Wonder Woman Vs. Baron Blitzkrieg
Session Start: Sat Feb 23 10:17:42 2008
* Wonder Woman- meanwhile has been investigating the recent theft of certain
equipment, and the recent rumors of scientists being involved in strange genetic
experiments. She does not know if it is connected to the rumors she has heard of
a gathering of Aryan Nation gang members...that have seemingly set up some sort
of secret laboratory....
* Wonder Woman- fought against the Nazi threat in World War 2, and she believes
it is her destiny to make sure such a horrible movement is not
resurrected...especially her in the United States, her adopted home.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg many are injured... several badly... a couple still in comas
from the overly brutal fights within the cage... many protest to the
authorities, but because of the waivers all the fighters have fought the
battles, there is nothing that anyone can do... other then make money hand over
* Baron Blitzkrieg in the end... a 6'4" 300 pound ex-navy SEAL won the
competition... he is strong ... fast... and brutal... none of his opponents ever
stood a chance. Later... he was taken to the Aryan secret laboratory... and
given a series of injections
* Baron Blitzkrieg his body was bombarded by special radiations... which caused
the serums to bond with his cells on a molecular level... to mess with his
DNA... and slowly... gradually... replace his DNA...
* Baron Blitzkrieg it was a terrible ordeal... but, as his body was very close
already to the physical makeup of the DNA 'donor'... the experiment was a
success... and ... Baron Blitzkrieg was reborn!!
* Baron Blitzkrieg the steroids adding to his strength... his super strength
magnified... his degree of invulnerability enhanced by the human growth
hormones... so that he will be able to quickly heal from any injury that does
occure... he is able now to project powerful beams of energy from his eyes.... a
mix of heat and kinetic energy that can easily punch through 6 inches of steel
or 3 feet of concrete... even the Baron's gift of flight is also realized
* Baron Blitzkrieg the leaders are very pleased... because of the powers... now
all are realized at once... but... there is a setback... the memories within the
DNA... have also mixed with the warriors own... and thus... driven the man quite
insane. Now much more violent and hate filled... especially for ... Wonder
* Wonder Woman- learns of the rumors about strange genetic experiments and
advances in drugs and radiation that seemingly have gone on throughout the
country. So far, the persons responsible were doing a very good job of covering
their every move, but Wonder Woman was starting to put everything together. She
arrives in Las Vegas...
* Wonder Woman- tries to think of what and who is responsible for this, but all
of her clues have led her to this city. Upon arriving, she finds one of the most
powerful crime lords and easily makes her way through his security before using
the lasso of truth on him and finding out everything he knows...
* Wonder Woman- listens as he tells her about a secret underground fighting
arena and that something big was going on, but even he did not know exactly
* Wonder Woman- knows the man cannot lie to him while he is in the grip of her
lasso, so she knows there is still more investigating to be done....
* Baron Blitzkrieg the crime lord knows little.. other than the Aryan nation is
making an all-out push... wanting to make lots and lots of money
* Wonder Woman- flies to the special underground arena. The doors have been
locked shut with several heavy chains, but she reaches out and rips the doors
off like they are made of paper. She throws them behind her as she steps
* Baron Blitzkrieg they are apparently now selling huge amounts of crack and
meth and coke... regardless of the risks... making lots of money... millions...
but, they seem to want more... they are wanting to to make deals with the higher
ups of the criminal enterprises
* Wonder Woman- smells horrible smells...dried blood, sweat,
alcohol....everything mixing into a very pungent aroma as she walks into the
* Baron Blitzkrieg with the top of the food chain.. with the sharks of the
baddies.... with the super villains! But... that is all that he really knows...
he doesn't know WHY
* Wonder Woman- sees the large, metal cage...seeing it stained red with blood
as she walks inside of the sandy arena....her eyes narrow as she looks up to see
something she had hoped she would never see again...large banners with Nazi
swastikas on them....
* Wonder Woman- felt a chill running through her spine...the thought of these
twisted people attaching themselves to the evil ideology of Nazi life caused
even her a minute of pause...knowing now the rumors of the Aryan nation's
involvement were true...and something horrible had happened within this
* Baron Blitzkrieg the leaders have a problem now... in that their coffers are
severely drained... it is time to go on an all-out huge drug push... and there
are many sales of coke and crack and meth across the states... but still.. they
know that they need to make much more money.. money that is only realized by the
super-rich - super rich and evil - from the villains! So, they come up with a
plan... to make the Aryan Nation a true leader of global politics
* Baron Blitzkrieg they have to show that they are powerful enough to take on
the meta-humans... the super-powered heroes and heroines... and... there is one
enemy that they, as the Aryan Nation, as the Nazi brood, has come to fear and
despise... the superheroine that Baron Blitzkrieg wants to face... Wonder
* Baron Blitzkrieg the leaders have learned that Wonder Woman is now in
Vegas... a bit behind ... but still following the path towards them... it will
only be a matter of time before she finds one of the warehouses that is
interconnected with the prisons... the drug trafficking... and the secret lab in
the desert
* Baron Blitzkrieg they cannot afford her finding the lab... so they sent Baron
Blitzkrieg... and a handful of his associates... who also were injected with the
special drugs at the laboratory... so that they are very strong and very fast...
but not with the DNA mix to make them SUPER powerful...
* Wonder Woman- puts together a plan very quickly while inside the secret
underground fighting arena. She is not a detective, but she is more of a
warrior, but she knows that she can probably find someone out there that knows
about the Aryan Nation's drug warehouses and other crimes....it would only take
a matter of hours for her to find out where the laboratory is....
* Baron Blitzkrieg there.. they set up the trap... Baron Blitzkrieg staying
hidden ... the ace in the hole... the others.... mixing in with the regular
workers... as security ... each over 6'2" ... each 250 pounds at least of solid
muscle... shaved heads... back t-shirts and black pants and black boots... all
tattooed with swastikas
* Baron Blitzkrieg and .. you do... a warehouse is mentioned by several... a
distribution point for the Brotherhood...
* Baron Blitzkrieg just on the outskirts of the city... near the rail line and
a highway... the perfect spot that is outside city limits and yet still near the
transportation industry
* Wonder Woman- flies toward the warehouse mentioned by all of the goons she
has has interrogated, her tall, athletic body flying in the sky, her
star-spangled outfit just barely seen by various people below as she flies out
past the city and lands by a warehouse that looks abandoned on the outside, but
that she knows is bustling with criminal activity inside...
* Baron Blitzkrieg the leaders have determined that this will be the battle
ground... the place of Wonder Woman's defeat and capture... and thus the
majority of the drugs has been moved to another place... just enough there now
to make it seem viable.. enough workers to move the goods... stolen goods in...
drugs out... a number of large burly bald guards in black with submachine guns
watching over all
* Baron Blitzkrieg the warehouse wired... cameras hidden everywhere... each act
and motion seen and recorded... the approach of Wonder Woman detected...
* Wonder Woman- does not waste any time. She is not afraid of the Aryan Nation
at all...she considers them to be a prison gang and nothing more, and definitely
not a match for her...not knowing about how far the experiments have already
come. She wastes no time at all and instead flies right through the doors,
splintering them into hundreds of pieces...
* Baron Blitzkrieg there is immediate panic... as the workers yell and holler
and start to scatter... some jumping into trucks which race towards the exits...
several of the black clad Nazis shooting at you with their machine pistols!
* Wonder Woman- moves as fast as a red white and blue blur, her long silver
bracelets deflecting every bullet that comes her way, seeing the bullets
ricocheting over of her bracelets and sending the bullets back to knock the guns
out of their hands...
* Baron Blitzkrieg there are screams of pain as machine guns are broken ... as
well as some hands... the workers taking little time in evacuating the
warehouse... to leave the skinheads to battle you... leaving the goods behind...
wishing only to save their own hides...
* Baron Blitzkrieg a couple of the men bull rush towards you... large muscular
arms out to grab ahold of your body ... teeth bared .. eyes hate filled
* Wonder Woman- approaches the skinheads, her face showing no hesitation and
fear at all. She sees the men coming to grab her and she responds by quickly
kicking her leg towards one and using her fist to try and punch the other....
* Baron Blitzkrieg the men are fast... and strong... filled with the power of
steroids... fueled by the " 'roid rage "... veterans of the battle cage wars...
and yet... they are no match for you... your Amazonian battle skills and speed
and strength knocking the two aside like they were toys
* Baron Blitzkrieg another leaps down from the catwalk above... as the one with
the broken hand pulls at his hand .. straightening the fractured bones... the
HGH within him starting the healing process ...
* Baron Blitzkrieg they are professionals... quiet and quick.. not giving away
their positions or acts with yells or screams... they know that this is a battle
that they must win!
* Wonder Woman- watches the man fix her hand. She reacts with a bit of disgust
as she realizes the men have already dabbled in the genetics, perverting their
own bodies. She sees one jumping at her from above and she responds by reaching
up with perfect timing, trying to grab his throat...
* Baron Blitzkrieg the man _1 uurrkkkks _6 as you grab his throat.. his hand
gripping your muscular forearms... his feet swinging down as he attempts to
drive his Doc Marten boots into your body !
* Wonder Woman- feels his heavy boots hitting her stomach, causing her to
stumble backwards a bit, forcing her to drop the man as she tries to recover
from the quick hit to her stomach...
* Baron Blitzkrieg he falls to his back... grunting ... quickly twisting... his
right foot sweeping at your legs... trying to take you down.. or at least
distract you from another pair of men rushing you from behind, who discard their
weapons as they do not want to shoot their partner... indeed... you are not
wanted dead... so they do not even try
* Wonder Woman- sees the man trying to sweep at her legs, but she easily jumps
over his attempt. In mid-air, she notices the other two men coming for her and
she can hardly react in time, only managing to kick out her booted foot at one
of them as she is in the air....
* Baron Blitzkrieg there is a snapping sound.. as the man's jaw does something
that it isn't designed to... to go sideways... and he crumples to the floor with
the other two unconscious men... half the skinhead force down and out... one
hurt with a broken hand... one of the floor as the last slams his shoulder into
your lower back!!
* Wonder Woman- feels the man slamming hard into her, slamming his entire body
into her as she feels herself thrust forwards, her booted feet taken off of the
ground and her body thrown forward to her knees as the Amazon Princess falls for
the first time...
* Wonder Woman- however as she falls, she takes off her tiara and throws it at
the man who has just attacked her, wasting no time as she then rolls foward,
trying to get back to her feet...
* Baron Blitzkrieg the man on the ground twists about... his large boot towards
the back of your head as you drop to your knees... the man that just knocked you
down rolling past you... coming up to his feet ... and then toppling over
backwards ... knocked out cold by the flying tiara!
* Wonder Woman- feels the man kicking towards the back of her head, the heavy
boot connecting with her head, causing her to wince in pain, but she remains
strong. Instead of giving in, she continues to roll towards her feet and then
throws a knee towards his stomach, trying to bend him in half so she can slam
her bracelet into the back of his head...
* Baron Blitzkrieg the man crumples to the floor... out cold.. only the man
with the broken hand remains standing ... he gaps at you... blinks twice.. and
then turns and runs ... deeper into the warehouse... dodging to run between tall
shelving units and out of sight.. though you can hear the boots and the heavy
paniced breathing!
* Wonder Woman- sees the man starting to run away from her...hearing his boots
on the floor as he disappears from her sight. She takes the lasso off of her
waist and prepares to use it, rising into the air and flying upwards so she can
see where he is running....
* Baron Blitzkrieg the warehouse doesn't make it very good for flying .. with
the catwalks and the rafters and beams... the place is a maze of shelves ...
shelves of stacked drugs... and stolen goods... you can see that there appears
to be a couple of doors that the man is headed to... a large one that appears to
be an elevator.. and a smaller one that seems to be the offices
* Wonder Woman- catches a glimpse of where the man is running and then she
returns to the ground, running after him with her superhuman speed, chasing
after him, her lasso ready to use in case she gets close enough as she comes
toward the elevator....
* Baron Blitzkrieg there is too much stuff between you and him to get a good
throw... you coming around the end of the 'hallway'... to see the man dash into
the office... slamming the door closed behind him... just as the elevator doors
open up... and you see a man that makes the other 6 look tiny in comparison...
this man is massive... covered with swastikas... muscles bulging...
* Baron Blitzkrieg his eyes brighten ... and a pair of orangish beams shoot
from his eyes... straight towards you!!
* Wonder Woman- watches the elevator door slowly open with a loud whooshing
sound. In response, she stops her chase momentarily, prepared for whatever comes
through the door. She sees a massive man appear, covered in tattoos, very large
and muscular, but she does not show any fear. She stands there regal and
composed, but then she feels her body being hit with a strange orange energy she
was not expecting!
* Wonder Woman- says as she is thrown backwards by the powerful orange
* Baron Blitzkrieg I move out of the elevator... much faster then the others...
planting my right foot and suddenly launching a vicious spinning kick towards
your head with my left foot... sweeping towards the right side of your head
(hopefully) before you can recover from the eye bolts
* Wonder Woman- is taken by surprise by his speed, not expecting him to be so
much faster than the other people who attacked her earlier, feeling him
connecting with her head, slamming his foot into her roughly as she feels her
face turned by the sudden and powerful blow....
* Baron Blitzkrieg as you are twisted by the blow... I send another eye blast
towards you... towards the back of your head... the force will be enough to lift
you off your feet ... to send you into a stack of metal crates...
* Wonder Woman- feels another blast hitting her, hitting the back of her head,
scorching her hair a bit as she feels herself being thrown off her booted feet,
thrown into a stack of metal crates that tumble down around her....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I move to you... grabbing two of the crates that fell upon
you... my hands crunching the steel as I lift up the large crates... opening up
my arms .. and then slamming them back together... with you as the sandwich
between the crates!!!
* Wonder Woman- struggles to get to her feet. She is very fast, but he appears
to be so much faster. She gets to her feet, but just as she does, she feels two
crates slamming right into her, feeling the crates shattering as she is captured
between them...
* Baron Blitzkrieg the metal molds along your features... bending about your
amazon frame and shoulders and head... I open up my arms... pulling the crates
away from you... and another pair of beams shoot out of my eyes... slamming into
your chest... the force like a dozen rhinos stampeding over you all at once
* Wonder Woman- feels the crates pulling away from her. She responds quickly by
thrusting her head forward, hoping to slam her head into his with a terrible
headbutt, but as soon as she attempts it, she feels the beams slamming hard into
her chest, tossing her backwards.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I toss the crates aside... each weighing several hundred
pounds.. but easily tossing them as if they were Kleenex boxes! I jump up... and
leap towards you... my right foot coming down hard towards your hard flat
belly... the size 15 boots with heels meant for kicking in heads!
* Wonder Woman- struggles on the ground, trying to recover from the impact of
the beams on her chest, watching the man come towards her. She tries to
comprehend...this animal says he knows her and says he has been waiting for
this, but he looks young...he says his name is Baron Blitzkrieg, but not the one
she remembers. She sees the boot coming for her and she responds quickly, trying
to grab it in midair
* Wonder Woman- tries to twist the ankle, hoping to break it if at all
* Baron Blitzkrieg I twist in mid-air as you catch and twist my ankle...
turning with the yanking of my boot so that I do not break my leg... my left
boot snapping towards your head ... I turn my body with your motion... so that I
take your energy and use it to increase the power of the kick
* Baron Blitzkrieg at that time... the skinhead that ran into the office comes
back out... favoring his broken (and now healing) wrist... holding in his other
hand a digital camcorder... recording the battle
* Wonder Woman- groans as she feels the kick slamming hard into her face,
knocking her backwards a bit, her nose bleeding as she is surprised by the
amount of power he seems to have...even more powerful than the original Baron
Blitzkrieg who was never able to hurt her like this....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I jerk my foot out of your grip... landing on my hands and
knees... facing away from you... I then shoot my feet backwards... like a
bucking horse... my heels towards your chest! My 'roid rage and insanity fueling
my speed and strength... the strength greater than ever before
* Wonder Woman- is still caught off guard by the fact he has made her bleed.
She looks at the blood on her hand in confusion as her Amazon Warrior training
has not prepared her for anyone this strong and fast, and then she feels his
heels slamming into her chest, sending her across the room...
* Baron Blitzkrieg still on my hands with exceptional balance I bring my feet
back to them.. and then stand up... turning about to face you ... I quickly
charge towards you... in a bull rush... seeing my hated enemy... the woman that
I have never seen before.. the woman that I want to destroy ... the symbol of
all that we hate...
* Wonder Woman- groans as she sees the man rushing towards her. She sees him
lowering his shoulder and she tries to launch over her with a leapfrog type move
with a kick to his head afterwards......
* Baron Blitzkrieg I duck my head down as you leap over me... so that the kick
only strikes my shoulders ...
* Baron Blitzkrieg I stumble ahead from the force of the kick... slamming into
a steel shelving unit... bringing it and the dozens of stolen stereos crashing
down onto me
* Wonder Woman- lands on her feet and pulls out her lasso again....no matter
how strong this man is, nothing can break her lasso...not even him. She pulls it
out and tries to throw it around him, hoping to entrap him and end the fight
before he does any more damage to her...
* Baron Blitzkrieg I get to my feet.. twisting to face you... just in time to
see you bringing up and swirling your lasso... I slide my foot to the side and
under one of the stereos... and kick it out towards you... aiming at the lasso
or your arm... moving to the side to avoid the lasso before it gets to me...
finding it hard though with all the av equipment underfoot
* Wonder Woman- feels his foot slam hard into her bracelet-covered wrist,
causing her to drop the golden lasso, as her hand involuntarily releases her
grip, her attempt missing.....
* Wonder Woman- hears the man calling her names, her eyes narrowing as she
holds her wrist. She then leaps into the air, hoping to slam both of her booted
feet into his face...
* Baron Blitzkrieg I see you rise up into the air... leaping towards me in a
repeat of my earlier move agaisnt you... I get my feet settled under me... and
as you reach the apex of your leap... orange beams shoot out of my eyes...
staight into your path of your leap... no way for you to avoid the hot kinetic
energy from slamming into you!!
* Wonder Woman- feels the momentum from her dangerous kick suddenly stopped as
she feels the force of the orange beam striking her, her body falling down right
as the beam hits her, the strange energy keeping her from landing on her beet as
she lands very hard on her belly...
* Baron Blitzkrieg as you land on your belly... I leap again... knowing that
you will be quickly recovering ... and most undoubtedly moving to your back so
that you can see... I land to the other side of a shelving unit with large
televisions... and shoving it to topple over ... to land where you hand landed
and lay!!
* Wonder Woman- feels large televisions and shelving landing ontop of her
burying underneath the heavy equipment as all that stays visible after the
collapse of the shelving is one braceleted hand, trying to clench into a
* Baron Blitzkrieg I laugh as I watch the motion of you under the pile... I see
your hand break through the debris... and then grab it.. your feel a powerful
grip... and then a yanking ... your body being pulled harshly through the steel
and metal boxes... then suddenly sailing as I turn and twist to send you towards
a steel post... hoping to turn you so that you hit it back first!
* Wonder Woman- feels her exposed wrist being yanked painfully, feeling a
sudden pain in her shoulder as she is lifted up into the air and then swung
painfully into the steel post, feeling her body wrapping around it before she
slides down to the ground....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I grin as you arch about the post... enjoying the look of
your lovely body... bent! I move up as you slide to the ground.. moving behind
the pole... grabbing your left ankle in one hand... your right wrist in my
other.. and then yanking back... the pole agaisnt your lower back...
* Wonder Woman- feels pain throughout her body as she is bent around the pole,
her body arched as she groans from the sudden, terrible pain.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg as I pull back on your limbs... enjoying your groans... I
send another pair of beams... towards the back of your head as you are bowed
further along the steel beam... my grip powerful and strong... stronger then you
can break from !
* Wonder Woman- feels her limbs pulled back more and more, her body shuddering
as she is bent again, her body quivering as she feels another lap hitting her on
the back of her head, causing her to writhe even more, unable to get out of his
* Baron Blitzkrieg I then release my hold on your arm... and jerk your leg...
so that you are ripped about the post... and then flung towards the nearest wall
of the warehouse... flung as if a rag doll towards the thick concrete wall!!
* Baron Blitzkrieg the skinhead continuing to film you.. as are the other
cameras scattered about the warehouse... another skin head coming around to
stagger to his feet... and to move to the ruccus
* Wonder Woman- feels her body thrown violently across the room, bouncing
painfully off the concrete wall as her powerful, strong body puts a crack into
the wall, but she slides to her feet. Her bracelet-covered wrists push against
the ground as she tries to push herself up...
* Baron Blitzkrieg as you push yourself up... I rush up to you... and as you
straighten up... I am next to you ... my right knee snapping up towards your
midsection... my right elbow quickly following in an snap towards your head!
* Wonder Woman- feels his knee smashing into her stomach, causing her to double
over, her head exposed as his elbow hits her, knocking her to the ground, her
body shuddering, a bright flash of light hitting her as her brain reacts to the
sudden impact....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I turn towards you... my left fist driving towards the side
of your head as you drop to your knees before me
* Wonder Woman- feels the side of her head being hit again, his blows avoiding
her face, but hitting her very hard as she is dropped to her knees, feeling very
weak and helpless....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I then grab ahold of your long thick black hair... and use
it to yank you up to your feet... and fling you into the wall behind you ...
your feet off the floor as you are lifted and hurtled into the concrete... and
an instant later... while you are still against the all... my right foot
snapping up.. my knee driving into your crotch!
* Wonder Woman- feels her thick, black, curly hair being lifted, feeling her
brought up to her full Amazon height and then pulled off of her feet as she is
lifted and thrown harshly into the concrete again, and then feeling his knee
slamming against her, her eyes wincing in pain as she moans....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I then release you... and step back... and when you slide
down the wall.... to slump to your knees ... my right boot snaps out again...
towards the side of your head...
* Wonder Woman- feels the side of her head being kicked again, her head being
turned as she is beaten, her body falling to the ground as she can no longer
keep herself up on her knees....
* Baron Blitzkrieg more of the battered skin heads start to stagger to the area
at the back of the warehouse... to watch the woman that easily beat them get a
beating in return... enjoying the sight of the powerful amazon being pummeled
and beaten mercilessly... the defeat of Wonder Woman to be savored and
* Baron Blitzkrieg I go and grab a length of chain as you topple over .. and
move to you... and take it and wrap it around your neck.. around and around...
* Baron Blitzkrieg my knee in your back between your shoulder blades... your
chest thrusting out towards the skinhead with the camcorder!
* Wonder Woman- feels the chain wrapping around her neck. Her hands try to pull
the heavy chain away from her throat as she feels it wrapped tighter and
tighter, his knee pressing into her back.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg as you grab at the chains... I send another eye blast into
the back of your head!!
* Baron Blitzkrieg the links tight into your throat as I loop it ... twisting
the chains so that the links lock to each other
* Wonder Woman- feels the back of her head assaulted again as she feels the
links of the chain digging harshly into her neck, feeling the chains
interlocking as she desperately pulls on the chains despite the pain hitting the
back of her skull....
Baron Blitzkrieg I take the chain ... and move back... you are suddenly yanked
backwards.. and then drug across the floor ... on your back... I pull you
between the skinheads... who kick at your body and head as I drag you along the
floor... Doc Marten boots slamming into your head and ribs.. thighs and belly
... the chain choking you as you are helplessly dragged
* Wonder Woman- feels her body being pulled backwards, her kicking, struggling
body being pulled on the floor of the warehouse, the heels of her boots
desperately trying to take hold in the ground as she feels her body being kicked
all over, the chain choking the life out of her...
Baron Blitzkrieg boots slam into your shoulders... your head... your hips...
your muscular amazon body being worked over by the skin heads as I drag you ...
you twisting about as you try to struggle away... so that your back and kidneys
and ass are exposed to more kicks... each nazi aiming for the most painful place
to kick... to give you the most agony... to wear you down
* Wonder Woman- feels the boots slamming into her body again and again, her
twisting body writhing and bucking, her hands pulling at the metal links pulling
against her throat, her entire body hit again and again......
* Baron Blitzkrieg you feel your dragging stopping ... which only means that
the kicking is more brutal as you are surrounded... feet into your shoulder
blades... abs... hips... crotch... ass...thighs... the steel cupped toes brusing
you from calves to biceps... the steroid powered muscles slamming into you as I
take the end of the chain and toss it over a steel beam overhead!
* Wonder Woman- feels the dragging suddenly stop, the beating intensifying as
the men kick and punch her everywhere on her body, her beautiful amazon body
being bruised and beaten as she is hit over and over again, hearing the chain
hitting the steel beam as she sweats and groans.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I pull on the chain... and you feel the chain tightening
about your neck... strangling you... as you are pulled up into the air! Hanging
you before the half dozen skinheads... 5 of them beating you... spitting on
you... kicking you as the 6th films it... as you are pulled into the air...
twisting and jerking helplessly.... your feet off the floor... fists slamming
into your crotch... your lower spine... your taut abs...
* Wonder Woman- feels the chain pulling against her throat, strangling her, her
strength and power not doing anything to stop her as she is suddenly pulled
upwards..first to her very unsure feet, standing at her full height and then
pulled slowly off the ground, her booted feet dangling as she is lifted off the
ground, the beating intensifying....
* Baron Blitzkrieg as you are pulled up... the chain about your neck.. so you
are pulled up to your knees... fists now slamming at your head and face... knees
against your cheek bones... the back of your head... fists slamming into your
nose and lips as you try to twist away
* Baron Blitzkrieg the men call you cunt... bitch... whore... slut.... some
slapping you... some with closed fists... some with karate chops... your body
jerking and yanking about as I continue to pull you up
* Wonder Woman- groans as she is pulled up to her knees, feeling her body being
jerked up wildly, her face tossing and turning as the men take turns hitting her
beautiful, famous face...having no mercy on her as she is beaten mercilessly,
her body shuddering as she feels her face bruised and beaten, hearing them
calling her names, degrading and humiliating her as she is pulled up into the
* Baron Blitzkrieg the chain tightens about your neck.. your hands seem to be
always a half second behind each blow... hands slam into your breasts.... upper
cuts to your chin... knees to your back... feet into your belly... you are
pulled to your feet... but you find it impossible to put your feet under you
.... the blows of the skin heads twisting you about and around ... your upper
lip is split open... your nose bloodied ... you are being strangled...
* Wonder Woman- feels the chain tighten around her neck, choking her more and
more, her face turning a bit purplish as she struggles with every breath. She
feels completely helpless, her body twisting and writhing in her terrible new
position, feeling hands and knees striking her all over. She is used to being
the world's most famous heroine, an ambassador and princess...but they treat her
like an animal...
* Wonder Woman- feels hands slamming into her face over and over again, tasting
her own blood as she gurgles and twists, another hand striking her face right in
her nose, causing her to feel blood dripping down her body, dripping onto the
floor below as she writhes and gurgles, twisting against the chain like an
acrobat in a fiendish act...
* Wonder Woman- says, her voice quivering as she struggles to talk despite the
choking chain and her battered face, trying to use her commanding voice, but her
voice quivers and shakes, much like her beaten body....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I pull you up... so that you are totally suspended...
hanging by your neck... two of the men grab ahold of each of your long muscular
legs... pulling them out ... spreading them so that you can't kick any one...
one man pummeling you over and over again... large fist driving up into the
crotch of your star spangled shorts as I secure the chain to a ring at a pole
* Wonder Woman- feels herself pulled up more, her red-boots trying to reach the
ground as she is pulled right off the floor of the warehouse. Her body kicks and
writhes, trying to reach the ground, kicking as she tries to reach the ground,
but then her legs are grabbed, spread lewdly as she feels fists slamming hard
into her, her body shuddering with every terrible blow.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg the skin heads are getting excited now... more aroused at
having you helpless.. at beating you... this crew very sadistic... which the
Aryan Brotherhood leaders knew would be best... for the domination and torture
of Wonder Woman! The filming of you strangling... others slamming into your
kidneys... you getting hammered... brutally worked over... making you weaker...
you arms getting heavier.. more leaden...
* Baron Blitzkrieg fists hammering into your inner thighs... the men expert at
giving pain... fingers jamming into nerve clusters... you finding it near
impossible to reach the chain at your neck... to try to alleviate the
pressure... that grows.. and grows...
* Wonder Woman- frantically pulls at the chain around her neck, wrapped so
tightly around her, the links digging into her beautiful, long neck as she
chokes and strangles, feeling the fists slamming into her famous body, showing
no mercy, her grip on the chain getting weaker and weaker until her arms start
to slowly fall downwards, her body losing all of her power and strength...
* Wonder Woman- feels the men slamming har into her thighs and into her nerves,
her arms trying to reach the chain, but she can't...her bracelets seem too heavy
for her now, her arms struggling to even move upwards...not moving as she feels
the pressure around her neck increase...
* Wonder Woman- gasps and shudders, her eyes wide as she seems unable to
contemplate what has happened to her, her lips bleeding, drips of blood dripping
down from her nose, her face bruised...the men having their way with her,
causing her as much pain as possible, her invulnerable skin and strength
betraying her...
* Wonder Woman- dangles, her body twisting and contorting as she tries to
summon the strength to fight back, but she just feels the blows continue, her
body hanging there like a bleeding, weakened piñata...a far cry from the
powerful, strong heroine she is known as....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I motion and the men shift... moving away from you... the
men holding your legs pulling them out more.... I look at you.. and send another
beam attack into you ... slamming into you from behind... your body arching back
as the beam slams into you... the men holding your legs have them pulled away
from their hold by the violent assualt that sends you twisting and spinning
* Baron Blitzkrieg you are choked more because of that... near
unconsciousness... totally helpless as you twirl and spin before the sadistic
* Wonder Woman- feels the men holding her legs, stretching her, her muscles
flexing uselessly as she tries to fight..tries to do anything, her eyes starting
to roll into her head, her body shuddering as she suddenly feels the eye beams
hitting her again, her skin feeling like it is on fire as the tortorous beams
hit her....
* Wonder Woman- struggles as she feels the pressure on her neck increase, her
sweating face growing a dark shade of red...her body broken and bleeding, her
body burning from the terrible heat vision...the smell of her own burning flesh
one of the only things she can experience......
* Wonder Woman- feels the hands groping her, but she is barely concious, her
eyes rolling into her head, her tortured body unable to react much as she feels
the hands groping her, treating her like an object or toy, feeling her belt and
and lasso being stolen from her...
* Wonder Woman- feels more fists slamming into her, her body shaking as she
feels so humiliated at being beaten and made so helpless, her head hanging as
she tries to keep her eyes focused, her feet barely reacting, her toes curling a
bit as she feels her boots removed from her and she knows she can do nothing to
stop this....
* Baron Blitzkrieg the boots are removed... and the cameraman moves in... to
record your toes... curling... your struggles getting slower.... as you get
weaker... a couple grab your arms... pulling the back behind you... pulling them
down as the others grab your ankles and pull them out... adding the tension at
your neck ...
* Wonder Woman- 's toes curl and flex as she is helpless, her body shaking, her
powerful muscular arms lie limply at her side, but then her arms are grabbed and
pulled back, her miniscule and weak struggles not helping to free her as her
legs are grabbed and pulled, her tall, athletic body stretched by her neck, her
eyes rolling into the back of her head, blood dripping out of her mouth as she
gurgles and moans
* Wonder Woman- 's struggles weaken and weaken as she hears the nazis screaming
at her, degrading her, telling her she is going to die..knowing her fate is
totally in their hands as she chokes...her entire body feeling heavy now...her
mind getting very hazy as more and more of her life exits her once-strong
* Baron Blitzkrieg I stand before you... feeling the rush of power... the
arousal of having you totally helpless... so near to death... wanting to
suffer... and suffer more!! Another beam from my eyes... to slam into your
crotch... blasting a hole from your panties...
* Wonder Woman- groans as she feels her body almost ready to succumb though
like she has her whole life she fights...she fights to stay conscious...she
fights to stay alive, her body powerless and broken and writhing in pain, her
face bloody and beaten, her limbs stretched and pulled....she tries to stay
conscious...tries to stay alive, but then she feels a horrible, horrible heat
hitting her...
* Wonder Woman- 's sweating body involuntarily starts to buck and writhe again
from the sudden pain, but she is held too tight, the various nazis holding her
limbs so even her Amazon strength cannot help her, her eyes opening wide as she
deals with the heat burning a hole in her star-spangled costume...
* Baron Blitzkrieg I motion .. and a couple of the men drag over a couple
boxes.. which they move under you... your legs are released and you feel your
toes on something.... something solid... instinctively reaching to put your
weight upon it... one foot per box... to keep from suffocating... still... it
seems to be only postponing the inevitable...
* Wonder Woman- feels her the boxes placed under her feet, feeling her toes
brushing up against the boxes as she tries to use them to support her weight,
her body shuddering as she tries to keep herself from suffocating, but she can
only give herself a little relief, her body still choking, but now with brief
* Baron Blitzkrieg I move behind you... taking a length of wire cored rope...
those behind you release your arms... you feel me taking your wrists and pulling
them behind you... binding your wrists together... you feel a surge of weakness
... you losing your amazon powers when your wrists are bound by a man!
* Wonder Woman- feels her wrists pulled behind her back, feeling the wire cored
rope starting to wrap around her wrists, the tight rope wrapping around her
bracelet-covered wrists, pulling tight, her muscles weakly flexing, but she is
unable to free herself, her body shaking as her wrists are secured so tightly
* Baron Blitzkrieg the ropes dig into your flesh... deeply... cruely... the
harsh rope burning at your skin... as my super powerful muscles crush your
wrists together... the men holding the boxes start to slowly slide them
outwards... so that your feet start to spread apart... your toes trying to stay
on them... to keep you from strangling to death
* Wonder Woman- feels the ropes digging painfully into her flesh, feeling the
harsh rope wrapping tightly against her olive skin, her body shuddering as she
feels him use off of his massive strength to make sure the tie is not just
tight, but almost unbearable as she feels them starting to move the boxes apart,
her toes trying desperately to stay in place...
* Baron Blitzkrieg I feel a charge through me... a strange arousal... as I make
you helpless... your groans exciting me... and the other skin heads... your
perfect amazon body bruised and battered... long legs being spread out more and
more... the rope is cinched and knotted and then I take the rope and pass it
around and around your waist...
* Baron Blitzkrieg pulling the rope as you inhale... so that it sinks deeper
into your muscular waist ... making each breath harder to take... your oxygen
starved brain from the strangling even more so... the world starts to get
darker... greyer ... the sounds around you as if underwater as you are made more
* Wonder Woman- feels her legs cruelly spread, her sweating body struggling
with the new very tight bondage around her powerful arms. She feels the rope
surrounding her waist, the top of the ropes pressing against her visible
abdominal muscles...and as she breathes in she feels the rope tighten and
tighten and tighten, making it harder to breathe.....
* Baron Blitzkrieg I step back... and move around you... as does the camera
man... your toes just barely on the spread boxes... I grin and send another eye
blast at you... this time striking your right breast... the beams focused to
blast away the material over your nipple... and to send you spinning off the
* Wonder Woman- feels her toes straining, trying to keep on the boxes as she
feels a horrible ray coming from the man's eyes, burning her, feeling the
incredible heat searing her costume and then her. She screams and he can see her
trying to keep her toes on the boxes, but the force is pushing her back until
just her big toes are clinging to the boxes.....
* Wonder Woman- struggles, trying to "hook" her big toes to the boxes, but it
is hopeless as she feels the incredibly torturous heat burning her beautiful
olive skin, her body shaking as she finally feels herself swinging off the
boxes, held tightly in the air by her neck as she starts to hideously
* Wonder Woman- groans, her powerful body fighting, trying to get back to the
boxes, but unable to reach them without any leverage, hanging desperately from
the chains pulling into her neck as her arm muscles flex against her bondage in
an almost involuntary panicked attempt to save herself...
* Wonder Woman- writhes, her eyes floating up into her head, losing
conciousness quickly, her face turning purple as she tries to reach the boxes,
her body jerking from the lack of oxygen as her tall Amazon body is now used
against her, her body weight pulling against her own neck...
* Wonder Woman- 's body sweats as she feels her body quivering...her tall body
shaking as she feels a blackness start to envelop her...
* Wonder Woman- slowly stops moving...her bleeding, sweating body engaging in
one more titanic writhe before finally succumbing, her eyelids growing heavy and
then suddenly closing....her body now dangling and slowly twisting in the
warehouse...drops of her blood and sweat dotting the ground beneath her..
Session Close: Sat Feb 23 15:51:26 2008