

Tania shook her head enough to force enough hair out of her face to see Amber clearly. She smiled up at her, looking past Amber's heaving breasts to look longingly into Amber's dark eyes.

Amber smiled down and looked into Tania's blue eyes. She knew that if she looked in a mirror, she would see the same look in her own eyes; the look of unsated passion. If eyes could pass messages, Amber's would be saying, "Let us please each other my love!"

"You will again, little Amber," Tania said as she raised up. Slowly she climbed up Amber, again kissing her belly with soft touches of her lips.

Amber again shivered in pleasure from Tania's loving touch.

Tania let out a small sigh as she felt Amber's hot sweaty skin press against her own as she moved up Amber's body. Her hands encircled Amber's breasts as if to use them for leverage in climbing the sailor mountain. She squeezed them gently as her own heavy breasts rolled over them.

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh...." Amber groaned from the touch of Tania's hands and breasts. If it was possible, her breasts and nipple had grown larger and harder from the touch. Amber raised her head slightly so that her lips slid on one of the sweaty amazon's breasts. As the hard, wrinkled nipple brushed her lips, she captured it for an instant and stretched the heavy breast slightly before releasing it. "Your breasts are so lovely," Amber whispered as she settled back into the pillow. "I think I could spend forever nestled in them like a babe."

Her legs moved up and Tania raised until her legs straddled Amber's glistening tummy. "First little Amber, I will teach you how to love an amazon and satisfy a warrior." She still smiled gently down at the vision of loveliness below.

Amber smiled up at the glistening golden goddess above her. "I think I'll like being taught by you," she giggled. "Teach me well dearest Tania... Teach me to give you the pleasure that you just gave me."

Tania moved up further until the sweet smell of her own excitement filled Amber's nostrils. Leaving a trail of sexual promise, Tania pushed her thighs over Amber's breasts. She ran her fingers through Amber's now loose hair, lifting her head only a tiny bit as if to show Amber what was to came.

Amber's nostrils flared as her lungs took in the wonderful woman scent that Tania was producing. The scent was like fuel to the fire of passion that was within her. Tendrils of pleasure travelled up her spine as her breasts and sensitive nipples were compressed by the amazon's strong thighs.

"Now little Amber, show your amazon princess what you have learned," she said with a little grin and much passion.

"Oh yes your majesty," Amber replied with a grin. "I'm a quick study and I shall show you what I've learned from my mwastress."

Tania grinned, but waved a finger at Amber. "I am not your mistress but your sister, little Amber. We are equals and partners, little one." Even though Rachel was probably as tall as Tania, she could not help thinking of the much younger girl as little.

"Point well taken big sister," Amber said with a grin. "I meant it as a mistress in the art of love who was teaching her pupil." She naturally called Tania her "big sister" because it just seemed...right.

Amber's hands came up to cup Tania's firm but soft buttocks. The fingers slid into the crack as she squeezed them slightly. She used them as leverage as her head raised up until her nose was buried in the golden mound of Tania's sex. She took a deep breath and filled her mind with the scent. "You smell so nice," she whispered and pushed her nose forward a bit, dragging it up and down through the wet silky hair.

Tania groaned under her breath as her lips were parted by Amber's nose. Her lubricant oozed out in drips of liquid passion. " had been so long..." she sighed. "S..since Solar Flare died...I have been so alone and unfulfilled..."

Amber's tongue licked up the drops of Tania's wonderful liquid. "Shhhh...." Amber whispered. "Don't think about those kind of things. We are sisters now and could love each other. I shall never leave you my big sister."

As Tania's strong hands gently held her head to her, Amber's hands released the cheeks and came around to the front. They ever so gently spread the lips of Tania's most private area to bring it to Amber's gazing eyes. Her lips took one of Tania's lips between them and nibbled on it slightly. She then took a long, loving taste of her teacher, lapping the entire length of the sex with her tongue. Amber stopped at times to circle the tight opening and drank in the droplets of royal liquid her amazon lover produced.

Amber looked up at Tania and grinned. As she grinned, the fehplay finger of her right hand slid ever so slowly into the tight, honeyed warmth of Tania's channel. Everytime she stopped when a knuckle was reached. That was when Amber wiggled her finger inside Ultra Woman. When the whole finger was in her, she began to slowly piston it in and out. Her left hand stroked up Tania's glistening tummy to encircle a big, firm breast. She squeezed the flesh while her thumb massaged the hard nipple.

Subconsciously, Tania's hips started to move with the rhthym of Amber's finger thrusts. She pulled her hands away from Amber and ran them through her hair as she arched up and back, her breasts stretching majestically upwards. "OOhhhhh..."

As Amber held her head to Tania's sex, her eyes took in the glorious sight of her sister above. Subconciously, she increased the amount of pleasure she was giving Tania. She wished to please her so very much and to return what Tania had just given her.

While her finger did its magic inside Tania, Amber's tongue found the pearl at the apex of the slit. Narrowing the tongue to a point, she gently and slowly massaged the organ. All the time, she watched Tania's face for signs of her climax.

As she saw and tasted Tania's fire building, Amber lowered her lips on to the the pearl and sucks with her full lips. A second finger and eventually third joined the first inside Tania's channel. Then they were pistoned in and out in time with the sucks on the earl. When fully inside, they flutter slightly as her hand massaged the breast firmly.

"Oh Tania," Amber murmured. "Let me take you to heaven." She pistoned and sucked and massaged firmer and harder to set her lover on fire.

Tania cried out in pleased surprise as the second finger spread her sex wider. "OHHHH!!" she screamed out as the third finger nearly sent her over the edge. Her fingers dig into her blonde hair as her passion grew. Her breasts felt like rocks on her chest as her every muscle tightened.

Amber smiled as she licked. She knew that she had nearly repaid her sister for her pleasure. "Just a little more..." she thought. Amber knit her three fingers together as she pistons them, knowing how sensitive a channel could be, she hoped the knobbiness of her fingers could stimulate her sister more. Her hand on Tania's breast squeezed it hard as she felt the muscles tighten.

The orgasm slowly swallowed Tania up. She gasped and groaned faster, sucking in all the air her body needs as she tenses. 'Oh dear gods Amber...AmmmmMMNGHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Amber smiled wide as she continued her wonderful work.

The room echoed with Tania's scream of passion. Her mouth opened wide as she threw herself forward. Her body fell forward until all her upper body was held up by Amber's hand on her heavy breast. Her sex gushed with sexual orgasmic juices, more than any non-amazon could ever produce. It flowed down over Amber's hand like a stream.

As Amber licked the copious juices up, she felt a power flow through her body. The gem in her forehead beginning to glow brightly. The darkness that had always been within her soul faded to a mere shadow of itself. She easily held Tania's body up with one hand, something that shouldn't have been possible before. He flight power lifted the two lovers slightly and moved them down the bed a bit. Amber then twisted their bodies so each were lying on their sides.

Tania gasped for air with her whole body held up by her single breast. She gasped as she was lifted up by Amber's flight with her long legs dangling off the bed now. She leaned into Amber as they lay down on the bed side by side.

Amber sighed slightly as their hot sweaty skin pressed against each other. She could feel Tania's firm muscles underneath her satin smooth skin.

Tania's legs locked onto Amber as her body flushed bright red from the intensity of her orgasm. It rocked the Amazon to her very soul.

Amber kept licking and pistoning to extend Tania's orgasm but gradually slowed them down. It pleased her her to no end that she had pleasured her sister.

"Oh dear gods..." Tania sighed as Amber's movements shot pleasure through her body. She wrapped her arms around Amber, holding her close as Tania quivered from her tongue and fingers.

When she felt the orgasm come to an end, Amber slowly pulled her fingers from within her sister's channel. She gently licked up the remaining droplets of Tania's liquid as her hand slowly massaged the breast it had been resting on.

Tania gasped for air as her sweaty body leaned against Amber. She felt so tired. "Oh Amber...that was so good..." she sighed with a big smile on her face. She pushed her hair out of her face and kept smiling at Amber.

"I had a good teacher," Amber said with a smile as she rested her head on Tania's thigh and looked up. "She taught me very well I guess." She started to lick her hand that was covered in Tania's honey. "MMMMmmmmm..." she sighed. "You taste so good...Like ambrosia I suspect. So much too..."

Tania smiled tiredly. "We amazons have very sensitive bodies which explains our great powers but also the power of our orgasms. If you had been a man little Amber I would be unable to walk now from weakness." She kissed amber lightly. "Thank the gods it was you."

Amber kissed back. "I'm glad it was me too. Tania, may I ask you a question? Its kinda personal but I'm curious. Have you ever made love with a man? Not sex but love. Like we made. You're the first person I've made love to so I don't knew if its possible to felt that way with a man."

Tania flushed and bit her lip. She turned away but tried to make it look casual. "Love with a man could be wonderful Rachel but for us amazons it could be very dangerous," she said in a strange sad voice.

Rachel cupped and gently turned Tania's head back to her. "I can see this bothers you swaster so I will not ask more. Forgive me if I've reopened old wounds because I didn't mean to. Perhaps someday you can tell me what causes you this pain. It might help to get it out. Perhaps you won't and I will not mind." She hugged her sister tightly. "Let's forget I ever brought it up, okay?"

Tania nodded. "Thank you, my sister. I should tell you of it. Maybe when we get to the island."

"But only when you're ready to."

Tania kissed Rachel on the cheek. "Ask me again when we were among my sisters. This world of men is not a nice place at times."

Tania's legs relaxed around her so that Amber could pull her body up the bed. She laid on her back and pulled Tania's on top of her so that her sister's head rested on her full breasts. She gently stroked her sister's back with a hand while the other held her close.

Tania sighed as she felt the softness of Amber's breasts. She slid her hands under them and pushes them up and gently teases the undersides with her fingernails.

Amber moaned softly from the gentle touch on sensitive part of her breasts.

"You were so beautiful sister Tania...." she whispered as she kissed Tania's sweaty hair. "I'm glad that I could took you to heaven. It was so wonderful with a sister... I felt...different now. Cleaner... Purer... Stronger... Perhaps you've made me a bit of an amazon already. I do so wish to see your island..."

Tania traced tiny kisses over the rim of Amber's breasts. "Yes, you should come with me to my home, my Amber. You would love it there. My sisters all love one another, there is no hate, no jealousy, we share everything with each other." She ran her sweaty finger over Amber's nipple. "Including ourselves."

"It sounds so wonderful," she said, shivering from the touch. "Forgive me sister if I seem over eager but when could we go? Your descriptions have made me so eager to see this paradise on earth. A vacation perhaps? I could tell that you miss it and your other sisters. I do have the power of hypnosis," Amber giggled. "So I could tried and 'convince' you to take us there now. I'm just kidding!"

Tania grinned and rolled her eyes playfully. Amber sounded so much like her daughter. "I do miss it. It was a paradise compared to the ugliness of this city. Maybe we could leave tomorrow? I would love to see my mother and sisters."

She hugged Tania tightly. "Oh yes! Tomorrow is fine! Thank you so very much my sister! How do we get there and will it take long?"

"My island is always with me, Rachel. All I need to do is think of home and dream of my sisters and I will be there."

"Cool! Do I need to bring anything special to wear?"

"You do not need to bring anything. We wear light robes only to keep the sun from burning our skin. We will have one for you to wear, little Amber."

"Hmmmmm... That might be a tad hard since I don't enjoy the sun too much. It feels kind of icky to me. Although, if you show me the day, I'll show how nice the night could be."

Tania smiled. "The night is always cool on the island without being cold. I love how the mist floats off the sea at night. I can not wait to show you.

Amber laid back and snuggled close with her sister. "Sister?" she asked, "Will you spend the rest of the night and the day with me in bed? I wish to wake up in your arms, bathe with you, and have more pleasures." Amber gently cupped Tania's mound with a hand. "The world can survive for a day without either of us."

Tania smiled. "Yes it can. If we must go, we must Amber, but..." She kissed the rough nipple gently. "We may share each others arms for the night. I would very much like that."

"More then just this night and day...." Amber said in a small moan. Her hands stroked Tania's sweaty back. "I want to be your lover. You said that you hadn't had pleasures with the a sister in a while. Well now that's over. You are always welcome in my home, my bed, and my arms dearest sister." Amber sealed it with a kiss to Tania's forehead.

Tania wrapped her arms around Amber and hugged her, pressing breasts against breasts. "You are my sister, that is all you need to say to me, little Amber. It means you love me and I you and we will share ourselves with each other until Hades takes us."

Amber wrapped her arms around her sister. "I do so love you Tania. I love you with all my heart. We will share ourselves even after Hades took us. When we dream our endless dreams, we shall do it in each other's arms. That I knew now."

"Little Rachel, I will share myself with you but I will also share it with my other sisters. We amazons do not pair up like the people of this world, but we share ourselves with all our sisters."

She nodded and smiled. "I understand and I have no problem with that big sister. You will however, have a special place in my heart forever."

"Is there anybody you need to call? I don't wish someone to be worried about you." Amber thought for a second. "Your daughter is Ultra Girl, right? Like mother like daughter," she giggled. "She won't have a problem with you and me being together? I do not wish to cause a problem."

Tania grinned. "No Amber, unless she is jealous of me being with you. There is an unwritten law that the mother may not share the bed with the daughter, but knowing my little Julia she will love you."

"Thank you," Amber said as she blushed brightly. "It's so weird but before being with you, I never had any interest in being with a woman. Now, I can't think of making love any other way. If Julia is anything like you, I'm sure I'll love her."

"You are both so much alike, so energetic and impulsive."

"Then we should get along fine," she giggled. "Would...would it be all right if I was with her like how we were now? It would be up to her as I wouldn't force her to do anything she didn't want. I love you and wish to make mad passionate love till the end of time but I would like to share what you've taught me to other sisters."

Tania smiled. "That was what you should do, sister, share yourself in spirit as well as body with all our sisters." Tania could not help but grin. "My daughter is also my sister. Our laws say that I cannot be with her but with your loving tenderness I really hope you will be with her one day. I would love to see you two together."

"Is she...experienced? If she isn't, I could teach her as you teach me." She shook her head with a smile. "I still can not believe how much I've changed. Thank you for helping me."

Tania grinned. "She is an amazon Rachel. She is what you call experienced. We teach our sisters after going through the rites of adulthood. This is what you would call puberty."

"Then I guess you will have to teach me then since I'm 'inexperienced'," Amber said with a smile.

"You look experienced to me," Tania teased with a grin.

Amber nodded slightly towards the table on the other side of Tania. "Please call her if you think you should. I don't want her to worry when her mother didn't came home. Or we could go visit her later. This is our day off."

Tania shook her sweaty head. "She will be fine today. Today is for me." she said with a smile.

"And for me as well," Amber replied with a smile. "Perhaps she would like to go to the island with us. In any case, we'll have to tell her before we go."

"Yes she may wish to go with us."

"Good," she said and hugged. "Although I do look forward to spending time alone with you. You can show me all the places you love there. I know I'll love them too."

"One other thing Tania," Amber said as she leaned in for a kiss. "Call me Rachel...mmmmmmmm"

Tania's tongue darted forward to meet Amber's lips. "Sister Rachel..."

Rachel's tongue pressed against Tania's lips until they parted and it dove in. With eyes closed, her tongue explored her sister's sweet mouth. A hand held Tania's head to her while the other stroked her back from neck to buttocks.

"Oh......" Rachel gasped, breaking their kiss. "I may I make a suggestion big sister? Why don't we take a little nap together? When we wake, we'll be refreshed and ready for however we wish to spend the day. Like me pestering you to take me on a vacation to the island." As she said this with a grin, her hand gently stroked the side of her sister. "Making love to you was so wonderful but I fear that we are both tired from what happened before we met and our pleasures. Besides, I wish to sleep in your arms," she said with a smile.

Tania smiled. "I too am sleepy." She slipped her arms around Rachel so that Rachel's head rested on her sighing chest.

Rachel nuzzled slightly into the warm flesh of Tania's bosum. Her sharp hearing listened to the gentle thud of Tania's heart.

Rachel kissed her wonderful sister with a deep full kiss before turning on to her other side. She sighed as she pressed her body into Tania's. "So wonderful...." Rachel sighed and took one of Tania's hands in hers. "I feel so safe in your arms..."

"You have nothing to fear now, little Rachel. If you were ever in danger, a sister will come to you." She kissed Amber on the back of the neck. "And love you."

"And I shall do the same for my sisters as well."

Tania's lasso continued the fill the room with a golden glow. The light glistening off the sweaty flesh of the sisters on the bed. Tania's front pressing against Rachel's back, each holding a hand of the other, their bodies kept each warm so blankets weren't needed. Their eyes closed but their minds filled with loving thoughts of each other.