The Origin of Violet

Author: Violet
Time to Read:23min
Added Date:9/28/2024
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Tags: Tentacles

A chilly breeze blew through the deathly quiet forest driving a swirl of colorful leaves to rustle past a bubbling stream. A doe arched it neck delicately over to drink from the brook only to start alert. Ears perked forward as the doe came to alertness and bound away from the clearing.

A shooting star of an unusually hue appeared in the star lit sky. A violet streak making its journey across the heavens grew ever larger. A splash of water and dirt kicked up as the shooting start landed in the now vacant glade.

For several long moments there was only the hissing of water boiling off to steam before there was a light groan and the stirrings of movement. A slim form stirred, rising out of the brook, glowing a violet hue like a lavender Phoenix risen from her ashes.

Furtive looks and glances dispeled the illusion of confidence as she took in her new surroundings. "Minutes... maybe moments before they catch up to me...Must rest... Just a little." Light feet took the feminine form towards a sturdy oak.

A shimmering aura of light announced the arrival of another visitor; several oozing tentacles writhing forth ahead of a humanoid form. The willowy visitor adopted a bold stance, right hand held in a fist. A violet light emitted from a ring on her right hand. With a wary whisper, she said, "Moments... Only moments then..."

Moonlight shined down on the thin girl while the water rolled off her shredded costume. Maybe it was once a full bodysuit but now it was only tatters hanging from her tall, thin battered frame. Weird green eyes without pupils were behind a purple mask. Her skin was pale red and her ears pointed, with a flowing mane of bright yellow hair. If any one from this planet, a place called Earth, saw her, they would know in an instant she was an alien.

She held up her fist. Violet energy glowed around her hand with the center of the aura of power was her ring. It was weirdly shaped. it had a round circle of some foreign, alien metal with a bar on the top and bottom of the circle. The ring had no jewels or settings, the circle in the middle was empty.

The alien girl aimed it at an overhanging tree. From the hollow center of the circle in the middle of the ring violet energy formed up, and in the blink of an eye a powerful beam of energy shot out chopping clean in half a foot thick magnolia tree limb. It crashed down towards the golden hued humanoid form rising out of the hissing stream. It plowed the form and tentacles down into the muck of the stream.

The girl leaned against a tree nearly exhausted. That blast had taken so much out of her! She put her ringed hand to her forehead and closed her green eyes to rest.

The stream bubbled up. The girl opened her eerie green eyes. They were filled with horror as the golden creature rose up out of the muck easily throwing aside the tree limb.

"No...great Lwfpo, help me..."

A gurgling sound challenged the girl.

"Shani Stardancer. You will dance among the stars no more."

Shani was caught in mid-turn. Fatigue forgotten, duty called her to do battle with evil. A horrible shriek echoed through the glade as Shani felt her mind being assaulted. Her concentration shattered under the brutal mental assault. The ring dimmed and winked out with out her will power to guide the alien energies. "AAAIIIEEEE!!!" Shani dropped to her hands and knees reeling.

A slurping sound emerged from the river as the Ithliad came forth. Among rasping slurping sounds the Ithliad taunted the stricken girl. "You've led me on a merry chase Stardancer. It ends now."

"Agghhnnn..." Shani slumped onto her left side looking up at her horrible fate. She raised her right hand half-heartedly and oozing tentacles started to descend upon her prone form.

Shani's head throbbed terribly. She had not expected the mental assault and her defenses were weak anyway. Her hand was raised up and Shani could see her ring glowing very faintly. Her willpower was shattered and the ring was almost useless to her.

Her green eyes looked up in horror as the Ithliad walked up to her. "Nooo, no..." she said not really begging but unable to think and only those syllables came out.

The Ithliad was built like a thin, geeky male earthling in body only. It had weak little arms and legs, and a thin, pale gold body. The head was oval with two black eyes without whites to them. The mouth was hidden by four long tentacles.

A golden tentacle lashed out wrapping around Shani's outstretched arm. Shani was dragged through the muck until she lay at the Ithliad's feet. The ugly Ithliad knelt down and took Shani's chin in his hand.

"Beg, Starrrrdancerrrrr!" he hisses at Shani. He grabs her torn blouse and gathers it in his other hand. "Do it!"

Shani shook terribly. "No...never!" she said. With an effort she spat, letting the sputum hit the Ithliad between his dead black eyes.

A tentacle wiped the spit away and the black eyes glared at Shani. "Yourrrrr choice, Starrrrdancerrrrr!" The hands and tentacles jerked Shani forward. In the blink of an eye the four tentacles around the Ithliad's mouth slid around Shani's petite head and neck. The Ithliad's mouth engulfed her lovely face and the tentacles held her head in place with their ends wrapping around her delicate throat.

"MMMHHHHH!!!" Shani screamed but her voice was cut off. The Ithliad rips her top away baring her small pert breasts. He tossed the violet top away and grabbed her hips. Shani can breath a little but she is blinded and can feel his hands and tentacles over her body. Her thoughts were scattered and she could not get herself together. It slowly sank into Shani that the Ithliad was using his power to attack her mind!

His golden hands grabbed her hips and he forced her legs apart with his. A hand easily tore away her purple tights revealing her yellow bush and red womanhood.

To Shani it was only a little coolness on her body. Her mind was slowly being destroyed and swallowed by the horrible Ithliad. She barely noticed that her legs were wide apart and that something was touching her sex. Only a meek groan followed when the thick red organ of the Ithliad violently parted her nether lips splitting Shani open for his rape.

Something inside Shani's melting mind told her that she was dying. No time for remorse but she had to save the ring, pass it on like it was passed on to her.

Panic began to well in in Shani's chest as she fought the Ithliad. Focusing her waning willpower giant violet seashells bracket the head of the Ithliad. White noise floats out bouncing between the two shells breaking the Ithliad's concentration.

Tentacles loosen and Shani can feel the overwhelm need to sleep fade. A few moments respite is all she has earned. With a violet twist of her narrow waist Shani tears at the slackened tentacles pulling free of their grasp momentarily.

Falling to her hands and knees she found her movement slowed down by the sucking mud. This accursed planet seems to be against her as well. The momentary distraction proved to be possibly lethal. The Ithliad recovered now from its attack sought vengeance for the pain it had felt.

Tentacles encircled her waist pulling her back. Hands and feet scrabbled to propel her to escape but could find no purchase in the mud. "NOoooooO!!" Shani howled in frustration as felt her doom dragging her back. "AAGGHN!" A pained gasp of surprise was emitted as Shani felt the clammy touch of a tentacle slip between her nether lips. "AAHHHNN!!" Her already waning concentration was destroyed as this newest distraction wiggled ever deeper into it's her blonde muff.

Shaking off her shock the violet ring was brought forth into play once again. Dimmed but not extinguished, power started to gather in her defiant fist. A mass of tentacles gripped the fist enwrapping it holding the hand hostage. "NOooo*UMPPHHH!" Shani's wail of despair was cut short as a mass of tentacles descended upon her person.


Flailing tentacles move across the television screen enwrapping around a minnow. The minnow is drawn to the beaked maw of the squid ready to snap it's meal in half. "Yuck!", Allysa clicks the remote changing the station. "X-files. Better.", she murmurs. Swiveling in her computer chair, Allysa notes that her search engine is about done. "Now let's see, where were we?"

Alyssa taps the down arrow through all the choices. "OK, let's see. No, no, no, no, no, porn site? No, no, no." She shakes her head at the weird crap that shows up. "I want information on white roses, I get everything but white roses!"

"Ewww!" Some poor girl was getting eaten by some whacked out monster that crawls out of the sea on X-Files. "That's plain old gross!"

She swivels her chair back to the computer. "Maybe Google will get me better results," she says to herself. Alyssa Heward was a woman of about average height with long dark blonde hair and lively china blue eyes that sparkled with curiosity and life. She was a little chunky from her bad eating habits but always did her workouts six days a week. She always felt good even if she needed to lose some pounds. She wears a pair of white cotton slacks, a baggy sweatshirt with the logo "Workout Goddess" on the front of it, a pair of white socks with the Adidas logo on them. Her Nikes sit next to the old desk.

Alyssa nibbles on the graham cracker. "Need icing!" she thinks to herself. She rolls the chair over to the refrigerator and pulls out an open container of fudge chocolate icing. She dips the next cracker in the icing but the graham breaks on the cold icing. "Well, poo."

Dragging her butt out of the chair she hops over to the silverware drawer and gets a knife. In moments she happily gobbles down the freshly iced graham.

On the television the girl was being dragged into the water by the monster. Mulder runs up to the shoreline but sees only the bubbles in the water. "Gross, bet her hair got mussed!" Alyssa says with a laugh.


With her ring surrounded by golden skinned tentacles Shani could not get her power ring to penetrate and aid her. She was helpless! Her arms were pulled behind her and her face, shoulders, and bare breasts were pushed into the muddy edge of the stream.

Squirming upriver against her resistance the tentacle pushed deeper into her sex. Shani tried to wiggle and roll but the Ithliad's hands grabbed her hips and held her in place as best as his weak body allowed him. Her knees sank into the trickle of water and the bottom muck filled her purple boots.

"Starrrrdancerrrr," the Ithliad said as two tentacles wrapped around her neck and head. "Surrrenderrrr!" he commands. The strange mental powers of the Ithliad and the tentacles around her head drained Shani's willpower making her want to give in so very much!

Shani tried to focus her will but it's hopeless. The ring sparked violet but was quickly subdued by the mass of tentacles. She wanted so badly to just give in but that would leave her ring orphaned for any to use.

Shani gasped into the muddy waters her body reacting to the insistent probing. "No," she said in a soft whisper as she tried to rally her dissolving resolution. "OH!" A surprised gasp escaped as she felt the tentacles withdrawn. The sudden emptiness disorientated her.

With a quick shove Shani was thrown onto her back. "Uhgn!" A choked cry loaned voice to her anguish as the Ithliad renewed its mental assault. Thick tentacles restrained her as dozens of suckers pulled at her body. A pair of smaller tentacles enwrapped her stiffened nipples and suckled on them mercilessly. Further down Shani's body quavered as a thick tentacle violated her feminine slit.

An erotic groan was heard among the sounds of the bubbling brook as Shani writhed under the assault. She was rewarded for her troubles with an oozing tentacle that slipped into her mouth filling it out snugly. "Mmppphhh!"


"Ummmm Ummmm good! Ball park franks they pop you cook them.", Allysa watched the hotdog commercial end as the X-files resumes. "Oh, what have we here?" Allysa clicks on a link bringing her to Project "White Rose". "This looks interesting. It's certainly hidden well enough."

Down the page Alyssa goes looking for anything that will tell her how to care for white roses. "Why is something supposed to be so simple turn out to be such a pain!?" she says with frustration. "It ain't brain surgery!"


"Surrrrenderrrrr!" the Ithliad said even though he never moved his mouth. His words entered Shani's weakened mind by telepathy which further sapped her willpower.

Shani knew that the golden skinned Ithliad would soon have control of her mind. The suckers on his tentacles teased her crimson body and the tentacle inside her sex wiggled and toyed with her clit and womb. She was repulsed by his assault but her body was giving in. Her lips curled around the nasty, wet red tentacle that slithered around her mouth. She desperately wanted to bite down and spit it out at the Ithliad, but she could not!

"Mnnhhhh!!" Shani cried in desperation. She could not get her ring to do anything now. Her willpower was destroyed by the sexual and mental assault combined with the red tentacles that slithered around her power ring. The violet symbol on the ring, an inverted triangle, glimmered with purple energy but it was nothing compared to what Shani normally could do with it.

The Ithliad stood over Shani. He put his fists on his hips in the standard pose for conquerors. "Shani Starrrdancerrrr, victorrrrry is mine! Today yourrrr rrrring will have a new ownerrr!!" he crowed pumping his fist into the air.

Shani's heart nearly dropped. She almost surrendered. Yesterday she was Shani Stardancer, the keeper of one of the great rings of justice, the keeper of the violet ring of power, and guardian of this part of the galaxy. Today she was lying in the mud with tentacles poking into her mouth and pussy with this thing promising to kill her and take her ring.

"Mnnhhhhhh" Shani moaned, her pussy hugging the tentacle inside her like she would her lover back on Rigela. She was getting closer to her climax every second and nothing was going to stop it. From what she knew of the Ithliad when she came he would kill her.

"MNOO!" she screamed. She would not die and be disgraced forever as the one that surrendered the purple ring to the enemy!

It was hopeless, she knew that now. Shani tried to quiet her mind and withdraw from her situation. Her body was lost and the greater fight for her will as well. She needed to salvage the situation. She split a part of her consciousness away and began her emergency plans. What was left behind was a helpless victim.

As the last of Shani's inhibitions fled, little was left behind to resist the Ithlaid. Shani's body began to react of its own accord. Long slim legs entwined around the tentacle squeezing it tight as it pumped into her prone form. Her left hand no longer clenched in a fist instead squeezed and kneaded her left bosom eliciting a muffled moan of pleasure. She sucked delicately on the tentacle now as her eyes glazed and her vision fogged.

The shadowy form of the Ithliad faded to be replaced by her Riglenian lover. A relaxed easy smile graced her gentle face as she started to feel her lover began to stroke her higher and closer to a climax. The tentacle that was gagging her slipped out of her lips leaving a slimy trail out of her mouth and dripping on her chin and chest. Almost immediately Shani moaned erotically as her body shudders as she feels herself almost there. She took a deep breath holding it for a moment keeping the erotic sensation held and frozen in her mind, all the time while the Ithliad continued its invasive physical and mental rape. Shani's lips opened an erotic scream ready to roll as she felt the trembling tide of an orgasm coming along...


"EEEEEEEEEEEE's INSANE! He's got radios, televisions, CD players, stereo systems, all at LOW LOW prices. Beat the Christmas rush and come down to Uncle Otto's where it's like having an uncle in the business" Allysa wrinkled her nose at the tasteless commercial before glancing at the newest website. "This looks promising."

Alyssa leaned closer rubbing her eyes. "Stupid contacts always getting dry in the winter," she grumbled with her vision a little blurry. "It is so hard to keep anything wet this time of year!"


Shani was getting so close! Looking over her shoulder she could make out her lover Terrestes and see them back on Rigel. When she turned her head back her moans louder, her lips kissed and her tongue teased the gold tentacle hovering in front of her face. Down between her spread legs rolled her pussy's love liquids running like a stream of excitement and tentacle slime.

Her body bent at the hips allowing the tentacle inside her depths to wiggle its way into her womb. Her lips opened up in a silent wail of desire. "Oohhh...uunhhh...unnhhhhhhh...ooohhhh...." Shani tried to breath but she was too busy moaning with the tentacle inside her puss driving her insane. It was only seconds before...


Her scream of ecstasy was heard by all the forest.

"YYEeeesssss!!!" A slithery hiss of triumph followed. The Ithiliad stood over the dazed heroine caught in an orgasmic fog. Forcing its will on the now helpless heroine the Ithliad relaxed as he forced her mind into a hallucination.

Shani felt herself drifting into a relaxed sated sleep. She was safe and comfortable in the arms of her beloved. The feeling of peace was one she hoped would endure for a long time.

Yellow tentacles started to withdraw, letting the ring bearer's body drop back into the mud. As the tentacles unwrapped from the ring bearer's right hand the ring flew off the finger.

"NOOOOOOooooOOO!!!!" the Ithliad rasped in frustration. The violet ring flew off into the starlit night.


The diamond ring was slipped onto a shadowy black hand. The intense romantic music played in the background. "... the only way to make three months of income last a life time." Allysa smiled to herself. It would be nice to have a diamond ring that could double for a paper weight. Though the money to get one was beyond her means. Still it would be nice to have a special ring.

Alyssa shrugs and hits the surf button on the remote. The X-Files gave her the creeps with all those icky tentacles and she was sick of seeing angels on TV.

Next to pop onto the television is three computerized cartoon planets bouncing around. "Cool, 'Third Rock'!" Alyssa grins. She loves aliens that are a lot more cuddly than that tentacle thing on X-Files!


A purple bolt shot across the night sky coming from somewhere out of the Louisiana Bayou. It rose into the sky like a rocket. The programmed magic in the ring did the search it had done many, many times before in its long existence in the cosmos.

It needed someone brave, fearless, and great willpower, but with imagination and kindness. It needs the right person, someone that would take the ring and make use of it. With Shani nearing the end, it also had to pick someone nearby...

The purple bolt shot up the great river in the heart of America, going northward as the crow flies a single violet shooting star that moved faster than any plane could ever fly.


Alyssa scrolled down the page. ", figures. How dumb am I tonight?!" she said beating herself for not thinking of a page like that first.

"They make purple roses? Figures! Every color in the book. Purple is a cool color for a rose, wonder what it means if you get purple for a gifffYYAAAHH!!!"

A purple streak flew in through the window. The sound barrier breaking the windows and leaving a WHOOOSH in a wake that sent papers flying. A purple ring hovered in the air at eye level to the startled Allysa. "Whoa!" was about all the blonde could say given the circumstance. A trembling hand reached out for the ring...


Shani sighed contentedly feeling her lover brush her cheeks with the back of his hand. She was so tired. The Ithliad rolled the ring bearer onto her face with a noise sucking noise from the mud. He couldn't stand to look at the ugly tentacleless creature before it. The hair though attractive was just cosmetic on the creature. The ring will be a problem. He will need the ugly alien alive a little longer to find the ring, he thought to himself.

Without the ring she was just another Riglenian. Frail of body and heart. She was in his thrall now and he could eliminate her at his leisure. Tentacles wrapped around Shani's head, "First things first." The Ithliad began sifting through Shani's most recent memories to see what had become of the ring.

The Ithliad ignored the thoughts of Shani's crimson skinned lover that was at the top of the former ringbearer's subconscious. He went past the mental picture of Shani in her intergalactic costume. On past the fight that Shani had lost and the thoughts of sex that had set the Shani low.

"Currrrses!" he yelled angrily. Something was blocking him! The ring! He knew it had to be that accursed ring! It had done something to this blonde Riglenian's mind before it had took off!



Alyssa was covered in a purple light that made her feel lighter than a feather. It surrounded her and lifted her out of her office chair and away from her computer. She circled around in place.


The weird purple energy pulled her out through the window shattering glass all over her deck. Up into the sky Alyssa zoomed flying like some glowing superheroine.


When Alyssa finally was brought to a stop she was three miles up. Her house was a tiny speck on the checkerboard earth below. She could see the farmsteads and all the fields marked off like tiny little boxes. She took a deep breath her face red from her fear and her screaming. Past her socks she saw the road she lived on and it looked like a tiny little ribbon winding around the countryside.


Alyssa nearly died. Her heart leaped into her mouth at the sound of a woman's voice. Out of nowhere this woman appeared. She looked like a ghost. Alyssa could see the stars through the woman's body. The lady had reddish skin and short yellow blonde hair. She was wearing a weird purple costume that consisted of a short tight skirt and a loose lighter colored blouse with matching gloves and boots.

"I am Shani," the ghost told Alyssa. "I do not know who you are and I do not even know what you look like. I do not know what planet you are from or if you are male or female. If you are seeing me, I am dead or dying, and you must take my place."

Alyssa was about to choke. What was this a recording? Then she noticed that the woman's purple glow was coming out of the triangular ring. Alyssa raised her hand up. The ring was on her ring finger of her left hand and it was glowing just like the woman.

"How are you doing this?" Alyssa asked.

"You must take this ring," the ghost continued. It was eerie to Alyssa. She definitely had the creeps. The woman did not answer Alyssa's question but it was like she was watching a video. "I may not have time but I must tell you all I can before the end."

The ghost continued. "In a time before the universe was one, there were eight rings made by the ancient powers that brought the multiverses together. They made six that were powered by the six aspects of light, then finished by making two more, one of complete light and the other by the absence of light."

"I was the bearer of the sixth ring of color, the purple ring." Alyssa could tell that the words coming out of the alien woman's lips was not matching what Alyssa was hearing. Somehow Alyssa knew the ring was translating for her. How she knew this she had no idea!

"When a ringbearer knows the ring is in danger of falling into the hands of evil, we send it away to find the nearest person of true courage, imagination, and kindness, with the strongest will. The ring has done a search of this part of the planet or space in which I am and the ring has found you."

"Me?" Alyssa asked both the ghost and herself. She kept looking at the strange glowing ring on her finger. Alyssa could feel the power coming from the ring. The strange, purple inverted triangle was made of metal, she thought, but it had a strange heat to it and that weird inner power that she knew was there...somehow.

"You must take up the mantle. I am no more, or will be very soon. The ring you know wear will make your every thought a truth. You may fly like the birds, you may go into space without fear, or underwater without breathing. You may create anything out of only the light of the ring. You must beware though the ring cannot affect anything yellow. Violet is made of blue and red, and yellow is a color it cannot comprehend and therefore it is helpless to affect yellow. Be wary, my friend."

"The ring has chosen you, you must take it up and use it to do good everywhere in the universe you are taken. There are two others in the hands of evil but you must do what you can to aid the oppressed and distressed whenever you can and wherever you are.

"My name was Shani Stardancer and I ask you to find me and take my body home one day and tell my loved one what happened to me."

The ghost smiled sadly not at Alyssa but at some point in front of the ghost. With a nod, the ghost called Shani faded and the purple glow went back into the ring on Alyssa's finger.

Alyssa shivered. She wrapped one arm around her but kept the ring hand out in front of her. She stared at it while she floated miles above the ground. Someone that might be dead already had spoke to Alyssa from out of this ring and it really creeped her out.

There were superheroines Alyssa knew. Was this what happened to them when they got their powers? Was she supposed to be a superheroine now?

She looked down at the ground again. The wind was blowing up the legs of her plain gray sweat pants but she was not the least cold. Alyssa knew enough to know that being this high up she should be a little light headed since was not used to it, but she felt fine other than this ring.

Allysa hugged herself with a shiver. She wasn't cold but ill at ease. She never considered herself that extraordinary. It disturbed her a little that the ring found her the most fitting of the power it was bestowing on her. She felt she needed to prove herself worthy of this power. Perhaps a dying alien's last wish was the place to start.

Closing her eyes and rebuilding the image of Shani in her minds' eyes, she imagined herself moving closer to her. The ring guided by Shani's last free thoughts hone in drawing Allysa across the late evening sky.

It was fantastic. Faster than thought and near the speed of light Allysa found herself braking quickly to hover over a brook in the wilds. A slurping sounds drew her attention down. A humanoid 'thing' turned to regard her. It looked vaguely manshaped with a squid or an octopus for a head. It was disgusting and ugly as sin the smell alone nearly made Allysa vomit.

"You are UGLY!" Raising the ring Allysa sent out a bolt of violet to spear into the Ithliad. It reeled back surprised, the front of its space suit ripping and tearing under the lavender assault to reveal a pale sickly yellow skin beneath. Allysa was distracted. "You..." she whispered catching a glimpse of Shani laid on her side. She seemed sleeping and still alive. Maybe it wasn't too late to save her.

The Ithliad stood shuddering with rage at the idiocy of this latest ring bearer. To try such a forward assault was useless against him. He was mentally wary and keeping the previous ring bearer in his thrall was drawing on his dwindling resources. Still he should be able to deal with this novice and pervert the rings original intent.

Alyssa saw the glowing ring its bright purple aura almost too intense to look directly at. She had no idea how she had sent that energy bolt at the tentacle thingie. Alyssa had willed it to happen, and it had happened!

"Foolish girrrrrl!" the Ithliad hissed at Alyssa. It raised a strange rod up and pointed it at her.

It did not take an experienced person to know that the rod did not bode well for Alyssa. Even as the Ithliad raised his ugly, warted golden arm Alyssa was already moving. She wanted to jump to the side and before she could even move her legs her ring sent her flying sideways.

The tip of the rod flashed for a moment then a yellow explosion of energy rolled forward. It blasted past where Alyssa had just been standing and hit one of the heavy magnolia trees. With a earth-jarring sound it exploded.

Alyssa was tossed on the wave of fading bronze energy. It hit her like a giant hand had slapped her entire body at once. She flew across the swamp head over heels. She felt a tree snap in half but the purple aura coming from the ring protected her from the tree. She hit the ground and tumbled until she came to a stop against a stump.

The Ithliad turned at the earth girl who was now farther away. "Lucky," he murmured to himself in his own language. He aimed the rod again, knowing it would tear the ugly, hairtopped earthling to pieces but would not damage the eternal ring she was wearing.

Alyssa saw it coming again but this time she would try something different. She wanted to grab a piece of the tree she had accidentally destroyed. When she thought it, a hand came out of the tiny ring and grew in size until it was big enough for the fingers to wrap around the broken tree.

She was angry at this ugly creepo so Alyssa's willpower was very high. The purple disembodied hand threw the tree trunk right at the Ithliad at very high speed.

When the rod built up the energy, the tip again flashed golden for a moment. "Currrses!" the Ithliad barked as the tree came at him. He had no choice but to change his aim. The tree trunk was struck by the ball of energy. It exploded into a million fragments in the blink of the eye.

Alyssa instinctively lifted an arm to protect her but the purple aura deflected all the splinters. The Ithliad was not so lucky. Most of the splinters and fragments bounced off his space suit, but a few pieces hit him in the torn area of Alyssa's first bolt. Tiny drops of dark yellow blood welled out.

The Ithliad knew this was not the place for another battle. He was very tired from defeating one ringbearer and now he was wounded. There would be another time to defeat this ugly earthgirl and get that ring!

The Ithliad left clicked the rod and dropped it. Reaching down he grabbed Shani by her hair while activated his beacon. As Allysa stood and dusted splinters off her she caught a sight of the Ithliad disappearing with Shani.

"HEY! wait for me. A Six foot purple hand issued forth to grab at the alien pair only to close on air. "Darn!, now what am I supposed to do?" Allysa got up with a feeling that she was just cheated.

-----======* BOOOOooooooOOOOOMMMMM *======-----

A fire ball exploded as the rod exploded in a shower of alien technology and hot plasma. The heat was blistering and ate away at the violet aura shielding her from the worst of the blast. Bits and piece the hot plasma ate at her shield. The blast lasted only a second but was intense to the off guard ring beared.

"Ouch!" Allysa patted at her sweat suit a little alarmed. Bits and pieces of plasma had slipped her guard and ate at her clothing. A quick roll in the brook extinguished the smoldering clothing.

"Brrr!" Allysa shivered soaked on her hands and knees in the little brook. "That was disappointing." Standing with a bit of a splash and dripping wet the Earthling walked back to shore. A 50 yard radius was cleared by the explosion and a fire was starting. "Water," mumbled Allysa and a watering jar scooped water from the brook and rained down on the fledging fires, extinguishing them before they go do more harm.

"This never happens in the comic books," Allysa complained with a bit of a shiver from everything that had happened in the last twenty minutes. "I do not remember seeing a heroine on her hands and knees in muddy water. Ick!"

Alyssa shook off the mud that clung to her gray sweat suit. "Okay mister ring, take me home," she said suddenly feeling very tired.

She was surrounded by a purple glow that lifted her off the ground. She left the crater and the blast area behind. Alyssa flew into the sky her honey colored hair trailing behind her like a blonde cape. The sweat suit flopped and bounced around catching the wind around her. Alyssa was protected from the friction of her high speed flight. The ring made the flight feel like a soft breeze.

Alyssa landed in her muddy socks on the deck in her back yard. The glow disappeared into the ring leaving her standing there. Now that the ring had stopped protecting her she was getting chilly.

She tugged off her socks. The upside down triangle ring on her finger was a plain, shiny purple stone. It was hard to believe it had any power in it at all.

"Great now I am going to make a mess," Alyssa grumbled when a glob of mud hit her clean kitchen floor. "Great!"

She had a thought. Alyssa lifted up her hand and held out the ring. It glowed purple then a broom came out of the glow with a small pan. Alyssa used the broom to sweep the mud into the pan and dumped it out in yard without every moving.

Alyssa grinned. "This could be really cool!"

She went into the bathroom. Her sweat suit was torn in a dozen places and hung from her very loosely. "That's weird." She barely shook her hips and the pants fell to her knees.

"Omigod!" She stared down at her legs and hips. She could see the muscle, all that little fat she always had was gone! "OmigodOmigod!"

Alyssa pulled the sweatshirt over her head and threw it aside not caring now where the mud went. "Omigod..." She stared down at herself. It was her body, but it was perfect!

She ran into the bedroom and stood in front of her full length mirror. "Omigod!" she kept saying out loud.

Alyssa fell back on her bed. She always felt attractive but she could never get that hard body she had dreamed of, now here it was! "This is sooooo cool!" she said holding up the ring on her finger.

"Now what?"