Wonder Woman Goes to the Gym

Author: Yenoc
Time to Read:32min
Added Date:10/20/2024
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Tags: Wonder Womann/c

Agent Diana Prince left the IADC building in Washington, D.C. and drove into town. She was looking for a place called Goldie's Gym.

It was an fitness/weight lifting club located in the seedier section of the city.

Diana had gotten mysterious call from an unknown person who said they had information about a case she was working on.

Diana had not been able to break the case yet and all her leads had gone cold. Being a superheroine didn't mean that everything was handed to her on a silver platter.

She still had to get out in the field and do investigative work. Since the caller could turn a to be a possible informant, she was eager to meet with the man and talk to him.

(What Diana didn't know was that the phone call had been a trap to lure her to the club. A criminal syndicate had somehow found out the agent was the heroine known as Wonder Woman and the head of the syndicate wanted his people to capture the Amazon.)

Diana located the gym about an hour later and parked her car a few doors away from the establishment. She went around to the rear of the building and sneaked into the back door, which had oddly been left unlocked.

She entered the gym and started looking for the source of the anonymous call that claimed to have information for her to help with the kidnapping case the agent had been assigned to.

She walked through the door and entered the locker room area, lookig around for the informant. Diana could hear the grunts and yells of the men lifting weights at the front of the gym as the sounds echoed through the back.

The place looked and sounded normal to Diana as looked into the showers, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

Diana heard and a noise and she turns, startled by what looks to be a female employee of the gym. The lady was actually, Goldie, the owner of the gym.

Goldie was a tall blonde woman who stood over six feet tall. She was a female body builder and she was in excellent shape.

Her arms and legs were huge with muscles and she was built like a brick wall. She towered over Diana and looked menacing. Diana couldn't help but notice that Goldie was quite attractive lookingand had large breasts.

The owner of the gym was wearing a tight spandex sports bra that clung to her ample chest and black lyra shorts that fit her like a second skin.

Goldie knew who Diana was and she knew that she was also Wonder Woman. Goldie worked for the head of the crimesyndicate and her gym served as a front for the gang.

The leader of the gang was named Gideon, but he was not at the gym. Gideon had decided to let Goldie handle the capture of Wonder Woman.

Goldie placed a finger to her lips and motioned to Diana to be quiet before she said anything. Goldie nodded at her knowingly signalled for Diana to follow her. She took Diana by the arm and guided her toward the lockers.

Suddenly, Goldie's huge bicep came up and grabbed Diana by the back of her neck. Diana screamed as the body builder suddenly slammed her face first into the metal lockers with a very loud crash.

Goldie had a secure hold on Diana's neck and she proceeded to ram her face into the lockers again in order to stun the agent. Diana tried to turn on her attacker but Goldie only bounced her head off the lockers once more.

She then grabbed Diana by her long ponytail and pulled her over a bench. Diana screamed in pain as she was roughed up. She fell into more lockers and crashed to the floor in a heap. Her head was ringing and her vision was blurred.

Goldie was bigger and stronger than Diana and saw her as no kind of threat. Her glasses flew off as she tried to get up, only to be grabbed and thrown against the lockers again. The woman pounced on Diana and hit her in the side of the head with her balled upfist.

Diana was then pulled upward as Goldie wrapped her muscular arm around Diana's neck in a powerful headlock. Two massive men then entered the locker room carrying weightlifting belts.

Diana squirmed and gasped as the men ripped open her white blouse and tore it from her body, leaving her only in her skirt and bra. The men took a second to admire her large bra covered tits.

They took the belts and wrapped them around her trembling body. She was bound around her thighs, arms, and waist. Thebelts were very tight on her. She was then relieved of her skirt and the men pranced her into the front of the gym in her underwear and heels. Diana almost stumbled several times as she walked out.

There was a group of men in the room and all were lifting weights. Of course that all stopped as they stared at the bound woman being brought into the room.

Diana squirmed as her soft body was held up against the hard body of Goldie. All eyes were leering at her.

Goldie then announced to her boys, to Diana's shock, that they had just captured Wonder Woman. The men were all amazed to hear what Goldie claimed. Wonder Woman? they all thought. The men roared their approval as she slapped Diana's ass and shoved her down to the floor.

They formed a circle around Diana to get a better look at their prisoner. Diana fell to her knees and she screamed as her ass was slapped harder. "You've made a mistake! I am not Wonder Woman!" she shouted at them.

Diana struggled to rise but was unable to do so because of the belts around her body. Her skimpy panites inched upward and revealed her naked ass flesh. "I am not Wonder Woman!" she squawked again.

She was finally able to stand but Goldie quickly slapped her down again. Diana squealed and spun into a bar bell leaning against the wall. Laughing, Goldie whipped her around into the next bar bell.

Diana tried to spin around and concentrate on getting on her feet. As Diana collided with the bar bell, she tripped and fell. But as she falls, she spins about and there is a bright flash of light.

As the light faded, the group looks down to see Wonder Woman laying on the floor trying to break her bonds. The men gasp as they realize that they really have the Amazon in their clutches.

Goldie rushed in and grabbed Wonder Woman by the belt that was strapped around her waist, lifting the heroine up.

Wonder Woman strained to break the belts but Goldie tosses her into against a bar across a squat rack. The Amazon slid back and fell to the floor. The confidence of her attackers soared as they figured she'd be easy to defeat.

But Wonder Woman quickly proved them wrong. She suddenly leapt to her feet and snapped the belt binding her waist with her super strength. That was when several of the male body builders approached her to attack.

The men converged on the heroine en mass and swarmed over her as one. Wonder Woman was grabbed by her long raven hair and the belt around her thighs.

The enraged men hoisted the Amazon over their heads and threw her across the room. Wonder Woman shrieked as she soared through the air and slammed into a stack of barbells.

She rolled away from the bar bells and finally snapped the remaining belts that were binding her. She got up to find three of the men and Goldie facing her.

Wonder Woman backed away from them as they moved toward her. She ducked as one of the men hurled a 50lb. plate at her. She was missed by the weight but then a second plate was tossed at her and it her in the stomach. Wonder Woman doubled over in pain.

She took several steps back, her eyes wide from being struck. She had been unprepared for the blow. Wonder Woman didn't like the postion she was in and it was written all over her face. The men saw the concern on her face and the slightest traces of fear.

They got more sure of themselves and continued the attack. Wonder Woman quickly composed herself and stood defianlty to face her enemies. One of the men grabbed a 75lb. plate and threw it at the heroine. Wonder Woman caught the plate with one hand and tossed it back at the men like a frisbee.

The group scatterd to avoid the projectile. The plate sailed across the room and was embedded in a concrete wall.

But now Wonder Woman got overconfident. Another of the men grabbed a metal bench and snuck up behind the heroine. He lifted the bench and slammed it down on Wonder Woman's head and back. She squealed in agony as the bench connected and knocked her to the floor on her back.

Wonder Woman was dazed and in great pain. A second man ran to her and grabbed her by the hair. He straddled her chest and grabbed the sides of her head.

He then started to bounce her head up and down on the hard floor. Wonder Woman screamed but was able to throw the man off her.

But he still had his grip on her hair and she jerked up with him. Wonder Woman crashed into a pile of loose weights. The weights fell all around and over her.

As she was trapped under the pile of weights, two goons ran over and started punching her through the open spaces between the weights as she tried to free herself.

Wonder Woman yelled as she fought her way out but taking terrible abuse as before she could crawl out. There was a swift kick to her gut and she screamed in torment. Wonder Woman rose and tried to flee from her tormentors.

But Goldie chased after her and brought her knee up in a blur of motion. The knee caught Wonder Woman in the face and sent her sprawling back to the floor.

Goldie grabbed her waist to pull her up but Wonder Woman struck her in the chest and drove Goldie back. But as the woman reels back she has something in her hand.

She was graping onto the heroine's power belt and golden lasso. The belt and lasso had been torn from around her waist.

Wonder Woman felt her strength and power drain away, leaving her helpless. Goldie got up and saw the belt in her hand. She smiled wickedly.

The men saw the reaction on Wonder Woman's face and they knew something had happened as she grabbed at her waist. They realized the belt must have been important to her.

"Get her boys! She's powerless without this precious belt of hers!" Goldie sqawked to her men. Wonder Woman backed away as the men moved toward her.

She made a desperate attempt to escape and ran to the front of the gym, trying to reach the front door. But one of the men jumped in front of her and prevented her escape.

A massive hand reached into her hair and yanked her backward. Wonder Woman tripped over her own feet and tumbled to the floor.

The man forced her to get up and whipped her around like a rag doll for their amusement. He then tossed her into and over a bench, she crashed to the floor.

The man spun Wonder Woman over and laughed. His big hands reached down and grabbed the heroine's large breasts, squeezing the globes cruelly.

Wonder Woman winced in pain and rose to her feet. Then hands gripping her breasts then tossed her into another bench.

The men all stared as they watched the mighty Wonder Woman get felt up. The man holding her then backhanded her across the face. He slapped her over and over. Wonder Woman could taste blood at the corner of her mouth.

That was when Goldie yelled, "Get the belts!" The men grabbed several leather belts and brought them to their boss as ordered.

Wonder Woman tried to struggle but was easily overpowered as they tightened the belts as before, and made them even tighter.

"Tie her up snuggly boys," Goldie said. Wonder Woman was on her tip toes as they pushed her back and forth between them, in her bonds.

The men were having fun tossing the heroine around and copping cheap feels of her body. "Stop! what do you want?!" Wonder Woman asked them. "We want you my dear. Time to have some fun." Goldie grinned. The men all laughed.

Wonder Woman tripped over her own feet and fell to the floor as they laughed.

She gasped as they grabbed a belt and lifted her up horizontally. Goldie loomed over her and looked at her with disdain. "You were too easy bitch!" she said.

Then she punched Wonder Woman in the stomach with her fist and she doubled over. "Aaaiiiigggghh!!!" the heroines wheezed.

Wonder Woman dropped to her knees, leaning against a bench. goldie then proceeded to pummel her steadily and the men egged her on. She picked Wonder Woman up by the throat and lifted her into the air.

Wonder Woman gasped and gurgled, her feet dangled in the air. "You're pathetic. Why hasn't someone beaten you before this?"

The woman lifted Diana over her head with where Wonder Woman crashed into more weights.

The amazon screamed as she slams into the dumbbells. Wonder Woman looked dazed and beaten. The group of people go to the fallen heroine and she is picked up again by Goldie.

Wonder Woman panted as she was held against the mirrored wall by Goldie, a strong grip was maintained on the lifting belt around her waist. "Why hasn't anyone whipped your ass before tonight? You wouldn't have lasted this long if you were this easy." Goldie snapped at her.

Wonder Woman shook her head, not wanting to say anything. "Why were you beaten so easily? Answer me!!" she screamed. "My weaknesses....i...have many." Wonder Woman stammered.

Goldie grabbed Wonder Woman's breasts and yanked them down visciouly. "Tell me everything or my men will be having a nice little party with you!" she warned.

"You got lucky... ripping my belt off...but the combined...strength of the four of you....was very strong.. hard to defeat." the heroine wheezed.

"I'm listening..So if you're attacked by several people at once you can't take them all on at the same time." Goldie observed. "I can be overpowered..." Wonder Woman told her. "How?" was the next question.

"There is strength in numbers....the more I have...to face...the more difficult it is to overcome you. Many have tried but few have succeeded." Diana rasped. "I see. The more the merrier huh? Good. Who has succeeded in the past?" she wanted to know.

"No, please..I.." she stopped. "Tell me! Goldie shouted. She twisted Diana's breast and slapped the globe forcefully.

Wonder Woman squealed in agony. "As a group...nazis...many years ago, and iraqis, russians, gangsters..." her voice trailed off.

"Tell me!" Goldie felt Wonder Woman's hard nipple through her top and pinched the nub cruelly. "What did the nazis do to you? Tell us." the woman demanded.

Wonder Woman looked down, "They strapped me to table, under heat lamps and sexually tortured me until I talked." Diana pronounced.

"And you like it, didn't you? Tell us what they did to you." Goldie said. "They inserted sex toys into me, placed them on me....brought me to the point of climax.... but never allowing a release." Wonder Woman shook her head in shame.

"They used you like the whore you are. You like being dominated and bound don't you? You secretly wish to be humiliated and used,don't you? Answer me." Goldie insisted. Wonder Woman looked away, down, shaking her head nervously "No..." they all knew she was lying.

"Wrong answer!" Goldie pulled back Wonder Woman's head by the hair and slapped her tear stained face.

"You like it don't you!!??" she shrieks at her. Dian squealed, knees buckling, "Y..yesss! I like it." she confessed. "I knew it!" Goldie yelled in triumph.

"The high and mighty amazon princess is actually a slut who's into degradation. You want someone to be your master, am I right, Wondy?"

"Ye..yess!" Wonder Woman stuttered. And you would like my friends here to have their way with you and use your gorgeous body to satisfy their primal lusts, correct?" she asked. "No...no...i..don't...like..that...no." Diana balled.

"I've...beenn...raped....tooo much." she said. "Bullshit!" Goldie yelled. She went behind Wonder Woman and tightened the belts that were binding the hero's body. Diana squirmed in the belts. "You want to be fucked don't you? You're aroused even now and that sweet pussy of yours needs attention. Answer me." the woman ordered.

"Noooo!!" Wonder Woman sobbed as she squirmed harder. "It's all true. No one rapes you. Our little amazon here enjoys every minute of her sex adventures. You just use rape as an excuse to justify enjoying it so much to yourself." Goldie stated.

The men all watched Wonder Woman squirm helplessly and she could see the bulges in their pants.

"Nooo!!" Growing angry she blurted out."You think I liked it when the nazi's gorilla raped me!! Or when the Russians left me in a pit of dogs, enslaved to them!!!" Diana howled in anger.

She was squirming almost violently now. "So you're into animals, huh? My you are a sick puppy." Goldie joked.

"You're the sick one, bitch!!" Diana shot back. Goldie moved closer and slammed her fist square into Wonder Woman's face. "Don't ever talk to me like that again!" she warned.

Wonder Woman squealed as she spun about, falling against the mirrors and sliding to the floor. Goldie picked the amazon up by her long hair and stood her in the middle of the room for all the man to see.

Diana tried to keep from falling as she was led to the middle of the room. "Do you see all the hard cocks you are causing Wondy? This is all because of you. My men are all hot and botherd and they need to be relieved. LOOK AT THOSE HARD COCKS, bitch! They're all for you!" Goldie screamed.

Wonder Woman looked at all the cocks, at their incredible sizes, shaking her head she declared, "No! don't do this!"

"You want them to fuck you, admit it. You'rearoused beyond belief and your sweet pussy is flowing like a river. Tell the guys how wet you are." Goldie told her. But Wonder Woman said nothing.

Goldie then went into the back to get a wood paddle and she brought it back into the room. She went behind Wonder Woman and suddenly smacked the heroine's taut ass with the paddle and the blows stung.

"Tell them how wet you are." Goldie said.Wonder Woman replied, as she fell to her knees, "I'm not wet!!"

Goldie grabbed a chair to and sat in it. She grabbed Diana and dragged the heroine across her lap. Wonder Woman was humiliated to be in the postion.

She was lying over the woman's knees and her ass was high in the air. Goldie lifted the paddle and hit her ass with it over and over. Each blow hurt Wonder Woman more and more.

Wonder Woman screamed and squealed, her hips jerked with each blow. Goldie smacked the heroine's behind again and again. Her hips were making lewd gyrations as she tried to escape the punishment.

"Tell us how wet you are," she said as she hit Diana even harder.

Wonder Woman's bound legs kicked out like a child with every hard slap of the wood. "Stopppp, please!" she begged as the tears streamed down her face. Almost crying she screams, "I'm wet! You're making me horny!!"

"Someone should've disciplined you along time ago Wondy. Hey guys I think she likes it. There seems to be wet spot on my leg." Goldie chuckled. "I like to be defeated, to be bound!!" Wonder Woman continued.

Goldie grinned in triumph. She had broken the mighty Wonder Woman. "You are such a slut. Tell them what a slut you are." she said. "I'm a slut, a whore!" Wonder Woman professed.

"YESSS! that's what we want to hear Wondy. Tell my men you want them to fuck you." the lady said as she made Wonder Woman stand in the center of the room again to contiune her degradation.

"Please fuck me, bend me over and ram your cocks into me...fuck me like the whore I am!!" she spoke as she stared at her feet.

"Excellent! Wondy." Goldie said. She strode behind Wonder Woman and caressed her hair. Diana was scared but aroused at the same time. The woman whipsers softly in her ear and her head swooned with desire.

Then Goldie suddenly gripped the back of Wonder Woman's red satin boustier and tugged the top downward. The garment dropped to her waist and Diana's mafnificent tits were exposed for all to see. Wonder Woman shrieked in terror as her breasts were bared and the men could see her erect nipples.

Wonder Woman squirmed as the top of her boustier was pulled over the leather belt and discarded. Her tits jiggled over the belt as her boy heaved an shook in terror. She knew that she was now in dire peril.

Goldie went in front of Wonder Woman and examined her jiggling tits. "Nice boobs Wondy." she exclaimed. She lifted Wonder Woman's pendulous tits with her hands and fondled the meaty orbs. Diana groaned as the pleasure built within her.

Goldie lowered her head to her left breast and drew the hard nipple into her mouth, gently sucking the tip and making Wonder Woman squirm uneasily. "Ohhhgodddd!" the Amazon hissed through clenched teeth.

Wonder Woman squirmed in the belts, making it more enjoyable for her to struggle. "You like this don't you my dear?" Goldie asked as she sucked on both nipples, back and forth she went, making Diana hotter with each second.

She then lifts the breasts up to her face told the Amazon to suck and lick her own tits.

"Lick those ballons for us baby. Yes, that's it." Goldie commanded. Wonder Woman stretched her head down, licking herself, teasing her nipples as she continued squirming.

Her constant squirming caused her blue shorts to ride up into her ass and crotch. The material slipped into her wet vagina and was scratching against her engorged clit.

Wonder Woman's face was a mask of pure lust as she started to hump her hips to and fro and squeezed her thighs together.

The men watched Wonder Woman's tongue swrirled around her nipples and she teased the tips with her teeth. She moaned as she gyrated in the belts, staring at Goldie with want on her sweaty face.

"Enjoying this Wondy? I know I am. OOO! Look at all those hard cocks over there. Makes your mouth water doens't it?" she said. Several of the men had taken their cocks out of their pants and were openly masturbating as they watched the 2 ladies.

Wonder Woman moaned deeply as she kept gyrating and sucking, nearing her climax. "Do you want those cocks Wondy? Tell us if you do." Goldies urged her.

Wonder Woman shook her head no and then stared longingly at the cocks in front of her soft jiggling body.

"Yes you do. Admit it. I'm not going to play with the wonder boobs anymore unless you tell us how much you want those cocks." The teasing was driving Diana out of her mind. She wanted the feel of Goldie's mouth on her tits again.

She licked her lips as she stared longingly at all the cocks in the room.

"Yes...I ....want...those cocks!" Wonder Woman sobbed as she finally broke down and gave in to her carnal desires. She couldn't fight them any longer. "That's a good slut, Wondy." Goldie said. She left the room to get some new gear for the Amazon.

Goldie reappeared a minute later with a leather collar and leash for Wonder Woman. She put the collar on Wonder Woman's neck and locked it. Then the leash was attached.

One leather belt was still around her waist. Her wrists were shackled with leather restraints and chains. The chains were attached to hooks on the waist belt. She was still restrained but she could move her arms.

"Tell me what you want, Wondy." Goldie whispered softly. "I want to be your whore, your property." Wonder Woman replied in earnest. Goldie knew that Wonder Woman had at last been broken and subjugated.

As a final demeaning task, she forcedthe amazon to crawl to every man in the gym and beg them to let her suck their cocks. And the men were happy to oblige of course.

Wonder Woman spent the next two hours on her knees servicing the men and giving blow jobs. Goldie watched as the heroine was soon coverd in the cum of a dozen men. She felt her own pussy get wet and she made plans to have a private session with Diana later on.

Wonder Woman grovelled at the feet of the men and acted like a true slut. Her belly was bugling from having swallowed all their sperm and she was muttering incoherantly by the end of the ordeal.

When it was over, Wonder Woman was lying on the floor in pool of sperm. Her face, tits, and body were covered with dry flaking cum.

Goldie had her men take Diana into the showers and hose her soiled body off to clean her up. Wonder Woman was a mindless zombie and she let them lead her aroud without saying a word.

They dressed her back in her uniform and Goldie made a phone call.

Half an hour later, a limo pulled up in front of the gym and Wonder Woman was ushered into the back seat. The vehicle drove off and took her to a new destination. It was time for Wonder Woman to meet Gideon.

Gideon turned out to be a formidable opponent. He was a harsh and imposing man who demanded respect from all those around him. The crime boss was standing in his study glaring down at the cowering amazon. Goldie had done her job well in defiling the heroine.

The study was a large room in Gideon's mansion. There were shelves of books all over the room and a large desk near a bay window at one corner of the room. In the center of the room stood an expensive looking pool table.

Diana was curled up in one corner of the room, wondering what other horrors she would be put through this day. She was scared to death of Gideon and she knew he wouldn't hesitate to hurt her.

Wonder Woman had been a pain in his ass for a long time and he intended to extract his revenge on her.

The heroine had interferred in his operations in the past and cost him a lot of money. Gideon had spent a good portion of his wealth to learn that Wonder Woman was secretly Diana Prince.

His people had watched the amazon on every occasion that presented itself until he had learned her secret identity.

Gideon didn't waste his time with words. He went to Diana and started to beat on her without mercy. She was soon bruised and screaming for him to stop harming her. His cock got hard as he battered the fallen heroine.

He got bored with beating her and then decided it was time to fuck the bitch. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the center of the room.

Wonder Woman struggled against Gideon, trying hard to budge him, but was unable to do so and simply ran out of breath. Gideon pressed his body tight against hers.

Wonder Woman tried to get her knees between them, but felt him move between her legs instead and growled in frustration. Wonder Woman shoved against Gideon's pinning hands with her wrists, knowing that she was in an inferior position.

Gideon moved his hand and reached into his back pocket to pull out a piece of rope. He grabbed Diana's wrists and tied them together. He leaned down on her with all of his weight and tied her wrists together.

Wonder Woman struggled more, trying to stop him, trying to keep her wrists apart, she then gave a frustrated scream as she was unable to do so. Gideon pushed her hands over her head and tore her boustier down the middle, letting her massive tits pop free.

Wonder Woman screamed again, kicking, trying hard to bite his arms. She increased the kicking and squirming. Gideon pushed her breast plates up off her full tits.

He leaned down and nibbled her tits, then he bit down on her nipple. Diana screamed once once, shoving hard against him, and then yelped at his bite, her back arched away from his mouth.

The heroine growled, "Let me go, you bastard!" She caught her breath and waited, knowing he'd make the mistake that would allow her to get up and fight again.

Gideon reached down and tried to pull down her satin shorts. Wonder Woman scooted backward fast, having been waiting for this, and placed both her feet on his chest, shoving with all her might.

This caused him to fall over backwards, and pushed her away far enough to get to her feet. Wonder Woman moved away from him, looking for anything she that would get the ropes off her wrists.

The man jumped up, moving on adrenaline and lust now. He lunged back toward her. Wonder Woman ran, knowing that the wrong move would cost her, she kept out of his way, or tried to.

Wonder Woman dashed around a table, pushing it over to keep it between them. She backed away from Gideon, trying to find an escape, she was unable to take her eyes off him, until she hit a wall and realized her mistake. Gideon saw his chance and lunged. He pinned Wonder Woman against the wall.

Wonder Woman gave an "Oof!" and struggled against Gideon, cursing herself for having been so stupid. Diana tried to push back, struggling against the ropes that held her and the weight of his body. Gideon pushed against her pelvis, pinning her to the wall.

She leaned against the wall, catching her breath and waiting, knowing there was little she could do in this position. Gideon tried to slide down to the floor with her. Wonder Woman gritted her teeth, unwilling to let him know that he was hurting her, then she gave the softest of whimpers as she couldno longer hide it.

Wonder Woman fought the slide, refusing to let her knees buckle. Gideon bit down hard on her nipple and pulled her with all his remaining strength. She shrieked, unable to do more than fall to her knees.

Gideon pulled Wonder Woman across the floor by her wrists. Diana screamed, kicking uselessly as she was dragged across the floor, cursing him for all he's worth. He trod over to the pool table with the amazon behind him.

Wonder Woman couldn't see where they were going, so she simply tried to fight, kicking and yanking at her wrists.

Gideon grabbed both wrists and took thehanging bit of rope and tied her to the leg of the pool table.

She yanked at the restraints on her wrists and tried to push herself upward with her feet. Gideon pulled the knot tight. Wonder Woman shrieked as the ropes bit into her wrists, but she still tried to free herself.

Gideon stepped back and stared at her on the floor. Wonder Woman got her feet under her and tried to stand, but she found that impossible to do in her position, so she crouched. He thought he wanted her on top of the pool table. So leaned down and untied the knot. He tried to pull her up.

Wonder Woman started biting at the ropes on her wrist, glowering at Gideon, then shrieked again as he yanked her to her feet. Gideon pulled her up and onto the table. She tried to wriggle off the table, but found the ropes on her wrists too constraining and could only roll onto her side.

Gideon laid on top of Diana and pressed down with all his weight. He tried to get her to lie flat down. Wonder Woman gave another "Oof!" and tried to breathe, but found her breath becoming shorter, she rolled onto her back, feeling her senses fading just a touch.

Wonder Woman concentrated on breathing, knowing that to black out would be deadly in this battle. Gideon leaned his arm down right below her neck. With his other hand, he tried to pull her shorts down. Wonder Woman gasped, her eyes going wide, and tried hard to breathe, but couldn't. She gasped a few more times before losing her senses momentarily.

Gideon took this chance to pull her shorts and panties off and tossed them onto the floor. He gazed at her lovely raven haired pussy.

Wonder Woman felt as if she was floating, though something in her mind was screaming at her to wake up, to snap out of it. He grabbed her thighs and spread her legs apart.

Wonder Woman shook her head, a soft moan came from her slightly parted lips, and she tried to move, but still hadn't the senses to do so. Gideon quickly pulled open his trousers and stepped out of them.

Wonder Woman began to wake up, bringing her knees up instinctively and closing her legs. Gideon feeding on pure lust, spread her legs apart and laid on top of Diana.

Wonder Woman felt his weight and woke up fully, screaming. He pushed his hard cock against her.

Diana screamed loudly, "You son of a bitch! Let me go! Stop it! Damn you!" Gideon slapped her, trying to quiet her down. Wonder Woman gave a louder scream and tried to bite his shoulder. He said "You put a quite a fight but now it's time."

Gideon felt the pain in his shoulder but it just drove him harder. Wonder Woman struggled deliciously against Gideon, screaming, "No! Oh, please, no! Don't do this!", and tried hard to push him away with her torso. Gideon moved his leg between hers as he tried to spread them

Wonder Woman fought his leg, trying desperately to keep her own legs together. "Stop it! Please!" she pleaded in vain. Gideon grabbed her breast with his free hand while holding her down with the other.

Wonder Woman shrieked at the pain that shot through her chest. Diana felt more tears, something falling from her eyes, "Don't! Don't do this!" she begged.

Gideon pushed his thigh hard between her legs, slowly making room. He, despite her struggles, felt a wetness as his thigh pushed against her pussy.

Diana whimperd softly, knowing he could see straight into her fear, and her desire, shamed by her own warmth at his strength, she moaned softly, "Please... don't."

Wonder Woman shook her head, unable to NOT fight it, feeling her legs part despite her resistance, her strength gave way to his. Gideon pushed the head of his throbbing cock along her moist slit. She moaned out, "No, no, no, no, no!", closing her eyes and turning them away from his view, her long hair fell across her face.

Gideon held her shoulders down as she tried to push him away. Wonder Woman gave one more desperate plea, staring into his eyes, "Don't... don't do this! I'm...I'm begging!" Her begging only served to turn him on all the more.

Wonder Woman saw the determination in his eyes and closed her own, screaming hopelessly one more time. Gideon pushed hard with his cock and was surprised at the ease that his member slid into her vagina.

The heroine gasped in shock at the fullness and length that invaded her abruptly and roughly. She moaned out a low cry, one that was hard to distinguish from pleasure or despair. Gideon pushed all the way, she felt hot and wet. He pushed the hair from Diana's face. Gideon wanted to see the Amazon as he fucked her.

Wonder Woman opened her eyes, wincing, wondering if she would be struck or simply stared at. Gideon started moving on a rythmn. Wonder Woman moaned again, whimpering, "Please, please, please!" though now it's hard to tell just what she was begging for.

Gideon moved his hand under Wonder Woman and grabbed her ass, pulling her close to him. Wonder Woman gave a slight yelp, shocked more than anything else, and felt her body forced to mock his rhythms as his hand thrusted her up against his body, the heat of his lust burning into her. He started pumping in and out faster.

Gideon leaned down and kissed Wonder Woman deeply. She realized that her mind had shut down and her body was simply reacting now, rocking with him, lust taking over, she returned his kiss with a strange heated passion.

Gideon's tongue explored her mouth, he moaned and pushed himself deeply into her cunt.

The crime boss felt Diana's breasts against his chest. Wonder Woman whimpered in response, feeling him so deep and so hard and hot.

His strength sapped all of hers, his body claimed her. Wonder Woman gazed up at Gideon, her eyes half closed, her body shuddered at his touch, unable to deny his efforts.

Gideon both put both hands on her thighs pushed his cock deeply into her. Diana gave a slight scream, not having felt someone so deep in her before.

Her body reacted violently, cumming of its own volition. Gideon started to feel the spasms coming from the heroine.

Wonder Woman shook her head, unable to understand what was happening, unable to understand how she could have given in so easily. Gideon moved faster and felt things building up.

Wonder Woman moved with his body, unable to respond in any other way, feeling the heat of his orgasm build as her own waned.

He leand back down on top of Diana, grabbing her shoulders. Wonder Woman whimpered, "Please, oh, Gideon, please!" She begged him to cum now, begged him to use her body.

Gideon leaned up and grabbed her wrists, untying her hands. He pumped faster and harder into Wonder Woman's cunt.

Wonder Woman couldn't move her arm, and wasn't certain what she would do if she could. She simply clung to him with her legs, urging him forward, to completion.

Gideon felt her legs around him and gasped as he felt himself about to cum in her. Wonder Woman whispered, "Yes, do it, yes!", feeling him close, feeling his powerful thrusts.

Gideon kissed her hard as he exploded deep in her pussy. Wonder Woman returned his kiss with a whimper, feeling his heat explode deeply inside her, flooding her. Gideon's whole body stiffened as he continued to cum deep inside of Diana.

She felt him thrusting hard and deep, his seed exploding inside her body.

Gideon felt the unbelievable heat coming from Wonder Woman. The heroine shook her head, unable to fathom the change, not able to understand his power.

Wonder Woman laid still, shocked to her core She was stunned by the sheer loss of will to this man's passions.

He slowly got off Diana and grinned down at her. Wonder Woman moaned softly and curled into a ball, feeling suddenly alone, small and cold.

Gideon smiled down at the broken, shivering heroine. Her mind was torn asunder and her will was no longer her own.

Gideon left the room and Diana soon heard the sound of foot steps as someone else entered it.

She looked up from the floor to see Goldie looming above her. The woman was naked and had a large, rubber dildo secured around her thighs and waist by leather straps. She also had on a pairof black leather boots.

"Mr. Gideon had his fun with you, now it's my turn, Wonder Slut." Goldie snickered. Diana trembled violently on the floor and screamed in terror as her defilement continued.

The body builder forced Diana to lay flat on her back and spread her legs wide open. Goldie then fell on top of the Amazon and rammed the dildo into her battered pussy with a quick lunge.

She fucked the heroine with the rubber dick hard and fast. Wonder Woman screamed in agony and convulsed under the woman as she was raped yet again.

Diana tried to retreat deep into her mind but was unsuccessful and had to endure every second of the brutal assault.

But the pain rapidly turned into pleasure and Wonder Woman felt herself nearing a climax.

Goldie wanted to play with her tits. Diana's eyes are closed. She was impaled helplessly on the fake cock, her face winced with every thrust, her breasts got worked over as Goldie mauled them withoutmercy.

Wonder Woman blushed, ashamed as she felt an orgasm build inside her. "I'll nev.... OOHHHHHH....Unh unh......er submit to you!" Wonder Woman said.

Goldie slapped Diana's face and drove the dildo into her like a jackhammer.

Wonder Woman tilted her head back and stared up at Goldie as her foe fucked her with all she had to give. Diana's breasts bounced with each rhythm of the dildo plunging in and out of her soaked pussy.

Diana's nipples instantly became hard as Goldie molested her big tits. Beads of sweat ran down her skin as her mouth gaped pen.

"OOOOHH AWH!" the Amazon squealed. Goldie her tits now that they had been sensitized to her touch. "You have such fragile orbs, it's hard to believe these tits are real."

Wonder Woman's nipples both stiffened and were painfully hard. Her spirit sank as Goldie's hands toyed with her body. Diana didn't dignify her comment with an answer.

Wonder Woman shook her head back and forth, in a pool of sweat, knowing she was going to cum.

"AARGHHHH! UNGHHHH!" Diana moaned in unwanted passion. She seceretly wanted to be dominated by Goldie. The woman then pulled the fake cock from her ravaged hole with a loud "pop" sound.

Wonder Woman whimpered pathetically as the dildo was pulled from her. She bucked and writhed in total abandon.

Goldie toyed with Diana, keeping her at the cusp of cumming but not allowing her any release. "Do you submit to me, Wonder Tits?""I submit." Wonder Woman said in her final defeat.

Goldie smiled faintly and gave Diana a kiss.Wonder Woman's heart sank as the words left lips.

Wonder Woman liftd her head to meet Goldie's lips. Diana slid her tongue into her warm mouth.

Goldie pulled Diana's ankles up to her shoulders.

Leaning forward, she fucked Wonder Woman like a crazed animal. "Oh god..please...give it to me!!" Diana begged.

Goldie laughed loudly, her body shuddered as she slammed the dildo into the heroine's cunt with out mercy. Wonder Woman laid in cloud of ectasy, her head spun as she screamed out. Her orgasm overtook her and Dian's pussy belched out love juice.

"OOOOOHHHH YESS!" Wonder Woman yelled as she lifted her hips. Her back arched high as she came hard on the rubber shaft.

Wonder Woman then settled back down as the climax passed. She was absolutely exahausted and passed out.

Goldie collapsed on top of Wonder Woman, their bodies locked by the fake cock. Wonder Woman laid out under her foe, nude and covered in sweat, eyes closed, breathing softly.

Goldie grinned wickedly. She circled the prone body of Diana and looked her over, up and down. She quickly slipped the dildo off her hips and tossed it aside.

The woman straddled the heroine and looked down at her. Wonder Woman's chest rose and fell gently, as a mixture of juices seeped from her sex.

"UUggnnuunnn." Diana groaned deliriously.Wonder Woman began to come around and looked up hazily at Goldie.

The muscled female grabbed Diana by the hair and hoisted her to a sitting position as she lowered her face an inch from Diana's."Time for more fun, bitch!" she cackled.

Wonder Woman looked at Goldie with a pained face. Goldie then planted a deep wet kiss onto Diana's lips.

Wonder Woman was till a little confused and surrendered to the warm embrace.

Goldie tossed Diana roughly by the hair onto her back again as she rose off the Amazon.

She then look down at Diana and grinned.Wonder Woman looked up at her adversary and was more than a little nervous.

Goldie then grabbed each of her ankles and hoisted them high. She brought her right,black boot into poition between Wonder Woman's legs and grinned wickedly now at her.

Wonder Woman's legs were lifted into the air and spread easily. She looked up at Goldie pathetically as the woman pinned her bare pussy with her boot.

"No..please don't hurt me any more." Wonder Woman said in a pitiful voice.

Goldie grinned as she lifted her right boot and then slammed it into Diana's sex and then grinded it down upon impact.

"AWWHHH!!! NOOO!!" the heroine shrieked as her cunt was ground into a mushy pulp.

Wonder Woman bucked hard as Goldie grinded her boot into her sensitive cunt.

Goldie dropped Diana's legs to the floor and straddled her upper body. Her firm ass resting on Dian's bare belly as she cupped each of Wonder Woman's breasts in her hands.

Goldie slowly and methodically began to squeeze her tits, steadily increasing the pressure as she watched Diana's face with pleasure.

Wonder Woman watched her, unable to do a thing as she did what she pleased with the heroine's body.

Wonder Woman's face slowly contorted as Goldie's fingers dig into her breasts, which were forced out proudly from her position.

Goldie released Diana's throbbing breasts as she stood. She licked her lips as she towered over the fallen Amazon.

The woman turned and faced Dian's feet. She lowered her pussy onto Wonder Woman's face. Goldie moaned as her sex touched Diana's mouth and nose.

"Mmmmmmmmm." Diana mumbled as she was smothered by the pussy on her face. Wonder Woman's one leg rose to try and avoid Goldie's blonde bush but it was to no avail.

As the pussy pressed against her lips, Wonder Woman's tongue extended and lashed across the glistening slit.

Goldie cupped her own swollen breasts in her hands and massaged them gently as she began to grind down on Diana's face. She closed her eyes and threw her head back in pleasure.

Wonder Woman's arms twisted and turned as she pushed and pulled against Goldie's solid body. Her tongue slid through her folds and worked circles inside the woman's cunt.

"Oohhhhhhhhh!" Goldie moaned as she rode Wonder Woman's face and felt her tongue lap at her pussy again and again.

Goldie arched her back as she jut her chest forward and undulated her hips in cirlces on Diana's face.

She leaned forward and rested her hands on Diana' thighs. "Mmmmmmmmm!" she purred in satisfaction.

Wonder Woman pushed further into Goldie's pussy. She lapped at her wetness. The woman's strong scent filled her head as Diana pushed and prodded her sensitive regions.

Goldie leered down at Wonder Woman and suddenly backhanded the heroine across the face. Diana screeched into Goldie's cunt from the sudden pain inflicted upon her.

Goldie moaned and grinded down harder on Diana's face. Her thighs applied pressure to Wonder Woman's head as she approached orgasm.

Wonder Woman was forced to service her new Mistress throughout the night and Goldie made the heroine do every degrading thing she could think of. And she enjoyed every moment of Diana's humiliation.

Gideon kept Wonder Woman in his posession and allowed Goldie to train the heroine properly. She successfully broke the Amazon and made her past life a distant memory that seemed like a dream to Diana.

As the weeks passed, they were able to brainwash Wonder Woman and make her forget that she had once been a hero.

Diana forgot her former life and readily adopted the new identity Gideon and Goldie gave her as their sex slave.

Gideon had the gym remodeled and reopened 3 months after they had captured Wonder Woman. On the first day the gym reopened for business, the members were greeted by the new female employee as they entered the buidling.

She was standing behind the service desk and smiled warmly at the people as they came in the door. The woman had short black hair and deep blue eyes. She had a killer body and was obviously in excellent physical condition.

The woman had on short, tight blue shorts that rode up deep into her ass and a tiny red sports bra that showed off a generous amount of her ample cleavage to the customers.

Her erect nipples were clearly defined through the flimsy top she wore.

She had on a pair of white sneakers and her hips swayed from side to side as she walked through the gym. The front door opened and two men came into the building.

The woman looked up from the magazine she was reading and gave them sexy smile and a flash of her white teeth.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, how can I help you today?" she asked them." One man looked at her name tag and said, "Well, Dina, my friend and I are here to play raquet ball and then get a massage. Maybe you could join us in one of the back rooms and give us some "special" attention."

Dina looked at the two men coyly and then giggled like a schoolgirl. "Oh, that would be fine sir. I'd love to give you and your handsome friend all the special attention you want." The men smiled knowingly at Dina and followed her into the back of the gym.

The End.