The Justice Club:The Taking of Mary Jane and a Bonus

Time to Read:43min
Added Date:9/23/2024
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Tags: Mary JaneBlack Cat

By accident, Spider-Man's wife and soon his partner the Black Cat fall into Mr. Thorne's clutches. Mary Jane Watson-Parker was working. Some might not call what she did work, but after standing up straight and contorting into awkward poses as a model for five straight hours at a time, they would call it torture. She had received several lucrative deals over the past few years, but things were starting to slow down. Her agent had recently retired and referred her to a new agent. "We've got a great deal for you," the agent told her while chatting on the phone. "Someone really wants you, mostly because of your hair. It's perfect for his needs. He's willing to go triple your normal rate. Triple for a Supermodel, babe. Just imagine my cut. It won't be anything bad, it's just great modeling for a poster." He then gave her names, location and phone number, which she noted on a scrap of paper.

Mary Jane looked at the address he'd given her. An exotic dance and strip club called Justice Club. Her husband, Peter, was away on a mission with Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. She and Spidey were busy trying to find Kraven the Hunter, so he would not get home until long after dinnertime. MJ would have liked to have gotten his advice on this photo opportunity, but she would have to trust her own instincts on this one. As much as she wanted and needed the money to pay the mortgage, Mary Jane felt that nothing good could come from her posing for the raunchy club. MJ called the number at the club, and told them that she was unavailable for their poster.

"Just great," she whispered, "poster girl for a strip club." Apparently she was going to have to get a new agent. The slip of paper dropped from her hand and fell to the floor beneath the phone when she picked up the phone to call back her now ex-agent to tell him he wouldn't be hearing from her again.

Thorne was more than a bit disappointed to hear that Ms. Watson-Parker had turned down the offer that would have drawn her into his clutches the easy way. He then initiated Plan B.

Three of the Club's enforcers, Bill, Mannie and Mack, put on gray coveralls with insignia showing them to be employees of the city's Sanitation Department. They grabbed a large sack, and got into one of the club's unmarked vans. Their destination was the townhouse where Mary Jane Watson-Parker lived. If she wouldn't come to Thorne willingly, she'd be taken unwillingly. They were under strict orders, however, to do no physical harm whatsoever to their target.

The three thugs were delighted to find Ms. Watson-Parker at home when they arrived. They could see her sitting at a desk in one of the second floor rooms. Mack shut down the engine and set the parking brake, then Mannie grabbed the sack and went up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

It took a few moments for Mary Jane to get to the front door, and when the doorbell rang again just as she got there, she muttered, "Hold on, I'm coming!" and then peered through the peephole in the door. She saw a city worker holding a huge trash sack, and wondered what he could need. Opening the door just enough to speak and leaving the security chain hooked, MJ asked, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, ma'am, my name is Mannie, and as you can see I'm from the New York Sanitation Department. We have reports of some people on this block smelling gas, and need to check your oven and water heater. This should only take a few moments." Mary Jane asked him for some ID, and Mannie showed her the well-made, aged fake ID that the club had provided as a tool for their work. Satisfied, she opened the door and let him enter.

Mannie wasted no time. As soon as he was through the door, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of knockout gas. He aimed it directly at the gorgeous face he was seeing for the first time, and released the gas. Mary Jane had no time to even think about holding her breath, and collapsed at his feet. Mannie went to the door and waved, and was soon joined by Bill. Together, they bound Mary Jane's hands behind her back, tied her feet at the ankles, and put a gag around her head to keep her quiet if the gas wore off too soon. She then had the bag pulled down over her, and was flipped so they could gather the end and make it look like they were carrying out some large refuse. Mack opened up the back of the van, and the lumpy sack was summarily tossed in.

The gag hadn't been necessary. When Mack pulled into the company garage behind the club, Mary Jane was still unconscious. She was taken out of the bag and carried to a spot near the bar inside the club. There, she had her bondage removed, and was awakened.

Mary Jane shook her head, thinking, What hit me? It took a few minutes for her to get all her faculties back in working condition, and then she saw that she was in a bar of some kind. For some reason, 'Need to talk to Mr. Thorne' was floating though MJ's head. Her fear and anxiety of being kidnapped were fading away.

Mary Jane walked though the tables that littered the floor, practicing what she would say, "I'm sorry Mr. Thorne, but at this time in my career, I can't be seen as a poster girl for a strip club." Then she added, "I think it was downright rude of you to bring me here against my wishes." Her meanderings had by sheer chance put her right outside the office of Mr. Thorne himself.

As she reached out to knock on the door, it opened right before her eyes. A powerful looking man came out and shook her hand before she even realized it. Her eyes locked upon the deep black orbs that were his eyes, and he gave her a mental order to not run away.

"Good to see you," came the strong, steely voice. "My name is Mr. Thorne."

"Yes," Mary Jane replied. She was slightly razelled by this man who seemed to reek of power. "I'm Mary Jane. My now ex-agent, Mr. Terrance, told me that you had a deal for me. I called to say I didn't want to take part in it, yet here I am talking to you. You've got some nerve, and I want to hear why I was dragged from my home to be here! Furthermore…"

"Of course," he said casually, cutting her off and taking the model by the arm, "walk with me." Mary Jane felt some deep compulsion to do just that, and they headed towards the bar. "You said ex-agent. Have you broken off contact with him?" Thorne asked.

"Yes," the redhead answered right away, "I'll be looking for a new agent once I get back home."

Thorne was pleased to hear this, since it would leave one less person wondering why they never saw her again. "It's much too early for alcohol," he mentioned, "but would you care for some orange juice?"

"Yes," Mary Jane answered, and appeared startled as he offered her a drink she swore was not in his hand a moment before. "Thank you," she said with her eyes locked on the dark orbs on Thorne's face.

"And you were about to say something to me?" he asked.

"Yes," Mary Jane said as she sipped her orange juice. She did not want to reject his job offer. She did want to rip her clothes off and lay on the bar for him, but she was a married woman. Wait, what was she thinking? "I'm afraid I have to reject your offer."

"Offer?" he asked.

Oops, she thought. "I guess I got ahead of myself. I thought you wanted me to…well, from what Mr. Terrance said, I had the perfect look and was nearly a duplicate for the girl you wanted to be on your poster. I thought you wanted me to pose on posters, dressed like her as a body double."

"Of course not," Thorne replied as he waved off the idea with his hand.

"I'm glad of that," Mary Jane said, sipping her juice. "Do you have a line of nightwear or something that you want me to model for a catalog?"

"No," Thorne said as he took the drink from Mary Jane, "I want you to dance for me."

Mary Jane could feel nothing, nor move anything as she fell off the stool. "What was in that juiccccccccce…?" she started to say on the way down. Someone caught her, but she could not see whom. All she could do was focus on the dark eyes of Mr. Thorne.

She heard though the blackness that surrounded her, "The townhouse?"

"Sanitized, and the agent who did it is already flying to Mexico."

"All traces of her past life will be gone…gone…gone." The word echoed in her head as awareness slowly faded away.

The once again unconscious form of Mary Jane Watson-Parker was taken to the dancer's dressing room, her mind now a total blank. In fact, it could be said that a beautiful, unnamed Jane Doe was taken to the dressing room. Her mind had been prepared for upcoming events.

She-Hulk went to work on stripping the clothes from the redhead's body, and was stunned at just how perfectly shaped she was. If it weren't for the red hair, which she couldn't associate with ancient Greece, she'd have sworn she was working on an unconscious Greek goddess.

She-Hulk was both seeing and feeling how natural and full Mary Jane's breasts were when she was startled as Wonder Girl walked in, dressed in her 'Domina' costume. "So this is the woman who's going to pretend to be me on stage," Dru said as she handed her original costume to Jennifer. "A very nice body!"

Jennifer started to put the costume on the inert form with Dru's help. They could hear the music starting, and knew they had to hurry. Once the costume was completely on, they put the black wig over her head to make her complete as Wonder Girl. As stunning as Dru had been in her costume, this impostor made her look like a dowdy teenager. They then rushed with her to the edge of the stage.

"Wonder Girl" coughed as the odor of smelling salts assaulted her nose. The first thing she realized was that she was not in bed, nor on the couch waiting for her husband. The second thing she realized was that she was surrounded by people, lots of men. She focused on a nearby figure up on the stage, a female, and started to approach her.

"You're not Wonder Girl!" the woman said in an angry tone.

Afraid of what this powerful looking woman could do to her if she was as mad as she sounded, "Wonder Girl" turned away from her. Realizing that there were few options, the bogus Wonder Girl ran. The curtain in the back of the club was the only way out she could see.

A golden rope fell down over her shoulders, and tightened around her arms, causing her to stop. She dropped onto all fours as a mass of black hair landed in front of her. All she could do was look at the black wig, unable to do anything else, let alone be able to run.

The woman, dressed in an ultra sexy Wonder Woman costume, pulled her around.

"I don't know who you are," said the black-haired lady. "Wonder Girl" just had to agree. She didn't know who she was, either.

"But disguising yourself as my sister in an effort to escape," she continued, "was a big mistake." She knew it was a mistake. Why did she even try to disguise herself as Wonder Girl?

Wonder Woman continued, "Forget your past." What past? "You are now going to be known as Kandy Kyle, and work for us here at the club." Of course, Kandy agreed. She could never be a supermodel.

"You are a stripper and prostitute," Wonder Woman added. "You are also a very evil villainess called Catgirl. Do you understand your new role?"

Of course she did. Kandy said, "I understand that I am Kandy Kyle, the Catgirl. I am a stripper here at the club and also a prostitute. I await your further commands."

Wonder Woman thought the dancer was doing a great acting job, and couldn't wait to see the rest of the scenario play out. She loosened and removed the 'fake' lasso from the new villainess. She then ordered Kandy, "Since you're a stripper, go for it!"

Kandy could not wait to get started to the music that changed in tempo. She knew what to do, after all, this was her life. As she thrusted her breasts forward for the crowd, one of the bracelets came off her wrists and fell onto the stage. The crowd was really into it. They acted as if they had never seen her before, even though they knew it had to be their favorite, Anygirl. She stole the spotlight from Wonder Woman as the shoulder straps came off, allowing her abundant orbs to swing free. Her pert nipples were standing proud, beckoning for a sucking.

"Come on, let me kiss those babies!" a crowd member yelled, as Kandy rubbed her breasts together. When the rest of the red costume was around her legs, she kicked it to the crowd. A fistfight almost started as the men grabbed for it. Wonder Woman then took center stage, distracting the men, as Kandy went back stage to shower.

When she reached her room, She-Hulk and Fairchild were already there. "Hello there," Kandy said, "I can't do anything with the two of you, because I need to get back on stage. But afterwards, rrrroar. We can have some fun!"

"Nope," Caitlin said, as she tossed a variation of Catgirl's stage costume to her. It was the street version, the one that would not tear or fall off in tight situations. "Mr. Thorne has a job for us, there's another 'Catgirl' up on stage taking your place. We're supposed to be faceless thugs that will help you."

"Afterwards," She-Hulk said, while picking up her full body black leather costume, "we will have some activity that the readers are really going to enjoy!" She turned her head towards the readers and winked.

"Huh?" Kandy gave a curious glance as she sat and began to pull on fishnet tights.

"Never mind," Caitlin replied as she began to put on her own black leather catsuit. "It's her non-sequitor meaning we will be using the bed later tonight, but not for sleeping!"

"That'll be great," Kandy replied, with a Cheshire Cat grin on her face as she pulled on her black leotard. As she finished putting on her costume, Kandy knew that she was now going into action as Catgirl.

Frederick was walking around the nearly completed construction site with his accounting assistant. "Robby," he asked, "what's the opening date?"

His meek aide trembled at the sound of his imperious boss's tone, and answered, "Three weeks."

"Three weeks?" he blurted, turning to face the accountant.

"But," quivered the accountant, "that is after using your influence with the construction workers. Normally it would be five weeks. And the liquor licenses would take over three months, if not for those pictures of the City Council members we got, hee, hee."

"I can't believe we're finally getting close to putting this Mr. Thorne out of business. The sex industry is supposed to be my domain. MINE!" Robby ducked as a fist went flashing through the space where his bald head had been. "And some jerk comes in and starts takin' the market right out from underneath me. He hires my best girls away, and then brings out those great acts, which no one can top. The stars of my show, MY SHOW, are now lousy waitresses!"

"The Villain's Lair should be up and running soon," Robby added, trying to placate his boss. "Plus the back rooms are already being used. We've already kidnapped twelve runaways and put them on the regular drugs. They should be walking the streets for us by the end of the week."

"And you're sure there's no way we can get a piece of Thorne's action?"

"No sir," the accountant replied. "He's got all the right paperwork, and little in the way of outstanding debt. None of our plants seem to get anything before they turn over to his side. Even getting minors in there, caught drinking, is a no go. Once he gets financial backing, the only way you'll be able to stop him is if you blow up his club."

"I'd worry about your own club coming down before it opens," a sexy female voice taunted from the entranceway. The owner of that voice was dressed in a sleeveless black Lycra spandex leotard that showed her ample cleavage. A black domino mask, with painting that made it look like cat eyes, covered the face of the redhead. "Girls," she ordered, clicking her clawed fingers, which were part of her black opera length gloves, "let's do a little bit of deconstruction!"

Two figures emerged from the shadows behind her. Their muscles were evident beneath the shiny black leather that fully encased them. "Will do, Catgirl," replied the 'smaller' of the two titanic, muscle-bound figures. She picked up a table and threw it into the back wall, seventy feet away.

"You see," said the larger figure in black, as she picked up the bar itself, "we've heard about you, and how you plan to interfere with our boss's plans. Mr. Thorne wants us to make sure that doesn't happen." Weeks of work were destroyed as the bar was heaved into the basement, ripping a huge hole in the floor.

"Not so fast, my little toys," Catgirl yelled at the retreating mobsters. She took two small balls of yarn from her belt and tossed them at them. Red and blue yarn wrapped around the two, encasing them from knee to neck. "They mentioned some other girls," Catgirl said as she dug more yarn from her weapons belt. "Make sure they don't escape, because I want to play with them after I'm done here."

After Jennifer and Caitlin had taken the yarn and gone into the back of the demolished club, Kandy took out a golden rope, Wonder Girl's lasso. "I've been given permission to borrow this to make sure you two little rats keep trouble to a minimum."

"Listen to me," she ordered after placing the lasso around them. "You will obey Mr. Thorne, myself, and anyone who Mr. Thorne owns, in that order. Every night, you will call this number, 555-4916, and tell the person that answers all of your illegal activities during the day, particularly if they have anything to do with Mr. Thorne or the Justice Club. You will try and ally with enemies of Mr. Thorne and work together to bring them down. Thanks to your phone calls, we will take them down."

Catgirl continued the instructions, "Also, if you have any women who look very good, or look like superheroines, you will send them to the Justice Club to act as spies. If they do not report back, you will believe they have been caught and forget about them. You will not remember hearing any of these instructions or doing any of these actions. If you or anyone else becomes suspicious of these actions, or their results, you will call the number and report that."

"All you will do," Kandy said, finishing up the instructions, "is leave this club, thinking that all is okay. You will be shocked to find that it is destroyed tomorrow. Now leave, and forget everything major that happened tonight."

Catgirl used her claws and shredded the yarn. "Now go," she ordered as the lasso came off.

"What are some of the other ways of stopping them?" Frederick demanded of his accountant as he started to walk away, seemingly ignorant of Catgirl's presence.

"I'm looking into declaring his place unclean. We've got someone in the Health Department," the voice slowly was fading, "who bet big and lost even bigger on the College Bowls…"

Catgirl smiled as they walked away. Now to get on to the pleasurable part.


She-Hulk was proud. It looked like a rainbow with the way all of the girls were tied up in the Cat Yarn. Not a single one of the dozen had escaped them. Still, over half of the group did not put up much of a fight. They were drugged and sexually abused. For some, they were near death.

"They look like you after I get the upper hand!" Fairchild jokingly observed.

"Yeah," She-Hulk replied to the redhead dressed in an identical black costume to her own, "but Mr. Thorne makes sure that I'll be able to work later and serve him. These poor girls, if they start to die, the thugs just toss them into the gutter to bleed to death."

"We can't have that can we?" Catgirl said as she walked into the room. "You know, She-Hulk, for an ex-lawyer, your English sure sounds sloppy!" Jennifer just glared at her. Kandy quickly drew the lasso around the tied up girls and gave some commands. "In a moment, you will all get up and take the money I will hand you. You will then go and take a taxi to the Justice Club and walk in. When the bouncer stops you, say 'Catgirl sent us to be properly licked and cleaned up.' You will then follow orders and work as waitresses at the club, working for room, board, and pleasure."

When Catgirl removed the lasso from the group, she gave forty bucks to the strongest looking girl. "Now go on, leave this place." The group quickly and happily left their place of torture.

"Now all we need to do is bring the house down."

"Not quite," came a new voice. Selina Kyle, the original Catwoman, entered the room, nearly exhausted from her activity on stage, but still hoping for some action. "I need to see that you are worthy of the title of 'Catgirl' before I bring you to Mr. Thorne."

"Worthy?" her potential protege asked.

"Yes," Catwoman replied. She then held up the lasso that she managed to steal away from the distracted Catgirl. "We had our eyes on a bigger prize for tonight, so we didn't get to initiate you properly into the Justice

Club. Mr. Thorne will do that in another night or two after his fun with Wonder Woman. Meanwhile, I've decided that I'm going to have some fun. Girls?"

She-Hulk and Fairchild grabbed both of Catgirl's arms. She struggled in vain as Catwoman put the lasso around her.

"Mary Jane?" Catwoman asked. "Can you hear me?"

Deep within the mind of Kandy Kyle, the magic of the lasso found the remains of Mary Jane's psyche. "Yes?" came the response from the woman behind the mask.

"When I remove the lasso, Mary Jane, you will become aware of all that has happened to you today. You will still have the skills of Catgirl. If you wish, you may try to escape, but every time you use a skill, talent, or item from Catgirl's weapons kit, you will become more and more horny, with Kandy becoming more and more dominant in your mind. The hornier you get, the more you fill feel the need to orgasm. If you orgasm three times, you will fall asleep, and Kandy will reawaken. You will be in the tender mercies of Mr. Thorne, to permanently become his sex slave as Catgirl. You will not be able to contact anyone from your life as Mary Jane, or even try to take the costume off, for the next twenty-four hours.

"Do you fully understand all that I have told you, Mary Jane?" Catwoman asked in conclusion.

"I do," the supermodel dressed in black replied. The lasso was then unwrapped and lifted from her shoulders.

"Let her go," Catwoman ordered the muscle bound black leather girls.

Realizing the need to act quickly from her husband's example, Mary Jane grabbed one of the balls of yarn from her weapons belt and threw it at She-Hulk, then dodged behind her. She started running towards the fire escape, feeling heat building up in her loins, realizing that she'd just utilized one of Catgirl's weapons.

"After her," Catwoman screeched, surprised at the speed and level headedness of the ex-supermodel.

She-Hulk stretched her muscles, causing the purple yarn wrapped around her arms to become taut and break. Fairchild, on the other hand, jumped and grabbed for Catgirl's left boot heel as she started to open the fire escape. Mary Jane grabbed some Kitty Litter from one of her pouches and blew it into Fairchild's face.

Fairchild tried to get the Kitty Litter out of her eyes, as Mary Jane ran into the nearby alley, wondering how she could so easily run in high heels. Grabbing a two by four from the construction site, she wedged the door closed, before running further into the alley. The area between her legs was now on fire, and without any control, Mary Jane started to fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples with her claws.

Catwoman went over to the back door and was unable to open it, until She-Hulk bashed out the door along with the frame. "She got away," Catwoman complained, as she kicked the coughing Fairchild in the stomach.

"Don't worry, that just means that she'll be a great Catgirl when we find her," She-Hulk calmly said as she took out a small metal object. "Plus," she added while holding up the tracer scanner, "we'll know exactly where she's going!"

Mary Jane was in a stew, and had not a clue about what to do. She had seen her reflection in a storefront's plate glass window, and saw herself as Catgirl for the very first time. The image she saw was, at the same time, both sexy as hell and exuding pure evil. "Oh my God," she muttered, "is that who I'm fated to become?" Mary Jane could not contact her husband Peter, or anyone else she knew, for that matter, because of the magic lasso. Also, MJ knew that what she needed to do was escape, but because that utilized Catgirl's skills, she was in a quandary, and really needed to see her husband.

"Peter," she said, rubbing her breasts, "what would you do in a situation like this?" She could do nothing to stop her own hands and claws from stimulating her more and more sensitive tits. Mary Jane then realized what Spider-Man would do. He would hide somewhere and let everyone think he was dead, then sneak back home to rest. But where was she to hide? "I know! The docks!" she exclaimed softly to herself. "I can blend right in and hide in plain sight!"

Fairchild was driving the van slowly down the street, taking directions that were shouted from the back. "Slow down," Catwoman roared, "she should be just to the right somewhere." Turning to She-Hulk, she said, "Are you sure that she couldn't have gotten rid of the tracer?"

"Of course not," She-Hulk replied with a smile, "but I doubt Mary Jane even knows about the transmitter deep in her womb. Even though she wasn't awake at the time, inserting that tracer was enjoyable. Mr. Thorne has a nasty sense of humor. A dildo which injects a tracer into the target. I hope I can test it out on you and see if we can find you someday soon."

Selina grimaced, then said, "Possibly later, but for now, I do not want to lose this new recruit, particularly if she is as talented as she seems to be. Keep her on the scope."

"I think I can see how she's hiding out," Fairchild called back. They went forward and looked ahead. It was the red light district for the city's port.

"Blast," Catwoman clawed the passenger seat of the Justice Club van. "She knows exactly where to hide. With her outlandish costume, she would fit right in amongst the dominant whores."

"So," Fairchild said, as she took off her leather hood. "You and I can fit right in, after using some of the supplies in the back of the van. Jen can drive around waiting for us to make our move."

Catwoman looked at She-Hulk, who just shrugged. "I don't know of any other idea, without calling Mr. Thorne and saying we failed."

"We haven't failed yet," Catwoman stated as she began taking off her own costume. She-Hulk took the wheel and drove around the block as the other two stripped and then got dressed in some of the clothes stored in the van.

Caitlin wore a pair of black latex shorts that almost seemed to burst every time she moved. They easily slid up and down the black fishnets covering her legs, with black spike heeled sandals on her feet. For a top, she wore a simple white Lycra blouse that was way too small, tied to hold her breasts up. She did up her face with a good bit of makeup, and turned into a slut.

Meanwhile, Selina had also changed, wearing a short blue miniskirt, which stopped way above her knees. This showed off her red fishnet hose and over the knee red vinyl boots with stiletto heels. A red tank top, and a blonde wig to finish, and she was ready to apply her makeup. Selina thought it was ironic that she was pretending to do exactly what she had done for years, before becoming Catwoman. The slut that she had become stepped out of the van, and was the sexiest sight seen on those streets in a long time.

"Don't forget this," She-Hulk tossed a couple of radio earpieces to the two hookers. "That way I can stay in contact with you." The two whores inserted the receivers into the ears they had just decorated with dangling earrings.

"Can you hear me okay?" Jen asked in a test.

The blonde whore looked back up to her and said, "Great. Now that we've narrowed down the area, let's walk the streets!"

Mary Jane was fitting in perfectly, which was part of the problem. Several men had already offered to pay for some time with her. Even with the extra high price she quoted, most were rather tempted to still take her up on it. Of course, walking in this part of town, the way she was dressed, was one of the many skills of Kandy Kane, AKA Catgirl. She had to make several stops every once in a while to prevent herself from having an orgasm, and becoming Catgirl. Peter never had that problem being Spiderman.

"Hey girl," a blonde called out as she approached her, "you new on this block?"

Mary Jane tried to act as nonchalant as she could with her knees knocking, and answered, "Yeah, the heat was getting a little heavy, so I moved to find a better spot. If this is your area, I'll just move along."

"Nah, that's okay," a redheaded girl in a tied white blouse said from behind, "I think you should hang with us."

Suddenly realizing that it was Fairchild behind her and probably Catwoman in front of her, Mary Jane bolted into a nearby fish processing factory.

"Perfect," Catwoman gleamed as she stepped into the Justice Club van after Jen had pulled it up. She quickly got out of her street clothes and put on her other working clothes, as Caitlin pulled her leather catsuit back on. "You've blocked all the doors?" Selina asked Jennifer while pulling her cowl over her head.

"Yup," She-Hulk said. "All the doors and windows have been blocked. There is no way she is getting out of there except by the front door."

Dressed for a different type of action now, Catwoman and Fairchild were eager to get back to the hunt. "Let's go pick up our kitten then," Catwoman announced as She-Hulk joined them to enter the fish cannery.

This place stinks," Mary Jane thought, in more ways then one! She had let Catgirl's skills out once again, trying to spot the best places in which to hide. But there weren't many. She decided on a beam overhead, to see when they came in, and was trying to plan for her next move while using her hands to both climb the ladder and stroke her aching pussy.

"There she is!" came the shout from down below. Her pursuers had entered the building before she could get all the way up the ladder.

"Grab her," Catwoman said, pointing to the climbing figure. She-Hulk sprang into the air, gaining the distance and height to pluck Mary Jane from the ladder. When the two of them came down, Mary Jane did not have a moment to grab any of the items in her weapons belt before she was tossed yet again.

Caitlin grabbed MJ and held her arms behind her body, preventing them from reaching the weapons belt. Catwoman slowly walked up to Mary Jane.

"Don't worry, my dear. You've not lost everything yet," Catwoman taunted. "Now then, I know we got off on a bad paw, but can't we kiss and make up?" Catwoman, whose face was still that of the sluttiest woman in town, then leaned forward and began to kiss Mary Jane fully on the mouth. After she removed Catgirl's weapons belt from Mary Jane's waist, Catwoman began to massage her breasts. This was too much for Mary Jane, so she finally let go and orgasmed. Her moan went thoughout the building, sounding like a howling ghost.

"Well, well, well," Catwoman smiled. "We either have a Catgirl that gets turned on very easily, or Mary Jane has been using her skills a lot."

"Make that using her skills a lot," Mary Jane said defiantly. Now that she had orgasmed for the first time, she could think a little bit more clearly. She slipped out of Fairchild's grasp and landed a kick to the head of Catwoman. Realizing that she could not get past Fairchild, Mary Jane fled deeper into the factory.

"Caitlin, since you let her get free," Catwoman ordered, "you go get the equipment from the van. Jennifer, lets see how we can skin a kitty cat."

Above the factory, two figures were swinging through the night sky.

"Spider-Man, look," Felicia said as she pointed to the redheaded figure in a black costume walking towards a van.

"Looks like someone is doing some after hours work at the cannery," Spidey replied, as he started to swing back towards the factory.

"No time," the Black Cat replied. "We can always come back for them after we take care of Kraven. But if Kraven gets out of control, it will be more than the loss of a safe at the factory."

"You're right," Spider-Man replied, as they started to swing north towards Central Park, unaware of the danger to his almost ex-wife in the factory below him.

Mary Jane was getting nervous. If they found her, she did not think she could put up much of a fight all by herself. All she wanted to do was to run to her husband, but until 24 hours passed, she could not make any contact with him or any of Mary Jane's friends.

"Well, hello there," came a voice from above her; it was Catwoman. A whip ensnared MJ's left arm. Catwoman then looped it around the container and jumped down.

She-Hulk had snuck up on her other side and grabbed her right hand. "We can't have your claws cutting the whip just yet," she said, and then proceeded to pull off, finger by finger, the clawed gloves.

"I'd use the claws to rip out your eyes," Mary Jane seethed, trying to sound defiant.

"Let's put those hands were they can be put to some use," Catwoman said, guiding Mary Jane's entrapped hands to She-Hulk's breasts. In hopes of doing some damage, Mary Jane squeezed.

"A little harder please," She-Hulk asked in a condescending voice.

"Do it like this," Catwoman said, demonstrating by grabbing Mary Jane's own breasts with her claws, and twisted them until Mary Jane screamed in agony behind her mask. "Ooops," Catwoman exclaimed as she put her hands to her cheeks. "Did that hurt? Let me kiss it to make it better."

Catwoman then used the claw on her pointer finger to slowly slice down the center of Mary Jane's cleavage. She then pealed back part of the costume, uncovering her sore breasts. She then touched the nipples with her tongue and slowly began to lick the sore areas of Mary Jane's breasts.

"Very tasty," Catwoman replied after several minutes. Fairchild approached and dropped the bag, getting Catwoman's attention now that she was finished. "Now for the toys," Catwoman said with glee. "Fairchild, keep Mary Jane occupied, while I take a look at what we have to play with."

She-Hulk handed Mary Jane's arm to Fairchild. "Don't let her escape this time."

"Of course not," Fairchild shot back, then grabbed a hold of Mary Jane's body and began to spin her around. Mary Jane could not focus as the factory circled around and around.

"Set her down," Catwoman ordered.

Mary Jane fell to the ground trying to focus. Selina walked over to her and reached to her crotch. She grabbed the zipper over MJ's nether regions and opened it wide, exposing her pussy and ass to the cool air.

"You know, the Hulk used to be known as the green monster," Catwoman said. "Well, now She-Hulk can also be called the green monster." Jennifer walked up to Mary Jane. The top and legs of the catsuit were still on her, but around the crotch, the catsuit was gone. Strapped to her crotch was a twelve inch long, huge dildo, colored bright lime green to match her own skin.

"What do you think of this?" She-Hulk asked.

Mary Jane did not respond, not knowing what to do. She was unable to focus as the room slowly stopped spinning. Her disorientation kept her out of touch as She-Hulk started to abuse her.

"Do you want me to stick this in your cunt or your ass?" She-Hulk asked, grabbing Mary Jane's face.

"Neither," Mary Jane answered.

"Aw, come on," She-Hulk said, "unless you make a choice, I won't let you lick the green monster, and I'll ram it into you dry!"

"My vagina," the terrified redhead whispered.

"What?" She-Hulk asked.

"My cunt!" Mary Jane repeated in a loud voice.

"Good." She-Hulk positioned the dildo directly in front of Mary Jane's mouth. "Now lick."

Mary Jane tentatively began to use her tongue to moisten the dildo. After moving her tongue around it, she began to put her entire mouth around the dildo. Within moments, she was sucking it. Not knowing where she'd found the skill to do so, Mary Jane then deep throated the dildo.

"Looks like we've got a real cock-sucker here!" Fairchild laughed.

Ashamed with the realization of what she'd just done, Mary Jane stopped. Her cheeks looked as red as her hair with the embarrassment she felt.

She-Hulk then pulled Mary Jane up, which she did not fight. She just did not have the strength to fight back. Instead, she put her legs around the huge green amazon and moved to position the dildo to slide into her cunt. She-Hulk grabbed Mary Jane’s ass and slowly began pumping her with the dildo.

After Mary Jane started to moan, She-Hulk then angled her head down and began to kiss the redhead, her hood pushed off to the side. Mary Jane responded with passion, their lips intertwining and tongues meshing. Slowly, She-Hulk began to increase the rate of her humping, as the dildo began to slide faster and deeper into Mary Jane.

"Ohhhhhhh! Yes, YES, YEEESSSS!!!" Mary Jane screamed and orgasmed in one big moment. She was now two thirds of the way to losing her identity to Kandy.

She-Hulk slowly lowered the panting Mary Jane to the ground. "Looks like we have a real screamer here!" She began to remove the strap on the dildo.

Fairchild moved the exhausted Mary Jane to a nearby vat of fish. Propped up, Mary Jane did nothing but try to catch her breath. "She’s pretty well tired out. Do you want to just fuck her and take her back to Mr. Thorne?"

"No," Catwoman replied, checking Mary Jane’s pulse. "She's just trying to gain enough of a breather so that she can bolt again. It might be fun trying to track her down one last time."

Just then, they all heard a large crash. "Any thieves home? This is your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man calling!"

"And Black Cat," came a female’s voice. They sounded like they were at the other end of the factory.

"I’d like to get my claws into that feline knockoff, but I don’t want to go up against Spider-Man without an edge," Catwoman pouted.

"Hey," Caitlin said, pointing at Mary Jane. "She looks like she’s gone into a coma."

"I think it’s got something to do with the magic lasso commands," She-Hulk answered.

Catwoman took the golden lasso from her belt and quickly placed it around Mary Jane. "Why are your acting as if you're frozen?"

With a poker face, MJ told her, "I was told not to react to anyone I know and avoid contacting them."

"And you know Spider-Man? Or Black Cat? How?" She-Hulk demanded.

"He is my husband, and she is a friend," Mary Jane replied.

"Ohh, this is too much!" Catwoman gleamed. "When I take this lasso from you Mary Jane, you will orgasm for the third time and turn into Kandy Kyle. Kandy will be a loyal member of the Justice Club and use all of Mary Jane’s knowledge, skill, and ability to help us defeat Spider-Man and the Black Cat. But now, anytime you use either Catgirl’s or Mary Jane’s skills, you will become extremely horny." The lasso was then lifted from her body.

"Ohhh, Oohhh, Ohhh," Mary Jane began to moan loudly.

"Rats," Catwoman said, "I forgot she was a screamer. Drag her back further into the cannery, while I pick up our toys." The two muscle bound girls dragged Mary Jane away--her sexual tension building rapidly--as Catwoman picked up the weapons belt, gloves, dildo, and bag.

"That sounded like a scream," Spider-Man said as he turned to focus on the noise he'd just heard. His spider-sense was acting weird, as if he might be in danger in this room, but it was indicating an immediate threat.

"That was a scream!" replied the white-haired heroine accompanying him, as she started racing in the direction from which the sound had come.

"Wait a moment," he muttered. Something had happened which had sent his spider-sense off the scale on full alert. Something dire is going to happen, Spider-Man felt as he chased the Black Cat though the factory. He jumped back as a pile of crates landed right in front of him. He looked up to see a female figure dressed in an all-black, sexy leather costume who apparently had pushed the crates. She jumped down in front of him. Spidey triggered his webshooters, hitting her with a ramrod of molded webbing. She reeled backwards, falling into the pile of crates while trying to untangle herself from the mass of webbing wrapped around her body.

Spider-Man started to make his way around the pile of crates to get back to chasing after Black Cat, but as he passed the web-coated black titaness, his spider-sense tingled just a slight warning. Someone else must have been approaching him. He turned around and saw a woman dressed identically to the one he'd just coated in webbing. There was one important difference, though. She was a lot bigger!

"Hey there, sport," She-Hulk said, "do you want to have some fun?" She flexed her fingers within the black gloves, then balled them into fists.

Spidey couldn't understand why his spider-sense was only giving him a small warning. This woman was an obvious threat, but his spider-sense was making it seem like she was a friend looking to do some sparring. "Let's not," he replied, opting for the safe path regardless of what his warnings weren't telling him. He aimed his web-shooters at the huge black beauty as if to blast her, but she reached out and grabbed his wrists before he could fire.

"Not fast enough," she said, as the woman in black grabbed his wrists. "Since I didn't bring my toys," Jennifer said, squeezing his wrists and breaking the web shooters, "you can't play with yours!"

Spider-Man grimaced in pain beneath his mask. He kicked the woman into the pile of nearby crates, adjacent to her ally. She recovered quickly and sprung back up to her stiletto heeled feet. "Good, good," she said. "I like it so much better when they fight back."

Felicia was running down the aisles of the cannery as fast as she could. The fear of someone raping another woman sent chills though her body. Only when she heard the crash of the crates way behind her did she stop.

"Spider," she asked inquisitively, "are you all right?"

The Black Cat heard the scream again, but this time weaker, as if it was farther away, and it sounded more like a woman in the throes of an orgasm.

"Nuts," she mumbled, "Spider can take care of himself. I hope!"

Catwoman smiled maliciously as Mary Jane screamed out with her third orgasm. "Mary Jane, are you okay?" she asked.

The screamer looked at her bare hands and beltless hips and said, "Why did you call me Mary Jane? My name is Kandy, don't you remember? And where are my gloves and belt?"

"I'm sorry, Kandy," replied Selina, "I took them off while you were napping. If you're ready to get back into action as Catgirl, I don't see why you can't put them back on." Gloves and weapon belt were passed to Kandy, and after she had them on, Catgirl was ready to go.

"I have little trap planned, with which I need your help, Catgirl," Selina said. She related the scenario as she'd pictured it, then said, "Let's go get set up."

Felicia ran further into the factory, searching for the source of the woman's scream. Pulling up short as she rounded a corner, Black Cat saw a red-haired woman with a great body, dressed up in a wicked black costume and lying face down on the floor. Her body was thin and exquisitely shaped, like that of a model. She suddenly recognized the hair and figure.

"Mary Jane?" she cried out with worry, running though the open floorway towards the prone figure. "Mary Jane, is that you? Are you all right?"

The figure lifted her head and turned to face the Black Cat. She looked like Mary Jane, but her face was partially obscured by a cat mask. But it was Mary Jane’s voice that said, "Who's Mary Jane? I'm fine, and you can call me Catgirl, or if we get to know one another better later on, Kandy Kyle!"

Felecia was momentarily stunned and failed to react when the woman brought up her gloved hand filled with dust, and blew it at her. She moved back as the dust stung her eyes. Over her coughing, she heard Catgirl taunting, "You don’t like my fresh smelling Kitty Litter? I should be very upset, but she is even more upset at your stealing her MO."

"Who?" Felicia tried to ask between the gasps of air.

"Me," stated a strong willed female voice as a booted foot came down hard on her ass. Felicia went sprawling on the floor. Anger was in her green eyes as she looked up to see who had stomped her with a spike heel. It was Catwoman, in all her purple catsuited glory. Selina stood above her, staring down at her with a whip in her right hand.

"I like most cats," came her hard voice again. "But I do not like copycats."

"What do you mean, bitch?" Felicia retorted, trying to stare down the woman.

"You took my cat motif," she said, flicking the whip centimeters to the right of Felicia, "and became a thief," Catwoman added, flicking it centimeters to the left this time, "and then became a quick knock off of me, before turning into a heroine and helping Spider-Man!" The last time the whip came across her breasts, drawing a small line of blood.

"Well, I don’t care!" Black Cat shouted back as she swung her left leg out, trying to knock Catwoman over. Selina just jumped over it.

"Perhaps I will like you if you've got enough spunk, you little kitten, you," Catwoman taunted as the Black Cat slowly came to her feet.

"I really don’t like to start fights, but with you, I'll make an exception," the Black Cat said as she got up and placed her arms in a karate fighting position.

"Looks like I can teach you some lessons!" Catwoman replied, then dropped her whip and slowly meandered towards the Black Cat. When Catwoman was in striking distance, Black Cat tried a simple karate chop with her right hand.

Catwoman easily blocked the blow, and then she delivered a wide array of kicks, punches, karate chops, and other moves with blinding speed and feline grace. Felicia was able to block every single move, but they jarred her whole body and prevented her from returning a single blow.

"Hey," Catgirl called from her position, sitting on top of some crates. "Stop playing around with her! I want to join in the fun so we can BOTH play with her!"

"Of course," Catwoman replied. She then gave a quick kick to Black Cat’s stomach and an upper cut that felt like her jaw went into her brain. As the Black Cat was trying to focus, Catwoman spun her around and forced Felicia’s hands to go behind her, as she held her close to her own body. "Some yarn if you please," she said to a smiling Catgirl.

Catgirl tossed a ball of black yarn towards the two cats. Felicia and Selina were wrapped in the yarn, with Felicia's arms uselessly pulled back behind her body, as she was trapped in an upright position. Catwoman, on the other hand, knew what to expect. She pressed her own body into the Black Cat’s. Selina had positioned her head just to the right of the Black Cat’s ear, her breasts tight against Felicia’s back, and her hands quickly positioned over the Black Cat’s large breasts.

"See what happens when two kitties play in string together?" Catgirl said as she slowly walked over to the two, while carrying a large black bag.

"So," Catwoman replied, "I think this string is fun to play with. Don’t you, Blacky?" Catwoman began to struggle as she moved her hands over Black Cat’s large nipples.

"Mary Jane," the Black Cat screamed as she squirmed, which only caused more erotic feelings to be caused by Catwoman’s hands, "please let me out!"

"You don’t want to play with my friend?" Catgirl replied. She slowly walked up and brushed some of the white hair from the Black Cat’s face. "I promise you that she won’t play nice. But then, neither will I!" Kandy Kyle began a long kiss with Felicia Hardy, before giving a playful nip to Felicia ’s nose.

Selina Kyle looked on in envy from her close vantage point, then said, "First things first, Catgirl. We really need to get down to business here." Catwoman scolded Catgirl playfully, before licking Black Cat’s ear. "You see, she's a determined woman, once she gets into her new job," Selina whispered into the Black Cat’s ear as Kandy Kyle got out an item from the bag, "as a prostitute!" Catgirl was holding a large strap on dildo.

Waving the item in front of Felicia’s eyes, Catgirl said, "You see Felicia, I now know that this dildo has a tracking device which it implants when it ejects cum. I, unfortunately, was not awake when they tagged me, and missed the pleasure of its use. Just in case you escape, I'm giving you the tracker and a little bit extra!"

Kandy slowly and methodically strapped on the dildo as Black Cat begged, "Mary Jane, please don't do this. Please."

Catgirl put her face directly in front of Black Cat's face, then said, "I told you, I'm not Mary Jane. I am Kandy Kyle! Remember that!"

Selina commented, "Her meowing is getting rather annoying. Could you please shut her up?"

"Of course," Catgirl answered. She reached into the black bag and brought out a bright red ball gag. "Now, open wide!" she said to Felicia.

Felicia did nothing of the sort, but after her nose was pinched closed by Catgirl, she gave a gasp to suck in some air, and found herself sucking in a ball gag also. Catgirl shoved the ball into her mouth, then pulled the strap around her head and buckled it tight.

"Come on now, and take it like a woman, Felicia," Catwoman said, as she began to lick Black Cat’s ear.

Catgirl then used the claws in her gloves to slowly and carefully cut away the yarn and costume protecting Felicia's cunt. "Tell me," Catwoman purred as she tried to look down, "is she really white down there?"

Catgirl moved her claws through the white pussy hair of the Black Cat, and replied, "It looks like the real thing." She then stuck her tongue out, and licked from bottom to top the slit surrounded by her white pussy hair. "And it tastes real, too!" she added.

"Now, are you ready to take it?" Catgirl asked. Felicia's eyes were wide in terror, her head shaking back and forth.

"She must be ready, willing and able," Selina said over the muffled squeaks coming from behind the ball gag, "or else, she'd be objecting!"

Kandy slowly backed up and retightened the straps to the dildo hung around her waist, then menacingly approached the Black Cat. As soon as she had the tip of the dildo against the slit in Black Cat's crotch, she rammed it home. Even with the gag, Felicia’s scream could be heard as she was tagged with the tracer. Kandy rammed it in again and again, taking pleasure in raping the woman who at one time was the rival in competition for Mary Jane's husband.

"Do you think I need to make sure she's been tagged with a tracer by marking her anus also?" Kandy asked.

Selina, who had derived a good bit of pleasure from the humping since she was strapped tightly to Black Cat by the yarn, shook her head and said, "No, I don't think that will be necessary. I do have a few other ideas, though. Cut this yarn free, and I'll show you."

Just then, Caitlin came running around the corner and blurted out, "We'd better wrap up soon here." She was still trying to pull hunks of webbing from her black second skin. "Even as a tag team, She-Hulk and I were having problems holding back Spider-Man. He might get past her and come hunting for Black Cat at any moment!"

Catwoman turned to Catgirl and said, "Get this yarn off quick!"

Kandy extended three fingers of her right hand and sliced from top to bottom in the small gap between Felicia's back and Selina's chest. The yarn fell into a fuzzy heap at their feet, and Selina grabbed even tighter around Felicia to keep her from falling away. Black Cat was groggy from the pounding her pussy had just taken, and felt limp in Catwoman's arms.

"It would appear that we'll have to postpone our extended play with this kitty until we get back to the club," Selina told an obviously upset Catgirl. "Let's take advantage of the situation, however," she added, "and set up a surprise for Spider-Man! Caitlin, get back to Jennifer and delay him for about ten minutes. Then feign a retreat and lure him into this room."

She-Hulk had worked with Spider-Man enough over the years to be eminently familiar with both his weapons and his fighting tactics. She knew that the webbing she'd coated him with would not last long, and watched as he shredded the gray material. Spider-Man would be limited to his agility and strength now for fighting tools, and Jennifer was looking forward to playing with him. When she made a move to pounce on him, Spidey jumped up and out of the way to his left.

For some reason, when Spidey had first seen his titanic black opponent, his spider-sense reacted as if she were a known friend. The tussle they'd just been in must have enlightened his spider-sense, though. When she started to move in his direction, it sent alarms through his head like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl. This black clad powerhouse was an adept and skilled fighter, and he was still bogged down with clumped masses of his own webbing. This slowed down the jump he made, and didn't help matters any when he tried to exchange blows with her. Spider-Man couldn't seem to land any solid punches on her.

Since physical blows were not affecting her, Spidey decided to fall back on his wits. "I'm impressed with your strength, lady," Spider-Man taunted, "but since you're dressed in black, I guess you must be a bad girl. Did you get your growth pills and vitamins from the Incredible Hulk?"

Jennifer put a shit-eating grin on her face, and thought to herself, Nah, that would be telling.' "Close but no cigar," she told him, "but don't discount the possibility of a good diet with lots of fiber and a good exercise program!"

Spidey was about to answer with another retort when his spider-sense gave him notice of an impending attack from his left. He turned and saw the smaller twin of his current foe, who appeared to have gotten out from under the webbing he'd layered her in. Instead of attacking him, however, she leapt over his head to land next to her apparent teammate. She whispered something in her ear, or at least the spot on her cowl where an ear would be, then both of them turned on him.

Without his webshooters, Spidey was in deep doodoo having to fight a pair of these black powerhouses. Being a hero, however, meant that he had to do something to stop them, and he still had to try and find Black Cat. Thinking that the best defense is a good offense, Spider-Man crouched, then sprang at the gap between the black villainesses. Their arms went flying in an effort to halt his progress, but Spider-Man's strength let him barrel on through. Before they had a chance to turn and recover, he swiped his legs around in an arc to take them off their feet.

Fairchild went down, since she was the first to be hit, but She-Hulk took the blow in stride and bounced over to her fallen cohort. "Come on, get up," she said, "he didn't hit you that hard!"

"Give me a break," Caitlin told her, "these heels aren't the best thing for close quarter combat!"

Jennifer grabbed her under her left arm and pulled her up, then said, "This spider needs to be squashed! Let's get him!"

Two black shapes that could have been a wet dream came flying at Spidey feet first, heels aimed like daggers. Spider-Man didn't like the idea of being impaled by four stiletto heels and jumped straight up to grab an overhead crossbeam and let them sail by below him. Both girls got to their feet before he could drop back down, and Spidey wondered if he was going to be a pigeon in a shooting gallery now. To his astonishment, they didn't come after him.

She-Hulk turned to Fairchild and winked, then said, "Let's get out of here while the getting's good. I don't think we have to worry about a Spider-Man who doesn't have any spider webs!" They turned and raced down a hallway.

Before they could get too far away, Spider-Man dropped from his perch and shot off a spider tracer, which made contact with the larger of the two women and stuck to her right boot. He started to run after them, then came up short in a moment of doubt. Whoa, Spidey thought to himself, I almost forgot about trying to find Black Cat. I wonder what direction she went off in. Oh well, those two are my only lead in anything that's going down here, so I guess I'd better follow them. With that, he started sprinting down the hallway they'd disappeared in.

While Spider-Man was being so ably detained by She-Hulk and Fairchild, Catwoman and Catgirl started to set up the trap they would use to take down the web crawler. The groggy Black Cat had the magic lasso draped over her shoulders, and was ordered to follow the other girls back to the club without trying to get away, and to remain sleepy and unawares during the next few minutes. She was told that she could not speak to Spider-Man when she saw him, and could not even acknowledge that she'd seen him. The lasso was then removed from her and restowed in Catgirl's weapons belt.

Catgirl helped Catwoman tie Black Cat to a pole, with her feet, knees, waist and shoulders all wound tightly with white yarn against the pole. The slight tearing that Felicia's costume had taken during her rape were increased by alternately shredding and pulling, until it looked like she'd been put through the wringer. Her hair was then totally messed up, and made to hang down directly in front of her face. The degraded heroine now looked the way she felt. Catgirl then went to an adjacent hallway to observe the upcoming events, but not be seen.

Spider-Man kept after his quarry for just short of a minute, then stopped to listen for any clue as to their position. He heard rapid heel clicking from further down the hallway, and took off running once again. As he got closer to the open area, however, his spider-sense went ballistic. He stopped short just as a wall of flame shot up from a pipe laid out across the floor. Two more steps and he would have been barbecued spider, done original crispy style. Gathering up his strength, Spidey leapt over the wall of flame in a tucked in, spinning ball shape.

When he alit on the other side, his spider-sense went up a notch beyond even ballistic. A quick scan told him why. The two black giantesses he'd fought were standing on either side of a purple-clad woman he knew had to be Catwoman. The feline fatale was already peeling away the tracer he'd attached to the taller one's boot. Oh well. Then his scan fell upon the pole near to where they were standing.

Spider-Man saw Black Cat strung up on the pole with her costume shredded and her hair looking like she'd been through a tornado. He jumped towards the pole before thinking what a dumb idea that was, and found out the hard way just how true that thought was. The larger of the two ebony clad titans grabbed his right arm and swung him hard. He ended up looking directly into the hair-covered face of his partner, but before he could even say anything, the other black giantess grabbed his other arm and pulled. Spidey felt bones complaining, and thought he was about to split, when they let up the pressure and turned him to face Catwoman.

"As you can see, Spider-Man," Selina said, "we've been having a blast entertaining your partner. We like this stray cat so much that we want to take her back with us. I'm sure you won't mind if we give her a new home!"

The look on his face (or at least what could be made out beneath his covering mask) was priceless. "What have you done to the Black Cat, Catwoman?" he shouted. "If you've harmed her in any way, I'll hunt you to the ends of this Earth!"

Selina clicked out a single claw, and put its point on his nose, then told him, "You are in no position to threaten me, Spider-Man. In fact, if I wasn't a sporting cat, I'd have my two henchwomen split you in two like a wishbone. I don't work that way, though. We are taking your friend with us, and if you care to try and find us, it will be that much more fun for the future. Don't be surprised, though, that if and when you see the Black Cat again, she won't be looking forward to helping you!"

Catwoman turned away from the strung up spider, walked a few paces, and then said, "Girls, make sure this spider meets some fish. I want to put a lot of distance between us before he can try to follow."

Spidey immediately envisioned being tossed into the depths of New York's harbor, but was instead led to the edge of one of the cannery's storage pits. There was a huge bin of so far unprocessed tuna hanging above the pit. He was pushed into the pit by She-Hulk, and as soon as he was at the bottom, Fairchild pushed the button that released the contents of the bin. Spidey found himself inundated in more tons of tuna than he'd ever known could swim the oceans. It would take him hours to try and climb or swim through the slimy and slippery prison he was in, before he could begin his search for Felicia.

With Spider-Man out of the way, Catgirl came out of hiding and said, "I sure hope that when he eventually finds Black Cat, I'm there to be in on the fun."

Catwoman turned to her acknowledged worthy protege, and said, "I'm sure Mr. Thorne will allow you to be in on the festivities. We need to get back to the club now, though; the night is almost over and the sun should be rising at about the same time that Spider-Man rises from that bin. We need a way to get Black Cat back to the club. She can't go anywhere dressed like that!"

"That's easy," replied She-Hulk. "Bring her to the back of the van. We can dress her to match the mind she'll have once Mr. Thorne is finished with her."

Catgirl looked puzzled. "Back of the van?" she asked.

"Do you remember the two hookers you met back at the docks, Kandy?" Catwoman asked.

"Of course," she replied, "one of them was you and the other was Caitlin."

Catwoman took her younger ally by the shoulder, and said, "Come with me, little girl. I have something I want to show you. Caitlin, Jennifer, get Felicia down from the pole and bring her to the van. I think we'll all dress up for our grand return to the Justice Club!"

To be continued in "The Justice Club: Webbing a Spider."