The Conquest of Amber and Ultra Woman, Part Two

Author: UW and Friend
Time to Read:23min
Added Date:10/4/2024
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Tania slowly awakened, the blur of dark colors around her. She was lying on a concrete floor, but it was obvious she was no longer in the factory. She was in a room about ten foot by ten foot, with a single steel door to her left, and a heavy, opaque, plexiglass window to her right. Faint lighting came from the single pane of plexiglass in the center of the ceiling. In opposing corners are cameras and small speakers.

Tania rose up and pushed her blonde hair out of her face while looking out of the room. She climbed to her knees. "Where in Hades am I?" she wondered to herself.

The only other thing in the room was a strange little contraption in the corner. It looked like a very small barrel that has been cut in half and laid upon its side. An electric wire ran out the back and into a tiny hole in the wall. What worried the superheroine the most was what was in the middle of this half-barrel.

A rubber, white phallus was mounted into the center of the device, pointing upwards like a finger aiming at the ceiling. It just sat there, doing nothing other than intimidating with its presence.

"Oh Great Juno..." Tania gasped as a shiver runs up her spine.

"So you finally woke up?" a voice, obviously that of the Silver Sorceress, said sarcastically. "You've slept like the dead, Ultra Woman, but I knew you couldn't be dead, you're immortal, correct?"

Tania ignored her and looked for a way to escape. She looked for cracks in the walls or maybe some kind of outline for a secret door. She didn't trust that one door.

Looking over the room, the only exits seemed to be going through the door, through the window, or through a wall. Tania could see no secret exits from this barren room.

"This woman is very dangerous..." Tania thought to herself.

"Tonight we start your training, slut. If you don't do exactly what I say," she barked, "your slut friend will pay for your mistakes!"

The window cleared abruptly, allowing Tania to see through the glass. In the opposite room lay Amber, tied face down upon a sawhorse. The brunette heroine writhed upon the solid oak structure as a vibrator hummed away between her legs. The gag in her mouth allowed only drool, and cries that Tania was unable to hear. A wire trailed up to the vibrator from a point Tania could't see.

"Oh Rachel..." Tania sighed sadly as she saw her sister in such a terrible situation. "Look what I have done to you."

"Do anything other than what I tell you, and the tramp gets electrocuted, and if that Amazon slut gets it in her hole, you know she'll be dead in seconds." The Sorceress laughed. "I know all your weaknesses, bitch, so don't test me."

Tania glared up at the two cameras. "Coward! Come down here and fight me like a warrior. Do not hide behind your gadgets and gasses, fight me like a warrior!" she shouted as her anger rose from seeing her friend so helpless.

There was a long silence, which was aggravating, but the laughter that followed was positively infuriating.

"Don't toy with me Amazon, I lost the weakness of mercy centuries ago. Look beyond the window!" she commanded.

Amber suddenly, silently, screamed in horrific pain as her body thrashed and bucked under the current that flowed through the single wire and into the vibrator. The wire glowed from the heat of the voltage that pumped through Amber's vulnerable body. She shrieked in excruciating pain, but not a peep could Ultra Woman hear through the thick plexiglass. As the current abruptly stoped, Amber collapsed, her chest barely moving as she shuddered in agony for each breath.

"Rachel!!" Tania screamed as she leaped to her feet. She would never let her sisters be punished while she watched!

"Now, Ultra Woman, do what I say, or her next breath will be her last! First, you will drop to your knees, and admit what you know, that I am in control here! Once you realize how pathetic you are, you'll slip those blue tights off and take a seat...on the rubber dildo!"

"Go to Hades!" Tania yelled angrily as she threw herself at the glass. Her hand aimed at the cord that went to Amber's vibrator. She tried to snap it before the Sorceress could turn it on enough to kill Amber.

Ultra Woman tensed herself for the impact and shattering of the glass as she leaped powerfully into the air. Her hand reached out, ready to pierce the plexiglass...

The Amazon was abruptly brought up short as her hand to touched not plexiglass, but cinder blocks and concrete. In the moment of realization, she crashed through the concrete wall in a cloud of cement and plaster. As the blocks fell around her she hit the floor hard, with the concrete trailing after her.

"Ungh!" Tania grunted as the blocks bounced off her back.

Two men gaped down at the heroines from their bunks. As the cloud obscured the world around her somewhat, Ultra Woman could make out a small, ten by twelve foot barracks room, with bunks against either wall, and a door across the way.

As Ultra Woman gathered herself, the two men leaped from their beds. One started to don a gas mask with one hand as he reached for a strange weapon that leaned against the far end of the bunk, while the other man headed for the door.

Tania tried her best to get to her feet and dive at the man with the gas mask. "You will not gas me again!"

With her Amazon training and strength, Ultra Woman recovered from he impact with the concrete wall, the fall, the collapsing blocks, the dust, and the surprise of meeting the two men long before the two men recoverrf from the relatively simple surprise of a beautiful woman crashing through their back wall.

Leaping to her feet, Ultra Woman grabed the back of the man's black shirt and pulled him back, just as his fingers touched the barrel of the strange gun.

"Hey!!" he yelled as Ultra Woman threw him back through the hole in the wall, then snatched up the gun and bent the barrel like it was aluminum foil.

Looking back she saw the man lying unconscious from bouncing off the far wall of the tiny room in which Ultra Woman had been a prisoner.

Tania nodded to herself in satisfaction. "Now it is time to find Rachel and get out of here!"

Stepping out of the small barracks room, she looked up and down the hallway. At one end she saw a heavy steel door, while the other end was a T intersection. Along the wall were three more doors, all looking much like more barracks.

Out of the door just down the hallway, not fifteen feet away, came two men, donned in gas masks, and bearing more of the guns like the one Ultra Woman just ruined....

The two men, looking disturbingly like black stormtroopers from Star Wars with their gas masks in place, turned their wide barrels to face the costumed heroine in the hallway.

In the moment it took for them to depress their triggers and crush the heroine's will in a cloud of noxious fumes, she crouched down and hurled herself at them. Her arms plowed into the midsections of the two men, sending all three, men and woman, tumbling down the hallway. Amidst the black suited arms and legs of the armored men and the tanned arms and legs of Ultra Woman, the struggle soon ended.

As one man rammed the butt of his rifle into Ultra Woman's back, her elbow cracked into the temple of his partner, dropping the unfortunate man before he could do more than blink. Ignoring the tiny point of pain, Ultra Woman spun around to face her other opponent.

"Oof!" Tania grunted but only barely noticed the man hit her in the back.

She came face to face with the barrel of the gun. The opening rested but inches from her face; the faint scent of the gasses within already made the Amazon a bit dizzy.

"Nighty night, bitch," he grinned.

Tania frowned. "Why do you have to use such bad language?" She asked before grabbing the gun barrel.

With hands fast enough to deflect bullets, Ultra Woman reached up and bent the barrel, then leaped to her feet. As the gun backfired, the compresses gasses hit the man in the face, shattering his mask and swallowing his head in the gas.

Ultra Woman dove again, away from the two men this time, as the hallway quickly filled with gas. She sprinted towards the steel door as she started to feel the effects of the gas upon her sensitive system. Her shoulder rammed into the door just as she felt as if she were about to pass out.

Tania tumbled across the tiled floor of the room beyond. As her dizzied eyes focused, she made out first a pair of high heeled, glistening silver boots. Following them up, she saw the dark eyes of the Silver Sorceress looking down upon her. The villainesses hands glowed with magic...

Out of the frying pan...

"Wha...?" Tania said groggily. "Sorceress?" Tania had no idea she was diving into the control center!

As Ultra Woman gathered herself for her leap at the Sorceress, she suddenly felt something slide up her back and twist around her neck. In a second it tuggrf tight as her hands reached up. Looking down showed her nothing except for a rope or somesuch digging into the smooth skin of her throat.

"Ungh! What in Hera's name has me!?"

The Sorceress's hands continued to glow an eerie pale blue, which seemed reflected by whatever was around Ultra Woman's neck. Suddenly the rope around her neck lashed around her wrists as they struggled against the rope.

The glow of the rope that quickly bound her wrists wa obvious; the thin coil of rope glowed with an aura of yellow, shining around the golden threads that made it up. Instantly Ultra Woman realized it was her own magic rope winding about her. It tugged her wrists together before she could react, as the other end of the rope wound around her throat and chest, twisting and wrapping around her breasts painfully.

"Great Juno!" Tania gasped as she saw her own magic rope binding her. Silver Sorceress could manipulate magic! Tania had not thought the evil woman could affect her rope too!

Tania gasped as her bracelets clanged loudly together. "No! Release me this instant!" she yelled at the evil woman.

"Unggh!!" Tania groaned as her own magic rope wrapped around her breasts and twisted them. She tugged on her wrists which only made the rope around her breasts tighten and tear little holes in her tight bustier.

"Stop fighting me! I command you, woman!" the Sorceress demanded. With her own rope around her, Ultra Woman had no choice but to follow her orders. Each word blasted through the Amazon's mind, forcing her to follow them.

Tania sagged to her knees. "I....I...must obey.." she mumbled.

Once she was assured of Ultra Woman's entrapment, The Sorceress smiled coldly. "Stand up, and look at the monitor, Amazon, and see what a slut your friend has become thanks to you pathetic, whore-ridden Amazon heritage."

Unable to stop herself, Ultra Woman was forced to look at the monitors. As Silver Sorceress turned a knob, Tania could hear every moan and cry that burst forth from Amber's lips. Minutes passed as Ultra Woman had no choice but to watch Amber ride and fall through the peaks and valleys of her orgasms.

"" Tania sighed as she tried to look away but could not. Her own rope made her watch Amber's orgasm as she felt her own loins grow hot just from watching.

"The next thing that will happen is this, Ultra slut." The Sorceress mumbled a few arcane words, and abruptly Ultra Woman's golden belt oozed and changed under the power of the Sorceress's magic. It lowered itself on the heroine's hips, and thinned out. The excess material grew like a tiny hill, stretching out forward, and more terribly, backwards. The blue satin of Ultra Woman's panties tore as the gold pushed between her legs, growing inwards like a magical metal dildo.

When the transformation was finished, Ultra Woman's gold belt had become a double headed dildo, strapped around her hips, with one end pushed inside her sensitive, voluptuous body, with the other end protruding outwards, glistening and shining in the light.

"Great Juno!!" Tania gasped. "How dare you do that to my belt!"

The Sorceress walked towards the door, still magically 'holding' the rope that was wound around Ultra Woman's upper body and wrists. "Come along, slut, I'm going to see which of you two will die of a heart attack first."

Tania again tried to resist but had no choice but to meekly follow.

Amber slowly woke up as she shivered uncontrollably. She lay within a room not more than ten foot by ten foot. A bright light shined much needed warmth down upon her as she rose up from the hard concrete floor. A single steel door was to her right, and a heavy, opaque, plexiglass window to her left. In opposing corners were cameras and small speakers.

She hugged herself as she shivered, trying to warm herself better. The bright light made her squint as she tried to take in the room.

"Finally thawing, slut? Good, open your eyes and look!"

The dark glass changed until Amber could easily make out the flailing woman beyond it. She saw Tania wearing the tatters of her uniform screaming out at the top of her lungs as if in the throes of a horrific orgasm. She was on her knees, with her arms chained over her head. A thick vibrator hummed away inside Ultra Woman's body, strapped over her hips. Her waist and hips gyrated wildly as she fought to get it loose; then again, perhaps she was wanting it deeper, it was so hard for Amber to tell. From the end of the vibrator ran a single wire to a point in the wall Amber couldn't see.

"Oh Tania...." she whispered with tears in her eyes. "What have they done to you..."

"If you do anything other than what I tell you, slut, Ultra Woman will be electrocuted. The way to an Amazon is between her legs, and that's the only sure way she could be killed. An orgasm and electricity don't mix!"

"Let her go!" Amber cried. "You can keep me and I'll do whatever you want! Just let her go!!"

"I know you will, and you'll do it longer if I have Ultra Woman in my hands, won't you? Don't play games with me. I'll keep her from orgasming into a vegetable as long as you do exactly what you're told, slut."

Amber looked around quickly, trying to find some way of rescuing her amazon sister but couldn't. From what she had seen of this enemy so far, Amber knew she would do what she had threatened.

She laughed. "I know all the Amazon weaknesses, so don't test me, child."

The evil laugh sent chills down Amber's still semi-frozen spine. "I...I won't. If she dies though, you do too. That I promise."

There was silence, then through the glass Amber saw Tania stiffen. She rose higher and higher, her eyes bulging out of her head. Her arms raised up to her sides, the muscles defined as each tendon quivered as if she were lifting a building. Her entire body strained as she rode out the most devastating orgasm Amber could imagine. Tania began to quake as she struggled to even breath. Her chest lurched and she sagged for a moment before rising up again and gulping down a single breath of air. She seemed to take on a faint blueness to her skin tone.

"TANIA!!!" she screamed. Amber nearly launched herself though the window but didn't. She knew that before she could reach her sister, Ultra Woman would be dead.

Amber's voice echoed around the room...

As quickly as it began, the orgasm ended. Tania slumped over, her body drenched in sweat as she fought to breathe.

Amber leaned against one of the walls, trying to control herself and not do something that could kill them both. She consoled herself by imagining the inventive ways that she would kill the Sorceress. "Drawing and quartering? Nice," she thought. "Wrapping fish around her and throwing her into a pit of hungrey cats? Interesting but that's the training for the Cat-Fist technique. How about just pounding her head into a brick wall 40-400 times? Messy but nice."

"If you threaten me again," the Sorceress said, her voice echoing in the barren room, "I'll kill her the fastest way I could, by making her body overload. Understand me?"

"Got to play along with this," Amber thought quickly. "Got look for an opening somehow."

The Sorceress's voice took on a deadly, harsh tone. "I said, understand?"

"I...I understand."

Amber still felt empty of her gem powers. It was as if they had never existed. She could still feel her vampiric and Amazon powers within her body, but the magic of the gem was gone.

She knews that while she still had considerable power compared to a "normal" person, the gem powers gave her the edge she needed now. Without them, she had to do things she disliked.

"Now that you've seen my strength," the dark haired villainess commanded, "you will fall to your knees and admit you are within my control. Once you do that, I'll have you sit on the dildo!"

As much as it pained her to do, Amber could see no other option then to kneel down. If she was to save Tania and herself, she must sacrifice some of her dignity in doing this. "I will do your bidding my mistress," Amber said quietly, with her eyes looking at the floor. "For now..." she thought to herself.

Amber could almost sense the grin that sat upon the Silver Sorceress's smug face. "Very good. Now, lift up that disgusting skirt. Why even wear such a short thing unless you truly want someone to look up it, slut? That's exactly why you wear it."

Amber ground her teeth at the insults that she was forced to listen to, but kept quiet. Being mouthy wouldn't help anybody right now.

"What you will do is lift that skirt, push your panties aside, and mount my friend over there. If you don't, your dear 'sister'," she said the word with evident disgust, "will have her brain shredded. Do it now."

Amber looked at the Sorceress's "friend" and then looked into the window at Ultra Woman. "Forgive me Tania," she thought. "I know I should be braver but I have to buy us time to save ourselves and this is the only way..."

With downcast eyes, Amber's fingers found the semi-hidden buttons on her one piece uniform. Starting from the collar to the top of the skirt, she quickly unbuttoned them. She slipped her arms out of the short sleeves and allowed the yellow colored clothing to drop to the floor in a heap. Stepping out of them, Amber stood in the room clad only in her golden knee high boots and elbow length white gloves. The nipples of her full, rounded breast hardened slightly in the chill air.

She resisted the temptation to use her arms to cover her breasts and pubic mound. Instead, she lifted her head and gave the camera as much of a defiant look as she could muster.

Amber went to dildo knelt before it. "Forgive me Tania..." she whispered and slowly slid the hard rubber into her dry channel. She moaned as it stuck and pulled on her sensitive flesh. Without her permission, her channel started to produce moisture that allowed her to slide easier onto it. "I have done as you have asked mistress," Amber panted as her straining thighs rested on top of the barrel.

The Sorceress laughed, a long, cold sound that sent as many chills down her spine as the cold rubber dildo sent up it. "It only figures that a slut like you would strip, doesn't it? I didn't say anything about that, but you did it regardless." There was a pause, then, "You'll be easy to train, you little sl..."

"It was a one piece suit you bitch..." she muttered though clenched teeth.

Suddenly the speakers went silent. Moments passed in which Amber could only sit on the dildo and feel her body reacting against her will. The moments became seconds, and Amber could feel her body adjusting itself, changing as she sat on the barrel with the rubber penis deep within her body. Her new Amazon physiology had done much positive to her, but Tania had warned her of the weaknesses of the Amazons, and she now realized one of the dangers.

"Don't know if this was such a good idea!" Amber thought as she felt her body begin to react. Her breathing got faster as a light sheen of sweat appeared on her body. "What did Tania say once? Something about our powers and men I think. This isn't a 'man' so I do have to worry, right?" Amber closed her eyes and threw her head back as she gave into the first wave of tingling from her sex. "So nice...." she whispered.

As Amber sensed the way her sex was reacting to the dildo, and the way her passions started to flow within her, the rubber creation inside her suddenly came to life! Deep within her, the dildo leaped into action, vibrating violently inside her most tender location, bringing alive nerve endings she hardly knew existed....

Amber's eyes widened and she moaned loudly as the sensations began flooding through her. "Got to fight it!" she muttered as she felt her channel produce droplets of moisture that aided the dildo. She leaned forward and rested her gloved arms on the edge of the barrel which caused her hard tipped breasts to push outwards.

Unbeknowest to Amber, a tiny portion of her mind secretly revelled in the sensations. Being with the amazons may have satisfied most of her carnal desires but part of her wanted still to be with a man. The dildo was a poor substitute but it did set off that portion of her mind. Without her knowing it, her hips began to slowly slide up and down on it. Soft whimpers escaped her lips as she rode the wave of pleasures. Her struggles against enjoying what was happening became weaker as she did.

Slowly the vibrator speds up, the sensations within Amber accelerating as the dildo raised up and down the length of her aching sheath. The tip of the rubber phallus vibrated faster than the rest of the evil device, grinding it against her deep inner walls.

Amber clenched her thighs together to make her channel even tighter to increase the sensations. "Fe..feel...weak..." she thought distantly. Not remembering Tania's warning that amazons lose their powers when they have sex with a man or devices that simulate a man, her body and mind was giving in.

Faster and faster it went, sending Amber down the perilous path of orgasm, bringing every sensation she had ever hidden to come to the surface.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!!" she moaned and panted as she balanced on the edge. Suddenly she thrust her hips down so the dildo filled her deep and she came hard with a loud scream.

As if somewhere were playing with the power, the dildo burst into a frenzy of vibration that slammed through Amber's body like a wave.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" Amber was a lovely sight to behold as she squated on the barrel; hip and hands rest on its surface, breasts thrust forwards, and face looking at the ceiling with closed eyes. "So very good!" she moaned. "More..."

With a few slams of metal, then a pause, the heavy steel door to Amber's little prison opened. With a smile of utter power, the Silver Sorceress sauntered inside, followed by the roped Ultra Woman, and two men behind the heroine.

Amber tiredly moved her head so she could look in the direction of the noise. "What... Tania?" she gasped. She was ashamed that her sister had to see how she had degraded herself. Amber decided in an instant to try and act like the Sorceress has converted her to her side. "Might be our only chance..." she thought.

"Amber! Wake up!" the Sorceress commanded. "I'm here to give you a present, you little slut. I knew you'd cum in a matter of minutes. Now for your dreams, you can fuck Ultra Woman until she dies. Understand? Wake up and leap on her cock."

Amber pulled herself off the dildo with a moan and stood before them on wobbly legs. She didn't try and cover herself even though the urge was strong. "Oh thank you my mistress!" Amber said with what she hoped was an evil grin. "But may I make a suggestion? Let me fuck her but not to her death. Wouldn't a full amazon be wonderful prize? They are such sluts that I know a few good fucks could convert her like you have done with me."

With a magical jerk of the golden rope and a kick to the back of her knees, Ultra Woman fell to the floor, then was pushed over onto her back. Unable to fight back by the Sorceress's commands, she couldn't kick back, but fell, only barely catching herself by her wrists, which were bound by her neck.

"Ungh!" Tania groaned as she was kicked down to the ground.

Amber knelt between Ultra Woman's long legs. "What a lovely cock you have sister," Amber said as stroked the golden dildo and gently rotated it, causing Ultra Woman to moan in response. "It's so warm too. Must make you nice and hot inside."

Tania shook her head. "Rachel, no! You must control yourself! Listen to me!" She tried to push Rachel away, but her wrists were tied and the rope controled her still and kept her from fighting.

Tania closed her eyes as the dildo ground around inside her sensitive body. "Oooooohhhh...stoooooppppp..."

Amber leaned over and took hold of the boustier at Ultra Woman's cleavage. With a ripping sound that filled the room, Amber freed her sister's breasts. Immediately, her lips fastened onto one of the large nipples and sucked hard. Her hands encircled the firm flesh and gently stretched it out. Suddenly, her hands and lips let go so that the breast shook and quivered like a bowel of jello. "Amazons do have one good trait mistress, excellent breasts!" Amber's head dove onto the other and suckled noisly.

Tania bit her lips as her nipples leaped into hardness. Excitement raced through her body against her will.

"Amber, there's your prize!" the Sorceress said, a horribly sinister smile on her face.

"Thank you mistress!" Amber said as she moved her body up and placed the tipof the golden dildo in her channel. "Forgive me Tania," Amber whispered in her sister's ear as she pretended to lick it. "This is the only way I could buy us time to escape." In a louder voice, Amber said, "Let's play 'heroine and villianess' again but this time I get to be the 'villianess'." Amber looked into Ultra Woman's eyes and gave her a very slow wink. Praying that the Sorceress wouldn't catch on to what she was doing she slid herself down the golden dildo.

Tania shook her head wildly, making her hair fly over her face and chest. "Rachel no! Do not do this! You will take away my powers! Please, stop!" Tania cried out.

Tania let out a little whine as Amber lowered herself onto the golden dildo forcing the other end to push deeper into Tania's body. "Stop...please.." Tania moaned as she moved her hips upwards to meet Rachel's hips without knowing she was doing it. "Stop..."

The Sorceress crossed her arms as she watched the two heroines battle with their own libidos and passions. "Just as I suspected. I knew you two sluts wouldn't be able to not fuck each other senseless."

She took a step back and leaned against the wall by the door, her own hand brushing over her nipples which started to edge out into the silvery material she wore. As the two heroines continued their activities, she waved her two henchmen in to stand between her and the two superheroines. As she kneeded her breasts, her own gasps were much lower than that of the Amazons.

Tania did not hear a word the woman said. All her senses were panicked on Amber and the gold dildo invading her.

Amber stopped her and her partner's moans by kissing Ultra Woman deeply. Her tongue dove in to battle with the Ultra Woman's tongue. Amber's hands cupped and squeezed Tania's full breasts while her own hard nipples rubbed against the other's.

"Please stop this Rachel! Fight it! If you rape mMMPHHH!!" She tried to pull away from Amber's kiss but she was pinned in place and could not fight it.

Deep down, Amber was thrilled with taking control over this lovely, powerful woman. Instead of being the "little Rachel" she was now in control and she liked it. She was going to make Tania enjoy the pleasure whether she liked it or not.

"Oh Tania..." she moaned as she broke the kiss and pushed down harder with her hips, forcing the dildo deeper into each other. Amber hadn't planned on the sensations of this new way of making love with her sister, feelings that started to make her want pleasure herself to the maximum. Feelings that abort the plan that she had to fool the Sorceress. Seeing the golden rope on Ultra Woman, she tried an idea out. "Stop fighting and enjoy it dear sister..." She trailed off as she nudged her hips forward, moaning as the dildo stimulated them both.

Tania clenched her teeth together to fight the pleasure that she knew would soon take her over. Every time the dildo was shoved into her Tania felt another tiny piece of her amazon strength leave.

Amber felt the pleasure mounting within her as well. She also felt her own amazon strength leaving as well but she had her vampiric strength so it effected her less.

"OOhhhh.." Tania sighed as Amber's command blasted through her willpower making her suddenly ooze with sexual desire. "Nooo...please...stop..." she moaned as her body writhed under Amber.

Amber smiled as she felt the movements. She slowly rotated her hips to cause more sensations within them both.

"Ahhhhh......" Tania groaned as the dildo stretched her a bit wider.

Amber started to slowly piston her hips on it from the base to the tip. Her legs entwined around Ultra Woman's, her body pressed again the other's. Her hands twisted around the plump breasts to hold Ultra Woman still while her thumbs massaged the nipples. Her eyes looked deep into her sister's. "I know you Tania...." Amber's eyes seemed to say. "I know you want this... I know you want to make love to man or how a man may make love to you... Stop fighting and just give in..."

Pinned down by her rope and Amber's hands on her aching breasts, Tania let out a long cry that echoed around the room after she was again commanded to surrender to her passion.

"No...not this...anngghh!!" Her hips moved up to meet Amber's, pushing the gold dildo into her sister deeper every time.

"!!" Amber gasped as she tried to hold back her mounting orgasm.

Every so often, Amber stopped pistoning and took hold of the dildo with the muscles of her channel. She slid it in and out of Ultra Woman as much as the golden straps would allow. She also bent her head down to suckle on the full breasts beneath her. She loved the salty tang of Ultra Woman's sweat. She could also feel them both producing large amounts of honey-like juices from their channels that coated their thighs.

"Oh dear gods!!" Tania gasped as the combined feeling of the dildo grinding inside her and the feeling of a sister pressing against her body made her breasts hard as rocks with her nipples pointing into Amber's mouth like little stones.

Amber's lips and teeth gently tugged and nibbled on the hard nubs within her mouth. She suckled hard as if she could make the large mammeries actually produce sweet mother's milk.

Suddenly, Amber rolled over on to her back so that Tania was now above her. Her hands were placed just below Tania's breasts to hold her above so the full breasts hanged in her face. Her hips thrust powerfully up so the dildo was forced deep with each other. They rotated at the same time so that it ground within them and touched every little bit of the two velvety sheathes. "Harder! Sister!" Amber panted in time with her thrusts as she sucked again at the breasts. "Cum! With! ME!!!" Amber's buttocks lifted off the floor as she thrust up hard and cummed with a scream. "OOOOOHHHHHH TTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNIIIIIIAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed!!

The Sorceress leaned back against the wall, her hands mashing and kneeding her silver clad breasts slowly. Her eyes were half closed, the icyness in them melting as her tanned skin began to drip with beads of sweat. She watched the two beatiful heroines grinding on the floor before her, using them with her eyes and mind.

As Tania's scream of passion echoed around the room, the Sorceress sank against the wall. Her legs trembled, and nearly sent her to the floor. Those dark, evil eyes closed and her head tilted back. Dark lipsticked lips opened in an O of ecstasy as she silently rode out the waves of her own orgasm.

"Oh yes!!!!" Tania screamed as the dildo pressed hard against her cervix. Her hips pressed down just as hard to give Rachel the same treatment. Suddenly, Tania threw her head back, arched her back as far as the rope would allow and came with a loud, incoherent scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

The Sorceress opend her eyes in slits as she drank in the orgasms that ripped into the two heroines. Her teeth ground together as she crushed her breasts, making them bulge against her chest.

"Nnhhhh.." the Sorceress moaned under her breath, even her frigid self-control melting in her passions.

Slowly she sank to the floor as she rode the second wave of dark pleasures that the defeat of the two heroines gave her. Her knees trembled with her excitement as fluid oozed out the bottom of her silver metal thong, and rolled down her crack and onto the floor.

It mixed with the pool that the heroines had produced and filled the room with an extremely erotic odor. Both of the Sorceress's henchmen sported very visable bulges in their pants from the smell, sight, and sounds.

Both heroines' bodies shook and they moaned as their orgasms consumed them. The shattering orgasms drained both of their amazon bodies of most of their energy. Tania went limp and was held up only by Amber's arms who lowered Ultra Woman down on top of her.

She let Tania's body lay on her, her hands cupping her sister's buttocks as her own body quivered from her massive orgasm. She could feel a puddle of their juices forming under her buttocks. Her breath panted in Tania's ear. "Oh so good sister.... So very good..." At that moment, Amber reverted to how she was when she first met Tania. That is, a bit of slut who was looking out for herself.

"Don't be mad with me dear sister," Amber commanded, looking into Tania's tired blue eyes and touching the golden lasso. "You know what I did was right, right?"

"I...I...I'm not mad," Tania said as Amber's command penetrated her pleasure weakened brain. "I did so want it." Amber smiled when she saw her commands work. Tania eyes fluttered closed as total exhastion took over her body.

"Maybe I could make a deal with this Sorceress..." the brunette superheroine thought as she closed her eyes and slept. Her nose nestled in Tania's sweaty, but still fragrant smelling, hair. Her hands cupped Tania's buttocks with her fingers lying in the crack holding the pleasureable weight to Amber's body as she too slipped into the darkness.