The Justice Club: Webbing a Spider

Author: Yenoc
Time to Read:22min
Added Date:9/24/2024
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Tags: Spiderman

Spider-Man looks for Mary Jane and the Black Cat at the Justice Club.

In the back of the unmarked Justice Club van which Catwoman, She-Hulk and Fairchild had been using for their search for Catgirl, the costumes of five women were removed after Black Cat had been wrapped in Wonder Girl's magic lariat and told to follow all orders given by Selina. The shredded Black Cat costume had been the easiest to remove, since it was in tatters already. Catwoman removed her purple costume for the second time that evening, replacing it with the same set of clothes she'd worn earlier. The slutty makeup was still on her face, so only a touchup was needed to make her the street-walking whore again. Caitlin put on her get up from earlier also after doffing her black catsuit. Since her makeup was a bit messy from the tussling with Spider-Man in the cannery, restoring her slutty face took a bit more work. Jennifer, whose skin was green, put on an opaque neon blue body stocking, followed by a black leather miniskirt and vest set. She zipped on a pair of black ankle boots with spike heels, and pulled a pair of wrist length black gloves over her hands. The white skinned female face mask she'd been wearing all evening to hide her green face was left on, since it already had good makeup painted on it, but the black wig she'd been wearing was replaced with a shoulder length blonde one.

Catgirl was right at home in stripping off her costume to be replaced with whore clothes. She had been programmed to be a stripper and prostitute, so Kandy went to work with glee in donning a set of crotchless black fishnet hose, a pink lycra blouse, a cherry red PVC miniskirt and stiletto heeled red boots. After her face had been done up, her red hair set off the rest of her outfit as a fiery red hooker. She came close to stealing the show from Selina, who just barely kept her status as the sluttiest hooker yet seen.

Felicia was told by Selina to put on the outfit she'd been handed, and to make impassioned passes at any man she saw. She was revolted at what she'd been seeing as the other girls dressed up, but the instructions given by the golden rope overcame her misgivings. Felicia also donned a body stocking, to cover the bruises on her legs. This one was flesh toned, and looked like shiny tanned skin from a distance. A long sleeved glossy black vinyl leotard was then pulled on, and after the zipper was pulled up in the back, her abundant chest was molded in black. A matching set of hotpants was pulled on, then spike heeled black pumps with ankle straps were put on her feet. Felicia found herself working over her own face with makeup, and couldn't stop as she covered her bruises and became a whorish slut. Selina had been brushing out her hair, and when she finished, there were five to die for hookers in the van, ready to head back to the club.

Instead of parking in the club garage where no one would see them, Selina had Jennifer park the van in an open spot two blocks from the front entrance. She wanted to make sure that both Kandy and Felicia got a good first hand experience at luring the men around the club. The grand entrance made by the five hookers at the Justice Club drew a lot of stares from the crowd of clients still hanging around. For them, the lateness of the night meant nothing, and seeing the girls come in from the street topped off an evening that had topped the charts, with Wonder Woman becoming the newest star at the club. Ignoring the crowd who wanted to see them up close and personal, the three women who were already club employees thanks to Thorn's machinations let their newest hookers have some fun. Felicia made more contacts than she could have handled in a month of nights, but inside, was definitely not having the fun she was showing the crowd. Kandy was right at home, and showed off what she had to sell to a huge number of men who were disappointed to find that she was just showing off. They then brought their latest catch in for her interview with Mr. Thorn.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man was wallowing in an ocean of unprocessed tuna. He didn't care to estimate how many tons of fish were over his head in the pit, he just knew that he had to work his way out so he could find Black Cat. Spidey found that trying to walk amidst the fish was hopeless, so he tried a swimming motion, displacing fish with his cupped hands. He found that progress was being made, however slowly, and that any progress was good. Spider-Man was struck with the irony of swimming in fish, and was thankful that only his webshooters had been harmed in the fighting. His Spider strength was all that kept him at his plowing through the tuna. As predicted by Selina earlier, the sun was peeping over the NYC skyline when he finally poked his head out of the fish, and made his way to the edge of the pit to climb out.

Spider-Man found no sign of any of the women he'd fought earlier, not that he'd expected them to hang around for a rematch. The stench that clung to him as an almost visible aura made it almost mandatory that he get home and clean up before doing any more searching. Without webbing, Spidey had to walk back to his townhouse, unable to swing from the rooftops like usual. It was mid-morning before he reached his front door.

The total lack of activity in his house took Spider-Man by surprise. He would have expected Mary Jane to be watching TV or doing chores, but there was no sign of her as he opened the door. "Mary Jane? It's Peter, sorry I didn't make it back last night," he yelled towards the upstairs. "Black Cat and I got waylaid. Mary Jane?" There was no indication of any movement.

Peter went up the stairwell to his bedroom, expecting maybe to find his wife napping on their bed. When he got there, he was in for a shock.

Not only was Mary Jane not on the bed napping, there was no sign of her anywhere. Nor was there any sign of any of her clothes, dressers, makeup tables or other sundries. It was as if Mary Jane had never been there. Peter started searching for any clues to what may have happened, stripping off the stinky costume as he did so. The entire upstairs area was devoid of any clue that a female had ever been there.

Spidey went back downstairs and started to look around in the kitchen and living room. Once again, there was no sign that his wife had ever been there. The house gave every impression of being a bachelor pad, with male related magazines and books on the shelves, action artwork hanging on the walls, and dirty dishes in the sink.

Peter now had two searches to conduct, and unfortunately for Felicia, his wife had priority. Mary Jane had a Spider Tracer kept in her purse for just this type of scenario. Tired as he was from not sleeping the night before and exerting so much effort in getting out of the tuna, Spidey decided to take a quick shower and don the last of his clean Spider-Man costumes for a quick swing through the city. He made sure to fill and don a new set of webshooters, and was off. While still looking for any sign of Black Cat or Mary Jane visually, Peter was primarily scanning for any signal from the unique tracer in MJ's purse.

When Felicia had been lead to Thorne's office by Selina and Kandy after their grand arrival at the Justice Club, Thorne had her taken to a 'guest' bedroom to get some sleep. He had Selina and Kandy stay behind in the office. Thorne was none too pleased to find that Kandy had already been turned by Catwoman from her Mary Jane persona into the evil slut she now was.

"But Mr. Thorne," Selina protested, "we intended to leave Kandy for you to turn! The situation in the fish factory made that impossible, though. When I found out that Mary Jane was Spider-Man's wife, I had to change her into Kandy completely in order to fight him with an advantage."

"Selina," replied Thorne, "I forgive you for going way beyond your authority in that action, but don't think I'm ever going to forget it. You seem to have reacquired some of the spunk you had before Barbara and I changed you. I'm going to have to have Barbara give you the full treatment once again to put you back into your place. But I'll bet you're looking forward to that, aren't you?"

Thorne was also surprised to hear that Kandy was related to Spider-Man. This was a problem he had not thought of when it was decided to acquire Mary Jane Watson-Parker to play a role in taking down Wonder Woman. Avoiding the web-slinging hero would not be easy.

It had been a very long day, with the capture of Wonder Woman and the side venture of taking in Kandy. The dawn was rapidly approaching, so Thorne sent his new team of cats to bed, and turned in himself to rest up and be ready for the job he had to do on the Black Cat.

In the large bedroom with a queen sized bed, a stand up mirror on the door, a dresser with 4 drawers, a big makeup table and another mirror on the wall over it, an alarm clock started ringing at 9am. Felicia Hardy awoke with a start at the sound of the alarm, then reached over to the nightstand to her right to turn it off. She then sat up with a start as she realized that she wasn't in her own bedroom.

Felicia had no way of knowing that the mirror above the makeup table was a trick mirror, and that Mr. Thorne was on the other side observing her awakening. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, Felicia noticed the slight scars on them, and remembered the skirmish she'd been in the night before. Before that line of thought could get any further, however, Thorne put a buffer in her mind to block it. He also bade her to go into the adjacent restroom and take a shower.

After Felicia had patted herself down with the sumptuous bathtowel and used the blow drier to dry her hair, she came back into the bedroom with the urge to go to the dresser and get her costume. Pulling open the top drawer, she found a shiny black spandex bra with white fuzzy fur along the edges. The bottom part of the outfit was just slightly more than a G-string, and it too was black with white trim. The next drawer down had her gloves in it, and they were shoulder length and white with more white fuzzy trim. There was nothing in the next drawer, but the bottom had her boots, and they were quite similar to her old ones in that they were white with fuzzy trim but they had something her old boots never had--six inch heels!

Felicia had no control of her body as she donned this sexy version of her old costume. When she finished, she primped in front of the standup mirror, then sat down at the makeup table. Something inside was telling her to do up her face as she had the night before. Felicia knew of the whore act she'd been forced into, and now dreaded making herself look that way once again. Nevertheless, Thorne watched in glee as his new charge put on a face that exuded sexual abandon. He then made her sit right there staring at herself.

Thorn then got up and went into her room to face the white-haired heroine in person. "Hello, Felicia," he said, "I hope you slept well, even if it was no more than a long nap. I saw you come in last night looking quite fetching. Your white hair and the exotic makeup on your face made you particularly appealing."

Felicia nodded, then answered, "Where am I? What have you done to my costume?"

Thorn reached out and took Felicia's right hand into his own, then replied, "You are a guest at the Justice Club, but not for long. As of right now, you are no longer the heroine known as Black Cat. You are now Felicia Hardy, exotic dancer and stripper for the Justice Club, our own decadent Black Cat."

Felicia started to protest, but felt a wave of energy surge through her mind and body. Thorne inserted into her being the want and need to be a naughty sex object for the enjoyment of the Club's clientele. To solidify her conversion, Thorne had music piped into the room, then watched as Felicia started to sway and shimmy to the music. She stood, and then started to dance for Thorne as if he was a private customer brought into a side room off the main floor. Deep inside her mind, Felicia was appalled at what she was doing, but right up front she was in heaven, totally enjoying the way she was baring herself for her new boss. Thorne stripped himself as Felicia got down to just her boots, and had her stop dancing.

Thorne led Felicia back to what was now her own bed, and cemented her conversion by having her first suck him off, then encouraging him to ream his huge tool into both her pussy and her anus. Thorne came the closest he had yet in any of his conversions to becoming spent sexually in satisfying the wild cravings of his newest toy. She had exceeded even his wildest dreams. He was already making plans for her debut on the stage later in the evening.

After swinging across and up and down and all around New York City all morning and afternoon, Spider-Man had come up with not even a hint of a signal. As night fell across the city and a different type of street activity got started, Spidey got sidetracked into foiling a few robberies and muggings. Getting more and more despondent at the lack of any results in his search, Peter finally decided to call it a night and get some well-needed rest. For all he knew, his deadened lack of spirit may have let a weak signal from the tracer get by him.

As soon as he got back to the townhouse, Peter took off his last wearable costume and threw it with the others into the washer to clean while he slept.

The next morning, he woke up to the strangeness of dead silence, with no sign of his usual bed partner. He retrieved the copy of the Bugle from his doorstep, and scanned the front section while eating some cereal. Before hopping into the shower, Peter transferred all the costumes from the washer to the dryer. Hanging his head in despair from not having his wife on hand, Peter then spotted a small piece of paper on the floor under the telephone. He picked it up, and his heart leapt with joy.

The paper had notes written on it by Mary Jane, apparently from a phone conversation with her agent. There was the name of the Justice Club, its address and phone number, and the owner, Mr. Thorne. This tiny clue pointed Peter in the direction to restart his search for Mary Jane, which put the search for Black Cat on a back burner.

Peter got dressed in civvies while his costumes were drying, and caught a cab to the Justice Club. There was very little activity there since it was daytime, and Peter went into the bar just to look around. He got a soda to sip on while he was looking to make it look like he belonged, then scouted the walls. He saw where Thorne's office was, and just missed spotting the object of his search.


Kandy Kyle was up long before the rest of her partners from the work on the stage the night before, and wanted to talk to Thorne about her upcoming acts. She was just coming out of the door from the hallway when she spotted Peter looking around. Quickly pulling the door closed again behind her as she went back into the hallway, Kandy missed being seen by the man who used to be her husband by only seconds. Since Selina had instructed Kandy to remember all of Mary Jane's background, she knew Peter was at the club searching, and that meant Spider-Man would probably be back later to follow up.

To make sure he'd come back later, Kandy went and got part of Felicia's shredded costume. It had been replaced by the new stage version of the costume for Felicia's debut the night before, and luckily was still on hand. Waiting for Parker to move away, she then went out onto the floor and placed the costume piece under a table. Kandy then snuck back into the hallway and bided her time. Mr. Thorne himself came out of his office a bit later to talk to the loner in his club, and got nothing from Peter other than that he was bored and was killing time. After Thorne went back to his office, Peter spotted the small piece of black spandex with white tufting attached. He now knew that at least Felicia was here at the club somewhere, if not his wife.

Peter decided to come back later in the afternoon in costume, so that he could search with a bit more authority. He left the club, and caught another cab back to his townhouse.

As soon as Parker left the club, Kandy made a beeline for Thorne's office. She told him that the man he had just talked to was actually Spider-Man. To test what Selina had told him, he asked her how she knew. Kandy told Thorne about her background as Mary Jane. Thorne only thought he'd been grabbing a supermodel to aid in his subjugation of Wonder Woman, now it had been confirmed that he had the wife, or rather, ex-wife, of Spider-Man himself. He was still a bit ticked off that Barbara and Selina had conspired to change Mary Jane into Kandy without his assistance, but let it go for the time being. Kandy proposed an idea to him for taking Spider-Man out of their hair, and Thorne liked it so much that he paged Selina and Barbara to get it set up.

While Peter was at his townhouse changing into a Spider-Man costume, the girls were busy setting up a dungeon scene on the stage. There was an X-frame, a rack of S&M tools, and a full set of cuffs, gags and blindfolds. Barbara then got dressed in a black G-string, corset and gloves set, along with some black back-seamed stockings attached by garters to the G-string. She strapped some six inch heeled bondage shoes to her feet, with locks on the ankle straps, then sat down at the dressing table to highlight her face to look a bit like Kandy's. With the blindfold that would be hiding her eyes, only some work on the cheeks and lips was called for. Since the whole reason Kandy had been brought to the club was the similarity of her hair to Barbara's, all Barbara had to do was change the styling a bit from how she normally wore it to look like Kandy's when she'd first come into the club as Mary Jane.

Kandy herself put on her Catgirl costume, then got some pointers from Barbara on what to do at the X-frame. After the setup was complete, Selina left the two look-alikes to await the return of Spider-Man. She joined Felicia, now dressed in a costume similar to her original one, to put on a diversionary act to draw the Spider's attention. They did not have long to wait.

When word came that Spider-Man was swinging down the street towards the club, Kandy helped Barbara get herself locked to the X-frame. Her feet were attached via cuffs to the bottom of the X, and her hands were brought up to the upper ends to be strapped into place. Kandy then got the blindfold and strapped it around Barbara's head, and with her upper face hidden, Kandy couldn't believe how much Barbara looked like herself. To Barbara's surprise, Kandy then got a red ball-gag and pried open her lips to insert it. This girl has promise! I might have to give her some advanced training, Barbara thought.

Kandy picked up a crop and started to stroke Barbara's legs. This action would appear to be more harmful than it was, so that at the first sight of Spider-Man, a few harder swats could be made without hurting before. Barbara knew when Spidey had shown up when she felt a stinging blow to her left inner thigh.

Spider-Man had come through the front door of the club expecting to have to confront Mr. Thorne. The scene on the stage drew his attention, however. The Catwoman was sparring claw to claw with the Black Cat, and Spidey saw what he thought was his wife, Mary Jane, being put through a domination scene by a dominatrix dressed in a cat-like costume. He rushed to the stage and leapt up save his wife. His Spider Sense gave no warning whatsoever as Catgirl spun out of his way to go to the tool rack. The person who was about to do him harm was actually his wife, at least in a physical sense, and she did not register as a danger.

Spider-Man was in the process of starting to raise "Mary Jane's" blindfold when Catgirl shoved a cylinder in front of his face and released the knockout gas. At the same moment that the blindfold came off and Spider-Man saw a face that wasn't quite right, his eyes closed and he sank to the floor in a heap. Barbara enjoyed the shocked look on his face as he succumbed to the gas.

Selina had been watching the show with Felicia. Thorne watched from his office, and came out when he saw Spider-Man fall. Whilst Kandy was helping Barbara to get back off the X-frame, Thorne and Selina picked up the inert form of the blue and red clad hero and took him to the room that had been set up earlier. Spidey was stripped out of his costume and strapped down on a hospital style bed. A drip bag was hanging to his left, and the intravenous needle was inserted into his left forearm, and a drainage needle from the right to a circulation system. Thorne then had a crew go back to the Parker townhouse and totally remake the interior for its new owner and her sister.

As Catgirl walked into the room, Thorne had Selina leave. Kandy took off her mask, then Thorne awakened Spider-Man with a burst of mental energy. Peter's eyes fluttered open, to see his wife standing next to Thorne, dressed as the cat dominatrix he'd seen earlier. "Mary Jane," he sputtered, "what's going on?"

"First of all, Peter," she replied caustically, "I am no longer Mary Jane. I am now Kandy Kyle, a proud member of the Justice Club's working girls."

Thorne patted her on her gloved arm, and added, "Kandy has already done a big favor for the club by going out as Catgirl and destroying one of our main competitors. She has become a valuable member of our troupe in only two days. Thanks to one of her ideas, we are going to add a new girl to the act later tonight. You, Peter Parker, are going to become the latest heroine to be added to the Justice Club!

"Kandy and I will be leaving you shortly, for this room will become very active with one hundred irradiated spiders, eager to bite and inject their venom. They will be giving you infinitely more power and strength than the one irradiated spider that turned you into Spider-Man. The intravenous drip on your arm will keep your plasma levels under control so that you remain human. However, every single one of these one hundred spiders is a female, and the venom they give you will alter your chromosomal makeup. When you wake up, you will have become Arachnia, our new spider-powered showgirl!"

The two turned away from the shocked Peter Parker, and left the room. The lids on two boxes along the wall opened up, and an army of irradiated black widows swarmed out. Their venom was no longer poisonous, but had been altered to become a gender changing venom. Seeking the warmth of a target for their mutagenic poison, they found the body strapped down to the bed. Peter felt pangs over the entire breadth of his body as each spider went to work. Thankfully, the shock of the venom to his body knocked him out once again, and Peter was blissfully unaware as his body started to change, ever so slowly.

Each cell of his body was altered to the new chromosomal makeup, male DNA becoming female. Internal organs changed first, starting with the brain. Peter's memories stayed in place, but they were now altered to reflect a feminine point of view. Bones and muscles reformed into the smaller and sleeker form of a woman. Reproductive organs changed from senders to receivers, and the first major external change was the penis pulling into the crotch to become a clitoris within the new slit. This was followed by the growth of massive breasts on the reshaped chest, full enough to tempt any man. They were topped by incredibly sensitive nipples, centered on silver dollar sized aureoles. The female hormones now coursing through the body of the ex-Peter Parker made 'he' a she.

Her midsection pulled inwards below the altered ribcage, then expanded outwards below to give her an hourglass waist with beautifully flared hips. The muscle groups on each of her appendages reshaped into the flowing forms of a well-sculpted woman with tiny hands and feet. Her face radically altered itself to take on a look of seductive beauty, with a tiny nose over full lips below perfectly formed eyes and eyebrows. Her brown hair became silkier and turned pure white, then flowed outward to form a waist length mane.

In the space of four hours, Peter Parker disappeared. In his place was an outstandingly beautiful woman, her only flaw being the lack of makeup on her face, not that she really needed it. The spiders were dispersed by an ultrasonic wave of sound that irritated them, and collected by armor-suited technicians as they came out of the room. Other technicians came in to remove the intravenous drips from her arms. They had not been told by Thorn about the changes taking place, and assumed they were working with one of the club's dancers. In a way, they had assumed correctly.

Thorn entered the room when all personnel had been cleared. He aroused the sleeping woman on the bed with a gentle mental nudge after taking off all her straps. Her eyes fluttered open, eyelashes looking perfect. She had a confused look on her face, and said, "Where am I?"

"You are in an intensive care room," Thorn told her. "You just had a breast enlargement done to make your act better. You do remember where you are now, don't you?"

Her eyes scrunched as she tried to access her memories. "I can't recall coming here, or where I am now; for some reason, I can't even remember who I am!"

Thorn then started to brief her, both verbally and with mental pushes. "You are one of the dancers in my organization, the Justice Club, who gets her thrills by stripping on stage. You make money on the side for us by selling your body on the street. You are also an evil villainess called Arachnia, with incredible spider strength and powers. Whenever you aren't on the job performing here at the club, you use your powers to commit crimes. To hide your identity when not in costume, you use the name Felicity Hardy. Your sister, Felicia, is a dancer here also, and she helps you with your crimes by dressing up as the Black Cat. Do you remember any of this now?"

Felicity's mind had been absorbing all that she was told, with help from Thorn's mental pushing. "Yes, it's all coming back to me now, thanks. I guess I had to have my hair shortened for the medical work?"

Thorn nodded his head, saying, "Yes, the hair hanging below your knees was just a bit too unruly for the doctors to handle, so they cut it down to waist length. You can let it grow back out now, if you wish. Your costume is in the room next door. If you'd like to get dressed, I'll leave you alone for a moment, but I need to give you a briefing for tonight's show before I let you go back to your townhouse."

"Thank you," Felicity replied, "I want to get into costume, but don't want to go back to my house 'til after dark. I don't want my neighbors to spot Arachnia going into or out of Felicity's house!"

Thorn nodded, then said, "Well, after the brief, I could let you borrow some of the clothes used by my club prostitutes if you want to go back to the house in the daylight."

"That would be nice," she answered. "I could even make some money on the side on the way home!"

Felicity went into the next room and picked up her costume. She found a bra and panties set to have something on, then went to find her sister.


After leaving Felicity, Thorne went to Felicia's room. The Black Cat was getting out of the body covering costume she'd worn on the stage earlier in the day, and was set to put on something lighter. Thorne intercepted her in the middle of this process, and gave her new mental instructions to reflect her sisterhood and partnership with Arachnia. Felicia then sat down at her makeup table and did up her face. What she then put on could hardly be described as light.

Felicia had been surprised to find her drawers empty other than the outfit she was now wearing, but realized that everything must have been moved back to her townhouse. There were black fishnet tights on her legs, a black leather miniskirt, a white blouse with a black leather vest over it, and knee high stiletto heeled black boots on her feet. Felicia was ready to join her sister Felicity in doing some street walking to fill the remainder of the day.

Felicity herself had found a bright blue leather mini-dress that she slipped into, but found that her newly enlarged breasts did not fit well in it. She would have to make a point of building up a new wardrobe, now that her shape had been altered so much. Thanks to Thorne's mental handiwork, Felicity had no idea just how much her shape had been altered. The too-tight dress had quarter sleeves, and was over back-seamed smoky grey hose. There were five-inch heeled blue pumps adorning her tiny feet, and her face had been dolled up to make her into the slut she wanted so much to be.

Felicity left her room to enter the hallway, and saw her sister doing the same. Felicia walked up to her and hugged her closely, then said, "Felicity, I can't believe what an awesome job they did in augmenting your breasts. You look outstanding! Even dressed the way I am, I won't be able to draw anybody away from you!"

Felicity blushed, as if you could tell under the rouge on her cheeks, then said, "Don't belittle yourself, sister dear. You have the looks to make mine seem plain. You will get more than your share of the customers! But I don't want to spend all day screwing, I've got my costume with me, and after the sun goes down, I think Arachnia and the Black Cat should go out on the town!"

Felicia winked and said, "Way ahead of you, sis! My costume is ready and waiting back at our townhouse. You say the word, and I'm ready to go!"

The crowd at the Justice Club was packed to overflowing that night as the new team of Arachnia and Black Cat, the white-haired near twins, were spotlighted as the new attraction. They gave a show so explicit and sexually exciting that Selina and Barbara had their work cut out for them in the following act. Unlike Selina and Barbara however, Arachnia and the Black Cat were allowed to leave the club after their show.

It was reported on the 11 o'clock news that a pair of female super criminals had hit a jewelry shop on Broadway less than an hour earlier. They were described as both having long pure white hair, but one was dressed in a shiny form fitting black bodysuit with shoulder length black gloves and thigh high black stiletto heeled boots and a black cat mask over her eyes. The other was described as being in a silver bodysuit with a black spider design on her huge chest, black elbow length gloves, knee high black boots with spike heels and a web-design mask in black over her eyes. Eyewitnesses reported that the silver costumed woman looked a bit surprised when she found a stream of webbing shooting from her mouth as she tried to get at the guard.

Police made an effort to stop the malicious pair, but had no luck. They even put out word to try and get Spider-Man and his partner, the Black Cat to give them some help, but neither was heard from.

To Be Continued in "The Justice Club: White Queen (Thorne Gets a Partner)."