The Justice Club: Wonder Woman

Time to Read:57min
Added Date:9/22/2024
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Tags: FairchildWonder Woman

Mr. Thorne plans to go after his biggest prize yet: Wonder Woman Wonder Woman was in her townhouse in Washington, DC in her alter ego, Diana Prince. She was watching the news on TV after eating dinner on Friday evening. It seemed like every item in the news was bad news, be it crime, natural disasters or international strife. Diana started to wonder if there would ever be a break in the action for Wonder Woman or any of the other members of the Justice League, or any of the other heroes. This made her think of her little sister, Drusilla. Once again, Diana made note of the fact that Dru hadn't been seen or heard from for over a month. Her sister had a habit of getting herself lost in man's world while engaged in her studies at college and learning about the wily ways of the young men with whom she was in constant contact. It sometimes made Diana wonder about the decision her mother, Queen Hippolyta, had made in allowing Dru to come to man's world before her training as an Amazon was completed. Physically, her sister was as strong or stronger than any of the Amazons on Paradise Island, but mentally, she was still a naive teenaged girl.

Even in some of her more adventurous forays, Wonder Girl had never waited this long to get word to her about her doings. Sometimes, Diana got the impression that Drusilla was just trying to show that she was as good as her, and rubbing it in her nose to show that she wouldn't be taking any more of her 'big sister' counseling and berating. Diana knew that the day would eventually come when Wonder Girl would be on her own, but for now, she was still a youngster in training.

Little did Wonder Woman know what kind of training her little sister was getting at just that moment.

At the Justice Club, Thorne was gloating over his recent acquisition of Jennifer Walters, the She-Hulk. With both She-Hulk and Fairchild in his control, their strength was the key to Thorne's security in that it made the club almost invincible to physical threats. As a plus, they were also fantastic strippers, and the crowds went wild at the super strength shows they did.

Thorne had plans to add to his pool of super powered strippers, however. Ever since gaining his first actual heroine for the shows, Wonder Girl, he had dreamed of getting her older sister Wonder Woman into the act as well. As much as Thorne enjoyed the strength and power of She-Hulk and Fairchild, an enslaved Wonder Woman would make them look like pansies.

The problem Thorne had was in finding a suitable way to get the Amazon into his clutches. She was a heroine with many years of experience, and would not fall prey to any simple traps.

It was while watching the show the Friday before that the inspiration hit him. He had watched Wonder Girl performing, drawing huge raves from the audience. The next act was Catwoman and Batgirl, more properly known as her new identity, Anygirl. Anygirl had dressed herself in her own Catwoman costume, and had Selina in her Catwoman costume acting as the submissive in a bondage and disciple show. Catwoman had been trained by Anygirl to be her willing slave, and eagerly acted out the scenes using whips, paddles, canes and crops. The striptease performed by both, derived from the B&D scene, had the crowd on its feet, clamoring for more.

As the two performers were leaving the stage, with the announcer saying that She-Hulk would be on after a short break, Thorne went back to his office. He had his aide summon Drusilla and Barbara to join him.

Barbara was still quite sweaty and tired from her just finished act with Selina, her hair still a mess from being under the black wig, but went to her master's office right away when she got the word that he was looking for her. Drusilla had time to clean up after her act, and was fresh and clean as she joined Barbara in the hallway just outside his door. Neither had any idea why they were being called together to Thorne's office.

Thorne looked up as his star acts opened his door. "My dears, please have a seat," he said, waving his hand toward the couch, which doubled as a fold out bed, on the side wall. "The crowds have been crying out for more of your fantastic shows. I wish I could clone your bodies. I do, however, have a plan to get new help in the shows. Wonder Girl, do you have any way of reaching your sister, Wonder Woman?"

"Sure, Master, it's easy to call her on the phone," Dru replied. "Are you going to have that bitch join us?"

Thorne folded his massive hands on his desk, a grin forming on his face. "Oh my, Wonder Girl," he said, "do I detect a note of animosity towards your sister? Yes, indeed, I am working on the plan to get Wonder Woman into our clutches. Barbara," he said, turning towards the redhead, "you are a key figure in this plan. I need you to do two things."

As Barbara nodded, Thorne continued, "Your costuming skill will be put to the test, at least twice. I also want you to teach Drusilla as much of your domination skills as you can in as few days as possible."

The two girls looked at each other with puzzled looks on their faces, then turned back to face their master. He told them, "We will lure Wonder Woman to the Justice Club by having her think that Wonder Girl is in danger. When we get her here, I will personally debase her and make her a willing participant in our show, but before that, her will to fight needs to be broken. Wonder Girl, I'll bet you'd just love to show your older sister who's in charge now, wouldn't you?"

Wonder Girl grinned from ear to ear, a look of glee on her face. "I've taken so much shit from that sanctimonious Amazon bitch, I would love to make her beg for mercy!"

Barbara turned to the eager raven-haired teenager, and laid a hand on her lap, pressing firmly. "To do that, Drusilla, you have to learn how to do it properly. The first step is for you to become the recipient of your dominant teacher's ministrations. Oh, this will be fun!"

Barbara rose from her seat, and took Dru's left hand into her right. She gave a slight tug, and said, "Come, Drusilla, it's time turn you into a woman that will project fear into your lessers!" Dru stood and followed her new mistress into the hallway, where she was led to the specially equipped room that Thorne had installed for Barbara's usage after her upstate conversion of Catwoman.

Dru's jaw dropped in awe when she saw the interior of the room to which she was led. It was a fully equipped dungeon, with concrete floor, walls and ceiling. There were eyehooks and rings mounted in the concrete itself along all four walls and the ceiling, along with an X-frame, sawhorses, an inclined table, and a rack containing every possible type of punishment tool. "Ah, I see that Thorne has made all the changes I requested!" Barbara mused.

Barbara left Dru to marvel at the sight before her eyes and entered a side room through a door along one wall. There she took a quick rinsing shower, and after drying, put on her black leather catsuit. It took her a few minutes to tighten and knot the laces on her arms and legs, but the effect of the resulting sight was worth the effort. She pulled on her new black knee-high boots, and laced them on up the fronts. Her gloves were a simpler matter, and were pulled over her hands and just past her elbows. The last item she donned was a cowl totally unlike any she'd ever worn as Batgirl. Her hair was drawn through the hole at the top, and cascaded down her back from there. The cowl itself covered the upper half of her face with evil looking eyeholes, and it laced down the back, enclosing her head tightly.

Barbara stepped back out into the dungeon, her heels clacking loudly. This drew Dru's attention, and she turned to look. Her jaw dropped once more. Barbara was taking a whip, crop and paddle from the rack. She turned and said, "On your knees, slave!"

Dru knew better than to even think twice, and dropped in front of the vision in black before her eyes. "What are you going to do?" she asked, a note of fear in her voice.

"Is that any way to address your Mistress?" Barbara yelled as she slapped Dru across the face. "You will address me as Mistress, is that clear?"

"Yes," Dru meekly responded.

"Yes, what?" Barbara yelled back.

"Yes, Mistress!"

Dru was stripped of her clothes, and given a thorough introduction to every facet of the dungeon, experiencing the pain that could be given by an experienced dominatrix, with actually harming the subject. It was very late in the evening, actually early in the next morning, when Mistress Barbara had finished giving Drusilla her first taste of raw feminine power. The young Amazon took it all in stride, noting every detail of how she was handled by her Mistress.

Both women were given Saturday night off at the club, much to the regret of the regular clients, and were able to discuss the finer points of what Dru had undergone the night before throughout the day after sleeping in. This was the more important attitude training that was vital for Dru to have if she was to become an adequate dominatrix in only a week. Barbara was so satisfied with her student's progress that she got a special audience with Thorne late in the evening.

It was decided that before Wonder Girl would take on her sister, she should be given a trial run on a weaker willed woman. Thorne had already been considering another acquisition for the club's harem of heroines, and told Barbara that there was a ditzy blonde running around New York. She was bothering Spider-Man for the most part, and called herself the White Rabbit. She would be Drusilla's practice piece.

After Sunday night's show, Barbara made a point of letting Selina hit the showers first, while she waited for Drusilla to finish her own act. As Wonder Girl came down from the stage, Barbara motioned for her to join her. The mistress and her pupil headed for the showers, with Barbara saying, "There is one slight problem in giving you some practice this week before taking on your sister next weekend."

"What would that be, Mistress?" Dru replied in correct form.

"The only submissive female currently on hand is Catwoman. She is my own pet, and I don't wish to harm her," the redhead said as she pushed open the door to the shower room. "If you care to take a shower with me, I will tell you what Mr. Thorne has come up with to help you."

Wonder Girl followed her through the door, and as she started to remove her costume, she replied, "I'd be honored. Caitlin and Jennifer are having a grand time keeping the crowd happy wtih their combined Fairchild and She-Hulk act, so we have time to enjoy the steamy water."

The two ex-heroines stripped off their costumes and hung them on the hooks above the bench along the wall. The shower room was set up similarly to that in a high school gym, designed to allow a number of people to get wet and wild at the same time. When the two of them turned and entered the spray area, Selina was just finishing. She grabbed the soap bar and a clean washcloth and proffered them to Barbara, "Here you are, Mistress!"

Barbara crossed her hands instead of opening them to accept the supplies, and said, "Thank you, Selina, you may now wash me."

Drusilla watched as Catwoman waited while her mistress ducked into the steamy water to get wet, then started to soap her down, going from the legs up. "It sure would be nice to have my older sister doing that for me," she noted.

"Yes, it's especially nice when she cleans my insides," Barbara replied. Taking her hand and putting it under Selina's chin, she said, "Kitten, clean my pussy! Make it perfect. I want to please our master."

As Catwoman's tongue went to work, lapping like a kitten's in milk, Barbara continued, "I know Wonder Woman would be head…ohhhhh…strong and tough to control. So…ohhhhhhhh, aaahhhhh…we have someone in mind that Thorne wouldn't care about if you messed up in training."

"Who's that?" Dru replied, trying not to giggle as she watched her mistress almost lose herself from the stimulation she was getting.

"Just someone, ooooooo, who I think my pet cat," Barbara said as she patted Selina's head, "would enjoy catching!"

Monday afternoon, Catwoman found herself in a seedy storeroom after finding an ad and calling in response. It was the makeshift HQ for the White Rabbit.

"What do you mean," cried a shrieking voice, "that you don't want to help me to pull off this bank robbery? I've read that you've gone so far as to take part in taking over a train! How hard can a bank be?"

Catwoman crossed her arms, taking in the physical appearance of her questioner. The White Rabbit made her think of Joker, with her face done up in chalk white. But whereas his face looked hideous, hers was gorgeous, even if it was white. Her eyes and lips had on the usual makeup, and her long red hair rivaled her mistress's mane. She had a pair of white rabbit ears coming up from the back of her scalp, and a big red bow was attached to the front of the white choker drawn around her fleshtone neck. White panties and a white bodice covered her torso, or at least, the bottom of it, since her huge boobs seemed to spilling out the top of the bodice. She was wearing a blue plaid coat over this, with white gloves on her hands and knee high furry white boots with stiletto heels on her feet.

Selina could see why Thorne wanted her in the club. "Hey, my reputation is bigger than reality," she replied. "What did you expect when you advertised for help in Variety?" She chuckled for the first time since becoming Thorne's slave. None of White Rabbit's gang of incompetents was there for the meeting. "I'm not going to help you rob a bank, I'm going to rob you!"

Catwoman did a double somersault towards her prey, landing at a spot directly in front of her. White Rabbit had no time to grab any of her fancy toys or weapons, and as a hand to hand combatant, was no match for the purple-clad wildcat. Selina never even had to bare her claws. A few well placed slaps and backhanded blows to the ditzy redhead's noggin made her so woozy that she fell in a faint before Catwoman could ball up a fist. Selina felt disappointed. "I sure hope Thorne wanted you for looks, and not for stamina!"

Looking around the room, Selina found a huge hollow mushroom made of stiff felt and foam. She squeezed the inert form of White Rabbit into the center of the mushroom, then placed it on a pull cart. She pulled off her costume's cowl and gloves, and put them into the sack she'd brought along. Selina pulled a blue blouse and black skirt out of the sack and put them over her catsuit. As she left the building, Selina appeared to be a stagehand pulling along a prop for a show.

A Justice Club van approached the raven-haired beauty, and parked nearby. The mushroom was hefted into the back of the van, and she hopped into the passenger seat up front to bring her quarry back to the club. She turned to the driver and said, "Piece of cake!"

That same night, White Rabbit found herself naked and shackled to an X-frame. Her abductor was similarly unclad, and restrained the same way. Catwoman had come into the dungeon after the evening's show, whereas White Rabbit had been strung up there all day. Barbara came out of her side room in her new black costume, while Dru followed her dressed in just a black leotard. Selina was looking forward to the treatment Barbara was going to give her, while White Rabbit looked on in fear at the vision of Dru following her Mistress's every move. As the night wore on, Dru became more and more adept at delivering measured doses of humiliation and punishment. When the night ended, the bunny was as conditioned as Selina had become after her first session at Barbara's hands.

For the rest of the week, Dru practiced on her own, no longer needing any guidance or watchful help. White Rabbit rapidly lost the ditzy demeanor she'd presented to the world earlier, and became a willing servant of her new Mistress and by default, Thorne. He had decided to utilize the buxom redhead as a bunny waitress, able to get close to each table and ascertain what was needed or if anything nefarious was being planned. She would eventually graduate from being a table to table spy to a full-fledged stripper on the stage, once he'd put her under his spell.

Thorne was going to be pleasantly surprised when he found that Dru had completely debased and mindswiped the bunny on her own. The Justice Club was ready to take on Wonder Woman.

Diana arose early on Saturday morning, saw that the squawk box had no messages of impending doom or international crises that required the help of IADC agent Diana Prince, and spun into her Wonder Woman costume. She just loved the way she could change clothes so much easier than the average woman.

At about the same moment, Anygirl was dressing as an average woman, putting on the black wig to complete her Wonder Girl costume, while She-Hulk and Fairchild were pulling the cowls over their heads, sealing themselves in head to toe black leather.

Many a man would have given anything to see the Amazon princess decked out in her red, white, blue and gold finery, standing at the stove in her spike heeled boots, making scrambled eggs. Wonder Woman gave this picture no thought, since to her it was merely a way to be ready to go at a moment's notice if a call for her aid came in.

No such calls came, but while Diana was eating her breakfast, the fax on her squawk box started to hum, and a single piece of paper slid out.

When Wonder Woman rose to get the fax, she was puzzled to see that it was written in ancient Greek. This, for her, was almost as good as any code, since very few people could understand the odd form of Greek characters. Then it dawned on Diana just who would send her a message in this non-coded code.

The message was from Wonder Girl! It was brief, but roughly translated, it had the following information: WW, I'm in danger. Protected for now. Try to join on Big Apple's Broadway, 5 blocks north of Central Park at 5 past dawn. Watch out for traps. WG.

Checking the clock on the wall, Diana saw that it was already 9AM, four hours past dawn. She'd have to hurry to get to New York in an hour. Quickly scarfing down the last of the eggs and throwing the dishes into the sink, Wonder Woman hit a button on the squawk box to bring her invisible plane to the roof of her apartment complex.

On any given Saturday morning, the sight of Wonder Woman exiting from the fire escape shaft onto the roof of the building would draw lots of gaping eyes, so Diana threw an overcoat over her garish costume before going up to the roof. The plane was invisible to human eyes, of course, so its arrival would be unnoticed by neighbors who were used to the sound of jet engines from the nearby Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

The military would give anything to have a jet that not only could take off and land vertically and fly at Mach 3, but was cloaked from human eyes and had Amazon electronics onboard to shield it from radar and other detection devices. Even being on the good guy's side, Wonder Woman was bound by Amazon law to keep the plane and its secrets out of human hands. She climbed the ladder into the cockpit of her jet, shucking the overcoat since only her head could be seen above the sill of the cockpit, then closed the canopy.

The invisible plane scooted out of the DC air traffic mess at low level, then did a zoom climb to 60,000 feet to go into a ballistic arc descending towards the Big Apple. At her speed, Wonder Woman figured she'd be coming down over Central Park ten minutes before 10. Her years of dead reckoning, backed up by a brand new GPS receiver obtained from her Amazon sisters in the labs on Paradise Island, were right on the money, and Diana had the jet go into a holding area outside the city after she debarked in Central Park.

Using her own flying skills, Wonder Woman rose into the skies through some trees to avoid making a scene, then rode the winds towards the intersection her sister had mentioned. She spotted the red, white and blue clad figure of Wonder Girl crouched next to the trailer of a moving van, and dove to the spot.

Wonder Woman had no sooner touched down on her extended toes when she found herself being ensnared in two bolos tossed from her sides. Easily breaking the ropes of the bolos, Diana looked to each side to see where they'd come from. Two larger than normal, well-endowed women, covered from head to toe in black leather costumes that hid all of their features, were advancing on her with lassos spinning over their heads. She waited for them to get a bit closer, and as soon as the ropes came within reach, Wonder Woman reached up to grab each lasso.

Instead of the lassos snaring the Amazon, they were yanked by her to bring the two black beauties off their precariously high heels and falling headfirst towards each other. She-Hulk and Fairchild shook off the comparatively light taps they'd just taken, and took turns aiming black clad clenched fists at the Amazon's chin and midsection. Wonder Woman returned a few well placed punches to She-Hulk, giving her a swollen cheek and a black eye, before she herself fell to the ground with the wind knocked out of her after the repeated heavy blows. While Diana was still stunned, Fairchild reached into a pouch at her side and pulled out a tiny bug, which she attached to the fallen heroine's left boot heel. Wonder Woman shook off the blows, stunned at the power she'd felt in each punch, then jumped free. The ladies in black smiled at each other as they watched Wonder Woman leap towards the figure crouched next to the trailer. They let her go. Their part of the mission had been completed exactly as planned.

Wonder Woman landed adjacent to her sister, or rather, a person she thought was her sister.

Wonder Woman doubled over as she was struck twice in the stomach with a pair of quick punches. Reacting instinctively, she threw her arms put in a defensive pose, then returned the punches to the young woman standing next to her, ready to resume her assault. Wonder Woman's jabs connected, and her attacker fell back against the trailer.

Diana was shocked at being attacked by her own sister, then became even more confused when she saw the black wig on her attacker fall free as she slid down the side of the truck. The shocking red mane which came free looked somehow familiar to Wonder Woman, but she didn't have time to think about that with two other super powered women in black leather behind her. She was sure that the trap she'd walked into was continuing, and decided to get away while she could.

Summoning her jet, Wonder Woman made her way to a clearing large enough and brought it down. Setting record times in boarding, she shot straight up out of the area, trusting the plane's avionics to avoid the airliners swarming around her. At an altitude that would have put a SR-71 to shame, Wonder Woman leveled off. She was so scared that she found herself looking down upon a very nicely curved horizon, with Europe visible to the east on the rim. Her body ached all over.

Torn between deciding on going back to DC or going to the JLA, Diana decided to keep this one close and pushed the nose down toward Washington.

Diana heard an alarm go off when she deplaned and entered her apartment. The security system had detected the bug on her heel, and by sound modulation, given her an idea of where to look for it. The tiny transmitter was found on the inner curve of her left heel. She tore it away, then stomped on it to crush it. Wonder Woman then spent Saturday afternoon and evening nursing bruises the likes of which she'd never before experienced. "Who were those black leather powerhouses," she wondered, "and who was that pretending to be Drusilla?"

Her sister had to be in even more trouble than she originally imagined. Wonder Woman started to worry even more about her little sister's fate. When she got back home, Drusilla would be given a lesson in obedience she'd never forget.

Wonder Woman would soon find out that just the opposite was true--when she got to where Drusilla was, she herself was going to be given a lesson in obedience the likes of which she'd never even dreamt.

Awake almost the whole night changing icepacks, Wonder Woman was at the bottom limits of her endurance on Sunday morning when she got a phone call.

"Diana, it's me, for real this time," said Wonder Girl's voice. "The trap that was set up for you was beyond my control. I was nearly trapped myself by a woman who's your complete duplicate, dressed up in a Wonder Woman costume."

"Dru," Wonder Woman answered in a stressed voice, "where are you?"

"Safe, for now. I've got to talk fast. I've been tagged with a microscopic bug transmitter. I can't go out or I'll be tracked. I have a friend here at the Justice Club; go in costume, you'll blend in better; ask for Barbara and say you know of her friend Selina. She'll tell you more."

The line then went dead.

Diana held her phone out in front of her face, as if expecting it to bite after the way the call was terminated. Justice Club? How did Drusilla get involved with that? Wasn't that a strip joint and erotic dance studio that had women dressed up as costumed heroines and villainesses on the stage?

"Little sister, what have you gotten yourself into this time," she whispered as she hung up the phone. After her own experience with bugs, she found it easy to believe Dru's story.

Wonder Woman spun to get into costume, and felt some of the aches go away just from the strength it gave her while being worn. Just the imposing figure of the red, white, blue and gold heroine was enough to jar her pride into ignoring the pain, but the power belt around her waist and the bands of submission around her wrists gave the Amazon superhuman strength. She summoned her invisible plane once again, and went to the roof to meet it.

Diana was more concerned with speed than stealth, and wasted no time in boarding her aircraft. She programmed the geographic coordinates of the Justice Club into the nav system, then took off, now in hot pursuit of her sister's captors.

The plane came to a hover over the top of the Justice Club, and Wonder Woman got out after dropping a rope ladder down the side. She willed the plane to hide out over the ocean, where it was destined to stay until its fuel was spent and it fell into the depths.

Ignoring any thoughts of hiding, Wonder Woman flew from the roof to the street outside the front door to the club. Steeling herself for any possibilities, Diana stood tall in her heels as she opened the door and walked right into the club.

The first thing she saw after her vision became used to the dark was a bouncer standing next to the check in desk. She was huge, and looked like the legendary She-Hulk in that she was completely green. The clothes she wore, however, weren't the traditional She-Hulk costume of purple and white, derived from her days in the Fantastic Four. This monster was dressed in ragged white clothes that draped from her form. Wonder Woman had no idea that this was how the She-Hulk first appeared when Jennifer Walters became the green female giant.

Wonder Woman saw a few costumed women going into the bar, and started to follow them. She was stopped by the giant in rags. Fighting the urge to clobber the Amazon in retaliation for the hits she'd taken the day before, She- Hulk said, "Hold it. You don't work here!"

"I'm here to see a friend named Barbara, and her friend Selina," Diana replied, hoping that those names would get her in. "Hold on a moment," She-Hulk answered, going to a nearby house phone.

At least it wasn't a complete rejection.

After a few anxious moments, a woman in a Batgirl costume came through the door, and walked up to Wonder Woman. "Hello, please step inside." As Wonder Woman stepped past her through the door she held open, Batgirl turned and gave a quick nod to She-Hulk. Pulling Wonder Woman close, she put her lips close to her ear and said, "Sorry about the hassle at the door, but this place seems to be a magnet for more than its share of trouble. I'm working here while trying to get through college. You must be the Diana a mutual friend told me to watch for."

"Yes, I am. Where is she?" Wonder Woman begged.

"Whoa, not so fast!" the redhead replied. "You see, before I can take you to see her, I need to see proof that you are who you say you are, and not some villainess in a black wig and a good costume. We've already had one Wonder Woman impersonator try to screw up the works!" Looking indignant, Diana put her hands on her hips and said, "But it is me, trust me, I need to get to my sister!"

"Slow down," answered Batgirl, "we have a security test which Wonder Girl herself came up with to verify your identity. I myself don't even know where she is, one of the other girls is privy to that information, and to the security check Wonder Girl came up with. She can prove who you are."

"Here," Wonder Woman said as she held up her magic lasso, "grab my lasso so I can prove my strength."

"Those can be duplicated and faked," Barbara replied, "and the taker could find out from the original how to use them. No, Wonder Girl helped us to fight off a villain that attacked the club, and we want to protect her at all costs. She told us of a certain birthmark."

Diana grimaced. Only her sister, her mother and a few other select Amazons knew of the odd W birthmark near, of all places, her vagina. This proved to her that this woman knew of Wonder Girl. "So I have to show you this birthmark?" she asked.

"No, not me," an edgy sounding Batgirl replied. "You have to show the mark to my friend Selina, one of the other dancers, who knows what the mark is and where Wonder Girl is hiding.

"So that means…" Wonder Woman trailed off, catching herself before using Drusilla's name.

"You need to go onstage in costume and show the mark," Batgirl finished for her, secretly grinning to herself at how well Thorne's plan was working out. "That way, everyone will see the mark, including Selina, who will take you aside and bring you to Wonder Girl." With a lack of any better alternatives, Wonder Woman agreed. To her chagrin, she found that she would be dancing in a totally different costume from the one she was wearing.

"You see," Batgirl explained, trying desperately not to giggle while doing so, "your one-piece costume is too quickly removed. The dancer who normally plays you had a special costume made up. Each section, the gold W's bra and the blue bikini bottom, slides off slowly and separately. That way the dance can be prolonged, and keep the audience intrigued. Your lasso will also have to be put away, since we have a special lasso made for the show which is designed to break if any pressure is applied to it, for safety reasons. We don't want to have any strangled dancers!"

Wonder Woman stripped out of her normal costume, including her power belt. She hoped that nothing would go wrong that would require her augmented strength. She then put on the dancer's costume, noting how sexy it made her look. Diana was afraid to touch it any more after that, worried that parts would come off before she even got started. If this scenario was some kind of trick, she was going to be very, very upset.

"When the announcer makes the call for Wonder Woman, that is your cue to go onstage. The plan is for you to just strut sexily to the music at first, but then there will be a fake Wonder Girl coming on stage who is pretending to be trying to escape. You will overpower her and strip her. Then you will use your lasso to pretend that you are turning this fake into hard and true villainess who will then join the club. Tell her that her new name is Kandy Kyle, also known as Catgirl. She will be a prostitute and stripper besides a villainess. She will then come back on stage, in costume, and try to grab you by the wrists. You try to snare her with the lasso, but miss. She grabs the lasso, throws it around you, and orders you to strip. Selina will then see the birthmark, and meet you backstage after the show to tell you where the real Wonder Girl is hiding."

Wonder Woman nodded, acknowledging that she knew the plan. While she wasn't watching, Batgirl switched her original lasso for the fake she was supposed to use on stage.

Barbara left her, and went to her own dressing room. The fake Wonder Girl for the show was being dressed. Earlier in the day, Thorne had sent out a team of club heavies to bring back a certain redhead for the show. The unconscious woman being put into the Wonder Girl costume was none other than Mary Jane Watson-Parker, a New York model that Thorne did not know was actually the wife of Spider-Man. She would soon be joining his harem as Catgirl.

While Mary Jane was having the black wig put over her head, Barbara was getting dressed in what would eventually become Catgirl's costume. She pulled black fishnet tights over her legs, then put on a sleeveless black Lycra spandex leotard with deep cleavage. A weapons belt was tightened around her waist, and opera length black gloves with claws pulled onto her arms. Knee high black patent leather boots with spike heels were zipped onto her feet, and a black domino mask was put over her eyes and tied off behind her head. Not by coincidence, Thorne had selected Mary Jane as his target because her hair was identical to Barbara's.

While Anygirl was getting into her latest costume, Fairchild had been entertaining the crowd. When her act finished, the announcer gave the crowd a minute or two to settle down, then announced the next act to come on, Wonder Woman. The music started, and Wonder Woman herself got into her act. Little did she know how real it was going to become.

Diana strutted across the stage, displaying her ample body for all to see. Quite proud of her physique, Wonder Woman actually had no problem in showing off her assets to the crowd. As the tempo of the music built, Diana felt the change and acted accordingly, giving the front row viewers an up close and personal view. Meanwhile, Mary Jane was having smelling salts waved under her nose at the foot of the stage. As she awakened, she was pushed up onto the stage to join Wonder Woman.

Mary Jane saw the costume she was in, the stage she was on, and heard the music being played. Totally confused, she ran toward Wonder Woman. When she saw the look on Diana's face, who was acting quite well, Mary Jane turned around and started to run in the opposite direction. This fit the stage plan perfectly, and Wonder Woman used her 'fake' lasso to snare the impostor before she could get away. As it came down over her head, the black wig came off. Mary Jane was now wrapped in the magic lasso.

"I don't know who you are," said Wonder Woman, "but disguising yourself as my sister in an effort to escape was a big mistake. Forget your past. You are now going to known as Kandy Kyle, and work for us here at the club. You are a stripper and prostitute. You are also a very evil villainess called Catgirl. Do you understand your new role?"

The tied up woman took in all the instructions that the lasso ordered her to, and let them become her new persona. She looked Wonder Woman directly in the eye and said, "I understand that I am Kandy Kyle, the Catgirl. I am a stripper here at the cub and also a prostitute. I await your further commands."

Wonder Woman took the 'fake' lasso off her subject, then said, "Since you are a stripper, go for it!" Kandy fell in with the music that changed in tempo as soon as Wonder Woman had issued her instruction, and started to slowly strip off the Wonder Girl costume. Diana was amazed at the fine form of her body as it became visible. She also thought that the dancer she was working with was doing an excellent acting job. She would soon find out how little acting was involved. Kandy Kyle got down to bare skin, and flaunted her physique proudly. She then gathered up her shed costume, and vacated the stage.

The music went back into a seductive beat, and Wonder Woman danced while waiting for Catgirl to back onto the stage. Barbara bided her time, making sure that enough time elapsed for a change in costume. The real Catgirl was taken down the hall to her new dressing room, and given the real costume that Barbara was faking. While the plot to take down Wonder Woman was unfolding, Catgirl would be sent out on her first downtown mission.

Barbara came bounding up the steps, to the grand acclaim of the viewing audience, who after seeing the red hair of Mary Jane, thought they were seeing Anygirl in a new role. The music became more frantic, and a chase scene developed on stage. Catgirl lunged for Wonder Woman's wrists, making sure that she missed, and then Wonder Woman tossed her lasso at her. As planned, the lasso missed Catgirl, who grabbed it and pulled it from Diana's hands.

Catgirl took the lasso and wrapped it around Wonder Woman's neck like a collar. Wonder Woman stopped acting. She felt her willpower draining away, and realized that she'd been using her own lasso all along. Catgirl made it look like part of the act, and ordered Wonder Woman to do just as she'd been ordered to do. Diana had no choice, and went into a slow and devastatingly sexy striptease. She actually enjoyed this, but wasn't prepared for what followed.

When the bikini bottom came off, the tiny 'W' became visible, and Catwoman jumped up onto the stage from out of the first row. Wonder Woman knew who Catwoman was, and also knew that she was in trouble. Selina walked over to Diana, and looked carefully at the identifying mark. "Hello, Diana," she said softly. "I am Selina, and I now know for sure that we have Wonder Woman in our hands." Turning, she said, "Catgirl, the lasso please."

"Wonder Woman, remain perfectly still until I tell you to move," was her first order. As Diana froze, Selina took a small, battery powered mouse from her belt, and turned on the switch. It started to vibrate, and was inserted into Diana's vagina. The Amazon felt an urge to squeeze her legs together in enjoyment, but the lasso held her stiff. "Now then, Wonder Slut, you are going to do a nude dance for the crowd that will stun them. You will be rubbing your breasts as you dance, and the faster you dance, the more you will rub your breasts. Rubbing your breasts will make you more and more horny, and the hornier you get, the faster you'll dance. But you will not orgasm until Catgirl or I let you. Begin!"

Wonder Woman was locked into her endless cycle of stimulation, and had no further need of the lasso's instruction. Catwoman unwound it from the dervish's neck, and watched as she went further and further into sexual oblivion. Selina saw that Catgirl was watching closely, and snuck up on her with the lasso. As much as Selina could have wanted to torment Barbara, her devotion to her mistress was complete. "Hear my command. You will stay in your Catgirl costume. That is who you are until the music stops. Show your love for your partner, Catwoman, and give this crowd a thrill."

As Wonder Woman drove herself closer and closer to a frantic sexual breakdown, the crowd was thrilled to see the two cats go at each other. Meows were heard from two sets of lips as pussy stripped pussy, then licked and fondled pussy. When pussy ate pussy, the crowd went wild, and at the same moment, Catwoman yelled out, "Orgasm, Wonder Slut!"

Diana kept right on dancing, but felt the release she needed, and her body spasmed in a gloriously outrageous orgasm. So much energy was released that Wonder Woman fainted. The music stopped when the DJ saw her collapse, and Barbara came out of her own trance to find her lips sucking hard on Selina's labial lips. She didn't know why, but she also had no objection, and kept at it, much to the crowd's enjoyment.

Wonder Woman was taken from the stage, unconscious. As planned, she was hung up in the dungeon, to await further developments.

Part 2 Wonder Woman stood up and noticed she was dizzy and lightheaded. Her vision blurred and she couldn't think clearly. The room spun around her and Diana realized what the problem was--she had been drugged!

Now as she tried to walk across the stage, the Amazon knew she was a goner. Thorne had tricked her and now she was going to pay. Wonder Woman fell into the blackness.

When she came to, Diana knew she was in big trouble. She was in Thorne's dungeon. Her costume was back on her body, but her power belt was gone and without the belt she had no super strength. Thorne had brought her here to be trained and punished.

Wonder Woman was shackled to one of the cold stone walls. The shackles were leather straps that were bound to each wrist and metal chains that were attached to hooks in the wall. The heroine's arms were over her head and spread out in a V-pattern. Her arms being raised caused her massive chest to thrust upward and her tits to jut out. Her legs were spread apart and chained as well.

Diana tried pulling on the restraints but her bonds held firm. She had limited movement and her back was up against the wall. Then she heard Thorne's voice.

"Don't bother struggling, Princess. Those chains are made of titanium and you'll never be able to break them," he told her. Wonder Woman realized he was talking to her over speakers. Diana gazed around the dimly lit room and saw several cameras mounted on the walls. Thorne wasn't in the dungeon but he could see and hear everything that took place.

"Let me go, you bastard. I did what you wanted and stripped for your perverted customers. I demand you give my sister back to me and release us this minute!" Diana yelled at him.

Thorne only laughed. "You don't seem to get it Wonder Slut, I am the one in control here, not you. And you are not in any position to demand anything. You were brought here by my people to begin your training. Look over to your right and meet my friend, Domina."

Wonder Woman looked over and saw a female figure standing in the doorway. She gasped in shock as she grew frightened. Domina walked into the dungeon and surveyed the room with an air of authority about her. The woman was as tall as Wonder Woman and powerful looking; obviously she was in very good shape. Her tits were almost as large as Diana's. She strutted into the dungeon and looked the heroine over.

Domina had on a one-piece rubber bathing suit that clung to her impressive body like a second skin. She also wore black elbow-high leather gloves and black boots that went up to her curved thighs.

What startled Diana the most was the female's face. Domina was wearing a black leather mask that covered her face and head. Diana had no clue to Domina's true identity. The mask had holes in it for her eyes, nose, and mouth to show through. Diana could tell that the leather-clad trainer had dark blue eyes, much like her own.

"Domina, this is Wonder Woman. I want you to begin her training and break her spirit. I will be watching the show from where I am and I know it'll be good. You know what to do, my servant." Domina nodded her head to indicate that she understood Thorne.

She then slunk over to the bound Wonder Woman and eyed her with lust. Domina stepped in front of her captive. She put her hand under Diana's chin and forced the heroine to look at her.

"You've been a bad girl, Princess, and I have to punish you for disobeying the Master." Domina said in a hot, deep voice that made Diana shudder with chills. Diana waited quietly to see what would happen.

A wicked smile came to Domina's face that was obvious even with the mask on. Suddenly, Domina's left arm shot upward and grabbed the front of Diana's red bustier. With a quick tug, she yanked the top down and Wonder Woman's pristine breasts popped free of their confinement.

The humongous boobs bounced and wiggled as they settled proud and firm on her chest. Wonder Woman shrieked in surprise as her breasts were exposed. She was naked from the waist up!

Wonder Woman shook her head from side to side in denial. This can't be happening, she thought. Then it got worse for her. Domina reached up and with her gloved hands cupped Diana's quivering knockers. Despite her fear, Wonder Woman moaned as her enemy started to caress her heaving bosom.

"OOHHH NO…" Diana panted as she began liking the woman's touch on her hooters.

"Nice tits." Domina commented.

Diana's red bustier fell to her waist and hung down over her front. She still couldn't believe her incredible tits were bared to this woman.

Wonder Woman's pink nipples got automatically erect as the villainess fondled them. Domina took her tits in each of her hands and squeezed the balloons. "OOOHHH!" Diana moaned as her body became aroused.

Diana couldn't help but respond. Maybe it had to do with her being tied. Or perhaps it was the way she was being petted. All she knew for sure was that the treatment was getting to her. She loved and hated the situation at the same time.

Wonder Woman was feeling sexual urges, the likes of which she had never known before. She thought she was going to lose it at any second. "Please…oh…don't," she pleaded. Domina did not say a thing.

Diana liked the way the woman's hands felt on her tits. "I'm going to work you over so good you'll thank me." Domina whispered to the captured heroine. She reached in and kissed Diana on the mouth passionately.

"MMMMfffff!" Wonder Woman whined through their sealed lips as she felt Domina's tongue snake into her mouth. She kissed Diana long and hard. When Domina pulled back, she could see that Wonder Woman's face was flushed.

"What am I doing?" Domina asked the Amazon.

"You…you're playing with my tits." Wonder Woman replied reluctantly. "What are you doing to me?" Diana asked in a tiny voice.

"I'm giving you what you secretly desire. I'm dominating you and forcing you to surrender to your dark sexual longings." Domina told her.

Domina continued to caress and manipulate the delicate breasts of the weakened hero. She pulled and twisted Diana's tits over and over. She took the hard nipples into her mouth and suckled the nubs until they were swollen and sore. Diana was losing her mind as she started to give in to the erotic sensations.

"Is your pussy wet?" Domina inquired.

"OH Yes!" Diana answered in a daze, and immediately regretted her words. Domina smiled thinly. The heroine's tongue came out and slowly licked her full red lips.

Domina left Diana's side and went over to some toys hanging on the opposite wall. Wonder Woman opened her eyes to see Domina coming back holding a two-foot black riding crop in her hand. Her eyes bulged in terror, for she knew what the crop was going to be used for.

"NO! Not that! Please! It'll hurt too much! Nooo! NO!" Wonder Woman begged desperately. Domina grinned cruelly and laid the riding crop across Wonder Woman's tits. Diana's breasts were so big that it was easy to get the crop to stay on her on its own.

"What am I going to do now?" Domina demanded.

"You're going to hit my breasts with the riding drop…" Wonder Woman's voice trailed off. Domina held the crop again and lifted it over Diana's cleavage. Her nipples were stiff and stood out prominently.

Domina knew that Wonder Woman was excited by the thought of being caned. She was right, Diana would never admit it but her virgin pussy was drenched at this point. Diana was trapped with no hope of escape. The riding crop came down on her tits. CRACK! CRACK! THWACK! The rod sounded as it bit into her tit flesh.

Wonder Woman screamed in torture as her meaty globes were caned ruthlessly by Domina. "By the gods, NOO!!" She howled in torment. She had never known such pain. Three sharp shots cracked her fat tits just inches above the nipples. Wonder Woman twitched and thrashed in her bonds as she tried to avoid the stinging crop.

Her sobs echoed throughout the dungeon as she begged Domina to stop. Tears ran from her deep blue eyes and streamed down her face. The villain gave her another dose of misery. Wonder WomanWHHACKKK! CRACKK! WHOOSH! SMACK! The warm crop slashed down on her tits again and again. Diana spasmed and jerked on the wall as she was beaten.

"OOOOHHH! DON'T! STOOPPP! OOHH YESSS!" she hissed through clenched teeth. Diana was stunned, she was enjoying being caned by Domina. She was almost delirious with delight. Wonder Woman suddenly pushed her tits outward to get more of the biting riding crop.

The rod kept coming down and slashing her abused tits. Diana's tits were bruised and cut. Red welts rose up and criss-crossed her melons. Domina kept at it with enthusiasm. She was about to have a climax from thrashing the fallen heroine.

The leather lady was drunk with power. She didn't want to stop, it was so good. Her cunt was close to exploding from the intense feelings she got when she tortured people. THHAAWCK! CRACK! HISS! The riding crop sang as it did its work.

"UUUNNGGh! UUUUNNNNHHHH!" Domina groaned as she felt a climax sweep over her heated body. The crop bit deeper into Diana's soft skin. She would teach Wonder Woman to obey the Master without fail.

"AAAAGGGGH! By Hera! Yes! Beat my tits! Please…Uuunggghhh!" Diana screeched as she came wildly from the beating. Wonder Woman jerked about and arched her back upward. Her head was tossed back and her pelvis ground back in forth in circular motions. Wonder Woman screamed once more and grew silent.

Domina came down off her orgasm and stopped caning the heroine. She looked down at the unconscious Amazon. Wonder Woman had fainted from the beating and slumped back against the wall. She would've have dropped to the floor if her bonds hadn't kept her suspended. Domina nodded her head in satisfaction; things were progressing nicely. They both could use a few minutes to rest she decided. This was only the beginning.

Wonder Woman awoke and stared fearfully at Domina. What horrific torment would she have to undergo next? Diana knew she was beginning to lose her sanity. She was being forced to succumb to her dark passions and her body betrayed her at every turn.

Domina went to a small black bag she'd brought with her. She reached into the bag and pulled out to metal clamps. "NOOOOO!" Wonder Woman whailed as she twisted wildly in her bonds. She knew what the things were and she knew what would be done with the devices.

Domina held the nasty looking nipples clamps up for her to see clearly. Wonder Woman was being worked over by an expert and the Amazon knew there was nothing she could do to prevent her fate.

"I'm going to clamp your nipples." Domina informed Diana. Her gloved hands spread the clamp apart and brought it up to Diana's left tit. Domina took the breast in her hand and held it while she put the cold metal clamp on her erect nipple.

"NNNOOOO! Please no! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" Wonder Woman screamed as the device bit into her distended nipple. She writhed in pain as the clamp closed its biting jaws around the tweaked tip. Domina worked her other tit, the right one, and Diana bellowed in agony as the second clamp was fastened onto her right nipple.

"NO please! Take them off! I'll do ANYTHING YOU WANT!! AARRRGHH!" Wonder Woman squealed as the metal teeth of the clamp chewed into her hard nub. Diana twisted and turned sensually as she pulled at her shackles in an attempt to get free.

Wonder Woman was quite an exotic sight as she squirmed in pain and the clamps hung from her pendulous breasts. The anguish was unbearable.

"Now let's see the rest of you." Domina said.

"NNOO!!!" the Amazon yelled.

Domina reached for the heroine's blue satin shorts and tugged them down her shapely legs and off her feet. All that Wonder Woman had left on were her bracelets and red and white boots. Her naked crotch was bare for Domina to see.

She stared at Wonder Woman's neatly trimmed triangle of curly dark hair. Diana turned her head to the side, ashamed. She had no secrets left. Her legs were spread wide so she couldn't hide her pussy. Her glorious, virgin pussy was open and gaping for everyone to view.

Domina stepped up to Diana and drew their bodies close. She ran her fingers along Wonder Woman's moist slit, the heroine shuddered as her clit was stroked rapidly. Diana felt the mounting heat in her loins. She was falling under Thorne's spell.

Wonder Woman was confused and frightened by what was happening to her. The hero in her said to resist but the woman in her wanted to give in and submit to them. She was feeling genuine affection for Domina.

The trainer slid slowly to her knees. Domina slipped her hands between Wonder Woman's legs and opened her wet cunt lips. Diana began moaning almost immediately. Domina could see the wetness of the heroine's vagina and her pink interior.

Wonder Woman's crotch pumpd and churned with burning heat as Domina started to stroke her engorged clit with her thumb. Diana was horrified and aroused as the woman sank her masked face between the Amazon's legs.

Domina stuck out her tongue and the spongy appendage slipped into the folds of her virginal cunt. Diana trembled with passion as the female's tongue slithered in and out of her snatch. "Ohhh! Yess! OO! Feels ssooo gooodddd!" Wonder Woman purred wantonly.

The tongue worked back and forth in her cunt and Domina's mouth began sucking on her clit. "AAAAGGGHHH! UUNGH!" Wonder Woman panted. Diana sobbed and moaned in pleasure. She was on fire and the tension was building in her loins as Domina ate her pussy.

As she hung in her bonds, her uniform on the floor, and this masked woman in leather sucked her cunt, Wonder Woman marveled at the depravity of it all. Domina's tongue was driving her crazy as it dug into her sopping canal.

"OOOHHH! YES! OOOOOHHH!" Wonder Woman chimed. She wanted Domina's tongue deep in her cunt. Domina continued to feed the fires of Diana's lust. Domina spread her vagina open more and sank her fingers into Wonder Woman's hole.

Diana's pussy was soaked with juice and she tasted sweet. Wonder Woman was responding to the oral stimulation like crazy. Domina was making the heroine go out of her mind with her talented mouth. Diana could take no more and she finally yielded to her foe.

"UUUGGGHHH! YEss! Eat my cunt! SO GOOD! AAIIEE!" she barked as she came for her Mistress. Domina let Diana cum once just to tease her. Just when Wonder Woman was on the verge of a mind blowing orgasm, Domina pulled her mouth away.

"NO!!" Diana shouted in frustration. She was so close, she needed to cum. Wonder Woman moved her hips in a lewd fashion, undulating in circles and humping her crotch back and forth in the air. "Please don't stop. I need more," she whined. What was she doing? Diana wondered. She wanted to cum.

Domina went to the far wall and to get her stuff for the next phase of training. Domina took a cat-o-nine-tails whip off the wall and went back to Wonder Woman. The whip was a legendary punisher. It was a hard leather piece of equipment that broke off into a series of nine leather strops. It was clear to Wonder Woman that she was about to be whipped.

Domina held the whip up to Diana's mouth and ordered her to kiss the thing. Wonder Woman put her wet lips together and kissed the whip. "Good girl." Domina stated. Wonder Woman was going to be whipped and she had to admit that from the darkest recess of her soul, she wanted it!

Domina stepped back and looked at her charge. She slapped the whip in her hand and Diana's eyes were glued to it. Diana turned around and presented her backside to Domina. She raised her hand and brought the whip down very hard.

She swung the whip forward and it landed smack on Wonder Woman's voluptuous bottom. It landed with a loud smack and laid nine sharp red welts on Diana's plump ass. "OOOHH! No..No!!" Wonder Woman shrieked in pain. It was worse than she thought it'd be.

The pain was furious and took hot bites out of her pasty ass. Diana twisted and convulsed in her bonds. Domina struck the heroine over and over with the whip. CRACK! Wonder WomanHHAAPP! CRACK! SLASH! The thing sounded as it lashed her body.

"NO MORE, PLEASE!! Don't! UUGGGHH! STOP!!" Wonder Woman yelped as she suffered. CRACK! WHAP! SMACK! WHISH! Domina whipped the hero without mercy. Wonder Woman pleaded with everything she had. But there was no end to the torture.

All she could do was try and take the beating. Her ass was ripped apart and bleeding. Was there no end to her torment? Wonder Woman braced herself for more pain.

Domina came around to the front and grabbed her dark hair to hold her head up. "Now you see why you can't resist! You belong to Thorne. You are a mere possession, nothing more." she spat at the Amazon.

"Yyyy…yess." Diana replied.

Her words were slurred and sluggish. The effects of the whipping were bringing her around and making Diana realize where her true place was. Her mind was dulled and fragmented. Wonder Woman finally accepted the reality of it. She was nobody, an object and nothing else.

Who was she to disobey her masters? She'd been arrogant and deserved the punishment she was getting. Diana wanted to be disciplined. Her ordeal wasn't over yet.

Domina suddenly flciked the whip across her fat tits. "OH! NOOOO! PLEASE! Don't, not there!" Diana sobbed like a baby. The metal clamps were still on her nipples, her tits were swollen and very painful.

Wonder Woman took the steady slaps of the whip across her big tits. Domina whipped Wonder Woman's tits furiously, back and forth, over her muscular shoulders. She whipped the right tit and then the left one, bringing the lash down again and again, marking up her delicate breasts.

"BY the Gods! Stop please! I can't take anymore! AAGH!" Diana howled in distress. Each time the whip came down it was worse. Diana's eyes clouded up, she couldn't see anymore. She was losing her mind.

Soon Diana felt herself slipping away. Her whole body was covered in welts. She went to a place where only she could go. Wonder Woman had been whipped unconscious. Domina dropped the whip and wildly fingered her cunt until she came and was rolling around on the floor in endless her orgasms.

Wonder Woman came to and saw she was still chained to the wall. This was fine with her, after all, slaves were supposed to be in chains. When Diana awoke, she was a new woman. Domina had succeeded and broken the heroine. Thorne had witnessed the entire episode and he was pleased with the results.

Wonder Woman had been subjugated and turned into a sniveling shell of her former Amazon self. All that remained was for Thorne to take her virginity and bond Diana to him forever.

Domina stood before Wonder Woman with her hands on her hips. Diana shivered with excitement when she saw her trainer. "You've taken your punishmet well. Thorne is pleased." Domina told the hero.

"I'm glad to hear that, Mistress." Diana said in a subdued voice. "Thank you for training this worthless slut, Mistress. I am ready to serve you and the Master." Wonder Woman said sincerely. "I deserved to be punished for disobeying, I was a bad girl." The mighty Wonder Woman had been broken and humbled at last.

Thorne entered the dungeon. Wonder Woman trembled in excitement as she saw her master walk into the room. Her pussy was drenched from just seeing Thorne. He walked over to the ladies.

"Good work, Domina. I couldn't have done better myself. You're a good student," he complimented her.

Domina smiled warmly at Thorne and said, "If I'm good, it's only because you are such an excellent teacher, Master."

"There's only one thing left to do, my dear, take off your mask and show our guest your true identity." Thorne ordered his slave.

"As you wish, Master," she said.

Domina turned to Wonder Woman and tore off her leather mask. Diana was shocked and astonished when she saw the face behind the mask. It was her SISTER! Wonder Girl was Domina! Diana screamed when the cruel reality set in.

Her very own sister had beaten and abused her. The tough Wonder Woman had been broken by her kid sister! It was truly remarkable. Wonder Woman realized that it didn't matter that Dru was Domina.

Wonder Woman was a slave to both Thorne and her sister. Diana was happy to be reunited with her younger sibling. They could have all kinds of fun serving Thorne and fucking each other.

Thorne chuckled heartily. He had saved the best surprise for last. Wonder Woman had been trained by her own sister and she accepted her new lot in life. "Wonder Woman," Thorne said, "Let's get you cleaned up so I can fuck you." The Amazon parted company with her sister and traipsed happily after the man. Her pussy tingled with desire for what lay ahead.

Part 3 Wonder Woman was allowed to shower and put her costume on once more. She was quiet and docile as she was led from the dungeon by a leash that was attached to a collar around her neck. Her arms were handcuffed behind her back and a black leather mask was put over her head, with only the mouth hole unzipped so she could breathe.

Thorne was preparing Diana for the final act of defilement. He and another man were going to fuck the Amazon Princess and he was going to pop the heroine's cherry. All this was to be done in front of a live viewing audience.

He held the leash and steered Wonder Woman back up into the stage area of the Justice Club. The place was empty except for him, Diana, and his Chief of Security, Jones. The tall, muscular bald man was going to assist in the defilement of Wonder Woman.

Thorne had the entire club rigged with automated cameras and microphones. He had contacted every one of his clients and the major figures in the criminal underworld. Wonder Woman losing her virginity was going to be the biggest pay-per-view televised event the world had ever seen.

Of course, only special customers knew of about the main attraction and they'd be paying Thorne megabucks to receive the live satellite feed from the club. "Normal" viewers had no idea that he was airing the event and most of the world would never know it happened. He had to keep his secrets after all.

Wonder Woman would have no clue that she was being fucked on live television. Thorne brought her onto the main stage, where a large gym mat had been placed down for their comfort. And to make the event more interesting, Thorne was going to let Diana have most of her former mindset back.

She would be close to the old Wonder Woman but there would be some slight differences. She would not be permitted to actual fight and stop them and she was minus her lasso and power belt so she had no super powers.

The mask was taken off her head and it took a few minutes for Diana's eyes to adjust to the light. She knew she was back in the club and she started to feel like her old self. The memories of her recent beatings and sexual depravity were fresh in her fragile mind. She still knew her sister was Domina and her loins tingled in arousal as she thought about what her sister had turned her into. Her hands were uncuffed and Diana rubbed her sore wrists.

Wonder Woman detested Thorne but deep down in her subconscious she still wanted to serve him. Diana knew she had to get free of his evil clutches and rescue her sister.

She saw Thorne and his goon, Jones, on the stage next to her. They were on the same stage where she had been forced to do a striptease for Thorne's sick patrons when she thought he was holding her young sister hostage and was going to kill her. What a fool she'd been, Diana thought to herself. She was still appalled at the fact that she had become aroused when she had stripped off her clothes for his people.

What did the fiend have planned for her now? At least the place was empty this time, Wonder Woman mused.

"Well, my dear Wonder Tits, here we are at the main event. I'm sure you're curious so I'll tell you right out. My friend and I are going to fuck the stuffing out of your Amazon ass and I'm going to do you a long overdo service and pop your cherry." Thorne said smugly.

"NO! You can't! You've done enough to me, you bastard!" Wonder Woman stuttered in a fearful tone. She started to back away from the two men and she tripped on the edge of the mat. Diana fell backward and sprawled out on the mat on her back.

She looked up at the two advancing men. "Don't worry Diana, you just need some cock to help you relax." Thorne laughed. Wonder Woman tried to struggle to her feet but the men easily lifted her body up and pressed her between them.

Thorne reached behind her back and unfastened her tight red bustier. Wonder Woman screeched in fear as she felt her snug top loosen and come free of her athletic body. It was starting all over again. Diana pushed her hands against Thorne's broad chest and tried to push him away. But she didn't have her power belt and the men were too strong for the heroine.

"NO! Leave me alone!" Wonder Woman cried in vain. Her fear was the greatest she'd ever known. Her bustier was pushed down and fell away from her quaking body. Across the globes, countless men and women grew excited as they got their first view of Wonder Woman's magnificent tits.

"NO! Please don't do this to me! Let me go!" Diana pleaded in a small voice. But Thorne had other plans for the captured heroine. He smiled at the distraught Amazon and proceeded to pull off her blue satin shorts. He tugged the skimpy shorts down over her round ass and her long slender thighs.

He slipped the garment off her legs and held it in his hand like a prized trophy. Thorne saw a damp spot on the crotch of the shorts from her earlier abuse-induced climaxes. Jones took the bottoms from his boss and held the thing up to his nose so he could smell the scent of Wonder Woman's aroused cunt.

Thorne moved his hand upward to caress her naked shivering breast. Diana moaned softly as she felt his hand on her tit. "Stop it. Please," she said to him weakly. Diana tried to struggle free but she was held securely by the large men. She felt Jones' arm circle her trim waist from behind.

Wonder Woman was pinned between the two men as they reached down and took hold of her legs. They hoisted her into the air like a rag doll. "Toss her on the gym mat." Thorne told Jones. They put Diana on the mat, never letting go of her arms and legs.

The heroine could feel the cool air as it swirled around her wet, open vaginal slit. Wonder Woman felt degraded and frightened, she began to sob in her despair. There would be no rescue and these animals were going to rape her.

Diana closed her eyes in shame as the men leered at her naked body. "Hold her while I take off my clothes." Thorne told his employee. Jones reached down and stroked the soft flesh of her immense tits.

Wonder Woman gave a drastic lunge upward as she tried to flee. "Hold her, damn it." Thorne snarled in anger. He grabbed Diana by her long black hair and made her look at him.

Wonder Woman stared into Thorne's cold eyes and felt a shiver run down her spine. His eyes were deep and glowing and eerie red hue. She wanted to look away but was unable to.

Diana felt Thorne inside her head as he pierced the layers of her mind and exposed every fiber of her psyche. He knew everything about her.

The Amazon stopped her struggles as she fell into a trance and he shut down her personality. She could not resist and had no will of her own. Wonder Woman resigned herself to her fate and was not capable of rebelling anymore. She was given her mind back but she lost most of her will to fight them.

Thorne wanted her to beg and give them slight resistance but no more than that. It made things more fascinating that way.

Jones grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back. He pulled Wonder Woman back against his hairy chest so he could hold her better.

Thorne quickly stripped off his clothes and let Diana admire his naked form. Wonder Woman gasped in shock when she saw his monster penis. He was huge! His was the first penis she'd ever seen and she was terrified by the organ.

Thorne held her down so Jones could undress. "Please don't do this. I'm a virgin." Wonder Woman sobbed in shame and fear.

"You're going to get what you've always wanted, Diana. You want to be fucked and feel a man's cock in your cunt. Even though you'd never admit it, you stuck up bitch." He told her.

Thorne forced Wonder Woman to lay back on the mat. He knelt between her spread thighs and ogled her ripe body. He caressed the curves of her silken hips and lightly stroked her naked vagina.

Diana could feel the fire build in her heated loins and she knew her pussy was wet, she was now totally humiliated. She was already reacting to his touch. Wonder Woman sobbed in defeat as Thorne reached up and took her heaving soft breast in his hand. He gently massaged the quivering orb.

Jones finished undressing and knelt at Wonder Woman's head. He pushed both her arms out to the sides and held them tightly against the mat. Thorne leaned down and licked his way across her flat stomach and all the way up to her erect nipples.

Wonder Woman gasped as he nipped her hard pink nipples until she writhed uneasily on the mat. Diana didn't want to respond to their vile advances but there was a hungry desire in her churning loins. Wonder Woman knew she was losing the battle for her soul.

Diana felt the undeniable fluttering of arousal in her aching vagina and she pressed her ass down into the mat in an effort to crush the strange and exciting sensations that threatened to consume her body and mind. With his mouth on her wobbling tits, Thorne's hand moved down her belly and petted her dark-haired pussy mound. In spite of the degradation and the pending ravishment of her body, Diana was tingling all over.

Wonder Woman closed her eyes and tried to control the rising tide of passion that was building in her loins. Thorne sucked harshly on her hard nipples and Diana groaned with desire. Diana squirmed and shivered as she felt his fingers move toward the wet, gaping opening of her fiery cunt. Thorne slowly slipped his middle finger into her damp furrow. And a moan of desire escaped her parched throat.

Wonder Woman moaned as her emotional upheaval clashed with her lustful need. The lewd sensations flooded her system. As her hips rose up to meet his probing fingers, Diana realized her body was betraying her.

Diana pushed her ass further down into the gym mat as she tried to escape the invading fingers in her vagina and the hot mouth sucking on her sensitive nipples. But her groans of suffering soon turned into whimpers of entreaty as his thumb brushed up against her throbbing clit. His fingers smoothly slid in and out of Wonder Woman's virgin slit.

Arousal filled her tormented mind and took over her brain. Diana was rapidly succumbing to the intense sexual urges that filled her body. Diana soon concluded that it was pointless to fight any longer. Wonder Woman lay without moving as Thorne sawed his fingers back and forth inside her hole, touching her hymen but never breaking the thin membrane. He viciously plunged his digits in and out of her snatch.

He roughly stroked her erect clitoris until Wonder Woman wanted to scream. Diana fought to retain control of her body but Thorne's ministrations soon forced her wanton form into a writhing rhythm of lust.

"Oh, no! Don't let this happen again!" she chanted as she submitted to the domination of her body. Her rounded ass jerked up and down on the mat as his fingers scraped her clit and dove into her pussy.

"AAAGGHHHH! Please don't." Wonder Woman begged. Her quivering hips humped up and down in need. She sighed in relief when Thorne pulled his hand from her crotch. But the relief was short lived.

Wonder Woman struggled to get up but she was too weak. Thorne rose and positioned himself, as he knelt, between her thighs. He got his hands behind her knees and lifted her legs up and over her head.

Jones held her arms above her shoulders and put his knees on her arms to keep them pinned down. "Let me go, you bastards!" Wonder Woman yelled in anger at them.

Pressing her knees into the mat on each side of her head, Thorne hovered over her displayed cunt. He reached down and guided the head of his cock to the fleshy lips of her vagina. Thorne hovered over Diana's body and supported his weight on his elbows. His pulsating penis touched her open slit. Wonder Woman held her breath, there was nothing she could do. He was about to take her precious virginity and soil her forever. When Wonder Woman felt his cock enter her cunt lips, she tensed her body and sobbed uncontrollably.

"NNOOO! PLEASE!" she pleaded like never before.

With a grin of sadistic pleasure on his face, Thorne thrust his hips forward and slammed his long, thick penis into Wonder Woman's fluttering vagina. His viewing audience, around the world, cheered at the top of their lungs as Thorne claimed the sacred virginity of the mighty Wonder Woman.

In one vicious lunge, he embedded his rigid staff all the way into her cunt. "AAARRGGGHH! NNOO!" Diana screamed in agony as his cock ripped through her hymen, the Amazon getting a man's penis in her cunt for the first time.

The deed was done! Wonder Woman was a virgin no more. And Thorne had accomplished what no man was ever supposed to do. Mercilessly, he hammered his cock into her defenseless pussy.

Wonder Woman shrieked in unmeasured pain as she was brutally raped. She felt bloated and stuffed by his monster dick. "AAAAGGH! NNOO! YYYAAA!!" she whailed as her body thrashed and contorted. "Take it OUT! You're tearing me apart! Please, I can't stand it! UUUUUGGGHHHH!!!" Diana squealed as she was impaled on his prick. All her training and oaths of loyalty to her gods and sister Amazons were rendered meaningless.

Tears streamed down her face as Thorne plowed in and out of her newly opened hole without any remorse. Diana shook her head from side to side in denial, she only wanted the pain to end.

Jones was very excited and his pecker was hard in pants as he watched his boss fuck Wonder Woman. The bald man lowered his head and fastened his teeth on her hard nipple. His mouth nibbled on her big tits and Wonder Woman wailed in anguish. "OOOHH! NO! PLEASE!" she cried pathetically.

Wonder Woman went limp under Thorne. There was no reason to fight. She had nothing left to lose. Wonder Woman had already been raped, debased, and lost her self-respect. Thorne's domination of the heroine was complete. He had thoroughly squashed her spirit and sapped her will. She was a broken shell and nothing more than his sex toy.

Diana was no longer an individual, she was a possession for Thorne to use as he wanted. She decided that she might as well enjoy being fucked. Thorne screwed her pussy like a madman. He had achieved his greatest desire and he went wild.

He knew Wonder Woman had given up and was broken. She knew her place was to be with him and she became listless. Thorne knew she would soon enjoy the fucking and beg him to plow her cunt. Wonder Woman wouldn't be able to keep herself from responding.

Her vaginal muscles gripped his cock and sought to draw more of his pole into her depths. Diana felt the lewd fires burn within her again. She suddenly found it exciting to be held down and physically abused. The heroine only wanted to feel Thorne's cock driving in and out of her battered pussy. Her nipples were raw and swollen with need.

Wonder Woman was no longer resisting. Her disgrace and anger had been replaced with the need to be controlled and dominated by Thorne. Diana was unaware when her nakedly gyrating buttocks rose up to meet his every thrust. Without knowing why, Diana reached up and pulled his face to hers and she kissed him passionately. Her tongue snaked into his mouth.

"OOOHH…uummm…aahh. Fuck me, Master. Fuck me harder." Wonder Woman cried out in lust. Diana flounced beneath Thorne as she came on his cock. "YES! Give it to me! I need your cock in me! OOO!" Diana arched her back and lunged her pelvis up and down wantonly.

Thorne pulled her up against his muscular chest and wrapped his arms around the hero. Thorne flipped onto his back and swung Wonder Woman around with him. Diana was now on top with her belly against him and her ass cheeks high in the air.

Wonder Woman didn't expect the move, she felt a pair of hands pull her into a kneeling position while Thorne kept fucking her cunt. She was now perched atop Thorne and her massive tits flopped about as she bounced up and down on his pistoning rod.

Jones spread apart the white cheeks of her shaking ass. Diana had forgotten about Jones, he was now getting in on the action. She was going to be fucked by two cocks.

Thorne sped up his thrusts into her vagina. Wonder Woman moved with Thorne as she undulated her pelvis back and forth on his pole. Her lust-contorted face was almost unrecognizable. Jones started to rub the cheeks of her round behind. Diana moaned and looked back at him. Her tongue came out and sensuously licked her lips to entice him.

"I'm going to fuck your ass." Jones whispered in the Amazon's ear. He put the head of his cock next to her puckered anal passage.

"NO! Don't do that!" Diana gasped. She was scared to death as her glazed eyes filled with fear. Wonder Woman tried to squirm away from Jones but that only impaled Thorne's dick deeper into her pussy. "No, you can't! Help me! NNOOO!" Wonder Woman yelled out as Jones began to penetrate her asshole.

They let Diana weep until she was cried out and then she received the final ravishment of her body. Wonder Woman had never once thought about an object fucking her anus. This was totally foreign to her.

Jones pushed forward as he got to take the Amazon's anal virginity. "AAAGGHHH! Uuugghh! It hurts!" Wonder Woman begged them. Jones shoved in again and slammed his cock into the heroine's anal opening.

Wonder Woman's screams echoed throughout the club as she was brutally sodomized by the man. She cried anew as the pangs of mutilation shot from her violated asshole. The disgraced heroine thrashed and howled wildly as Jones reamed her anus. Her asshole was obscenely stretched by his large dick. "AAGGHH! NO! NO!" she shouted as his cock sliced in and out of her clenching rectum.

Jones skewered deep into her raped asshole. Diana had no virgin orifices left. Diana jerked and twisted between her two rapists. Wonder Woman was being fucked by two cocks and she was going insane. She couldn't move up or down without a cock ramming into her apertures. She was suffering immensely as the men raped her for their pleasure.

Thorne and Jones established a steady rhythm as they both slammed into Wonder Woman. Their hard rods rammed in and pulled out as they slid into her savaged body.

Wonder Woman's mind snapped and she lost all of her rationality. The pain diminished and Diana didn't know why she'd been protesting. After all, Thorne was her master and it was her job to meet his every need and desire. A strong sexual excitement radiated from her loins. She liked being in a kneeling position and doing what she'd been born for, fucking Thorne and his associates.

Diana was turning into a mindless slut with no ability to reason. It was not her place to question the Master. Diana's body pumped in time with Jones as he fucked her asshole. She liked the feel of his cock as it dove in and out of her rectum.

She countered his thrusts and bucked her ass back fuck his cock. As she pumped back on Jones, Diana also drove her hips downward to ride Thorne's cock too. Wonder Woman was shameless and wanted the dual rape to continue. This was the only way her sex-crazed mind would know satisfaction. She wanted to cum on the pounding cocks and shout her joy to the world. Diana had to be fucked, she needed to climax badly.

She chanted in a hoarse voice, "Fuck me, you studs! OOOOHHH! Fuck me! That's it…fuck my pussy. Fuck my asshole!" She was being raped in her asshole and cunt and her unbalanced mind loved it.

Jones grunted as he slammed his cock into her anus over and over. He still couldn't believe he was here sodomizing Wonder Woman! And she was begging to be fucked in her asshole!

"OOOHH! It's so good! Ream my ass! Fuck my slutty cunt, Master!" Wonder Woman hollered in sheer bliss. The two impaling cocks slammed harder and faster into her holes.

Diana was happy with the insane pleasure they gave her. This was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. She'd never known such satisfaction. She wanted more! Wonder Woman's groans kept sounding out as she pumped her hot cunt down on Thorne's cock and then lunged backward to receive her anal medicine from Jones.

Diana could feel the approaching storm of her not-far-off orgasms. The two men were ready to climax as well. They quickened their thrusts at the same time as the heroine pumped her body whorishly between them. Wonder Woman's dangling tits swayed back and forth against Thorne's chest. Suddenly, Diana was trembling and shaking between them as their cocks drilled her cunt and asshole.

Wonder Woman panted and stiffened on their rods. "OH! BY THE GODS! I'M CUMMING! FUCK ME HARDER! AAARRRGGHH! CUMMING! YESS!" she roared as she came. Thorne grunted and his cock started spewing his seed into Diana's vagina.

He shot his sperm high into her womb. Wonder Woman screamed like a banshee as her master's thick cream annointed her insides. She was getting her first pussy full of male seed. Diana shuddered on top of Thorne as his cock emptied into her cunt.

Her rectal muscles tightened around Jones' dick and he came in her rectum. "AAGGGH! Shit! Yes! I want you to cum in my ass! Fill me with your cum!" Diana beseeched the man. Jones shot his load deep into the heroine's bowels.

Wonder Woman bucked madly between the spewing men as they filled her with cum. She came over and over. Diana lunged up and down on the cocks as she climaxed for all the world to see. Wonder Woman lurched and tossed between the two men. Her mind was shattered and the heroine known as Wonder Woman was forever changed. Diana continued to orgasm even after the men had emptied all their sperm into her body.

Diana felt the cocks pull out of her abused asshole and pussy. Jones left the room, Thorne and Diana remained behind. Wonder Woman was fully sated.

The Amazon Princess was now a whore and she was proud to admit it. She had been forced into the depravity but she quickly embraced the sadism and thrived on it.

Wonder Woman looked at Thorne lovingly and smiled at him. "Thank you for fucking me, Master. Can we do it again?" she asked eagerly.

Thorne was ecstatic at the conversion of Wonder Woman. He had broken the beautiful Amazon goddess and turned her into his sex slave. Wonder Woman became his favorite heroine whore and she never left his side.

The world lost a great hero but Thorne gained his most prized addition to the Justice Club. Diana was totally loyal to him and she would perform at the club on special occasions. But Thorne liked to keep Wonder Woman for himself. She assisted him in "recruiting" other heroines for the club.

To be continued in "The Justice Club: The Taking of Mary Jane and a Bonus."