The Conquest of Amber and Ultra Woman, Part One

Author: UW and Friend
Time to Read:25min
Added Date:10/4/2024
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The morning sun rose slowly over the two napping women. Each was so different, yet so much alike. The brunette lay closely to the blonde, each magnificent creature intertwined with the other. One wore the amber jewel, worth millions from its perfection and purity, while the other wore bracelets of fantastic metal with rubies of equal value. Their perfect, unblemished bodies pressed against one another, each still flushed from the evening's exertions.

Suddenly, like an alarm that shattered the calm silence of the sleeping ladies, the phone bleated out a ring. Both heroines awakened at the sound; alertness is a hallmark of all true Amazon warrior women.

Reaching across Rachel's naked form, Tania pushed the answer button on her speaker phone, then fell back onto her pillow. Tania said sleepily: "Hello?"

"Hello, this you Tania?" a female voice said.

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's me, Sapph, Tania."

Ultra Woman instantly recognized the abbreviation: Sapphire. "Oh, hello Sapph," she said, using the shortened term like Sapphire used, in case someone was listening in. "How are you?"

Sapphire spoke quickly, with occasional pauses to suck in air. She sounded like she had run a marathon. "I, I don't have much time Tania," she said in a hurried voice, "I need your help. Quick!"

She continued as the two heroines reacted. "I need you out at the old Franklin Stove factory, you know, down in Zwicken. You need to get here quick, I'm not too sure how lo-"

Click, and dialtone were all that could be heard. The silence in the room was deafening.

"Mighty Juno!" Tania gasped. She looked at Rachel for a minute before jumping out of the bed.

Rachel stared into Tania's widened eyes for a moment before throwing back the covers and leaping out of bed. She scrambled on the floor to separate the pieces of Tania's uniform from her's. Last night, they hadn't been in the mood to neatly separate and hang their clothes up.

Tania leaped out of bed and instantly started pulling on her red and blue boots.

"Sounds like trouble with a capital T!" Rachel said as she quickly pulled on her uniform and buttoned it up. As she hopped on one foot while sticking the other in a boot, she watched her lover put on her uniform. "Need some help zipping up?"

Tania pushed the bustier to her breasts, lifting them every so slightly then wrapping it around her body. "Yes, please. Sapphire must be in terrible trouble to call me!"

Rachel's mind drifted for a second as she saw Tania's lovely breasts enclosed in the boustier. She remembered how last night she had pulled that zipper down with her teeth. "Gotta keep my mind on business," she thought. "Maybe tonight we could play 'superheroine and villian' again."

"I haven't met her yet. Does she work with you often?"

As she zipped the back of Tania's red bustier, she leaned in and planted a light kiss on her upper back. "Don't do anything too dangerous," she whispered, then stepped back to finish putting on her other boot.

Tania patted Rachel tenderly on the cheek. "We are warriors and we must live with the danger, little Rachel.

"I know that Tania," she said, hugging her tight. "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

Snapping her golden belt around her waist and checking to make sure her rope was tightly in place, Tania took a quick look in the mirror to make sure she had not forgotten anything.

"Oh!" Blushing in embarrassment, Tania grabbed her tiara from under Rachel's pillow, where it had fallen after it was pulled off during the evening's orgasmic excitement. Gathering her hair in one hand, Tania slid the gold curved metal onto her forehead then let her hair fall forward. The tiara kept the still messy hair out of her face.

Rachel giggled as she watched Tania. "We were a bit active last night as I recall. Why don't you tie your hair in a ponytail like mine? A lot easier I have to say."

"Want me to fly us there?" Rachel, now Amber, asked as she stood in front of Tania. "Might be quicker but you'll have to give me directions.

"Yes that would be best Ra..." She grinned. "Amber. It would be faster than running there."

Amber smiled at Ultra Woman's near mistake. "I keep wanting to call you Tania instead of Ultra Woman."

Wrapping her arms around Amber, Tania felt her breasts tighten in her bustier and a tingle start down below. Smiling at her little secret arousal, Tania nodded to Amber. "Okay lets go."

Amber smiled knowingly.

Amber wrapped her arms around her lovely burden and activated her flight power. They lifted off the floor and zoomed out the open window into the dawn sky towards where Sapphire was in trouble.

The two brightly dressed, voluptuous heroines stole the attention from every person on every street over which they fly. They crossed the more populated parts of the city; every block revealed another person pointing them out to others.

"We certainly do make people sit up and take notice," Amber giggled. "Hmmmm... Good thing my outfit is a one piece. Otherwise I might forget to put on my panties one day and give everybody a real show.

Tania shook her head and grins. "I think little Amber you would like that."

Amber grinned back. "I know you would like that big sister."

Tania shook her head. "I do not mind these people looking at my body since it was made by the gods." She grinned again. "But I have to be honest. It is nice to see my sisters take notice."

Amber grinned back. "I took notice of you when we first met! Although I think you look the most lovely when we were on the island and we camped in the wilderness. You taking that shower under that waterfall....." Amber trailed off and hugged Ultra Woman to her a bit tighter. "That whole trip was heaven...."

Gradually the two superheroines entered the industrial sector of Reichsborough. The stagnant smell of rubber, steel, and plastic filled the air. They flew through this nasty air, knowing it was the scent of money to many, but the scent of blood, sweat, and toil to the remainder. Every factory was near the railhead or on the piers, and each had a parking lot filled with the arriving workers who carried their lunchpails inside like men and women going to their doom.

"Yuck!!" Amber said, wrinkling her nose. "This is one time I wish I didn't have a super sniffer! It smells horrible and to make matters worse, it obscures everything else so I could't tell if anybody is there. Be on your guard UW!"

Tania nodded. "Yes it will be dangerous. Sapphire is a very strong woman and to hear her in trouble is worrying me."

"Well if you're worried then I'm really worried."

As the dark green roof of the Franklin Stove Factory came into view, the parking lot around it was empty and pitted with potholes. The high fence around it was rusted and cut open in places. The building itself was a long affair, with a pair of huge double doors at the far end near a large outdoor dock. The other end of the building held another pair of double doors, with a matching concrete dock. Numerous other doors dotted the side of the building, all smaller, regular sized entries.

Amber stopped a fair distance away, trying make out anything that she could with her senses. "I do dislike places like that. Too many places to hide."

"It will be dark inside and we will be very easy to see," Ultra Woman nodded. "With your amber gem and my rope and uniform we will not be able to hide in the dark. "

Amber smiled. "As you've told me many times, we're warriors so therefore we could't let that get in our way."

"Yes you are right. I only want you to be careful, Amber. I care for you greatly."

"I care for you too. I dare say, even more then I do for our other sisters."

Suddenly a brilliant blue flash of light was seen through the stained, dirty windows at the far end of the building.

"Uh oh..." Amber said as she saw the flash. "looked like trouble! That's Sapphire I bet! How about we use those side doors to catch whoever she's fighting in between us? You go in one side and I the other."

Tania nodded. "That is fine. Fly over there and drop me on the roof. I will jump down from there."

"Gotcha!" she said and flew them over to the spot Ultra Woman was referring to.

As Amber set Ultra Woman down, she gave her a quick kiss. "Be careful! I don't think these are amateurs we have here! Not with the way Sapphire sounded."

Tania put her hand to Rachel's cheek. "You be careful too little Amber. There are many evil men in this city."

"But after this, they'll be a few less."

Tania watched Amber fly over to the other side then dropped down quietly off the side of the roof. She tried to look in through any windows, but they were all stained from the years of neglect.

Amber dropped down on the other side of the building and tried to look into the windows. She also found that all the wind ows were closed, and all stained from the inside by decades of grime, dirty, and soot. She heard the whining and humming of machinery from within the sprawling factory. Some of the windows were boarded over from within as well, where the glass had been shattered by the passage of time.

With the shattering of glass and a blast of bright gold and amber, the ponytailed superheroine flew into the aged factory. The inside was dark, but her eyes adjusted in moments, easily capable of handling the dark after a lifetime of avoiding the light.

At the far end, Sapphire stood amidst three men. Each was wearing black uniforms, all form fitting and encompassing their entire bodies. Sapphire floated just off the floor, firing blasts slowly at the three men, all of whom dodged them easily. Sapphire moved slowly, as if in molasses, as her blasts missed the three men badly. The three man circled around Sapphire, watching and dodging, but making no attacks upon her.

"What is wrong with her," Amber thought to herself as she watched. "Even I'm not that bad of a shot! They've done something to her I bet. I shall make them pay for that..."

Around her, odd pieces of machinery whirred and ran, doing little but making noise and turning a few old, rusted conveyors.

It took all of Amber's will power not to zoom in there and start blasting. Since she was part of a team now, she had to wait until Ultra Woman showed. In the meantime, Amber hovered in the shadows with a forceshield up.

As if in slow motion, Sapphire turned back and looked directly at the hovering heroine. Bullets bounced off her azure force field as her dull, lusterless eyes wandered up to Amber. The actions seemed to move slowly to Amber. At the same moment the three men aimed their guns up at the heroine, the side door across from them suddenly exploded inwards, sending shattered fragments into the factory. As the door was tossed aside, in stepped Ultra Woman, her costume glinting in the faint light.

"Uh oh..." Amber thought as she saw the guns pointed in her direction. She raised her arms up and prepared to fire ice blasts in the direction; something to bother them while she flies in to get close up shots. "Time to go to plan B..."

Sapphire and the three men had their attention pulled from Amber in a moment. They all seemed to turn to Ultra Woman in that split second. Before Ultra Woman could cross the hundred feet of machinery-covered floor, or Amber could aim her blast, one of the men fired an automatic weapon at Sapphire.

Amber fully expected that the bullets would bounce off like all the others have.

Ultra Woman leaped over the conveyors. She tried to get to Sapphire to see what was wrong. She seemed so out of touch or something. Ultra Woman did not think anything either except that the bullets would bounce off Sapphire's force field too.

With a scream of pain, Sapphire lurched as the strangely colored bullets struck her in the back. She fell forward a few feet and rolled across the floor, leaving a trail of red behind her. When she finally came to a stop, the back of her velvet blue dress was torn open, with bright red spots dotting it.

"Oh SHIT!!" Amber yelled as she started firing. "You're gonna pay for that!" Her high powered ice blasts were aimed their heads and guns as she flew closer to them. All the time, she was dodging and weaving in order to present a more difficult target.

"Oh Great Juno!!" Tania screamed in horror. Everything moved so slow! She jumped over all the stuff on the floor in one big leap and attacked the nearest man with blows to the neck just enough to knock him out. Her bracelets were be ready to deflect any bullets.

"No Amber! Do not kill them!!" Tania yelled knowing she was much slower moving on the ground than Amber flying.

The three men turned their weapons upon the diving Amber and the leaping Ultra Woman. Bullets sprayed out and harmlessly bounced off force field and bracelets. The ricochets' sounds reverberated throughout the huge, cluttered factory. The darkness within was swallowing, with only a few stray bulbs lighting up around the area of the battle.

"That all you go little man," Amber whispered. "Let me show you what I've got!"

Before Ultra Woman could reach the battle area in the middle of the large, debris filled factory, Amber's initial ice blast struck the first man. The frigid bolt of icy energy encompassed his neck and left shoulder, swallowing his upper body in a thin veneer of ice.

Seeing that he was taken care of, she turned to handle the other two.

"Amber!!" Ultra Woman yelled at her partner. "Stop, do not hurt them! We do not kill!!" she demanded.

Another clumsily raised a fist to punch at the Amazon, but her fluid warrior instincts instantly deflected the blow. A subtle fake to the left left the man open to the blow in the base of his neck that dropped him like a rock to the floor below.

The third man in the rear attacked without any hesitation or loss of morale at the fall of his two companions. As one crumpled and the other fell back, frozen and unconscious, he fired a salvo of bullets at Ultra Woman with one hand and pulled out a knife and threw it at Amber. With a flash of bracelets the bullets bounced off into the darkness with faint sparks on metal; the knife harmlessly deflected off Amber's golden energy field and also joined its fellow projectiles in the darkness.

Before the man could blink, or Ultra Woman reach him to aid or battle him, Amber's ice bolt encapsulated the man's head. His black stocking mask stuck to his head as he went flying back across the floor, stopping with a crunch against a supporting girder.

Amber's lips curled slightly into a smirk. "That's gotta hurt," she whispered.

Silence filled the room. It was hard not to look at the red spots splattered on the floor, and covering Sapphire's shredded back.

Within Amber's soul, the darkness she had thought had been purged by her trip to the amazon island but had only been reduced to a kernel, sprang to life. It clouded her mind and defeated the training that the amazons had given her to control it. Her eyes glowed and the long incisor teeth that she used in the Kiss extended.

"I'm gonna drain you so much," Amber said in a low growl as she floated toward the man she had first frozen. "Nobody does that to one of us and gets away with it...."

Tania could see that Rachel was out of control. She loved her but could not let her kill this man. She loved Sapphire too but death would not bring her back.

Tania took a running start, then leaped up and tried to tackle Amber and hold her down. "Listen to me! You are not an animal! If you kill this man you are no amazon either!"

Tania's leap and tackle knocked Amber off balance and sent the two of them tumbling into a heap. Amber was just about to throw Tania off and resume her advance towards the villian when she stared for a second into her eyes.

There was horror but also love within those bright blue eyes. They were able to get past the Beast that had taken over Amber's mind and stimulated the love she had for Tania. That gave her the control she had lost to beat back the darkness and retrieve the stasis the amazons had taught her.

Amber collapsed to the floor and shuddered violently for several seconds. When her eyes reopened to look at Tania, they no longer glowed. "My god Tania," she whispered. "What did I do..." She buried her face into her lover's shoulder and wept. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't control....IT."

"Shhhhh." Tania kissed Amber gently on the cheek. "Shhh. Remember the training we gave you on the island little Amber. Remember to center upon the love and remember that Sapphire would never want us to kill anyone even if she was dead. She loved us and we will not kill in her name. Shhh."

"Are any of them fit to be questioned?" she asked. "I still want them but in your way, not mine."

As the two heroines laid speaking to one another, they both heard a faint, clicking sound; the steady sound of someone walking in heels. In the direction of the larger end of the building stepped a woman from the darkness. Her body was well-built, solidly voluptuous, much like the two women before her. Her costume was sparse, but silvery and shining in the faint light of the three bulbs, with a billowing cape that draped over her shoulders and glided down her back to just above her ankles. Her hair was a dark brown and hung to her waist in long, languid curls. Her eyes were dark, but shined. The expression upon her face bespoke of cruelty, joy, pleasure, and power.

"This could be good or bad," Amber said quietly to Ultra Woman. "Probably the boss to these jokers.

Tania slowly got to her feet and helped Amber up too. "I think you are right, my sister."

Her voice was deep, mystical, and dripped with icy venom. "Look at you two slutty heroines. You are what is so wrong with this pathetic civilization." She penetrated Amber with her icy gaze. "You could only think of pathetic revenge, but don't think of the danger that surrounds you. Now all you want is to touch that lesbian's breasts."

"Slutty?" Amber said with raised eyebrows as she returned the gaze icicle for icicle. "Lady, you should talk. Ever see your costume?"

Ultra Woman put a tender hand to Amber's arm. "Shh. Do not let her words take you from your center sister. Remember you are a warrior of justice."

The woman smiled darkly at Tania's words. "A warrior? That? I have seen prouder warriors wearing the Roman yoke, wench. She is nothing but a child playing a game."

"Child?!" Amber thought with her eyes narrowing. "Wait until this 'child' gets her 'childish' hands around her neck."

She gave Ultra Woman a look almost more cold. "You have lived for centuries, yet you use this child for your own pleasure. You are pathetic, Amazon. You are nothing but a slut, like the rest of your kind. You think only of guarding and sexing your 'sisters'," she said hatefully, "unless they are not as beautiful as you, or as childishly innocent."

Tania felt her temper rising but made herself calm especially after everything she had told Amber. "I do not know you woman and you know nothing about me or my sisters."

"I know nothing? I knew the Queen when she fought with Caesar, I fought her when she visited Merlin. I know everything about you malignant bitches."

"You're that old?" Amber said surprised. "Geez... Who that hell is your plastic surgeon? I have to say that you're getting a damn good job for the blow jobs you must be giving him. By the way, how much silicon did he use for those."

Tania felt the temptation to smile or even laugh, butthe situation was so serious.

"Neither of you deserves to be the rolemodels you have set yourselves up to be. For that you deserve everything you will be given."

"Well I never intended to be a rolemodel," Amber said. "You are no role model yourself. Who are you anyway?"

"Me? You would know me as many names, but the one that seems most appropriate now is the Silver Sorceress!"

"Never heard of you," Amber said.

With that, she gestured to each side. From the darkness around her emerged four men, two on either side. The two on the left raised automatic machine guns up and aimed them at Amber. The two on the right aimed thick pistols at Ultra Woman.

Amber looked at Ultra Woman and said, "Umm.... I think this is going to be one of those days where we should've stayed in bed..."

Tania patted Amber arm and released it.

"Yes, you two sluts deserve everything your life will become after this night."

Amber watched the gunmen pointing at her carefully, looking for any openings. She floated mere millimeters off the floor so it still looked like she was standing. "Those other ones had something that went through Sapphire's shield," she thought. "Odds are these guys have the same thing..." She looked at Ultra Woman from the corner of her with the look that said, "You lead, I follow."

Ultra Woman nodded. "Then we take the initiative and fight!" she said as she charged them.

Amber's much faster movement carried her forward as Ultra Woman reached out to protect her. The first bullet, strangely colored, deflected off Ultra Woman's bracelet without the usual sparks and metal upon metal sound. The sound was more of a 'thump', and it bounced wildly away.

Suddenly, from behind the two heroines, a blue bolt of energy shot forward. Before either heroine was even aware of it, the bolt struck Ultra Woman squarely between the shoulder blades. The blast was so powerful that tendrils of the energy bolt shot out the front of her chest around her breasts, tearing tiny holes in her red and gold bustier. The bolt spread through the Amazon warrior, giving her an azure sheen for a moment. Unable to move in the energy field, she could only shudder and feel the pain of the bolt. As the bolt expended it energy, Ultra Woman fell stunned to the floor.

"UNNGHH!!" Ultra Woman screamed out in pain. She quivered helplessly for a few moments before she fell. A tiny little plume of blue smoke floated up from between her bulging, heaving breasts.

"Ultra Woman!!!!" screamed Amber.

With the protection missing now, the strange bullets struck Amber. They passed through her golden aura force field as if it were simple light. The first struck her just above the globe of her left breast. The second struck her on the left hemisphere of that breast, and the third hit her in the upper part of her belly.

Amber screamed in pain as the bullets hit. She tried to concentrate but could't ignore the pain.

Each bullet that hit her sends powerful jolts of excruciating pain through Amber. Her body twisted and jerked as the bullets now started playing across her body. The men kept firing, driving Amber back like a limp doll being thumped by tiny balls. She spasmed, twisted, and jerked before finally being knocked down.

She curled up in a tight ball as she panted and moaned from the agony that she was feeling.

Ultra Woman raised a hand as she tried to get up right away but could not. "Amber...."

The pain was almost unendurable for the dozen bullets that had ripped into her. Dazed, Amber touched her painful spots and looked at her glove, but saw no blood.

"What the hell..." she whispered and looked up. "A trap and we walked right into it!"

Tania also tried to get to her feet. She backed up so she could not be shot from behind and had her bracelets ready. She looked at Sapphire in shock. "Sapphire....why? We are sisters and more..."

Amber got to her feet, as a dozen points of pain ached through her, as a shaky Ultra Woman got her boots back under her. From behind the two, Sapphire stood, grinning darkly from ear to ear, her curly black hair dripping with heavy red fluids that also ran down her lithe little legs. The 'blood' dripped off the back of her skirt and plopped off the concrete floor in heavy drops.

Amber sniffed and recognized a tiny odor that she had missed before. "Cute... Fake blood?"

"You're nothing to me, Tania, nothing but meat," Sapphire said, grinning like a maniac. "You'll serve my mistress when she finishes with you!"

Tania was horrified. "Noo...not you..."

Silver Sorceress laughed, a truly evil sound which echoed through the huge factory. "You two will join my Blue Slut and serve those that have hired me to break you," she said with frightening calmness in her voice.

"I know this is silly," Amber asked in a slightly groggy voice. "But would you mind telling us who hired you? I think we have a right to know..."

The Sorceress sneered at the ponytailed heroine. "You don't deserve anything but my disgust, you cheap slut. You only deserve to be treated like the garbage you are."

"Take garbage to know garbage," Amber said. "I know Ultra Woman... Don't egg them on. Bitches like that exceed my temptation limits I'm afraid."

With that, the people around the two dazed heroines leaped into action. Amber's gemstone flashed as she moved towards Ultra Woman, as the Amazon backed up to get all her enemies in her field of vision. Before Amber could go too far, the Sorceress raised a hand up in the air, and it took on a glow. In that split second a beam fired out, and quickly took on a violet hue. It struck Amber in the shoulder facing the Sorceress, sending the Sailor Senshi flying across the factory.

"OHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled as she went flying. Amber tried to use her flight power to at least slow herself down but it didn't seem to want to work.

As the shreds of her costume around that shoulder and outside of her breast fell across the floor, she slammed into a conveyor. Her chest and hips buckled the steel frame and rollered around her body.

Amber screamed in pain as she buckled the conveyor belt. The metal cut into her skin and cracked bones, all of which started to heal almost immediately. She moaned and groaned in extreme discomfort. "Not so tight Tania...." she mumbled, nearly out of it, her eyes glazed over from the shock. She tried to wiggle out but couldn't, her dazed condition making her efforts futile. Also that much of her powers seemed to be gone!

As Amber struggled to pull herself free of the conveyor bent around her, she suddenly felt her head pulled back by her ponytail. Looking down at her is the foggy face, full of hatred, of the Silver Sorceress. She sneered down at Amber with a cold smile growing over her. "You're nothing but a child, and foolish, slutty child. You are a fool, for I know far more than you ever will about...magic!"

Amber's only response was to spit up at the Sorceress's face.

The Sorceress glared down at Amber. "Foolish slut!" Suddenly Amber felt a coldness, a frigidity to the air that seemed to encompass her. She couldn't help but shiver until she realized the awful truth; this was her own cold powers being used against her. The coldness was coming from within her, through her amber gemstone.

Amber concentrated and tried to control her powers but she couldn't fight the outside control. "This can't be happening..." she moaned.

The Sorceress twisted the brunette ponytail around her hand to tighten her grip upon Amber. Her fehplay finger took on a sinister grey glow, and she brought it forward until it touched Amber's gemstone. For a moment Amber could fight the strange invasion of her mind and powers, but with her weakened state and the greater magic talents of the Silver Sorceress, it was a losing battle. A wave of utter weakness flowed through Amber starting from her head and washing through her body until her gem-given strength was practically gone.

"What did you do to me?!" she gasped as she felt the weakness. Her eyes widened open in shock and disbelief. "They're gone!" The magical powers that she had grown so used to over that past years suddenly had vanished leaving a void within her. She could still feel her vampiric and amazon gifts but it was like losing part of herself.

The Sorceress laughed, making the dot of sputtum run down her cheek and fall onto her shoulder. "You're so full of yourself, so confident you can overcome anything, but you know so little. Foolish slut."

"Fuck you!" Amber spat after summoning the last amount of defiance she had left.

"Feeling weak, tramp? Magic is the life's blood of my trade, and you've just become a commodity." Her hand slid off Amber gem, and gripped Amber's face in her hand, with the palm pushing down on the Sailor Senshi's nose and the fingers digging into the edges of her cheeks. Amber could feel the magic growing in the hand....

Amber shook her head violently trying to dislodge the hand. She feared what this woman could do to her like she had feared few other things. "No!" she yelled. "Stop!!"

"I will soon enough," the Sorceress said as she held the struggling Sailor between her clawed hand and grip on the ponytail. Amber could feel herself growing colder, and colder, and colder. Her muscles started to stiffen as her own magic washed through her.

Amber tried and tried to take back control even as she struggled to free herself. She began to panic as she felt the cold. All her efforts were for nothing as the older and more experience villianess had total control over her.

On her hands and knees with her head bent back by her silken hair, Amber had no leverage, which she knew was how the Amazons defeated so many opponents. Without that leverage, Amber was unable to break the grip on her face and hair. She felt a knee stab into her lower back as the Sorceress bent her even further. Through the fingers and hand over her face, Amber could see her foggy, icy breath, even in the sweltering summer heat. Her muscles were unwilling to do what she demanded of them as she felt so cold, so icy, and so rigid.

Amber tried to fight the cold that was flowing through her body. "Nnnnnooooo....." she moaned through chattering teeth. Her eyes began to droop shut as she felt the effect of hypothermia and lowering of her body temperature. Suddenly, she stopped her feeble struggles and dropped into the blackness.

Ultra Woman backed near the wall, allowing her to view both Sapphire and Silver Sorceress and her henchmen. "Don't leave Tania, you'll love her!" Sapphire explained with a terrible, excited gleam and gloss in her eyes. "I have so much to share with you!"

"No! Sapphire, it is me, Tania! Remember? Those nights!? Listen to me!"

Sapphire's laugh sent a chill up the spine. "I've learned better since then Tania. My mistress has shown me what it is to serve in a cause! Not to serve some weaklings afraid to take control!"

Tania looked like someone punched her. A person as wonderful as Sapphire all twisted up like this hurt her deeply. "Oh no...please, not you Sapphire..."

With a burst from her own gemstone, a giant azure hand shot forth from Sapphire's fingers towards the Amazon heroine. Before the still dazed heroine could leap away, it grabbed her around the body, and gave her a powerful squeeze.

Tania tried to move away but the hand was way too large to get around. "Sapphire! You do not have to do this! I..unnghhHHHH!!!" Tania groaned as the hand surrounded her from thigh to breasts and crushed her. She tried to grab the top finger and pry it from around her vulnerable breasts.

"Yes, yes I have to do this!" Sapphire mocked. Suddenly Sapphire looked tense, as she struggled to keep hold of the powerful Amazon. Her teeth gritted as her willpower strained against the muscle power of Ultra Woman. The powerful Amazon heroine slowly pried the first finger away, freeing the painful pressure that was crushing her luscious breasts. The hand twisted and bucked the beautiful heroine as she continued to pry at the hand. Her long blonde hair flailed around her face, but she ignored it as Ultra Woman worked on the next finger around her lower chest.

Ultra Woman's muscles flexed not like a bodybuilder but like an Olympic athlete as the oversized magic finger allowed her to breathe again.

"Get out of here!" Amber yelled to her companion. "Save yourself!!"

"No! Not without you! I would never leave a sister behind!" Tania shouted over the sounds of the fight.

Suddenly, she felt her blue satin tights move. The pinky finger at the bottom of the huge hand slid under her stretching panties. The tip of the finger became pointed, then rounded at the tip. With a downwards slide, it ran the length of Ultra Woman's womanhood, sending unbidden pleasure abruptly rippling up her spine, ruining her concentration.

Tania's blue eyes shot open wide. "What the...ooooooOOOHHH!!" she cried out in unwanted pleasure. Her concentration was shattered as her hips jerked wildly, trying to get away from the probe.

"How's that, Tania? I told you I would make you scream, didn't I?"

The top finger slammed back against Ultra Woman, squeezing her chest and breasts, making the mammaries bulge up into her chest magnificently.

"OOof!" Ultra Woman groaned as her breath was knocked out of her again. Sweat started to break out on her tanned skin as her erotic excitement started to build inside her.

The strange, narrowed tip of the finger pushed inside the Amazon heroine, pushing her hips up into the bottom of the giant hand. A wave of unbidden passion passed through Ultra Woman.

Sapphire only laughed in evil glee at her former friend's state. "What's wrong, Tania? My mistress was so right when she called you a cheap slut!" she laughed. She watched as Ultra Woman's struggles lost their strength against the huge magical hand Sapphire had captured her with. She looked over to the two men that had yet to fire their weapons, and nodded.

The two men took a few steps forward, and aimed their weapons. Ultra Woman could see them, and raised her bracelets to block their shots. However, when they fired, bullets didn't come out the barrels; a fine, white mist shot out in a narrow stream. Distracted by the violation of her perfect body, Ultra Woman was slow to react to the changed attack, and the mist flowed around her bracelets and blew into her face.

In moments Ultra Woman could feel her consciousness seeping from her. The finger inside her retreated, leaving her to only think of the gas that was dragging her mind into the darkness.

Tania gasped. "Gas!!" She pushed at the giant hand around her but her amazonian strength got weaker and weaker.

" me.." she gasped to her former sister and now her captor. "Please..."

Tania leaned forward, her breasts pressing against the hand as her own hands slid over it until her arms dangled over the sides.

"Sapph...." she said one last time before she slumped over the hand. All went dark as Ultra Woman became limp as a doll.

Silver Sorceress stepped back from the arched, frozen form of Amber. She smiled at the look of fear etched on the heroine's face, and admired the way her body bent and arched under the sailor suit. The Sorceress ran a silvery glove over Amber's crystal breasts, admiring the way the nipple edged outwards under the bow.

With a thump, the giant, magical blue hand unceremoniously dropped the unconscious Ultra Woman to the hard floor. In a pile, the Amazon heroine seemed forgotten for a few moments as Sapphire rushed like a lost child to the side of Silver Sorceress. Taking the evil woman's hand in her hands, Sapphire dropped to her knees and put the back of the hand to her cheek. "Oh, my mistress, how did I do? Please tell me you are happy with your pet, please!" Sapphire begged piteously.

The Sorceress looked down at the former heroine with dark joy. "You did very well today, slave. Tonight these two will take your place in the shackles." Her dark eyes narrowed. "If you would've let that Amazon slut escape you'd be the one riding the sybian."

A look of horror filled Sapphire's soft features. "Oh no, mistress, not that, please!" she begged on, pressing the glove to her cheek tighter. The Sorceress pulled the hand away roughly. "Pick this little slut up, slave," she commanded with a wave of her hand towards Amber. "You four grab that damned Amazon, and bring me her rope. Get her ready for travel."

The four men ran to the Amazon who slept soundly in a limp pile of costume, soft yet firm flesh, and blonde hair. Her hands were pulled behind her back as one man bound her arms tightly, the harsh rope digging into her. Another bound her long legs together, tying off sections of the rope at intervals along the tanned legs that stretched out under her. The third man rolled Tania over, then grabbed her long hair and pulled it back as the previous one lifted up her bound booted feet. Without any sign of emotion he formed the hair into one long mass, and tied her hair to her ankles, bending the superheroine back and up, then released her, leaving Ultra Woman in a very uncomfortable position that she had yet to feel. Another man snapped the rope away from her belt and ran in a near panic to the Sorceress, dropped to his knees before her, and presented his prize.

With that, she took the rope and waved him away. "Bring the Amazon cunt over here, now." She ran her gloved fingers over the rope, the golden aura of the magic reflecting in her eyes.

Darkness, whether in a chemically induced sleep that kept Ultra Woman in dreamland, or magical powers turned inward that trap Amber in an icy hibernation, held the two heroines in its powerful, swallowing grip.